OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 45 To Place Your ad Here Contact your Classified Sales Representative To Place an Ad Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call: 905-845-9742 Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.oakvillebeaver.com Our Community Needs More School Bus Drivers For Information, call toll-free: 1-877-914-KIDS canadajobs@firstgroup.com 905.337.5610 Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flamborough Review, 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon., 5:30 p.m. & flats for & flats for & flats for 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the 1-BDRM Immediate JAN Free iPod Call Now! BURLINGTON TOWERS DOWNTOWN Burlington1275 Elgin Street. 2 bedrooms Available Now. Freshly painted, (some with new kitchen cabinetry). spacious, well maintained, quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. 905-637-0321. DOWNTOWN BURLINGTON Tri-plex Lakeshore/ Brant area. Bright spacious upper level on quiet street. One bedroom. Private entrance, laundry, water and parking included. Non smoker/ no pets preferred. Available Feb. 1st. $895/ month Call: 905-639-0955 PRIME Downtown Burlington. Upgraded suites 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms. New windows. Modernized elevators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 E l i z a b e t h ; 905-634-9374, 905-632-1643 905-639-8583 and We Make Renting Easy! BURLINGTON TOWERS APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms available burlingtontowers.com 1MO. FREE. Downtown Oakville & Burlington. 1&2 bedroom apartments, near Lakeshore/ shops/ restaurants/ lake. 905-842-9275. For details call 905-632-4440 905-639-8583 GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 1 & 2 bedrooms available December/ January/ February from $845/mo. utilities included. Clean, WATERDOWN CENTRAL quiet building. Burlington. location, walk everywhere 1&2 bedrooms $785/mo; 905-632-4265. 75 John 905-690-4454; L A K E S H O R E R O A D , 50 John 905-689-1647; D o w n t o w n B u r l i n g t o n . waterdownrenters.com Trendy 2-bedroom apartment, small building, hardwood floors, parking, l a u n d r y. $ 1 0 0 0 / m o . 905-336-7207. SOUTH Burlington: 1bedroom plus den in well maintained -Sandscondo with lakeviews. Easy access to all major highways. 5-appliances, c/air, balcony. No pets preferred, no smoking. Available November 1. $1350/mo. plus hydro. To view call T YA N D A G A Te r r a c e , D a v i e s C o n d o s a t 905-333-4347. Burlington. low rise b u i l d i n g s i t u a t e d o n www.daviescondos.ca park-like grounds. Freshly painted. All rooms w/individual thermostat controlled heating. 3 bedrooms. 3 BEDROOM country 1 4 4 0 , 1 4 5 0 & 1 4 6 0 upper, putting green, new Tyandaga Park Drive. windows, appliances, floor9 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 0 0 1 5 , ing. Central air. $1500 905-336-0016. per month incl util. 905.876.4299 A G L E N Abbey 3-bdrm, 1.5 baths, bright, clean, like new, appliances, fenced-yard, $1290/mo. Immediate. 905-279-5614. BURLINGTON, APPLEBY/ Dundas. 2-storey, 4bedroom house, appliances, double garage, $1700/mo. plus utilities. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 905-330-6090. BURLINGTON, BRANT Hills. Upgraded, 3-bedroom semi, 2 large bathrooms, deck, fenced yard, c/air, c/vac., quiet court. Near schools. Non-smokers. Jan.1st. References. First/last. $1350/mo. plus utilities. 905-331-7762. BURLINGTON country property in sought after escarpment locale, near Hidden Lake Golf Course. .75 acres on #1 Side Rd. 3bedrooms, enormous sunroom, 1gas and 1-wood burning fireplace. Attached garage, 6 appliances $1750/mo negotiable plus utilities. Available immediately. Call 905-336-6339 BURLINGTON~ DOWNTOWN, 2-bedroom bungal o w, re c ro o m , 2 - b a t h s , $1,060/mo.; Burloak, 3bedroom bungalow +den, 2 bath, recroom, $1240/mo; Headon Forest, 2 storey, 3-bdrm, 3 bath, recroom, deck, garage, $1395/mo.; Bungalow, 3-bedroom w/den, 1.5 baths, recroom, $ 1 , 1 9 5 / m o . ; 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage. BURLINGTON- Headon/ Palmer. Detached 3-bedrooms, court, walk to schools, l a rg e yard, $1400/mo. plus utilities. December 21. 905-901-0240. OAKVILLE NORTH. Charming well-maintained 3-bedroom bungalow, 2 baths, 6 appliances, C/A, finished basement w/woodstove, lovely large private backyard, well treed quiet m a t u re n e i g h b o u r h o o d , $1495/mo. plus utilities. Feb.1st. No pets preferred/ non-smoking. 905-338-7296. "ORCHARD" GORGEOUS 3-bedrooms. Appleby/ Upper Middle. 1600sq.ft. garage, gas fireplace, c/air, 5 appliances, ensuite, available Jan.1st. $1395/mo. plus utilities. Call pager 905-523-3274 C A RV E R S T E R E O S y s tem, model DTL-50 $500 obo. No speakers, sound is good. 905-639-4805 COUCH, DOWN filled, beige w/light beige fringe, matching chair, $750 obo; antique reproduction desk w/leather top, $500 obo; Ikea cabinets; sectional c o u c h . B e s t o f f e r. 905-844-8308. D I N I N G S U I T E new, 60"x60" table with 2 leaves, 8 chairs, china cabinet, walnut finish, $3500. Counter Stools (2) $70/each. 905-844-2683. $000,000 - 4 slevel spide split in Headon Forest. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec woom with gas fireplace. New ceramics in kitchen. Hardwood floors in living room & dining room. Large professionally landscaped, pool-size lot. New roof in `03, windows replaced `04. Hi-efficiency gas furnace. Master bedroom with full ensuite. Neutral decor throughout. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington.. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. FLAMBOROUGH. NEWLY renovated country home. 5-bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (Jacuzzi tub) large eat-in kitchen, fridge, stove, dishw a s h e r, o n 3 a c re s . $349,900. Call 905-592-3328. INCOME PROPERTY- SE Burlington. Newly renovated 6-bedrooms, 2-kitchens, l a rg e l o t . I d e a l i n - l a w situation. $429,900. 905-631-1286. PLE SAMZE SI st nd rd LARGE 2 bedrooms, I m m e d i a t e . V e r y l a rg e 3 bedrooms, January 1. 4 - 5 appliances, hardwood floors, parklike setting. Burlington. www.rentaltownhouses.ca. B R A N T S T. / F a i r v i e w ~ 905-681-0070. large 2-bedrooms, parking, avail. Jan.1. $825/mo plus OAKVILLE~ 3 bedroom townhouses available imhydro. 289-337-2646 mediately through November 1. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall Area. Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336. BURLINGTON- 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1, 2 & 3 b e d ro o m s a v a i l a b l e D e cember/ January. Starting $895/mo. Upscale quiet building, close to major shopping. 905-632-0129. BURLINGTON DOWNTOWN. Spacious 1-bedro o m , 2 n d f l o o r Q u i e t lowrise. Near GO/amenities. $795/mo. all inclusive Available immediately 905-699-0280. BURLINGTON- LAKESHORE & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spacious 1,2&3 bedrooms. Utilities included. Pool sauna. Near all amenities. Dec15th/Jan9. 905-632-5258 O A K V I L L E ~ A f f o rd a b l e Rent! Large 1&2 bedroom hardwood, suites w/balcony. Appliances, laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. OAKVILLE/ BRONTEHixon/ Nelson. 2-bedrooms, separate floor, parking, $925/mo. plus h y d ro . A l s o 1 - b e d ro o m basement, $725/mo. plus hydro. Both available January 1. 905-847-1138. OAKVILLE DOWNTOWN. Renovated large bright 2 bedroom, low rise, quiet building. $875/mo. Available December/ Janua r y. ( p a r k i n g i n c l u d e d ) . 416-948-8321. OAKVILLE, KERR Street. furnished bachelor available immediately, 2bdrm available Jan./ Feb. Call 905-338-9907. S H O R T- T E R M C L E A N , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington To w e r s . 905-639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca ANYMortgages 1 ,2 &3 * Below Bank Rates * Refinance to 100% * Purchase 0% Down CREDIT!!! INCOME!!! WWW.Travelsuites.net Furnished Corporate R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y, W e e k l y, Monthly! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Full Kitchen, Free Laundry, Pets O.K. From....$49.95*/night! Beautiful 1-bedrooms overlooking lake, ind o o r p o o l , s e c u r i t y, 24hr rec. centre. Page Us @ 905-681-7355 rentals 173 miscellaneous ZONED COMMERCIAL/ Residential. 2-Units: Downtown Oakville (Wilson/Rebecca)~ bright 1-bedroom apt or office, main level $1250/mo; 1-bedroom apt o r o f f i c e s e c o n d - f l o o r, w/deck $1300./mo. Units include reception/work area w/private office, full kitchen, (approx. 750sq.ft.). Utilities/parking included, non-smoking, Immediate. Can combine. 905-844-8581 weekdays POWER OF SALE STOPPED!!! 1-877-568-9255 416-540-5977 LORNE PARK/ Tecumseh www.butlermortgage.ca School. 4 bedroom, sideASK FOR split, on large private lot, WILL BUTLER, AMP needs updating, $595,000. 905-274-4467 ARE YOU Sinking In Debt? 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages? No Need For Bankruptcy. Specialize in B a n k Tu r n d o w n ' s , D e b t Consolidation, Bruised Credit? No income? OK! Home ownership required. 647-302(LEND)5363. Terms and conditions apply Prime retail space in busy east-Oakville plaza. Ford Drive and Royal Windsor, 1,185 sq.ft - Immediate possession Amy: 647-203-4522 $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% No income, Bad credit OK! The Mortgage Centre 1-800-282-1169 www.mtgcentre.com MORTGAGE BROKER -We R E TA I L C O M M E R C I A L serve people in situations space 3500sqft on Speers that range from perfect to rd Feb 1st 416-239-4772 challenging. 905-336-5997 or 1-866-824-8057 STORAGE- INDUSTRIAL www.designermortgages. space 1200sqft, Speers ca and Third Line area 905-847-1417 apartments 170 & flats for rent 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt., suits single, AlderOAKVILLE DOWNTOWN shot, newly renovated, sepPrime location. Perfect for arate entrance, laundry, office/ retail/ business. storage. $1000/mo. in1100sq.ft. Available imme- cludes utilities/ Satellite/ Jan.1st. d i a t e l y. P l e a s e c a l l I n t e r n e t . 905-407-8850 416-573-7446. BURLINGTON LAKESHORE/ Guelph Line area. 3-bedroom, 2 bath, quiet building. $1175/mo. Heat/ parking included. 905-631-0010 O A K V I L L E - T h i rd L i n e / Dundas. New 2 bedroom BURLINGTON- Large, basement apartment, fully 2-bedroom (825sq.ft.) e q u i p p e d , separate Clean quiet building e n t r a n c e , $ 8 9 5 / m o . near d o w n t o w n . January 1. Non-smokers. $895/mo. Call Gabe, 905-847-9658. 905-634-5885. OAKVILLE- Trafalgar/ GleBURLINGTON MALL 2- nashton. Spacious, bright, bedroom basement, 4 ap- t w o l e v e l , 2 b e d ro o m s , p l i a n c e s , f i r e p l a c e , separate entrance with $725/mo. Alber t McDo- porch. Own Laundry, large nagh Ltd. Real Estate Bro- eat in kitchen, private sinkerage, 905-632-5690. gle parking pad available. Quiet neighbourhood. Non CANADIANA. Quiet, well- smoking. Pets negotiable. maintained lakefront build- References. Viewing by aping. Very spacious 1, 2 & 3 pointment. $1050/mo. inbedrooms available imme- clusive. 647-227-7715. diately. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington. Free month if O A K V I L L E R E N T r e n t e d i n N o v e m b e r. E R S . C O M 1 / 2 / 3 b e d 905-632-5486. (No dogs rooms from $845. 1265 p r e f e r r e d ) . S e e u s o n 6th-Line: 905-842-8960, www.viewit.ca. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777, 392 Pine : 905-337-0910 GUELPH LINE/ Prospect, a c ro s s f ro m B u r l i n g t o n S P A C I O U S 1 - B D R M Mall. 2 - b e d r o o m , available Jan. 1st in Oak$967/mo. February. Very ville, older residential area. q u i e t , c l e a n b u i l d i n g . Laundry included. $900. 905-299-4447. 905-333-1525. FLAMBOROUGH. NEWLY renovated country home. 5-bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 3 6 0 o n P e a r l : 1 & 2 (Jacuzzi tub) fridge, stove, bedroom units available dishwasher, on 3 acres. in new downtown Bur- $1850/mo. plus utilities. lington Condo. Finishes Call 905-592-3328. include stainless steel a p p l i a n c e s , g r a n i t e , OAKVILLE 4-BEDROOM, c r o w n m o l d i n g , i n 3 1/3 baths, new executive suite laundry. Occupan- townhome, double garage, cy star ting December large deck overlooking ra2 0 0 8 . P r i c e d f r o m vine, $2500. or 3-bdrm, $1495/mo.- $2495/mo. 2 1/2 baths, $1800 +. 1Contact Davies Condos bdrm apt., 1 bath w/ contia t 9 0 5 - 3 3 3 - 4 3 4 7 o r nental kitchen $900., sepwww.daviescondos.ca arate entrance. Avail. Dec 1st. 416-358-3586. M I LT O N . N E W 2 - b e d room, 2 bath condo. First floor over looking pond. 5 appliances, underground parking, c/air, fireplace, fitness centre, Available immediately, $1250/mo. plus utilities. G e o rg e 9 0 5 - 6 8 9 - 5 2 9 9 ; 416-318-6520. SOUTHEAST OAKVILLE4 bedrooms, 2 baths, family home. Finished basement, fenced garden, lovely deck. Walk to Downtown, Go Station and Schools. Available February 1. $2000/mo. No smokers. No pets preferred. Call 905-338-8834. WHITE OAKS Blvd. Off Tr a f a l g a r a n d Q E W. 3 bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 5 appliances. Available January 1. Near Oakville Place, GO $172,900- BEAUTIFUL 3 and Sheridan College. bedroom end unit town- 905-842-0254. house in Burlington. Many recent upgrades, gas fireplace, granite in bathroom & more. Stainless steel appliances included. See it to B U R L I N G T O N . F U R believe it! 905-319-2269 NISHED room, suit female. L a u n d r y. P a r k i n g . N e a r ALDERSHOT- Near RBG/ bus. $450/mo. Available GO. 3-bedrooms, 2-baths, i m m e d i a t e l y . garage, $1300/mo. plus 905-484-0009. utilities. Available after December 1 5 . OAKVILLE EAST. Gentle905-572-7013. man preferred. Private entrance, furnished bedroom. * * * A V A I L A B L E Parking, cable. Non-smokI M M E D I AT E LY ~ N o r t h ing. $500/mo. inclusive. Oakville, 3-bedroom, eat-in I m m e d i a t e . F i r s t / L a s t . kitchen, spacious back- 416-262-7394. yard, 4 appliances, 905-827-5252 OAKVILLE- FURNISHED room in apartment, near B U R L I N G T O N 4 - B E D - Oakville Place. Suit nonROOM, 1.5 bath, garage, smoking male, $480/mo. recroom, d e c k , First/ last. 905-338-8455. $1120/mo; Appleby Mall, 3-bedroom 2 storey semi, $1060/mo. 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage. DUNDAS/ WALKERS, Burlington. Master bedBURLINGTON, Alton Vil- room w/ensuite, full use of lage. 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, home, laundry, parking, on new appliances. Dundas/ b u s ro u t e . N o n - s m o k e r. Walkers. $1495/mo. plus M u s t l i k e c a t s . F r o m u t i l i t i e s . I m m e d i a t e . $500/mo. 289-259-4407. 416-818-5750. MIDTOWN BURLINGTON, BURLINGTON, BRANT St. room for rent. Space and North. Renovated 2-bed- Price Negotiable. Use of ro o m , h a rd w o o d , l a rg e full house plus appliances. y a rd , l a u n d r y, s t o r a g e , Available Immediately. Call parking. $ 9 0 0 / m o . Dan 905-630-5299 Jan.1st. 905-336-7207. QUIET, LARGE fully furBURLINGTON. EXECU- nished 2-bedroom apartT I V E 3 - b e d r o o m s , 2 . 5 ment to share, Downtown b a t h s , 1 6 0 0 s q . f t . N e a r Oakville. Must like cats. G O / Q E W / S h o p p i n g . Smoking okay. $600 firm. h a r d w o o d t h r o u g h o u t . Available January 1/09. or Kitchen appliances. Fin- 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 6 3 1 6 ished basement. Lots of 416-801-4032. storage. Parking for 1 car plus garage. $1500/mo. R I V E R O A K S . U p s c a l e p l u s u t i l i t i e s . S c o t t room w/private entertain9 0 5 - 3 9 9 - 0 5 6 1 ; D e b b i e ment room on main floor. 905-631-8034. Prefer Gentleman, Cable, $620/mo. No parking. B U R L I N G T O N . R E N O - Paul, 905-257-7285. VATED 2-bedrooms. Full basement, parking. Not- ROOM for rent- Burlington, t i n g h a m A v e n u e . N e a r Dundas/ Sutton. Parking, Parks/ s h o p p i n g , dishwasher, washer/ dryer, $1100/mo. C a l l private washroom. Internet, TV. Room un/ furnished 905-574-9180. $550/mo. 905-921-7627. GEORGIAN Court Estates, King/ Plains Road, Burlington. Immaculate l a rg e 2 & 3 b e d ro o m t o w n h o u s e s , f u l l b a s e - FOUND: Black, male cat ments. Utilities included. with some white on chin. C a l l 9 0 5 - 5 9 2 - 9 1 6 8 . Found Fairview and Applewww.realstar.ca by area. We call Dancer. Please call 905-637-7325. MILLCROFT EXECUTIVE Freehold 3-bedroom town- FOUND: Orange and white house, 3 baths, 6 applianc- c a t K e n w o o d a n d L a k e e s , $ 1 6 0 0 / m o . p l u s shore area. We call Ross. utitilies. Call 905-407-2777 Please call 905-637-7325. MILTON. NEW 3-bedroom freehold, 5 appliances, c/air, finished basement, garage. Professional/ ret i re d c o u p l e . P re f e r n o pets/ non-smokers. $1500/mo. plus utilities. 9 0 5 - 8 6 4 - 6 7 4 8 ; 905-842-8260. FOUND: Orange tabby cat Headon Forest and Upper Middle area. We call P r a n c e r. P l e a s e c a l l 905-637-7325. LOST: Male orange tabby named Rusty. Brant Hills area on November 29. REWARD! Please call 905-335-0920. live in/out 270 nannies/ DININGROOM SET. solid pine, 8' table with 8 chairs, buffet and hutch NANNIE FULL time live w/flower-design stained out, available in Oakville. glass doors. $975.obo. Experienced, excellent fun Must sell. 905-827-2630. care for your children. Joan FRIDGES, STOVES, Wash905-844-9026. ers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty parts & labour, delivery available. 905-458-8808. BABYSITTER NEEDEDGlen Abbey area for an 11 year old, 2 evenings/ week, 3pm-8pm. 905-510-9807. GOLF MEMBERSHIP, Rattlesnake G&CC., Clublink, $18K plus transfer costs. Call 905-467-0490. GUITAR HERO 2 for PS2 & XBOX for $50. Guitar Hero 3 or Aerosmith for PS2, PS3, XBOX 360 for SENIOR HOMECARE By $60. Bundle includes GuiAngels. Experienced Care- tar,game, original packaggivers will provide up to 24 ing. 905-689-5517 hour In-home care. HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand 905-634-2400. new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still horses & supplies, i n w r a p p e r. C o s t boarding $8995., Sacrifice $4750. Call FA C I L I T Y F O R B r o o d - 905-971-1777 mares- Only 2 miles from 401 and Highway 25. $15/ H O T T U B ( S p a ) C o v e r s daily. Call 416-537-4264. best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca 4 MICHELIN Alpine Snowtires, almost new, 215/55/16, fit Audi A4, $600. (150/ea) 905-331-7493 **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 ALL NEW Beds! Plus/ pillowtops, 10-15" thick, new in plastic, Double $250., Queen $275., King $500. Visco Memory-foam mattress with c o v e r, Q u e e n $ 7 5 0 . , King $950. Can Deliver, 905-961-2073 KITCHEN CABINET doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or bathroom. JF Restorations. Call 905-631-9151 KITCHEN CABINETS, 50% discount, customized, maple, cherry, rosewood, ebony, other finishes, counters, decorative wood hood, island and upgrades included. 905-930-9618. MOVING: glass coffee tables; storage cabinet 30x72x16"; leather framed m i r ro r, 2 4 x 5 5 " ; l a m p s , more. 905-635-4130. P O O L TA B L E , B r a n d New, still in box. Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 LOST: Black and white cat in Oakville near Rebecca and Bronte. 16 years old, escaped indoor cat, has NORTH BURLINGTON- 3- e a r t a t t o o . P l e a s e c a l l bdrm townhouse, available 905-827-1555 if found. We J a n 1 s t . 2 - b d r m t o w n - miss her so much, Mittens home, available Feb 1st. w e n t m i s s i n g S u n d a y December 7. 905-319-9769. REEBOX'S STEP-UP/ Stackable exercise stepp e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 asking $85. Weight lifting A N T I Q U E C H A I R , o t t o - bench with accessories man, 2 desks, black leath- $ 1 3 5 , o b o f o r a l l . er chair, mirror. Must sell, 905-842-7404. moving. 905-637-3989 SOLID OAK entertainment centre. 72x60x24 inches APPLIANCES FOR sale: h/w/d. Opening for TV is w a s h e r, d r y e r, f r i d g e , 35x33. Side cabinets for stove, also gas dryer and DVDs, CDs, etc. Cabinets small apt-size dryer, dish- in bottom third for storage washer. All Mint Condition. and cable box, DVD player, 289-337-1328 etc. $400 or BO. 905-827-4660. C A R P E T I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain W H O L E S A L E P R O D Master & 100% nylon car- UCTS, Overstock-Clothes, pet. Will do livingroom & shoes, boots, Jewellery, hall for $389. Includes car- handbags, name brands, pet, pad & installation (30 unbelievable prices. OakBy appt. yards) Steve, ville, 905-483-6245 905-633-8192