OAKVILLE BEAVER Saturday, April 4, 2009 · 12 The Anglican Churches in Oakville Invite you! www.oakvilleanglicans.ca St. Aidan's Church 318 Queen Mary Drive (at Stewart) Passion Palm Sunday April 5 Maundy Thursday April 9 Good Friday April 10 Easter Sunday April 12 Friday in Easter Week April 17 (905) 845-6111 www.staidansoakville.org 10:00 am Holy Eucharist with Dramatic Reading of the Passion & Liturgy of the Palms. Children's Ministry and Nurseery Programs Provided. All are welcome! 6:30 pm Beginning with a Potluck Supper Eucharist, Washing of the hands and ending with a solemn liturgy with the stripping of the altar 10:00 am Solemn Contemporary Liturgy with a special lfocus on the cross as a powerfuul symbol for justice, ecology & reconciliation 10:00 am Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Choral Eucharist with Children's & Nursery Programs 7:30 am Taize Night Prayer. A candlelit hour of prayer & meditation on the Resurrection of Christ Anglican Church, Palermo (905) 825-3364 www.stlukepalermo.ca 3114 Dundas St. W. (West of Bronte ) St. Luke's Palm Sunday April 5 Maundy Thursday April 9 Good Friday April 10 Easter Sunday April 12 Palm Sunday April 5 Wednesday April 8 Maundy Thursday April 9 Good Friday April 10 Sat. April 11 Easter Vigil Easter Sunday April 12 Palm Sunday April 5 Monday, April 6 Tuesday, April 7 Wednesday, April 8 Maundy Thursday April 9 Good Friday April 10 Easter Eve Saturday, April 11 Easter Sunday - April 12 St. Simon's Church 1450 Litchfield Road (off Trafalgar Rd., south of Upper Middle Rd.) (905) 845-8351 www.stsimon.ca 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Blessing and Distribution of the Palms. 6:00 pm Fellowship Potluck Supper, Washing of Hands, Celebration of the Eucharist. 10:30 am Traditional Somber Observances of Good Friday 10:30 am Celebration of the Resurrection. 8:15 am & 10:00 am Communion with Palm Procession. 7:30 pm Ecumenical Evensong with special guests The Salvation Army. Guest Preacher Major Dan Broom 7:30 pm Stations of the Cross. 6:00 pm Community Potluck. 7:30 pm Service with the washing of feet and stripping of the altar Overnight Prayer Vigil. 9:30 am Children's and Family Service, Reception to follow. 11:00 am Traditional Somber Observances of Good Friday. 8:30 pm Great Vigil, Reception to follow. 8:15 am & 10:00 am The Easter Celebration. 8:00 & 10:00 am Procession & Blessing of Palms & Holy Eucharist 7:00 pm Prayer and reflection on Jesus in the temple 7:00 pm Prayer and reflection on Jesus in controversy with the "clergy" 7:00 pm Prayer and reflection on the anointing of Jesus 6:30 pm Seder Meal - dramatic reading and Passover meal 7:30 am Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar 9:30 am "Child Friendly" Liturgy of the Cross 11:00 am Liturgy of the Cross 8:00 pm Great Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter 8:00 am Holy Eucharist 9:30 am Holy Eucharist (with Sunday School & Nursery) 11:00 am Holy Eucharist (with Children's programs) 8:00 am & 10:00 am Procession & Blessing of Palms & Procession with Donkey 7:00 pm Choral Evensong (BCD) 6:00 pm Seder Supper - All Ages Welcome, RSVP Supper 7:30 pm Communion, Stripping of Altar ALL 10:00 am Service for Good Friday Special Cuthbert's K.I.D.S. Programme WELCOME! 3:00 pm Stations of the Cross 8:00 am Traditional Eucharist with Men's Chorus 10:00 am Contemporary Eucharist with Senior & Junior Chorus, St. Jude's Church Downtown Oakville corner Thomas & William Streets (905) 844-3972 www.stjudeschurch.net St. Cuthbert's Maple Grove Dr. & Oakhill (905) 844-6200 email: stcuthbert@bellnet.ca www.stcuthbertoakville.ca Palm Sunday April 5 Maundy Thursday April 9 Good Friday April 10 Easter Sunday April 12 Church Staffed Nursery, Cuthbert's K.I.D.S. Youth Discussion 1240 Old Abbey Lane (at Dorval Drive) (905) 825-2851 www.incarnationchurch.ca Church of the Epiphany 141 Bronte Road (905) 827-2546 Palm Sunday April 5 Maundy Thursday April 9 Good Friday April 10 Holy Saturday April 11 Easter Sunday April 12 Palm Sunday April 5 Holy Tuesday April 7 Holy Wednesday April 8 Maundy Thursday April 9 Good Friday April 10 Holy Saturday April 11 Easter Sunday April 12 8:30 am & 10:00 am Services and Distribution of Palms 6:30 pm Join us for potluck supper and liturgy 10:00 am Liturgy of the Cross 8:00 pm Eucharist & First Fire of Easter 8:30 am & 10:00 am Easter Services 8:30 am Blessing of the Palms & Holy Eucharist 10:30 am Blessing of the Palms Choral Eucharist & Sunday School 6:30 pm Family Potluck with Lenten Conversation 10:00 am Eucharist followed by Lenten Program on "The Lord's Prayer" 7:30 pm Holy Eucharist, Washing of Hands, Stripping of the Altar 10:30 am Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Easter Vigil 8:30 am Easter Celebration with Holy Communion 10:30 am Choral Easter Family Service with Holy Communion 8:30 am Early Family Service with Palms, a dramatic reading of the passion and Holy Communion 8:30 am Alleluia Christ has Risen! Early Family Service with Holy Eucharist St. Hilda's Anglican Church (905) 616-6972 www.sthildaoakville.ca 1258 Rebecca Street Passion/Palm Sunday April 5 Easter Sunday April 12