Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1901, p. 4

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TRAIN PLUNGES INTO RIVER C. P. P. Train Drops 360 Feet Into a Canyon A despatch from VamxMmT II. O.. J*y* : Thnv hitnilred and sixty foet fcnper down into tho foatniiiK torrent fore-en Us wy through the harp-rut cuu.von of the Frnsei tho town of Lytton, wus tlio awful Blunge tnkni on I-'riday morning by Canadian freight. The Pacific truck had west-bound been buried by a sudden slide., and in the dark hour that proceeds thi; dawn tho 1- n n had h.-aded straight into the - Engineer AT THR ' DKVIT/.S PLAYOnOTJNIV' Just below Lytton, where the ca- tastrophe occurred, th* canyon wid- ens slightly to admit tho Frusor's niaiii tributary coining from thu north l>''t\vot;n great mountain rang- es, the plai-i! being locally known us Thert Is a pretty good trade in stockors at from 8 to JSJc per pound Kxport bulls are worth from 3J U 4 tc pur pound. Feeders oru Worth from 3 to 8}c |>er pound. A few good milch cows will >.,]! pricua to-duy ranged from 9!ir> lo $15 each. More choice veals would hnv.j sold Shi-p aiu worth from SJ to 8c per ponnd. Lambs were a little better this morning, and sold up to fiS.oO an the outside price. unchanged to-dujr, but is fur lower pricu next Hogs arc the outlook week . The best price, for "Ringers" Is Oc per Ib; Ihick fat und lighi hogs arc the "Devil's 1'luyground " ll>ru it worth :>l to SJc per II. was that the locomotive, hitting tho Hogs to fulch the top prica must mass of rock, shot Into the chasm, be of prime quality, and seal* not tarrying with it the me. foremost below 10O nor above 20O IDS. cars. Thousands of tons of steel and I Following is thv range of quota- disappeared iu mi instant in a later lions: [ I Cuttle. wsno Ihe. toys of gtMiding rock and c . . whirling waters. Tim brakesman had Z*fSZ?' '"' r CWt "' walked back lo the caboose from the Butci !r - choice $4.25 a 75 Chasm, where a sale truck had been Hot many minutes before. Happily, heavy timber though remarkably, the Uaui was twinkling, and broken in its plunge, the |,,ti.n- por- tion rein. iinim on tho rails. pininl by mil! falling .l.-l.iis. pinching the " Hill lO CUt, U.IK1 I " "n m ^ **^v rv* Mfll 41 \ 1 1I.-1 |fl \J V (V/lia, CSrIIV* _ . thus conductor und brakesman saved ' with tho conductor was providential- , Dutcher - lllf< ' rlor lhelr ln " ly protected by tho .till tumbling , Sheep and Luinb^,. Itamlall and Fireman rock nipping tho train in mid-sec- n n "'f* <rn ' cs ' pop C " U ' o /j! lion |Butchtr hheep, each i i> Lambs, per cwt 3 1!O Tho regular freight hud paused tho u uc k. s , per cwt l!.oo spot less than l\\o hours befojrc. | Milkers und Calves, while the section patrol had been Cows cuch .'!i> no over and found nil sulo within un Oalvus cacti 2 OO hour previous. The weather Was ' ij,, g8 " clour und frosty, and to this ia choice hogs, ptr cwt... (>0 I ottrun. oi cours... mot instant death falling with their locomotive into the gulf that swallowed up the tr.iin. Both were married men. and nad their home at North fiend, whence catno the first news of the fatality. 'I I H'lAI. ACCOUNT. The official statumnnt Issued by the authorities staled that the railway ll-fated train, which nn e\tr.i . freight in churRo of Conductor Ilur- rt. struck tho roik slid,. ttt s.ir> at Quite tho wildest part of the whole mountain section, where the train crawls, fly-likn, along the side of the frowning precipitous cllfis. at whose feet the Tawney Knur ebbs its way through solid masses of forbidding rocks. The canyon begins BOIUO milus above, Just passing Orynock. As tho railway leaves the Thompson Hiver. tho gorge rapidly narrows and deep- en* the walls of the cllfbi on tho op- posite side forming a high escarp- ment through a break in which tho peaks of the ranges are visible. engine but ton minutes previous, and {! U "!* r ' or<l . to ood i churgod the slide which cau.so.1 the LiKnt , I()KH ',,,.,. cwl ...;'.. 5 7 r, When the uir is cool in ] Icavjr ho g s ,, er <. wl ... .-,.75 5.87 $4 75 4 30 :i T."> 3.OO 3.00 8.OO 3.00 2.50 4500 1000 12J 587* NEWS ITEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA. Diphtheria i.s upnleiuie ut Antlcosti. It iu rumored that mimllpox bus broken out in Ottawa Univorsuy. Kxlonsiro deposits of red hum.it iti: or* haw been found went of 1'ort Ar- thur. Halifax will be the place of con- these localities the rock crocks, and the Irnck being tho only obstruct jon for any part of the mountain sepur- uling ilself from Iho parent body, it muni receive the deposit. VICTIMS' BODIKS I'.'ith victims of tin homos at North 11. -i point. Uanils.ll all but met deatk year or so ngo near Spatsum, and was brought back to life chiefly through the careful attention of his Hows, per cwt S.5O 4.(K) Slaps, per cwt O.OO a.OO SCHOOLBOY MURDERED. On ly Cincinnati, O ., Pec. 4. The shock- Ing SOMIK of a schoolboy of eight , stabled to death by a schoolmate 1 < em ration for the Uounted Hides in- stead ol Ottawa. Ottawa police arc watching nil cit- ixens. who imbibe liquor in licensed houses after hours. The Dominion Coal Co.. of Hali- fax, will sell 8O.OOO tons of cool to American railwuy companies. Tho homo of itobcrt Campbell, near Truro, N. S.. was burnwl uiul tlneu .-hildreu perished in tlic llaujes. A Chinaman, und.jr sunl.:uce of Icatu for aiurder ut Now Uostmin- sti-r, will bu exuuiiucd a* lo his sau- y- Mr. I-'. H. Clergue bus subscribed 15.OOO und the stguo rei|Uin-d to an addition to ihu licneral Uos- -itul at Saul! Sle Mar it. l.uues Conmee is authority for the statement that one of Uie largest uour mills ol thu world is to be built at -Noiinun, near Hut 1'oriuge. Lieut. W U Marshall. of Hauiil- I, >rsi> /roin N'uw Oil'.ui* to South Afrira. U. H. financial returns *how a sui* plus for No\.,'inl'r nf Jfi.r.l 7.860. und S.'iU.HT*. IClu ior tha livo inoulhj of thu present fiscal year. N. I'. Cl.uk. th,- St. Cloud luiubor- inan, inpilalist. uud owner ol thu fa- mous Clnrk stock farm, (lied a peti- lion in bankruptcy at Fergus Falls, Minn. I Ulster Ilrown. of l'h.ila<lrtphiu, fcn* iv*u to IU\4-rford Col It-Re m-ai - ly I i <)(. .lay lalili-ts. or Rally-Ionian hooks, many of which were in exls- tenv ::.OUO years U-iore Christ. OKNKRAL. Italian budget shows a sur- Tin- plus of Cri'Wn rriiii-K I-'ruderick William, ol .fi ni.iny. is \ery ill An Aineiimn li;mk with $'5.0OO.iK> capital i.i pro.iecti'd for IJerlin. C.-ruiany ivill f.siahliili a Bureau of [jil>or Ntatwtics like tiial of the - Uui-.v new prison*, arc |>luiini-d in usMitt bei'ttuse of thu partial cessa- tion ..i haiiisl.nii-nt lo SiU;ria. Huv. Dr. Thomus Kennedy, rector of the American college. Koine, ha* purchased a building for it near ths 1'ilot LI I'aluco. DROWNED IN THE OTTAWA Miss Be-sie Blair .r<A Mr. H. A Harper th* Vi tims. A denpatcli from Ottawa aays : The melancholy nos that Hiss ton, who served with the nrst C'ana- ' lle sio Hlair. third daughter of Hon. dian contingent, has accepted a livul- i A c: Ulair. Minister of liailways 1 enuncy m the corim now beinu f oruu- I l "' d <- I umUx and Mr II. A. Harper. I.IM to Ur. \V L U King. De- puty Minister of Labor, had been ed. Mr. Tartc has awarded tho con- drowncd whilst skating on the Ot- tract for building 7.', miles of tele- tttwu . lUver, caused a profound sen graph line near Albcrnl. U. C.. to T. sutiou at the Capital on Friday ton way. Tho contract price is I'lai. Is arc to be erected on both Tin; Ui.gudy occurred ueai Kettle Island, three miles from ths city, ut about dusk, and until luta wife. Potlruff fonnerly resided in this aped eleven was witnessed oi, the city, and hud been but three weeks streets of Newport. Ky . at r.oon on \veddnd. Doth bodies have covered, horribly mutilated. sules oi the Soo" for tho making of in the evening it was difficult to ob- steel tubes. Millions of Kngli*h cui>- ' ta '" particulars. been re- THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. picked) 61 to He; geese. 5} ducks. 00 to 7Uj; chickens 40 to 5Oc; old, '2ft to 35c. Wednesday. Joseph Creclman. victim, had had a quarrel in schoolroom with Kddiu Aimines. and when on their wuv home tho l))0 ilul are behind this lno Clergue enterprisvfl. and the oilier Cupl llogurl and Lieut. Caldwell. A SKATING PAHTY. It s-uis, huwever. tlial a party, consisting uf MUSH lk-ssie Hlair. Histt in charge oi thu survey office at thu Suowbu.ll, daughter of JSenulor to 6c; quarrel was renewed. A third boy. Military Cullegu at Kingston, will bo Snowball, who HOOS AND I'llOVISIONS. Dressed hogs ore firm at $7 7.1 to 97-OO In car lots. Hog products quiet. Wo quote: Bacon, lonir cloar. ells at l()|c in ton und case lots. (young) taking the part of CreeJinan. threw transferred a piece of brick which struck AsV mlm-8 on the heud. At thtit moment Cree'inan ran up to him and \va.< to Ulluwa where work will be douu heruuiter. A KiugNton soldier haa resisted un- Is visiting at the the Blair residence, Mr. Harper and Mr. ' '-Inion of the Imperial Hunk, istarted from the intcrprovinclal between 4 and 5 o'clock for a lul bed. lie soon fell, und in lifle.-n l-nsonuient for debt, and will likely sk>to down the ottawa | {ivpr Mr . minutes was dead. The Arniinu.-* boy l>e "I'held by tho court on the grunt. d Creelman and Miss Blair were lead- t | lc that under military regulations a lug. walked rupidly away, carrying pocket-knlf'i In hl.s hand. He went cut. $UO .10 to ?-'! I Smoked Meats flams, l.'lc; break- fast, bacon. He; rolls. He; backs. 14c. and shoulders, lO|c. Lard Market \Ve Toronto. December 10. Wheat The wheat murkut is urin. with fair de- snand from ruill.-. Sales of No. 3 white at 73c and of rod winter at 7c tuldalo freight, and No 1 .spring Is quoted t 71 i to 7^c oast. Main toqa wheat is higher, there being ales of No. 1 bard at RHc. Toronto aiid west. nd it it nc-ia at Oc. grinding in truiuiit. No. 1 Northern old at 85 to UOc g i t . and No. 3 Northern ut 82 to 83c g i t <>als The market is firmer to-day, with on increased demand. There wore .sules this afternoon of No '2 at , 4f,4c middle freight, and al 40c oast 1'ea* Tho tuarkot in firm, with good demand No. 2 brought Hoc ^ "*" wost. and 81 to 83c middle, freight. l.'oru Tho market in higher, with ftvzjisK, mi":.! 1 :" oS , "r^"^ " rm we qu i ' *< . j fith 2'J t r 'J.'lr- ,-i... .t. ,,-.,.,. iu KA.TS;;.ISS; sr^ JI-I.K w^r- ,1, ^ Ms uncl.i is the caplnln. and threw soldier debl. The cannot be imprikono.l .or Montreal ('haniber ol ('out- Ur Harpe-r and Miss Nnow- ball follow.nl. Whon nenr Kettle Is- | land Mr Creelman ana UIHM lilalr broke through the ic and were the knife inlo nn outhouse but said merce is urging the Dominion Uov- striigKlunj for their lives Mr. Harp- nothing about the murder until tho ernment to give pri-mii. ..- to en- <'' threw off his coat and ruohod to unchujiged. I0|c; tubs, lie; 8|c. TIIK DA1HY BIAHKKTS. Butter The receipts aro foir. but thnre ia a good deul o' poor stuff of- f'-nng. Choice grades .ill well. Wo quote: Choice dairy tubs and rolls, 1-tb rolls. 17 to IBc; , 11 lo i ::. Packugoit i.-- 'I. 1 to 3c per Ib less to of prints, 1M to 2-'c; do., solids, 2O to l!0tc. to S8c west. U. S. corn 71 to 71 Jc on track here. quoted ut iiarley- Market continues (inn. with demand moderate. No. 67c. and No. 2 at Me; at 51 to 32c. and No. ale freight. Kye Tho market Is Urna, at B&c middle freight. 1 quote/1 at No a extra at 50c mid- nd sales Buckwheat Thero In a fair demand, Wilh Hales al 54 ic middle freight. Flour The market continues firm. Ninety per cent, patents in buyers' hnga wantod at $3 7S nildrtlo freight but nono ohVrlug. Locally and for I>ower 1'rovlnce trade priceu of choice itraighl rollers in wood, are 1 :if. to 98 40. Manitoba wheal flour un thonged. Hungarian polenls. $4, bngn In, luil.-.i. at Toronto, trong bukers. 9.'). 70. Uatmeal Market unchanged, lots on track here. 89.U. r . In bags, oiid $540 in wood. llroken lots, asc. per bbl extra. Milh.eii i;,.,,, , , fl rm ttl j lfl ln f Hi .'.0 low freights for export, and al 918 here. .SliorU. $!! to $1'.' DO freights for export, and 9120 Manitoba bran. 919 and shorts Toronto freights, including MM fresh, 23 to l!:ic; com storage. 18 to lllc. and liini-d. IU to M'.J.- Chceso The market Is quirt. and prices unchanged at Oft to UJc. UNITKI) STATKS MAUKI-:T.S. HulIiUo, Dec 10 Klour Slrong. WhCttt-Kpring dull. No. 1 Northern, winter, unsettled. No. 2 red, Corn Higher but dull; No. U HI: yellow, 71 , corn, 71c; No No. 3 h'lrtii for while, dull 2 white. iUJc; No. mined. 4Hc; No. 3, 47 do . 71c. do. 70c. No. 3 news of Iho Ind's known Ills uncle surrendered hlui to the police, whom the boy told 'his slory crime: "Creelman missed hit leading les- son and was wnl to the font of the clsaa. The toucher made him sit at (ho blackboard, nnd I laughed at I him When tho scnool was out he | I started for tho engine- I'll. miner threw u brick | I Creelman ran up und think the brick wa.s thrown at me I until It hit mo on tho hand. Then I ntuck lh. i knife out easy and heard his coat rip." Itolh boys Leloug to excellent families. death becnme courage the building of r .. ships in ; hen piomplly Canada for navicatiou -u the lakos nnd the St. Lawrence. i u - I me house, and nt me, an ROYAL GUESTS OF LONDON. CKKAT BUITAIN. Mr. ('haiuU i lam denies that he Is al nil ill. King Kdward will bo crowuod June 20th next. Florence Nightingale in not near to man d.-.uh as reported iroin London. It is almost certain that Lord Dudley will succeed the Karl Of Cad- ogan us Viceroy of Ireland thn r<--.scuc. Ui.sa Snowball dashed for atwiistanca to tha nearest house on tho shore On the way she met Mr. A. N. C. Troartgold and Mu May lllair. who were bringing up ths rear of * skating party from Uor- I'lnin.-nt House that had gone out lome hours earlier and were return- ing home. Mr. Treadgold flew to ths s|,t where the accident occurred and was in timo to pxtnc.it.- Mr. Creel- The latter Wns unconsciou*. and the other two wcro nowhere to be seen. When Air. Creelman recov- ered he asked "Whore IB Miaa Blair?" "Harw," replied Mr. Tn-adgold, sup- posing the n-.cui*tl man muant th Thero is considerable sccptjcmu in yoiinir lady he had been escorting. "No." relied Mr. Creelman trebly. "I mean Miss IW-vsi Blotr ; <li wrat dowu with me." Nothing WM Manchester to tho low ollicful l-xti mate of the Aiuei ican coti/n crop. The lor|x-,li> bout d.vsijDver Wizard collided with a pamPnger staamer at Portsmouth and was badly damaged Mont llov. Jamea IMwanl Cowell drowned to bo seen of either Mls.s Bessi Prince and Princess of Wales the Guild Hall. A The 1'rii.rrss noon nt Mr. Crpnlman woa convey- t Weldon. Bishop of Calcutta, ha-s b>n *<* to o house on the shore, where he ed Canon of Westminster Ab- " l present very III from ths appointed bey. -r. of Softon weH known on fleets of ths inuuersion. In tha of Wales on Friday ufler- lnt) lurf ' aml u " authority upon cord for mixed. No. do, r.l, No. U Barloy un a luncheon given In the Hall, nnd pus. ntisl them with i of eongraiulation on their tour of till) Illlll-h rinplie. uged ."1. ln.. is dad hero. Ml, Mki Light demand; fancy, 6B to 07c Kye -No 1. OOc awkod. MilWMiknn, Dec. 1O Wheat No. I Northern. 7C|c; No. a Norlhorn 7:1 to 71 Jc; May. 7iJc. Ol ic Marley No. a. May. C.C.Jc. Tho editor of the l.oi.dou Weekly Despatch has been nont to jail for until lighU h, sMtrch party Kold and Mu Snowball mde tl.-u tho city and rxpairca th residence, which they re-ached ^_ ____ w w> . ^___ ___ Blair Tho royal parly drovo from York six 'week-i fi.r publishing" aVleg'i^l" sen- about 7 o'clock The cruel news in nn open. Ratj ,, llul dUcloaures about u murder broke-n ai gontly as ponslblo to lhe four-horsed landau, escorted by Lifo Morv tnc trlfcl of tnc , ^^ mur . family, but it wiw a u-rribl* shock. (iuurds. They mot everywhere with , tlio heurtiesl reri-pfl, n from tho siKhtsoerx lining the bright ly - IH, '.-. k- c-d and tronp-guardod route. The Wenf in the library of Iho corporu- V'NITKD STM I -i. | **" .* ' *** *i|^iPi c* i 1 >' J I M I II (t IFli lion's historic (iimrtors. where thcir ' fnpc Culony. Nor- Ilovnl I liL'hn.'ss,' . u-eni n-ceiviwl liu I Rubonic plague is npreadiug about at by Dululh, Doc. 10. Wheat Cash. No. I hard, 7(ijc; No. * nor- f i ' Tl> .' i7 IU j ft I I 1 IK IHILWJfl ri Wll|1 r*lll\(tl '.. No 1 Northorn. 71 Jc, , ho ltOra Mavor _ S | r ,| llHt| ,|, u. No 1 Northern, and December. 7:JJr; DimdHlo. nnd 'tho corporation, was Ala ' k " lod four '"" n 'plcturosquo Lovco or diplomatic '" "'""" -''-'- Mr and Mrs. HUlr are hrnt llfton MprlngH. New York. \.....^ tho Utter U undergoJiijT treat nn-nt fnr rl..o t ,,..vi^ .. _ ( . pp n()t J Kpecl . for rhwJmatism. and A boiler explosion at New IHv.unr, Ill Itullimoro whiskey will be tiian- I'KOOUCB. l'italocH Tho market Is firm. Cars old to-day at 01 to 83c per bag on track, and soil out of store at 75 to Oriod Apples Market Is steady. Kvapor- ara r>i to Oc per II). .tied sell at to loo 1 1 op- Business quiet, with prices Hleady at Lie. yearlings, 8c. M mny --The, lunrkct is unchanged t t to lOc. Combs, 91 SO to 93 50 per do-/ ,-n. lUon.'i Thn in.iikel i.s Nte.idy. Un- l l. "d nro )oil>ing atr $1 40 to 91.45, ,inil hnnripi'-kr-i' at $1 55. d \nben ies Market. unchanged, with Capo Cod uL.|a li> $'i p,>r bbl, Uaiiadian. $0 r,O to 97. May, bal.nl The market Is firm, v.ll. sales .on truck al $: to >!'.',(>. Uie Uttftr for No. 1. :.ii*w The market la quiel and firm. Car lots on (rack being (0 per ton. I'oul try- -Trade U fair, with rc- oeJ|<Ui good Wo quota turkeys (dry May, 77c Corn 05o. Oats 44 |c. ! dress, uniforms, or judicial rolms ufucturod from ripe water uiplon. Toledo. Dec. 10- Uh,-.ii Cosh and were worn by the majority of the T. .1 Smith. Iho defaulting city I'ccember. Hlijc; May. Nile. Corn quests, among whom were (fie Afonts clerk of Tana III lui -i l.een .n : He. ember, tide. May, fi7Jc. li.'.-enili.'r, <15Jc; May. 4fl|c. Cl.ivor nhT 9.-..07J. March. 95 Oats- (lenoral of tho colonies. Prominent , At Ogdensburg. N. Y., 14 China- -- nmong lh olhor notable,, pnsent , , juj| , UI1 iawfully enter- >\ . -r . I . . I-i I Wliallut.lim f f^vit I > , i ... I .nar * were Lord Salisbury. I,ord Hosclicry. . . . Minneapolis. Dec 10 --Wheat closed nnd Mr and Mrs. Chnmborluln Ow- Cosh, 71 Jo; iH'i-embnr, 7;!c. Mny, 7SJc to 75Jc; on track. No 1 hard. 77lc; No. 1 Northern. 74|c; No. U do; 72Jc. Flour First palentn, (.'175 to 93 85; second do. $;ir,n t,, 9 70; first clears. 9l! Hf> to 9'2 '..-,; second clears, (2 :0. Bran In bulk 9>H lo 918 50. CA1TLK MAKKI-rr. Toronto, Dec lo The receipt* ut lhe Western culllo yards this morn- ing wero <l.'t cnrlonds of livo including I.IIOO hitg.-<. HtXl cattle. 4.'I2 sheep and Innibs. a dozen calves and a do7.cn milch cows. Ilutc.her m Ml,- are, steady und un- aiiRcd at from IIJ to 41c for good to choice, nnd lor selection* 5 to lOc moro was occasionally paid much really good caMlo ramo Mot here t<i May, but wo had a* fair clear,? n, .- ing (o illness I .ord Stratliconu wna not able to attend. MANY CHILDRbN BURNED. Yearly Record of 600 Deaths in London. A ilesp.it, h from London say: Dr. U, -si oil. of llurkntiy. a suburb of London, who hold* the placo of cor- oner, h is ilr.iun iNiblic attention to ing the country Tho National l.iv.- Stock Assooia- lion will meei ut KUI..SU.S Citv iu January, 1903. rros|H>r(ors from Oold Mountain of (iiiliuros. Ari/olm, report Iho find large and rich. V.'ie.stclmgin of Moscow, the relt>- bi.ite.1 piiuitri. will paint u portrait of I'rt'sidetit Itoosevult. Carrie Nation h.u-i oflored lo go to France und lead in a crusade against cafi-.s. drugs und tobacco At Andalusia. Ala., a r.\c,. not fol- tho li'inble yearly record of (100 ' lowed tho killing of Fulc Atkinson childron burned to dealli in London. A, a result of reprrs.<iitatioii.-i on subject mude l.y I lie Coroners' Soci- ety lo thn Home Spcretnry, the Coi eminent is cotiNiilorlng the advisuhi). Tlieni IN .'U-arcely any evprvrt bul- CHS iM-mg done nisi now, and prices 'i,"iii nominal at from 4} Iu 1J pound. and .I \V. liorsey by .1 negro. Mr. Cariu'Kie proposes fouiui.ng a town where le|ti>rup]| operators louv uc.(uiro a home on easy pivnienlN. t.V of lORislal,,,,, which Would e.mbh, ' '"' "'" :! -"" '" ilH i" 'l",--l Into lhe coronirs U> lin.l and ImpriHon { <"*"*+ MoproBOtttailvt llrownlow. Who livavo cliildri-n alon.i '',[ I 'nnivs.-.-. l.-ails do list with uru I hereby ' l ho British War Offlco hai greatly increased its shipnu-uls of muls and inif o lire. If children burned to death. Rd homo for some dav*. Upon Mr Lambert I'hyno. Secrolary to thu Mimstor of Haitwayn, devolved Ihi sad duty of informin hi.-. ch,-f by telegraph of l!ic tragedy. tragedy. ONTARIO CAME SECOND. Beaten by Iowa Student* in CaL V cago Judging Contest. A ilo.4|iatch from Ch-.-.ig< '- e.,l ,11111(^1 th.it nm.oo visiie.1 tho International Livo Stock BxptMlUm which clo Tlio aiv.u.l.., : leial.- student.s' live slock judging ' ....... -t wen- announced on. Sunday I 'i' i r>eiii awarded the Spoor tro^ phejr, and (lu-lph. Ua'uino. Illinois. Michigan. Hi-.eoi,,in. Iniliona. and North D.ikula hemy , order named The grand total ->t average.* by p<unt.s follows: Iowa. :!.7. r .t; points. (Jm-lph AgrictiU lurnl Colk-RO, ;i.51'> points; III mum. Michigan. ::.."-J'.;. U - :s .vju r,-c,; Indian. i. ::.:;ia r,-o. N,.nii Dakota, i!,S2S 2-:t her h\, ro c(<ii.|iniiy o(n-iattng all Ilia siie. -I ,-ir lii-e.s in Minn, -. qi, .1 is. .St. and StillwaU-r has in,-n-.ne,| th>! wage.t of motoroieo and conduct- or*. .in, and when partly cold mark off i. to Mjuiu'ts. then break apai-t whei- :old, or it .'an be pulled. \Uute Taffy. Three pound* .i white sugar, om'-half pound of but *r, one tcuspoonful of cream of tor- vinet-'ar mny lie uwd IIIM--:.,! . ' and the crenm of tartar mny be om.'t.re!. Flavor with va-. Full till light and white. '*& XMAS DINNER SMMK DAINTY O1FTS. No. 1 Is a R.-chet made n. white lircn Cut the linen three times at long nj the widtii. Take one-third the flap and on it embroider violet* Buttonhole the edge with white or lavender if one chooses. t'olu (lie-third of the linen at the - over the middle third uud pu in I'otton hatting sprinkled win chet powder. Tur in the edges at thu side, also the opening ut the top of the, pocket, baste and stitch ull around. Turn over the eini'ro.-- und fasten to the. pocket with u few stitchis. 'Ihe needlebook (No 2) is made of white linen over cardl.ourd. Th nild rows are worked in Kenningtor. stitch and the scrolls in green or gold thr,-a.l The cardboard is cos- Turkey Stufled With Chestnut pepper corns, six sprigs parsley, one Dressing 1'raw. Hinge, ..ml truss a onion, four stalk* celery, one boy-- turkey, cleaning and wiping dry in- leaf, for twenty minutes ; siruln and Hide and out Fill two-thirds with add one-fourth box gelatine dissolv-. the following dressing Hull two rd in a little cold water, two table- pounds of chestnuts twenty nilnutuM, spoonfuls tanagim vinegar . wtir shell, blanch, und chop very tine . until K, -latin* is dissolved ; set in' add lo them OIK- pint of mushed po- m-wuter until it commences to con-! Into sousoiM'4 wilh two rounding geal. ih--n tuni over peppers ; whin tabloxpoonfuls hard butter MTV*, set an Instant In hot ; spoonful suit, mi, -fourth u-aspooniul water ; uninold on a cold dish and paprika. two egg ; sew up VtAh garnish with inayoiinaise. to ninch rents , dre.i^e with a thick coat of add a little softened gelatine, to re- butter and Hum . p!ae<- in pun . fill tain its shape full of hot w..- t ov.-n . Oranp.' Shortcake This forms a baste .very t. :, hen brown- d.-liciou* finale to a heavy lurkey (d evenly, ronio.,- ..nd ^anush with dinner Sift one <]urt Hour, one-hulf tried purslry. pimolus nut m- poonful salt, t h >i rub into ind celery h-'jrt- Thick. -n Irippink's /Voi ered with linen and lined. Leave* o put between the two h. ait- ai:d tho whole tied tog' with ribbons. :t Is a return dial, and u appropriate gilt for a man It nur N- m.i.le "1 linen, the dewign <cu No :j) embroidered and the figures the tlir-.' mundlnv' table,apoonfuls hard surplus butter. t" t.'a- [...i-nfn! baking poW- dur : when it has tha uppraruncc of the meal, odd ie. moist MM!V han<ll.-d ; divide in two: cup Pt '" "'''I 1 ' 1 >" >"t<> two-layer add *,* fins : when bnked, rrnu.ve to a after removing [rcase ; strain and neanon it iiinnasct Punch . Serve with .urk>-y Itoil for live uiiiuitph |uart wuter and one-fourth tugar ; remove from fin- nnd of three large lemons, grated hot dish prea.l with butter, anil a iinl of on--. juice of two i.TaiiK'-s . lu . vt '' "' orange sections, dust thickly hile hot. pour gradually on to four with KU Kar , a bowl of whipped KK> beaten until thick and lemon- cream may be passsed. olored. l-ntin(j const nut ly unlil t>ol. M-t in io-wut'-r until cold ;' \M.\S CANI'IIX. .hen freeze lo a mut<h: puck for two loins . rve in punch cups This i! Chocolate Caramels. Be,;'. slowly x|unlly nice served as a dessert wilh together one pound of brown sugar, .mull gem cakes uiudc froui uiigel- one-half cupful of molasses, on- quar- " I mixture ter of a pound of grated chocolate. Calves' Uruin* and Pimolas Can- on " htt " cupful of cream and one |* Cover the bruins for one hour UblmponHll of butter until It is In ice-cold water to remove the llk<> vcrv lllick ". Take from blood. Cover with lukewarm water ""' |j ' 1 '' 1 ' 1 "'"' t'.ispoonful of vu- contoining one small onion. six n '"" ;111<l Po" r into straight-sided jp.iKs parsl.-y. one-fourth teaspoon- buttered puns, marking In squares !ul .-wit. six pepper corns. tabl..--l-'.ioi,- wh f n P rtl >' Cold. ful vin,-Kr Simmer twenty inin- VoBlllo. Caramels -Itoil togelher te : then drain ami |.lace Immc- ""- !""' of grunulaled sugar undone iiulely in Ice-cold water . remove " 11(1 a llu " c rpfuls of rich the membrane nnd fibres ; hip into " llv< - % ll K :.tw.4CXm.iKXX3K]K1t*K5i Her Christmas Goose. of nil our domestic fowls the {OOB appears to have figured most u history and literature. It flour- iu Kgjpi. and was even an ob- ect of worship among the early 't'.vi -tiars, us Sir John Lubbock ells IIH it in in Ceylon. The Roman.-. est. emed the goose or its f.athers and flesh u well as or itK wukefulnesH and vigilance, -. hirh s;.-, ed the capiMol of Itome roin the Gauls. While the watch logs of the city were not aroused, he geese ili-4-,r. .--rd the approach of he enemy, and l.y then- cackling ved the city. By Uii.s act their mrt in the history of the world nay be us important as that of the ,ello\v dog in Or Half's t<iry of loscph in Egypt The goose in frequent 1> mentioned n Grecian literature An -lophanes, Euripides, und Xeiiophon all refer to t I ' of tie most familiar of Aesop s ftib'cs has the gorusc for its ct. The gen'-ial us*- of the ^oosc a a mrt of the celebrut ioti of Michael- mix. September J'.). tl.e festival of -t. Michuel. a day which i.s obaerv- >1 in many parts of Europe, may be a legacy from pagan uncitoi-t like he oMocii.tion of thr egg wiUi K.is- lr. Queen Ehiubeth in said to been eating goose on Michaelmas Pay. when news waw I roiiirht her of th* dis! rnct :.>n of ihe Spanish Armada. I'opul.ir trad- ition ha.- it that she thus set the fa- h ion of eating goose on that but old reeonds show that tne cus- tom dat-.l far buck of Uuit time. In the days of tl.e Sa.xon lungs no cost was complete without goose la some form A proHuic explanation of the cus loin i.-* that thr K rr^ were then in their prime, having had th- benefit of gleaning the fields where the har- vest had just been gathered Ac- ng t,) oi. e writer tr::nn;s ;>ai.: a portion of their rent with a goose. "And when thr. temiunte* came to pay their i|uartrrs' rrnis I'hev brine some fowl at Mi.Uom- nier. a <lish of Ii*ll In I ent At Chris'.i:,., . ~- a apon. at Michuel- niu0ce & goc Another record goes (o *how that in ihe tenth y.-iii' of F.dward the l-'o>irth'H 1-einn certain .I.,iin lie la was bound, for tenure of land held, lo render yearly to Wi I'amaby. I orl ,'i I ..,. r,*. In the. county of Il.-rcfo.d a fat goose for the i.el. etui ion of lhe SUM! lord on t l-e feuM of Saint. M.,li;"-l t h*' Arch- In many parts of Kngland it embroidered or inked, or it mny be inaile of water color paper and the design p.-inteil A pretty si?.* is -" in with the circle :i in. The little ,,r ni.i.v be bought at uuy fai.cr goods store iui.1 i> put. in tile uround which it revolves. rather slow fire and V-alen egg. then fine cracker crumbs o.-e.isionally until u spoonful Uid nauto in smoking hoi i. ,lr,.,,p,-d I-HO ice wut.-r can be rolled nn ., hot plult.'i- surrounded with the b V tlu- 'hu'"b nu" lingers to a hard aniipc* raade by frying WTJ M,, a ll bll!1 Tuk< ' fr " m th<> ""' -' l onco - add :irc).-B of bread, with small wells cut "" ' '- 'S'oo'iful of vanilla or any in center, in smoking hot hulU-r. lo kin(l "' Hvoring and pour Into well t delicate brown ; place a pniio as. butl-r.-d tins When partly cooled or an olive stufTed wilh a nwcet nlark "! s'l"-"'"- peppt-r. in each well on top. Nul Cnn.lv lloil one pint of limp!' 1 sugar until it will harden n hen droppe.l into colil water When dono drop a star of StulTed lVppcr in Tomato Jelly Remove a slue from fct.-m ,-nrt of I'""'" " Vf>1 hillf " !" r "' ".v kind kullnosc peppers ; take evry s.-.l ; "' nut kornsls Spn-a.l over .1 but- ut ; Koak in snlt.-il water one hour. , t<-r '' cl nlu ''' then simuier live minuU-Hin fresh BuU-rscotch or l.iown Tally- Tluve irulci : drain. and when cool, till With chopped und irasoi.ea cabbnge. yolks of hard-boiled ' it. replace st.-tn . nds and set upright in & deep quart Charlotte mold or busin ; pour iu a tomato jelly, made is follows : Simmer contents of a three-ixniml can of tomatoes, twelve poumls of brown .sutfiir. a quarter of a pound of butter, one-half teaspoon- fnl ..f cream of lariar. ald sufficient wnU-i tti only dissolve the sugar, boil without storing until it will easily break when put in cold n when done udd ">n drops of extract of lemon, pour into a well-buttered SANTA CLAUS COMING. 111 Ml MIU U 'I UK DAY. A club of young women on charit- able purpose's int. 'in make happy in.isi.v a poor child's heurl at Chrisl- rna^tiuie. liixiiling the town into divisions. ea< takes so many houses to visit, dreswd in some unlcjue ' tiiine. Tb.-v all visit the poor fam- ilies, acting MS Santa Clans' COL s and aunts AscerUiiiiing th..' niiinber of childi. n in each family, a little C"' i'- I'-tl for e. ch It mny ho onlv a penny doll or a stick of candy up in t .is.-ue -paper, but the joy. the gratitude lha: wi-lls up in thnt small heart over peril.. | s l!\e only gift, is in itself enough to bring the Christmas peace. amply repaying | the charitable d< norn for their d.i.\s ..f labor and sa.vil'Oe So it i. lhe vi.l,' world over, be it a tree. Santa 'laus or a tiny tin whisilr. li.-niem- ,er the <lav Let it bring to your icart 'peace on earth and good-will o all " ilASClVt: 1 I' Till. ST-H'K INC.. Tho Rood old custom of hangint; up the stori; i -IK is fa-.t dying out from the fji.-t that most of the presents ire too large to go into it Then. .^.nn, it is unite an expensive alTair 1 stockings asi.le from lhe gifts It i^ h.-.\M'\er. the one feature of Chi'slnias which children look for- Wnrd to nion* than any thing el it is well to know wh.il will till the <t.<ck.ng .it Ih.- l.-.ist .-xpeii-e Tnrgf aii.ly r.ines n< two cents apiece t.n ! .n:in hags tilled with candy, nuts and pop-corn. a Nix costing live cents llllinl wilh assorted toys, sfx in \. st-pnrnte.l and wrapped in tis.-u. -paper, a whistle, ., tin cart, a doll. a i.-ws' harp 111:11 Mrs and a iiwins-h'ok Will fill it nicely and COM hut fifteen cents when r. lu- pin NO cmscr M'sTiii.i'. The Mother "My dnii^nter lioi been used lo ' to the uluioHl svini'.ithy and to unflag (ing guardianship. 1 truxt this wil be continued. Tb4 suitor- I hope so; !' tur*.' i: I'o -.It r. on tl:.- (lay of Salnl 'I to uifir'- good luck for the coming ear. An <i'd proverb hns it nly a goose who at Michaelmas ever eats KO.ISC." Another stiint Whom all the people worshippeu. with rou.sfd gooB and wine," < Saint Martin, whotw day is ob- rvell on '.he eleventh of \ovenl-.r n ancient almanacs this day i> .i.rktMl by 'he sign of t he n<l on tl.e continent, many . .eii in I'l-.ebrate the <l , Uolh thi- Sept ember and u-.l-.lavs are graduully n signing Uieir right to the <<oone to <" 1 few geese are b.-.-iit;ht to larket before November 1' is ">"- ular. however, thai th* 1 >-ni' race ot keeping Christinas I>ny. the II.- rew. are saiil to eat more geese hau any olher .-las, but t' ix-i'gn the bird to any I) il.iv the MiiMie Ages in large tlocli-i. often one would ov.,1 a thousand. Charli- cnrour <ge.l this inHust. \ BUI gooHe-h'-nl w-rr .uiioiig th.- - lichlv pa'. I ,'f his seivalltH. und the .s^.' ,re kept ilniing the winter 11 heateil hone's ('ft. -11 ...*-.. .!. Kel'l 1.1, ; ot In ,ept, de<-line of the feather-bed has taken away the occupation of tho goos- herd. Kate Pougla* Wigrgin. in hu- re- cent, "Diary of a Goose Girl, ' re- c.uiints certain characteristics of thl bird : The intelligence ol hens, though modest, is of such an order that it prompts them to go to bed at a viriuouB hour of theic own ao- cord; but ducks and geese have to b materially assisted, or I believe they would roam Uie streets till morning. did small boy deteot and re- sist being carried off to his nursery as these dullards, young and old, de- test and resist being driven to theirs hetlu-r they suffer from in- somnia or nightmare, or whether they simply prefer the sweet air of lil.city (and death) to the odor of captivity and the coop. I have no nuiuis <,f knowing." The transfer ot the name of the goose to a stupid or i mlish perton ie not justilled by the capacity of the bird, for though rwkward and clumsy is i intelli- gent. The flight of the wild goowj told the early agriculturists when to cul- tivate their fields. The "gray laj goose" ia the ancestor of all mod- ern varieties, and this name may b due to tho tendency of the bird to log behind others in migration. A common call of goose drivers is "lag '. m. lair e:n " White go-Be havs. hnil-ly ei> teemed since the time ol thu HomanB. and tho tendency of white fea'.hers to grow whern other*. pulird out h inude t.iem more and more common. Thu large Hocks of geese of form, r days wer ti to market to be wold. but thin journey could hardly be mad p than a mile an hour It m ..aid liiut at the present time ni>r than threw million gecne !>" through Warsaw every autumn, most i f them for C.ennan murlo-'x ..nlmg to u very old proverb, ' Three women und a goose m.Ae a market " Certainly lh> " * a mutable goone for .1 holiday tabl I for the united in of three women A gre*n mwrely a KO^IHK and a ;,' bird has a tender windpipe mi, I yeiiowi.-h lull and feet. Whim old u rMdis-h tinir-' ai>pear-< iu the tresh ki !!.<! thr feet more pliable than afler keeplnj for a wiiiie. An old bird In ofU-n i ley wslung the greiuty skill ( thoroughly with soap and water. I but tins is nol ess<-ntial for a young The trumping and HlufTIng of ,i .. ,,rr th,' .' for other fowlw, buL .-UK>' and onion are the :se of upple sulice With r .id. old custom in prov- >d by Slisket.peuri'. for w..- lind th following in "Korneo and .luliet" "Thy wit i* a ver>' bitter wc-O- iti; 1' i s a most sharp sauce." "AJMl is u nol well wrv.-d mith . KW, el 1:0. I he -.w.s'ting in of courw. a vuri- lie naiim cxpiiunH itjielf In the fourteenth century a muni . .1 witli f.n-lic UKa-. - I ' I'.l .-HI eooliS ..Mil IhUB ,-.1 The ,;,.,.,, pies and ct'estnuls ami "'-'> "-I rab- bagi-. At the mini.- i-rii-i- goove it .1 n.oir I meat than turkey hrcaiu* ,,t the :nrg. r proportion ,,f bone and frur. goo*- oil has I'.-en a BOV- er.-icn rrniedv (or cro-ip and 1'iront troubles, but it hna lost Us IHiplllor- iiv. if no' -'1 m etrn-iriicy by more modern compound*. An old may be .'.'allied or parboiled . iHng. un'.il nearly li:n>lcr. and much of the fat thus drawn out, and then it can 1" ' l>k youiiKi'i- bird There is no rcatton why (MM slu'iild not be bollud or fric.ss.eeil like fowls, but the BVT- .,,;,. |,,,,IS. liol. I U-rs t llelll SO llt.llc they s.-lilom iippi'nr in any oth- Iflfcfi CHRISTMAS RECREATION.

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