OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 1, 2009 · 8 Power plant would support growth needs, says developer Continued from page 7 than two hours per year with vapour not expected to exceed a 2.5 km to 3 km radius around the plant. TransCanada also noted these water vapour figures would only be realized if the plant was in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which it is not expected to be. "Regardless of what's going on with the provincial economy, this area keeps growing," said Breen. "You do have growth and you have to generate the power in this area because the transmis- sion lines have maxed out their capacity. You can't get more power into this area, you have to build a source of generation in the area." Breen said the province is getting out of the coal fired power plant business by 2014, meaning 6,000 megawatts will be taken out of the sys- tem between now and then. The OPA is scheduled to award a contract to one of the four companies on Aug. 31, with a plant expected to be up and running by 2013. For more information, visit www.transcanada.com/oakville. LESS THAN LEVEL WEEK LONG CELEBRATIONS BAR AND GRILL For all your sports and entertainment needs. LIVE Wednesday, July 1st CANADA DAY CELEBRATION WITH ALL OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS IN 1 DAY Thursday Thursday July 2nd SPECIALS: Pitchers $12 14 oz. Draft $3.50 Domestic Bottles $4 TRIPLE TRIPLE THURSDAYS WITH THU RSDAYS ALEX B SPINNING + OUR TRIPLE SPECIALS NIGHT FRIDA Y JUL Y 3RD DETOUR BAND + $3.50 14 OZ DRAFT EXPOSE WITH ROBERT + $4 DRINKS $ SA TURDA Y JUL Y 4TH pecial Drink S ay Saturdts Nigh 4 www.lessthanlevel.ca OPEN JAM NIGHT + FREE POOL 381 Kerr Street, Oakville 905-842-9009 Open Mon.-Sun. 5pm-2am SUNDA Y JUL Y 5TH Hot Summer Deals on Gas Fireplaces "MASONRY & FIREPLACE DESIGN SPECIALISTS" 406 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE ACROSS FROM RONA LANSING 905-337-2066 w w w. c o b b l e s t o n e m b e r s . c a Vision To be the most livable town in Canada Happy Canada Day Oakville! Town Facilities Closures and Transit Schedule Closed Today: Open Today: r2DNYLOOH0XVHXPZZZRDNYLOOHPXVHXPFD r$OORXWGRRUSRROV%URQWH%URRNGDOH /LRQV)DOJDUZRRGDQG:HGJHZRRG r$UHQDV r/LEUDULHV r 2DNYLOOH&HQWUHIRUWKH3HUIRUPLQJ$UWV r7RZQ+DOO r&RPPXQLW\FHQWUHV r2DNYLOOH*DOOHULHV(in Gairloch Gardens at Centennial Square) r6HQLRUV FHQWUHV Transit Service Today: 2DNYLOOH 7UDQVLW ZLOO EH RIIHULQJ LWV KROLGD\ VHUYLFH VFKHGXOH RQ :HGQHVGD\-XO\DPWRSP r=RQH([SUHVVSOXV)L[HG5RXWHDQG 9LVLWWKH2DNYLOOH7UDQVLWZZZRDNYLOOHWUDQVLWFDZHEVLWHIRUGHWDLOV