30 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, January 24, 2009 CARPET 100's of styles ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. Laminate/ Hardwood F O U N D : O R A N G E and available. 905-510-0589 white cat, Kerns Rd/ North Eric. Service Rd. area, Burlington. We call "Juan". Please C A R P E T I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain call 905-637-7325. Master & 100% nylon carF O U N D : S H O R T haired pet. Will do livingroom & declawed female black & hall for $389. Includes carwhite mature cat wearing pet, pad & installation (30 Steve, a red collar on Jan 17 on y a r d s ) G re e n b r i a r. P l e a s e c a l l 905-633-8192 Oakville & District Humane ELECTRIC SCOOTER, Society (905)845-1551. 4-wheel Go Go Ultra, blue, new 2008, many options, R E W A R D - M I S S I N G . must sell. 905-639-8333; 1992 GMC 4X4 Pick Up, aubgeorg@abacom.com Stepside, red with Meyers y e l l o w s n o w p l o w. P l a t e FRIDGES, STOVES, Wash263 9TX. 905-825-0015, ers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 905-637-4392 1 year warranty parts & labour, delivery available. 905-458-8808. nannies/ FOUND: BLACK cat, Ghent and Brant area, Burlington. We call "Jamie". Please call 905-637-7325. 1998 VOLVO S70 SE Silver, loaded, sunroof, leather. Hwy 210,000/kms, cert. & e-test. $3950. No GST. View in Oakville. 2000 Hyundai Accent, 140,000/kms, 2-door hatchback, gas meiser, etest. $1750. firm, as is. or Cert. $2250. No Gst. View in Oakville. 905-271-6846. INSTALLATION MANAGER for busy sign company needed immediately. F/T, email resume to info@sunsetneon.com HOUSEKEEPER- CAREGIVER available. Multi-task oriented female: Caregiving, light housekeeping, shopping, errands, meal prep. Great companion. Full/ Part-time, weekends/ D I E S E L M E C H A N I C overnight. Can travel. Licensed Must have light duty 905-257-6478. experience for busy fuel injection shop. Excellent pay and benefits. Call 905-845-3444 to place an ad call HEINTZMAN PIANO, LIVE IN nanny, 2 kids 4&6, stand up, well maintained, refs. B u r l i n g t o n excellent condition, $1,000 obo. 905-319-9539. 905-336-9948. C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p C a r s a n d Tr u c k s . S a m e HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand D a y Pick Up. new 2008 model w/all 905-693-5355 options, and cover. Still i n w r a p p e r. C o s t APPLEBY/ UPPER Mid- $ 8 9 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e dle. Fun learning environ- $ 4 7 5 0 . Call m e n t . Tw o p l a y r o o m s . 905-971-1777 Nutritious meals/ snacks. Pre-school Prep Program. H O T T U B ( S p a ) C o v e r s A R E Y O U i n t e re s t e d i n Outings. Flexible hours. best price, Best quality. All earning $50, $75 or $100 References. Non-smoking/ s h a p e s & c o l o u r s . C a l l a day doing door to door pet-free. First Aid, CPR, 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 deliveries? If so, please 905-319-0355. contact Bob at www.thecoverguy.ca 905-466-6412 EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- K I T C H E N C A B I N E T E R A n a 's P r i v a t e H o m e doors. Complete face-lift A R E Y O U L o o k i n g F o r Daycare provides all the for the older kitchen or Work? Job Connect in Burluxuries of a large daycare bathroom. JF Restorations. lington helps Youth 16-24 centre but with the com- Call 905-631-9151 yrs find employment opporforts of home. Infant/pretunities. Call the YMCA at s c h o o l e r. F u l l t i m e . K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S - 905-681-1140 References. Receipts. Call 50% discount, designer Ana@ 416-566-3968 or showcase, customized, upemail anashomedaycare@ grades, all finishes, decora- B U I L D I N G M A I N T E tive wood hoods, islands, NANCE Worker: Energetic, cogeco.ca View at counters included. More organized individual with anashomedaycare.my s a v i n g s / g r a n i t e . great work ethic for an esphotoalbum.com tablished company in Oak905-930-9618. ville. Experience in routine EXPERIENCED CHILD maintenance, Plumbing, daycare available in my L O O K I N G F O R Teak or Electrical repairs and minor Rosewood used furniture, Burlington home. Daily roucall S t e v e A/C required. Responsible tine includes arts/crafts, p l e a s e for overall maintenance of re a d i n g , A B C s & 1 2 3 s , 905-635-3949 building and surrounding creative play, outings, hot area. Email resume: lunches, etc. References, M O V I N G : S E C T I O N A L k m c c o w a n @ m t g m o l t e c . chesterfield, $500; table, receipts. Upper Midcom dle/Deer Run area. chairs, glass w/rattan $200; coffee table $50; (905) 335-5980 plus more. 905-336-4291. CASH PAID-OUT Daily! $12/hr +bonus for exEXPERIENCED LOVING P O O L TA B L E , B r a n d perienced canvassers to Mom w/ECE training has s p a c e s a v a i l a b l e i n h e r New, still in box. Solid support a special needs home daycare Belvenia/ Wood, 1"Slate, All Ac- Oakville Charity. Also C o s t Crew Leaders w/vehiL o n g m o o r, B u r l i n g t o n . c e s s o r i e s . $6,700, Sell $1,950. c l e . Frank 905-681-7028. 905-304-9994 416-578-9428 TREADMILLS (2) 1st treadmill, asking $295 retailed $850; 2nd Treadmill, TUTOR IN physics, math a s k i n g $ 6 5 0 r e t a i l e d and chemistry. UfT gradu- $1500. Elliptical, asking ate. 45$ an hour. In your $ 2 5 0 r e t a i l e d $ 9 5 0 . home or the public library. 905-814-1415 Please call David at 416-910-4336. 270 live in/out 2001 NISSAN Sentra GXE- 220,000km, great condition, one owner, automatic, beige with tan interior. $3000 obo. 416-729- PAYROLL ADMINISTRA6490. TOR required by Oakville based payroll service proDODGE CARAVAN, 1995, vider. Full-time. Requires w h e e l c h a i r a c c e s s i b l e , payroll experience as well 113,900/kms, loaded, ro- as excellent customer sertating drivers seat, pow- vice and data entry skills ered back ramp. $8,000. with attention to detail and accuracy. Please email re905-637-9357. sume to dpetrelli@smallbizpros.com P - T B O O K K E E P E R re quired. Flexible hours. To do payroll, receivables, payables & general office duties. Simply Accounting a must, Excel an asset. Fax resumes to Barb 905-333-8840. 905.632.4440 IF YOU would like a very B E A D E R C O N S T R U C clean home then please TION- Renovations, Addicall Teresa 905 819 0569. tions, Remodeling, Improvements, & Repairs. Call Gord 905-599-3040 WANTED: OAKVILLE Home looking for cleaning, C.P. CONSTRUCTION~ l a u n d r y a n d s o m e m e a l Foundation repairs to full preparation twice a week. a d d i t i o n s . R e f e r e n c e s available, Free Estimates. If interested please e-mail: amy_603@hotmail.com or Pete 905-975-0701 call 905-808-7991 HIDE YOUR plasma TV wires! AV, Security, Cameras, Networks and MORE! Call HiddenWires (289)888-1679 ALL PLUMBING work. Basement rough-in's, installation and repairs. Master plumber. Prompt. Call Matthew, 647-272-0455. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN for all your electrical needs. Panel up-grades, potlights, re-wiring homes. Reasonable rates. Call Joe 647-274-6866. MAXX MOVERS. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-823-9705. to place an ad call to place an ad call 905.632.4440 905.632.4440 Private School Guide Optimize their opportunity. Help them shape their dreams, sharpen their skills, train their talents. (in The Burlington Post) Publishing Sunday February 8, 2009 Publishing Friday February 13, 2009 (in The Flamborough Review) Deadline is Wednesday, February 4, 2009 FIRE EQUIPMENT sales and service person wanted, vehicle required. P l e a s e s e n d re s u m e t o sales@effectivefire.com LOOKING FOR a new Challenge? Investors Group Financial Services Inc. offers competitive compensation, benefits, and complete training to become a Financial Consultant. Send resume to: laurie.leeming @investorsgroup.com ACHIEVERS! FASTEST growing logistics company seeks talented outside corporate sales rep. Great leads, full training, management potential. email: liz@momentumroad@.ca The Private School Guide appears in over 47,000 copies of the Burlington Post and over 12,000 copies of the Flamborough Review. 3x30 (3.342" x 2.125") $299 3x60 (3.342" x 4.25") $499 s Price Include r! olou Full Process C To reserve space in this feature call your Classified Sales Representative 905-632-4440 ALL BEST Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silv e r, D i a m o n d s , C h i n a , Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call early retirees. Seniors for John/ Patti 905-331-2477 Seniors. 905-572-6162. PHARMACY TECHNICIAN, 32 hrs/wk. No evenHOMEWORKERS NEED- ings or weekends. Kroll ED!!! To Assemble Prod- windows, French an asset. ROXTON~ MAPLE ladies Fax resume to d r e s s e r w i t h m i r r o r 1 9 8 9 C A D I L L A C B ro u - ucts, Stuffing Envelopes, 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 8 2 7 1 o r e m a i l g a m , 4 d o o r, g re y w i t h Mailing/ Processing Circu$85 905-465-4697 grey leather interior. Great l a r s , O n - L i n e C o m p u t e r s h e i l a h @ p h a r m e x d i shape and all the Cadillac W o r k A v a i l a b l e . U p To rect.com. p o w e r o p t i o n s . O n l y $1500/week. No Experi197,000km. Runs perfect- ence Needed! Free informaly, driven daily, gets excel- tion at www. **A1 MATTRESS Facto- l e n t m i l e a g e o n t h e Jobs-WorkConnection.com r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y highway. $2900/obo. Call Reference 3-103 FULL-TIME EXPERIavailable. All sizes includ- 905-407-4102 ENCED Line Cook for Oaking custom Split boxMODERN BUSY Optome- v i l l e Pub. Call springs, Orthopedic 20yr 1997 HONDA Accord LX- try practice looking for Opsets starting $240. 30yr 4 door, 298K, green, auto, t o m e t r i c A s s i s t a n t t o 905-257-3620 or apply in t i g h t - t o p s e t s s t a r t i n g cruise, a/c, 4 cyl., new specialize in Patient Pre- person: Greyfriars, ask for $340. Deluxe no-flip Pil- M i c h e l i n t i re s , n o r u s t ! t e s t i n g . P o s i t i o n p a y s Anne or Dave. lowtop &'Crown' series, Clean air/ Certified. Must $ 1 4 . 0 0 p e r h o u r f i r m . Eurotop sets from $390. s e l l $2750 o b o . Please respond by e-mail New Waterbeds, Futons, 905-580-4177 eyespy.doc@gmail.com. End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 1997 NEON- 198K, 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; green, auto, a/c, tint, new PART TIME Superinten- VACANCIES FOR Assista n t E C E Te a c h e r s . 905-681-9496 transmission/ Struts/ start- dent for Senior's apt. build- 905-827-8125. er/headlights. aluminum ing. Alternate weekends and some holiday cover"ALEXANDER JULIAN" wheels, custom exhaust. age. Live-in position. Fax Highboy/ Entertainment Ar- well cared for, excellent resume to: 905-842-3771. moire ($750) and Dining condition. Clean air/ CertiRoom Sideboard ($500). fied. $1600 obo. Call Cherrywood with Inlays. Dan 905-580-4177 LIVE-IN CAREGIVER Perfect condition. needed in Oakville, female, 1997 PLYMOUTH neon (905)336-8280 12 & 8yr old, housekeep179,km e-tested but need ing, meal preparation, A PA R T M E N T S I Z E s a f e t y $ 9 0 0 O . B . O . ESTHETICIAN WANTED flexability needed, referenc905-689-8099 for Downtown Oakville Spa. e s m u s t b e p r o v i d e d stackable washer/ dryer, mint condition, heavy duty 1 9 9 8 N I S S A N M a x i m a Experience an asset. Call $9.25/hr. 416-953-3235 dryer uses big plug, hook GLE, 212K, dark green, ful- Angie at 647-898-1730. ups included. $350. OBO. ly loaded, leather interior, ESTHETICIANS~ PART905-824-4133. sunroof, certified. $3000 TIME, needed immediately obo. (905) 847-9538. for Merle Norman CosBLOW OUT Sale- Queen LADY sets, $229. Memory foam, 2000 NISSAN Pathfinder, metics. Hourly rate plus C L E A N I N G C a l l Available, 12 years exp. e u r o t o p , p i l l o w t o p . 1 0 4 K . , re c e n t b r a k e s / c o m m i s s i o n Excellent work, only few W i l l d e l i v e r. C a l l C l a y t i re s / b a t t e r y, $ 8 , 0 0 0 ; 905-634-1154. s p o t s o p e n ! M a rg a re t 2 8 9 - 2 3 7 - 8 2 6 0 o r M a r y 2004 Nissan Altima 90K., 905-336-9296 905-393-7066. $9,800. Both certified/ e- REGISTERED MASSAGE Therapists wanted for F-T & tested. 905-332-9096. D I S H W A S H E R , S TA I N P-T positions in both Oak- EUROPEAN CLEANING LESS Steel Frigidaire Built 2000 HYUNDAI Elantra ville & Burlington locations. Lady available every Thursin, like new! Never fully in- 4-door, 234Km, emission F a x r e s u m e t o : l i z @ day and Friday. References stalled. $ 3 0 0 . tested but needs brakes. rosewaterspa.com or fax a v a i l a b l e . Call 905-319-2269 to: 905-633-7764. $800. 905-467-1257. 289-997-2719 LIVE-IN CAREGIVER needed for elderly couple. Must speak Spanish, light housekeeping, shopping, errands, meal preparation. Call 905-847-3734 BUSY PLASTIC surgery office seeking personable energetic organized positive individual for part-time Medical Receptionist Position. Medical experience necessary, cosmetic expeD I S PAT C H E R N E E D E D rience or OHIP billing an asfor fast growing logistics s e t . E m a i l r e s u m e t o : c o m p a n y . F a s t p a c e , info@drgrace.ca hard working, organizational skills and self starter Fax:905-901-1467, e-mail: DENTAL OFFICE requires a Full-Time Assistant and liz@momentumroad.ca Receptionist. Please fax resume to: 905-844-4763. E X E C U T I V E L E V E L Income. Less stress, more time. Check 2 minute re- DENTAL RECARE coordic o r d e d m e s s a g e . N o t nator required. Oakville practice. Excellent commuMLM. 1-800-473-1963 nication skills; pristine cusH O M E C L E A N E R S / tomer service; Dentrix H O M E M A K E R S R E - experience is an asset. No QUIRED to assist seniors, evenings; no weekends. Burlington area. Would suit Call Andrea (416)527-1216 Were you blessed with the arrival of a child in 2008? If you were, have your little "Bundle of Joy" listed in Oakville's 2008 Newest Arrivals These special Momento Pages will appear in The Oakville Beaver in February, 2009. If you would like your child(or grandchild) to be included, just fill out the ad form below and submit, along with a photo, no later than Wed. Feb. 11, Baby's Name (please print clearly): _______________ _____________ _____________ First Middle Surname Parent's Names (please print clearly): _______________ _____________ _____________ Mom (first name) Dad (first name) Surname Date of Birth ___________ Month _________ Day Please mail or drop off your picture along with this form and payment to: The Burlington Post, Attn: Mr. Hatt, 5040 Mainway, Unit 1, Burlington L7L 7G5 Deadline for receipt of order is February 11, 2009 Ordered By:___________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ ______________________________Phone:_________________ Payment: Visa/ MC/ Amex #:______________________________ Expiry Date:____________ Cost: $59. + G.S.T. = $61.95 Cheque Enclosed Payable to The Burlington Post Note: "No Charge" if.... your baby's birth announcement already appeared in The Oakville Beaver in 2008! Please drop-off or email pictures to Mr. Hatt by February 11, 2009 whatt@metrolandwest.com Call 905-632-4440 for more details Vivian Irene born to Wesley & Sarah Hatt March 16, 2008