OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, December 13, 2008 31 BURLINGTON 4-BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, garage, recroom, deck, $1120/mo; Appleby Mall, 3-bedroom 2 storey semi, $1060/mo. 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage. FOUND: Black, male cat with some white on chin. Found Fairview and Appleby area. We call Dancer. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: CANON Powershot at Guelph Line & New BURLINGTON, Alton Vil- Street after Parade. Please to i d e n t i f y. lage. 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, c a l l new appliances. Dundas/ 905-631-2994 Walkers. $1495/mo. plus u t i l i t i e s . I m m e d i a t e . FOUND: Orange tabby cat 416-818-5750. Headon Forest and Upper Middle area. We call BURLINGTON, DUNDAS/ P r a n c e r. P l e a s e c a l l Walkers. 3 + 1 bedrooms, 905-637-7325. end unit, Hardwood floors, 9' ceilings, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, $1645/mo. plus LOST: Black and white cat u t i l i t i e s . I m m e d i a t e . in Oakville near Rebecca and Bronte. 16 years old, 905-635-2501. escaped indoor cat, has GEORGIAN Court Estates, e a r t a t t o o . P l e a s e c a l l K i n g / P l a i n s R o a d , 905-827-1555 if found. We B u r l i n g t o n . I m m a c u l a t e miss her so much, Mittens l a rg e 2 & 3 b e d ro o m w e n t m i s s i n g S u n d a y t o w n h o u s e s , f u l l b a s e - December 7. ments. Utilities included. Call 905-592-9168. nannies/ www.realstar.ca CLASSIFIED SALE 1 2 2003 Chevy Monte Carlo SS- Auto, 3.8L, 145, 000km, black on black leather, OnStar, keyless e n t r y, A M / F M / C D , a l l o y wheels, duel airbags, power and heated seats, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, sunroof, certified and e-tested. $6995 plus tax. Autopride 905-573-2277. FULL-TIME HELP, Oakville, 8:30-3:00, Monday to Friday. Oliveiro's Sandwich 2 0 0 3 P o n t i a c S u n f i r e - L O C A L M O B I L E W a s h Spot, 700 Dorval, at Wye5 speed, d u a l c o m p a n y r e q u i r e s a n croft Road. Apply in person airbags, great condition, experienced Washer. Call or phone 905-844-6623 5 7 , 0 0 0 k m s . $ 3 9 9 5 , 905-681-7688. 905-315-8047. 2005 Caravan SXT. 29K. Mint. 1 owner. CD. Warranty till 2010. No accidents, certified. Remote starter. Like new! $8,900. 416-858-7673. 2005 NISSAN Altima 3.5L 6cyl., auto., smoke w/gray interior, immaculate condition, 71K., $14,950. Certified, E-tested Call 905-331-6592. 2006 Hummer H3- Black with chrome package. B l a c k l e a t h e r w i t h g re y pipping. Loaded, 6cyl, 79,000km, $19,750. 905336-1036. MEDICAL OFFICE requires experienced full-time billing/ referral desk clerk f o r o n e y e a r ( m a t e r n i t y ECE/ TEACHERS Assistleave). Please fax resume ant required for Burlington/ Oakville pre-schools. to 905-845-0981. Call 905-847-1165; Fax: 905-825-5266. METER READERS- Outdoor physically demanding work in Burlington, Hamil- PATHWAYS IS looking for t o n , s u r r o u n d i n g a r e a . ECEs and supply teachers Must have a reliable vehicle who want something differand be able to walk exten- ent for their career. Elevate sive distances in various y o u r e x p e c t a t i o n s a n d weather conditions. Uni- email your resume to matforms provided benefits thew.brown@pathwaysaa v a i l a b l e . I f h i re d n e e d cademy.ca for Burlington t o p r o v i d e c l e a n C B C . or martina.ross@pathwayemployment@olameter.com sacademy.ca for Ancaster. 877-864-2831. GRAPHIC DESIGN/ Production, Jr- If you're a junior designer with about 2years experience, The UPS Store Corporate Office may be your new home. Send resume and 3 samples of your best work to resume@theupsstore.ca by December 29. No calls please. CHEF NEEDED for Thai Cuisine. Minimum 1 year experience as a Commercial Chef for Thai food. Cooking Certificate. 35K S a l a r y. F a x re s u m e t o : 905-631-8868. P RIV Y ATE PARTY ONL PRICE WORD ADS 270 live in/out ARTICLES, CARS, RENTALS, DAYCARE, CLEANING SERVICES... MILLCROFT EXECUTIVE Freehold 3-bedroom townhouse, 3 baths, 6 appliances, $1600/mo. plus utitilies. Call 905-407-2777 N A N N Y F U L L time live out, available in Oakville. Experienced, excellent fun care for your children. Joan 905-844-9026. NORTH BURLINGTON 3bdrm family oriented townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & s c h o o l s . $ 1 0 2 0 / m o . UNIVERSITY STUDENT +util. Jan 1st.. Call Kim or willing to babysit over XDave 905-319-9104 Mas Break in Burlington area. Daytime, evenings O A K V I L L E / and weekends. References BURLINGTON~ Lakeshore available. Please call 905Woods. Large 3-bedrooms, 336-1263. 3 baths, brick/stone finish, A/C, garage, deck, 5 appliances, hardwood throughout, fireplace, 9ft. ceilings, l a rg e f e n c e d b a c k y a rd . $ 1 7 9 5 / m o . + u t i l i t i e s . CARING TUTORING for 647-237-9630. your Child. Soft-spoken, experienced, certified Teach"ORCHARD" GORGEOUS er, will Tutor your child 3 - b e d r o o m s . A p p l e b y / (grades 1-9) in your home Upper Middle. 1600sq.ft. or mine. 905-332-6695; g a r a g e , g a s f i r e p l a c e , 416-659-7848. c/air, 5 appliances, ensuite, available Jan.1st. $1395/mo. plus utilities. Call pager 905-523-3274 SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. *MUST BOOK FOR 1 FULL WEEK (MUST MENTION THIS SALE NOTIFICATION AT TIME OF BOOKING!) 905-632-4440 A N T I Q U E O A K ro l l t o p desk & matching chair & white sofa, like new. 905-399-4928. KITCHEN CABINETS, 50% discount, customized, maple, cherry, rosewood, ebony, other finishes, counters, decorative wood APPLIANCES FOR sale: hood, island and upgrades w a s h e r, d r y e r, f r i d g e , included. 905-930-9618. stove, also gas dryer and small apt-size dryer, dishwasher, 24" stove. All Mint NEARLY NEW twin mattress, boxspring & frame, Condition. 289-337-1328 $100. 1 carat diamond BLOW OUT Sale- Queen tennis bracelet, valued at sets, $229. Memory foam, $ 1 2 0 0 . , a s k i n g $ 4 0 0 . e u r o t o p , p i l l o w t o p . 1 1/2 carat diamond ring, W i l l d e l i v e r. C a l l C l a y p a i d $ 4 , 0 0 0 . a s k i n g 289-237-8260 or Mary $ 1 , 0 0 0 . O B O s i z e 7 . 905-690-4487. 905-393-7066. C A R P E T I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-633-8192 CARPETS 100'S of styles ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. Laminate/ Hardwood available. 905-510-0589 Eric CHRISTMAS GIFTS at 70% off, #1 selling brand of cosmetics, body lotions and fragrances for Men, Women & Teens. Costume jewelry & handbags. Monavie best nutritional beverage, power packed with 19 super fruits, $10/ bottle. (regularly $30/bottle). 905-690-4487. FRIDGES, STOVES, Washers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty parts & labour, delivery available. 905-458-8808. P O O L TA B L E , B r a n d New, still in box. Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 REEBOX'S STEP-UP/ Stackable exercise stepp e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 asking $85. Weight lifting bench with accessories $135, obo for all. 905-842-7404. SOLID OAK entertainment centre. 72x60x24 inches h/w/d. Opening for TV is 35x33. Side cabinets for DVDs, CDs, etc. Cabinets in bottom third for storage and cable box, DVD player, etc. $400 or BO. 905-827-4660. W AT E R D O W N 3 - B E D ROOM, 2.5 baths, kitchen/ great room, 2nd floor F R E E W E I G H T L o s s laundry, large lot, available t i p s t o d r o p 1 0 l b s . immediately 905-632-5771 www.TargetTheFat.com $1575/month plus utilities. WHITE OAKS Blvd. Off Tr a f a l g a r a n d Q E W. 3 bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 5 appliances. Available January 1. Near Oakville Place, GO and Sheridan College. 905-842-0254. F O R R E N T- B u r l i n g t o n room, mature male p re f e r re d , n o n - s m o k e r, $430/mo. First/ Last. 905-681-8016. WINTER TIRES with rimsP215/ 60R15. Goodyear Nordic. Set of 4 mounted on winter alloy rims. Used 1 season. Excellent condiALL NEW- 400' of 6" b a s e b o a rd , $ 3 2 0 . F i re - HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand tion. Call 905-842-8185. place doors, black with new 2008 model w/all LARGE, QUIET fully fur- brass accents, $100. Four options, and cover. Still nished 2-bedroom apart- mirror by-fold doors, $25 i n w r a p p e r. C o s t ment to share, Downtown each. Used almond side by $ 8 9 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e Oakville. Must like cats. side fridge, $150. White $ 4 7 5 0 . Call Smoking okay. $600 firm. stove and built-in dishwash- 905-971-1777 ALL BEST Ca$h$ PaidA v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. er, $100/ pair. 905-336Coins, Jewellery, Gold, Sil9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 6 3 1 6 ; 1036. H O T T U B ( S p a ) C o v e r s v e r, D i a m o n d s , C h i n a , 416-801-4032. best price, Best quality. All Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, ALL NEW Beds! Plus/ shapes & colours. Call MIDTOWN BURLINGTON, pillowtops, 10-15" thick, 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 All antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate room for rent. Space and new in plastic, Double www.thecoverguy.ca Specialists, Top Cash. Call Price Negotiable. Use of $ 2 5 0 . , Q u e e n $ 2 7 5 . , full house plus appliances. King $500. Visco Memo- K I T C H E N C A B I N E T John/ Patti 905-331-2477 Available Immediately. Call ry-foam mattress with doors. Complete face-lift Dan 905-630-5299 c o v e r, Q u e e n $ 7 5 0 . , for the older kitchen or King $950. Can Deliver, bathroom. JF Restorations. Call 905-631-9151 905-961-2073 2006 BUICK Lucerne CXL, Gold, 4 door sedan, SOLID LIGHT oak 45" ped- APRICOT/ BLACK Poo- V6, front wheel drive, loadFOUND: Black cat Walkers A N T I Q U E C H A I R , o t t o - estal table with 2 leaves, 6 dle/ Schnoodle puppies, e d , m i n t c o n d i t i o n , Line and Lakeshore. We man, 2 desks, black leath- p e d e s t a l c h a i r s ( 2 h o m e r a i s e d , v e t d o c u - 81,000km, $14,800. Certicall George. Please call er chair, mirror. Must sell, w/arms), $499. 9am-9pm, m e n t s , h y p o - a l l e rg e n i c fied/ E-tested. A must see! $595. 905-825-3812. moving. 905-637-3989 416-524-4511 905-464-3600 905-637-7325. **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 PRIME TIME Bowling, Burlington looking Kitchen/ S n a c k B a r. N i g h t s a n d CASH PAID- $50-500 for weekends. Bartenders and any complete car or truck F l o a t e r s . C a l l 9 0 5 - 3 3 3 - E U R O P E A N P R O F E S SIONAL cleaning lady driven in (comparable pric- 6570 or drop off resume. available Mon.-Fri. New es for cars picked up) vacuum. Reasonable rates. Scrap Cars & Trucks wante d . F r e e p i c k - u p . 7 0 2 SUPER COUPLE for small Call 905-601-5656. Bronte Rd, Oakville (just residential/ commercial South of QEW) building in Burlington. 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 8 0 1 5 , Cleaning & general mainte1-877-655-0755 nance experience. Large 2 bedroom apartment as 1 9 9 0 H O N D A Prelude standard, many new parts, C A S H P A I D f o r S c r a p income. One can have an POLISH EXPERIENCED a s i s , b e s t o f f e r. C a l l C a r s a n d Tr u c k s . S a m e outside job and one stay ladies available to clean Day Pick U p . i n . E m a i l r e s u m e t o : your house or apartment. 905-681-0929. r e g a l a p t s @ l i v e . c o m o r Call Eva 647-989-9415. 905-693-5355 phone: 416-878-4593 1994 Isuzu Rodeo- V6, 3.2L, SOHC, well maintained vehicle from BC. WOULD YOU like to earn 203,145km, 4 wheel drive, $50, $75, $100 a day do5 door, auto, excellent run- 1997 DODGE Dakota 4x4 ing door to door deliveries? ning condition, $2500 obo. Spor t, custom exhaust, If so please contact Bob at A A A T R I M a n d T i l e . n e w e r To y o t i re s , f re s h 905-466-6412, must have Specializing in bathroom Call 905-572-0858. paint, new starter, new bat- a reliable vehicle. renovations and backsplashes. We do quality 1996 CHEVY Lumina LS, tery, dealer maintained. Looks & runs excellent. work with all types of tile silver, 4-door, 182,700km, and stone. Space available Power windows, power 228,000kms, $4,500. before Christmas. Check locks, runs well, $600 as O B O . 9 0 5 - 6 5 9 - 6 5 8 1 , Freelton. us out at: www.aaatrimand is. 905-815-7268, E A / S A L E S A s s i s t a n t - tile.citymax.com Call for 905-399-7475 1999 FORD F150 extend- High performance, media free quote 905 484 9698. ed cab, good running con- sales organization w/offic2000 IMPALA- Loaded, dition, new tires, recent es in London, Sydney, Atnew tires, certified and e- brakes, as is, $3500 obo. l a n t a , B u r l i n g t o n . M u s t HOME, OFFICE renovatested. $2695. Call Norm 905-627-8956 have initiative, organization- tions. You need basement 905-465-1607. al/ interpersonal skills, Mi- finished? New bathroom, c ro s o f t Wo rd , s e n s e o f repair all. Samuel General 2000 TOYOTA Corolla VE humor, 4+years experi- C o n t r a c t o r s , s i l v e r, a u t o . , 1 7 5 , 0 0 0 ence. Report to President, 416-823-4516. k m s . , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , 1998 CHEVY Cargo Van, coordinate sales/ training $6,500. Certified, E-tested. D i e s e l . G o o d c o n d i t i o n events, travel... $35k+ Call 416-834-6776 vacation. 300,000 kms, $7800. Call 5 w k s QUALITY BASEMENT www.nrsmedia.com. 905-510-6056 Renovations. Walk in closgreatjob@nrsmedia.ca 2001 FOCUS wagon, esets, framing and other cartate sale, 69,000 kms., 1pentry work. Available owner (elderly), automatic, days, evenings or weeka i r, v e r y c l e a n , m a i n t e ends. Reasonably priced. nance records, certified, e- ASSISTANT Resident ManCall Now! 905-484-9698. t e s t e d , $ 6 , 5 0 0 o b o . ager position available for SALES REP needed for a 905-483-5254 Burlington townhouse com- re t a i l / w h o l e s a l e w a t e r plex. Mature couple. Town- business in Oakville. Candi2 0 0 1 V W C a b r i o C o n - house, salary and benefits date will have a minimum 2 vertible- 5 speed, midnight included. Fax resume to: years of direct sales (cold blue, leather interior, A/C 905-632-5519. calling) and customer ser- JUNK & rubbish removal. 112,000km, certified and vice exp. Management exp Great rates. We do all the e-tested. $6000 obo. Call AZ GENERAL Contracting a plus. Send resume to h e a v y lifting. 905-526-0529. seeks reliable motivated zen1275@cogeco.ca 4 1 6 - 6 5 5 - 8 2 6 0 people for all aspects of in1-888-8junkboys www.the2002 MERCEDES Benz dustrial civil work. Must junkboys.com E430 only serviced at Mer- have own vehicle, basic WANTED: MATURE Percedes, 220,000 kms., sun- tools and willingness to son with experience in resir o o f , n e w w i n t e r t i r e s , work. Wages dependent on d e n t i a l a n d c o m m e rc i a l l o a d e d , b l a c k e x t e r i o r skills. Full-Time available. cleaning to canvas for new w/cream leather interior, C o n t a c t 2 8 9 - 8 9 5 - 9 5 7 2 business. Remuneration will $12,000. Mint condition. or email: az-contracting b e c o m m i s s i o n b a s e d . Contact Sam 416-277Must be s e e n ! ! @rogers.com 0898. 905-301-7903 FULL-TIME AND part-time experienced, mature clean2002 Saturn Vue- AWD, ers with potential for adV 6 , a u t o , 1 1 5 , 0 0 0 k m , vancement required for the black on grey, cold air, Oakville & Burlington area. ALL PLUMBING work. p o w e r w i n d o w s , p o w e r Positions to start on Jan D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T Basement rough-in's, install o c k s , p o w e r m i r r o r s , 5th, 2009. Great opportu- with Experience. 8th Line/ lation and repairs. Master cruise, CD, new Michelin nity to join a growing com- Dundas Office. Full-Time plumber. Prompt. Call Mattires, certified and e-tested. p a n y . Please c a l l and 2-evenings/ Saturdays thew, 647-272-0455. Super clean. $7195 plus 905-580-0784 or email: r e q u i r e d . Fax tax. Autopride 905-573- v i n n i e s e u r o p e a n c l e a n - 905-257-2877. 2277. ing@live.ca MARKETING~ I need someone to learn my business. Must have leadership ability and strong desire for above average income. Call Nestor 905-333-6986 REGISTERED PHYSIO Therapist required Par ttime for physio therapist owned clinic. Flexible hours and good remuneration. Call Robert: 905-3348040. MAXX MOVERS. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-823-9705.