Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1901, p. 3

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DECEMBER 121901 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE DECEMBER 12, 1901 MARKOALE ,iWtVwWN.^V.W.^^ F. T. HILL & CO. | MARKDALE To mat. hoppers Not a bit too early to makr your selection of a CHRISTMAS GIFT. We have left nothing undone in perfecting our assortment of suitable and serviceable articles so that all who wish may participate in Christmas Gift-Giving at a very insignificant outlay. Take a glance over the following list there's sure to be something you'll want to give to somebody, and nowhere else will you find such an elegant assort- ment at such reasonable prices. Ladie*' and Children'* Handkerchief*. Ladie.' Kid Glove* L*die*' Kid Mitten* Lftdiea' Far Oaratlet* Ladies' Cloth Jacket* Ladies' Fur Jacket* Ladies' Fur Oapt Ladi**' Caperiue* Ladie*' Wool Hood* Ladie*' Wool Shawl* 1-ula-s 1 Wool Wrap* Nuts. Extracts. Raisins. Men'* and Boys' Over- Coat* Lsdie*' Clotk Cape* !,.:' Underskirt* Fancy 1. nen Tableoorer* Table Napkin* Oounterpaoe* Wool blanket* Cashmere and Wool Hose LadW Cloth Suiting* Men - aad Boys' Suit* Men's and Hvf'i Reefer* Men'aaiMl Boy*' Uuder- XmasTte* Xmas Collars. Xnm* Siwprodtmi XmasBoarf* XSM* Handkerekief* Mcu'a and Boy*' Skirt* Men', and Boy*' Sweater* Cellar and Caff Button* Men's Kid Glares: Men'* and Hoy a' L*g|{ini(i Candies. Candied Peels Currants. New Teas. Lemons. Icing Sugar Figs. New Coffees. Me*'* and Women'* Fin* Shoe* Men a * Wo' Slipper* Boy*' * Girl*' line Shoe* Men'** Wo*. Orerakoa. Bobber* all knsda Children'* Cardigan* Window Shade* Lao* Curtain* Carpet* Linoleum* Fancy GUeawar* Oranges. Seasoning. Spicea. In ao far a* you find it pnetible Ileaa* Shop in th* FORENOON until the Chn.tma* raah is over. From 8 to 10 o'clock is the bewt time in point* of comfort atteoboei. T. C. Dill * Co. | markdak. I Importing Retailers M^WMMM-WMMMM^^ 1 The Eugenia Waterpowers Eugenia people are at the pn-ent i i ,iiii-iii fueling exceedingly aom o\ er the impossibility of developing th* *(!, mini witer power there. It seem* to IM- sn inheritance by which none can l--n,-ti. The main power i* controlled by Mr. Hogg of Toronto and that gentleman refuicH to ell at any reasonable figure, in fact hi* term* aro utterly prohibitiTe. Durii j im i>aat lumnier mmeof the Eugenia cni.'na have Iwen endeavoring to interest enpital in their wtlerpowers, and in fact *iiiveod- in doing so, to the extent that negotia- tion were entered into with the owner of tho property, and we are informs , (hat >tn offer of ten thousand dollan w;.- made fur the mme, and rrfnwtl. The pi i.-e d* ina-idd was ao much beyond all reason that nexo'utioii* ceased at ooco I this connection we have been handod tli fol- lowinit li-lti-r which.ipeaks f-,r itself : U, /' W. Triton, Eugoiia, Ot DEAR Si* : Roforring to your f . -i of July ."ii li. I ri-viri that the owners of thu Kullnai Kui-Hiiin hold their pmp-jrty HO high, an no one with the necaamry capital will uke hold of the projoct, at tho Ajure . which Mr. Hopg sks for ni* p r oprty. I mie no chance for development of the |Hwer by the parties who,n I rupruarnl -,i Itat Miniim-r, and very much doubt your being ablu to interaat any one under thu lh-) |,ri--iit conditions. A powi-r plunt t , ,1. vi-l ,|, a larye amount of power could lie l'ii It for about one-dlf tho amount which i-. naked ny Mr. H<>Kg for the water power undeveloped. Should you l- able at ai.iiii! future time to report thu own-jr* i ,f Mi- water ritfhtn as lining more ivavm- able in thi-ir idaua. I think Bomo'tung cuulil i- done in the way of organizing a [iwi-r i-oinpany todovel->p th* resources of your t,,wn, but tho priue of $400.000 asked by Mr Hogg will prvvent any fut- ure r niHidenxtion of the n>.-li*iiin by "iir l.-o(i|... I'lease. accept my thanks fur your cnurt*y and your uffirta to bring about SUOOHM in that diri*i-ti,,n. Your* vnry truly, A T TROOP. Niagara Falls, N. Y.. Nov.ltf. i01. K'Hir liniidre-l tlioiianii-l dollar* ! lienrly hilf a niillon. A ilnnati I of lhi km In cnrtniiily i-nmi-'h tu iaa|H-mU> uny IHT win of progrmviive mini ur who HMetMMh the Kcinal value of .ho prop- erty, and even to quea'jon the owmtr'v nanity ill nxkln^ such sn utterly ri-li, -nlous price. All hopa of nnl..i',K iho falla |iower u now at n nd an 1 the Kuirenia ite inny be vxcn-ed if they indulge in in,, re forcible iban elegant. i i iei < on-ii nnd work* off I Iir 4'.lil r.nini>.(^iiliiln Tahlut" rnrdaonll in ininilay. NoOurs, No Pay. Prlo.Uo.nU. For Stock Breeders Ottawa, Ceo. 4,1001. T,. Ik- Klilor, In (lie f.u m n.; -in 1 i ui,- ; i,ii : <-,iiintry of \V,.Hlnrn Crtiiiili ihero i,- nuny Inrgo .- i,l, IKT IH uml H *k,aonj of thorn con- t lini-i-r ** miuir na 10,000 t , I .MKHIh-ml. i'i (inpor y ,-f onu mill "i arm Th,-r i!i i in in) Htmlfl, IHM I* I fl,irk* of i .1 i t I i. 'XI In-ill In 1,-r i,, im 'in I in liin mi the n'l.i' \ of ili, -i k i I-IIH ii,-cnHjnry for tin- rtwr.erx to Mv |i'iii- bro-l wtortinj mnle, an I ii,iii v< K few FemtleH. llen-l-i full , I<M 'I'n-r ,,f (lies- have b.-.-n bouffht from Amerioan* ; many other* hare b*rn purchased in Oreat Britian. Not nenrly a* many pare- bred malee are purchased annually aa *hould be, because isncher* i have found it dtttcult to obtain what they want at a price at which they eonaider it 1 would pay them to buy. Many, therefore, are now uning range-bred tirade male*. In Manitolia, Ontario. Quebec and the maritime province* ala- 1, more pure-bred aire* ahould be uaed than are *t preaent. In order to enable the rancher* and ot her buyara lo more readily obtain what they want, and bo briu buyer and idler di rect lytoget her thu Dominion Department of Agriculture decided to iaaue a directory of the Cm, ii, linn breeder* of purebred alock in ritch province, arranxed alpha- betically, giviaK suitable data oonoerning each stud, herd, and flock. Circu'ara weie sent >-ut to all tho broeders in C*n- ada whuae names Could be obtiined and tlio-M who f tiled t,i reply received a sec- ond circular. Finally th*t no one who deairuU t i li.ive hia name and data concern - lux bi* nt,< -k piiblislu-il in the directory uiiijlit be nvi i 'ookr<l. it WAN nnnoiinctsl in the loariii-x H^>icullur<l and weekly jour- nala that a dii ivt"ry was beinn prepared, and that I > . invited to nen<l full inforiuation i-,-^ -,lnn{ the breeds kept by them Thin n, formal KM waa coin- pili-.l in the form of i\ bullotin which con- tain* tho imiiioa nnd >uHresM>*ii of all Cana- dian breeder* uf pur<> bred wtock as far aa theaecnultl I HI obtmn.-d.anda directory of the stock for aale us f,irni*lied by each A copy of tbi< btilleti'i ni.iy IHJ hud on apli- oatiou lo. F. \V. HUDSON, Lire stock couimunionur. Department of As< [culture, Ottawa. Farrn to Kent Trade or <Ulr to aalt or t I. .bout > - aere (arm elea* o FTrabau>. <l farm )H>UM .ad b*ru and youn orch.r.l. WuaM < chanca lor a lar** larm aad pay "(Ter.no.. Aayoae latoreatod plwua corrnpou., iib It MKLUhCM, Vri Flesberton Furniture Ularerooms. Xmas Goods We are carrying the newt-t iiyle* of seasonable good* in all Imn of Furniture, ounaiaMn-.' uf : I'rlor and bedroom sinu. IIUIII<TVS, fiilflMiarila, eitmiaion .,! i-iitr,- talilw, chairs, window .!, ,.i. , nnd curtain [>!.-n, piorure, , i-.-i-. eto., Which we ,,rt, > ,t LOWK5T PRICES. Picture Kiniiiii.u an) li Uiirini;. I'mlertHkiii.- branches. Satixfac'ion - W. H. Bunt, . . I" t' (> (I |> |l 4' <> (I <> (> |l ,-nenl lie < I in ill its ( I (> Prop. <> Appropriate Hints To Xmas Purchasers, Xmas millinery at fialf Price From now until Xmas we shall sell any of our Trimmed Hats at exactly half regular price .and make a substantial reduction in all lines of Ready-to-wear Hate. . JCmas Present* Just what to give at this season is sometimes hard to decide we offer you a few hints and sugges- tions which will accommodate themselves to all pocket books everything mentioned is quite appropriate for the season, and whether a low or high priced article is chosen you are equally sure of its being excellent value. Aatrachan Jacket. from fffi.OO to $40.00 Ladies' Caperine* from f 4 73 to 117.60 L*diea' GaantUta from 11 i 94 Chiidrvn'* llw from 26 cent* New Grocery At Lailios and Oentlumen, old and young, rich and |><>or. w* one* nioro Uke thu pliiiii- nf inviting you to our show loom* t'i :tiH|mi t our new and nnjiorted atock for I'.HU V,>u will find tlie. hti.ok full of useful anil mini-ting goods nuitnUli- for pruxuiits for nil IIJJ--B. Wu cnll your attention to our stuck of bHinlaleiuhs as being very ch,-n, fn.m 25c. up; carts and lT1>e UIMl rH 'K" e<l - n " v '"B "|K-iied in the waggons from 25.;. up; d.,lU from le. up; Ur .^ r y hu*ine in the rillag* of Max waiches from le. tip; a'so a lot of papt- t i-rei selling at III.-. A aplendiJ *tock of 1 ulii n' *nd gcnth' iir 'iHtiii; I-HW-S and com- , . pani.n, toyssnd uameeof all *orta, and] ' mw ""K " wai.t* of tho senrral kard game* of all kind*. We are |i well, the public will find with us a line of new HL , .-I I,--. n|' the beat quality on Ibo nmrkut. We have puruhaand with a view I u i ,, ,r tirely certain you cannot do better and in many CMHCH not MI *ull HI yon ran do h<r. We are always glutl to shuw y.-u what , hare ami do inir \ury Itott tor y-iu Conn- enrly wliiU thu ntoi:k is full. Any pur- li ,s, is i-nu be carefully put aw.iy until ,-n'Uvl for. Do not wait till tho gntiul rush at tlio Uat or you in ly he dian|>|Miint ed Wu nhtll hitvu ihu u^iuil oiHiitny of IWfeU, nil's. ,,t,.>^.-s, I-IM.III KMX) U'H. Thanking y--n for pnit fiivnrH, I am vonr* to ordur, W. R. IllCIIARIMON. Come i-ilry nnd fti-n pulilli-. Wu .ili, , beep on hand tho celebrated GLEN HURON FLOUR Our term* are : CASH OR TRADE We take all kinds of Kurin Produce in vli i ii..-i- for good*. When in the Tillage K n,- us nrall. R. Clubbing List. M- KINNFAR ft SO VS. Farm for Sale The Ad vanes snd iilulx!, willi pr miiiui* 9 1.80 * Mat I, with (iroiniums 1.80 l>mly N.-wn 2.10 Morninu World 3.00 M,nnr-il Star and premiumi. . .. 1.80| Yoiith' Oom|nnii-n (new) 2% T-nnti. Daily Star 2.30 j Frmet'H Sun 1.80' Ouardi.in .,,,...,,.... r/> M oon. 4 ArtntMU rnntnlnlrn ion anrn*. OOalearan, ,, I nii,1ur tnUlTatitw, r,'min.l,r In r,lrn.Kl,w,-ll wat(ir.,t^in(vl bull ling' and imaM orchard. A nan for iiniirtvolv Knr r-irih Bf*J*e.tM* apply to ALKX. HPSMY. Maxwell. YORKSHIRE BOAR For , ^^ Tvlce on lo ln, j,,i ,,,. vr. T. t 1 a. u Arti-inoil*, a thoroujdilirftH Torkhlr W Whit. boarsTsrun*!, A C H11N8, Prop NecU wear ldw*' Uoa Htmrfi from K cents to $1. Ladie*' Silk Ties from 25 cent* to 91.00 Gent'i Silk Muffler* from 80 cent* to 91 Silk or Baiic Tie* from cents U. M cent* HandKercHiefa Children's IViorr Handkerchief* from 3 cent* Ladie*' Linen Hemstitch H'dii'f* fri.m 6e. to 25 erU LatiitV Embroidered Handkerchief* frosa 5c. to 8ft cU. Ladie*' Fancy Silk Handkerchief from lOc. u> 60 cU. Gent'a Bilk Handkerchief* from 25 eei.U to M cent* G lo vea Children'* Fancy Q!U>M Irom aO cent* Iw.-li.-i> Fancy Wool Gloves from 20 cenU to S5 oral* i :.-ii(s' Lined Kid Glottal from 50 cents to 91.25 Ladiee' Kid Glove* from 75 cent* to 91-25 Xmas Novelties Embroidered Pillow Sham* from 50 cent* Bide Board Scarf* fr<> 25 cvnta tu 50 c-nt. Damaak Tray Coven from 25 cent* lo 60 contu Chenille Corera and CnrUina from 00 cent* to 18.50 Datnaak Table Napkin*, down from 90 eenta to 92.50 Fancy Wool 8hawl* from 50 cent* to 92.75. Konuy Sli,,p. rs, Fleer* lined from 91.00 l<> 91 50 Hardware Dep't Some Special Atractions In the basement we can offer you a more com- prehensive choice of tasteful and pretty articles for presents than ever everything new, and fresh, and bright. Some lovely goods Hanging I Amps, Table Lamps, Hall Lamps, ( Library tamps, Banquet tamps Prices from $1.00 to $5*00 Silverware Cruets, Butter Dishes,Pick le Dishes, Berry Bowls, Cake Dishes, S. Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives, C*H*ry Carver Setts, Carvers, Table Forks. Xmas China and Glassware. Fancy Moustacliri Cups from IVrtty Te Setts from New Pomdyo Si-tt.s .. Fancy Slmving Mugs Fancy Cream Pitchers Fancy Wedgftwood Ware Gilt and Colored (ilas*are Sells Fancy Fruit l>islieB Fancy Cups and Saucers Pretty Borry Selts 50 cts. lo 50 cts. .82.75 to $000. -v:- to $1.<M) 15 cts to 50 els .10 els lo 50 cts .25 cts to 60 cts ..40 els to $2 00. ..25 ctslo $1.25. . . 1 cts lo 50 els . $1.50 lo$2.60 Boyd,f)ickiinci i< Co. :i ' Xmas Opal Ware Very Handsome- torquoise blue on white ground- painted flowers and heavily j,'ilt Any Article 35o. including (Jluve l>>\es. Collar Jioxes, Candlesticks, Vases, Flower Holdci-s, Jewel lioxrs, F;i;icy I'lanues and IMn Trays. Anything and Everything yon need in Xmas Fruits and (Jnuvries all New Season's (ioods. imttwllst Morvtoa)undar 1 * a\ mA 7 p. tTK|lt*Ch C"p'y witk tliii reuaeet are kvabla to e^ijM* VIJ, k4e oo-u ^ j^,^, -<i|)d w A Lib. Vicinity Chips f tke *ille4 tr tkc on hand. I. H. Dr- meet next FARM FOR SALE Only $1800. |MO, baU*a ea*y term*, inleroat %, 100 acre*, 7* cleared -..<1 under cultiratii.ii, balano* half cedar waaap and half nuxe<i bardvood. C.-m- furtabl frame dwellmp, fraate poet bam, half mle fruai food wlnnl aoJ S mil R. t fresh Urn* always Ihickett, Eugenia. Born On Sunday, Dec. Hth. to and Mm. K. C. Murray, a dMbUr The muruc4>'l eouaeils will Monday to wind op tke year** Mr. Will KicUardaoo, who aaa apent 'lie BUSMBCr at KrapUHV r*tTW*d ko* <>n Meaday. Tke DiHtnct Le** uuai srta ..f the Methodvt oiiurch will he held m M*rk ilal* OH Jan S3. Theekillyday* an mam a. OaB at Claytoa'a and get COM gnod warm fmt- wrar. Wnntcd at one* Two carload* good (xiUtoe* for which the higha* caah price iil he paid. W. J. Soiyth, rie-hert.m. Teach* r wanted Seeood claaa, CJB.8. NII. 1, Eaphnuia a-l Arientrau, for r.J2. Apply t.i A. CAKBITBB**, 8rc., KuRenk P. U. If yon bar* unt got ymir winter bnota, >!ioea, rubber* and ovenknea, we haf I hen all ready, go-id aad cheap. Where T < ' lay ton'a uf eutirse. The teajchera and pupil* f 8. 8. N<. 9, "I i tin* naii. will h<4d ibeir annual enter- tainment Friday erining. Dee. SUtb. Admiasioa 10 ceiiU. Eugenia Metbodiat Sabbath *ekool will b"l<i their annual tee-meeting and utertaiuoient OD Friday evrwiag. Doc. 80. A Rood nine u xpUd. 8* bill* for particular*. M05IT TO Lot* At *i to 4{ per eent. Kxp*nwa* low. Alan a namber f im- proved and unimproved fanua for aale cheap. Apply to Ow. Rutherford, Skel- tturne, or Dundali often Saturday after- uuon. XMAH Ooow To* will and earda, toy bo.ka, doll*, riolina, autoharpa,*j*ea, work boiea, collar biai, album* and a larx* anely, jiut rijjht for Chriatmaa inewnU.all chtap fur caah at the Medical Hall. Heahert.m. T. McArthur had Allan Whittaker up Iwfore Magiatrat* VanDuceii and Keev* McTarinh oue day latt week on a chariie i>f having *tolu a |.-.-r of initti. Whit- taker acknowledged t .king the aaitta but Ma plea wa* druakennee*. A* the law doe* not rrongniie thin aa an eicuar. he wai fined $2 and cuctM, areoanunc in all to about ten dollar*. Durglara entered i!<-> hardware ature of llo yd, Uickliiig * C Saturday night and vnt away with a change which had bi A box containing a 1 nilrer wa* overloo otfectrd through a wi houae aad a door |-i ; opm. Th Ian left beliistd them t haaimer atamped (' P. R. ' Not h n- ra uiiwing except the suiall aaiouat hanxe mentioned. Warm footwear ;i thi* aeaton of the year la <,uito in > ' We hare the kind* th.-it will au u. Wooieii'* f<lt slippers, hoary fell v>t, quite fancy and comfurtable, OOe. ".T pair. Chi Mr en's and Miawe* anme i|u.ility, 3oe. and 40c. Women'* fell I .- bo >l, Winiel 1 2S - . fur m) per pair at CUy- OBM of the SMWt interest ig evenu uf m asaexMi took pUee at Ceyloej on Tue*- day eveoiny whew, Mia* Jennie Cairn*, daughter of Mr. Jo*. Cairna, wa* united in nurria*;* to Capt. D. D. McLaughlin of Olu*>a>i{, theoereoMxiy bew perfmmed by Rev. J. Matlieaon <4 Pricoville, aa uated by R*- ' !* Wilaoo of Fleu- erton in tke pre*euc of about 126 guxeta. The bride looked ry pretty in a drew of white bmcad* eat in tuervilleuz tuinin-<l wuh white tilk appliqoe I ehiffon ribbom, and earned a beauUfal VwHujuet <A white r<j*XML She al*o wnre tke time boamrW and -ry hoenaimf bridal *eil, el "f with rn*e* ac*d fen.t in her hair. The brMleamaid, Miaa Bell* McLawhlin. aiatr of tke i{r .io, wore pink trimnie-( with cream, applique aad silk ohitf. ,n. and alao carried niaea Tke irroucji wa* aa- ted by Mr. George) Cain**, brother of tke bride, an.l Master Lloyd Bean of DurkaMH. After the ceremony tke mi crow* ipieeu partook ef a *mauiDceaii upper prepared by tke kuetaas, tke del icaow* heiiig pl*>tiful and ncii. Tke bride'* preaenU were numcmuaand enatly, and tkia i* ia thi* inatance no aerwo typed phraea. becaoae we believe without ex eepttoai we ne*r saw *u many reautifal preeent* on any oeoaatun of a like nature. Aiuotig tbeae were tw-i |60 billa fr>m the bride'* father. We noticed aaaoao; the gut-eta preaent Dr. Jamieana), M. P., llurtvao. ; Dr. Mutton and Mr* Button, Durhajn,~Counfy Coaainiamouer McArthur, PnceTille ; Councillor J. B yl. Fleiher Ion, and many othr prominent men. The bride and groom are immerwly popular and tkt* waa certainly entphati cally teatined U> by the auiaber who wi*h d tken joy aad 2' M '*P* e< J throagh the joarney of life, and among them The Ad- ranee lagUd tu join in hearty good wiahe*. We believe it i tno intention of tke young couple to reside in Markdale for a time. Tbe bode wa* alao the recipient of addrea* from her Sabbath achnol ekt with which ahe haa been eoimecbed for ome /cart, aa veil as beiiif enrryetic in other church work, where ahe will be miaaed. We will publuh the addnnaarit week. $350 in amall i left in the till. it bft>*ea diJIan in -. Entranoa wa* .low in the awl oil Kil W at Proton Station. Ul Friday morning last *n ' trai* 1 from Owen Sound was entering the I*rntii Station yard it ran into and ii> tantl* kille<l an olilm.innan 'I Krmler'ck Mil--*, a reaident of r/rulon Si .ti..u. who wa* 84 year* of a^e and very tleaf d.-af, bu wilV aaya, that he r .m.' not bt<ar the whiatle blow. He waa w*lkrii( fro u the atreet crowinix to the oi.itu u, only a matter of a few rod*. People* who a hia danuer thouted tu him. i In- t-uuineer blew the whiatle loudly, tul the old niai could not hear an- i theec^ i-e -ixickhuu fracturing the akull and l.n-:kin j one lev The victim, tliouith > old, U- < . . . ayouni wife and several chihlren.tht- y<> nigeat whoa* i* only four yearn - f .!.: Dr Bibby of ihi place, eovmy -romr, wa* called and i*eati|(>ted the .1 : r hut d- ciiled that it waa not Dec'-!-- :y tu hull an uiqueat and exoneralu^ tin.- railw from all bUiue. per pair. lined, leather f.' . FREE SAMI".E3. e Thowwnd Frrr Hamplr per pair Women's felt leather trimmed, lon't. Rev. C. O. Johnxt.m .-f Toronto will deliver hi* lecture ,>-i "8ueu ditTurent iietipli*, of whom you are one, in th Methodist churcH ,.n Tuiwiny ereninn next. 17th mat. I'Kn , the *econd of the ueritte of League entertainment*. Mr .loh*l<Nl ia une l the bt-*r plalform orator* in the province, and the pasti-r. who hM heard thu 1,-c-ur.'. primouncv* it one of the bent b tins ever listenod t . No doubt a large :m ln-neo will urn-t the n|ieakur. The LadicM 1 Aid f Chalmer'a chuixh held their annual l>ut>ine8 movliox on Wrtlneuday afteri,ix>n -if lt week. hen the secretary iivni'mer pivu-irtnl a rt-purt <>f the year's work, wl.i, h wan of thomoat witifact, ,ry charac'er. Though tho >- i u'tv hail lit a f-w ineiiilii-is by removal tlier* had bn new members received lo make tin- number now i-n the. r,-ll 40, i 'ijht increne over la*t year. The rtpi-rt Hliowed that the iHlraocietie at K.I ; -niii nnd Pr,,l-iii St.-itiou h*il remb-red valuah'e nmiatance in di,-hitrviiiK tho .ihiliti,-< f the year, which hud heeti fully met. The c'.ectioo "f new ofliovrs f-,r the eiiMinti' ycnr rt-itiil'j,l in the re-e'eotion of the (reaent staff, viz: Mnt .lax. Dyce, 1'rt*. ; Strs A S. V.inlHi-K-ii. VK-I- 1'ri's. ; and Mn. .Im. Ulacklurn. Sec. Tri-w ; all f i-lin n r't- n-nd.-iud thu flunks of the y for the offi;iut *r>i>HM romlerrd iiiring the yenr. Public Library Notice. All person* having buoks out are re- -|ueated to return same before the fif- teenth in>t. It U found nevaasary to ro- iii, ,ve the library and previous lo doing M> ttock ha* 1 1 be taken. Those failii-g to Bl< od. .\ervr* will br iitvm at '.:- rCan't-i Afford to lay up witH GRIPPE The active business man ia just as liable to take cold as anybody and because he feels he cannot afford to " lay up" with it, he neg- lects it and a neglected cold leads only to Grippe atid Grippe to the open grave. UWANTA GRIPPE CAPSULE nips a cold in the trad 700 feels its good effects in a jiffy, and it cures like magic no need of laying up U heals while you work. businn* maa, aira : " I alwwf* cany r wmta Cmpealca wltk . aa4 ea eat nt ai(v uf a eU I i that icttlea it I brcaua* ihj Uttla wrinUth'm off U W AM T A M-T-0 CO- Ottawa. OaM. gtbos. J. Sbcppard jjj Flestxrton and twnia ^ J Rounding Out a Busy flonth V.V * ili * i.V * * * Or i* S * * si ili i* * ili * * Nnremher has been nni of the b-t of month*' ; Trade ha* loomed up ia steadily inereaoing volume* and ala* have been quick all over the atnrw. A* *urly aa th Biune attracts the need!*, ao aurrly will th* bargain*, that T. J. Sheppard w n.,w rivinx, attract th* crowd* that viait the *tor every day. We bvliere in nuking thing* go. and fo .juick. It'* a way w* hae of keeping everything Dioviof. Very often pronto go with it, but there'* atwad buaiueaH lck of it all. Thu laat m-Ui of 1901 we antic- ipate will be a etirrinw, one ; the r*J*)e* oflere I in *easnnable food* will make December one uf the busieat month* of the year. - Xmas Shoppers Begin Now - ABOUT FIFTEEN DAYS BEFORE XMAS We are readypiere. Begin your holiday shopping now. This is the most comfortable time ; now ia your ample leisure to choose without hurry, without inconveniencea . Prices were never so low all over the store ; opportunity was never so great BEGIN TO-DAY Heifer Strayed. trr*i from th prBii*> ( U> un<lni<n- 4. lot It. ron. li-, iipri-v, . u t<wtr-olil. beifHr,rntl\r re i ,. h ,'r.vinh on < mi bttllvl full boras. Any I -* . i. n,-ii '<a:iiinJ willruufer a fv., i, . -..! ,,uu.,.cu . with rTrahaui, Nov. i-i. Ul.o WHMHT FARM TO REFT for rarthor Mrtirular. J.F HICKLINU. *U(W4ril P.O. SHeep Astray Came to th praniiM* of lh. lo U. con. 9, cMipny, on or abaet IWpt. I, l ue w BhiM,. TlMowD.r la MqiMatwl to pio propvrtv. p ipoa*aaad tak. *nr awnT rTn*.m. Nor. 19, IfOL . *nr awnT. . CDL'_,THAHI) 8oiif For 8ervlo -e lot 19*. oon. t, Attoranala Tbo nn,|..i>ii{nl ha* a ton thorooi;hhr~l H.-ik him Koar f-r NOT. ; P1ml<rtou FOB Service. Thoroagb bred Hrkhir Boar for wrrlra on to* M. con. 4, I >*pr>. At* for pxllgrM. TERMS I* \YM. .'LINTOr*, Prop. MaiWBll. Ma;0) 01-1 \r. DLACKSniTHINH DM. e'lnrk-MOld AtanU jav li 3fef MAXWfcl.L %? U 'Ac ha i., ill- woodwork of all kinds. .V aV iaV tt I*/ Pick your pre-ents from some of the following art- icles : Mens' and Ladies' fur coats, Mitts or gloves, Men's and boys' suits, underclothing, Shoes and rubbers, ladies cloth jackets, dress goods, plain and fancy waist, silks, Toadies and Gents silk, linen and fancy handkerchiefs, Ladies' kid and wool mitts. Ladies tiux thread or woollenjnnder- wear, Children's underwear in all sizes. Extra good values in Christmas groceries, new Fruits, etc. A store that w truly helpful to its customers is more than a place where one simply makes hi.s pur- chase urn I takes hid leave. Our idea of a store is one that is helpful to the shoppers in suggestions as well as in variety of goods, ('all and see us. Xh os. *T. She ppard. Flcsherton. Eugenie.. Tome for tin- ! Brain, Mitarday MN A repre<nUtiv of the : ; iu-t, r f Ihi* wonderful preparation wtfl l> at XV. K Rtchar<U<.Bi'* drug tlm.- . n Sntunlny next fr tiiu uurpuou of c i, 1 ioti.>n frue diatributiou of aaiH|>l>*4. Kv>ryone m tvvpectfully invited to cull and ducuru a -ample box f Forroz >iii>, Mufficieot fi>r one wek' U-K-. Kerrozon* i* an un(i ii/ cur* for a i- a- meiit,( 'hlu-'8i., impure blond, rh^inn it H n . Briubt rli>He, boart dis.-H.w, wi'.-ik nervt-a, hii^ur, tireduefs, IOKH uf |>|if- tite, Nlti|iltinoM. w>kim.H4, K .In y. liver, lilaiiiler, iuii catrrliiil T-.u! 1. s Fernzone in tlio '.-r\iitot tmtic known, nl m no tune Mitrnteil that onu Uldot m e<|ual in curutive jxiwer In * t*l>l> spoon- ful tif unliiinry inoilic ue It 18 plot.-anr tA.HUv.i-.ily t.-iki-n mid guarantoi-J m ro- at W. K. Richrdo:i' d>u^ aU-ru where KHIII|I|OH will be disTihutvd nxt Saturday. Be sure you gut i.ne. O CIIR8 A CULO IN ONE DAY Take LajuttVB Hronio guinlne Tablstd All ilruKXiftte refund the munoy tf it fin to eum K. *. Urova't (iguatur* I* ou each box. S6 cU A niiniiter one Suiwl*y even u^ WHS preiwliiii^ lii a very sKepv t<> wnkeii them up IK (mid naku up ! " You rtmlly cannot krnw hat your niiiimifr i* piracliinK t" y"U '.bis . i . mug witli ..illy hulf whirl to his back! ' ami they woku up In the following irevk he Imd several p.-tn-ili -HI.I In lulu cou- tniin, new nliii-ls, am) wn'.-rs b.ipi. ij that lie wiiulil excuw the liberty tbi-y er inking in aemling them tu him Several Utliiit, ino.i- ..IHI.-HM ili.m the others, waiteii to -e the mini*t>-r to x- prvan h sorrow at liu lioina ' |>or. Ha hOiilud, and aaul : "IV-ar fm-iitl*,<linu i ye know that t'tv oth-r half wat the fiom?" H<irli<,-iiii! |ir,<m(itly atti-le<l to. S|wc,l iittHiitimi tu inierfuriuK anil contnictcd fuel, Gra'o Ch- out for business ...BOUND TO RLE A5E YOU... Examine our >k'ij,'hs and Cutters before buying. It is our air. T.it ion to lt-;ul in the Carriage trade iiiid want ym to help us out. We make a specialty of hufst- shoeing and repairing of ; ;ill ki in Is. particularly, Fine Carriages ot all kinds. J. H. Heard & Son. W. n> aiimU fnr Cr-m B.!|irtT. Straw erttort an,l drain Griiidur*. * 'ppins d"i |<ur i every day at 5 cts. I>*(J i><xfS~ $ Bros. Maxwell, i tut . and <f>r,iftiui . nv "-erson In "aoimnlon of an oraltard 11 v- InftvitlMit th- towtmhlp^ of \rt<.iuii. O*pry. C,.|li,!t l. Kii|,hri ur Hol>an>l ti,l n in"i "I 11 ivi <xtt |>i-un -I or ft,l ran hvi. i'. atleii'lH-t to luoiufrlv by apiiding * |Hi*tal enr-l loJoiei-h Wb.r. RuK.nl v V. 0, On'. I will ttt,'ii,l t,> vi is- iMil'lini! i i ii'r li.ulv ,111 n-c-ipt o( ciu''l. * nl your fEitlllntf M>imllnin hvl w , n tb.lxtof April and the nth of Mav vvi,,-,, wrili-i^' your or,li-m for t;t aftini; |it*aite Btat the uiiii )>< r if trnA VDII have to enitraft and the aiml of Kioii* you want pot in them. I iimtire livinit K a/* lor thra. cvuta .ach. Pric of l-mniui! IP bv th orchant, frrm oa. dollar up aacoi JiuK to the orchard. Your* rvpwtfiillv J,x> SN Kurm Nov. 21 LESHRTON ; 1 HAKNESS EMPORIUM. ? '/*/ S9tt*f II, -nr rrie \vrmnfling Am* ML- OI Hi-' Plac. iu % t a ...unJ l>u>inc> Education la at ThE >OK FUEliM BUSINESS COCLKOE . The urenti^t vari.-'v nlniKii in Fie-hiT'i-n M.i-n 'nn.'. ohimu. c"l : Hr. etc. Ch-*e your bulls e*ily wliilo^t -cU isl.Txc. N-^-w to ! m Sii- i'irln-wn Hntft- l,i r,'l>fi, ru'-bor null ,! ni'j. blnnkvtH of all siz.-i MI ! ,1 r:] ti.iiiw. Cmry coniliN. l>rn-li,-s. lr and KWfat pa,'s. l-illi,-r mi- -. bits. *H.-I|I. !i |w ami lnhi K, mink*, vulis.^, nrvii-li-, ai il i-\i-rylhiii.' BO YEARS' EXPERIiiNCS Boar for Service Tl"- nivl'-rftlgr'A,! *ia- % Ani* \<>ir'? th -r-mch- ,ir f-ir .!! -ml,-! 171. T. 4 S. 8., Alt.me^- Br'.i '>,,. .I,>*.|>1| Ki-nthi-r- .n,. s - ' 4 .1. 1 Jan. it* M. U. uB C'uCRHC Ix-LI I'gB : ,'k-pin<;, Antliuiftir. 1'ua- Biaaajtip, I'liiuinifri ;il L.i nnj Lt-:twt- iilniK. oiii'illianil Cnurm- include. Pitman '.- Sluntlniud. Ty|- rr IIIL', I'cn- iii. i;i-hi I'. ! ,-tt, rwnim j ,.,) ijM-lliiiK S,ii,l nis 'linitti-i! M at:y ti?!ie, fttl- irer t-i any adJn-s-* x -%*.*.- ' * > TMI PAPER vv,ii.> WRITINQ. C. A. Ffemin-" Principal )WKX KM NP. ONT Second Rand Tm^lemcr.is in tlioflfli er>n , LXprvv. bnisxi lot E. bolf of 1 and \\ i- ' u im ,-,-. >viiit -J^ -,.", ,->.-*r".l a:' I - n- ro* har(lwoiii i>nft i;f" "I ,ir- hnrti. UK ,1 ;i" I wal'-r. 1- inl.'.ii.il on ,.fc:, i ilily I -r 'u, -l,nr par- i ticnJr'iH I in' CR -Ft : in MaiwelJ P. C. V ./ , Hnplrat ' ;nc J?iucrictti). . T p i-<r*wTt off KwYcS aa**B.t\<X Astray -:n, L tkjldbjtull Unui^c OiDo*. CX f W.. WaabtEtioB. 1 fa-n. to tlie primiiao* of thn in U-r^ifip 1 ' lot W-.m. i-o i I. \ii'- ..... i-l". about two wm>k< ' igo. on rain. Tli.- owner I* r<H|a*lWd to prow prorrrtgr, NT daoMM* und takubiui awav. Kleh.rtOD. Oct. J. 190U W KWVNY K ,<n hand Noxi-n ati-1 M "- H>trr,:. si-,-niiil-h.iiii! liiniliis, hii-i rik," : . -! a*rBs nd toilets foi -4. ' m , t f,ir M-'i ?n.-ck, (.' .iilrh -ir , ! i .--,!. ' "1 ' '> k^liiitt- Ciiin|-mi^ ,, I'-, -'Btfi' 4 ; Ai>iiiwsJl hnud 3,>ni}^ i.d p"ttn 'ligvir. P. ii i . . r -*.-cli"' " "- l>i-, v,- 'i ,ks fuel- ' D. riatiiil, Ceylon^

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