Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1901, p. 2

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r Sozodoni Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teetli &,~yor - Aozodont TootH Powder 25c. Liquid and Powder .5c. by mail (ot-ilie v ; . S.i-'.ilr f<.r the postage, 35. HALL &. BTJCKE1,, Montre.il. All the Land Wonders at the Remarkable Cures Effect- ed by Professor Adltin. HEALS DISEASES CALLEDINCURABLE Eoctors ar.d Pio'fl r 8ional Moi Tell How lie II is Curel the Blind, tie Lau.0. the P^nly- tic and Many Ditto Very Biiok LI Death. FREE IJELP FOR THE SICK Professtr Adkln orars to Kelp AD SufTaro.'s From Any Dlsa\s> Absolutely Tree of Charge Profcs%lo ial fen Inve- tlgate KU Powers. PKOF. TllOi. r. ADKIV. Prtaldeniof tbo l"iiliiiu of I'hjaleline aad In >ll ptrli of lh> country mtn a- 4 omen. Uo. ior ni'rt u gronn, < le gim'n unt I r.iori Mw,nl iiiiv HI ihu innr> . ur in do I jr l'iof. Ti.o K A'lkm. t-ioverer of tbe AJkui V uupaihic iroat- irnl. I'rofewr Adk|-< h**li not by dru . nor b> rhr il in K'-'n.-c. nor bj (14 . up.lhjr. nur >j llipin.il m. i.nr liy UlUne ha tin* til by . ni' i o , 4. < ic furro of UK uro in rnmbm tin wilb rr...l.i vttl iimineiir r in'ie- whl< h lonmiu Ih * ery ol m nu of lif uiid Hn In. A r.-n/rln icoen /tilk d witii I 1 A<lk! t and ** u- -kr I ui lavtir s I rdarrt of tln i| > wnonrn -Ik nr who *r wi>rilnl liy thnluf llioteilair lotlicin to w I r i<> him to* ! t>n a. " Horn* p- nple l>v d'i I iroJ. *! I'nifi Mar Adk n, "ih t uiy powr *r ol Uod ; < he) cull ma i Iv n liritlgr. it man of in) iitf! loua p 1*1 r*. TliU In not o. I ruro booaww i unilemund nmuri-. li*r' u I ill u 1 11 in lo fen i>f na'urn lo hn.ld u; 1 I >'.-.. i ml rloru heal h llul nl ilia ^,ne V i b litre i hit III* o :: mil I not tn\ K vu )! c. port anil) to maka il. rt n-n\, n I burr mad* nor th ' a> Miy to ilrTo op 'In in II II* Imd n I Inirndeil ihat I rhoui i n e lutiin fur lie i o >! or liiini'iiily. I ih.'iffo e f ! t at It U in Out; to lv th twMRi f the U'nro^l rac Ur loallwhn r.' uffrri K. I ni on lo loll >onr r< (fieri m il.<>> can w-ite lo me In tho utrict^nt ounfl Irnco IT Ih y rotm bl*d wiih knjr kind of i\<-e jail I n.!l tliorouglily ill g 10-0 ihelr ra ami p cn..o a r mplo i umo lrtimrni which I 4KII1 lr iiKrai.iet/>err> et > ewnalMt < inr, b< itiialf (reo of chitriie. 1 > rr IMI hw iTiour, thrlr <, r.o how hoiirlno i liny nii\v >>eiii. I wan iheiii in write 10 i- A md 1^" nix ni* i (hem w M. I f< el thai ili, I- nijr IUe'> wnrk. HiKreil li ihd >fn>i'lim wrouiht in ll> medl' M worlJ bv the wonderful rurt* (Mir foim'd bj I -.ifrttur A.ll-tn lhal o vrrl pi l.-'ulo'iitl K in mien oem a<ked lilnve^ll ftaie i hi t ui 4. Ainontr Ih Me tfonllomM wura Jiort.r I. K. Iliwiff and llootor H. Uuttes Whitney, h nli famnui ii'iy^li lam an<l HUM con-. Af er ilm u<ci on I lals>takln| InventlKa on Ihmu mi nunl p y-ln.tn- WITH so IOMI |iil HI Hi far rr "-IIIIIK power* I'ni'e nor \dk n and ll.e won' orlul nflloa'-y of Vi'aoi. .ih ih 'I ihry volun.ecrcd l> fo a<ko JUIMkTJ n ll, apd all other kind" of Irratment and dv<t themMlve< to ai-t ng Pro e-Mir AflLin ID hie Krent w -rk 'or hum u i-. \V'ih i,* ri.ofnrv of tho Adkln "1 uipnlhy r*Ttm< at nnlntnt phr>>l^n< ara m ir.ilij ..^r. il thai ho l'fmeni of d * |a nt 4i bon i o*lu *d to ati exact *. IL-II--". In nil ii inn I.WM mtn nn<l w xiicn 'i vo bneo cifed by iliep wer< f t'rntf* or A'lkin. H-> w ore b'ind. . o >n- w* 10 IH me, nine wore UK f koii.* were par*') in >< rrrly , b c to u. T . MI KT ul n.t< hlr I' tlrmiiy. O horn iru iiflliu "I wuh II i.lit' dio.au. li t ..r ' i C.IT. inii.U'i'p i n .> d (II,. r ao-cull. .1 I nirt k>diayO. .- ni were grTrri-r- it., , k dn f ircvb'e, it'i,Mp4in, nerv ut ('ehilily. in oiniiia, ii.-u n (U. inn. up .tn n. iheum .- u m. fuuiale rxibJea . n I otntr >lm lar ill*, mm. i wrrc men nd women a> d ciod >o rrunlieiiiie**. tnorph no%i>do her evil li.tui*. 1'ini o -e* IVoio it r Adin tr a i- ^ua.^n- l"0'U.ur.>. Kcn lioiuvn tlio brin'< at ilio (iTr, wl h ell I" pn 'f rT.iv ry 10 a nd n*-p 1 1 ml of by i o I nn ' irirnd^ ^nne. bar < ' ea r> -i 01 i<l f > i irf. rt boa Hi b l'i" i. re of V .ioimth.1 Dd 1 m --or j\dk>'.' waive nil* BM|H. And. --'ra 1; bo - I PI iy 'ern. di-mn-e b m i'lo nn d tfercac". llm-oliv K far away MT nun cure.l In tio p Iv^cy of t' ' rown hnmo>. < we I M ILo-o w o hnre I* n ircvrd In p-rwin llufoi ir Adl>m a>*i ru iiu.L ho cft'i c ird *ny iai many ill- 1 mice well an iluuxb be iojd before Ibcni. Not l-ncaco J'i">n Van of H .iktburr. Inwa, who I a 1 b. en .inn for !tu yeur<. waj* I" r.uniiri ilj ni.oJ by \'f>t* or Arlh.n without an pr 'ilon nr a jri'nd. Abiutihn mo lima the 1 1 r of |(o, l.oi cr. N V , WM rnrtlril ihrniro fnoe of <ta o drl re i dei.lt M.I' A. \V ubi. who b<t ' eon p k Uy 1 1 f' r * I iri l. J hi K. NVT. of K lentU'r, fa., whn I d -m'-m-d for y ar I run it i Minr.irl ov r hi' il . ) wn p<~flly r * r. l t., pi*rfr-c b- M w.tlioul 1111 of er*\lom. Kniin I OK i' p rt. lud ana. c ui - t n w< at tf'e r*-o\rrr of Vr< Miry K rh r. who had l<rn pr.cnrn |y d :if for a <o-r. whl'e in Warren. I .1 . Vr < W. S^vago n t C <ulo<(r,i| I er and ar lt. wb i w < ni nl' i arl.nlly lilln.l and rtrnf. 'TI idr.nlixl o fiom a rimini c.n inn of -n-e-. re torl 10 tcrfcct heallh and >lici Kl'i by l'ioK r Ad. m Vi'aopatbj riiri-n act one di-o.Tcal nc- hul li run * II iM.r.i-e- whvn u d in ron. I. ti i lunwiiii i e i rop< r trtiio<1io<. If you nr I r. ii iinlicr wi l ) ur r.i-r^-e l-or w o nr yon i-.uinn' I'O '! r .,(. wr t lo I' 1 of "Mir A<1 1. a lo rtny : te t li ni t i-e le.ulinit * tn. of lour r m-'l:iin', liuw Inn* ) u l,.ivo lr ii"cr nir. mid hi* w II . i I'M. ii) ;nn-<< )Diir ra. Irll jiu Hi. r\ nt rt.-fn-c If. in win h i u aro -in cr K, : nil prc or Ui Ilia Ireannrnl C'nl wl.l in tlil>i > inn; ou^ Tbucnii i ,,.i ni'uuto'y n b u* rr<iicir An. in will a o.o.'ltnno cj py of II' >n TTO "M new ink iiniili-d 'llnw to lle( ur.-d uml How t > Core (Ml > r- ' 1 h lmi icll- MU tmrl y how lr>(**ir\dK'hwillrire)Ou lirn> pnil co . | 1 i uro of hie onuilflfll tri- inn ' I . , < v ! , i , o you how yi.u rouneli inny i o 01 ;hl< tn t hcai IIIK po' or ai d urc Ibc i Dk ursMel j n. --nr Ad kin i r n .1 n k n i* cent f"r lili -i r n ' in 1 1 i connect li a Thry wil rxi B r. n lo )"u bi u olv <<?. II* liw niado a womlrr'ul ili->-. \ f ry. end he wl' 01 to pi ra I In ih lni'iila or oi-i rr nick p*r-on In thia cnuniry. i fc at e may h* r.-tu rd 10 ntr ret h'ulthnid e rriifih. \\ rk >onr Idler \nt nil wi.i-ii )i.u wr 'o. and n' one i nt l'r 'f"-or Atliin I e 'I. Addrrol'r l"rr ,IUo-. f. A Ikln, oOl u ">> ').. lto< bo.tcr. N. Y. -4 capable of artictilating nr ui'>\in.;. (Jin dilutcil hu<l with int <lo''lil l(t-n given thorn in .-iHsibt the LechunicrB in tlirir li(Tiili?'i nti| it. unit ll.i-.v \\in- so weak . i IK! I .iilly nourished that the dhock of boinK n-inoxcd from the cellar to thu hoHpituI, thdiiKk i\'-rv |ir<Taiilin f/aS tnkcn, proved (utul to I'., Hi. X; TO TVCiHK. "I. .-illy." hiiiil \;<'.md'-rlri(; Mike. "I'm willin* in work fur me dinner." "You are ?" "Vc-^'in. Out tlotC ' yours has tiii'pcd me two or thn-o times a M-U- n-jf-lur fur the last thne y<'ui* I'm ready fur revenge, an' I wunt to mako it MMiiclliinR disaRrre ble, scmii-t 'iritf dat'll harrow hi fi > in's ; somet'inff i!al would humiliiite mo furever if 1 <vns him. l.ndy. if you'll gimme a bar o' soap an' a pan o' water. I'll wtif,h do dog." IT CAN'T BE TOU> OPTFN ENOUGH THAT LUDELLA CEYLON TEA Id unsurpassed for Hid, ness of Flavor and Purity. One trial will prove it. I.IM.I patkaeis. 25, 30, 40..V) and COe. SWEET ORANGES Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. 3lack, Mixed and Green. Ua drinkers try "SaUda" Grttn tea. Aboxofswerl ^o.-iora Orange for S' 5- Special prices in lots of 5 "T more bors. We h;ive 150, 176, aoj, 216 and J.^o fiiiem. The Dawson Commission Co.. Limited, Toronto. Km? rltor le tell ia car loti.te lw.l pricn f o.a. Proprietor "Mrs. Marmadukr floO.OOO giilloriH that is .'J.'lOO tons Flin;huininer secnm to be H |;rrfi n of water fall in a yi-ar on an acre lady." AvxiNlant "lriil,-ed t-lie is. of Mriti--h oil. V hy. i-ln- i. -ver .T-ks tlie price ff a thing >,lu> buys." nr Over Pir Tear* Mff Wie>" 8oTniKe'T'Or ban bera M| *j uilk.n" ft .! I"' iber ciiMreu Ml* u* hi**, THF MOST NUTRITIOUS. ' tr^^'V -V'i 'X&Z^HS'Ei .3l i"V" ren .:''' I *,!- i 1 .. i, 5.^ o uu boUU , ...... ,,r ufhew ik verid. lie awe 1*4 "at*.. Wn.aLuwaBooiiiui n> - EPPS'Siw GRATEFUL COMrORTINO. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. 'I :i : shadow of the moon which falls rn the earth ourinjr an eelipM of the sun is usually about SO miles in (litunelur. CholK "Y.ias. sevewul yeara ago I fell de. ply in love with u girl. but - rti-d ir c ird- a wcgulur fool of me." Molly 'And you : j got over it ?" The King is very fi.irlirtilnr his noiepaper He liucs it to be of rather u peculiar shape, more s-|unrc thun oohn;. mid to tie verv (.'tnplo in Myle It is engraved with s ringhaiii or Uarlhorongh Hmi-e in rained letters, with a crown ill nve the nddresN. At present the li ore in black, hut formerly trev u*-i d to IH- in gold, or blink with red capitals. 4 A Well-Known Beachville Lady Cured of Catarrh in its Worst Form After Years of Suffering. JAPANESE CATARRH CURE CURES There an hun-lrcd* of ao-mlled ralarrl curie, hui Uoe rtia h trie I them all pr-> rl-lni Japane l'iiu>rrh Cur.ilhao.il) real > a l.nni.i .' ni i HIT. Mire A Not. Itaarhvllle. On' write*:-" i (rr\ ra armln-d for lha InvaluiMe learn ilrrlreri Tram J*pnnn I ut -rr i Cuin iht I wniiiil Hkeio niake ihli wonderful in, d cln k i ,wn 10 all h ,1 f.-r r vn llil in 14 mi i) irffand (lii gru iibui <li-,-a>e. I tail i at rr) f rjrr.iM Tnero w almnt a lOiataaloMp plnic In my ihMnt ml my breih w.e TI> ob ec | n*Meio olh m Noihinf I . on'il |rl K,VO me riny prrm. urn' rrliof until I uoml J p*n, - r.narrh r,i re. I iiHid In nil a.* boim. nn.l It wurkei win < In inv c o. 1 liare not now HIM lo. i . nn iu, if iHi.nrii, and c.mnol pralx till < i rm,-d)r too h (hi*." Japaneae Catarrh t uiolMleenly permanent nnd gua -lureed oiirnf i-r >t i h. All ilnnc*"'- rell It. Ml oonU. or mallet, pottpaid. by Tu* (iiiffliiii k Mn-phenon "- limited. Ill Cauirl, H . Torn, ,u- LOMiON WATIM C'OMT \Nirs Profits nmountlng to nearly a mil- lii n sterling were ic.ihrrd during tho last tn'elvc im ntlis by the vurim.s water c<iiii|i.iniov of l.ondi n There re nine of those corporations. of which the wealthiest in the ' KIV.T Conipunv. uith a profit to its cndil lust viiir of ov. r l.^i:i.OOO. Only in two r:.--i-s did 1 1 .- | n.:.l> full l.ei.iw I' 100.000. there I.-IHK the u <'iii.p.mv. with u bnlnnce on tin- \e,ir' *. rkii ;c (,f i.'. ii (ilJ . and tli ( - .Siititl-.wark ..i'il Va-iMi ill Com- pauy, with a prol.t c>: Beware of rtntrnsnts for CaUrrh that contain Mercury aa mer-- ry " i**'r ne o-of the -no of amellrn>t onip elelyd r->n.-e,lfiow | >o'e T t--m wlirn rrl HlK lihuviah hnnm o l -nr' . -. r^ucn ari r> -honld nT<r he u-*-d *xc(. , n i''e-, r p Ion - f UT, r-put iblc h -iriajn*. , i ho d "nare i M jr wi Idn ei f M t >'li ifoo-l i .1 ms |HibtT de'lvi-'rom "em. Ha 1'" fawrrh Co e. mmnfirinrtd liy F" J. Cbene> & < o . To- Irdn. " . on- lili- 1.1 m*rou j. "n I n u.krn In le-null/. a>*i'iiv dl't"7 upon Ih* MoV and mac"*- .u'fii-r-. nl ih -v.lem. la buvin| Hull'- Cattnh I'B'e. be Kii 'on ut. i liu K--M !' l I ktnlnt n ,1 y.an I m.i-1" In role to Ohio, by F. J. > nenoy Si Co. Teeiinaomab fr-. .- M by Iir i-i-fM-. priro 7Se nnr bolUe. Ha.. Vamll, " In 188-i t'.j.J'iiiU'd States and Ger- many po>lurrii together 7, 700. fa O tons of pig-iron, and Oreat Britain a Kimllar amount Last ymr combined prmlurt was U:i milT tons to Uritain's U imllinr- W P. C. TMK t-ar POPJLAM O the tea H. t*et*n iho erealh. 3 iv. l he-i -hj (H'e) r "The articles in the :il mil 1 1 e liiintii-r of c ' ''r .-MI ki"ir,n arc v-ry aUtrmitin iNin^ you think MO ?" ^ he "Well. \ cr- ha| H : Inii we womru admire courage in u man." 1 VT > cnrrd of a hnd rn<ie of Orlp liv Ml N Mill S 1 IMML.Vr. Svdn- -. f II O. 1 I. AC IK I Wab cured of loss of 'voice l.y MIS AIM. S I 1NIMI C 1IAIU.KS Pl-UMMKH. Yarmouth I iras rurorl nl Srlatirn Hheuinatlfim l,y MISAIIIVS I INIMKNT. Burin. M1U. 1.1.W1S S. DUTLF-R. Vusta is tht most brilliant of tho small' i pi. I- - is It iv M- I u- to the nuked ey<>. lt diameter IH ."ml niil>n Univ. and it.s surface is but a ninth of Kurope. Dandroff, The Iw-t (treat Indian fatnire uf- I !>\ million | eo| le. iiiul Wu> caused by a delicienry of 1 1 inches in the rainfall Klnarts Llnimsnt Cures Burns, etc, There ure four claxseii of roar's in .-. .T><i(t . -lull Jlllft , und 2Mt. wide. T I ni n.i> IM e\i mi. Tike I. t i i' Kraino UM nl e T-.i.lei* A I . t- r. m:id i e ninn.-i i' U f*il- locine. K. -W. Urov' Mfnalura u oa ttch buX. XJo. In llritu'n ure im- froni Univ. I'rn.irc. Afrii-n Siciiiun is tho Mrs I',- Mm, -i '(;<K d g Thin is tin 1 niiisM>>t neighborhood 1 ,-M-r not into, .lust hear thnw chil- jdr.'n M-r, ,-, I, !" Maiil Tl'cv'ri- your own rhili'rvn, n.-itn." Mr I'e MI-MI "An- tl.,-\ " Mow the litt'c- dari- ngs uro Piiioying thcniH.-lveH !" "None knew tlira lint to love ilia-, none nameil the* hut to | Ill* >l>if iur tl*. >on3 ul Un mu>t bciut fal |i<trj t\n wrll'to Ii i-i'k>liribl nil nrk> off I' r 14. IT* Ilinn yu n m> lubri^ cure \ roM m r.. il. / No u.-. No I ay. frico UciaW. Of the HiO.lMiO niilllun pounfls of fibre annually produce* in the world for rnaruifncturinji purposeH rut Inn ii mount s to over hulf the total amount Brass Band inej rum-nta. Orume. Unlforme Ctc. EVERY TO.VN CAN HAVE A BAUD l^ewivt pfiM4 ever qu'Mad. Ki -ttiluue (rX'M'i-Ti I n- n i ilfr-e. Wr i u- f >r*A* lh'B( In H ilr <-r ln-irnl la<i raiio-m . Wfl/LET R'ilCE ft CO., Lmitod, To run 10, Ont . *n<i W-'louipo. ^' *n CLEANING ^ W T IM LADIES'... .u^ a Caa) be do*, prrfet 1 1 J by our Prvnch Pmeea^ Try 14 ti'iiM ammenoniMc co. MOMTKIAU TOUOXT-^roTTArVA t gUEOKO BURNS ANDBRUISES Soreness removed at onco No scar left if ClLEAOiNE Is promptly applied. Don't forget the rams "Ci:eadino," i.o. Balm of ClloarJ. large Poxes 9Sc. r i ug ;i-.t8, o/ Cileadine Co., Toronto. Dominion Line Steamfhlpt Monu4l to 1 po.il Patllaa ton. aw ail cUaan^M - areaiHiei>a *iv swea-l Su.a ! .eii'a. IkirdOwe raMc.'l i>* MI>* > l u I oiiinaai ef tictard.. MillltOa, aMavSMem fm 1*4* t* af iteej P.Twia.. acv. eeeeeeeeeee*eeeee*e*eeeeeseeeeee* Curod without Drugs, Plasters orLinimsnta NO CURE, NO PAY There is no need to suffer torturing pains and ruin your stomach with drills \\licn you can be completely cured in from one day to a few \veeks. Rcail the evidence : "I waa suffering: from rheumatism all over my body before I g-o: your Bell and In three morrhs was entirely cured' William Aldons, 214 Christie street, Toronto. "I am glad to say that rny rhau matlo pains are gone and I have not had a lama back si no I put th3 Belt on ' Joseph Llttl John, Markdale, Ont. "The best day's work I ever done was to coma to Toronto SDS you, as It was a new start in life. I was nearly drawn double with pain, but thero is not a trace of it leiV'-S. Niok- orson, Niagara Falls South, Ont " I am pleased to tell you that I am well, and that after giving? your Do t a fair tpll I am completely cured of rheumatism." Henry Hale, 205 Bay atroet N., Hamilton. Dr. McLaughlin's Electric BsH Stop* | In, prtin, frei-s tbe blood from uric aciil and gives strength to the |i;iin worn nrncie-i mil tiprve^. U U theonly lielt tlmt doenn't Inirn 01 lilistrr. It atoo cures N<-ivuu l)is.,i- l.-r^. Wi-.-ik Itick, Luinl,i;<o. S.-i;liei, l.iver. Kidney Ami Bowel Tr ulilrs, " ('oine-iitnl (io " I', inn anil 111 it I'.i.-l VVcliii.; .ifti-r cvi-rv other tn-^ tinciit has fiwle.i. I guarantee a cure If I say It will cure. I don't ask any one to tak chanco* on my Invention. It doesn't cost you anything If It falls. CALL TO-DAY. Consultation free. FREE BOOK. If you <-an't full sen I for my OVpago book, which tells of inv nn-tii'd of tr^fttiiiont and teitimonials frnm thu cured. Sent, sealed, fre,-. Aadress, enolosing this ad. DR. M. D. MCLAUGHLIN, 130 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. OFFICE HOURM- 8 L.in toU.3O y. m. S****s****ss*.eeeee eee*eeeeeeeeeeeeeee see* aeeeeeeea Destined F&te. debt of honor, you the amount? much. In it?" "Too much for Where can I send I returned Ilillyard Give me three It it la not too days This ia Tuesday. Will you meet me at the restaurant cm Friday you to pay now. By The waiter ostentatiously placed the Maall till beiore bur. "One ad a penny, please, Miss." Naymond Ilillyard, handsome and diiiMiigui.-.!,i-ii looking, si nun,' oppo- though." he answered laughing He produced his card, which bore .-.his name and adrtross. She put it > carefully In bur purse. "I will send you the amount to- morrow." she. declared. Ilillyard smiled. "To what address shall I write an ack no w lodgBieii t?" "Oh. Miss Dulling, care of Mullcy's l.brary W,..,,m,n.s,,.r road ",,. evening at 7?" She smiled an assent. They dined together on Friday a happy pair. Fuirluigh waa indo-d n- ga,ed to Misa Cuoninghiuu's twin sUter, and all the mystury was cluor- ed up. ''But why did you not give me (your proper name?" askeii Ilillyard "you- you s* you wi-rc quite a to me. I thought it waa we should not an-i.-t again." site, flancc-d up with un assumed she roplied hurrioUly. "liic-r,! will be I ..,,,, la/y ladiilun.vice and resumed itating Tl,c waiter was busy whiuicing about his napkin preparatory to be- ing paid "Some more coffee, ploa.se." bald tho girl, "I'll remaui a little long- er." The man disappearixi, shortly re- turning with the oiil-i She bewail to sip her cofT< vfry lowly. Her lablu companion had ami.lo opportunity of studying her What be saw WAS tni.i: A Broad, smooth forehead, with dark hair clusterini; in ri-hvili<ni.t curls around her luiitpii-s; a pair of really no oc'-.tsioii to reply," she ha-stened to add. Ilillyard inado a careful note of the >addrc.HS. The account was) settled. As they quitted the shop Uie manager bowed and smiled ia a manner that bullies shyly. Fatui have thought other- deep gray eyw. with long laahps; a ^moostrance he , md a dear littla "May I aee you to your door?" .T.-.K.-,! Ilillyard. 1 'No, I would rather you did not. thank you." "Then I insist on seeing you into a cab." "No. I really" i .nue. I insist." And beiore (the could make further hailed a han- som. lie put her inside and handed anort. straight no- moiiU. aud a rather square jaw, Ujn rnal , two Bninin^j, whurh auowud resolution ami deter- -. x httV8 pald yollr ilire Where to? .. tell mination. kept and rings. "Let me see," he ruuaud. Tho handa. small, well- shapely, wnro devoid of the hat Wise," he said smiling "l-'atu ha 'to eat of the fruit of his own he* j too at as of bis own apple '.rces. , Don't sail all tho fowl* you MUM. Eul some of them. Tho leufy brandies of ihu trvcs are .ill right for iummer rooutln*; places, but a stura-proof house will be mure comfortable from now on. toed i* wasted on half-frozen poultry. '1 lii-re ia money in poultry keeping, any but it will come only to thcne who THE DAIRY COW. I believe the Ayrshire, like other dairy cow, should show lirst of huve qualification* for the hiualri all a capacity for giving a llir H" and capital to work on 'I h-n; ia no quantity of milk, writes Mr. M. A. bu'ine.-,* in which experience), bruins. Srovell. A larger utiilcr when full, and a ce.rt.iin quality, which for the which miika out well. is. therefore, want of a Ix-tUir term we call g*imp- the first requisite. In ii>-r general tion. count fur mor tban the poul- make-up s>ho should show thut slio try keeping. ^ bmught us together ag.ain This ' has a strong constitution and abi ity you will have no hesitation in to turn h -r food, above t add; tiff your bill to mine?" tenance rattan. There wan a pause. Tearest." hu whispered, ever softly, "won't won't (roll add your TO AVOID KIRE. Many a barn has been aet on fire should be molded strong without be- through .in upsut lantern. Thn ing coarse ; compact without I ag w ,, v to avoid this ia t>> stretch .,*. wu t -uu t ,.. *w ,.,... Pny shupd. ni muscular wi ' hou * stout wire acroim your atablo life to ruin*, for me t keep always; ! being fat. And with ali 1 right angles to the stalls ana b- for t-eltor or worse, till " Their eyes met. It Wju enough Brave Act of the at Chile. ECTX1 he B| PHOTECTXD. be attractive and pleasing to the nin ,j the aninuil.s over the walk. Put eye. A cow might be an excellent a fi^g on ;,. fl rs t. however. I' i dairy cow. giving large amounts of a harness snap to the ring. Snu butter and cheese, and yd be very your lantern handle into I he snap unattractive. Take, for instance, a nn d move the ring along wherever raw-boned, long-legged, coarse head- y ou happen to be working. Of four* tish. Consul ' *** ' ( 'J hant-ey<rd cow - * ltn a Ior * make the wire high n iiigh to be udder, but unsymmetrical. with teata ,,(, of the way of stock and your on ono side, for instance, clone tn- i,ed. No kicking th light ovor, nor In "recalling incident tional courtesy, whs An.ei ;<:uns have suppor of interna- Jritmii and eacli other. the cabman, thank te|to lhe fo , lotving story w | li(h CiUlle from un American sailor who h rf cost one and sixpence three farth- ings, aad is homo trimmed. very seat, and suits her. The blouse was four aad elovon on the peg. and the lace reund the collar cuiild U; bought j at nay cheap mlllinur's for seven three far tilings iho dozen." herbs," he said suddenly to the man who koverod round like a phantom tat. . He Tsnishrd like lightning. A few minutes later the proprietor strolled up te tbo table, glancud suspectingly twice, soon. at the girl, cuugluti once or then ML nl "We Khali be closing very madam Are you friend?" Yea." mas the answer. "I won't j| Uyixrdj qulo U y . wait much longer." "I will you." Certainly." he said raLhnr coldly. "If that ia your wish." lie raised his hat. "(Jood night." "Thank you, oh. no much fur your goodness. Good iiiglit." la another momeul ho hail gone. run ma to bo seen. "liillyard, congratulate me." cried i youiiif fellow, spiriu*. hurry- ing into his Iricnd's comj'ortablu rh. lathers. "I'm <*ngoged." "I do congrntulat,- v.m most heart- ily." reiurnud rlillyord. warmly. "Mho is the unfortunate latly'.'" bo writer in the Boston Trun.tcript gather, .with one teat much larger setting the burn on fire thia way thnn the others, with great-divisions between the tents and a hollow spato In the middle of th udder, such ovoriluwing wiin cow. in my judgment, doest not be- ring Attractiviv Originator FISST SILK HAT and be- therefore play in the selection by thu judge of the "Stovopipe" co^Jmew'hVt EsM^sU ~* -J-T-!2^ - the police officers, iiislcatl of bun not to make a noise ui the treet. drew his sword and knocked him down. Tno American got up. and. promptly knocked the policeman down la return. He was arreotml. tri-d. and coadeained to be shot thu next morning. Mr. Luring, thn American cons'il. expostulated with the authorities, saying that it would be un nitrous to put a man to death for such aja olTi-nce to him. Caused a Scare. It appears that the baa of the uilk po ^ K i nK ^ attrnctiv* hat nrstV.s, placed upon mankind head . witn evM w ,de apart. face by one John llethenagton. a L<.n- |mjr ^ ^ ^^ m ^ ye J* 1TU7 u but they paid no attention 1 On the day Intuited, smiling "A Miss Cunningham whom I met last summer at a mend's house The .i.l in the world, i assure you." i They are always Uiiit." answered hiist the Unimi Jack. In thu field the year IT'.7 veins prominent, eyes full nnd ll-relv. pleading to know that Hetheringtoa with horns characteristic of the WOJ1 promptly arrested. A contem- breed. a neck long and sinewy, thin, porunuous newspaper account of the free from loose skin underneath, thin djjmr i s as follows: at the junction of the head and J,,lin ll>.-ihuringt.>ii. Haberdasher tapering somewhat to form the o / lu ,. Stranj, Wtl- arraigned before sliouldt>n . wedgw-tha| ed shoulder-*, thl . r^r^ Mayor yesterday on a showing no surnlim flesh, but w A>. ehi i rire o f breach of the peace and in- was required to give l< iinl.i ni Die sum ol i;5i)O It WILB in ovideui-o Uiat Mr. in r<-, i, linens for elocution Tin; English consul. w d< enough a. thu cheat to show a good j.","^" ^ fl ol heart action : a short, -.t.- spine well del n d. : tho body deep, es- sirength ,. straight back. The h, you ne-dn't be so . waiter appenred again and easlic/ . put m fairleigh. "just be- added the colTue to the bill cau.su you'vu nuver heen in luve." l-hank you." said the girl, "you .." do vou know titat? -- Mked fiords 't stand here." The waiter withdrew Ilillyard smiled aarl begun bis omelette, which had been brought to him. ' I'arOon uie. but I believe I am right lu saying that you haven't got the money with which to puy your bill." put in Hdlyard at last. In a. low tene. "Tho manager. I fear, is of the eauie opiaiou." -teur a moment her eyes Boshed In- dignnatly: Ihu mouth quivered. "Hew dure yiiu speak to mo liko that?" she said. "What do you take nif ferT" "I take you for what you llilUard. at all." you're not a liuly's man Perhaps not," e,id Hill- to crowd and reali/ed that the execution waa about to take place. He rushed over to Uie Am- en- .in consul, and cried hip to rump : thighs apart, to nduiit of der, tail smoothly set on and a large, capacious udder vrh--n filled with milk. tirmly attached to the . . _. . . ej A. ** I I II UI I I t\ . I . I 1111 V (I t l 1 " I* i* L i^ i.iiw "Loring I You re not going to let showing wel , u-hmd and car- ijkBMk aB.ltdv.At- aV akakA vn , H > them shoot that man * "No. yard. llo was thinking of tho girl whom re had mat ut the restaurant. Had he made such a bad iuipri-juiion on great imp result) ia li-u in I "Here. Kit me show you h-<r par- i ^^-'^ trail." rattled on r'airlcigh. taking |,j iprv a small plioto from his lottt-r caso. 1 ii.-ro. IHU' I that a sweet i.- "Voiy," di.-clu.rod Ilillyard. but with a touch of bitterneMS. ior ho reulf/.ud thai all the suiLshinu hiul none out 01 Mia liie. lor thu face ho Ka.eil at waa the foco of tho gi "What can I do - was Ui. answer. "I have protested against It. I can do no more." from side to side, with tpats sym- metrically phiced and wide apart and of n good size, the udder smooth nttl1 his i.ivn me your flag 1 the lhrollffilollt . with tbo apl)) .,, r: ,,,,,. that "" < h structure having and calculated to Inuhton timid P-M>I \t a mutter of fact the rrown a that si-vi-rul women fumtd a* lha unusual sight, while chililrcn ran scroaniing, and a young man. was returning from a chandler's shop was knocked down by the crowd aos broken Fnrlishm.n With the twc .flags In hi, hand, ho ran to the field, clbowe.l h,s way .ugh tho crowd and - - ^.Tv. nd 1 kn- an h d d" real """""K" tho "owd nnd s.il.li^rv. an* . n-nrliivl th' prisoner II- f. ..l,d the loauahla.. In rtort. h. had Ameftfau at)ol)t ,, , ai<| i luxe at Urnl sight. | t ,, e U(Won Jack oyer jt ,, i. lut out show you bur l>or-i K ^_. . -, ..... ... _... tilled to showing skin soft an ami covernd This anawor flabbergoslod her for a moment. She coulil not moot hu seruUuislsff gaze. ., "Pray al low me the faror o add- JJJ he had Mf ^ ntl ^ ing your bill to mine, he continued. caLaUy "You must admit thut you re is n r.wkward corner, and that yeur friend ia a myth." The waitor, seuuuwbat agitated. 4row BMar again "Owrncoa." he ordered sharply, and the gentleman with the napkin dUa|**Orxrod with remni kahlo o-lont v "Really." stommerud iho girl, "1 I doa't know what you mcun " 'I saean what I say." he answered firmly. "I will rupat it again If "It Is just uiy ill-luck." ho mut- tered. "What's that?" asked Fuirloigh. sharply. "Nothing, oothuig. will bo very happy." "I'm sure wu sjuill. I hope you Ta-ti. old bo oil now. I'll look "No wonder she gave Iho naino ol 'U-lilng.' "mused Ilillyard bitterly. lt extracted a postal unlur from man. In 1 must soon. you wlsk. 1 don't beliovo you have tlio money with" She uotlonvd him to desist. his for une aud livo aud a to which run ^^^ ' With Misa iKjllinjj's """ h ^,on^SrZ'^ ht ! tha ^^"'" h """"*" that. sincere "I ought to step. You right?" cannot deny I e demanded. Uiat I "km l^ elter leave it as it is. I uiay bo ill a tftSSItST that |>lainl> sho.wed bu wuuld have a direct answer Her face wont a deep crimson. "Yes. you are ri|<ht," she rwplled ut leng-Ui. but with a great oflort. "It waa rery. very wrong, I know, but 1 tvus so so hungry, and 1 Uuiuh that" "That it was possiMo you would meet with a jcood Samaritan," put wrong. Then ho sat down to write an arli- elo. and by the tiuu.- lie had postisl it to bis tj-plst il wa-s o'clock, do h- Went to the rostiiuraul whi-io hu had in- t. Miss Dulling. Needless to say. ho ate ui.s lueul ia For these n- suizixl by the portion of It : ^*"l ana taken to th., lord mayor_ i-id ipi'irently '> extenuation thu SSfSSM capacity . leg* abort, that he had. the right toappsar - S4.-1 wo^ll ap-rt. h-address of h, S own deigning, tic. rich ,n color " "It''"" 1 "^ ' With soft, cl,.M.-. woolly TMh.Minutim i- '' .sLole, or silky hair, i* a .show cow. and that it mattered "*<! sni-h a cow th >ws health and tho fearsome di strength and dairy capacity, und and introduced liu sill. - you dare. ' h shou'e^ witn . u ig beaullfu , i an ,, wn ,. n , ha ,.,. r t nal nothing mattered much * ld walks around without any apparent, effort, with hciid u little up ixnd no- | tices things without bolug wild or, timid, and with graceful movements. ' sho -becomes attractive und U hard to beat In tlio .show nn: are such a miserable cook." Tho first prizo \>rshir- cow at Iho n, ' liuit I've got so Tun-American poassssed nn Ull . ,-,.,.,, was not shot. TITK ONLY WAY. DHFESENCE IN FOGS. Sea, Mist and London Gloom Have Nothing in Common. iakwl. *>U, Llini. A W ^Ub L/ A IMe^eMaBaTMV S*a*tBaV |^VsVB>SIVBm<Jei IAJ\^r* w \^a * ^ U huto to go home at Bight these qualities in an eminent dt-gr<.-<i. the scu alike disc-, rrrant question Is gradually She showed great dairy capacity, omnibuses and stuarushlps a ng tlio whole household." much the largest udder of any cow in hud tu luy u> for safely by smiled a pitying smilo. the ring, probably a trllle too pon- tho Uondoa log g"t m'o do you keep her fur '?" ho dunt for the Ayrshire tyi>'. t,-nt:. most room and bafflM w,.|| plaiwd, body coTpn.-d with tho trie ligl.t (tiiough the caadl) ' Why, wo kep her." roplied Dim- nne*t skin, unctuous. lo.>-e and oJa<- out triuinpliuiit. curiously). pleton. 'because tbe chances ore tho tie. with tho ilnest and -ilkiest hair densest Me) does not dm next ot.e will be w of any cow c? Ii bit.-.l. si.- .sto.nl th- -.iloon or ^ l . Wilrn-rl'.v laid lil.< hind on liU with* straight hack ;md not us th >. . Iric-nd'H shoulder "My dear fel'o\v." some did, with tlu-ir hind li>gs very Tin; w.ir.l M4 V-s not been he said, "that is th- whole trouhle. much untlor them and u hump in the ---i '.t - lluin tho siv That is the key to tho entire qucs- back. Sh i tion. Ifouscholdi-rs. as a rule, aro prominent milk v too timid or too 1a?y I don't know which You take anything you cnn haw BSStfry, hufca 1 "" thing was known 1% is rouujai tly ihe enrly yeurs o.' thu I'nirUvnlh Tlio Isolation. Throe nionlha paascd away. II ill- thoughts. "A vory rl-sky game to pliiy. .Suppo.te you h.ul not met mo what thru' 1 " Sho laughed uneasily Uuk you sue 1 did meet you." "Yet yu seem very reluctant lo ,llw me to add your hill to mm- Tbo olor Cauied her cliceks aguin "It miu.t bo a lunn." sho d.*Ur-d. " 1'ury illyard 'I cuuie in ln-ro in t*ken ^back. iwpfi'ation. You tloa't know yard was unablu to lind any t ruoii of Miss Uelling. though he had \isii.-d '. iines. Fair- try |i ii'l- ing his still kept his It was a strange fata that ono day Ird him to vlait hts typist's to mil for a manuscript wlikli he i-six-ci.illy wuthud for. Hut wli'-u ' Mi.-.:. l>-ll- forwartl iu ivn.sw,-r to his was fiiuipletcly anil oh. so You hav certainly ucc-.N-(led a<l- '" what it U to bo poo; . hungry." "Ifes. I do," ho ansv/ered "I am so sorry," she whisjK-rud ' irontly. "I did not know I had IID I ( I in-\-r thought "I'my (Jon t apoloi.-." liu mt.-i-- ni|itfd. agnin ussuuiing his lilit>-r voin. "Ii you uro r.-ally sorry you will PRHU me your I i!l r. Ju-\e me," sho replied (tatsAsW ly. haading him tbo ilmisy bit of p.i INT. "I am truly graU'ful. I-'ortune has not boon too kind to ino of lalo." "Nor to mo." said Hillyard II.HIH' fortune is to nitrihly in keepiuK out of my way.' he stammered. "Allow uie to oon- gr.it ilnto you on your my .rii-nd Cun- Tin- was vNiM.v ;u;ilatcd. How did you lind uut ui.v vr;;s (.'uniiiiigham, aud who told you I -s IN engaged?" My trait." in-nd showed nie y<ur por- Thcre is some mlstakf," sho whis- " Years ago my fa- for Knglaiid, tnk- twin sister, leaving My my hurried] irft ,ing with me with mjuiothor in Anu-nca a tickle Jado. and lather dietfljlnd shortly after. rdingly. Woo moihor *y uume i LO DV irertiou cv(*i tiiiiHijr . ijv - _ - - too much, sho on, -., turn* and an' I ha^beeu tryuaj for month- whereabouts .of my sis! know what a .trugK !, you. Trea' |,ur with indifler- lo und uJ hli 7ill vocr round and fawu upeja you." ' h "SIM ha. at any rn,o, bran good ad| te mo to-4\lgbt." sa'U tho girl 'One i' n l ..omant I aaall ruusidir this kill .1 '" for exiMtitnoe. MMtMt my sist-r?" Jli<\o mo. I will Uu all Can you built : has an attractive e<v. .tlemi- eouioious. vsttH tls> pi tifnl h : u -rt that were I . mdun l"i get. und sulTer. nill:i>r tluin chnngo." nuet'nly and'alWaJ^ al tructlv<. flth.-r m, mn nist on oilier m-t.i.sMy "But," inti'rriiplud liinipl-tnn, with whnn slantlmn or walking. If cnr.-d , |,,.i iLiflb Kdwanl I Romo surprise, "why should wo hy !l scnlo of points adopted hy burning only of dry w,;i chnnifd if It rtcK-sn't do uny guod ?" thn Ayrshire Hreeiii-i . growing use "Thy point." replied Witln-rl-y, "is ia January of this yi-ar. i-' IP- |l'* ,.,,,., n^torf ihu ;>u wi'h iUi -tink this. I'vu tricxl it. anil know. My IMII: sin- Tonld r:ink a!.,,vo .uiy th ' lo L | 10 gruai pi-'-jiidi.-i- :md il^ nu-thod i.-i ti'.ii|h!e.-iii:i< for a whil.-. sio,.d at first nbo\- I i-,- n 'I.o ; t i. r ,|,,,. u t ( health In l-'UM! IK- ; but it pays. I kivp on changing un- ring f {r-..it Ayr..lu--u cows .it the prohibited Uio use oi coal; til I just get the Kirl 1 want. I I'aii-Amurlran never engngw a servant for more lh;ti K week's trial. Tien, if slie d.io.^n't fulfil my rci|iilromeiit!i oxtictiy. I t rv another on<v I k>vp tin's no until I nm Fi-n-:i.i.\>: All formeis undei stand ill ,1 sntislle<l. Of CDiirsc, whi'p yon doing this it i-4 ir,.|.- or Ifxvs "l*~' w inter HIM it's the only w.iy ." ',., tim Dimploton wns thouirhtful. ' know but. you'ru right." l-.o f'-nally "ITovr liuig havo yiiu l)Oeo' c trying tlii , ' WHherby sighed I..- ; i arli- II.-KS lici-i-s thu f'i- r '' ''' grow faster ;md run he k-pt. inonj tr,. H" in summer than' during thu ^viili.-ntly ryui|*r<l, for in 1 season. Cm.-- r- 'pi ,,1-aliix.A^^W'V ji'.'out *!'' genornlly '-fWt ' "* > II M . A A ^ VJ1PP' r ' '"' **'"'' tho clionp pi"*'' thus prr^n-i-d : "^- ior iho corona' ioa s -.v know that grass and even ( ,f Kir.v.u'd II unless nt its host, are fttr in- i 'fwior ti somo other vvn"'-; r ' >-. that. I MH.III si.' . n ,,, . ^ grown Qnd fp< T. Turnips and I Is bii always preferred th- sugar Uiot. though nil txxi pcrcviitago of sweet, and even experimented with form of a.rim>r<'d ni;i- into Iho pigpen After they Mil. II AKY ALTOMOHILKS The ili-viMopuiont of tho bila as HU odglnu of wax Ls at proseut ] o<-eii|ivn,g n. n-h aM nt ion :UIII>NK tho luangx;! wurtel. \|hjch oontuin I.DO niilitnry uuthonUe-s in l-hirup 1 1 hj lenst, aro enU-n gi h. tin- l-'reiirh. the U.ili.ms. will need othor ft-^,1 ' iin.i.'i.t :uid Hi- I'.u^M.ms aru row aatl <"-l 'lu'.v nil nt work upon tlin probK-ai. S.-v- liavo it. When tlv !- . era! types of military automobil,-* tli beets, w^-oded out. n.V-ro too In tlurk iu tho rows, should b- tl. large enough lo cook only th i will bo paten an tho beet loaves will IH. nin.-.t!y tmu,|.->.l under foot '1 h-y make an exi-ellllfltv^Sorr-foil with milk ' and whnttt miitdtiii);-," This i-.it ion c " will mako the young pi*;'- i;r,.w rapidly. audlh<>y will : iit- tle com < ' I"-, 11 ti'i th- butcher. TlIK IMULTUY Y.Mil> - Who keep dili'. Italy a chlno has been devised t.>r tho pur- pose of protecting railways in time of war. Some of the Gorman ma- chines aro Intended for scouting, and are furnished with drawing tables .md iniips. (itliers curry Maxim ipma And CUB do a little lighting. 1.1 i:,. n:if M(TIIKS great ol-.--, ' ion tu el- ' that Hi "ill not run it rechargii'tf '" sji ' 1 ngland ,i^ run d, n- \\ i til ^ rolls. * The 0-1 doi: . ;\<-li : .bl--d it. to in. lisa nl r*.,s i hat in I ,1 : III lli'- n ,. Wl nnlv - : It THK oTiiKri virw to me." .said the lad* with a aevero glance, "that tho news- papers print some dreadful thimc"-" "Yes." answered the often makes mo sad to "it may :ul,i,ti, i heir [iron's l,y>n*! think that 'lie fJelnrs up into pillow . - J ,..- friend is people insist on doioff sli'x-s i-ir n.ic I IH u'i >' HIIIH and compelling : about them." us to writ.j 1,-l.ii'i i i i . ju.--t a- n. ' '"*. t I

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