Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1901, p. 1

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.-X !DE( 'EMBER 12, 1901 THE fLESHKRTON ADVANCE * YOUMO u Banker*. Mirk Minimal be>ukli.f buiiuuss. 1 a M Movable rate. Call am *. 1 Icmuod A 8 VAN DUSKS, J P OKrk f.Hi DlT Coorl, Co Orar kauor of Marriat;* Ucoueo*. ConeyncT NuMuy Public Auctioneer. Mou to loan at | |>r cent. Cva/g. mcxlorcto- rLKSHlllTOK P O DKHT*- OOM.KCTRl, Tbo ! -, i,-ri.: I- 1 to piepared to %ndrl*Jc. tu collocHou ul all klndi M deUU. twtea bougM, aeeounu Bl!eetoil otc. H HKMDUH80N. ri.sb.rtoo & .I UPROULB In H i . '., AroMoiner Con *ya:ior, AppraUer an I Money Lond.r lUal RUU and Ininrtaeo Ajtint. L>ed> raartfM**. I no. an-1 will* carefully drawn i ana r!natlo:ii ma.li on .liorltiHt ncllce. Money to l'ii at low*t rWM of iotrut. Cot Mtloni attended to with |irot|ilnee. Charg** low. Ag.nl tor <>.:oen Dominion 8aiuhi|. Company. A call eutleHed. AO W raeeU O). tba lat Monday in eaco month, In tbolr Lxlit* room. Ofcrittoe' block. Pleenertoo. .1 t p . T. niak.lr. W. U. ; AM Ulucon. Hocoriler ; W . Hel.aiu; Kioaaol. Vf.ttlog brethren Invited PKIKCB ARTHTU LODGE, Ho. m, A. A U meet* lu tbii Uaaoule bill. Strlo t Nock, Ku.lw.rtoo, erT Friday oo or b(or* th, foil mocu. J * Boyd . SouvtMry. W M W J COUKP FLKSHF.RTOS. I. O. F. uin.-ti In Clinitoo'. Bin, k Ih .1 lKt Kri.Uj er.nin In *Mh nviith. Vultlni; Fomtun kMTUlj lomo. C.R.. R. Wkllor, U. H.. W. A. Arin- ironf. f\R- B C. MURRAY, I., D, 8. derta! arsi: V honor <rJua*e ii< Toronto Dsiltfnltl aud Koval Coil-.-^ of Uoolal H irgeoni of Oi.tarlu. . -OptKMite ArnitniiiB Jewullery bujnt W .1 fmi Maxwell thela.nl W,- In. ,! ol each uioi.lh, aod Uumialk t a.>d Tbunvlay i woulli. J. W. FROST. L U H. Barrlfttr. Kollciuir Couvyauor. *ta Oim. Sex*, to postofBc*. Bn-ouW't Wock- . rtiMi. vwr> Tliyi-.'l ui*l court ds>> I. n ml uflUo, k'r^*.* Wotk I'.iulelt tttW. wut. LUOA8, WIIIQHT A M.- Mil':.:'- Hu-riti.fr> Hollciton i: >i.v,.)nor*. el Offlcm-Ow .1 Buuii.l. Ot ndlliirkda'nOnt. W H WMIOHT. MrHr>L I W 1. .A, N 11 -Mmli.irtou onVe. klltoliiiU'* bank TUOKKU * PATTEnsON Itarrliton, Hollclton. etc Molio'T* Hank, Owcu So>ml fiAHBY l TUCKKK (IKO W 1'ATTKIUON \KAV * 5AMI>SON. lUrri-t.-r. Aa IIKKil'KS : ow.ni r u:l<1. Mrnhl,f* i.k IILi '. S. i( l'.iinr*n UOUKI. 1-au IU. U at 'i StrMt. vry Hklnt.Uy M iCKVY. M A, H ' SAMPSON, UUO . Oromi \'. ."i / dr 'ir.-y. fkR CAKTI'tl If M C I' A 8 Out Physician, Aurpaoii. etc Klhr> . ' o' 1 ' * Htrsn'* block. 1UI toao* Muutliaw Hutul . K. T. Illtiliy,- riivli-iau, Furgnon ate. Klmlinrton, (Jilt Offlc* and KsaMence.. Toronto itreei. opposite t>> cemetery, may be fn-in I th.To >Uy and nlgbt Coromr for Comity uf Orv. OOTT. *M) S Mnil'i-ia r <lt,i Ptiyalc. t Suryi nn Ontario r)r ul>iat.i. in M.II.-J.,,. ,,| T. ,,{ t nlf.ru,'. v. i- . .i..vrsl.i|i |)i|ilont. ],, i iiradu ate . Mo'lmal s,-> ...... , i ll.inui i hi. ao Mofv) , oar, aoae ao4 ibrual u..ciall . II K )Kri.V. Kuveirhan. JOHN A 8--IITT. Maawn T T Ol'TK\\ ^ ' y wrm.'i i.l u.itarlo Vnl,.rln>ry i'olloiie. .c IM..I.I.I iloor lout:. WUKI ..n l*i .- *lrct Till* Mrout 11,11 . .ml, Prel, v l.,nii l' mrcli i^ A'. .M \ . I 1 ' > ' ' 'I l).-ntlt. Mai- well. xraduac .. i ,t l:l . \ t ,, il} COII.-H,. ofllli.-. I KI-II r.)i-...ii> IJnivur^iiv VUlti Uxlr.iin II a in i,, .1 i, ,. tMPer<rsk*ui l.,.ii.u, i, ..m it,,, ,,. ln IIIOKUII.IMIIIII-D IIU UIA.1 BULL Pr Sevrlc* Count Lustre 27510 Tli.- i!inl.-i^i r . .-.I h,, a ), Dnrlia^n II., I f'lr 'i'i v, . : , , ,,,, |.,. | |; (' |S |j TKSM.-< M c.) for HID H us . |Y,| "O '|'l' : " ALBIJ, , v r t .v\ u:r K 1 .. : : r4-d i . i, , .. ,|, t>ur lor 1 l''> M H.,, f .r^.rlo VM *i ''. .MI. ML- Pru Houst) d / "/ For Sale. " ' . , i " ' . , i trtn I fiult I- I ok lot, In,,,.), i ).,, t lllll I l:l-,l A|'|ll( t<) A'..l , , ',. tt >ll> U II ILOU Iv i ,.,),.., |, v The Markets. Carefully fwrrtx rd Each 43 Fe*. Barley K(g freah .......... l'k ................ Hay ................ Wheat, white ....... Wheat, red ......... Potatoes bag ........ Hide* ............... Wccl ............... Turkeys i.-r ll> ....... Geese per Ib ......... Chickeim per pair ..... Dock* per pair ...... -0 7 .o 46 lo 1 to 18 -,o 7 75 to 700 to 63 to 63 to 40 -x> 600 to 18 to (to 6 to U to 40 to It 4B 18 7 75 7 26 063 063 45 5 00 13 9 6 49 W Eugenia Planing Mills . . . Get your Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballogters, Cor- ner Blocku.Hand Hailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No I and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting^Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR. nnnnv Photos NoUl *tl Hur.l|n The ppttvra have ptjsiilly froa China, but ll> iourrst in Chias> ba* nu4Mbidd. Kvary intlli]|eut !, wW- l'nn* for Hie bvtUiriufiit of the wsrU mu*l ouutiun*) to fix bia aUeolioo upuft a c.,uiitry that cuniains om-qvsMrtBT ( tb ' TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are dono in first-cl.tss style and at I || ).>we*t rate*. Special attention [j ui .-0 to copying. Ilabies' photo*. a specialty. I'ict.itrm ftsmed. MRS. BULHER 9 ti X uixiAjLruvruuuuuuutnj Lruvruijuiru FLESMERTON IONSORIAL PARLOR 1 who wanlwl to llon.w iiinimv <lii"l in our rcllir. H'Mik |Hvll\m a<) I iim'irftncn a^ontu will i... kill,. I wltlimit nolle*. Per- <>n aikltix for ori-dlt will l> pol- I !> I li~ In w.ll ba fuimwll. !.!> -i'livxnf.l. l.otrr whiu eat pMSjSS brlntf wictnn rxriiNi.. l.orl politic nnnur.it rt|.>nn aulla tun will IM itiot at ulijlit. Tui carj U K.M.I for haii .ut, Shave or Shampoo Or tiirtliliiit In our line when ai-rotn- |>anlod wltli proiwr ohaiigo. U^ your Uumlrr bxf.ira Tu*e.lay noon, etrl Thoroughbred Durham Hull for Service Cord minto. 2906$. Tli" ii-.l.-rnlgn*-! baa a fti, acwl Durham nil for ,.,vi.-,. ui, Int ui, T. .* R. II. TnrniK 1 lor ijrulii cnw, *S for r.l NUfMi on api'ln all n JACOII I.KVKH PlMhrton P.O. illl" Stock Firm, Onrl.r. t 1lnKCOw.cjinurl.<i! Ni|p.,r,n.t.o.. I. 1 *"' ' <-.- : it,lln lleaut, anil linn >rie.l It, mu, with l.,,,-,| i.m ainU-r si lia*l if l,,-i i \ -. \.-~ t. U)T All tl.: U \ an. I. 'I in . Out Tim laitoat and sntMt enroura^iiu ocws IB that I h* Kfn[irrw is t)U)iaily rnactiiiglbe) verjr lawn |M sv ioUntk* > n|>^>r>Mrtl a l aausitbs agon TW report is> t lm tliera ! to be in every uruviajcial ci^itnk a ccri litje uf weatrrn eavcsttinti. Tk reformers before the out broth were advoeatiuK tbia very thinx, Tboy wanted tbe old lu-atht u loiapleo c. n vi rw-tl into achcxila and eol- W-X^H eotabliahed, ID w Inch China d.uld W no vdnoaletl a* to be able ! stand be side civ iliiod nations. Tbv |Mropueal startl- ed and Kiueed cmia<-r> Vi. e njij i.-itun and bane* th fcarfaji harocof lawt y<*ar. China hat heesi ii^l,i by aAiclion. Now it seems tbe school* arc to b wtal>libe*l by unperial decree. Mho are to be the tntchor* m thoee ohoola ? China cannot fur sotiMi >e*e fwnish them herself. The ruiasioiiariee will be aafced, inde*1 h*)T 3 already btarB asked to take charge of China s education. Itul th iissiuMj Its *miMn>t twrs) SMde front their owa work. What resMinsbwt that they should ask the home church to send out mere wen T And tlu-y will. Probably never before bag such un ,|]H,r- tuniiy and reapousibilny roroe to the church. If we can supply chrie'iau trach- ers who can take Ihe control aod p!re uhriadan couplvctnm t.. the edocat.rrn of China for BUBUS yrars, wbo can eftt'inMe 1 1.-- remlu. 'I'lie uiiafionariea who were drii i-n out of China 'iatre imw nearly all returned, and have bovii kindly received l,y the Chinese. Tho native ('hriitian-i r.llied about them as unxlit I* expvi-Uil i'beef nafive Christian* htve itunu thrnuuh tbe f'ir.iace, ami by the discipline of afSliction will be better and more coiuecrated men, and more efficient workrr* aniouf( their own people. In that rrsuvcl the mission will be B>ore proaperous. ix-cai*- of what has hapienol. t loin central India word comei> that rains have a^ain failed. Only i ecu incht-a of raiu fell instead of the ninety inchv* usual in thai province. An a re- sult i In- crop has not beet, sown, and tliero ill Iw no crop iii March There is fi-.irof both breail and water famine. It may be appeals will come again fur help, ii d no ilnulit Canadians out uf a plenti- ful harvest will ruapoud a* generously as tlify did Lut year. I. fii -< Mr. mltiil a calamity ha* been .1 n i nli-,1 to il.,- conversion of many soula. Many UioUHaiitU of children gathered dur- ing the List famine, ure under chriitian instriictiiin. They are alao taimhl inilus- Iriiilans ly wliieh they can at pp .rt llieiuaulve*. We have in Ill's ottic at '.lie prewnt time sfMtriiuen* of beautiful rugs of iiriental pittt-nis woven by three child- r n. Th, v tin I a Iniyo markot in Eng- l.iml f T sucli *ork. All 1 1. mm arn working towards the World's uplift and evangelization. K. P. MavKVY Honor KolU ll.inur mil f.,r Vau<lfli-ur pulilic achuol. Cl** V Mary I'rilcbaril !,* IV - K,,a J.hn.!i.h. Cla-a HI. ST. Annie Ilialop, Howard (irahtni, Mini Wvlmr and Kva Gilbert (t-i|iial.) CI.UM III. jc -Mngu'ii) Davia and Kthrl \\'nl UK (,'i|ual). II :l Ituchanan, Howard lli.Poy. <''.t- II > HI I lliali.p and Mary \\\M I,. |i-nii:il). Miiln-l Fad. I. n. I'.m II U rtlm h'ailil, n.Knink Datia, ItuHert Iliiclianan and Willie liurliauan (-.|Uil ) Part I. r. -Kiln Warling, Eil.lio Sum- merit in. i Laura Wyville (tn|tial.), George Illxlop. Part I. jr. Hen. y Wyville and Carson K nli.iiiin (fipial), Anni- Kii,li>n. M. E. C I'LL, Tuachor. l' i will, |.,, r ,| |. ,, v u.l.-r allii'a.l .f ],., i \ ^ ,.,, ,, r t, ,|, M for a>l;ali>.>a,).> bull f ,.. y Abo,-,).,, am! f, ,, l .>f S. S. No 9, Artrmeaia, f >r tl.o n onili nf Nun-inlu-r. CliuMi V S.uli,. ! ,-', -lu-r.ltii.-hiu Stone I'l-w-s IV >r. Kilivl H ur.iw, Katie KliUluv, Mulivl Mr. \riliui.Nellie Butler, Ni-il Wliitiakrr. CliMilVjr- 1 1 u: tor Hnrrow, \Vm. K i-irlii i, l.im Dntler. CI.MM III lolm C'nirn*,J, lin Mo Aitliur, 'Itodt Spier, Laxina HamrH, .S|iurKO,.n Wli,tt:tkt !-. i' II A I ic,. Annie Sm-!|, 11,11 Mo- I,il, Killiy Still,,-, J.-IHI, It.' Klutclu-r, N'I-I-OI ica Ituili-r. Norman MuLtml. Pan II Am,i Harrow, Katy .M,-l^,|, \\ni M.-Anliiir, lt,-rt \\li.iuker. T.nn UaArtl.ur, Ma KK ie lt.,)ro, IVarl fiiri,. Part I (\> -Tommy Si.iwr, Willie S|'.. :. S;,-!U Hutli-r. I'll t I (II) Km, I I'lir.lv, KIIIIIK Wlut- taker, Ivlu.i FU-tolu-r, John Haz^trd, H. 1 1 .i.l. 1(0) Itita Porr,.I,-iiiitni\ Sp : oer, K" ii '!- I.-,..!. ,1. I, \V(>i>, Teacher, Fies Marble - Works! aim. mcraltiidii, '"!' rt ' ' I'i'Hii-i' in Swi-od- inli, S.-..t. I, .iinl Cam-l ... (ii-nuiUi 'n' \l .1 ) u k ..f all kui,,.-,. ricnumcnti L'cpnlrcd n.l . .,.., ., ., i .1 ; n To Urenk Up n Coid. 1! \ 'I ri- |ii ro is K (;! ,,f i,.,t w.-il.-r, a 1 tliMty di-ops of PI>|-OU'M Xenilinr. Take it ron! hot, and in tin- in,' i u. y :i v.ll a\,- nn witli , u t H .-old. 1 cr tueit, try Nervilim- "^ .uds,,ff ^11 nit -Kii-fiH iin,l ke 'pa i 11 Ijir.'nl o'll. K L'.'i, . Tlui (I'l- Ipli Ini'iiinr c'nli Wiw NIICOMM. whiu dr.. i- in Mu UU Luni.iig s IIM,., ji|..T |.',, S1 .,| .1 is s. limit r, i 1 1,,, I -lilUtl-.if the I'lliti,! .- . ; "i"'M I.,, ,!. s i Dundalk hardware qTOVES STOVE5. Also a full complete line of Cook, Palor and Box Stove* At lowest Jiving prices. Our stock of Fall and winter Goods is complete Over 50 Cross Cut Saws to choose from at prices from $2SO np. Over 160 Axes from, price 7$C P- C'ow Chains, Rope and Rope Haltera Horse Blankets, Robes and Men*/ For Overcoats. Lanterns and Coal Oil. Stovepipes, Elbows and Storeboards. Guns, Rifles ana Ammunition. Curry Combs and Brushes. Glass and Pnttj. Paints and Paint Oils. Locks and Knobs. Hinges and Nuts. Everything in Hardware, We have it. Call and see Our STOCK. C. E. Noble & Co. The Central Hardware Dundalk. &K&K K&K K&KK&K Nervous.Weak Men. y* with dark circle* *o4er them, weak back. kidn> i irrlubto, palpitatkia of tl.,- | heart, haihfal, dream* aal loeara. erdinrnt i-inimr, pimplf* oe the face, luukcn , kolluw chrrka, carrwota I MSBOTT, lilvlvsa, ditntlfnl, tack saerrr aed itrrafth, tired nonilnm, ratUu nitfhta, (teSMSMs Booda. week m.tn BOM, "nattd orraaa, Drasaalirr* decay, bone pains, habr loo**, e***) throat, etc.? Ort New Method TrUoui will caie jut MEN'S LIFE BLOOD t< Ml oatttral i Uvvlj core you. CURES OUARAMT^eO. NO CL'RE, NO PA V. "No \amcn Used Without Written CoMeat. W. A. Melr, of Lima. O.. ar*: "I wa* on* of the coantlte* victim* of early vice at 15 yeara of * Thdrinaon aiy *yti*ai wore wcikrnin^ ny braid aa well aa mv acxnal and r.-rvou *v- tem. For lea yr.im I Ir.rd *cure uf doctura, electric belt* and j-.itrnt tnl ictn.-i. Swm hrlprd me, ouoe carrd. I waa )T,nif tp la dcapalr, la tact, cunttmplattnf i^-id<- whoa s fnmd ad- viml me aa a la>t rrwirt to (ire tlie .lew Method Treatment ..I .>r. K A K. a Ulr trlaU Wltaovt MssssssMi I cnnaentrd and In / three month* I wa* a carad man. 1 wa* rared seren year* aifo- am married and happy. I heartily recomaiend l>r. K. A K. to oiv aflUctad Iv After TrcMmcrt *~W* treat and can Varlrocete, Embskm*, Nrrroes Debility, Seminal Weaknea*, (ileet, Strirtare, Svuhllia, tlenatanil inKbarvee, Sl( Abu**. Kidocy and illolt'M I>ls*a*es, and all diaeaae. of Men uu J Women" WNO NAMES OSED WITHOl'T WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medlclB* sent C. O. I). No names on h<~>ie or avelopaa. Everything cvuiiatutiji. Uucatlon lUt and cost of ireatmeat, KKKK. 140 SHELBY STftCCT, DETROIT. MICM. BeloreTraatmrnt l*lk>w mta." Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, Farm tor Sale. l.ol , Oon. li, Artomoela, 100 aoTM. no bill d- ls*Js,M alaarlvf. Valuable eedar mi laino. n, \LI i... n rullixl, all taiiiliiin ami i v to takn out. Cbea|i an<l eaijr lo ake out. Uo*t> quick. W. A. Aiunntoxa. Map of Qrey County W*nte4afewllTea<eiiU ') th* map ol thernuntr of Orey. lo tbe t . :!-.hi|nn>i Art, in ii. tlnpiov and Proton \ , llm lowti iua| M.|mrallr in ab->T i . * It,.,, ,- r4|iilrml, a sjood eoiin i , t ll w,..i . KIT |,ai ticulart enquire of WJ. i, IUniy.1- l*hc tn W. Trlt..r,l 8<-|-t. 3rd ItOl D'ul .. <^^^^G^^ c C8C FLKSHEKTON O. K,,r Hnrri-., N _ . - . - KUmry nn.l Wakin, n u,i,i unidvmvnts. FU-ury and V.i.iv ,.|,,s , l,nd ,,11 il,.. ill kii.<h of rejMlf. f.,, | U| . ,, , ." II,,,, .-al,,.,.,,,^ ,,r mp.ly ,,,,,,1 1 . JUUrottce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XII, NO 1064 Fleshertori, Ont., Thursday, December 1O, 1QO1 W. H THDRSTON, EDITOR * PBOFKIXTOB Watches Clocks Sil veirwa x*e Rings Special values in Ladies' Gold Watches. a few day* visiting his uncle, Mr. Thump- "-. of Eugenia. The Ewreuu (firl* have a great attraction for Joe K ..hen Thislel of Violet Bill, Mul inur. Hpent very pleasant couple of weeks visit inq with hia sister, Mis. HoKueof Biitiah Colum- bia is at present on a viait with his , ..., mother Hiaamvalwa* a happy *ur- An excellent Stock Ut the Very prijw to hert he has been awiy for a gient many years. Thoma* Suvgit of Toronto is spending to best Clocks on the market chose from. Finest display erershnwn in Flexherton. Very suitable for Xmiia gifts . r Wadding pnueuU. Kings, Chains, Broaches and Guards of every description, t., select front. Special Xm.is (roods to hand. W. A. Armstrong - Flcshcrton a few week* with bin many friends at o-i Eugenia. School close* on Friday till Jan. 3rd. Mr. Jacob Williams has found it Dec- ennary lo quit work altogether f jr a few days and rent tbe arm, which was hurt at the Wilson tire a few weeks ago. Mr. Prter Mnnshaw is now Laving hrick hauled with the intention of bricking the Maxwell Om Oaprvy Coui.eil met on Monday for the Uat uiKeiim; this year. We i-.h the memhts all HUC.-MB for the nrw year We are aorry u I. ear that Councillor Mor- luon is giving up municipal affair*. We are sorry lo state that Jimniie Son* thai been very ill with inflammation of the lungs. Pn.f . S*ewart ha* been giving concerts ^ c^,,,^ ^ here fur the Uat ten nights. AmoDg the Eugenia aa i novehie* introduce! ... the citing away array Tf u^ of a beautiful lamp to the most pingrea sive farmer Louia Kerton wan the lucky man. The Professor goes to Dun- dalk fioni hero. We wish him every soccea aa he ia a j(>lly isoud fellow. Tiie Presbyterians of our town invrvt having a U* meet ing on Chrinlnuw Eve. Mr. D.CUrk took a run down to Tren- ton for a few days last week. Poster* are out announcing the annual en'ertainment of the Methodist Sunday school on Friday evening. Dec. 20th. The chi-ir and the litrlo folk* have been gett- ing in si me hard practice lately aod arv try ng to iuak- it the evut of the Xaias. f Rev. White in hmrvvival work here but Friday evening. The incluniency of the weather presented many from coming to hear a sincere and forcible sermon. Rev White hat hi* horau bandaged op M a remit uf a runaway near Kiuiberluy They expect a K>M! tea an-1 a grand pro- gram. Wedding M\t me ringing around our bejru. Full pitrtu-iiUn next week ftliw Je*me ML !nt) re and Mr. B. Me vixiteu at W. H. Guy's on Sunday. Prirrvllte ith an beyond tbe average, tnis) will be^huwn to advantage at the Presbyterian Sunday school entertain- ment on Friday Dec. 27th The choir U in one gtaud lympaoaious. chord of cUwical authem music. Tbe Prtbyti-ri*u choir went out to Mr. M-idill's ..u Monday night, and with a full from Our Own Cormpuii'Unt Mr. and Mrs. 1). Anderson of Glad- stone, Man., VIM'. I the Utter's pareuls, Mr. and Mri. J.-im<*t McDonald, south hue, but wtek. A number from !,ere attended tho wed- ding at Ceylon la-' week and report a iplvndid time I'eter McArtbur, our young piper, fav.n-u-l the i(aihermg with some lively select:- 'H8. Why do thr S. ' O. 8. sand In Toronto for a piper when we have two uf o<iv own in town i Joeepli and Mi n Wright of Colling wood are visiting ilioir grandparent*, Mr. number ba<i the beat practice lhi has bemi Mr. Sam Roberta u> spending bis Christmas hoi. days in town. At a mt-etinx of Court Eugenia N-i. 4234 held butt Thunda." night tbe fo'low ' ing officers were elected fur the eDnuing 'year: C. D., J. M. B.aniff;P C. R., A. C. Oiwaelm* ; C. R.. W. A. Weber ; I U. C. R., J. H. .Iaiin.-s.Hi ; R. 8 , F. K Sheppard : Fin. sec., F.Muimhaw ; treitu C. K Smith ; S. W.. A. Crunkwiuht ; J. W., F. Weber ; 8. B , W. Campbell ; J. B., J. Bntton ; O., T. Fcnwick. Frvm The only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hooper of Iuglw<Mid diet! after .1 few days ulnean on Monday l.utt. Her renuiiu* were brought to this MUtion on Wediirwlay and hurled at Ebeitezer, and Mre. Uuuald McLuau, and other elg. r>-^ide her urandparents, whete tliey friend* around h Frank P. Ueilev is homo from Owen Sound for hi* X'KS holidays. Frank baa bi t-ii working ;n thv freight nl.eds all turumrr and has e, ur*d wn.ur euiploy- munt and will return shortly. Maud Ri'.vy is \ i- tun< friends at Booth- Mile tin* week \V. J. Illakest ii. our f.-nucr tmcher and c til- n, ha* Ix-- n encaiftd as pnnri pal ..f Dundalk set. ol. We wish W. J. suooeos. Every per*.-n, young and old. ohould hue no ei-tertiunnient thia year, but that attend the Pre.V v riaa Xraaa tree en- 'he tearhcr* entertain tho ch..lar at trrtainment on Xuu-is eve, for they will home. A free will nffenny will be asked nii*> i rr.- treut if tl.. y do.i'i. Irom the patents. Edith Mini i ill ith inflammation cf Jean Collimtoii returned h->me on Tuo- the luiwaat Mr VuseV, nouth line, and day evening after (pending a few umntrm i with grippe. But in thu city Dijon we h|ie to J Col'insoa of Durham in upendinu a ;ii;ain WI.HI. couplt of weeks *|ih II:H pim-nts here. f.ir nerly live,!. Tbe I'nion Sabbath school h.-ld their ek-ction of officers and teachers on Wed- needay evauidx Iswt * H.-mphill waa flrvted Hup^rintenilenf, Mrs. U. Tucker aii:i'an', Mmy{' e McAulay secretary, R. Coolc libniriaii, S. Heuiuhill tre*urer. Millie CiHk orKanist. Teachers S. Hein|il ill, Mr* It. Cook, Mr*. Tucker, Mi. Marshall, Millie C<x>k and Janie HKiu|,hill. The sclnxil is in n veiy proa It has boon devnie-l fo air. WalU'ra of UoIUnd Centre baa been relit in^ (i C.tim t!iu |>ai>t week uf Dundalk U vis. ting ber Will .Vltl,rrs under the ciro of l'i see tlit-m V-.>th mound Angus KeniifU- of M.-imtoba i* visiting fncnda arnund tins \ ic nity. Mrs. E. J. lii.i-r \i>ited her brother, D. A. Brown. Huun*.n, r-'nday last. Jennio MoAitliui- >;>ent a fewdayH with friends near I* ni"ii i last week and took part in the scln MI! ,-. cc- rt on Thursday evening la>t. !S;--.-rtl from liere also t- tenoYn the pie social ind we believe paid t > tutich fur iht-ir whistle. Measn. J. D. Biowti and R. T. Crier tend a lie.irt) e!o>me to Mr. of Dundalk are in t,.n to day (Monday.) McDonald. i Mr. and Mis. D D. McLachlnn ttir-ied on FiuUy from Ti>r\>utn. Mias Bella McKvnzie returned home lust week after visiting her sisti-r in Kiuiberley. Mr Mi-l>',i aid of Abcrd- en has moved his 'amity nit-- ii-wn and is ,,<,. vine the h<-u.s vai-ntol tiy Mr. Wrijjl;t We ex- and Mrs. f*ri>iH (Mr ^>*PII '' The ho'iidiiy* :i'o at hand and what with t-onoeris and teameottnfi our voting po>(ilo hive tli.-.r i.a <ls full. S il.-nt tinribnth Kt-'io-.l holds tliein on Thursday evening, thii *i-> k ; Knvtenia MeiliiHlisit ui Friiiav e.vi-ninif,. an-l the Preal>yterin on thu 27th. '.Vit'i tde wedding hells S|N-H.| i h..|i|iv I' i -MM,- li.ue. Th.. ininy fri'iidi of Mr. Ed. Carr are very pleased to w< li-.miu him hack again on a visit fpun Ins home in Arcola. N. W. T. All IIOJM- tiuawill bea very h-iij-y and p!.-aH:iiii visit -,. tun Mitw Ta>|.,rof Mt. Xion ia the yuet of Mis" r-<> r..ft of Kd> male. Josriph Thompcon "f Fevenham spent Mil! i- Cook nrei'ained of girl* to t.-ii mi ThnrmUy i-v.-nin.', a very enj--yal>ie time w ap.-nt. Mr. Artlnit M^MulK-n ,-f K-'u-, itinK his mint. Mrs. R. Cook, and friend* hvr. cl** *hen i- vi< other vuited with her daujhtcr, Mrs. Walter ' Taylor, the paat week. rhomaa Haney it home from Manitoba having sold his property there, oo which he lealized a snug profit. Rev. L. W. Thorn conducted a service at the home of James Chard Thursday night last. Surveyor Tmynor of Dundalk spent a week in this locality, running boundary lines. J. A. Hutchinaon and bia pupils are filling in the cddx aud end* of time prac- tising for an entertainment, to be given the closing day of school. Somuel McKee of Rosaland, B. C., vis- ited his brother, W.T., and other rela- tives here, after an absence of IS years. A very interesting gentleman lately viaited thin part, in the person of Mr. Stewart, who s-rved aa an officer in S <uth Africa with the second contingent. Hi* store of incidents of the war teemed to be inexhaustible. He endured his full share of privations and sufferings, having fre- quently cone four days oo a bran diet and slept on the veldt with the rain falling in " chunks.' 1 aa he said it doea in South Africa. He fooght in numerous engage- ment*, including some of the leading battles, and escaped with, only a alight wound on hu cheek. He was here in the interest of the Maasey- Ham* Co., of which he is thu gonenl agent, his head- quarters at present being at Orangevilic He Carrie* with him M a much prised trophy a medal received from the hand of the Duke u/ York when in Toronto, also a gold watch presented to kino on bis re- turn home. & Co. If Catarrh is Your You will find instant relief and absolute curs in Catarrhocone, which lulls the germs that cause the disssiair, cure* the cough, prevents dropping in the throat relieves congestion and ijuickly heals the innarued membranes. Cacarrhoaone euros perfectly the most ehrorsio rsss* of Cat- 1 arrh, lung and throat -roubles, and m ', deliKiitful lo use. Caurr 1 -. rtcotie is ascien- tific treatment highly indorse! by doc- ton and druggists, aud setts everywhere for one dollar, mnall sixe 25 cunt*. By mail from N. C. Poison A Co., Kingston, Ont. werlu off Ike Couth and t IK- t'ulil _ nromMJuinini. TableU cure a cold in ODD day. MoCure, No Pay Prloe ii out*. Xma$ Goods for Port Law May the Kilitnr. his family. Advance staff and nil r.-ulen eiijuy a luppv Xni.-w. Mis. Win. M LeniiHii has IMJVH ill but i* r> covering. Ke>e MoTn>Uh wan a caller in this neixbhorhiMxl U<i week. C Napier an,! ,.n \\ illie hare been on thes.ck list lately Mr*. J-imen J'.hiiston of Flesherton Ladies and Gentlemen, old and young, rich and p*>r. we once more tk the pleamire of inviting you to our sh room* tn inspect nur new and nn jmrti-i stuck for 1'JOl. You will find the stock full of useful and amusing goods suitable for preaenls fur JI ages. We call your attention to our stock of handsleiiths as very cheap, from 25c. up; carts and ns from 26c. up; dull* from Ic. np; watches from Ic. up; also a lot of papet- Heres selling at lOc. A splendid atock "f ladie*' and gentM* tlrea*iti|{ cast s and coni- p*ni >IIH. toys aud mime* of all sorts, and kartl itamtm of all kinds We are posi- tively certain you cannot do bet i or aud in many case not HO well as you can do here. We are always n''l tx> shuw ym hat wo have m-d do our very bust tor y->u. Come early wlnU> the st,k is full. Any pur- : chaws can be carefully put. away ontil { called for. Do not wait till the grand sush ut t So livst or you may be disappoint od. Wi- nh.-ill have the uual <|uuHiiy of I sweet, IIU'H, orMigvii, ;il)out )i>00 Ibe. Tti'inking y,;u for past fav.-rs, I am vours t.. iird.-i-. W K Corny olry and >ftu Pleuretic t'ain* a Danger Signal Pmmpt tretnu-nt if ^Ka-ntial. Bathe th region of p*,ii. inimedistely with P.d- <mi'i Nerviline in. I iprckly bind on a hot bandage p.inkled with Nerviline. Never known i<> fail (.'lire* alm.ist inatan'Iy. Nt-uia'i( a, tootliache, rheumajtism an I I(MI|MI;I! Hre cure.1 by Nerviline just an reailiiy. I' .l..n's Nerviline cures all pain, and is the beat household liniment known. Large bottle 25c. Another wid event occurtd t Walters FiMi yoKterday ni rninv, which cant a gloon over tho com-'. unity, wlvt-u Mrs. W .'tei-M sii cumb.-d t" tvpfioid fever. Thi* U the fourth death in the family f-om tyi'li- i.l fever in the apitL-e <-f ahoiH a year's ti-n--, and the third death within (wo m.-n'hs. the n'her two victim* lx>inn Mini , f th late vic'im. Tinly the fnmily h<M. W-en terribly visited, every meinrMr who t., k the fe^er having soccumbed to ,t. Tliu ntiiKwl ympAthy is expressed hyi-verv n.' liore for the . surviving mem- bers of tho family News. McFar.and, Stafford /lARKDALE, ONT. * 6rty County's Biggest Store Something For Everybody. Like good St Sick, we have something for every member of every family. Bountiful provmion baa ooen made for the biggett Chriaimaci trade ever done in this store. We have the goods and the salespeople and the tow price* to make our anticipation* good. IT OUGHT TO BE EAST to select Christmas presents here, with this) beautiful store full from which to cheose. Our salespeople can help you conaidersbly. Thiit what they aru hare for. These price* are picked up at random in the different departments. They are sugge*tave uf hun- dreds of others equally as good. i2jc. LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS FOR **<*. 90 doien Fancy Lawn Htnkerchiefs, either plain white or fancy colored borders, assorted patterns, embrodened and lace trimmed, hem ditched. fancy open work corners. Regular 1'te. aud 12^c. values. We bought all a wholesale house had lef*. at a big reduction andean say fur Xmaa. trade 4 for 25 SOc. LAWN BANKERCHIEFS FOR lOc. 25 dosen fancy lawn hank erchicfa, assorted embrodiery and lace trimm- ings, niai.y ot them handsomely trimmed and unually retailed at 20c. and -Sie We ciui sell them right now when you need them inoat. Your choice for 10 iV. SILK AM) SATIN TIES FDR 12$ eta. 25 di.en <5enis' Lie*. assorted fancy shape* and patterns (alao plain black) in silk ai.d aatan. Assorted shades and knots, buws, four-in-hand and punV. Every one worth m the regular way 25c. to 3Bc. each. On sale for the Xma*. trade at 2 f >r 35 1.35 LADIES' KID GLOVES AT 75 centt. 30 pain only Ladies' Kid Glovea, amorted shade* in ox bloods and grays< fancy stitcnsxl backs, 4 domx faalenurs. guaranteed <|Uallty, aues 1 to 7J Th* regular price* were f 1.20 and 91-25 each pair. On sale fur tb Xmaa trade at .75 35 cent KIP MITTS for 19 cents. 24 pair only children kid mitts, aaaorted sien and shades, fleecy wool lin- ing, regular value 36c. i-ach pair. On sai* thin weak a* . IB $3.00 TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR 1.50 20 ladies' trimmed hat*, aanorted shades and various style*, all thin s*aa- .111 i goodit, ami evrrv one correct xtyle, and good value in regular way at tSench. On sale Xiusa trade at 1.50 94 oil LADIES' SKIRTS FUR $3.35 20 Ladies' Skirts, uxorted length* and waist measure Some black, soora nary hlue all-wool sente, fancy braid trimming, made by one of the beat manufacturers in thu Dominion, and good value $4.00 each. Oa sale for Xmaa trade at 3 35 00 cent FRENCH FLANNELS FOR 39 cent*. We put on the djvss good* counter this week 37 waint lentcths of Fancy French flannel, all the seasou'* newest and mo*t handsome design*, pais- ley patteraH, oriental defiitns, polka dots, etc. Regular vaJues 50r. Mid ii, md a few lengths worth 75c. a yard. Lengths run at 2$, ty, 2j fdn. each. Tour choice of anv length f.-r Xman trade at 1.00 $0.00 MANTLE FOR $3.00 12 Ladies' Mantles, assorted sine*, florae Wool Frieze, some Beaver, sotne fancy 'rimmed, some plain. The reg. valuta wen $5 and $6. At 3 00 ^tkffoM & Co. iff *+*+++* f*v ^ FMiNfi. fan Proton's Cash Store W. HOCKLEY PROTON STATION. have overcome the mfcty vision th* For the next twenty days wo creeps on with the advance of w iH offer at special reduc- years and now I am the most tions Men's $6.50 suits at pleased man I know." , A pleased patron is the test advertis* " ' ' ' : ment We give free tests and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong. JEWELER AND OPTiClP t FLESHERTON. . > CURE A COLO IN ONE O \ V Take Laxative Hrumo tjuinine Tablr** druttifltft refund the mooey if Ik fall* to < I. w; Uro , tlgnaliir* Is ou eaoh >. All Tatriworth for iS Alvln i No. Boar Th undersigned naa i Tamw. rtJi Btmr for service <>n It 140. T. A S. R., Arteioma. Terms $1 00. TUOB. LBVBB, Prop. women's $1.00 and $1.25 lace shtu-s at ">9c. Also twelve p;iir In i\s' lung boots, regular price $1.50, on sale at 98c. TIi f.illnwiiiK line* hare aim Vn-cii re duci d. Liulu-*' fur eat, Mrn's uiurcont*. Men' pra j:K-kt>to e M n'n heavy tabben (Mapl l?nf brnnrt.) HHI>U blank -U aod erorythinv in dry H ivii;g b oxlit t.i tii'i , ti,,l to room for irootls ooraiug in. we are [ you the bent-fit of these pnci'S. \Ve nlve trie Ml|ihet -ri. I. .r Butter Mm I n^tf* ! Proton's Cash Store !

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