www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday August 25, 2007 - 71 Forward announcements of non-profit and local events for Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e-mail angela@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-845-3824, ext. 248. Free listing. SATURDAY AUGUST 25 Kerr Village Organic Farmers' Market, 8 a.m.- 1 p.m., Heritage Square, Florence Drive at Kerr Street, fresh, seasonal, and local produce. Live entertainment. Cafe featuring local chefs. Visit www.kerrvillagebia.ca/organic-market for weekly updates. South Peel Naturalists' Club field trip to Presqu'ile Provincial Park, south of Brighton, Ontario. Explore a diversity of habitats, peak of migration for shorebirds, warblers and butterflies. Beginner birders/naturalists welcome. Dress for the weather, bring lunch, drinking water, bug repellent and binoculars. Park entrance fee in effect. Meet at 7:30 a.m. in the Cawthra Arena parking lot at Arbor Road, south of QEW or Presqu'ile Beach 4 parking lot at 10 a.m. Call 905-820- 2571. View the results of the season's best at the Oakville Horticultural Society's Annual Show and competition, Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St., 11 a.m.-5 p.m., award presentations by Mayor Rob Burton at 4 p.m. MONDAY AUGUST 27 The Natural Solutions to Looking and Feeling Younger, free health workshop presented by the Doctors Speakers Bureau, 7:30 p.m. at Iroquois Ridge Community Centre. Call 905829-8536 to register. Seating is limited. TUESDAY AUGUST 28 HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities Networking support group for business professionals in career transition. Meeting at 8:00 a.m., in Mississauga. Speaker Alex Gallagher, discusses Why HR doesn't call back? Members $10 , Non-members $20. Call 905-3390268 or www.happen.ca WEDNESDAY AUG 28 HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities Networking support group for business profes- sionals in career transition. Meeting at 8 a.m., in Burlington. Speaker Sue Edwards discusses Top10 Success Factors & 7 Deadly Sins for Leaders Transitioning into New Organizations. Members $10, Non-members $20. Call 905-3390268 or www.happen.ca. FRIDAY AUGUST 31 Roast beef dinner, roast potatoes gravy, Yorkshire Pudding, vegetables, variety of desserts. Buy tickets at the bar Monday to Friday. Everyone welcome. Adults $8, Children $4. Call legion at 905-827-4722 for information. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5 Sir John Colborne Recreation Centre for Seniors,1565 Old Lakeshore Rd., is holding an Open House from 9a.m.-12 noon. Prizes, complimentary brunch in Colborne Bistro. BULLETIN The Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children peer support for children, teens and their families who are coping with the death of a parent or sibling. Sign up now for programs beginning in September at 905-337-2333 or lighthouseprogram@bellnet.ca Are you looking for work? Free information sessions and services for unemployed adults, 476 Morden Road., Suite 102, from 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. Call 905338-2190 to book an appointment. Register for the Natural Solutions to Looking and Feeling Younger, free health workshop Monday, Aug. 27, by the Doctors Speakers Bureau, 7:30 p.m. at Iroquois Ridge Community Centre. Call 905829-8536 to register. Seating is limited. Self-employment training program for women. Learn how to start your own business. Free orientation sessions on Aug. 27, 30, Sept. 5 or 12. To register contact Elizabeth at 905-847-5488 or e-mail at newstart@haltonwomenscentre.org. " SAVIS of Halton hosts Multicultural Drop-in Group for women who are survivors of violence. Weekly activities and discussions about women's issues, Thursdays from 1-4 p.m., Hopedale Mall, 1515 Rebecca St. Suite 227, all women welcome. Call 905-825-3622. Register for Meditation Beginner Level Saturday, Aug. 18, Oakville, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., all welcome, call Jemma at 416-4512063 www.haikong.ca Volunteers sought for first Labour Day Oakville Half Marathon & 10K Sept. 3. Visit www.oakvillehalfmarathon.com and link to the volunteer page or call 905-949-1910, ext.235. Why pay $14 to go to the movies? Grace House, a local charitable group home for adults with psychiatric or social difficulties since 1974, is raising funds by selling tickets to AMC theatres for $10. No restrictions, no expiry date. Call 905-844-4772. Big Sisters' Marathon Bridge: August is the month to register for marathon bridge, games played twice a month in members' homes from October to April. Season finishes with a dinner. All profits go to Big Sisters Big Brothers of Halton. Call Marion at 905-845-7781 or Julie at 905-2576121. W H E R E C A N I F I N D U P - TO - D AT E L O C A L S A L E S A N D S P E C I A L OF F E RS ? AS K T H E G OR I L L A .