OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, October 13, 2007 31 $$$ HOURLY Plus Bonus $$$ Heating and Air Conditioning company seeks energetic, courteous, and reliable telemarketers to work out of our Burlington/Mississauga Offices. Call 905-592-0803 A S S I S TA N T M a n a g e r. Shopper Drug Mart Oakville Place, Full-time incl. 1 evening/week, alternate Saturdays, Sundays 1-4. Duties include receiving, merchandising, computer responsibilities. Fax/ Email Brian 905-842-5598 fsdm745@ shoppersdrugmart.ca BENJAMIN Moore Dealer requires Part-time evenings/ weekends for new and existing locations. Decorating experience preferred. Fax resume: 905-864-0628, call 905864-0316 CHILD Care Internship. A r e Yo u . . . . a s i n g l e p a r ent...16-30 years of age...looking for an employment opportunity in a Child Care setting? Find Your Future may be right for you. Call the YMCA @ 905-681-1140. Funded by the Government of Canada DRIVERS Needed for Ho Lee Chow- Burlington location- 905-631-5208 EARN $1000-$1200 or more per month delivering the National Post 6 days/ week, early mornings (2am) in Burlington/ Oakville/ Waterdown. Reliable vehicle a must. No Collections. 905-339-8104. E M B R O I D E RY M a c h i n e Operator needed. Experience necessary. Full-time hours, competitive wages, small friendly shop. Call 905-820-5114. FA C I L I T Y Cleaner needed- Electric motor shop requires PT cleaner 3 days/ wk. to clean/ maintain the following: Washrooms/ kitchen/ shop/ office & warehouse areas/ waste disposal & recycling. Please fax resume to 905639-9664 FLORAL Designer For high end interior design environment. Must have extensive experience in silks and Custom floral design. Please forward resume Stating salary expectations to Box #2084 5040 Mainway unit #1 Burlington ON, L7L 7G5 FULL-TIME experienced c a s h i e r, d e l i c l e r k , a n d dishwasher needed. Fax resume: 905-847-1567 or email: leo@monastery bakery.com HOMEWORKERS N e e d e d ! ! ! To A s s e m b l e Products, Stuffing Envelopes, Mailing/ Processing Circulars, On-Line Computer Work Available. Up To $1500/week. No Experience Needed! Free information at www. Jobs-WorkConnection.com Reference 3-103 I M M E D I AT E L i g h t a s sembly work in cable/electronic harness manufacturi n g f a c i l i t y. P T / F T, flexibility for stay at home parents. $10.00/hr. start, aggressive pay scale based on previous experience. Near QEW/ Third Line, Oakville. Pencil/ hand soldering considered an asset. hr@dktcable.com Fax 905-847-6858 LIFEGUARD wanted for large indoor pool in Burlington. Swim instructor certificate preferred. P/T to start. Email resume to: mhager@ica.net or fax: 416-364-6087 LOT Person required. Drivers licence needed. Resume to Dave McDonald at J.P Motors 2320 Fairview St MORRISON House- Join downtown Oakville's lifestyle store for the current season. We offer a fun environment and great home fashion. Customer service and receiving responsibilities. Morrison_house @scantrade.ca or fax 905849-9184. TATTOO artist needed for new and upcoming Tattoo Shop. Please call 905-9216382. PA R T / F U L L t i m e w a r e house staff for mail processing. No experience requ'd. Days/evenings/weekends. Start immediately, $10/hr. Apply in person 505 Iroquois Shore Rd, Unit #11 Oakville ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant Experience with Sage B u s i n e s s Vi s i o n 7 . 1 , a c counting and knowledgeable in Microsoft Office. Clerical duties include answering phones, filing, updating records etc. Send resume via Fax:905-3321874 or email to: sandy@houseofkevin.com OFFICE administrator position available immediately for a New Homes sales o ff i c e i n O a k v i l l e . M u s t have MS Office, pleasant t e l e p h o n e m a n n e r, a n d interpersonal skills. Please fax resume to: (905) 2576054 O F F I C E A d m i n i s t r a t o r, P a r t - Ti m e f o r W h i t e h a l l Homes. Great computer skills, Word, Excel and business office experience. Can work school hours. Answering phone, filing, mail, events planning, basic web design and general office support. Come join a great team!! A p p l y t o w w w. t h i s j o bis4you@hotmail.com PART-TIME Secretary for Legal Office in North Burlington. Strong word processing & Exc e l s k i l l s . $ 1 0 / h r. Needs own transportation. Fax resume 905331-8580 OAKVILLE Childcare Centre seeking F/T ECE ECA, and supply staff. Must possess strong program planning, loving/ fun natured, creative/ patient, excellent wages/ benefits. Please call 905-469-2944 Email ashley@monkeybizz.ca Community Notices Classified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com Announcement TEAM & BIRTHDAY PARTIES Serving Halton for over 16 years · Ball Hockey Rinks · Batting Cages · Indoor Beach Volleyball · Dinner Packages Call Now 905-335-8520 THE SWEETEST AUTOMOTIVE DEAL SINCE THE INVENTION OF THE AUTOMOBILE ITSELF. offers TELEMARKETERS required for financial serv i c e s c o m p a n y, p a r t time, evening work. Professional office located downtown Oakville. Hourly wage plus incent i v e s . Tr a i n i n g p r o vided, experience an asset but not essential. Fluent english required. Contact James at 905337-0039 ext 236. T H E A d d e d To u c h U p scale Retail Store of Unique Household Items/ Te a R o o m D o w n t o w n Oakville is hiring FT/PT sales staff for busy Fall/Christmas season. Must be people-oriented mature, able to work weekends, flex hours. Send resume w/hrly wage expectations hr2oakville@gmail.com INDEPENDENT friendly person w/own transportation required to clean 7000 sq.ft. office twice/week, also be a housekeeper for family of 4. This includes cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking 4 times/week. Must be organized, enjoy domestic work. Approx 25hrs/week, Rate negotiable. 905-8756798. www.mainwaysports.com $ your ad includes 1 Week in the Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver, Flamborough Review and Niagara this Week (price is based on 15 words) Your ad also appears online for a full week on haltonsearch.com Put your ad in RED for an extra $200 Add a car picture for an extra $5 00 If your car doesn't sell in 1 week, we'll run a second week for FREE! 32 00 + GST HOUSE Keeper requiredFull-time, transportation required, must be reliable, trustworthy, and an efficient cleaner. Call Steve 905-580-4457 URSULA'S cleaning. Years of experience. Best references. Videla mops, microfibre cloths, powerful v a c u u m . Te l . 9 0 5 - 3 3 9 3283 cell. 905-866-9437. 905.632.4440 classified@haltonsearch.com BMW 2000 323I~ 135K., safety, e-tested, 4-door, sunroof, heated seats. Immaculate condition $15,500. 905-319-4695 FOR Sale- 2002 Chrysler Concord LXI, black, mint condition, fully loaded, 97,000km with leather seats and sunroof. $9500, 905-639-7326 or 905-2208939. STUDENT Special! Low insurance rate, 1990 Topaz, only 100K, 4 door, 4 cyl, auto, excellent condition, certified, e-tested, w a r r a n t y. A s k i n g $ 2 1 0 0 obo, 905-299-0111. WE (Metroland West Media Group) recommend that you use good judgement before providing credit card information, sending money or signing any contract. 1997 Honda CRV 270 kms, blue, good condition, dealership maintained, certified, etested, $5,000. firm. 905-3320258. 1998 Mercury Mystique 162,700km, auto, pw, pl, beige 4 dr $2500. cert/ etested or $2000. as is! 905-635-4812. 1999 Buick LeSabre Cust o m , 4 - d o o r, b u r g u n d y w/grey interior, 105K, excellent condition, certified, $4500 obo. 905-331-5099. 1999 Pontiac Montana Van, X clean, dual power sliders, dual A/C, quad seats, E-test + Certified. Alpine Stereo $2500 obo 905-512-9382 2000 Saturn SL1 4-door, grey, certified, e-tested, 190,000km. 500km/tank, well maintained. clean. $3500. 905-827-9412 2001 Ford Focus SE 148,500kms., 4-door, standard. Certified, e-tested $4,400. Moving overseasmust sell. 905-484-8226 2 0 0 1 To y o t a C a m r y L E loaded. Toyota warranty, new tires, Certified. Etested. Excellent condition 98,000km, $10,950. 905466-8668. 2001 VW Jetta V6, leather interior, sunroof, spotless, loaded, certified, E-tested. 96,000km $12,900 905844-3970 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier, 4 door, 4 cyl, auto, only 50K. Excellent condition. Certified, e-tested, warranty. Asking $7500 obo, 905299-0111. 2002 Honda Civic coupe, loaded, 5sp, low km, silver. $10,500, certified and etested. 905-631-5238, 905-220-2197. 2002 Saturn Vue - reliable vehicle for winter... only 125K, silver, 4 cyl., AWD, auto, air, cruise, power windows, am/fm stereo with CD. All service records provided - ready for its new owner. $8500 OBO; call 519-853-8686 to see it!! 2002 SVT Focus- 170hp, 6 s p e e d m a n u a l , l e a t h e r, power options, power sunroof, Ford racing projector headlights, recent tires, 7 5 0 0 0 k m $ 11 , 7 5 0 o b o . 519-301-1797. 2003 Hyundai Santa Festandard, A/C, 103,000km, asking $10,900. 905-2577328. 2003 Pontiac sunfire, 54,000kms 5 speed, A/C, CD, certified, e-test $7450. 905-335-8695 2004 Lexus ES 330. Fully loaded, $19,500. Call 905315-1595. 2 0 0 1 F o r d E s c a p e X LT 4x4, only 83,500kms, original owner, 3.0L, V6, automatic, a/c, pw, pl, sun roof, black exterior with grey interior, well maintained and in excellent condition, no accidents, $9,300, call 905-847-9696 BUSY Burlington Tire shop looking for Class "A" Mechanic & technician for general tire work. Fax resume: 905-632-3780 FULL-TIME experienced Cabinetmaker required for Custom Millwork/ Store Fixture shop in Oakville. Please fax resume to 905845-8350. GAS fitters for installations and service upto $30/hr. Experience preferred, but willing to train. F/T & P/T. Call (905)569-0557, Fax (905)569-3221 GREAT opportunity for experienced Drywaller and Ta p e r . M i n 2 y r s . M u s t have own transportation Please call 416-457-9255 PLUMBERS, Well Technicians and Water specialists Company with 50 years in water business and looking to grow. Ideal applicant is self-motivated, responsible and works independently in a fastpaced environment. Competitive compensation, opportunities for licensing and advancement. Fax 905-659-3336 email murfinbrotherswater@bellnet.ca. TIRE Installer needed immediately for busy Oakville Automotive Repair Shop. Call Tom of Active Green and Ross: 905-842-8520 or fax resume: 905-8425269. U R G E N T LY N E E D E D Junior/ intermediate Designer for local design agency. Experience with all major programs a must. Speaking Mac as a second language a prerequisite. Previous design studio experience an asset. Email your resume/ sample of your most recent work: ghoey@millinc.com WA N T E D F / T S h i p p e r (Oakville). Experience with shipping an asset. English fluency. Drivers License required. Must be able to cross US/ Canadian Boarder. Call for appointment: 905-465-0233 or fax resume: 905-4650218. HOME Décor SalesManaging Showroom, Renovation Consulting, Architectural Glass & Mirror, Part-time days. Fax resume 905-639-8633 OPPORTUNITY Knocks Sales for Burlington travel centre. 3 F/T positions. Earn to $7k+ per month. plus Bonuses & Benefits. careers@fvctravel.com A-Z Renovations. Specializing in bathrooms and basements. Plus Decks, Tiling and Additions. Electrical. Steve. 416-505-3002 DENTAL chair side assistant needed. MondayThursday. HARP certified. Lakeshore/ Southdown area. Fax: 905-822-1302 FULL-TIME Receptionist/ Ortho Co-Ordinator needed in Oakville Dental Office. Seeking a dynamic addition to their business team. Dentrix an asset. Training for position provided. Email resume to: jessie@oakvilledental.com PART-TIME Receptionist required for friendly Burlington optometry office. Please fax resume to 905333-9789. MARKO'S Bathroom Place. 30-yrs. experience in kitchen/ bathroom plumbing. 905-818-9288. markosbathroomplace.com 1996 Grand CaravanQuad captains, leather i n t e r i o r, f r o n t & r e a r a i r working, will need new exhaust, $1500 as is. 905465-2635 1981 Yamaha Maxim great starter/ commuter, cheap insurance, 23K., $1,300 obo. Must sell! 905-9289798 1# EliteMoving, 10-28ft truck available. Short notice. Reliable. Experienced. Punctual. Disassembling/ Reassembling. 416-560-2723; 1888-593-7078 www.elitemoving.net MIGHTY Movers~ No hourly gimmicks! Only flat rates experienced insured 905-296-1621, 905-9012 3 2 1 Yo u r f r i e n d w i t h a truck. $150+ for any complete car or truck (comparable prices for cars picked up). BAD credit? need a car? Yo u r a p p r o v e d ! C a l l A l / Jack Oakville Suzuki 905469-2429 Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Free pick-up. 6 Acres of car/truck parts! Pick your own parts. Fast pick-up. CHAMPLAIN Cafe & Catering, Hiring Full-Time/ Part-Time, M-F, Burlington 905-332-2007, 905464-1944 email: pwhittington3@ cogeco.ca EAST Side Mario's, Waterdown now hiring All Positions: managers, cooks, servers, bartendeds, hosts. Fax resume 905690-9706, email waterdown.marios@ kwik.net JAKE'S Grill & Oyster House. Join the Crew! Full & Part-time Line & Prep Cooks. Part-time dishwashers, evenings and weekends. Earn Top Wages, uniforms & gratuities. Please bring resume to 950 Walkers Line, beside Travelodge. 905639-4084. 702 Bronte Rd,Oakville (Bronte,just South of QEW) Licensed Auto Wrecker, Oakville H & R B l o c k Ta x C o u r s e . For class times and locations, visit www.hrblock.ca or call 1-877-32BLOCK COUTURE Landscapes. Interlocking, retaining walls, sod, grading, planting, ponds. Professional job, professional pricing. 416-707-9492. FALL Cleanups- Perennial cutbacks, annual plant disposal, leaf disposal. Free estimates. Call Adam 905580-4229. GARDENING by Heart's Content. Beautiful garden designs, planting, pruning & fall cleanup. Lindsay 416-258-6359 lindsayrector@ rogers.blackberry.net 905-827-8015 Toll Free 1-877-655-0755 CASH paid for Scrap Cars a n d Tr u c k s . S a m e D a y Pick Up. 905-693-5355 CASH Paid- $100+ for any complete car or truck driven in. Scrap cars & trucks wanted. Free pick-up. 702 Bronte Rd., Oakville. Lic. auto wrecker. 905827-8015; 1-877-655-0755 COOKSVILLE Auto Wreckers, scrap cars, truck removal, cash, flat bed service, 1-800-4337359. Ownerships processed properly. 1998 Ford F150- regular cab, long box, V8 engine, 165,000km, sport package, power windows/ locks, cruise, tilt, A/C, AM/ FM/ cassette, $6000. 905845-3125. 2003 Ford F150 4x4, V8, 4.6L, A/C, long bed with bed liner, tow hitch, allow wheels, rust proofed, $12,500. Call Andy h:905465-1025, c:289-2425522. PROFESSIONAL Drivers wanted for rapidly growing Food Distribution Company with G License, must have experience, is reliable, can work flexible hours and understands the value of customer service. Located in Oakville, PT/FT contract position for 6mos. Please forward resume: stellarjobs@gmail.com to place an ad call 905.632.4440 M AT E R I A L S M A N A G E MENT Assistant, Burlington. Full-time $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 / y e a r, b e n e f i t s after 6 months. Source and purchase parts, perform inventory control functions. Knowledge of electronics, strong computer and communication skills are essential. Reports to senior manager. Send cover letter and resume to: careers@logsion.com Q'B's Family Sports Grill is now hiring! We require fun, energetic, outgoing Experienced Servers (days/evenings), Hosts, Line Cooks and bartenders. Apply in person w/resume: Mike, 4460 Fairview, Burlington THE Right Fork Hospitality Services Inc. is looking for experienced temporary servers, bartenders and kitchen staff. Fax 905-6430084, email resumeinfo@therightfork.ca + EXPERIENCED, In-Home Delivery Drivers wanted. Knowledge of the Golden Horseshoe, Various Shifts, $14.00 to start, 40+ hours per week. To apply, please forward your resume to Sue Daharry, HRM. CGL By fax: 905-319-3385 or email: sdaharry@cglogistics.com ADMIN/COORDINATORfor growing Burlington office- Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, excellent telephone manner, well organized, strong analytical and problem solving skillsFrench an asset. Fax resume 905-319-7692/ email resume1100@yahoo.ca Your Community Newspaper in print BURLINGTON based courier company looking for Part-Time Drivers. Own vehicle required, knowledge of Golden Horseshoe an asset. Phone 905-6376777. 905-632-4440 call 1-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1877-586-5896 Same day junk removal service Senior discount. 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