Director from Oakville who noted that all communities, Oakville And the movie is helping ignite that dia- not being excluded, are subject to forms of logue, says Saltzman, who noted that he prejudice. "Prejudice... is still being fostered in varhas received ample "remarkable" feedback from educators and students alike. "We ious parts of our community, and it's not encourage others to change, but change something to be taken lightly," said begins with our own attitudes and our own Invidiata. "Prejudice is ignorance and it can lead to beliefs and prejudices. So Moving Beyond Prejudice is our outreach initiative to get fear and hatred. We are not immune to it." Invidiata's daughter, Shae, who helped the educational DVD packages into project manage the schools." "Prejudice... is still being Oakville screening, is By using prom as a proud to see Freeman vehicle to portray preju- fostered in various parts of come to Oakville to help dice to a younger audi- our community and it's not spread "Paul and ence, Saltzman always something to be taken Patricia's vision to tell had the intention to have lightly." about this injustice." the film connect directly Shae noted: "[Since] with a younger demo- Chris Invidiata Paul and Patricia are graphic who "have less of Event organizer from Oakville, and we are an investment in their from Oakville, we prejudice." "We made this film so that hopefully thought it would be amazing for Oakville to people would come out of the movie the- be a part of the whole experience. "This documentary is important to me, atre... or their classroom, and think for a moment about their own attitudes and merely because this is reality... about segrebeliefs and their own prejudices," said gation of whites and blacks in 2008," said Saltzman, who moved to Oakville five years Shae. "This is an injustice." ago after being raised in Toronto. To purchase tickets for the Prom Night To Saltzman, in one shape or form, every person holds some degree of prejudice, even in Mississippi screening in Toronto, go online to though it might not be racial. This sentiment was echoed by Invidiata, or call 905-901-1200. 33 · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, November 6, 2009 Continued from page 30 a r p ro ud are prou d t o p re s en t .. . ou res e nt . . e n & SO ! ILLE A KV KS O N THA UT DO L T The True North the OTMH Candlelight Ball A New Tw is t! N ew w s t Ne w Twi st ! e We a re p l ea se t o p ar tner wi t h f a e d We are please d to pa rt ne r with fa m ed C a n ad i a n c h e fs re e as ed ase a r tn e w it n ad fs M ic hael Bonacini & Mark McEwan to he lp us de ve lo p a c h ae l Bo n ac in i M ar k M c Ew a n t o h el p u s d ev el o a el B o a ci n e c ar E wa w e eve o ne-of-a-kind c u l i na r y ex pe ri en c e d o n't miss o ut on n e- of - a- k i n d culinary e xp e r ie nc e - o f- a n ar experien a xp en n ' mi ss u t o n m is s s t h ex cl us iv e op po r tu t y! th i s exclusive oppo rt u n i ty ! e xc lu s v o p p o xc u y Saturday November 7, 2009 Net ro ed Net proceeds from this year's Candlel ht Ba wil Net proceeds from this year's Candle ight Ball will e th year's Candlelight a ea and e benefit the Diagnost c Imaging Department at OTMH benefit the Diagnostic Imaging Department at OTMH en ene t the Diagnostic ag ng Department h ag n epa men TM 6:30pm at the Burlington Convention Centre for more information please visit