OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, June 4, 2009 · 12 TRAFALGAR RIDGE OPT0METRY 2387 Trafalgar Rd. Oakville (HomeSense/Winners Plaza) Dr. Kenneth Tsim SPRIGGS INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 481 North Service Rd. W. A4, Oakville, ON Ashley Johnson 159 CHURCH ST. OAKVILLE, ON L6J 1N1 Question: 905-338-0377 905-847-2210 Oakville (905) 844-9232 Burlington (905) 681-4035 Mississauga (905) 798-7527 Fax (905) 845-1634 Web: www.spriggs.ca p gg E-mail: info@spriggs.ca p gg As I am getting older, what can I do to preserve my vision and what eye health issues should I be concerned about? Q: Why hire a cleaning service for the summer months? can be. So it's no A: We all know how long and cold Canadian winterspeople come out to surprise that when the weather finally warms up enjoy the few months we have of summer. The question that is asked is do we really want to spend these precious summer months inside cleaning our homes? I will take a guess that most people would say no. For most of us cleaning is a chore we dread especially when the sun is shining and the pool is open. So, is it worth hiring a residential cleaning company to come in and professionally clean your home keeping it nice and tidy so you can go and do all the things you've been waiting to do all winter? I think so. The thought of having a team of two professionally trained residential cleaners come and clean my home on a regular basis, allowing me to enjoy the few summer months with my children is certainly very appealing and I would say that paying for a cleaning service is money well spent. I would say it's an investment in my family. Q: Answer: As people age so do their eyes. There are many eye diseases that may go unnoticed in its early stages but can be detected by your optometrist through annual eye examinations. A commonly associated eye aging condition is Cataracts. There is a connection between Cataracts and UV exposure. Therefore, the use of sunglasses (with 100% UV protection) is highly recommended. Macular Degeneration is another age related eye condition which can be managed if detected early. Other risk factors include smoking, which has been linked to further vision loss in patients with Macular Degeneration. Certain antioxidants such as vitamins A, C & E and lutein have been proven to help prevent the condition from further deterioration. Ask your optometrist during your next examination if these supplements are appropriate for you. To schedule an appointment for your eye exam call 905-338-0377 I had a claim due to a recent `At Fault' accident and the insurance company increased my renewal premium. Why shouldn't I shop around for a better rate? If you A: driving stay with yourbepresent company, your record could reduced from 6 to 5 star rating with a nominal premium increase. If you look for insurance with a different company, your driving record would go as low as 0 star with a large premium increase. You're better off staying with the same insurance company until your driving record is back to your 6 star driving record. This should always be discussed with an Independent Insurance Broker who will explain the situation directly related to your policy. Claims protection coverage completely forgives your first `At Fault' accident and may be available. Ask your Independent Insurance Broker! NEW PATIENTS & WALK-INS WELCOME For more information please contact Merry Maids of Oakville at 905-847-2210. "For past questions and answers in Ask the Professionals, please contact us." Making Lives Better One Visit At A TimeTM Nurse Next Door Home Healthcare Inc. OAKVILLE · MILTON · BURLINGTON SCOTT JOHNSON Managing Director 905.847.8433 www.homeinstead.ca/3014 Dr. Rosenblat D.D.S. Hopedale Shopping Centre Suite 220, 2nd Floor Office: 905.257.3452 Website: www.nursenextdoor.com Lori Paton RN, RRT Nurse Next Door's services range from a 3 hour a week concierge service to an onsite 24 hr per day Registered Nurse. Loneliness Can Impact Seniors' Health By Tom Chuchmach from the Home Instead Senior Care office in Oakville. Q. I am so lonely since my wife of 52 years passed away. Someone the other day said that loneliness can be bad for your health. Is that true? 905-827-0301 A Solution for Caregiver Stress Studies show that almost 25% of Canadian households are now involved in caring for an elderly family member and nearly 65% of caregivers are also employed outside of the home. The result is an increase in stress levels for individuals who are taking care of aging family as well as an enormous amount of lost produc vity for companies employing these individuals. Q: A: Why is oral health important for men? Indeed it is. Those who feel lonely face even greater risks than those who do not have many close friends. Older people who are able to adjust to being alone don't have the same health problems. A recent study examined the relationships between health and two different types of isolation. They measured the degree to which older adults are socially connected and socially active. They also assessed whether older adults feel lonely and whether they expect that friends and family would help them in times of need. Older adults who feel most isolated report 65 percent more depressive symptoms, regardless of their actual levels of connectedness. The consequences of poor mental health can be substantial, as deteriorating mental health also reduces people's willingness to exercise and may increase health-risk behaviors such as cigarette smoking and alcohol use. Why not see your doctor about whether or not you are suffering from depression. If so, your physician may prescribe medication or counseling. Then try to re-connect with others through a volunteer organization where you can share interests with those of like mind? Or, consider hiring a caregiving companion such as a CAREGiver from Home Instead Senior Care. Or, if you're in good health, be a CAREGiver yourself. It's a great way to help others who may be as lonely as you. For more information about Home Instead Senior Care, contact Tom Chuchmach or Scott Johnson at 905.847.8433 or visit www.hominstead.ca/3014 Men are less likely than women to take care of their physical health and, according to surveys and studies, their oral health is equally ignored. Good oral health recently has been linked with longevity. Yet, one of the most common factors associated with infrequent dental checkups is just being male. Men are less likely than women to seek preventive dental care and often neglect their oral health for years, visiting a dentist only when a problem arises. When it comes to oral health, statistics show that the average man brushes his teeth 1.9 times a day and will lose 5.4 teeth by age 72. Men are twice as likely as women to develop oral and throat cancer and periodontal (gum) disease. Gum disease is the destruction of the gum and bone support for teeth by bacteria found in the soft plaque and hard tartar that forms around your teeth. Researchers have found a connection between gum disease and cardiovascular disease, which can place people at risk for heart attacks and strokes. Since men are more likely to suffer from heart attacks, they also are more likely to be on medications that can cause dry mouth. If you take antidepressants, your salivary flow could be inhibited, increasing the risk for cavities. Saliva helps to reduce the cavity-causing bacteria found in your mouth. So men, it's time to see the dentist! Great things star t with a warm healthy smile. the dentist@dentistry4.com www.dentistry4.com Signals of Caregiver Burnout · Symptoms of depression, such as di culty sleeping or social withdrawal · Lingering aches and pains · Feelings of being trapped · Feelings of frustra on and anger · Being in a state of constant distrac on · Di culty staying focused One op on for those who find themselves in this predicament is home healthcare. Hiring a trusted and qualified caregiver to provide the a en on and exper se your mom or dad needs right in their home can make your life much easier. Home healthcare o ers elderly individuals the opportunity to receive the care and a en on they need while s ll living at home maintaining healthy and happy lives. Home healthcare services can range from simple companionship services to complex 24-hour care from a Registered Nurse. Whatever the level of service, you can be sure that it will make your life much easier and the life of your family much more pleasant. Please contact Nurse Next Door for solu ons to caregiver stress and burnout. Making Lives Better One Visit At A TimeTM If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask the Professionals" c/o The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4 or fax to: 905-337-5568