OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, February 22, 2008 43 170 ApartmentsRent & Flats for OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 OAKVILLE~ Affordable Rent! Large 1&2 bedroom/ 2-bedroom penthousehardwood, suites w/balcony. Appliances, laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. Penthouse, 2-baths, 5 appliances, surround balcony, 3 patio door exits 1 off masterbed, BBQ pit, excellent views, FP, ceramic/ hardwood, Must see! 905-3393245 TYANDAGA Apartments Burlington. Spacious & bright. Lovely 1 bedroom, refined tenants. Parking, hydro incl. 905-332-8979 WAT E R D O W N A r e a . 2 bedroom, 2nd floor, private entrance. New appliances, washer/ dryer. Utilities included $1000/mo. 905689-6151 WATERDOWN~ Specials 2 bedrooms from $885/mo walk everywhere; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com BURLINGTON South~ 3+ bedroom, diningroom/ den, recroom, eat-in kitchen, fireplace, A/C, garage, fenced, Apr.1. $1350/mo. 905-575-3122 . BURLINGTON. 3+1 bedroom bungalow. Available Apr.1st. 905-635-9735. FLAMBOROUGH Centre area, 2-bedroom bungalow farmhouse, available Mar.1st. 905-689-4327. OAKVILLE southwest. Renovated 3-bedroom bungalow. Large 270' deep lot. New kitchen w/granite, stainless steel appliances. Finished basement. $2500/mo. plus utilities. Available Mar.15/ Apr.1st. 905-827-0187. OAKVILLE- Kerr/ Speers. 3-bedrooms, finished basement, 1.5-baths, backyard with fruit trees, $1400/mo. plus utilities, negotiable,905-847-1770 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ RO F 890/ month DAYCARE in my home offering 3 spots for kids over the age of one. 7 days a week. Caring with excellent references. Homemade organic meals. 905334-4310 ECE Mom of two offering loving, stimulating & fun home environment for your children. Part-Time, North Burlington. Jennifer 905319-8099 EUROPEAN Daycare provider has openings for children newborn to 4 yrs. old, Third Line/ Abbeywood Drive, Oakville. Hot nutritious meals, warm nurturing safe environment. Reasonable rates. Receipts. References. Call Maria, 905-827-8192 after 5pm or weekends. FUN safe home Daycare available in Appleby/ New St. area. School pick-ups. 10 years experience. CPR, First Aid, lunches, snacks & crafts. 905-681-3541. LULLABY Day Care Dundas and Neyawaga has two spots available. excellent references Please call Sandra/ Teresa at 905257-1568, 905-616-2294 QUALITY child care available in my home. All ages welcome. Preschoolers, JK/SK, before/ after school care, full/ part-time. March break available. Security clearance. CPR/ First Aid. Receipts. References. Indoor/ outdoor activities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. 8th Line/ Grand Blvd. 905-582-8055 APPLIANCES: Washer & gas dryer in good working condition, $400/pair. 905333-8171. BABY change table and dresser, white. LT Racecar Bed. Teak dresser, buffet, tables etc. Brass bed, lamps, rug. 905-639-2348 B A R B E R c h a i r, K o k e n , Circa 1950, white enamel arms/ base, new leather, w/headrest/ strap, $1800. 905-827-2950. BEAUTIFUL distinctively grained Thomasville French Provincial 5pc bedroom set. Includes queen bed with new mattress & boxspring, triple mirror dresser, bedside table & vanity dresser with seat. Asking $3000. Call 905825-6395 BEAUTIFULLY cared for, fine oak Mennonite rolltop desk. Compare @ $2,000. Will sell @ $1,000 obo. Ima g e s @ w w w. h o w a r t h sales.ca/desk.htm. FAQ's @ 905.333.0274 or info@howarthsales.ca BED Clean luxury pillow top orthopedic mattress and box. New in plastic Cost $1500 sell for $375. 905-923-1434. BEDROOM Cherrywood. B e d , d r e s s e r, m i r r o r, chest, nightstand, new, in boxes. Dovetail construction. Cost $7000, Sell $ 1 5 0 0 . D i n i n g r o o m 11 piece Cherry. New. Cost $8000. Sell $1900. 905567-4042 BEDROOM set for sale, new, Pulaski "Bellissimo" collection, queen size, 1 nightstand, large chest, vanity w/mirror, $15000, ph 905-330-0403 B U R L I N G TO N : A r e y o u going to have a baby? Av a i l a b l e f o r s a l e C r i b , Change table, Playpen, High chair and much more! $500.00. (negotiable.) Used but well cared for. 905-336-8769. (before 9:30pm) CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-6338192 DANCE Poles~ Sturdy stainless steel. Customized and installed. Call 905-335-5393 DECORATIVE mirror 5x6 in size and side dinner table- both pieces $600.obo, 11 bar/kitchen stools custom made $500.obo, Professional pool table, mint cond. $2500.obo; Bombay C h e s t & m i r r o r, m i n t , $1500.obo email pictures avail., 905-599-1786 DININGROOM table w/leaf, 6 chairs, light oak, $ 3 5 0 . Wa s h e r & D r y e r, good condition $300. 905220-6057 FRENCH Provincial Cherrywood dining table, 6 chairs, buffet, coffee table. Asking $3000. Evenings only 905-337-9035. FRIDGES, Stoves, Washers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty parts & labour, delivery available. 905-458-8808 H O T Tu b / S p a - B r a n d new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 9 1 5 0 . , Sacrifice $4250. Call 905971-1777 H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca KITCHEN cabinet doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or bathroom. JF Restorations. Call 905631-9151. MARLIN model 70(USA) 22 long rifle, semi auto. Immaculate. cond. $75. firm. FAC required. 905975-0535 MAYTAG Washer & Dryer, Good working order, Avail f o r p i c k - u p We e k e n d o f Mar 1-2, $350.obo. 905469-6722 MOVING Sale- Wednesday February 27, 4pm7pm. 1051 Lindsay Drive, Oakville. Toys, home furnishings and more!! 905337-8941. MOVING Sale: lots of items. Call 905-825-4015 FIREWOOD- 100% Seasoned hardwood delivered. Leave message 905-6908111. Ask About Our Appliance Special! 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Lowest Rate for Cheque Cashing * Cash Advances * * Mortgages * * Income Tax * Burlington $150+ for any complete car or truck driven in 100+ XBOX 360 games. $15 obo. Turok, Devil May Cry 4, CoD 4, EA/2K 08s. Email: kidspartycastle@ hotmail.com for list or latest mods. 905-635-9219. (comparable prices for cars picked up). Call Today For Manager Special CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 905-333-3030 Oakville 905-339-CASH (2274) www.cashinc.ca MOVING Sale: beautiful R o l l To p D e s k ; o t h e r items, negotiable. 905331-9789 MOVING: Faux leather sofa, 2-tone, $400; fireplace, $50; 27" TV $50; plus misc. items. 905-6316669. P I A N O ~ Yo u n g C h a n g , mint condition. 48" high, black. $2000. Call 905637-6426 P O O L t a b l e u s e d / n e w. Buy/ sell/ service. Slate tables $1200 installed. Fabi foosball. www.billiard-service.com 905-616-5159 POOL Table, Brand New, still in box. Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 REEBOX'S Step-Up/ Stackable exercise stepp e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 asking $85. Weight lifting bench w/accessories $135, obo for all. 905-842-7404. SKINWORKS Boutique in Burlington...Moving Sale. In excellent condition, custom made display cabinetry and lighting fixtures. Assortment of white glass & mirrored cabinets, shelves & cupboards, low voltage quartz track lighting. 905681-0319 10am-6pm. S N O W Ti r e s , 4 B r i d g e stone Blizzard LT 245/75R16, on steel rims, l i k e n e w, s t o r e d i n s i d e , used 2 months on Chev Pickup 2500. $300. 905690-1125. TENOR Sax with case, excellent condition, Yamaha, Cost $1650, Sell $1200.obo. 905-689-5471 Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Free pick-up. 6 Acres of car/truck parts! Pick your own parts. Fast pick-up. 365 musical instruments DRUM Kit Excellent intermediate kit, lots of hardware, great condition, regularly $750, asking $390, 905-8457087 702 Bronte Rd,Oakville (Bronte,just South of QEW) Licensed Auto Wrecker, Oakville 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management OAKVILLE East. Furnished Room in basement, separate entrance. Quiet non-smoker. On bus route. 905-845-8693; 289-2595728. OAKVILLERoom available in house. Near Sheridan College, Oakville Place. Available March 1st. 905-617-6386. P R I VAT E h o m e , E a s t Oakville. Non-smoking professional commuter preferred. Private bath & parking. Available immediately. 905-845-6374. SHARED basement apartment North Burlington, furnished, $450/mo. Laundry, kitchen, transit, non-smoker. 905-335-6618. 905-827-8015 Toll Free 1-877-655-0755 SCRAP CARS, TRUCKS & VANS 3-BDRM, 1.5 baths, 4 appliances, new carpet (upper), hardwood (ground level). Full basement & attached garage/ driveway, small well maintained complex, tyandaga area. 905336-0015 or 905-336-0016 BURLINGTON East. 2bedroom townhouse, fridge, stove, $1060/mo. includes hydro. Available March 1st. Call for appt. 905-632-1750. B U R L I N G TO N O r c h a r d 1yr. new, large 3bdrm, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, 2nd floor laundry, $1650/mo. 905-335-2075 BURLINGTON, Millcroft/ Walkers. 3-bedrooms, walk-in closet, California shutters, 2.5 baths, double garage, c/a, deck, private yard, 7-appliances $1800/mo. plus utilities. immediate. 905-632-4166. BURLINGTON- 1st block Northshore. Very clean, 3bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 4 appliances, finished basement, fenced yard. Highw a y a c c e s s . $ 11 0 0 / m o . plus utilities. 905-6390354. BURLINGTONNew Executive. Lakeshore/ Brant, 2-bedroom w/ensuites, vaulted ceilings, open concept, 1785 sq.ft, Immediate. $1850/mo. John, 416-200-0097 BURLINGTON. Large executive, 2-bedroom, near downtown/ GO. 5 appliances, C/A, C/V, garage. Available March 1st $1300/mo. plus utilities. 905-336-9504 BURLINGTON~ Clean 3bedroom townhouse. 2 bathrooms. garage. private drive, fireplace. Available May 1st. $1125/mo Mike or Leslie 905-634-3907 EXECUTIVE townhouse. Bronte, south of Lakeshore. 3-bedrooms, walkout deck w/hot tub, private y a r d . Av a i l a b l e A p r. 1 s t . Prefer n o n - s m o k e r. $1400/mo. plus utilities. 905-825-2358; 416-3161053 FREE list of Rent to Own Homes. www.RTOFAST.com KW Our Town Realty GEORGIAN Court Estates, King /Plains Rd., Burlington. Immaculate large 2&3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Utilities included. Call 905592-9168 www.realstar.ca NORTH Burlington 3bdrm family oriented townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. $985/mo. +util. March/ M a y. C a l l K i m o r D a v e 905-319-9104 NORTH Burlington- 1&3 bdrm family oriented townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. from $775-$1020/mo. +util. N o v. / O c t . C a l l B r e n d a 905-319-9769 OAKVILLE- West Oak Trails $1,550 Quiet Neighborhood. 3-Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Huge Lot. N e a r G O Tr a i n , P a r k s , 4 0 3 / 4 0 7 / Q E W. 4168710480 ON THE LAKE 2-Bdrm units w/4 appliances 5370 Lakeshore Rd., HUGE Kitten & Young Cat Adoptathon this Saturday, February 23rd 10-3; Petsmart 1059 Plains Rd. Burlington; Hosted by Abandoned Cats Rescue; w w w. We R e s c u e C a t s . c a 647-477-5807 LAB Puppies, dark yellow/ fox red, 10 weeks, first shots, vet checked, CKC registered. $600. 905-6930787 $125. CASH MIN. PAID! 905-690-6494 905-320-3287 ~Also usable vehicles~ FURNISHED 1-bedroom basement apartment, includes tv, dishes etc. Private entrance, parking, non-smoker, no-pets preferred, suits single. Oakville. $850/mo. 905-4653475. Burlington 905-681-0259 Conveniently located across from Lakeside Plaza S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca RENT TO OWN BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom townhome, 2.5 baths. Bright family eat-in kitch. Hardwood floors. Quiet street. Move right in! 24 hr. msg. APPLEBY/ New St. Burlington. Quiet, non-smoking male house with dog to share. $450/mo. 905637-7345. BRONTE~ share spacious penthouse suite w/ensuite bath. Professional nonsmoker. $650/mo. inclus i v e . M a r. 1 s t . 9 0 5 - 4 6 5 3926; 416-574-5517. BURLINGTON. Private Room. Suits mature working adult, non-smoker. On bus route, near GO. $450/mo. 905-315-0016 FEMALE preferred to share clean townhouse w/professional male. $400/mo. Appleby/ New, Burlington. 905-639-5999; 416-743-1530. OAKVILLE Shared Acc o m . O f f K e r r, m a i n f l r bdrm, March 15 $400.00 mo.& $100.00 util, share kitch, bath, lvg rm,pkg,close to Go,YMCA. Female, non-smok, no pets prefer. First, last, 905842-4036 rentaroom 119@yahoo.ca OAKVILLE, Glen Abbey. Spacious, bright, clean, master bedroom w/walk-in closet/ private bath. Furnished. Shared kitchen. Parking. $625/mo. includes utilities. Near all amenities. 905-901-0019. ROOMS available. Appleb y / N e w, B u r l i n g t o n . Shared accommodations. From $450/mo. Utilities/ Internet included. 905-6816049 leave message. SHARED accommodation. Bronte/Dundas area in Oakville. Unfurnished. All inclusive, seeking female. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y, $550/mo. Call Victoria, 289.259.0919 1998 Saturn beige, auto., 4-door, great stereo! Great for student, $1,900 obo. 905-633-9307 1999 Hyundai Accent. 5-speed, 2 door, lady driven, 98,000km. New all weather tires, well maintained, great gas mileage. Parked in garage over winter. $2500. Call 905-3348748 or email: alice curitz@hotmail.com 1999 Mercury Mystique Sport 107 original kms., Z i e b a r t , n e w r u b b e r, $3,000. 905-844-9020. ESTATE Sale: 2003 Saturn Ion 2, 4-door sedan, m a r o o n , o r i g i n a l o w n e r, p o w e r, c r u i s e , A / C , a l l maintenance records, as is, 67,000km, $7,800. Kelly 905-510-2224. 2001 Dodge Ram Laramie, extra cab, 8cyl., p/wind o w s , p d l . , a i r, A M / F M cassette, 115K., $10,000. 905-335-9978 BEFORE/ after school care required for 7-yr. old, Central Public School, Burlington. References. 3354611 evgs. LOOKING for caring EA or ECE for sweet, non-behavioural four year old boy. Experience with special needs children to carry out sensory and light physio activities. Start, 3-3.5 days/week. Please fax resume and references to Renee: 905-637-8383 with salary expectations. 2003 Ford Windstar Sport black, 107K., dealership maintained, immaculate tan interior, certified, etested, $8950. 905-3303463; for photos: jenwcrealestate@cogeco.ca TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!.... Fully furnished Corporate Residences! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelievable From.... $49.95*/night! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us at 905-681-7355 416-352-5644 Bad Credit OK OAKVILLE/ Dorval Crossing. 4-bedrooms, 3.5 baths. Finished basement, 2 car parking. March 3 avail. $1595/mo. 905-8491342. OAKVILLE~ 2&3 bedroom townhouse available immediately through March 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905-8763336 VERY large 3 bedroom, April 1st. Hardwood floors, 5 appliances, Parklike setting www.rental townhouses.ca Burlington 905-681-0070 EARN $1000- $1200 or more per month delivering the National Post 6 days/ week, early mornings (2am) in Burlington/ Oakville. Reliable vehicle a must. No Collections. 905339-7583. ***CRUISE Ship Jobs.*** Earn $500-$3000/week, Free Room & Board, Get Paid $$$ to Travel! 613834-4456/ 613-764-6209 COSMETICIAN with minimum 2 years experience in the industry required by Shoppers Drug Mart, Oakville Place. Must be willing to work evenings/ weekends. Fax/ Email Joa (Beauty Boutique Manager) 905-842-5598 fsdm745@ shoppersdrugmart.ca FABULOUS Furnished on the Lake. Only toothbrush needed! Large 1-bedroom Florida-like condo. Insuite l a u n d r y, c a b l e , s a u n a , small gym, parking. Walk to stores. Prefer nonsmoker. Pet-free building. $1800/mo. inclusive. 905334-3369. SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hr. In-home care. 905-6342400. CASH paid for Scrap Cars a n d Tr u c k s . S a m e D a y Pick Up. 905-693-5355 ATTENTION Buying fur coats, jewelery, gold and silver coins. Coin Collections, sterling silver. Moorcroft pottery 905-633-7531 ssifieds Claresults! get to place an ad call FA N TA S T I C o n e + d e n condo. Laminate flooring & ceramic, updated kitchen appliances. Close to all major highways. Contact Davies Condos at www.daviescondos.ca for more information. LARGE one bedroom condo on Brant & Upper Middle. Close to amenities, and entertainment. Perfect for commuters. Contact Davies Condos for more information at www.daviescondos.ca OAKVILLE. New 1-bedroom, granite, ceramics, SS appliances, washer/ dryer, balcony. Pool, sauna, gym. Underground parking, locker. Easy access to 407, 403/ QEW. $1350/mo. Mar.1st. 416819-7895. 1-ROOM for rent, Close to all amenities, located border of Oakville/ Burlington, 1 m i n f r o m G O / Q E W, washroom & closet, full use of house, w/parking $600, laundry, dishwasher, all inclusive. Dave 905691-3929. AVAILABLE now. Burlington waterfront lakeview. Spacious furnished room, cable included. Suit working woman. First/ last. $500/mo. 905-399-2410. BRANT/ 407. Fully Furnished basement room in townhouse, parking. $500/mo. inclusive. First/last. Walkout garden. 905-315-8989. BURLINGTON Mall/ GO, furnished room, quite home, private entrance/ bath, fridge, microwave ect., internet available. $ 4 5 0 / m o . Va c a n t . 9 0 5 639-4489 FURNISHED room, share bath/ kitchen, $110/ week. Harvester/ Guelph Line area, near GO. 905-6393598. KNOTTY pine room in ranch style house. $95/wk. Near Mapleview Mall. Private entrance. Female tenant responsible plus one friend. All utilities, parking, laundry, phone, air conditioned, digital box/ cable. Act Fast- Won't Last! 905632-5735 LARGE furnished bedroom near Oakville Place. Pool. Parking. Ravine. Suit quiet, working non-smoker. $450/mo. 905-337-7387. GHOST Hunting's~ Very gifted psychics. Well experienced. No job to difficult. Affordable lostsoulsonearth@msn.com Betty 905-560-4272 905.632.4440 BEST Ca$h$ Paid- All Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, China, Cryst a l , S i l v e r, F i g u r i n e s , Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, To p C a s h . C a l l J o h n / Tracy 905-331-2477 FOUND brown tabby (with orange) cat Hazelton Blvd & Brant St. We call Lily. Please call 905-637-7325. **A1 Mattress Factory*Free Delivery* Orthopedic sets starting at $240, Deluxe Pillow-top $445, no flip Pillow-top $395. Euro-top $445. Futons a v a i l a b l e . Wa t e r b e d s Black leather soft, super single & queen. Complete w/frame, mattress, h e a t e r. S t a r t i n g $ 3 9 5 . 905-847-2020; 905-6819496 FAST and Furious, Northumberland Motorsport Show 2008, vendor space available form March 29th - 30th, Cars, bikes,boats, ATVs, If it races, this is the show for you! Call Kerri at 905-373-7355, ext 234 or email kmcgovern@northumberlandnews.com 270 Nannies/ Live In/ Out $1350/MO. to own your own home with nothing down even if you are self employed. Call Napoleon Wilson for details Sutton Group Results Realty Inc., Brokerage 905-332-4111 2-BEDROOM- $850/mo. +utilities. East Flamborough (country). First/ last. Available immediately. Call between 4pm- 11pm, 905689-3305. 3-BEDROOM, detached, house in College Park, Oakville, close to shopping, schools, walking distance to Sheridan College, available for longterm rental at $1600 per month excluding bills. 905-339-3775 EXPERIENCED Live-in/ Live-out Caregivers available. Care for children and elderly. Call 905469-6053, visit www.magnusresources.ca O N TA R I O E m p l o y m e n t Agency offers certified live in nannies for child care/ elderly/ special needs. 416-699-6931 *MATTRESS Discounter! 50-60% off Retail! Featuring thick, cushy Eurotops by Sealy, Serta, Simmons! Orthopedic Dream beds Twin $175, Double $235, Queen $295, King $455. Frames, pillows, toppers, headboards, delivery available. 355 Plains.E, Burlington Sat 10am-6pm; Sunday-Friday Noon-6pm. 905-616-1700, 905-632beds(2337) themattressdiscounter.com A King or Queen. Orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Warranty. cost $1600. Sacrifice King $550. Queen $295. 905567-9459 APPLIANCES- GE, new save up to 60%, warranty. All major appliances 647829-5050 A P P L I A N C E S - Wa s h e r / dryer, fridge/ stove, excellent condition, will separate. 905-335-2059 CHILDCARE available in my home. 2 years and up, flexible hours, meals provided. Neyagawa and Upper Middle. Call 905845-3737. FRENCH Daycare in my home, nutritious snacks & meals, lots of fun, Burlington, Tracy 905-681-6156