Oakville Beaver, 30 Oct 2009, p. 4

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OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 30, 2009 · 4 Halloween Haunt SPOOKILICIOUS: If you have primary school-aged children ready for Halloween, don't forget a stop by the Halloween Haunt. Kassie Benoit, left, will be telling your future and Goblin Anthony Faria will be there to give you a scare. The fundraiser for Autism Services Halton is on the upper level of 345 Kerr St. It is open today, Friday, Oct. 30 from 5-9 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 31 from noon-4 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. There are carnival games and prizes, a glow-in-the-dark Boo Room, fortune teller, tattoo parlour, Halloween crafts and spookilicious café treats and a candy stand. There is no admission charge, but tickets are required for the various booths. Each ticket to play costs $1 or 15 for $10. For information, visit www.autismserviceshalton.org or twitter@autismservices. $ 3,375 UP TO SAVE WITH GREAT REBATES + $ 1,350 MORE WITH THE TAX CREDIT RIZIERO VERTOLLI / OAKVILLE BEAVER Hurry! Offer ends November 13, 2009 Details on carrier.ca Government rebates subject to change. AUCTION SALE KLEINBURG GOLF COURSE 115 PUTTING GREEN CRESCENT, KLEINBURG, ONTARIO SATURDAY NOVEMBER 7TH AT 10 AM Exit NORTH off of 401 Highway in Toronto (Interchange 359) onto Highway 400 for 8 miles and exit onto Major Mackenzie Drive and turn WEST for 4 miles to Regional Road # 27 and turn NORTH for 1 mile and turn WEST onto Nashville Road for 1/4 mile to Coldsprings Road and turn SOUTH to Putting Green Crescent. GROUNDS DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT Approx 120 Golf EZ Go gas powered golf carts in good running condition; 2007 Kubota L5030 4 WD) diesel tractor with Kubota LA 853 front end loader- like new; Kubota M7030 4 wd diesel tractor with Kubota 830 front end loader- good running condition; 1999 Kubota L3600 4 wd diesel utility tractor - good running condition, TyCrop MH 400 material handler wagon with 2 spinners - like new; 2 John Deere electric turf Gators with dump boxes; 2 Toro Groundmaster 3500D sidewinder mowers, Toro Reelmaster 3100D sidewinder mower, 3 Toro Greensmaster 3100 greens mower, Toro Greensmaster 3000D greens mower Toro Greensmaster 3000, Toro Groundrnaster 4000D rotary mower, 2 Toro Reelmaster 5300D fairway mowers, 2 Toro Reelmaster 5400D fairway mower, Toro Sandpro 5000, Toro 4 wd Workman 4200 utility vehicle, Toro 2 Wd Workman 3200 utilility vehicle, Toro Multipro self propelled 160 gal turf sprayer - like new; Toro top dresser for Workman, Toro fairway and greens Verticut reels, Toro 1000 walk behind greens mower, Toro walking green aerator, 8 Club Car Carryall Turf 252 utility carts, Super Tilt single axle hydraulic dump trailer, John Deere Aercore 1500, John Deere TC 125 core collector, Vertidrain 7316, Vermeer 3 point hitch hydraulic tree spade, Falc 8 ft PTO roto tiller, Pittsburg 4 ft pto roto tiller, Scag 6 ft Zero Turn rotary mower, Scag 5 ft Zero Turn rotary mower, Cushman core harvester, Ditch With walk behind trencher, Lely tow- behind wheel driven spreader, Lil Bubba curb maker with Honda engine, E-Tec power broom, E Tec drift guard walking sprayer, Pro Seeda with top dresser, Utility bailers, 2 Little Wonder 8 hp walk behind blowers, Anderson fertlizer spreaders, 3 point hitch post hole auger, Brower ride on roller, Brouwer sod cutter, GradeMaker leveler, John Deere scraper blade, irrigation parts, Kubota 8 hp water pump, Honda water pump, Echo back pack blower, Bergal B40 blower, Redmax back pack blower, Redmax reciprocator, Echo power pruner, Echo chainsaws, Kawasaki weed eaters, Lawn boy lawn mowers, hand tools, ball washers, benches, ALL EQUIPMENT IS IN GOOD CONDITION. REASON FOR SALE - PROPERTY IS SOLD NO RESERVES, NO BUYERS PREMIUM, ALL SALES FINAL TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE, VISA, MASTERCARD OWNER & AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY DAY OF SALE SULLIVAN AUCTIONEERS Plainfield 613 477 2082 www. sullivanauctions.com

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