Oakville Beaver, 14 Nov 2008, p. 52

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52 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, November 14, 2008 OAKVILLE- Near Downtown. 3-bedroom house for re n t o r o p t i o n t o b u y. 276 Oakwood Crescent. 905-845-3756. RENT to own, comfortable 3-bdrm, 2-bath, lots of natural light, new kitchen, stainless steel appl. Baths with marble floors, huge private backyard, finished basement with separate entrance. 24 hr message. 905-481-2249. All credit accepted. TRAFALGAR. Renovated semi-detached 3 plus 2bedroom, near Sheridan C o l l e g e / Q E W, f i n i s h e d basement, 2.5 bathrooms, Available immediately $1400/mo. plus utilities. 905-469-8580; 289-2424273 WATERDOWN- Brand new 3 bedroom home, 5 appliances. $1700/mo. plus heat/ hydro, no pets preferred, available December 1. Call Val 905-878-2068. W E S T Flamborough, 3bdrm bungalow with office, 4 appliances, avail. immed. $1100/mth plus. Call 8255539. AMAZING Waterdown Rent-to-Own. Huge lot, end unit. Prime location, step from the escarpment. 3-bedrooms, 2bathrooms, professionally finished basement, recently redecorated. 5-appliances, hard floors, fireplace, A/C, fenced backyard, walkout to garage. All credits welcome. Open H o u s e S u n d a y. 2 4 hour message, 905630-6445. GEORGIAN Court Estates, King/ Plains Rd., Burlington. Immaculate large 2 & 3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Utilities included. Call 905-5929168. www.realstar.ca FOUND compliments. tons. no, actually make that heaps. ready to lose weight and find some of your own? go to herbalmagic.com FOUND: Black and orange cat Ghent Ave. We call Ellen. Please call 905-6377325. FOUND: Black and grey tabby cat Maple and Fairview. We call Esme. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: Brown tabby cat Inverness area. We call Emmett. Please call 905-6377325. F O U N D : B ro w n t a b b y, m a l e , f r i e n d l y, s k i n n y. Found near Seneca and L a k e s h o r e P. S . a r e a . Please call 905-637-1698 or 905-639-9847. FOUND: Grey cat Spruce and Pomona area. We call Demarko. Please call 905637-7325. F O U N D : Grey tabby cat Appleby Line and Lakeshore. We call Lulu. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: Long haired black/ white neutered male cat on Nov 11 on Tavistock Square. Please call ODHS 905-845-1551. FOUND: Older Short h a i re d b l a c k f e m a l e c a t with red collar on Nov 11 on Galena Cres. Please call ODHS 905-845-1551. FOUND: Short haired black neutered male cat on Nov 2 on Littlewood Dr. Please call Oakville & District Humane Society (ODHS) 905-845-1551. IMMEDIATE school aged space available in a centre, east Oakville. We will transport to various schools. 905-849-3811 & leave a message. $1695/MO Gorgeous 3bedroom, 2.5 baths, approx 2000 sq.ft., available December. Contact Wayne Heslop, Michael Brierley L t d . R e a l t o r. 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 6201 * * * A V A I L A B L E Immediately~ North O a k v i l l e , 3 - b e d ro o m , eat-in kitchen, spacious backyard, 4 appliances, 905-827-5252 3 + 1 bedrooms, end unit, D u n d a s / Wa l k e r s . H a rd wood floors, 9' ceilings, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, $1795/mo. plus utilities. November 1. 905-6352501. 3-BEDROOM, 2.5-baths, finished basement. East BurlOak Drive area, end unit, easy QEW access, private drive, deck, fenced yard. $1750/mo. plus utilities. Rent-to-own possible, references plus credit check. Please call Brian Matthews, Broker of R e c o rd , G re a t C a n a d i a n Realty BRM Services, 905-842-5893. OAKVILLE West Oak Trails, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath. Quiet cul-de-sac, private tree-lined backyard, eat-in kitchen walk-out deck, hardwood, finished basement, 5 appl. Non smokers. Available Dec.1. $1500/mo plus utilities. B E A U T I F U L 3-bedroom, 905-825-2816 3.5bath Townhouse. Large deck overlooks bay. Walk- O A K V I L L E ~ 3 b e d ro o m out basement completely townhouses available imfinished. Laundry on same mediately through Novemfloor as bedrooms. Very ber 1. 4 appliances, Hopequiet area w/great access dale Mall Area. Lakeshore to Hwy6/403/ Qew. Locat- M a n a g e m e n t 9 0 5 - 8 7 6 ed in west Burlington, walk 3336. to Royal Botanical Gardens. $1550./mo plus u t i l i t i e s . A v a i l a b l e a f t e r RENT To Own~ BurlingNov/14th. 905-689-0242, ton, Beautiful 3-bdrm, h u g e y a rd w i t h d e c k , 905-536-1243 Finished basement, enBURLINGTON 4-bedroom, suite bathroom, huge 1.5 bath, garage, recroom, Mbr. Available Jan.1. deck, $1120/mo; Appleby 2 4 h r m s g 4 1 6 - 5 5 6 Mall, 3-bedroom 2 storey 7145 Bad Credit OK semi, $1060/mo. 9056 3 2 - 5 6 9 0 A l b e r t M c D o - TOWNHOUSE 3-bedroom nagh Ltd. Real Estate Bro- Oakville Qew & trafalgar kerage. area includes utilities and laundry $1350 Dec.1st BURLINGTON, Appleby/ Call 905-616-4602 to view Dundas. new 3-bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, stainless VERY large 3-bdrm, Jan. s t e e l a p p l i a n c e s , l i v i n g 1st. 5-appl., single car r o o m / f a m i l y r o o m . garage, park like setting. $1495/mo. plus utilities. www.rentaltownhouses.ca. Available immediately. 416- 905-681-0070. 898-8571 BURLINGTON, Tyandaga Mews, spacious 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, finished basement w/gas fireplace, 5 appliances, pool. Immaculate. Dec.1. $1320/mo. plus utilities. 905-335-6971. BURLINGTON- Beautiful 3-bedrooms, upstairs laundry, 6 appliances, garage. Immediate. $1575/mo. plus utilities. Call 905-2205903. WHITE Oaks Blvd. 3 bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 5 appliances. Available January 1. Near Oakville Place & GO. 905-842-0254. BRAND new never installed solid maple kitchen cabinets, $4000. Double bow front bathroom vanity, granite top with faucets, $950. New 6' french style double patio doors, $850. Used side-by-side almond fridge, $275. 905-3361036. BRAND New! Baseball catcher's equipment, helmets, gloves, chest protectors, shin pads. Super deals to be had. Come & see. 905-319-2216 REEBOX'S Step-Up/ Stackable exercise stepp e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 asking $85. Weight lifting bench with accessories $135, obo for all. 905842-7404. KITCHEN Cabinets, 50% discount, customized, map l e , c h e r r y, r o s e w o o d , e b o n y, o t h e r f i n i s h e s , counters, decorative wood hood, island and upgrades included. 905-930-9618. SNOW Tires- 195/ 55- 15 on Acura 1.6 mags. JVC car radio, CD, graphic face. Speakers. 905-3278349. SOLID Wood Foozeball Table, $250.obo; Teak single Sleigh bed $500.obo; Custom made single oak bed $500.obo 905-337-9283 EXPERIENCED, fulltime, daycare for January 2009 for one year old. No smoking, ECE and CPR certification preferred. Call Peter 905-635-9738. C O T O N - d e - Tu l e a r puppies late November with a d o p t i o n m i d F e b r u a r y. Rare small breed (especially black and whites), people l o v i n g , h y p o a l l e rg e n i c , health guarantees, very intelligent, clicker trained. Phone: 519-389-3972, email: carol@mistyshores.com, website: www.mistyshores.com INDOOR HEATED/ OUTDOOR STORAGE Ideal for Cars, Boats and RV's. Secure and pest controlled. Low outdoor rates! www. storesecure.ca 905-689-8610 1995 Plymouth Voyager, safety, etested, $1800. 905-847-2747 2002 Chev extended Venture beige, 8-passenger, 77,500 kms., certified, etested, great condition, $6,000 obo. 905-689-8118 2005 Chrysler Pacifica Touring AWD silver, 70K., leather heated seats, sunroof, lots of options, $15,900. Call 905-719-8887 2005 Jeep Liberty diesel 4x4, 2.8L., Mercedes engine, fully loaded, black with chrome, sunroof, leather interior, like new, 125K. Certified. New $46,000 asking $14,900. Call 905-315-9976. RARE German made, from U.S., 2005 Crossfire SRT6 roadster convertible, Mercedes engine, 56K, sacrifice for $26,000. 905-529-0963. CAPTAIN'S bed, solid maple, $350; GE Profile stove, ceramic top, electric, warming drawer, conCARING Tutoring for your vection, stainless steel, Child. Soft-spoken, experi- 2 y r s . o l d , $ 1 2 0 0 . 9 0 5 enced, certified Teacher, 469-7355. w i l l Tu t o r y o u r c h i l d (grades 1-9) in your home C A R P E T I h a v e s e v e r a l or mine. 905-332-6695 or 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car416-659-7848. pet. Will do livingroom & RETIRED High School Eng- hall for $389. Includes carlish teacher available to tu- pet, pad & installation (30 tor students in Oakville. y a rd s ) S t e v e , 9 0 5 - 6 3 3 Call 905-844-1470. 8192 CARPETS 100's of styles ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. REIKI- Energetic, spiritual L a m i n a t e / H a r d w o o d Practitioner. Regenerate available. 905-510-0589 and strengthen your ener- Eric gy field. Please call for an a p p o i n t m e n t 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 - C H E S T E R F I E L D , $550. Leather armchair, $299. 6409. Bookcase $99. Wood surS E N I O R H o m e c a r e B y round electric fire/ heater, Angels. Experienced Care- $399. Buffett, $299. Singivers will provide up to 24 gle bed frame, $180. Sinhour In-home care. gle base & mattress, 905-634-2400. $199. Woods 10cf freeze r, $ 2 9 9 . P i c n i c t a b l e , $45. Steel trolley, $135. Steel counter, $150. All in excellent condition. Best Offer 905-465-3256. C O M PA N I O N S H I P, r u n ning errands, social out- CHRISTMAS Tree, formal ings, house cleaning & per- 7.5' gold/ burgundy glass sonal care available. 905- ornaments, bows, lights. 8 4 7 - 8 4 8 0 l e a v e a m e s - Paid $800, asking $350. sage. 905-690-7036; 905-9287036. CONSOLE table from Palma Brava, blue/ grey rattan, glass top/ bottom HORSE paddocks for rent. 48"x16"x25 3/4" w/mirror $250/ mo. Run in sheds $ 2 2 5 ; s o f a b e d d o u b l e , and wind breaks. Suitable grey $200. All excellent for up to 4 horses per pad- condition. 905-332-7399. dock. Easy access to ext e n s i v e f o r e s t e d r i d i n g DININGROOM set, oak, trails. Close to Guelph, Mil- table w/leaf, 6 chairs, bufton, Acton, Burlington 519- fet, hutch, good condition, $600 obo. 905-827-2435. 400-5351. H O R S E ~ T h o ro u g h b re d yearling Filly 15.2 hh dark bay, big heavy bone, asking $1500. 905-6593905. STONEAGE Pet Rock~ E x o t i c s t o n e c re a t i o n s . Great Xmas Gift. Gift Shop at Camisle Burlington. 905319-0363. TELEVISION, Optoma DLP 50" 2yrs. old, $500 obo. Moving, must sell. Call 905-637-9928. 1992 Ford Tempo, Excellent Running Condition. 4-door automatic, 4 cyl, very well maintained, 160,000 km, $1000.obo. 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier, 4 905-335-4482 door, 4 cyl, auto, only 60K. Excellent condition. Cer1992 white Honda Accord tified, e-tested, warranty. EX for sale. 314,000km. Asking $5500 obo, 905R u n s w e l l , n e e d s m i n o r 299-0111. w o r k . To b e s o l d A S I S . $1,500. Call 905-336- 2005 Dodge MagnumRed, like new, fully loaded, 8081 after 6pm. leather, 1 owner, private, 1 9 9 3 H o n d a C i v i c , 39,500km, $18,000 firm. 5-speed manual, red, Balance of warranty to 1 8 1 , 8 9 0 k m s . , 4 b r a n d 115,000km or Aug. 2012 n e w t i re s , s e l l i n g a s i s . Call 416-274-3030. SeriBest offer. Call 289-259- ous buyers only please. 5135 or contact by e-mail: 2005 Mazda 3- Fully jtcomput@cogeco.ca loaded with leather, sun1996 M y s t i c , roof, only 49,000km. Cer1 6 0 , 0 0 0 k m s . , N o r u s t , tified and e-tested. Asking r u n s w e l l , a s i s $ 1 0 0 0 . $14,000. Please call 905OBO. 905-336-9207 or 827-4391. 905-973-2420. 2006 Nissan Altima SL 4 C y l . , L e a t h e r, a l u m i n u m rims, A/C., heated seats, power windows seats mirro r s , B o s e 6 s p e a k e r 6 disk CD, Mint Condition; new brakes; 89,000 kms $13,650.00. 416-697-0013 CASH paid- $75-500 for any complete car or truck driven in (comparable prices for cars picked up) Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. Free pick-up. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW) 905-827-8015, 1-877-655-0755 1996 Corvette convertible, excellent condition, 66,000 miles, Red with tan top, LT 1 , 3 5 0 V 8 , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 obo. 905-469-6789. BURLINGTON East- Furnished bedroom, private washroom, kitchen privileges. Underground parking. Immediate. $550/mo. 905-639-1236. EXECUTIVE brand new town home, Minutes to downtown Burlington and Brant GO. Gorgeous beautifully appointed suited For the professional 2-bedroom +ofALDERSHOT, near RBG/ fice. Spa inspired bath, GO. 3-bedrooms, 2-baths, granite,hardwood, staingarage, $1350/mo. plus l e s s a p p l i a n c e s , f i re utilities. available Jan.1st. place, plus your own pri905-572-7013. vate rooftop garden! $1700/ month. B U R L I N G T O N - U n i q u e Available Nov-Dec. Call park setting backing onto Marcella 905-208-0681 Tyangada Gold Course. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, fin- EXECUTIVE townhome in ished basement, laundry, Burlington core, 13755 appliances, hardwood 2 4 S t e p h e n s o n D r. floors throughout. Storage H a r d w o o d s , s t a i n l e s s in the unit. Ideal for execu- a p p l i a n c e s , g o rg e o u s tive or business couple. fireplace, soaring ceilA v a i l a b l e D e c e m b e r 1 . i n g , s p a i n s p i re d e n $1350/mo. plus utilities suite with whirlpool, garplus parking. Call 905-336- age and fully maintained 6379. grounds. Available Jan1st $1550/mo contact Marcella 905-544ROUNDTREE 9949 FOUND: Short haired black/ orange female cat BURLINGTON~ Furnished, with collar & bell on Oct 26 cable, parking, on bus on Lakeshore Rd Wst. route. Share kitchen and Please call ODHS 905-845l a u n d r y , S u i t F e m a l e . 1551. $450/mo. 905-484-0009. FOUND: Short haired brown/ black striped feFURNISHED R o o m male cat on Nov 10 on Saavailable immediately on v i l l e C r e s . P l e a s e c a l l bus route near Hopedale ODHS 905-845-1551. Mall, Oakville, cable, internet, $500/mo. 905-469- L O S T : B l a c k k n a p s a c k 4082 containing belly dance items. Reward 905-802FURNISHED room, kitchen 8587 facilities, parking. 1517 Rusholme. Mature non-smok- LOST: Male cat, grey taber preferred. Walkers Line/ by with white markings, viNew, Burlington. 905-315- cinity of Toyota dealership on Guelph Line. If found 7082. please call 905-332-9547. OAKVILLE East. Gentleman preferred. Private en- LOST: While shopping on trance, furnished bedroom. Friday afternoon, NovemParking, cable. Non-smok- ber 7, a Tennis Bracelet at ing. $500/mo. inclu- Oakville Place or No Frills. sive. Immediate. First/Last. R e w a r d c a l l 4 1 6 - 5 6 5 6917. 416-262-7394. OAKVILLE- (QEW/ 3rd Line). Rooms available, suit working person/ student, $ 5 0 0 / m o . , $ 6 5 0 / m o . MANY thanks to St. Jude P a r k i n g . S h a re k i t c h e n , for favors received. L.E.G laundry, sauna, gym, tannannies/ ning. Immediate. 905-4651594; 905-580-4784. live in/out 2001 Honda Accord Ex- 2 door, 132,000km, excelTORO Snow Commander, lent condition, power every7 h.p., 24" Width, electric thing, sunroof, A/C, manustart, single stage, w/pow- al. $7900. 905-637-3159. er propel. $700. 905-8427315 2001 Jetta 1.8 T, Blue/ tan leather, fully loaded, TRADITIONAL 4pc leather 1 0 0 K , S p o r t s P a c k a g e , sofa arm chair automan re- stick shift, summer, winter clining chair impeccable. wheels tires. Excellent concomplete room with lamps d i t i o n , s e r v i c e r e c o r d end-tables and iron glass available. One owner, lady coffee table $2500 416- driven. $6,700. 905-8440824 807-6472 TREADMILLS (2) Motorized (1st Treadmill asking $375 retailed $850 (2nd Treadmill, asking $695 retailed $1500 (also elliptical for sale) 905-814-1415 BEACH Blvd. Garage storage available, clean, unheated. $90/mo. Call 905634-2883. COLLEGE OF EDUCATORS CANADIAN Thinking of becoming a Teacher? Train today to become a Teacher of English as a Second Language. Teach English to newcomers to Canada or go abroad and travel the world! Now accepting applications for TESL Diploma starting F/T in January. Excellent teacher training! Recognized by TESL Ontario & TESL Canada. Request an application today! 905-896-0000 www.collegeofeducators.ca horses & supplies, boarding MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $1050/mo 4 Bdrms $1165/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management FURNISHED home on the Beach. Backs onto lake and water front trail. Upgraded top to bottom with home theatre. Don't hesitate! $2600/mo. furnished. Also available $1900/mo. unfurnished. Available December 1, 2008. Call Davies condos for more information or to view 905-333-4347. www.daviescondos.ca Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ O FR 1030/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway CALL TODAY! 905-639-9212 $130, Yamaha Amplifier 200 Watts $90, Canon FAX $50, 2.4 GHz Wireless security camera with 5 inch TV includes VCR $100, O A K V I L L E . F u r n i s h e d NANNY, Live-out full-time, available, Oakville, experiSony Discman CD Player CATS and young kittens room. Well-maintained, ex$30. Call 905-921-1161. for adoption. Abandon Cats c e p t i o n a l l y c l e a n , l a rg e enced, fun-loving, excellent care of your children. Call Rescue will be at Pet Value Oakville home. ResponLOVESEAT custom brown 2501 Third Line Oakville Joan, 905-844-9026. sible, clean individual. Tra205/55R16 Blizzak winter velvet with down wrapped falgar/ Upper Middle. t i r e s . U s e d 2 y e a r s . seat cushions. $575. 905- Saturday Nov/15th 11am4pm www.werescue$500/mo. inclusive. 905- SEEKING Full-Time Live- $150. for all 4. Call 905257-4860. Out Nanny to care for my cats.ca 338-6444. 847-0753. one year old daughter starting in January. Experi- 4 Sail- Power washer, air MAHOGANY double pedWATERDOWN, furnished ence and Driver's Licence estal Ducanfife dining table b a s e m e n t a v a i l a b l e . F e - re q u i re d . C a l l 9 0 5 - 3 3 2 - c o m p re s s o r, n e w s n o w - from Stoney Creek Furniblower, industrial painter, male only, cheap rent in ex- 1834. ture. 2 leaves. $500. Call a s s o r t e d t o o l s a n d t o o l 905-331-0720. change for monitoring chilbox, aluminum boat, nice d re n w e e k d a y o v e r n i g h t b a r b e q u e , t w o q u a l i t y M AY TA G c re a m , f r i d g e hours. $350/mo. utilities/ sears leather love seats $200 and washer, $150; phone/ dinners included. (like new), Sharp Flat white Kenmore stove Full use of house. Dawn $150. All excellent condi905-690-7036; 905-928- APPLEBY/ Upper Middle. screen TV. E-mail: Fun learning environment. debraabell@cogeco.ca tion. 905-510-3556. 7036. Two playrooms. Nutritious AIR hockey table, excellent MAYTAG Washer and Drymeals/snacks. Pre-school P re p P ro g r a m . O u t i n g s , condition, $150 obo; oak er, mint condition, $300. flexible hours. References, k i t c h e n t a b l e , 3 c h a i r s , Call 905-319-6399. n o s m o k i n g / p e t s . F i r s t $75 obo. 905-827-4781 APPLEBY/ Dundas- large Aid, CPR. 905-319-0355. MOVING: Washer, Dryer, A PA R T M E N T s i z e d u p - s t o v e , g a s d r y e r, s m a l l furnished master bedroom, w a l k - i n c l o s e t , e n s u i t e , BECAUSE your peace of right walnut Piano for sale, fridge, apt size dryer, all laundry/ cable/ parking. m i n d a n d a h o m e a w a y bench included. In excel- Mint Condition, will separ$575/mo inclusive. 905- from home for your child is l e n t c o n d i t i o n $ 1 2 0 0 . ate. 289-337-1328 OBO. Contact Liz 416332-4649 all that matters. 20yrs exp. 621-4491. PALLISER AV unit. 57" x References. 6th Line and 53" x 23". Takes 32" TV. BURLOAK- Close to QEW, Dundas. 905-582-4407 BABYJOGGER, highchair, Several adjustable shelves. GO. Share house with fesandbox, sled, carseats, 2 drawers and cupboard. male. Bedroom furniture BRONTE- Experienced table and chairs, backpack available. $550/mo. inclu- Home Daycare Provider. carrier and more for sale. $200 ono. Call 905-3400056. sive. 905-616-3079. Member of Halton Re- Call 905-639-2348. gion. Receipts, Meals, PIANO & bench, Baldwin, References. 905-847- BAR fridge, $20. Tread- apt. size. $1200. OBO. 8041. mill $150. Bombay desk 905-634-7256. $150. Lamp (Ginger jar) POOL Table, 4'x8', 1" slate U T I L I T Y / L a n d s c a p e EUROPEAN Daycare pro- $20. 905-844-9992. w/all accessories, disasTrailer- 5'x13', 8000kg vider has openings for children, newborn to 4 years BOOKS, household, furni- s e m b l e d a n d r e a d y t o payload electric brakes ture, crystal, Christmas m o v e $ 5 0 0 . 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 and lights all working. old, Oakville. Hot nutritious decorations. The Reuse 7670 Cer tified. $1500 obo. meals, warm nurturing safe environment. Reasonable Centre, 3335 North SerCall 905-339-6916. r a t e s . R e c e i p t s . R e f e r - v i c e R o a d , B u r l i n g t o n , POOL Table, Brand New, e n c e s . C a l l M a r i a , 9 0 5 - Open Wednesdays, Thurs- still in box. Solid Wood, 827-8192 after 5:30pm or days, Fridays: noon-8pm. 1"Slate, All Accessories. Saturdays 9-5pm, Sundays Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. weekends. noon-4pm. 905-304-9994 F O U N D Bike: Nakamura EXPERIENCED caregiver. Defiant 26. Fothergill Blvd/ Infant/ preschooler, full- FRIDGES, Stoves, Wash- S N O W T i re s w i t h S t e e l S h e r w o o d F o r e s t a r e a . t i m e . H o t b r e a k f a s t / ers, Dryers, full/apt. size, R i m s . N o rd i c I c e Tr a c . Call to identify and must lunches. Lots of backyard 1 year warranty par ts & S i z e P 1 9 5 / 6 0 R 1 4 8 5 S . h a v e k e y f o r b i k e l o c k . fun. References. Receipts. labour, delivery available. Only used 2 winters. $400 905-458-8808. 905-825-9689. 905-632-3642. Please call 905-815-7798 270 **A1 Mattress Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop and 'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End of line/ discontinued items available. 905-8472020; 905-681-9496 H E K M A N Enter tainment unit. Crotch mahogany and y e w w o o d . 3 9 X 2 2 X 8 3 . ALL Best Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, $2200. 905-257-4860. Silver, Diamonds, China, HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, 2008 model w/all options, Figurines, Royal Douland cover. Still in wrapper. t o n , S w a r o v s k i , A l l C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate $4250. Call 905-971-1777 Specialists, Top Cash. H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s C a l l J o h n / P a t t i 9 0 5 best price, Best quality. All 331-2477 shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.theco- WE buy appliances if you verguy.ca are moving, upgrading or KENWOOD Home Theatre renovating. We pick-up. 600 Watt Dolby Digital 5.1 Call Antony 905-339-8017 2001 Nissan Maxima4 door, 115,000km, excellent condition, power everything, sunroof, A/C. $8900. 905-637-3159. CASH paid for Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same Day Pick 2 0 0 1 Vo l v o V 7 0 Wa g o n Up. 905-693-5355 $6995., 2000 Focus Wagon, COOKSVILLE Auto Wreck8 0 , 0 0 0 k m s , $ 4 9 0 0 . , ers, scrap cars, truck re2 0 0 2 A s t ro C a rg o Va n , moval, cash, flat bed ser180,000kms, $4500. vice, 1-800-433-7359. 2001 Escape 4x4, $4900. O w n e r s h i p s p r o c e s s e d Moving. 905-483-5254. properly. Start a New Career Est. 1982 Ja n `0 9 NEW! FFICE ADMIN · OCCOUNTING / P.AYROLL · A EDICAL / LEGAL ASST. · MENTAL RECEPTION · DOLICE FOUNDATIONS · PUPPLY CHAIN & · ISNVENTORY MANAGEMENT Success begins today 460 Brant St., Burlington l 905.637.3415 l www.hbicollege.com

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