Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1901, p. 2

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The Red Witchi # I Ji T svKor ri!r.<'i;i'is<; HlAPTKKS A lov.-in' <|Urrel tak- place between Const untiu'H cousin onna im.i lord Varies- While es- iranne<l tney marry, l.ord Vurley u till ol beautiful character. l>onna, kr. 1 Hindus. The old love awakes uid ConnUntia wilnokscH n tomln li. r which she rebukcB her Sim |in three suitors. is wusin. Rtrones. who has proposed on-t . ir-ectctl. turret Hurry iuil Feather- rton . CHA.-VKH XX All K.id.i.-iiiy. in Uio muba ol ,ladrM>s, , %r% i,.n..c,.t hut - (^quetry t,.,.k |,O^.-H.- ion .ongo IMUI p..ken blond forxook her fuco, all within her. She knew .. Mini.! liiMiiicl hud told her thht her roitsln WIIM the au- thor ol this note Shi- knew, too thul FeatUcrston whom she had in, as in her luith, wan flllBC. " She forgol that i-l>c ought to upeak, * Hy degrees her thoughts traveled back to her first entry to-night into this Ill-omened house, and after u while (the recalled her meeting with n-ivi-.l 7 SI:.- dTldMotBi-.tsg.r his manner, at nil tt^ n fl '' ^ ' "" w " rt forbidden her to speak to to that other save in a whisper ? She wns her. SI n. hn.I known her her, but the ss* thftt lfr he kd not other had. cd deadly Ml.nt. because he had for- * gotten all, but to nor. th for . "You do BO< M-.-uk." cried he ye- w liwu^O*. "iJvo >ou no <*<** for ei" me T Tlonna ! l>.,u,,a ' Th.ijjL what of uuicty is .mine, whilst- I - t .. ; "Oh ' ' liuerrupted he. ro- she had uol be dec->v'l words s> the heaven, nwoke within her \i .lii-w Strong.- II'- imcl oiiKri her disK'iirf, though not kuon-u him , he could "Oh ! lovers' sec " \\nn he, then. line ran through aro kharp to n.-r in a whiter, ^Tud the rVbe >""! nli/..m; at this moment through all Menhuccestf.il Sli<-. too. would dis- her borrow, thu wrong don- to linn rulse her voice , It seemed to her. j| n letting him further spe*^- Oo - ' ind.-ed. a much eaaior tbinf. In h.-r t-ntrct you !" sharo to resent confusion, to tpcak to j i u her ogitulion khe had poker **__ t reatherston in a fashlun thuh bub-l a loud. and, a.i her clear, , girln sh,, bron< tha lued, than to fcivo her voke to Ins voice. *<Ui it mwi<:il Iris iriViclsta. She lull, too, an aliu si nr^.s. reached his ear, 50 unK_ nldiKli dcMii- Ui bailie him lor , a trainaiiU) lire-cuts he h.id nfjsMsel to norucnt or two, to dally with the hear, he fell buck, a step tappinew Ihul had uow biirely Cfin.' ji^hust, uuJ all his self-possession ner . 'diverted him, ami uo blared at her "Sir I" she whispeiod. drnwinj; blankly dumb. >sck a hlUe. and pretending iguor- His extreme defeat touched moe. 'sttuitia and made her strong. She It U too lute for folly of that laid her hund upon the wall near h-r rt." he baid with ill-suppressed ve- to steady herself, and slowly wiili- Htnicnce. 'You know me, a* well as drew the musk from her fne*. lie I know you. And though for an jMile. young, prelty face. Kud In i the true lover had loved her at all ? .... had not 1 'M . he had proved him- basc and false false to the heart's core ! How was It ? Has he gone ? Was very violent love to you T inr.iKine it," cried a gay at her elbow a voice consuro- with laughter. "Did he comport hiiti.telf properly. Did lie do It niro- ly ? 1 hope for once in bis life starch wax out of him " Constaniia sturU-'l -<n She lurned slowly around. Donna's eyes gleaming at her ihrou-h h'-r ma*k. "tfr poor man, why do TOO t "Tryfn' drown in* troub.e*." "Weil, but do you lUccn-dT" "No. Ail n' troutlei are p*rt swlnmre U .e s BhiunelesHly uimbas!d. ' ml*. She . , BhiuneesHy uimas. Con- kour you have skilfully avoided roc. pallor, and HUrMMMM, uu< stant'la with h.-r own face uncovei- ,H now I have found you. 1 will be tempt, looked btraight at J rf rP _. rdeU hl . r Wlt h a wonder that eard. though you have flouted, a beauty he had been a little Ueaci Bnould havc frornw t her. had she icorned me," he said, "yet now that to, in the past. ^ no*M*mt4 of feeling The nirl I an with you, I forgive you all." "A mistake like this she said n i mo st too angry to speuk The not to be remeUu;il Word, would be w ^ , Com.tantl* could not speak. Mi she ought to speak, yet taHtiuct held her dumb. She sonm . "You are silent." cried he, coming astray, tlowr to her-HO close that hi. very tenUon ireath lifted the itoft hair on her wasted on It I regret that ! my mlfortune to lead you keen | ndl .f nil ,|on had dried the op her cheekB and she stood , before her adversary, with her but- 1 was Innocent though every liinb was !" She looked at him whh ' t in anxiety You must -No "she said slowly. ' It was to you do not that." Uie said. ! ,^ g^njg t o you a married wo- you do not gj,, had given him. unconsciously. n , Ar( _|,, uttered vows of love, he ad- fid himself ded my pnwence : you do not gj,, had given him. unconsciously. n , Ar( _|,, uttered vows of love, he ad- my in-isistcnt determination t j we to reco ver. To find himself j rc>He( , wordn that could be regarded and upeak with you at all mistaken in the object of his rievo- M i Il8U nl nK to you !" even at the chance of rous- t| OI)i to know that ears unmeant had ..j| oo< j Connie, recollect your- ..j| y goo< j Connie, recollect Mrs. Dundas your- airily. ..i 'You urc Kfndemn my pnwence Icusure lo lind kazar'ln even at the chance of rous- t| OI)i to know that ears unmeant had tng your displeasure. Yet how cruel listened to his sentimental raving", . rou can be ! I fancied fooliBhly tnjs j n |( M lf was enough to unsettle ."] truth, tin- whole truth, and no- Ithout rrasou. if you will that j or t hc instaut the reason of any or- t |,i n g but the truth for m*. It wa loroetlmes those beautiful eyee of dj n i r y man ; but that it should U> t( , you those flowery vows were prof- rours gave me encouragement. Was Constantla who had boon the reclp- (, rc ^ j to you thofce Insultlnu tvord that mo ? Or am 1 now to be told j |1Ilt of his love-confldcncea, poured worc ai j o n . fle ! Oh. Connie, who that love like mine hus com too f ur th for another, was a vile ufrgra- wou | d have believed it of you ! Oh. late that it is forbidden ?' vation of the horror thut such n bit- C.<mtantta rondu a "tep forward. uu t( ((Il wa bound to hold. Ho Mid held out her hand lo him He- n , ithcd beneath it. but during the Ma* in grief in trouble. What did p au . so thut ensued upon recovery me. Do not touch me." Tier Irish blood was now aflame, arid her tall, supple, \iiuii liBUre, drawn to Its fullest h".(.ht, shook with the in- i-i.-ity of h:r emotion "Trltres! " she said between her teeth. "1 would not have treated a dog as you have treated me." She raised her right arm wilh an Imperious gesture as If to forbid lioi.nu's approach, und utill holding it uplifted, turned away aud walked quickly towards the house. 1'onna looked after her. "She is a little savage now." she said half aloud, "but Hhc will be a superb woman. She c;in have the world at her ft-t if s-hc will, but she will spoil her chances, und all her good times, by hor absurd moral- ity I" Shi-, too, left the moonlit parapet and stepped lightly towards the near hubt-rry Again the airi'ised smile curveh her lips, her eyes shon-.- gey- ly . she saw some one who had evi- dently been waiting for her daring her interview wilh Conslantia. and she waved her hand to him. As she drew closer he ;-unte to meet her It was Lord Vur' (To lie Continued). LIFE AJUEDEH, THE CONDITION OF MB. OAJU DINER, SMITH'S FALLS. P |j really now, you know, the line ghould be "drawn somewhere." Constantia made a vehement pc- a p au . so tut ensue upon recov tur( , "Say what you like," he tt all mean 7 How had Mie hurt Bn( { ln ,. tum- U took Constsntia to B ,. |I||I( | > -^ Wl || u- without grace or form nnd give voice to her protest g O dlines." for- (,c pulled himself together In a mea- "You are angry." suggested Don- Buro . and now tried to throw a na m ildly. and apparently with sur- j uun ty a ( r | n to his speorli. prine. "Quelle betlne ! And with Unit cmme over him for the sudden "Not so much a mistake, us a good niu wno have perhaps done you the of triumph that bi ightenrd his j o ke." he said, acting the hypocrite, t ull- tint ? "Why Khould youi love be klddco ?" he murmured voftly. She Buro . an now re o hardly prepared for the change j uun ty a ( r | n to his speorli. dden " turn you will ever get. In- o e. e sa, acng e yoc, fo^ turn you w ever ge. n- tt mu st be confessed, with but u poor g rtt ijt u de dwells with silly Kirls like rountenanro "What ! Kid you think you Have 1 not, then, opened your j ,|,,j not know 7 That I could not eyel 7" neaa." he cre, rom you o me BW , tti0 difference between you and Not forbidden not I You permit me you ,. cousin * Could you not gueM 7 then, to love you 7 There was more You were always a little wanting In khan 1 dared believe in that little the finer shades of humor, my dear o-niht." ld tyee and raised his figure lo its full- H height. "Do you know what such words he cried, "from you lo me 7 BW , tti0 difference between you and -f wnat 7" coldly. -TO t he fact thut Mr. Strong*, if n trifle depressing. Is worth a million e ner saes o , O f ,| ir m oct foKcinatlng hyp. you sent me to-night." Connie, but yet I believed you would a |i v e ; and of such loot, If I mis- A meaeafe !" repeated Countontla have mm through my absurd pro- take not. is our smooth friend ialutly. toiitatlons of affection for Mrs Pun- Fcntherxton It IM Rcarrely worth "Do not iVny It I will have ie da . d'ray do not betray uie to wh lle trying to arrange matters for ivaalons from your lips now. Thul her She would never forgive me !) y,,u. you are so remarkably dense. iweet message. Mte I it lies upon my x being with a soul .sprightly as why. ypu absurd child, can't you see keart. It has lain there ever since. y ,, ur , s huld have road through any that It was by my will and pleasure that one little word about the black dis|ruiu<:, through any " " a he was betrayed into thinking tl-e inni our IIIIIB wi#iu auwwb v. - UIH^UIUV. uirouprii uny ne was r*-iravefi mi,u 111111*1.1* w> trosn upon your shoulder, that was i --Had you been able to read domino with the Maltose crot.ii mine. to distinguish you from Constaniia. through mine." said Con'tanlla cold- ]{ KBV me an unwelcome hint once, that told ine nil. It K.ve me hope ; (y -this scene would not have been." an d gych debts 1 always repay four- It even suggested lo me (forgive me. , !)<, you no t Btlll catch It ?" b- | ld." iweet) that you might Ui Jealous of Kall nc> W |th a daring assumption of -you wish mo to understand you four cousin " ; laughing surpriiie. Hut she stayed arc revengeful." said Conztaiilia. He still held the little wilted bit- nim Wlt h a glance. "That is a valuable knowledge I U let between his finger*, sod a wild I .. On ,.,,., t hi ,' " lorgtrtg to po.tecss. to leud It. seized HU) ,| on itiiiKt.ini..i pie, so scr to be. and by putting forth a hund foul. I gain It Yet sonir. honest In- rtlnct forbade her the art , with . Qh, ceu^e this deception I" she q u | c kly "It- Is unworthy of me what to expect from you In the future." "Let us prorogue Parliament," Raid Donna lightly "To speak to ,._ ._- favor go I" you In your present mood would be Shi npoke with vigor, though in n to own mywclf as foolish as you. low voice. II* i-ecognlzcd tho power you are bent on vlti_fylnn ru In n pci*ere, in n-uu n. M uiil quKkiy IT IS unworiny i untiu U would bo BO iui- w |,at j onoe thought you I No I Not easy . whovt-r he believed another word If you would do me i. It wan not Oastantta, onn lullt favor Ho I" cart bruised, and btuedlng, and in- tuited. nhe still remembered "No- !< oblige." "I sent you BO message." he said. controlling herself bravely. 'Aro you afraid of me (hat you Kill pn-slst 7" exclaimed hn PHgerly ''Can you not tmst me ? You think erkaps. that this note will betray m ? You do not know me " <1 not, however. o>troy the note her preitence as another man might done "I'onna I my 1>eautifl, y beloved one I believe In me." The srirl stood motlonletu. The lliws; W*W* i i * 11 w^rp^BKi i 111,1 (.1 l il VSBBJPSJ .. - v -- v of it, and tiirnml abruptly away. The your own mind, so that nrgumeut shadows caught and hid htm, and would be useless. Yet 1 persist In with a nigh of passionate- relief, she Haying I am without fault in tho af- f.ui.k once again upon tho stone seat fair " of the parapet. "Does treachery, then, not count ? .Tieachery. not only to your guest*. CHAPTKH XXI | but to one of your own blood ; your Nlie did not exculpate tho lu-io tn kinswoman. Was It nothing to the sorry affair, and blacken beyond clothe mo like yourself that I might ... . . . _s ii.it.., . .... i .ill I . t sw1 ti '1*. \ I M t'^H WOMAN'S SH1UT WAIST. ! The tucked shirt wnit is. and will continue to be a pronounced favorite. The very pretty model, given li made of pule blue challu- with Htrips of white and is of just the correct weight for cool days, but Saxony and French flannels, silk cashmere, albatross and all sofl waist mater- ials are appropriate. Thn original is made over the fitted lining that ilt.seo at Ihe centre front, bul heavy maturialM can bo made unlined if preferred. To cut this waist for a woman of medium sir* HJ yards of material lil inches wide. 8J yards a? Inches wide. 3 yards Hi! inches wide, or 2} yards I-U inches wide will be required. HEADS WORLD'S PAY BOLL. He Spent Miserable Days Sleepless Nights Hands, F1 and Limbs Stiff and Swollen. From UM llccord. Smith'* KaU% | Ont. : "There i wonderful talk about Dr. I Williams' Fink Pills, why don' yoi try them 7" These words were addressed to tu, Andrew Oardiner. of Smith 1 * KJ1*\ by a iriend when he wan In th depths of despondency regarding his physical comtitloii For three years he had sufiered so much that li* had become a burden to him aril of'^ntiniea he says, he almost wished that he might die. Then h apeo* miserable days and sleepless might*. now he ls enjoying Ule Then his feet hands and limbs were stlfl and swollen un<J he was tormented with a constant stinging, creepy senna-Uon in his body which gave luiu no rest day or night . uow he ia as supplt MS ever he was. with the stiflneM. the swelling aud the creepy senaa- tion all gone. H<- attributen U all to the ue of Pr. Williame' Pinfc pills. Mr. Gardiner is a man of about M yi>ars. an old and highly respected resident of Smith's Falls. Ha\.n teard a good deal of talk about the improvement effected In his health by Pr Williams' Pink Pills th*- Record sent a reporter to ascertain the ex- act truth ani Mr Uardiner told him substantially what ia related above. He said that Iwr tried a number ol doctors as good doctors as then were in the country but got no re- lief. He was given to understand that the trouble was caused by bad circulation of the blood, but nothluK did him any good. He could not wrur boots h'in feet were so swollen. and when he tnd to walk his leg* . felt like sticks Finally he wa in- duced to gl* I'r Williams' Pink Pi! in a trial. He took six boxea. he said, but did not tee that he waft much b*tter. He determined to quit taking them but was prmuadcd to continue them for a little while long- er When he had taken ten boies h* was greatly improved and when he had taken twelve boxes he waa so well that he did not need any more It ia several months since he ho* tnkrn them and he ha* had no re- turn of the trouble. When the repor- ter saw him he was wearing not or- dinary boot*, aiid he said he eould get Into and out of a buggy a* well as any man of his years IB the eountrv. I>r Williams' Pink Pills are the friend of the weak and ailing. Thej surpass all other medicine* in their tonic, strengthening qualitl**. and make weak and despondent people briRht. active and healthy. Th* pills are aold by dealers In medicine. or '-I'll be had. pott paid, at AO cents per box, or six boxwi for $2 50, by addressing the Dr Williams' cine Co.. Brocivillo, Ont. ? To e , all recognition the siron who had led bo pained, humiliated him from safe harbors Into the mael- upon me gifts that should help to Strom of it IOTB that could only end my undoing ? Is your soul BO dead In destruction. If she condemned within you that you cannot compre- Donna. she scorned him ; and there heiid the shame I feel ' Have yot wnn no place in all her mind that no feeling 1 No t Stand back If You Have Asthma Bronchitis, or a Severe Cold on the Chest and Lung*, Doctors Will Point You to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine as the Most Effective Treatment. For erery HM of disease there is one medlduo which stands pre-eminent as bciug superior lo all others In the ease of Asthma Bronchltte. and all throat and luag ailments the recognited treatment Is Or. Chase's Hvrui of Un*d and Turpentine Doctors do not heslute to say Uiat whem. the patieat becomes fluahed and uraerated In his struggle for breath, wheeies loudly aud e^pi-rlmce* intent* agony in his chest and lungs terete o preparation available th*t will give such prompt wnd Ihoro-igh Hf * IT Chase's Syrup of I,l- sf" Uesrg? BudnB Putnawvllle, Oat., says: '1 f*el It J outy lo reooniwrnd r>i i/hae' Syrup of i IBB.. <1 sB-1 Turpentine as I had the Asthma very bad; could get nothing to do me ay good A friend of V VWarsuMled me to try this remedy, as he had tried It, and It proxed successful I tried ti snd It cured "/ f^,., ibankful to-day to say I am a well woin tferough tb uw of thii rmdy. I kr*p It in the bouse Ji ike Ue LBI would not be wtthoat It " i* ( bass's Byrtip Unseed amd Turpitle ta so well kswn ID the hel vf Cnada t.hal it seems uans- ., Til * -^4 terther rainmesit. but a word of warning may be needed There are wlhtr preparations el M**rui tmt tmeatlne Imltatloas of Dr Chase's. Be suis the portrait u,i Big-nature of l>i A W. Chase ,. n the WtU / b 7 Twes)ty>ve reats a bottle; laeals* sU. three ttwes as Hues. Oc All * O*., Tre*te, President Schwab, of the Steel Trust, Biggest Bailroad Man. President Schwab's milary from the Stel Trust, as compare! with some othTH, usually considered generous an>onrs like this PreHident C. M Schwab faaS.OOO Viceroy of Ireland 100,000 '.lean d Remke. tenor lOO.tXXt President of New York I ifo 100.000 President Mutu.-xl 1 !' 100.0OO President Kquitable Mf ... 100.0OO President Havemeyer. of the Sugar Trust 75.00O Archdeacon of Canterbury.. 7S.OOO Vlo-roy of India 72.000 ivMilent Citllawoy. of Am- erican Locomotive Co Governor-ticnernl of Cuimda 50,000 President of th* Unit.-d States ftO.OOO Proldent Casatt. of IV-nn- s>lv.inia Railroad .V).(XX Archbishop of York 50.0OO Lord HtRh Chancellor of l-.iiKlund AO.tiOO Lord Chief Justice of Kng~ liind 40.i>00 4 !MI>b<i (facetiously^ 'Thin is n picture of my wife's first hi(*un<l JJobbs : " Grout snakvs ! What a biulnl* idiot! But I didn't know your wife was married before she 'met you." Ulbbs: "Rho WOMI'I That in a picture of sjiynelf *t the ag ot THE ACTOR SCOHEl) Some years ago an actor now fa- mous made his first appearance o tin- t-tage In a town where the thea- tre-floors were accustomed to suak< their disapproval felt wl.cu on en tertulner did r\ot succeed iu pleu.*n| i them. II.- was young and nervous, an f:iil.d (li.snuilly in the part he Wai , endeavor iivg t.> iir.-x-nt, and woi found him^'lf KH- tarR.-t for an u* *n unent of missiles. When the uproar was at !(! hlgh< one of hit. disgusted auditors fluii| -a cahbaR.'-li'-iid t\t him A i. It'll 'i . tin- >t.i(f.- th.- iii-tor picked it up HIU (stepped forward to the foot-light He raised his hand to coiuimiml m lence. and 'lieu his tormentors) p*u* ed to h.-ai *hat lie bal to say, e- clnini.-d. pointing to the < ubboge heixd : to plouw you with my artiiiK. but conNw thut 1 dWl not ex|KH;t thu ,,. in the audienre wouW Ivis lii-iii! c\-r It He wa-.- iillowrU to pi-oc*el wit>' out further uu>K*;t;<tion "If you are n bail boy," ^"J ' ' father, "you will turn pupu> hul giey from SOITOW. 'Whnt i naii^Vity boy you tnunt ha# bu.' r.iuai-hed the son, gaitng at lik granilnta's whitened lock*. MIKSKS SAILOR WAIST. 12 to 16 Years. The shirt waist with sailor collar ind shield of contrasting color is. inJ wi.l be, a favorite for young (iris, both for school and afternoon rear. For the school the materials shoscn ore cheviot, linun. madras. lannel. caahmere ie like: for tho more fancy waisls silk of simple torts, embroidered and plaia cash- joro in li{ht colors. Tho model hown is suilcd lo both uses and all the fabrics mentioned, but in the original it is oi moire louisine silk, showing lines and dots of blue on while, with trimming o/ blue velvet ribbon, and shield, tie and cuffs of white banded with blue. To cut this waist for a girl ' fourteen years of age. 3| yards of Sozodont Good for Bsul TeetH Tfot Bad for Good TetU * . 2.St Sozodont Tooth Powder 25c Lirft Liquid nd Powder 75c 11 ALL & RUCKEL. Montreal "I- ' 25c. OEMA TRADE DEPHESSIOIT Caused ty Mad Speculation in Electrical Shares. lbsUi< FBTJTT GROWING UNDER SNOW. Heaps of Cranberries on CaiuuU'* Fro ten Barrens. It ia a curious fact in nature that many of her products arrive at pre- i-i.an-nce where Uiey have their se- verest struggle for existence. Just whore the season is barely lung euusgh to ripen wheat where the the Rammer, untouched by is never more tnuti 'wo hard grain which. produces the finest (lour ia. gruwu. for instance And it i.-, wl-.i' frost, months long, in northeastern Canada that the low-buah cranoerry Is at its very beat. The great swamps near the height of land, where thousands of bushels of acid berri.-.-* ripen every year, are all unknown to com- merce. Quite secluded, far away from roads, nourishing no fauna of any kind, known only to a few hunters ann explorers, the socalled economy of nature becomes an empty dream OUrLtfrn VO<* r?* ui wVj^o, I J " ~ * material 21 inches wide. 2| yards 37 In the face of tlw immonse wn of inches wide, at yards 3ii inches wide, or 1| >arda 44 inches wide will be required, with | yard for shield, stock collar. Ud und cull*, and one piece of velvet ribbon to trim as il- lustrated. CAN AD A ^T PAEI8. AN ECHO OF THE GREAT EX- POSITION OF 1900. acres of good fruit, often three or four inches de*p. which has been go- ing on for centuries Tho writer haa pushed away the snow in midwinter an thut ho might thrust his hand down to the bed moss, and brine; then up laden with fruit, which though frozen was still very acceptable to one travelling I light with fat pork and hard-tack biscuit for an unwavering diet. Once in August a sack wns filled with fine berrie* in twenty miaui.es. uud from all appearances thousands more might have been filled without de- pleting the supply. One swamp, tho most southerly of prolific, chain, was visited tni.i year French Canadians, who carried out to where canoe route, a few score- of Mr. J. O. Jardine, Canada's Com- missioner, Tells an Interesting Story of the Splendid Results _ .^....^ , Obtained by the Use o< a Cana- D y K 7n"enterpi-"ising"band'''of dian Remedy. ' con Toronto. Dec. a (Special) The was _ great World's Exposition held in bushels, which they peddled PBJ-L-J last year saw Try many vis*- th , out si.lrts of Montreal early in tors from all parts of tbo glooe as- lhe season for 18 cents a quart embled in tlie gay French capital, .double the price ordinary cranberries Canada was- woll represented, both ugu^ny bring as an exhibitor among the nation* , Having realized what appeared to and as a visitor, many of ow t>oat, them a little fortune, four young people having attended |men of the party went back to the The interests of the Dominion were swamp in September with the inten- looked after by a very capable nud tion ot picking aij tha fruit tli.-v Intelligent company of patriotic fan- could. and storing It la a shanty adian, among whom one of the i^ nf WBre to build. There they wore Host conspicuous- was Mr. J S CryiWf lhi-> city. Mr. Jardfno'i Uoinmlssioncr entailed a a year ago Germany cclubsnting the must UHMBSSSBx coBiiiiL-rcisJ IH.TIOU la t u i ths empii% The Uerun lioersc- Wu.f crowded. - Bankers and broker* grew risk, bougfct line IIOUSCH, horsun, mf yachts, aad .tulurged tneir offices. tTryonu Wus buying eleclnc .nhoica. which *ra accoptod as cniiateraJ by ths LMIHI banks as security for leans UMi cov.-r fur inveKliuent. Tho mar- ket was oieclricity cra/y. Special electrical eVpartinuuts wero addud lo the leadifiK bunks, and ever>body ' was i:.ierf-,t.-a m the gilt-dgad ' -shares. Incidentally rinifs of brokers roai'.-il ncii harvests by manipulat- \mf the usarkeC. Kleclrical eompan- lew spiaim' up on all sides, anil it. ui cauipul.rd that at nne liuie Ihe valuo . ol" ' cl.-i trie bhares was lolull.il at \ $U.'i.O'KJ,OC)O The new cleclrical ' concerns asiiered splendid plants from the) United >>lo.les paying double for speedy delivery. The boom in elec- tricity boetniMi other trades. Iron aad coal *onl up. Steel went up. L'oppur. lead, crude gum. cotlon, and all things used in aluclrical fixtures wen I up, and dealers ia thorn made money Skilled labor also w.-nt up. Then came the slump. lnnu-.tn.il ronc.-rns all over tin- country beiran telling Ins tale of bad trade and di- minishing profits. Now business throughout n...rmanjr is practically dead. Th l!.i<-rse u liaif di-serted and bankers and brok- nrs have little or nolbing to du. All ov*r the Country workmen are bo- ing discharged, ju.st us the winter is upon them. RETC KITING THK COMPLIMKNT. In London art circles a story is be- ins; told about ljjaou r'lujicu p.unt.-r and an eqnalty faniotn French phv^*ciau Tho pamtor is a great lover of dogs, and the other aay his invoriio St. Uernard bocanie sick olid speedily ijrew M> weak that Lis master deter- uun.-d to save his IUe at any cost, soul for the famous physician, feel- isjej conndcnl thut be could curu him tthi-n the physician arrived and lei red what was wanlud oi him he seamed at lirst literally petriUud at the thought that anyone could have. Ihe .luilucity to ask him to proscribe for a dog. but ho quickly recovered his composure- and examined tin- ani- mal tu cari'iully as though he were a human pati>-nt Then ho prescribed it. inedu-iuu, and, taking his hat. was st-out to go .ivvny. whon the painter ,(.4>n>adud "politely asked him what his fee LUDELLA CEYLON TEA anUknowi lhai it is reJUblf, ssxf a'wiv* invariable in flavor. H will trtt . .you i if you ask him Lead P.eka?w. 35. 30. 4O, 60 >ad -i SWEET ORANGES Tho Dawson Commission If ui PotMon lo Mil :n car lou <;uuu A box of iweet Sonora Orange for %i 50. Special prices IP tots of 5 or more boxes. We hav 150, 176, loo, ii6mnd 150 liies. Co.. Limited, Toronto. Sti-piuoihor (cntorinfr village >chool In the lost 13 years 23 areas as wnh a whip) "My boy tolls mo you large as tho United Kingdom have broke your cane across uis buck yu- , boen added to our Empire. U-rdny!" (,urn in* p.u. , sQZODOHT for ths TEETH 25 Schoolmaster "Well, I I may nave atruck harder than I intended, but Stepmother "I thought I'd make you a present oi this winy. You'll find it'll lat longer and iti> him more dr'ak. Rood 1 " aro in England and Scotland 1JJ.75J premises licensed to sell almost to death by th.'ir ; Jardine intro- neying on foot without shelter at n ight in the inclement weather lately esteemed uud popular experienced. It i* probabfe that th.'< the Canadian Cooiu-.iH- will not meddle again wilh the cran- the berries of the northeast wilderness. lliipui.t. the Secrotary of lion, who wus feeling under veather, with the very happiest i- Mlts to that gentleman. Hy heal inn and xtimittatiruf tho kidneys. Dodd's Ki-lnoy Fills prove .b.-*iliiti'ly the vr-ry best tonic known to medical science to-<lay. und both * or sfr .Tardino and Mr 1'upuis were irently pleujud to find wn fair n many Lhln great VERY INTKLLKCTDAL. The wife of the business man had homo all day and w.is ui. \ioiis liitlo news. "You're down town every day anii that t>''ir havo a chance to se.- ivople and en- country, so distlnfraMhed Kaso in conversations." she nuid. re- other ways, waa through, prouchfully. ."wuilo I am shut up tonic remedy earning in horn in th house wilh no chsaice to Kuro|io a glorious reputation in meet anybotly " medical lines. "Hut I go down lown lo w..rk he Very few Canadians arc aware of protested. tho world wide reputation of Dodd's "Yes, but you can't help s.-,-ini{ Kidney PilU and many who ha\o somvbody vo i Lnow iin-l .-x. hannini; keen abroad ^-em .nirpris'^d n r . being 1 views and getting tho benefit of in- lo purchase- I holr favori'e nv-.!!- tellectual contact. The benHH :in almost anywhere in the clvlliz- be iiii|>..'i-i .-ptiblo nt th- 1 luoiu.-nt. but id world. BED RAIN IN ALPS. It .v .; Help to Show Movements. Glacier it cmsts. Now, I <Uro say you didn't K'^ t" your oflU-o Ih.s inoni- uui boi'oro you met somebody." "That's a fart; I tm-t Mi-., Uniks She must havo read about nouic bargain* that shB apparently wnnt- i-d I don't se' what else eou!<I ha^c broui{ht her out so early " "And, of course." she Went on, List March a curious phenomenon ra* olwerved in the eastern Mjw. It wo.-* called tho "blood rain." becuuso changed a few wonl-i 1 *" triumphantly, "you mul abovo the snow levels there were so- voral falls of a red slivt or snow. The cause of thi.i hat tvit b.vn f&clurily explained, but no.l i.,.- . . OW to be mail'! of it It ap|>ears th.if, owing to tho fall of this blood raia tho layer of snow which no-uiu- ulatisl I.L>' u'n'i'1 has bocn il<- ' by i rwldish liiif Th.< w.ll be usi-d as nil aid to thr inquiry into t,h-- pro- of l i . -i men win) in th.> i|'i.w ion hav 'That's . f.ict. we iliiT' SI,.- -; 1 Howdy do. Mr. Si. And was lhat nil"" "Kvery word. I m.-t llr.-.-f.-r. th.> lawyer, just as r was arc i lrii{ to f.illen snow r.tlorcd, in or.l -r An. I wli.i* ilid h" R.iy?" "He said. 'How aro you?' and I s.ii.l. 'IKnv iiru you"' t.> him." "Ai you suro thai wan all?" iJiMi^ sure. Hu was in a hurry 1,1 ili,- :,.! 1 also wa-s in a hurry. I>uriii< lh diiy a few '> tt' x t t me. that il may bi possible t.i :isnrl.iiii b'li. I h.nl 'k -u i>nl.-rs that I was Ih" :'.;->l nice whi. h ' .- of a I n mt i ,.-. -. -r in .v >,c i . t i ii!is-i-\<- i!' .' anil bend which it iinil .-(,; - ."i'l In >ui- .ilcvat .irtd wiiat hnp|x?ns In n. in }<> - i-r\.-vssses. ire-fal 1 ; 'ii-l the like V\, .. his ti> be <1 >ii" nw dnrino; lhi % i--i:nuijj yi-iirs ami <l -.-.i.l.~. M t> watch at tlio erfvass*! and ^'e wh<rf the on! -rop oi ti -r is. and eitpecjiUly in what relation it s 'to tho bluo coloritiH of Uut glaciers. One of the most difficult questions in the theory of glaciers will. It Is hop- ed. Uivu be solved. not. i . I. ! - >irl>.-tl A man can't work ami lx- .s,i.-i.ib!.> l II. same Vs I i . .-ouiing home I iu>-t Oi c.i'ir.s--, v m . IM ',- I 'No, wo didn't chat. He said, Hall. LI, I'Yink.' and I sai.l. 'Halloa, .tun.' mul that'-, all lh"ii- .is (n it. Hon*-stly. Sell. 1 must say 1 think you overestimate Hit- importance ot this 'intellectual contact' idea. Out of 1,61* ponple troatod for hydrophobia in Paris last year, anl? 4 died. In the year 18HO the London r|>-ar- tng house cli>arel S.T'.M millions oi pounds In 18OH thin .1 i.,.iin! had increased to 8,'.)7 millions. A Well-Known Toronto Traveller Cured of Catarrh After Eight Years' Suffering. JAPANESE CATARRH CURE CURES. Mr. R K. ITe-niOK.thwll known ndpopu remn ropre-on ur t - ( h.wi V <>rk ii.cef. !.. MeatreaLorlM r- b^ou * ' oaumr wuflTer^r f.-om ami 'T< I 4 w.rfc. . tk* i T Brorao-Qn.aina la on d7 No . un. No faf- Prto* U ccata, In In-hind only 744 per million of the inhabit ants are condemned to I'liiii.sliini'iit in * year, while In Scot- land the average is 3,815. ror Over rmj Ts Wnratcw Soran> ST>r k ! for ikr cUiinm vkil* ifUB -llr (UOM. ft! ? pm Mad r.,,r ntu.ra > (.ch uid > u ill, aJ tk4 Lra rav^r tar UtyMK t=i, ! o*mu m koul. I4. B. BM ^J STr r UlJ 4: iIHU Jlr ctm O> VWI Mk Icr - Mu. w iiiu.iiw Sautaun S In th.; last 27 years the rental val- ii<> of London land and buildings wa< increased by 21.0OO.OOO. 12 mil- liona of which increase Is duo Ui buililing. ' jLinimsnt for sale ewyiben Su|>|>simr tha wnoiw aopulakisn ol _ await the Croats, when. a >., m lardine. of 305 Crawford street, t he ground and water were frozen. Jardfro'.i duties as thl .| r comrades wero to make their way to them wiih teams, by way of amount of hard work which made t j,a lakeM and streams. rrat demands on his- physical j But the early snow, which aetlled luulth and strength. j n deeply around their camp on Oct. He is authonly for the statemont 13 has prevented the frost from that ho found Dodd's Kidney 1'illa, reaching the ground : streams aru ih.it best known of Canadian modi- ,tiii opn. and ths poor fellows have lines, invaluable as a toulc during been driven by hunger to abandon Iheae trying times. Ho says. 'They their enterprise. They hnvn now eh..vo backache Instantly and ton* reached their homes in d.-sper ; ti i l)n - ip the system generally aa nothing dilion. half s..r\.-.l a nJ weakened ilso seems- to do " While in I 1 in Ur luced Dodd's Kidney 1'ilN to Tho physician replied. blamlly. thai be did not cum to charge any- thing for such a trilling service, but, as tha painter lunisted, he said, quietly. "Woll. if you arc dstsrmisjflt to re- munerate me. 1 will tell you how you can very easily do mo a favor 1 haw ju.st plox-ed smno nr railing around my new country villa, and I would bo rxciitlinifly obli^od to you if you would pninl it for me." THE TWO GAITS. "How can you slant! t'io slow life of a small town?" oh, it's a matter of taste, like driving: soin men liki to ride so fast they can't HIV anything otricrs like to dawdle along and enjoy the view." FxciteU Gentleman "Why don't you interfere to slop thai di>K-li|rhl?" Hoy "I wns juat going to. sir; but you can caliu your tVars nuw. &ly dog is on top at last, sir." ycr-. wV h brmmc w. r em-h wlotBT IB pi<>( h .ttB-1redof ilnlinr* I *PBOI wilt 1 eurrh t,cikin.^ m ar rim-J. which BBiT ff rBud u-uipornr r nef . tried JBP'. -'-n Brrh tur. atto.it * jair MO. .l inc.- |M<. .*mV"n " ' r " r -r UIB. A r m i t^ Be"" I rB ommde<J I o B fr-n1 im., r r ! < B<-U< Bd BB u o w compirtely i-ar*il .'lo. 1 c hinnlir rocun .neml i .r~ n uoub od llh lhl OB aBOO! ln Ss> j"TpnBB CBHTh I'atB rBiiBVBB cold IB IBB h. ..! la UBB miaalB. and U -b Iu Biy (OBraa trU U) curB u>y ca*e f .-otivrrh of tLu noB or th ojt. iMl By -n Brui-t. Hrlre. * c B - A fr wn.p B will o Bt lo Buy p-r a tr..ubil i'h t-B rrh. KBC.O i nl ' P At.. -. T:IB liritnihn Bii.l MBcphan^s l >. L-uM-d. l-l CaurcafU. Turooto. IIonekepcr ' Half the thins* ?ou ws,sh are torn to pieces." Wancr- wouian "Yes. mum: bul when a thing is torn in two or n "ie pieces, mum. 1 only charge for u.em aji one piocot mum." Minify'. Llnlnientflelictssrlenfalgia "Father." said the I i tile boy. "what doe* 'credulous dupe' inoanT" "My son. it means a man who leaves his umbrella at home because the weather prediction ia 'fair.' Bew*r or Olntmnt3 for Catwrll that contain Mercury nrBlr dB-troy the nB ot tanros from one another all over ths ltin<l surface of Great Britain, each would bo 85 yrds from his next neighbors. Minatfs Linimeni Cures Oandralf, need a soil of clay and loom tiuht packed about their roots. Or* unc"' trees and strawberries like al most^procisirly similar soils. Palms, on the other hand will not grow well in clay but must have <tand ami lo w p. c. TM M JT POPULAH TOOT tke tiih tr*nsth*ni Ik* ( ni UM fenata. pr-<-rp lorn, r-om rpuublt i.hicim. u !h Sm.iith.-j wi I do it. f M f,th 7 r>od rou ",n SeIWvi1ertvBffoinf.hem. H I " irrh maBWtur*! bf K J. Cben.y * <_o.. To- > oo"t*in no tnrcu-j. nnd U t*kBB In n-in . wsss MrtMSs of the -yi.in. H. r'. Cutirrb Car. b. nn you nt Jh _ nu l k'B int*riU y.Mid mJ In n IB* I- Ohio, by f. 'B . J. CBBBBJ * Co. i br Drnsit. P'io" Tie per bottle. Hat!'. Vam.ly PU1 " MB best. Ths prison population of Italy i, compared to population, three times as grout a.** Britain's. We believe MINAIID'S l J INIMK.>fT Is the best. Matthias Koley. Oil City. Ont. Joseph Snow. Norway. Me Hex K O Anu-itrontf. Multfrave. N. S. Chii.*. Whooten. Mulgruve. V s Tierre Landry. sour.. Pokernouche. N. H Thomas Wasson. Shfffleld. N. U. "Whi'ii you gut your Krix-.-rii-s, to- day, suid tlin butihi-r to hid wife, "don't go to thai little grocer nexl door to uiy shop." 'Why not?" h demanded. lat iiuso he si-nl in yea- ti-nlay and borrowed uu old pair of my scui.-^ " OZOOONT Tooth Powder 250 Cladv-i "J',-m>lil i-i li-lluirt all around that you arc worth your weight in gold " Kthci- Tlip fool- ish boy 1 Who is lit- U-lliiiK it to?" . -"HU cn-ditors. d<-ar." T . A CH W . J.k Uii BrBio QuiBlBB TMel A I ?Sf . t ,%Vnd I..B OH,n.r If H f-ul. W ~J.. B. Orore-n lniuM U as SBOB o. Me. Of 30.1''.'l pat. -lit ^ aptilied for In Cn-at Urita-in and Ireland in 1396, _18 were not allow ' Mlnard's Liniment Cares Burns, etc, Tn 1H50 Orcftt. Britain produced 11 800 tons of copper a year. This has now fallen to 1.500 tons a. yoar TMf MOST NUTRITIOUS. Brass Band .o f-umntB. Drum*. (Jr>,form ttc EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Ixiwod pt IOBB BTBT auoiod. PUs <-tlBgaB 900illau-- 1 -a*. m.UI'.l trf. Writ* a* fr Bar WfifjlLBf R9YC8 & CO., Limited, Toroats. Oak. Bad WlnaipBf . Maa Dominion Lln Steamshipa bSSBt tof UelMM<M-iif> S^OBBB *Bd n aaitiiklpk f>lo(l MUBtlm k ton M t* ttrtmt kloB Md Tkir4-ClMI mu illil. PB. M W> SBSI EPPS'S GRATEFUL -OOMroRTINQ. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER- In 1S79 I p.-rson in each 7. 105 curried, bv Uril uli railways was killi-l Ii !-<'' i'nly 1 ia every 1^8. - .J.">. CLEANING ~ LADIES'... 7SST CBB b. d.n. irf *ly bf oar PTBBOB PMOBIB. Try i% S-iriSM MUSIC**. OTSIM OS. O.XTHKXL. TOBoirro. OTTAWA QCTCDBO CHAPPED HANDS. Rub with CILEAOINE Before retir- ing Two or throe applications will our* the worst oass. Larg boxes 25o Druggists, or Cilea- dlne Co., Toronto. 'Ooo & PHOTO t NOR AVJNC, , J L JONEb fUC 0? ^ O IO ADtl&IDl VVv lORONrO- | The Important 1 Consideration ;; to thBiBBo or woman wilh tlapu*it m-oouat Is tha necurlty of l lio mony depomiad. If tbedBeoBlt t with Canada's Premier Company S 1 iU *A/*-tf i ivnjtynii qan^noB. ^ BMwnilBry i aiwldorai .on i- t.!ioritB of lejkBreet IB* devselte* receive* Thim BlBOTory Bltrfta Ira. AU . nfurm >ti'm ohaerfttily *B-| PTOIII..I . ,- . mpilo I TNE CANADA PERMANENT and WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Toronto Street. TORONTO n t n M n i i t n t n !-K .

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