22 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, February 21, 2009 Our Community Needs More School Bus Drivers For Information, call: To Place an Ad Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call: 905-845-9742 Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.oakvillebeaver.com 1-877-914-KIDS www.firststudentcanada.com Free Training To Place Your ad Here Contact your Classified Sales Representative A Safer And Better Way To The School Day 905.337.5610 Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flamborough Review, 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon., 5:30 p.m. & flats for & flats for & flats for & flats for 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the 3055 GLENCREST Road, Burlington. Central location, quiet, well maintained, hydro and heat included. Spacious 1 and 2 bedrooms available immediately. Call 905-637-3921. G U E L P H L I N E / a c ro s s f ro m B u r l i n g t o n M a l l . 2 bedroom apartment $967/mo. Quiet, clean building. 905-333-1525. Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. and GUELPH LINE/ Woodward. 2 bedrooms available February/ March/ B R O N T E H A R B O U R : 3 A p r i l / M a y. $ 9 2 5 / m o . bedrooms, first floor suite, utilities included. Clean, $1450/mo. includes all quiet building. Burlington. utilities/ indoor parking/ 905- 632-4265. s t o r a g e . S t ro l l t o l a k e / shops/ restaurants: immed i a t e , p re f e r n o p e t s / MAIN FLOOR house, 3 n o n - s m o k i n g . C a l l 9 0 5 - bdrm open concept, large 6 1 6 - 5 6 7 0 o r e m a i l : lot, plenty of parking. 4th & Speers Oakville. Suit ventura@cogeco.ca couple all inclusive $1375 month. Available April 905-338-1404 OAKVILLE~ 3&4 bedroom townhouses available imB U R L I N G T O N - 3 0 2 0 mediately through March. 4 G l e n c re s t R d . 1 , 2 & 3 appliances, Hopedale Mall bedrooms available March/ Area. Lakeshore ManageApril. Starting $895/mo. ment 905-876-3336. Upscale quiet building, close to major shopping. OAKVILLE DOWNTOWN. 905-632-0129. 2-bedroom apar tment c/air, balcony, new kitchBURLINGTON- 384 St. en/ bath, $1395/mo. inPaul Street. Two 2-bed- cludes utilities/ parking, room apartments available M a r c h / April. February 15, $934/mo. 905-875-7847. and March 1. $921/mo. Utilities/ parking included. OAKVILLE~AFFORDABLE Quiet, well maintained, on Rent! Large 1&2 bedroom cul-de-sac. 5pm-9pm, hardwood, suites with 905-639-7072. balcony. Appliances, laund r y, q u i e t , c l e a n , n e a r BURLINGTON- BRANT/ transit/ schools/ shops. P ro s p e c t . L a rg e 2 - b e d - 905-339-3245. room, 1 parking. Clean, quiet five-plex. $950/mo. plus hydro. No pets pre- O A K V I L L E R E N T f e r r e d . M a r c h 1 / A p r. 1 . E R S . C O M 1 / 2 / 3 b e d 9 0 5 - 6 3 3 - 8 1 5 7 ; rooms from $845. 1265 6th-Line: 905-842-8960, 416-826-3915 190 Kerr 905-845-1777, B U R L I N G T O N D O W N - 392 Pine : 905-337-0910 TOWN. Clean quiet building. Spacious 2-bedrooms PRIME Downtown Buravailable April 1st or earli- lington. Upgraded suites e r. $ 9 4 6 / m o . C a l l 1 & 2 bedrooms. New windows. Modernized 905-634-0846. elevators. Scenic views. B U R L I N G T O N L A K E - 478 Pearl, 477 ElizaF R O N T ! 1 & 2 b e d - beth; 905-634-9374, r o o m s . Q u i e t s m a l l 905-632-1643 building. Laundry on each floor. 2338 Lake- T YA N D A G A A P T M N T S shore. 905-637-3447. Burlington. Spacious and bright. Lovely 1 bedroom. B U R L I N G T O N - L A K E - Refined tenants. Hydro Inc. SHORE & Maple. Lake- 905-332-8979 front views! Exceptional value, spacious 1&2 bed- T YA N D A G A T E R R A C E , rooms. Utilities included. B u r l i n g t o n . L o w r i s e Pool sauna. Near all building situated on amenities. February park-like grounds. 905-632-5258 Freshly painted. All rooms w/individual therB A C H E L O R A P A R T- mostat controlled heatMENT. $640/mo. inclusive i n g . 2 & 3 b e d r o o m s . + cable. 2095 Prospect 1 4 4 0 , 1 4 5 0 & 1 4 6 0 Street, B u r l i n g t o n . Tyandaga Park Drive. 905-631-9748. 905-336-0015, 905-336-0016. CANADIANA. QUIET, wellmaintained lakefront building. Very spacious 1, 2 & 3 W A L K E R S / N E W S t . bedrooms available imme- Ground floor, 3-bedroom, 4 diately. 5220 Lakeshore, a p p l i a n c e s , f i r e p l a c e Burlington. 905-632-5486. $895/mo; Burlington Mall (No dogs preferred). See 2 - b e d r o o m b a s e m e n t , $725/mo.; Near Burloak, 3 us on www.viewit.ca. bedroom 4 appliances DOWNTOWN Burlington- 895/mo. Albert McDonagh 1275 Elgin Street. 2 & Ltd. Real Estate Broker3 bedrooms. Available age, 905-632-5690. Now. Freshly painted, (some with new kitchen WATERDOWN CENTRAL cabinetry). Spacious, location, walk everywhere well maintained, quiet 1&2 bedrooms $785/mo; with upgraded fire alarm 75 John 905-690-4454; system for safe highrise 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com living. 905-637-0321. FA C I N G B U R L I N G T O N Mall. 1&3 bedroom suite in mature, quiet building. Hydro included. Princess 905-639-8009 For details call 905-632-4440 $000,000 - 4 slevel spide split in Headon Forest. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec woom with gas fireplace. New ceramics in kitchen. Hardwood floors in living room & dining room. Large professionally landscaped, pool-size lot. New roof in `03, windows replaced `04. Hi-efficiency gas furnace. Master bedroom with full ensuite. Neutral decor throughout. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington.. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. PLE SAMZE SI OPEN HOUSE 1061 Gabriel Place, Burlington Sat and Sun 2-4pm More info call 905-319-9021 MORTGAGES BANKS DROP RATES!!! "Pay off Credit Cards Today" BELOW BANK RATES 1-Yr Rate @ 3.49% 5-Yr Rate @ 3.60% WE SPECIALIZE IN: Debt Consolidation 2nd Mortgages to 100% Construction Financing POWER OF SALE STOPPED Call Will Butler TODAY!! 1-877-568-9255 416-540-5977 www.butlermortgage.ca HomeGuard Funding Ltd. Lic #10409 ALTON VILLAGE, 3250 Munson Cres., Open House, Sat/Sun 2-4pm. BURLINGTON, BRANT St. North. Renovated 2-bedro o m , h a rd w o o d , l a rg e y a rd , l a u n d r y, s t o r a g e , FOUND: 2 adult grey cats. parking. $900/mo. Immedi- Found in the Guelph Line Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ate. 905-336-7207 and New Street area. We ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking call Tip and Top. Please BURLINGTON. LARGE 3- call 905-637-7325. bedrooms, Feb./ Mar.1st. A V A I L A B L E A P R . 1 3 - 4 appliances, hardwood F O U N D : B L A C K c a t bdrm duplex, 1st floor, 2 floors, very quiet park-like Prospect and Brant St. We new washrooms, 3-appl. setting. 905-681-0070. call Spencer. Please call Finished bsmt, hardwood www.rentaltownhouses.ca. 905-637-7325. Near Brant/ 403 exit. 905-331-4845 after 3pm. BURLINGTON- NICE 1 & FOUND: CAMERA, Fair3 b e d ro o m t o w n h o u s e s view/ Guelph line on SunB U R L I N G T O N 3 b e d with own garden. Starting d a y F e b . 1 5 . C a l l t o Rent from $950.00/month house. Lakeshore close to at $765/mo. plus utilities. identify. 289-337-3725 · Minutes to GO & QEW d o w n t o w n . G re a t h o u s e 905-319-9769. · Magnificent view of the lake & mountain with great features. FOUND: DILUTE calico · Indoor pool & sauna Fenced-in yard. Available B U R L I N G T O N / O A K - cat Lakeshore and Town· Newly renovated suites A p r i l 1 s t . $ 1 5 5 0 p l u s VILLE border. 3-bedroom s e n d . W e c a l l E m i l y . · On-site Security utilities. 905-639-5461 or executive townhome, 2.5 Please call 905-637-7325. · Rent includes all utilities & cable e-mail: nancyboonstra@ baths w/ensuite, 5 appli· Individual Climate Control (Heating & A/C) hotmail.com ances. near amenities Exceptional Value!!! nannies/ Available April/1st. live in/out BURLINGTON 3-BDRM, $ 1 3 7 5 / m o + u t i l i t i e s . Brant Hills, detached, 2- 647-202-2494 LIVE-IN NANNY for 2 760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave. · 905-639-4677 b a t h s , g a r a g e , l a r g e fenced yard, $1475/mth + FOR LEASE, High-end 2- year old girl. $9.25/ hour, w w w. m c a r t h u r p r o p e r t i e s . c o m u t i l i t i e s , i m m e d i a t e . b e d r o o m To w n h o u s e 4 0 h o u r s / w e e k . R o o m $ 1 0 0 0 ' s i n u p g r a d e s and board discounted. 905-483-5075. $1500/mo all included, ex- C o n t a c t P a o l a o r M i k e 905-82-90596. Close to OAKVILLE, BRONTE spa- cept internet/ cable/ tele- Winston Churchill and QEW. cious 3BR townhouse with phone. Near Appleby GO. High school, college,first 4-baths, 5appl, garage, M a r . 1 5 . / A p r . 1 . aid certificates and referCA/CVAC, finished base- 905-617-3244 ences required. 1 year exWWW.Travelsuites.net ment. Near schools, shopperience. F u r n i s h e d C o r p o r a t e p i n g , Q E W / G o S t a t i o n . GEORGIAN Court Estates, $1565/mth plus util. King/ Plains Road, R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y, W e e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Available March 15th or B u r l i n g t o n . I m m a c u l a t e WANTED: An experienced Business, Family, Trav- April 1st. Call Shannon l a r g e 2 & 3 b e d r o o m nanny for 3 children aged t o w n h o u s e s , f u l l b a s e - 1, 4, 6. Live out, 12- 8pm el Visits! Full Kitchen, 905-582-4726. ments. Utilities included. M o n d a y - F r i d a y. D r i v e r Free Laundry, Pets O.K. From....$49.95*/night! O L D O A K V I L L E , 3 b e d C a l l 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 7 2 - 1 9 8 4 . preferred. Laundry, light housekeeping, and meal Beautiful 1-bedrooms house. Walk to GO. Quiet www.realstar.ca preparation. Positive attio v e r l o o k i n g l a k e , i n - tree lined street. Private d o o r p o o l , s e c u r i t y, garden. No Pets. No Smok- RENT-TO-OWN. STUN- t u d e a m u s t . R e p l y t o 24hr rec. centre. Page ing. Recently renovated. NING 3-bedrooms, at Bur- Rosanne 905-825-8347. Us @ 905-681-7355 A v a i l a b l e A p r i l 1 s t loak, finished basement, surround sound, ensuite $2,600/M + Utilities burlingtontowers.com bathroom, walk-in closet, backyard access from garage! All credit okay. 24hr APPROVED HOME Daymessage. 416-628-1677 care, Openings 12 Months Up. Large Playroom. Receipts. References. Burloak/New Street, APPLEBY/ UPPER Burlington Te l Middle- Perfectly kept (289)337-3621 1183sq.ft. 2 bedroom ground level suite with fire1 Bedroom $840 EXPERIENCED CAREGIVplace, hardwood Floors & ER available. Bronte. FullStainless Steel appliances. 2 Bedroom $890 time. CPR/ First Aid. NutriAvailable March 1st. Prefer Utilities Included tious meals/ snacks. Luxunon-smoker, and no pets. ries of large daycare at $1400/mo. plus utilities. home.l Ana 416-566-3968 2386 New Street Call Mark Davidson Sales e-mail: anashomedaycare@ at Guelph Line, Burl. Representative Whitehouse cogeco.ca photos/ refer& Whitehouse Realty CALL TODAY! Tel: 905-639-5761 905-634-6873. ences: anashomeday care.myphotoalbum.com 4617 DREVER- New executive home $2200/mo 2212 Bluegrass Lane, hot tub off back porch $1700/mo. 2484 Newcastle, laundry room on second floor $1650/mo. 2393 Cavendish, large 5 bedroom $1650/mo. All quality Homes Call 905-978-7312. BRAND NEW 2-bedroom townhouse, Oakville, 3rd Line/ Dundas, 2 parking, $1400/mo +utilities, Saleem 905-319-1143 OAKVILLE- FURNISHED room in apartment, near Oakville Place. Suit nonsmoking male, $480/mo. First/ last. 905-338-8455. CORNER COUCH/ bed/ recliner unit, beige, must go, $100. 905-639-4917 evenings. DOOR MIRROR- power, heated from late model Dodge Ram, $100. Call 905-634-9267 GENT'S LEATHER jacket, black, medium size, worn twice, $50. 905-637-3905 HIGH CHAIR- 2 trays, folds down, adjusts height, used little. Very good condition. $50. Call 905-842-0029 MUSICAL BEAR- Chantilly Lane, new, sings, moves. Girls just want have fun. $15. 905-631-1599 NORTHERN LIGHTS abdominal bench. $100. Call 905-320-3238. O I L L A M P, 100yrs old. $80 905-634-3572 T I R E S 4 LT 2 1 5 / 8 5 R 1 6 load range D. Good condition. $100 905-335-8001 TV, RCA, 27" colour, black cabinet very good condition. $50. 905-637-3709. 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 It's better in Burlington Burlington Square 270 We Make Renting Easy! 1, 2, 3 BDRM SUITES BURLINGTON TOWERS APARTMENTS 905-639-8583 **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 BLOW OUT Sale- Queen sets, $229. Memory foam, euro top, pillow top. W i l l d e l i v e r. C a l l C l a y 289-237-8260 or Mary 905-393-7066. CARPET 100's of styles ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. Laminate/ Hardwood available. 905-510-0589 Eric. $840 Burlington Park Towers 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ FRO 1050/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway APPROX 820 sq.ft. with overhead door, available i m m e d i a t e l y. 3 rd L i n e / Speers. 905-827-6358 Days. 905-330-7078 (cell) FOR SALE or lease- 932 Brant Street. Across from new Wal-Mart. Building app ro x 2 2 0 0 s q . f t . O f f i c e space over 300sq.ft. Service area 2000sq.ft. Parking for approx 70 cars. Lease 1200 or 2200sq.ft. Call 905-6372532. Rental Office Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. personals 168 business services Control Your Own Heat & AC Spacious 1&2 bdrm +den, sunken living room. Util/ AC incl. Close to Oak. Place, Sheridan College, Q E W & G O. 1 2 9 7 Marlborough & Trafalgar 905-815-1628 www.caprent.com BURLINGTON SPECTA C U L A R view, 1-bdrm plus solarium, 24hr security, great ammenities/ location. Philoria Lau, Salesperson, Sutton Group Results. 905-332-4111 philorialau@cogeco.ca OAKVILLE/ GLEN Abbey. Boutique 2-bdrm, 6 appliances, parking, fireplace, west exp. Immediate. $ 1 2 0 0 / m t h . 416-788-1455. 905-639-9212 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES INCOME TAX for individuals & small businesses & corporations. Seniors & disabled individuals mobile service available $40. Standard return starting at $50. Bookkeeping services also available! Call JMA today! Janet Murray 905-630-8091 or O A K V I L L E O F F I C E f o r 905-664-9234 lease in Medical/ Proffessional Building. (1,365 apartments sq.ft. $1,300). All inclusive. & flats for rent Close to GO/ QEW. Call 905-616-5586 1MO. FREE. Downtown O a k v i l l e , 1 & 2 b e d ro o m apartments, near Lakeshore/ shops/ restaurants/ lake. 905-842-9275. $$MONEY$$ Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 95% BURLINGTON- 2 & 3 bedNo income, Bad credit OK! ro o m , w e l l m a i n t a i n e d , Mortgage Centre #10969 renovated, utilities & cable 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 8 2 - 1 1 6 9 included. From $950/mo. www.mtgcentre.com 905-639-1960. Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $1050/mo 4 Bdrms $1165/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management 4-BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, recroom, garage, $1120/mo; Palmer Dr, 3bedroom 1.5 bath, recroom, garage, pool $1120/mo; Near Burloak, 2-storey, 3-bedroom, 1.5 b a t h , re c ro o m g a r a g e , $1140/mo; Burlington Home Depot, 2-storey 3bedroom, 1.5 bath, garage, $1050/mo. 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage. STUNNING 3-BEDROOM 2 . 5 b a t h . R e n t To O w n freehold townhome. Fini s h e d b a s e m e n t , l a rg e fenced backyard. Burloak/ New area. 24hr message 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 1 5 - 9 9 2 7 c re d i t problems okay WHITE OAKS Blvd. Off Tr a f a l g a r a n d Q E W. 3 bedroom townhouse. Private drive and garage. 5 appliances. Available immediately. Near Oakville Place, GO and Sheridan College. 905-842-0254. 170 1-BDRM Immediate MARCH Free iPod Call Now! BURLINGTON TOWERS SHORT-TERM CLEAN, spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905-639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca GORGEOUS VIEW of great lake, Bronte harbour close access to highway! Large 1 and 2 bedrooms Sir Richard To w e r s O a k v i l l e C a l l 1-866-499-1607 905-639-8583 3-BEDROOM +DEN bungalow, 1.5 bath, recroom, $1195/mo; large ranch double garage, fireplace c/a $1450/mo; E.Burlington 3+2 bedroom, recroom, 2-bath, $1240/mo.; Downtown Burlington, Bungalow, 2bed, 2-bath, recroom $1065/mo; Waterdown area, 2-storey 3-bedroom, double garage, $1220/mo; 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. RealEstate Brokerage. C A R P E T I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & EXPERIENCED LOVING hall for $389. Includes carMom w/ECE training has pet, pad & installation (30 spaces available in her y a r d s ) Steve, home daycare Belvenia/ 905-633-8192 L o n g m o o r, B u r l i n g t o n . 905-681-7028. FRIDGE, SIDE-BY-SIDE, white, door ice maker/ water dispenser, $285; dog crate, steel w/tray, $45. 905-825-3676. WANTED FULL-TIME ( M o n d a y - F r i d a y ) l i v e - i n FRIDGES, STOVES, Washcaregiver/ housekeeper for ers, Dryers, full/apt. size, Toddler in West Oak Trails/ 1 year warranty parts & Bronte area (Oakville). Mini- labour, delivery available. m u m w a g e p l u s r o o m / 905-458-8808. board available $369.42/mo. Call Marie, F R O N T C H R O M E G r i l l . Also low rider tonneau 905-901-1286. cover, 6.5' length, dark blue. Both off a 2005 Silverado. Call 905-3381104. SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still i n w r a p p e r. C o s t $8995., Sacrifice $4750. Call 905-971-1777 HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca BRANT/ QEW large furnished room available in house. Share kitchen, bathroom with one. Utilities, cable, internet included. $490 416-897-3846 BURLINGTON. FURNISHED room in Appleby Mall area. Share bathroom/ kitchen/ laundry. Parking. $400/mo. Immediate. 905-631-7970. 7 BEDROOM Pantry Doors. Flat slab, various sizes, painted white. $12 each. Call 905-842-0029.