www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Friday May 4, 2007 - 9 Numerous sources contribute to poor air quality Continued from page 1 farther away from the major thoroughfare. "Vehicular traffic is really contributing to a stressed airshed," said Nosal. "We have to get the cars off the road." And when it comes to volatile organic compounds (gases emitted from certain solids or liquids), Nosal said the concentrations found in the study area are comparable to major industrial areas such as Toronto, Windsor, Sarnia and Hamilton. The Province also identified that there are 57 major emitters contributing to the air quality in the Clarkson airshed, but at this point the Region doesn't know how many of those are in Halton. Staff is looking into the issue and will be reporting back to council. Nosal said the study reinforces several points recently articulated in a health department report, such as the need for greater information collected with air monitoring equipment and air modeling tools. "We also have to deal with cumulative impacts of different emission sources on air quality in the airshed," he said. Oakville Councillor Jeff Knoll said the document presented by Nosal is a "very scary" report, while fellow Oakville Councillor Keith Bird said he hopes the information will have an effect on how local land uses are planned. Halton Hills Councillor Clark Somerville suggested that the effect of having Hwy. 401 run through the Niagara Escarpment should also be studied. And Milton Councillor Colin Best asked if any other areas in Halton had been studied in a similar fashion, to which he was told no. "This really was a groundbreaking type of study," Nosal noted. Best also raised concerns with the dust and pollutants that come from construction sites, pointing to a dust storm that hit west Milton on a recent windy day. The committee endorsed having the Region participate in the Clarkson Airshed Advisory Committee and support the MOE's on-going initiatives to improve air quality in the Clarkson Airshed area. The recommendation will go before regional council Wednesday. Then, a report regarding the Region's next steps on air monitoring will be on the committee's agenda May 24. Oakville's Natural Stone Supplier PERMA IN-STOCK ELECTRIC FIREPLACE CLEAROUT Contractor Referral Program Providing A Full Line of Premium Grade Stone Products For Pools . Patios . Walkways . Retaining Walls . Gardens "MASONRY & FIREPLACE DESIGN SPECIALISTS" w w w. c o b b l e s t o n e m b e r s . c a On Cornwall Road, East of Ford Drive Ph: 905-849-5557 www.boulders.ca Monday - Friday: 7am-5:30pm . Saturday: 7:30am-3pm 406 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE ACROSS FROM RONA LANSING 905.337.2066 TM GreenThumbTM Black Garden Soil in Bulk Bags right to your home. 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Get a $5.00 refund on returned bag $129. Includes Delivery within delivery zone R BY LIVE 15 DE ay M ave s TK457 TM TM 905 0. $1 AGS LK B $129 U ON B Blend 39 re's ulch $1 Natu rk M & Ba ONTARIO SOD 849-1915 2376 Royal Windsor Drive, Oakville You call - we deliver, even if you're not home.