OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 17, 2009 · 44 live in/out 270 nannies/ 905-333- 4347 DaviesCondos.ca Downtown Burlington Condos Baxter 2 bdrm furnished $2500/mth $ Baxter 2 bdrm 1750/mth 360 On Pearl 1 bdrm $1395 - $1550/mth 1 + den $1595 - 1700/mth 2 bdrm $1700 - $2500/mth CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking NEW 2-BEDROOM. Between Appleby/ Walkers, $1300/mo. plus utilities. Hardwood flooring, stainless steel appliances. 289-286-0940 NORTH BURLINGTON 1,2 & 3-bdrm family oriented townhouse maisonettes, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. Have your own fenced in garden. From $795/mo to $1075/mo plus utilities. Avaialble May/June Call 905-319-9769. OAKVILLE 2484 Newcastle, luxury executive endunit 3-bedroom 2.5 baths high-end appliances close to highway $1650/mo. Call 905-979-1919 OAKVILLE, GLEN Abbey very clean, large 3-bdrm, walking distance to schools, shops & transit. English garden. $1595/mth+ utilities. 905-337-8326. OAKVILLE. MATURE Employed Male requires room in house or apartment near QEW/ Dorval. Call 647-209-0442. OAKVILLE ROOM for nons m o k i n g m a t u re m a l e , k i t c h e n & l a u n d r y, n o parking avail. Q.E.W. & Tr a f a l g a r, $ 1 2 0 / w e e k . Seniors welcome. Call Elizabeth 905-844-7977. LIVE IN Nanny for 3 children & light housekeeping, We s t O a k Tr a i l s & H i l l mount Dr. Oakville. Call Leonora 905-827-7141 LIVE-IN NANNY needed for toddler. $10/h. Oakville (8th line/ Dundas) Olga tel: 905-582-8148 LOVING RELIABLE home Daycare. 12mos. and up, 16 years experience, nutritious meals/ snacks, structured environment, receipts, police check, Third Line/ Liverpool area. 905-465-1169. 2 WHITE French doors 30" $150; 1 colonial door 32" $30; rectangular oak coffee table $60; 14" TV $25; limited edition S. Deaville print "Garden Party" $100. Please call Karen 905-257-1580. HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still i n w r a p p e r. C o s t $8995., Sacrifice $ 4 7 5 0 . C a l l 905-971-1777 HOT TUB, 6 man, turquoise w/white swirls, excellent condition, $1500. 905-844-8033. HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca KITCHEN CABINET doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or bathroom. JF Restorations. Call 905-631-9151 Townhouses from $1350 - $1495/mth B U R L I N G T O N P E N THOUSE near the Lake. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, balcony, 24 hour security. Fabulous facilities. Parking, locker. Available immediately $1695/mo. or offer, all inclusive. Call Anne Cecil (Broker) 905-975-0526. COZY BURLINGTON Downtown 2 bedroom Condo. 5 minutes to lake and all amenities. Renovated and ready to go! Available May 1. $1495/mo. 905-632-7690 or 905484-1243. IMMEDIATE. TWO FREE Months. Aldershot. New 1000sq.ft. 2-bedroom, 2bath, 5 appliances, insuite washer/ dryer/ air condit i o n e r, g r a n i t e c o u n t e r tops, indoor/ outdoor parking, $1450/mo. inclusive. 905-981-3246. M I LT O N , N E W P e n t house, Maple Ave., luxury unit. 2-bdrm, 2bath, 5-appl., AC, fireplace. Gym facilities. $1295/mth + utilities. 905-632-6976. 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ O FR BRANT HILLS 3-bedrooms semi. Available May/15th No pet/ smokers preferred $1200/mo + utilities Kathy 905-332-9760 BUNGALOW, OAKVILLE 3-bedroom main floor, 2bedroom basement, huge private lot, 4 appliances. near transit/ amenities. $2000/mo +utilities. 416-802-2480 BURLINGTON, OAKV I L L E , Milton. Rent To Own. Free downpayment, g o o d c re d i t s re q u i re d . Michael Wan Realty Brokerage, 905-574-8882. COUNTRY HOME in City (Burloak), 1.5 acre, 2800sq.ft. 3+bedrooms, finish basement, 3 bath, workshop, $1995/mo+ June.1. 905-469-1992 1050/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway CALL TODAY! LIVE-IN/ OUT Caregiver for 3 children, experienced. N.E. Burlington ROOM AVAILABLE~ all area. E-mail resume to: amenities, separate bath- a v a a b i @ y a h o o . c a room, quiet house in Palm- 289-337-4650 er/ Walker's Line area. LOOKING FOR a full-time First/last. 289-337-4512 live in Nanny, $10./hr in ROOM IN condo, $475., the East end of Oakville. utilities, cable, internet in- Nanny must have strong cluded. In-house laundry, command in English, has Near Oakville Place, Go, achieved at least Gr. 13 Sheridan, J e n n and must have 2 years of 6 4 7 - 2 6 7 - 4 8 2 7 / continuous work exp. Please contact Julia 416-627-4827 647-400-4630. ROOM IN house for rent from $460-$500/mo. Nosmoking May1st 905-582-8248 SPEERS/ KERR, room in house, near bus, GO, shopping $475/mo all inclusive. M a y. 1 . 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 8 6 9 3 , 289-259-5728 UPPER MIDDLE/ 6th line, also Upper Middle/ 3rd line. Tastefully furnished rooms in townhouses, May 1, First/Last, $550/$525. 416-779-4899 ATTENTION TEACHERS and those requiring September to June care. Experienced Mom has spot available Upper Middle/ Burloak. Sandra 905-331-9728 BRANT/ MT. Forest. Fulltime space available. Hot meals, educational programs, all ages, ECE/ regi s t e re d . L o t s o f T. L . C . 905-331-9147. 9PC DINETTE, 8 chairs, lazysusan; 3-pc bedroom (dresser, bed, night stand); 4 table lamps; CARING TUTORING for 905-335-2950 your Child. Soft-spoken, experienced, certified Teach- **A1 MATTRESS Factoer, will Tutor your child r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y (grades 1-9) in your home available. All sizes inor mine. 905-332-6695; c l u d i n g c u s t o m S p l i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 416-659-7848. 20yr sets starting MATH/SCI TUTORING in $ 2 4 0 . 3 0 y r t i g h t - t o p your home. 30+ yrs experi- sets starting $340. Dee n c e d t e a c h e r. S t e v e luxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Euro905-483-1106. t o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . New Waterbeds, Futons, R E T I R E D T E A C H E R to End-of-line/ discontinh e l p w i t h r e a d i n g , ued items available. basic skills, homework. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-592-9206. 905-681-9496 905-639-9212 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $1050/mo 4 Bdrms $1165/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management E A S T W AT E R D O W N , large modern executive 4bedroom 2 storey semi, A/C, familyroom, 2 car, $1473/mo plus utilities. MILTON- 1-BEDROOM, I m m e d i a t e . Bill 711 sf., laundry ensuite, 905-632-6260 A/C, fitness, underground parking, no pets, Available M O D E R N T W O S t o re y May 1. $1225 per month. Semi. $1395/mo. Bronte 905-510-8279 Village, Oakville. Very near $1250 PLUS utilities. Sharp 2-storey, 2-bdrm, 1.5-baths townhouse, eat in kitchen, C/A, 6-appl., Lake and Harbour. 3 bed- backing onto park, close to MILTON- NEW 1 bedroom Tansley Community Centre plus den, s/s appliances, rooms, 3 bathrooms, eat-in & schools. June 1 possesl a u n d r y e n - s u i t e , A / C , kitchen, 5 appliances, A/C, sion, non-smoker & credit garage. Clean, new broad893sq.ft., fitness, u/g re f e re n c e s re q . P e t e r parking. Available now. loom. Possession May 1. Kritikos, Sales Rep., Sutton $ 1 2 5 0 / m o . 9 0 5 - 5 1 0 - Please call Carman Munro Group. 905-681-7900. 905-847-5677. 8279. OAKVILLE. LUXURY 2bedroom, 2-bath renovated condo 1270sq.ft. overlooking ravine, 5 appliances, $1600/mo. plus utilities. 905-338-5652. P I N E D A L E E S TAT E S 1 bedroom, 5 appliances, 24 hour security, underground parking, $950/mo. plus utilities. Call 905-464-3540. OAKVILLE BRONTE area, Hixon St. Renovated, 3bedroom upper level, Nosmoking, no pets preferred $1450/mo. plus 60% utilities. 416-707-2837; 416-858-9009 O A K V I L L E E A S T. 110x150 lot. 3-bedroom bungalow, 2-baths, 1534 Warren Drive, 1 block north of Lakeshore/ Maple Grove. $2750/mo. June 1st. Andy 647-893-1874. 3 BEDROOMS, 3 baths townhouse available immediately for short term rental of 5 months in Milton. Includes all appliances. $995 per month. Contact Andrew @ 905-691-7861 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE in Oakville 2.5 bathrooms $1350/mo Available June 1st 519-756-8942 ext 4201 or email amahini9@yahoo.ca 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. White oaks Blvd. Off Trafalgar and Q E W. P r i v a t e d r i v e , garage. 5 appliances. M a y. 1 N e a r O a k v i l l e Place, GO, Sheridan College. 905-842-0254. B E A U T I F U L S I LV A N Forest Walkers/ Mainway. 2-bedroom, 2-bath, Executive Townhouse. Upgraded maple kitchen, five appliances, Hardwoods, C/A, large patio, private drive, garage. Non-smokers. $1400/mo. plus utilities. O p t i o n a l : c o m m e rc i a l space available, 450sq.ft. plus $200/mo. 905-6307291. OAKVILLE NORTH. Executive 2-storey, 4-bed3 B E D R O O M s e m i room, 3-baths, main floor d e t a c h e d , 1 . 5 b a t h s , family/ laundry, recroom, $1050/mo. plus utilities. d o u b l e g a r a g e , c / a i r. Call after 6 p m 905-637-0880. 905-319-8291, 905-6300880. OAKVILLE PLACE, 3bdrm main floor bungalow, 3-BEDROOM +DEN bun- f re s h p a i n t , h a rd w o o d , g a l o w, 1 . 5 b a t h , r e - large yard & deck, parking, c r o o m , $ 1 1 9 5 / m o ; l a u n d r y, A / C , s t o r a g e Large ranch double gar- s h e d . $1375/mth a g e , f i r e p l a c e c / a inclusive. 905-825-0154. $1450/mo; Downtown Burlington, Bungalow, 2- R E N O V A T E D 2 - B E D bed, 2-bath, recroom ROOM bungalow. Applianc$1065/mo; Waterdown es, hardwood floors, C/A area, 2-storey 3-bed- and vac. Close to Mapleroom, double garage, v i e w a n d H o s p i t a l . N o $ 1 2 2 0 / m o ; smoking and no pets pre905-632-5690 Alber t ferred. $1450/mo. plus McDonagh Ltd. RealEs- utilities. 905-632-1443 or tate Brokerage. 905-639-1237. 3BR, GD Fl Family Rm with fireplace, 1.5 baths, C/A, appliances incl dishwasher, Laundry Rm, Lg yard, Nelson Hi Sch area. No pets. References. Available June/15th $1375/mo plus utilities. 905-333-4498 ABOUT TIME to get on the right track to home ownership? no money down programs still available call Napoleon Wilson. Sales Rep, Sutton Group Results Realty Inc., Brokerage. 905-332-4111 A L D E R S H O T- 2 - B E D ROOM near GO. Suits professional. C/air, lawn maintenance included. Nonsmoking. $1275/mo. plus utilities. 905-632-0697. AVAILABLE APR.15 3bedroom house, Burlington. South of Lakeshore on private road. 1.5 baths, $1850/mo. +utilities. 905-681-8837 BRONTE VILLAGE- Luxury Townhouse. Elevator. Lake S O U T H E A S T O a k v i l l e - View. Chef's Kitchen. S/S. 3+1 bedrooms, 2 bath- G r a n d S p a c e s . A l l t h e rooms, heated pool. Walk I W a n t ' s . $ 2 3 5 0 / m o . to Oakville Trafalgar High- Available July 1st. Call school, E.J. James, Maple- S c o t t S h e d d e n , R o y a l grove Public. $1,950/mo. LePage, 416-819-7614. Rental Applications at Open BURLINGTON: HOME House Sunday, April 19th, 12- Depot, 2-storey 3-bedroom, 1.5 bath, garage, 4pm. 416-834-7427. $1085/mo. 4-bedroom, W AT E R D O W N , B R A N D 1.5 bath, recroom, garnew 3-bdrm home, 5-appl. age, $1120/mo; Palmer $1600/mth, +heat/ hydro. Dr, 3-bedroom 1.5 bath, First month free. No pets recroom, garage, pool preferred, Immediate. call $1120/mo; Near Burloak, 2-storey, 3-bedVal 905-878-2068. room, 1.5 bath, W AT E R D O W N , PA R K - r e c r o o m g a r a g e , SIDE/ Evans area. $ 1 1 4 0 / m o ; $750/mo. inclusive. 1-bed- 905-632-5690 Alber t room self contained cot- McDonagh Ltd. Real Estage-style unit in country tate Brokerage. setting. Fridge and Stove Ideal for single. Non-smok- B U R L I N G T O N . 2 - b e d e r, n o p e t s p re f e r re d . rooms. Renovated. NottingJune1st Call Peter Kritikos, h a m A v e n u e . F u l l Sales rep. Sutton Group basement, parking. Near A b o u t To w n R e a l t y , schools/ Parks/ shopping. 905-681-7900. May/ June. 905-574-9180. OAKVILLE UPPER Glen Abby. New townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry, balconies, hardwood floor in livingroom. BURLINGTON- 3 bed- N o p e t s p r e f e r r e d . ro o m s , 2 c a r g a r a g e , $1,450/mo. plus utilities c/air, c/vac, 5 appliances, 905-827-5646. very clean. Millcroft area. $1700/mo. 905-632- QEW/ TRAFALGAR. Beautiful, bright & spotless 3 4166. bdrm has 2.5 baths, 5 B U R L I N G T O N , A LT O N appl, FP, CAC, garage. V illage. 3 bedrooms, 3 $ 1 5 0 0 + u t i l . baths, new appliances in- 905-844-6172 cluding washer and dryer, parking. Dundas/ Walkers. R E N T O R R e n t - t o - o w n . $1395/mo. plus utilities. B r a n d n e w 3 - b e d r o o m townhome available on Immediate. 416-818-5750. B e a c h B l v d . B U R L I N G T O N - L A R G E 1-866-818-9251 24 hour 3 bedroom maisonette, message. QEW/ Brant, near Fairview G O . P a r k i n g , l a u n d r y. SOUTH WEST Burlington~ $850/mo. plus utilities. Spacious 2-bedroom townhomes w/garage, appliancMay 1. 905-335-3474. es. Finished basement BURLINGTON- LARGE 2 Walking distance to all & 3 bedrooms, available amenities. Including GO. immediately through June Just seconds from QEW. 1, appliances, hardwood A v a i l a b l e J u n e 1 s t , f l o o r s , q u i e t p a r k - l i k e 905-693-8525 ext.224 setting. 905-681-0070. SPECTACULAR EXECUwww.rentaltownhouses.ca TIVE Lifestyle By the EXECUTIVE RENTALS Im- lake. Boasts 14' ceilmediate occupancy. Rose- ings, featuring hardland: Totally renovated! w o o d t h r o u g h o u t , Townhome garage, 2 en- granite, 5 stainless aps u i t e s , f i re p l a c e b a c k s pliances, pot lighting, o n t o R o s e l a n d C r e e k huge terrace +2 balco$1650/mo. Central: Up- nies, C/A, 2 bdrm, 2.5 scale 2 year new Furnished spa baths, 1780sq.ft. townhome overlooks cen- M i n u t e s t o H w y ' s . tral park short or long term $1800/mo, Immediate $1950/mo Call J.M Ed- Martha & Pine. Marcelwards Associates Inc. Bro- la 905-544-9949 k e r a g e 9 0 5 - 6 3 1 - 6 3 6 3 www.mkconsultants.ca www.jmedwards.com TOWNHOME IN BurlingFA B U L O U S O A K V I L L E ton core, 1375-22 SteLakeshore townhome! p h e n s o n D r . 3 Gorgeous high ceilings, ex- bedrooms, 2.5 baths, ecutive 2-bedroom + of- f i n i s h e d b a s e m e n t , fice, 2.5 baths, granite hardwoods, 5 appliancstainless appliances, hard- es, C/A, gorgeous firewood, fireplace, formal place, soaring ceiling, dining, roof top terrace, garage and fully maingarage. $1900/mo Imme- t a i n e d g r o u n d s . diate. M a r c e l l a Available June1st 905-544-9949 www. $1550/mo contact Marcella 905-544-9949 GEORGIAN Court Estates, www.mkconsultants.ca King/ Plains Road, B u r l i n g t o n . I m m a c u l a t e TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE l a rg e 2 & 3 b e d r o o m 503 Timber Lane, Burlingt o w n h o u s e s , f u l l b a s e - ton. $179,500. Beautiful 2ments. Utilities included. bedroom townhouse, close C a l l 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 7 2 - 1 9 8 4 . to schools, shopping. Call www.realstar.ca for Appointment. ApplebyNew Street area GRIMSBY. STUNNING 3- 905-878-4533 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, stainless appliances, gas fireplace, familyroom, tiered deck backs onto park. Easy QEW access. June 15th. $1325/mo. BURLINGTON DOWNp l u s u t i l i t i e s . T O W N , Lakeshore/ St. 905-870-4761. Paul. Bedrooms available m a i n f l o o r o f b u n g a l o w, H A M I LT O N B E A C H E S , p a r k i n g . I m m e d i a t e . New executive townhouse 647-456-2817. on Beach Blvd. 8 minutes to Burlington, easy access C L E A N , F U R N I S H E D to QEW. View of the lake, room near Oakville Place, b i k e & w a l k i n g t r a i l s , Sheridan College on bus 2storey, 3-bdrm, 2.5- route. Laundry, kitchen b a t h s , 5 - a p p l . , C / A , and parking facilities. From K e n garage. $1495/mth+ $ 3 5 0 / m o . utilities. C a l l 905-842-0789 905-876-5581. LARGE FURNISHED bedM I LT O N B R A N D n e w room, internet, parking, never lived in townhome cable, pool, ravine, quite Mattamy's famous Haw- non-smoker. Near Oakville thorne Village! 3-bedroom P l a c e . $ 4 7 5 / m o . open concept, 5 applianc- 905-337-7387. es, $1395/mo. plus www.georgetownrental.net Greg 416-625-3668. M I LT O N E N D - U N I T, 3b e d ro o m , e s c a r p m e n t , sunset view, energy star, double garage, deck, A/C, park, 5 appliances, large kitchen, $1495/mo. 647-237-9630 OAKVILLE EAST. Gentleman preferred. Furnished accommodations. Parking, cable. high-speed internet swimming pool Non-smoker. $500/mo. inclusive. First/Last. 416-262-7394. EXPERIENCED ELDERCARE support worker required for delightful woman. Individuals with schedule flexibility required to replace existing caregivers (day/ evening/ weekend) during absences. Non smoking females, who enjoy working with seniors and pets need apply to Pam at 905-842-8407. LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPERRecovering Cancer Patient, 2 teenagers, light duties, South Burlington. Cell 905-330-3001, 905-465-0310 (Oakville) SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . 905-634-2400. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home, 10yrs. experience. Fun-loving safe enviOAKVILLE WORKING ronment. Third Line/ Male professional requires B r i d g e , O a k v i l l e . furnished bedroom with 905-469-0499. private or shared bathroom for May 1st, 2009. Cable, EXPERIENCED CAREGIVinternet & parking req. at E R i n O a k v i l l e . F i r s t $475/mth. Please call DB Aid/CPR trained. Photos/ at 416-428-5605 References: anashomedaycare. myphotoalbum.com Healthy/Nutritious meals. Call Ana 416-566-3968 email: anashomedaycare APPLEBY/ NEW St. Bur- @cogeco.ca lington. Quiet, non-smoking male house with dog to EXPERIENCED LOVING share. Parking $520/mo. Mom w/ECE training has 905-637-0414. spaces available in her home daycare Belvenia/ BURLINGTON, GUELPH L o n g m o o r, B u r l i n g t o n . Line/ Upper Middle. 1-bed- 905-681-7028. room in house. Seeking energetic youthful person, EXPERIENCED MOTHER s u i t f e m a l e . of 2 girls offering fun, safe 905-923-9897 daycare. Lots of outdoor/ indoor activities, for sumOAKVILLE, FOURTH Line/ mer holidays, swimming in S p e e r s . S e p a r a t e e n - private pool (ages 4+), Altrance, includes parking, so, before/ after school l a u n d r y , $ 5 5 0 / m o . care available for September. Trafalgar/ Upper Mid905-844-8033. d l e , O a k v i l l e . 905-339-2461 WATERDOWN- SHARED detached home, 3 bedroom-w/main floor laundry, office & den, finished basement w/wet bar, fireplace, parking, large fenced yard, well furnished, 2.5 baths, 6 appliances, air, pets welcome, share w/single dad children over alternating weekends. 289-895-8812, 647-822-8154 avail. & wanted 193 room & board HOME TO Stay Seniors and disabled care provides professionals to come into your home for companionship, appointments , cleaning and more. Great rates . Government help for Veterans. 905-849-3811 visit www.hometostayseniors.ca 1913 HEINTZMAN UPRIGHT Antique Piano. Bought 1995 for $1900. Best offer. 905-845-4157. KITCHEN CABINETS50% discount, designer showcase, customized, upgrades, all finishes, decorative wood hoods, islands, counters included. More ALL LEATHER Nitali reclin- savings/granite. ing Couch, Loveseat, W a l l & b a r u n i t s . Chair. Taupe, 6 mos. Paid 905-930-9618. $9000, asking $4000.; Chinese Rug, 6' round, MOMS CLEAR out your Blue, cream, rose. Value kids closet. Make money. $ 1 4 0 0 , s e l l $ 5 0 0 . Save money. Sellers wante d n o w . C a l l 905-333-1718 416-920-4868 ALUMINUM ALLOY Rims, 15" with Michelin tires. Fits MOVING: WASHER, dryMercedes C class '94-' 97. er, stove, also apartment Set of four, $500. Call size dryer, Excellent condition, will separate. 905-383-6748. 289-337-1328 APPLIANCES- SCRATCH N Dent and quality used MOVING SALE- DiningFridges, Stoves, Washers, room suite: buffet, table Dryers. Full/ apar tment and china cabinet circa s i z e , 1 y e a r w a r r a n t y 1920. Two single beds, parts & labour. Delivery head and footboard and available. 905-458-8808. one set of linens. Kitchen items. Call for info, BEDROOM SUITE, boys/ 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 6 2 9 3 o r girls, 9-piece. 48" round 519-821-2819. patio table, glass top/ umbrella. 905-822-6449. P O O L TA B L E , B r a n d New, still in box. Solid BRAND NEW in box DV Wood, 1"Slate, All Acgas fireplace with warranty, c e s s o r i e s . Cost includes Louvers vent kit & $6,700, Sell $1,950. c a p . $ 9 9 9 . 905-304-9994 905-953-6869. kingofheat@rogers.com REEBOX'S STEP-UP/ CARPET I have several Stackable exercise step1,000 yards of new Stain per, paid $130, asking Master & 100% nylon car- $59. Solid stationary exerpet. Will do livingroom & cise bike, paid $325 askhall for $389. Includes car- i n g $ 8 5 . We i g h t l i f t i n g pet, pad & installation (30 multi-position work-out exy a r d s ) S t e v e , ercise bench with accessories, $135, obo for all. 905-633-8192 905-842-7447. DININGROOM SUITELeda solid cherrywood, 6 SUPER SPRING Sale! Cuschairs, double pedestal ta- tom upholstering. Diningble, 42"x80" including 18" room seats from $19.95 leaf. Beautiful lines, hutch Accent chairs from $195 a n d l i g h t e d b u f f e t w i t h loveseats from $595 Great plate display groove and savings on many decorator g l a s s s h e l v i n g . P a i d fabrics. Seniors discount. $12,000, asking $4900 F i e l d ' s 9 a m - 8 p m 905-632-9090 obo. Call 905-634-1979. Say You Saw the ad in the Burlington Post. Classifieds Get Results! Place your FREE ADS one of these three easy ways Visit BurlingtonPost.com OR Visit OakvilleBeaver.com Planning A trip to Florida? On your next Florida vacation do not be satisfied with a hotel room when you can rent your own Private Va c a t i o n H o m e ! Search from 100s of Florida's top vacation rentals. All Regions of Florida from 2-8bdrm homes. Condos, Villas, Pool Homes-- we have them all! Rates starting as low as $89/night. Visit us: www.myholiday homerental.com or just fill out this coupon 1. Mail to: Free Ads, 1-5040 Mainway, Burlington , ON L7L 7G5, or 2. Drop this coupon off at: The Burlington Post, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 3. Fax this coupon to: (905) 632-8165 NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE *15 WORDS, 1 DAY(SUNDAY), ITEMS $100 & UNDER Private party only. Ads published at first available opportunity, publication dates not guaranteed. You must be over 18 to place an ad. AD COPY $ PRICE NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY HOME # this number must appear in ad. PHONE NO. PLEASE PRINT. ADS WILL BE SORTED BY ITEM. FOUND: SILVER key on red metal clip, April 13th on Maple Ave./ Fairview St., Burlington. 905-335-9497