Oakville Beaver, 5 Mar 2008, p. 28

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28 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday March 5, 2008 www.oakvillebeaver.com Update Community Forward announcements of non-profit local events for Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e-mail angela@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-845-3824, ext. 248. Free listing. BULLETIN Volunteer with Acclaim Health, contact 905-827-8800, or volunteering@acclaimhealth.ca. Register for Canadian Caribbean Association of Halton Seniors Drumming Circle, Sundays, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Kerr Street Seniors Recreation Centre, 263 Kerr St., contact 905-927-4673 or 905-257- 0581. Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children - Tuesday or Wednesday evening groups offering peer support to children and teens grieving the death of a parent or sibling. Contact 905-337-2333 or lighthouseprogram@bellnet.ca Animal Aid Foundation needs new and gently used books, videos, CDs and DVDs for its June used book sale and donations of wool and fabric for volunteers to make pet toys for its Christmas fundraisers. Contact 905829-3836 or www.animalaidfoundation. Enhanced Language Training for Internationally Educated Professionals and Business People, eight-week session starts March 17, contact 905-333-3499, ext. 264. Total Tax Concepts Inc. invites students to free seminars on howto file tax returns. To find out about a seminar contact 905-338-7800. WEDNESDAY MARCH 5 Resilient Job Search, free at 465 Morden Rd., Unit 109, 9:3011:30 am. Register at 905-8451157, ext.101 or visit www.thecentre.on.ca . Free CA Tax Return Preparation at Information Oakville, Oakville Central Library, 120 Navy St., 6-8:30 p.m. Registration required. Total household income must be less than $17,000 without dependents or less than $25,000 with dependents to qualify. Call 905-815-2042, ext. 5059. Learning Disabilities Association of Halton Drop In, donation requested, 10 a.m.-noon, LDAH Resource Centre, Guelph Line, Burlington, call 905-3331977 or visit www.ldahalton.ca. HAPPEN ­ Linking People and Opportunities Networking support group for business professionals in career transition, meets 8 a.m., Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, John Campbell on What Recruiter Clients Really Want, $10/members; $20 non-members, contact 905339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Learning Disabilities Association of Halton Drop In, donation requested, 10 a.m.-noon, LDAH Resource Centre, Guelph Line, Burlington, call 905-3331977 or visit www.ldahalton.ca. FRIDAY MARCH 7 Deadline to participate in May Court Club of Oakville's 10th annual Art and Artisans by the Lake Show and Sale on Saturday, April 19 and Sunday, April 20, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Appleby College, contact www.maycourt.ca or 905-815-1783. Roast Beef Dinner at Bronte Legion, 79 Jones St., 6:30 p.m., adults $8, children $4, buy tickets at the bar Monday to Friday, all welcome, call 905-827-4722. Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Mississauga Centre meets 8 p.m., University of Toronto at Mississauga, Rm. SE2082, South Building, speaker on connecting Students, Teachers and the Public with the Universe, free, all wel- e-mail angela@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-845-3824, ext. 248 come, Park in Lot 4 or 5, observation after meeting, contact www.mississauga.rasc.ca or 905465-1390. Breastfeeding Group at Whole Foods Market, 301 Cornwall Rd., 10 a.m., for breastfeeding moms and babies and moms-to-be planning to breastfeed. Call 905 849 8400, ext. 107. World Day of Prayer, an ecumenical celebration entitled God's Wisdom Provides New Understanding. This year's service is written by the Women of Guyana, Hopedale Presbyterian Church, 156 Third Line, 1:30 p.m. All welcome. Registration deadline for March 19 Adult Workshop, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Oakville Public Library, Meeting Room 2, 120 Navy St., Prevention In Motion, five-hour workshop for adults who work with youths, recognize abuse, legal requirements for reporting abuse, cost $90 per person, contact 519836-3523 sue.fitzgerald@redcross.ca or by phone, in person or mail at Canadian Red Cross, Oakville, 1400 Cornwall Rd., Unit 15, 905-8455241. SATURDAY MARCH 8 Oakville Chamber Ensemble concert of German Romantic music, 7:30 p.m., St. Simon's Anglican Church, tickets $25, at door or contact 905-257-9597 or www.oakville-choir.ca. Oakville Stamp Club annual Stamp Show, St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St., 10 a.m.-5 p.m., refreshments, dealers buying and selling collections of stamps, postcards and envelopes. Activity booth for kids. Free admission, all welcome. SUNDAY MARCH 9 Mozart in Lent, Oakville Choral Society, 2:30 p.m. at St. Anne's Church, 270 Gladstone Ave., Toronto (ample free parking available). Tickets $25, contact 416922-4415, or 905-827-6129. MONDAY MARCH 10 Oakville Osteoporosis Group, meets, 1:30 p.m., St. Michael's Church, 181 Sewell Dr., (North of QEW, off McCraney), Speaker from Lifeline, contact 905-829-4863. TUESDAY MARCH 11 Alzheimer Support group meets 7-9 p.m., Sunrise Assisted Living, call 905-847-9559. Décor problems? Newcomers Club Social speaker, 7:30 p.m., Burloak Canoe Club, 160 Water Street, contact 905-847-6974 or www.oakvillenewcomersclub.com. THANK YOU FOR MAKING GOLD BOOK #1 Video Commercials Talking Characters Phone Book Online Business Search Local Sales & Specials Celebrating 10 years of innovation

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