www.oakvillebeaver.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, February 5, 2010 · 38 Office/ Administration HARDSOFT SYSTEMS Limited requires the talents of an experienced Receptionist who enjoys a challenging work environment. The successful applicant will be computer literate, excellent communication skills (written/ oral) and organizational skills are re q u i re d . P l e a s e e m a i l resume to: careers@hardsoft.ca fax: 905-632-3536. HR RECRUITER to place Technical Personnel. Full-Time, flex hours. Commission income. Ideal f o r H R P ro f e s s i o n a l a s second career. Resume: bdelottinville@ trans-united.net P/T RECEPTIONIST for Hair Transplant Clinic. Must be flexible. Email resume: htresume@ hotmail.com P/T RECEPTIONIST needed for dealership. Eveni n g s / S a t u rd a y ' s , 1 0 - 1 5 h o u r s / w e e k . $ 1 0 / h r. Email resume: sales@ burlingtonhyundai.ca Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Flooring & Carpeting WINTER SPECIAL! Hardwood flooring installations. Call for estimate. www.firstline renovations.blogspot.com 905-630-2438 The Advertising department at the Hamilton Spectator currently has a full time opening for a A Division of Metroland West Media Group Ltd. Small Business Account Executive Handy Person IS YOUR to do list out of control. Make one call for all your home needs. Call Bills Handyman Services Interiors -Electrical -Plumbi n g - A p p l i a n c e R e p a i r. Licensed/Insured Business 416-271-6362 VERY AFFORDABLE Painting, Crown Moulding, Flooring, Drywall, Tiling, H o u s e C l e a n i n g , Ya r d Wo r k , A t t i c I n s u l a t i o n . Ritchie 905-281-9350 416-795-1814 If interested apply IN WRITING to the Human Resources Department by February 13, 2010. in the Retail advertising area.This position will manage a Small Business list and will report to the Director, Advertising Sales. Applicants must be self-starters and exceptionally goal-oriented as the focus of this position is on developing new revenue opportunities. · Be comfortable making cold sales calls · Be a motivated professional with superior customer sales and service skills · Be able to work cooperatively in a team environment · Develop strong business relationships with advertisers to build business opportunities · Have the ability to provide clients with creative advertising solutions · Be well organized and able to meet daily deadlines · Have excellent communication and presentation skills · Possess strong interpersonal skills for presentations, negotiations and problem resolution Domestic Help Available EUROPEAN LADY excellent quality cleaning service available. Good rates. Please call Maria 905-849-9549. Birth Obituaries PITCHER, Diane J. Peacefully on January 5th, 2010 Diane J. Pitcher passed away with family by her side. She will be sadly missed by her daughter Wendy Weldrick and her son Craig Weldrick. She is survived by her sister-in-laws Peggy Pitcher and Lynda Pitcher, nephews Glen Pitcher (wife Eda Conte-Pitcher), Daniel Pitcher and Greig Pitcher (wife Crystal Pitcher), nieces Judith Pitcher, Debbie Clermont (husband Dan Clermont) and Patricia Graham (husband Kevin Graham). Great Aunt t o K y l e , M i c h e l l e , J e n n i f e r, C o n n o r, D a n a J o r d a n , Te a g a n a n d K e n n e d y. Cherished friend to Rod & Nicole Hopkins. Surrogate Grandmother to Christopher and Jordan Hopkins. Diane requested her body be donated t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f To r o n t o f o r anatomical study and medical research. A memorial ser vice will be held at the University of Toronto, St James Cemetery & Crematorium. Date will be announced in the near future. The family wishes to thank the Hopkins family, the Valde family, the Bickram family and the Fernandes family for their love and support. Also to the doctors and staff at OTMH. Special thanks to Diane's nurse Donna Arthur. Diane's strength, zest for life, sense of humor and passion for golf will be remembered by all who knew her. H A N S F O R D , Te r r y - O n T h u r s d a y, February 4, 2010 at Mt. Nemo Christian Nursing Home, Burlington. Terry's personality confirmed that he loved life and he loved people. During the war he served in the RAF as a flight engineer and in 1947 at the age of 21 he and Betty were married. Early in l952 Terry and Betty sailed to Canada to take up a new life away from the ravages of war torn Britain. Oakville b e c a m e t h e i r d e s t i n a t i o n a n d Te r r y found a new career in Real Estate. He loved it. He gave his time to the Oakville Real Estate Board, eventually becoming President. Terry also loved playing Bridge and he received his Life Master Certificate in 1978. He is surv i v e d b y h i s w i f e B e t t y, s o n s , J e f f (Ann), Philip and Peter, seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. These were the loves of his life. He had not an ounce of malice in his soul. F u n e r a l S e r v i c e 1 : 0 0 p m M o n d a y, February 8, 2010 at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of K e r r, 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 - 2 6 0 0 ) , O a k v i l l e . I f desired donations may be made to the Mt. Nemo Christian Nursing Home, R. R. #2, Milton, ON L79 2X6 Email condolences may be made through www.koprivataylor.com The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. The Hamilton Spectator The successful candidate will: Human Resources Department 44 Frid Street Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3G3 Fax: (905) 526-9211 email: specjobs@thespec.com We thank you for your interest but only those candidates receiving an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies, please. Plumbing LICENSED PLUMBER semi retired available, bathroom installations, roughin's, washer, dryer, fridge, hookups, taps repaired, replaced etc. Quality work, honest & reliable. Phone Stephen 905-630-2527. Big brother Will is proud to announce the birth of his little sister Addison (Addy) Addison Elizabeth Anne May 18, 2009 6lbs 7.5ozs 21inches Born to Bill and Allyson Dodge Grandparents James, Shirley, Jean-Anne, Jim, Bill & Ann and cousins Elisa, Andrew, Michael, Luke, Christina, Meghan and Colena are excited to have another little one around Sales Opportunities LOOKING TO Start a New Career! LYM is seeking an experienced and motivated Sales Executive for Outdoor Advertising within the US market Base + Commission jobs@lightyearmedia.com Waste Removal THE JUNK Truck. Cleans up your garage, basement, yard. Whatever you don't want anymore. Pricing includes all labour and disposal costs. Call Denise 905-702-3795. Engagement NEW & USED VEHICLE SALES Insurance CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Power could save you up to $400 on car insur a n c e . C a l l 1-866-473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Additional discounts available. 2 Exciting Positions 1 Day Only Executive Sales & Customer Service $40,000 to $80,000 Plus + For one day only Gorrud's Auto Group, Milton's largest new and used vehicle group is hiring for two exciting positions. For the right candidate, we are offering a great compensation plan, plus bonuses and benefits. If you are working in sales now, stop and ask yourself 4 simple questions 1. Am I excited about where I work? 2. Am I being paid fairly for my effort? 3. Are they giving me the support, training and respect I deserve? 4. Do I really see a future where I am working now? If the answer to any of these questions are "No" and you are currently in Automotive sales now, this is the day you have been waiting for. Call now and make a real change for the better! If you have no automotive experience, but have a proven background in appliance sales, electronic sales, clothing sales, real-estate sales or insurance, this is a great opportunity to take your career to the next level! Also training experienced sales people to be Assistant Managers We are looking to add one new professional to our established sales team. Successful candidates will be well presented self-starters, preferably with previous automotive sales or retail experience. Complete product and sales training, along with management support, will be provided to those who wish to join a company with 49 years of success. DETAILER / LOT ATTENDANT Due to a promotion, we are looking for a new & used vehicle Detailer / Lot Attendant. This is an ideal entry level position for a diligent individual looking to grow with the company. P r ev i o u s r u s t p r o o f i n g a n d p o l i s h i n g experience a definite asset. If you wish to start a rewarding career & become part of our team, please send your resume to: **BEST IN town Polish cleaning Ladies. "Spick & Span". Immaculate work. Reasonable rates. References. 289-895-9278, 905-741-7881. cleaning_one@yahoo.com Moving & Storage GOING TO Move? Call Move Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas, 905-847-0178. Congratulations Kristyne & Kent! BROWN-MOORE Reid & Dianne Brown of Burlington and Roger & Anne Moore of Markham are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Kristyne Brown and son Kent Moore. Wedding to take place September, 2010 in Oakville, Ontario. Jeff Hewitt, General Sales Manager (905) 845-7575 jhewitt@glenleven.com EUROPEAN CLEANING L a d y. E x p e r i e n c e d a n d MAXX MOVERS. Profesg o o d r e f e r e n c e s . C a l l sional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. 905-331-3138. Local/ long distance. From EXPERIENCED CLEAN- $62/ hour. 416-823-9705 ING ladies available for flexible arranged cleaning MOVING? CALL now for schedules to clean your free estimate Uncle Steve house, apartment, condo Moves so you don't have 416-779-0471 too! 905-876-6837 EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN house cleaner seeking work in Mississauga, Oakville, Milton. Organic p ro d u c t s u s e d . M a g g i e 905-785-0926 EXPERIENCED, HOUSEKEEPER, reliable, available for Oakville/ Burlington, residential cleaning. References. Karen/ Lynne 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 - 0 0 6 4 ; 905-580-0108. Please leave message. I WILL make your house sparkling clean! Experienced. Reliable. Honest. References. Dorothy 647-868-1517 In Memoriam Bryck, Judith Anne (Holsey) November 5, 1940 - February 6, 2006 If roses grow in Heaven, Lord Please, pick a bunch for us Place them in our Judy's arms And tell her they're from us Please tell her we love and miss her And when she turns to smile Place a kiss upon her cheek and Hold her for awhile Because remembering her is easy We do it every day But there is an ache within our hearts That will never go away We love and miss you, Steven & Brenda, Heidi & Dave, Jim & Louise, Heather, friends & relatives, grandchildren and great grandchildren. We will meet again, thank you Judy Love, Don INSIDE SALES Take our telephone orders from our national magazine advertising for our seniors health product. No outbound cold calling. Training provided but must have ability and desire to excel and be promoted. Positions available full-time, Monday-Friday. Good telephone voice, English and memory skills a must. PC Literate. Base salary and generous commissions lead to the above average earnings. Older individuals welcome. Forward resume and letter to: BIE HEALTH PRODUCTS #3-154 3350 Fairview, Burlington, ON L7N 3L5 Health Care/ Medical Health Care/ Medical Support Training Offered by Canada's #1 Sales Trainer Mr. Dean Sampano Limited space available! All candidates must be available February 8th from 9am to 4pm. All inquiries strictly confidential. Call for an interview today! Call Ariel Kormendy, General Sales Manager at (905) 875-5540 Call to Start Your New Career Today Medical Receptionist needed for a part-time position in busy plastic surgeon's practice. Medical office experience required. Please fax resume to MIRANDA'S CLEANING. Over 15 years experience in quality housekeeping and PHARMACY TECH (F/T, office cleaning. Reasonable P/T) in Oakville. No even- r a t e s . R e f e r e n c e s ings, no weekends. Fax available. Free estimates. 905-681-0371. resume to: 905-544-4686. 905-901-9643 M E D I C A L S E C R E TA RY re q u i re d f o r B u r l i n g t o n practice. Regular part-time (afternoons) but flexible. 905-333-1302. PA R T- T I M E D E N TA L A s s i s t a n t re q u i re d f o r growing Oakville office. Email resume: oakville.dentist@yahoo.ca Painting & RN REQUIRED for Hair Transplant clinic, 10 Decorating 12 days/ month, willing to train. Email resume: RIVER OAKS Painting 30 htresume@hotmail.com years experience of home painting in Oakville. Great rates. For references and a Domestic Help free estimate please call Available M a r k D u r i e (905) 257-3102. OFFICE/ HOUSE cleaning services by experienced LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER European Cleaning Lady. wanted. Daily cleaning, G o o d R e f e r e n c e s . bedmaking, laundry, orgaThursdays available. 905- nizing, assist with meal preparation and light cook847-9977. ing. Call 905-827-3215 RESIDENTIAL CLEANING Services- House, apar tment, office. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Call 905-469-7449, leave message.