www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Friday February 13, 2009 - 29 BIBLE CHAPEL UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ANGLICAN United Church Our vision is to be a centre of biblical excellence in Oakville, teaching, guiding and supporting each other to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ Rooted in Faith, Growing our Future Rev. Dr. Morar Murray-Hayes 10:00 am: Coffee & Tea 10:30 am: Sunday Service Nursery, children's and youth programs 2250 Eighth Line Oakville 905 849-0567 www.oakridgebiblechapel.org office@oakridgebiblechapel.org Praise and Worship Communion / Message g Sunday February 15th 9:00am & 10:30am Services HYMN SING AT BOTH SERVICES: Bring your favourite hymns in mind! LIGHT Connection at 10:30am Our Cherub Choir is singing at the 10:30 service. BAPTIST Confirmands are to meet in the Friendship Room for their confirmation class. 346 Maple Grove Drive (south of Devon) . . . . . . . . 10am 905-845-5721 www.maplegroveunitedchurch.org www.chartwellchurch.org g 905-844-2801 Sunday Worship Gatherings 228 Chartwell -8:45 WELL -11:00 a.m. L 228 Chartwell Road Chartwell @ King's King's Christian Collegiate 528 Burnhamthorpe Road West 10:00 a.m. Nursery, children and youth programs through high school Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 905-257-8434 www.munnsunited.com UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Feb. 15 9:00am Service includes Communion MUNNS . . . 8am, 9:30am & 11am UNITED WALTON 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-827-1643 Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W. 10:30am Service Preacher: Hannah Lee Sermon: "Coming Home" Sunday School & Nursery Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve Intern Minister: Hannah Lee Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh UNITED Trafalgar Presbyterian Rev. Kristine O'Brien Music: Andrew Donaldson D.D. Discover a warm and diverse Christian community PRESBYTERIAN 1st Sunday of the month Evensong, 7:30 pm March we welcome Faith Baptist www.waltonmemorial.com Chartwell @ Kerr 484 Kerr Street 10:30 a.m. Chartwell Baptist Church 1880 Lakeshore Rd. West, Mississauga Walton Welcomes You Sunday, February 15th 9:30 am Family Service Sunday School and Nursery ...8:30am 11:00 am Traditional Service Weekly Immersion Alternative Service & Cafe Wed., Feb. 18, 7 pm Outreach Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner Feb. 24 5-7 pm Freewill Offering Ash Wednesday Taize Immersion Service Wednesday, Feb. 25 7 pm in Bronte Hall Sunday, Feb. 15 visit our website at www.sthildaoakville.ca www.oakvilleanglicans.ca 10:00 am including children's program All are welcome! PENTECOSTAL www.trafalgarchurch.ca 905-842-2800 Trafalgar & Upper Middle Road E. Trafalgar to White Oaks, East to Litchfield Entrance at end of Litchfield OAKVILLE NTECOSTAL POSTOLIC 1415 Trafalgar Road (across from Sheridan College) (905) 842-0938 454 Rebecca St. (beside YMCA) 905-845-3427 CHECK OUT: WWW.WALTONMEMORIAL.COM CENTER Sunday, February 15 10:30 a.m. The Priority of the Promise y (Galatians 3: 15-25) "Celebrate God's Love" COMMUNITY CHURCH Pastor Toews speaking 6:30 p.m. Church Bible Study is on the Book of Isaiah with Stephen Westerholm We have various Small Groups meeting throughout the week. Please contact the church office for more information. www.faithbaptist-oakville.com February 15th at 10:15 a.m. St. Paul's is a child friendly congregation nurturing the Faith of all ages. Children's Sunday Program and Paid Nursery Care Provided. www.stpaulsoakville.com p email: spunited@bellnet.ca p HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 Third Line, Oakville 905-827-3851 Minister: The Reverend Sean J. Foster Sunday Bible Teaching & Worship y Service, 12:30-2:30pm (NORTH RIDGE ROOM) IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Glenashton & Eighth Line Thursday Bible Teaching 7:00-8:00pm y Call for location Sunday, Feb. 15th @ 10:30am y, Annual Congregational Meeting 416-623-5003 416-995-6325 fax: 1-866-281-5983 "Not The Answer I Wanted To Hear" JESUS IS LORD UNITED GLEN ABBEY UNITED Sunday Service 9:30am Minister: Reverend Jeff Crittenden real people. living life. seeking truth. E-mail: churchoffice@hopedalechurch.ca p www.hopedalechurch.ca KNOX PRESBYTERIAN SIXTEEN (Dundas Rd. W. & Lions Valley Park Rd.) Member of Church of God, Cleveland, Tenn Worship Service (February Theme, Stewardship) Prayer & Bible Study, 8:00pm Men's & Women's Ministries (last Tuesday each month) Services: Sunday - 11:00am Tuesday 905-257-2770 Rev. G. Walter Read The Little Church With The Big Welcome Location: SDA Church 2031 Bronte Rd., Oakville, ON (corner of Bronte & Upper Middle) Raise your spirit, be welcome and feel at home as we learn and worship together. 1469 Nottinghill Gate (905) 825-5292 glenabbeyunitedchurch.com g y church without walls Sunday, Feb. 1 10:30 am 15th 6th Sunday after the Epiphany "Face, the Arc of Flexibility" With Special Music by Wanda Miller For more information email: bethesda@bethesdacog.ca g forestview church.ca w w w . k n o x 16 . c o m