Oakville Beaver, 21 Apr 2010, p. 8

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www.oakvillebeaver.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, April 21, 2010 · 8 Vision ­ To be the most livable town in Canada Celebrate Earth Day®'s 40th Anniversary with the Town of Oakville April 22, 2010 6­9 p.m. (workshops start at 7 p.m.) Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, South Atrium There's no better way to celebrate Earth Day in Oakville than by learning how to live greener every day! There's something for everyone: r :orkshoS on cooking local food with 1adine +Xghes of The &ook's &omSanion r Earth Day cake cXtting with 0ayor 5ob %Xrton r +andson demos of energyefficient technology and green gardening r DisSlays and information from several commXnity Sartners inclXding the Oakville +orticXltXral 6ociety +alton Enablers of 5enewable Energy and the Oakville 6Xstainable )ood 3artnershiS f SlXs raffle Sri]es and free giveaways of great green SrodXcts! &hildminding is available on site PLUS: Earth Day &anada's Eco$ction &alcXlator :orkshoS : Sm EsSecially for high school stXdents! /earn how this cool online tool can helS yoX take action to redXce yoXr environmental imSact and track yoXr resoXrce savings Earn volXnteer hoXrs for attending! 3lease 5693 by contacting environment#oakvilleca 6Sace is limited! EARTH DAY® is a registered trade-mark of Earth Day Canada (1991) Inc., used with the permission of Earth Day Canada (1991) Inc. Public open house notice April 28, 2­9 p.m. OE Banquet and Conference Centre, 2245 Speers Road, Oakville Town ,nitiated 6tXdy Power generation and cogeneration facilities Townwide )ile: 0embers of the SXblic are encoXraged to attend and Srovide inSXt at a SXblic oSen hoXse hosted by Slanning staff regarding the draft /and 8se 3olicy 6tXdy for Sower generation and cogeneration facilities The oSen hoXse will Srovide yoX with an oSSortXnity to become familiar with the intent content and imSlications of the stXdy as it aSSlies to the whole of the Town of Oakville &onsXltants to the town develoSed draft land Xse Solicies for Sower generation inclXding cogeneration facilities The SXrSose of the stXdy was to review the e[isting official Slan and ]oning controls and recommend changes where aSSroSriate The stXdy inclXdes information and recommendations relating to locational considerations Sotential imSacts other mXniciSal aSSroaches Solicy and regXlatory frameworks SroSosed definitions stXdy reTXirements and SroSosed official Slan and ]oning bylaw amendments Town Slanning staff are Sroceeding with a SXblic consXltation strategy to ensXre that town residents and stakeholders are informed and Srovided with amSle oSSortXnities to Srovide inSXt into the final draft The SXblic oSen hoXse is a droSin style event ,nformation Sanels will be on disSlay and staff will be available for TXestions of clarification $ short Sresentation will be given at Sm Sm and Sm The Sresentation will Srovide an overview of the draft Solicy and highlight key Soints for discXssion at XScoming workshoSs %ackgroXnd materials will be available for Sick XS as well as Sreregistration sign XS sheets for SarticiSation in XScoming workshoSs to be held in 0ay The SXblic may view Slanning docXments and backgroXnd material at the 3lanning 6ervices deSartment between : am and : Sm 0onday throXgh )riday or on the town's website at wwwoakvilleca as of $Sril 4Xestions or written sXbmissions may be directed to Diane &hilds 0anager of /ong 5ange 3lanning 3lanning 6ervices deSartment Town of Oakville 3O %o[ Trafalgar 5oad Oakville O1 /- $ e[t or dchilds#oakvilleca The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act and may form part of the public record which may be released to the public. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Records and Freedom of Information Officer at 905-815-6053. Dated at the Town of Oakville this th day of $Sril Notice of zoning by-law passing 3roSosed *eneral $mendments to =oning %ylaw as amended 1orth Oakville )ile: Take notice that Oakville &oXncil Sassed =oning %ylaw $mendment Xnder 6ection of the Planning Act, as amended on the th day of $Sril The SXrSose and effect of =oning %ylaw $mendment is to Sermit the following general hoXsekeeSing amendments to 1orth Oakville =oning %ylaw 1o : $mend the e[isting develoSment ED ]one Sertaining to certain lands on the east and west side of the fXtXre Third /ine north of DXndas 6t in order to allow stormwater management facilities as an additional Sermitted Xse $mend the ]oning as it Sertains to %XrnhamthorSe 5oad East to recogni]e an art gallery and art school on the SroSerty within e[isting bXildings and strXctXres ,ntrodXce a new ]oning Srovision related to blocks of land not TXalifying as /ots within Slans of sXbdivision These lands are also sXbMect to the following Slanning aSSlications: Town of Oakville file nXmbers: = = T = T = T and = T O0% case nXmbers: 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3/ and 3/ $ny aSSeals of the ]oning bylaw amendment mXst be filed with &athie %est Town &lerk Trafalgar 5oad 3 O %o[ Oakville O1 /- $ setting oXt the reasons for the aSSeal together with a certified cheTXe or money order in the amoXnt of Sayable to the 0inister of )inance $ coSy of the aSSeal form is available from the Ontario 0XniciSal %oard website at wwwombgovonca Only individXals corSorations and SXblic bodies may aSSeal a bylaw to the Ontario 0XniciSal %oard $ notice of aSSeal may not be filed by an XnincorSorated association or groXS +owever a notice of aSSeal may be filed in the name of an individXal who is a member of the association or the groXS on its behalf 1o Serson or SXblic body shall be added as a Sarty to the hearing of the aSSeal Xnless before the bylaw was Sassed the Serson or SXblic body made oral sXbmissions at a SXblic meeting or written sXbmissions to the Town of Oakville &oXncil or in the oSinion of the Ontario 0XniciSal %oard there are reasonable groXnds to add the Serson or SXblic body as a Sarty $ coSy of the =oning %ylaw $mendment is available for review at the Town of Oakville 3lanning 6ervices deSartment 0onday to )riday : am to : Sm ,nTXiries may be directed to &harles 0c&onnell 0anager &Xrrent 3lanning and 8rban Design 3lanning 6ervices deSartment at e[t or cmcconnell#oakvilleca The personal information accompanying your submission is being collected under the authority of the Planning Act and may form part of the public record which may be released to the public. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Records and Freedom of Information Officer at 905-815-6053. /ast date for aSSeal: 0ay

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