Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1901, p. 4

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THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. Toronto. Dec. 17. The wheat mar- kot Is I AM active, with buyers hold- Inf oft. No i> white and red are quoted at 7SJ to 70c middle frrighla. No 2 goose steady ut (ilk middlu freight, and No 1 spring Is untiled t 7 iJi- iul. alunitolia uhi'.ii erusior, with No. 1 Laid selling at 8C all ' rail, via Sarniu tunnel; No. 1 Nor- Uiern at Hftt. and No. J Northern at HUc all rail, via Sarnla. Via Norih Buy Ic less. UaU The market is .dull with pri- ce* weaker. No. 2 whitu sold at ; 4ft to 4.1JC low freight* to New Vork. 1'eaa The market Is steady, with few oUttriui;. No. - quoted ut HIJc wost. anil at HI' | to 83c middle fri-i-hla. l ..in The murkrl ia strong. No. 9 xcllow Canadian bold at 62 to GUc West Itarley- M. irkut dull and easier. No. 1 quotod at 50c, and No. - 5'Jc; No. 3 i-xtrn ut ."iiic, and No. a ut 4'JC mnUllo freight Hye Tho market continue* firm. With pi if as at .)."! to ."<ia iiinli. it frcighla Huckwheat Thcro is a fair demand, with sales ut 51 J to 05<: middle freight*. Hour The market ia quiet. Ninety per cvti us , in liuyera' bugs, quoted at 9U.HO middlu irvighl. with olier- iags winnll I .tn'ally mid for Lower 1'roTinco trudu choice straight rol- lers, in wood, are $.'1 lift to $:! l" Manitoba flours aru linn, with I- UP Kosea soiling at $1 -o. rod patent at 3. WO. and strong bakers' at fa BO. Toronto freight. OaUaoal Market unchanged. Car lota on track $. r . .'15 in bags, and 5r. f><> in wood, llroken lot*. i!.'>c per bl.l extra. Milhoed Ilran ia firm at $18 low frcighla for o\|*>rt, nnd at MU h> r<- Shorts, $20 lew freights for export. anil $21 here Manitoba bran. $jn. and shorts $22, Torouto fruighla, in- cluding Macks. I -Cash. 81!Jc; Di-cembur, 82*c; May, P2:c. LJVK STOCK MAUKI:TS. Toronto, Doo. 17. At tho Western cattle market to-day the receipts wciti 7:1 lurloadn of liv* Hliill. in- i hiding 1.200 cattle, 1.3OO sui-op and I. nulls, HOU hogs, 15 calves, and a do/en inili-h cows. There was a Rood demand for ship- pers at from 4 ( to 5c per Ib, and r.Jr WOK seviTal tuiifM paid (or extra choice lots. IluU-hcr cattlo sold well to-day: good t<> rhoicn -old at from 3f to 4ic per Ib, and xuiiviTino sold easily at Sr per Hi. 1'ricca of all grades uie (inn. All the cattle here waa sold out early. Stockers were in bad shape to-<lay nnd Hold slowly at from 2| to 3c; tiny are not wanted. Keodors are alsti a slow sale. Them lit no change in mllrh cows or culvea. Sheep wore steady nnd lambs ad- vitnritl; lambs sold up to 8{c per It), und moro would have sold had they .ept lieri". l'ros|x-cts for to-morrow are good. Hogs to-day are unchanged. The best price lor "singers" ia 'I. per Ib; thick fat and light hogs are worth of to ."ijc par n>. Hogs t-o fetch I ho top price must be ol prime i|iiHlily. and sralo. not below UMi nor abov.- 2OO Ibs. Following la tho run go of quota- tions: Cattlo. Shippers. |>er cwt ...84.25 lluttlier. choice 3.75 Hiitcher. ord to good. U.'J.I Hun her. inferior 2.75 r,o 5.75 .-, 7fi Polatoea> -The market continues firm. Cars are quoted al >5c per bag OD track hero, and tlu Jobbing prices arc HO lo H5c. Dried Apples Marknt ia Bteady. PnrtjB uro &| to (ie |M-r Ib. Kvapor- alod aoll at l> lo lOc. llo|M llusinoaa quiet, wilh puces trady al 18c; yearlings, 8c. Honey The miukel is unchanged at ;>J to l"r Combs, S1..1O to |3 60 par doKi'ii Poaaa Thu market is steady. Un- plckod are Jobbing nt $1 40 to ft 45 and bnndplct.ed al $1.6.0. CraiilHMTlea Market unchanged, wl'.h Cape Cod at $H lo $'J per bbl. Canadian, fG .In lo $7. Stockura. Hogs. Choice hogs, per cwt.. Light lings, per cwl . . He. ivy hogs. |*T cwt.. S,,ns. per cwt -T ''> .Stags, per cwt U. " " Sheop and Ijtmb*. Choice pwua. per cwt... 2 ~' Hut i her bhts'p. each 2.OO I .in.-,-,. |ivr cwt JJucka. per cwl 2 (H) Milkers and Calves. Cowa, each _ SO.OO Calves, each.. 2.0J fS.OO r> mt \ (H) I! _'.-> 8.00 012* ."1.^74 6.0O 4.00 J "" 3 2r, :: jr, 375 2 .10 4ri.no 10.00 AT SAUL1 STt. MARIE. Plans For Ship-Building Plant Now Completed. A despatch from Smilt Ste. Mario. on I lie (.real Lrtke.i. of n HISO sulli- tliority it hasl>ivir ifurned thai the piiuis for the big si.ip-iiiiiidiQK plant In lut hunted at (he lunutliun "Son" by Christ o| i-l mill me site capital, heatiett !> sir ur 1'UineoH, ure now prepar- 'I lie mil lor the largest pi. nit II. iv. l>.il'-d-Tho with good dwnand t is firm, of liino- thy at Vtt.fJO lo $U.76 on track for on tiif tiiual Lakes, ol u .-i'' sum. cn-iii lo allow the building of lour lake carriers of tho largest type at the Min.e liuio. I'lirnes.i. tlunng his viiit hero in October, wu enlhusiu- lic over tho "k>oo" us a silo for a (hip-building plant, nnd seemed com- ho 1 . pit-to Kluimiica of lake commerce. Straw Tho market is quiet and und all uvmlable fu< la relalmg lo flri-i Car lots on track bring $0 to the shipping industry tor. oullry I i. nli- la quit-l with, de- mand limited. Wo (iiioltr Turkoys (dry picked) 7 lo Hr; geese, lo (IJc; 'portion dm ks, GO lo 7(lc. chicknuN, young. 40 to 4.V, old, 25 to it.'ic. I IID i iniailiun plant is to bo locat- ed west ol, and in close proxually to the Clorgiio SU<el wmkM, the first of Which U now bearing THK DAIRY MAKKKTS. murkut Is steady, llo- (>i i lui sixteen tubo work* mills, for i huh inunlyHivo million dollars haa IMVII rairmd, and in which l-'urneas ami rguu art) both Interuated, fourteen ceipts are lair, bul chqioo gratis in ""' " > .. l><> "j 11 " 1 al , ll * >"** fio'd demand and linu Wo outOc:- '*"" , ""* IWO '" -"''' Uio.fo dairy tubs and rolls lOc; BO- H " In co,,na,o,, with the lube loclvd l-lb rolU. 17 to !.. low K rl- ?"', ," , . Aui " rll- " tt .*?' . ** e.. 11 to I3c. 1'uckage/ showing "'' f " ov-' 1 " 1 * *> bu ' u f 1 ' I. 1 lO lif |-r III Ie . I I, .ill Ulil\e quotations. Creamery prints, ill to 2~c. tlo ,-oliilM. 1:11 lo i HH Mitikel linn. \ie ipioto: I ! Wi. 'JU to 21 If; cold slonigu, 1M I<| .T. anil limed, l' It) l,i t.lioone 'I he luarkul is ijiiiol. and dim at Of lo UK IIOUS AND ntOVIMONS. DrunMod hogs are uncliange<l nt $8 RAINBOW BRIfbH FLEET. Admiralty Experimenting With Different Colors. A de, put ch from London sny* : \\iii-n thu Kngliah I lumnul si|uudrtm start* for Us nexl crulM) early in the New Year il will preseiil iho ox- .rdinury uppeuruncw of practically l(ly i,.'ery ship being |. united u dllleiel.t long dear, sells ; In ' *i lols Wo quole. Ilitcon, al luic in Ion and case lots. MORE MEN WANTED. Eeinforcements of 25,000 Would . .0011 End th* War. A despatch from London aaya: The military correspondent of the Timus, in a message sent from I're- loria. din-lures that the btatements thai Hie llriiish troops in Suytb Af- rica are "utulo" are unlrue. He su.vs that tin the contrary the IIUTI nro in splendid condition, and though they uoultl l><> ^Iml to gel home, ihey liavo not loul their zeal for lighting. This fitful u to regulars and volun- teers ;it i.trin-cl to various battalions. Some Colonials recently recruited ul South Airicu soaporta ure loss satis- factory, but the Ix-.st culonials. those irom Canada, New Zealand, and Aus- tralia, are invaluable, and th* new Minunry tire improving. Th* cor- respondent says it is undeniable Dial the strain on thu generals and stall 1s exccsaivo. klany of theae ofl Uuv* worked for ^wuive kaurs daily for two years. Kitchener alone Miems absolutely impervious to wear und tear. The reynne.iital officers are all right. 1101 .KM IN OOOD CONDITION. Kcioforcumont* to the number of 25. two .Vuuld be 1'iiiut risuly \aluable. and would render the lost slago of the war rapid und complete Tho '.'I-TS keeping in Ihe held number from R.OOU to IO.OOO, and the> are moslly ia a* good condition oa tho llrnif.li. They are ueanontxi aol- iliers. and got pleuly ol supplies from Katlir kraul.t and parts of thu coun- try I liu i aru only accessible lo U.eui- Kelve.s Tlio Ixaillr kraals also serve if. remount depotn, and for coch Itoor ihcio uio LWO KalVirs. who, oven when uiiaiuir 1. arc useful auxil- iaries For lighting purpose* tho en- emy ausl bo esliuialod as uumbering Jt(.(X) exceedingly niobilo troops. The lloera atill believe thai Kuropean iiMi.-rvenluiti i* imuiinenl. that (Jreiit llriUiin ia tired of tho war. and that they liavo only lo hold out long enough in order to make the Ilritish BO weary that they will surrender Tho burghers are lighting to win. nud are convinced that Ihey will. Tho II.. i-ii pay allentitin lo Ihe Ilrllish .. but may not believe the poli- tician's Kjicociies. as they consider politicians professional liars. ' not* every word Indicating weakcn- irg of British determination, lame-it- Ing the cosl of the wur, und speaking of Inteiiiiitioiml coinplifatiuii , I o 10 which its continuance may give rise. They have no particular enmi- ty toward tho liritish nation, and ratliiT^iko the "KhuJcis;" bill iheir "in- UiotMfht is the restoration of thfir inl*|-nili'iifo under t'.ieir ^wn (lug OpViily tliey Jay tlial When a Literal tJuvernun-i.1 .ouiOB lilo |*w- ur ihey will gel justice. -4 KITLlll.NKK Till: UICitflr>MAN. The corrospmidefit ^sVells on tho dillinilties of Kit rln-h.-r's position He has 111 rue thousand ulilos of foiu- mur.lcution lo protect. Civil <:ov- erinnenla are being re-eJUaMisln-d. l-'.nglish p.ipiilalloiiB are iK-ing brought hack, niidilho enemy's famil- ies are In- inn InoAtJ^^ler. All ia heiii!' done wilh o^niuch smaller numbpr of olToclive Iroops tuau has ("en ioiagined Tho removal of Kit- ii.i-n.r would bo fatal, says the cor- 11 ]n ndent. nnd would be cunntrued by the lloi-ra u a groat triumph for iheni'H.'lvea. Kitchener knows lha lloers better U..HI any other man in South Afrlcn, nnd tho army trusts and bftllevefl In him. A ili-spnti h ti> Hie Timoa iixiui Woi- liii % ti^n. New /ctalRiid, xyit thai re- apou.iiblo New /cu hinder* returninn from South Africa ilecluro that iiuuo soldiers ro needed! to linish the war. ACROSS THE ATLANTIC Sig. Marconi Receives a Message From England. A despatch from St. John's. Nfld says:-- {Signer Marconi announced OH Saturday ,,, K |,l tho mosl wonderful scioiuilic discovery of modern time* in stating that he has received elec- tric signals across thu Atlantic Ocean from his station in Cornwall, J'-ngiaiid. li, ,-xpluins that before leaving Knglaiid he had wade his >lan for ucx:onipHhlng this result for while his primary object wna to fomuiunicate with ocean liners in mid-ocean, ho also hoped to succeed la attaining the wonderful scientific achievement of wireless telegraphy VcroM the Atlantic. Siguor Marconi's station in Corn- jWall ia most powerful. He possea*** an electric force generated there 1(10 times greater lhan at his ordinary stations liefore leaving Knglund In; arranged with the electrician in charge of tho station, whirh in lorat- od at I'oldhu. to begin sending sig- nals daily after a certain date, which Signer Marconi would cable him up- "ii perfecting his arrangements here. Signor Marconi arrived here a week ugo. and selected Kifnul Hill, at tho entrance to the harbor", as an experi- menting station, and moved . hiS equipment there. Ijist Monday fie cabled the 1'oldhu station to begin sending signals a t 3 p. m. daily, and to continue them until A p. m., these hours being respectively 11:3O a. m. to 2:30 p m. St. John's time Dur- ing thesu hours on Wednesday Signor Marconi elevated a kite with an uur- lul wire by means of which signals are sent or recei\od. He remained at tho recorder al- tarhed to the receiving apparatus, and, to his profound satisfaction, signals were received by him at in- i.-r\uls, according to the programme arranged previously with tho opera- tor at I'olilhu. These signals con- sisted of repeating at intervals the lelit-r "S." which in Marconi's code Is made by three dota or quick strokes. These signals were reported MI frequently, and, according to tho d' tailed, jilan arranged to provide snfcgu:i.rtU against possibility of a mLsUikc. Ihul Signor Marconi wai satis; :.-! 'I.*! a Wiut a guuume tranav missiou from Knglund. , liUl'HSIl CABINET APPHISKD. Again on Thursday, during Ih* tiauie hours, the kite was elevated, .mil the bumu signals were renewed. j'l'hia made tho assurance so couiplot* i that siiji.'ir Alurconi cabh-d lo hia principals iu l.tigland, and also iu- ' formed tbn Governor of Nuwiourid- laud. Sir Cuveodibh llt>ylo, who ap- 'prised the lirilish Cabinet of thu *uo- COM of the oxponuieuu*. HIT Marconi though kuli.sfied of tho gi'.iuinenesa of Iho signals, and thai ho had succeeded in his ub- lempiH to establish commuDicalion iinoss the Atlantic without the us* of wires, emphasized the fact that the system is yet only in on embryo- nic stagu, bul thai Ihe possibility of its ultimale development is demon- slrutod by Ihe .success of tho present experiment -i with incomplete and iru- I"-i lect apparatus, as the signals can only be received by the mosl s<joa4- lively adjusted apparalus, and s.i;- uor Marconi is working under great _l*jy)tiea. owing to the conil -prevailing here. The Cornwall. ia 1.7OO miles from Si. John'. In view of Iho success ut lending these trials, Signor Marconi will for the present disregard the matter al communicating with trana-Allanlic steamers. Me will return lo Kngland next week, and will conduct tho ax- perii.-ii.-nts from Poldhu himself. lit explains thai tho gre.it or el.olricaJ power there will enubl- him lo send more effective signals, lie will under lako Ihis work himself, leaving aa> sistants hero to erect a most und re- ceive tho signals as he forward* them. It la not posaibln lo send re- turn signala from h-- uajtil a power- ful electric bullt-ry shall* have beoai installetl. - - ; - .*> y*>- ^ Sir Koberl Hond. 1'romier of Jew- foundlantl, ofTers Ktgnor M.imrB T- cry facility within th" power bi 1t Colonial Oovernni^nl for^ttfe* caBjy- ing out of his | Tho troopn huvi- di-nco in K l! rln'mi are hnmporeil by il III III.' I l:|-id Ki Ferted that excess! shown Hours in re 1 1 HIM, is la Nixtal CANADA'S Exporta for Five Increase ol A il I.M-. h i in;. I >mni'.; the month r\|i|l.ts Ullltillllteil ' Mess pork. VlV.fjO to i>jo ; (| (> short cut, Ml. Smokod Me.itK Hums, l.'lc; break- foal bin on, lie; rolls. I If; backs. I If. und .shoulders, lujc. l.uitl Alarket IIIH li.uij;. ,1 U.. .|'ioie . 'I i. /.. , lO|c, tubs, IK. |"ll i. II Jc. I eiirilliUl'.s, 8JC. IJNITK1) STATUS MAUKKTS. lUilulh. |i,r. 17 Closir-Whoat- ah. No 1 hard, 77|c; No. li ISor- ihern, 71 Jc. No 1 Northern find l>e- . eiulwir. 74|c; May, 77Jc. Com 11:1; MilwaukiM), Dec 17. Wheat l.owar \i|l. Ullti II, llrllisl, A. ...iralty 1%...,,- ' 1|u . mlso ,,, xlous to ih i-oM-r thu lint giving Iho grenti'-st possible luvlsil.llity. 'I l.o it blni'k hulls mid white upper wilrk.4 urn very conspicuous. Sky blue, khukl nnd black huvii ulroaily bi- M evperimeiitiHl on. nnd black has been a dead fitiliirit except at night. FRENCH REVENUE. ^30,000,000 Leaa Than During 11 Months of 19OO. A it.fi|iuth from l'i\ria Hnys: The revenue nu-elplM for thn monihs of he uliuosl but his con fl- I .101 tS -advised ugltalit>n gilom. It is tut- , , nusiiliT.lt loll IS iv camps, while B.ru sullerlng luircl- close. No. 1 Northern, 77 to 77 |c; November show a ilecn-asn o' < : No U North.-iii, 7li to 7tc. Muy, 70O fninr.i o toiupared with Iho ".^r"""' i?"', 1 . fla * '" (1;l ' c ' >rrppondlng iin(i,th of Inst yem The receipts for th el, -veil lie nlhs in 111(11 xliow a falling oil of 11S..M:, '.'in f i .mis as compared wilh i Mmlliir pei lod in I'.mo. lliirb'7 Hull; No 2. fi-Jc; sample, UO to tile I'liri. AI...V. (lilj to IJtHc. Toleihi. I'.. 17. --Wheat' 1.. .-i . cash. 8U|c; Decembor, Hlljr. May, H6|c. C'orn IX'ceinber, 7|c; May, Onl.s lii'ifiiiiMir, 4ft|c; May, CloMr,.'.'d--|)ei-nmber, $5.7(1; Mm i h. $5 SO. liini.ilo. His- 17.- -Flour Firm; flr il.-niiiiid. Whi.it Spring, uuak, No J Ni-lbern. Milt- Corn l.usy. No. 1! vcllow, 71 ;: No .'I do, Tlr, No. 21 corn. 70|c; No. H do., 7Uc. Wak. N*>. 3 white. f.2c; No IWc. UarUsy 05o to 70u; fair to fan- CROWP4 PRINCE ILL. Military Training nud Studies Have Caused Collapse. A ilespalch front I Bunion says : Oats Truth, referring to Hie reported III- :i flo., health of Iho (ierman ('rown Prince. nswerls lhat his total f,.ll.i|. c. ro- sullirg from bis nidiioiiN milltiiry training nnd a wivorri courso of tudloa, necoBMitatca his absence mi cy, nil. Uyo-No. 1, 70c. Detroit, Her 17 No. I white, rash. 8-1 Jc; No. 3 rod, t'AHh nud Decnmbtir. 83|c; January, .1,, evleuilod cmi-e hi tho Meilller fH|f. May, Htto. iraneuo (MI boanl ihu Oerman lin- S. lAiuin, Uoc. 17 Wlioat Close.l jM-rinl yacht lloln'i./idli-ru. TRADE. Months Show An $5,940,05. ottjiw.i fcaya: ol Noveiuier th( o $_'!.! IS I M, or .-l _"J7 over the month last. year. The im- |iorls woro vulued at 517.4-1H.liIM>. an incie.ise of J.'t.iii:iJ)Stl. Tho aggrtv gale limb- fur Ihe llvti munihs was $!8 u ,Hi:i. 1 :i'J. nnj IncrotiHO of <>MT Sit ODII. ODD ns fomparad with th" timo last year. Al this rate of i;io\vth tbo yenr'.'i biisinuss will !> fonsiderably over, the JIOO.OOO.OOO mm k. 'ill- total import.s for the live monlh.t wt-ro $Hi.4T2,717. n gain of $7,!li:i.rii:! over t|o Kaiuu periotl of 11100 Tb" export B tot.iiled t:!'l.ll:!. Illl ilK'riflM! Of S"'. over Iho MOUio tiling last year. SELLING IROiTLN ENGLAND. Dominion Company of Canada Enters 1'ntish Fiold. A ileHpatfh front London says :- Tho I 'i. inii.i.u I'li'ii Cotiipany. of I'.llutilu. Is IIMW ii|ij..H l III ly Well ts- i ihli.-.hetl in Ill's country Nuinerous orders luvn already IM-I n placed with it fur NowfoiiiullaiAl iron, HOIIIO of u l,n li It is utMl'le' In Its 11,111 is 1. 1), li! ' mi; With the Si oti h r.ntl Mitltlle>ibi<ro' i hisses, be- ing ninU'-tl ei|iml. to Sci'tch low gnule, while il Is flieii|u-i uiul te'lei tliuu Miilille .horn. The l.ile.Ht. onler come- from M- Stewiirl. the K'va't :|II<IKIIW pipe makcrrt. Tbe conlr;icl l-i In l/iiii.ui.o tlUlh ulld I III! |Hr. .- el::i'.l. . ill-Ill to Colllpl't" .-.111 Ces .illli> \\llll Ihe (ItT- ii'.in |uj'.' m.ikoi's. REFUGEES TO RETURN. Business is Resuming at Johan- nesburg. A denputrh from Johannesburg Buys : \\itl.in tlueo tuontha ten thousand refugees are oxpecled lo n- lurn here. !' run MUH haa Let u grant id lo the mines lo start a hundred now stumps weekly. Tho railway is now able lo cope with I tho increased truitic. Klght new en- 1 gines were bought during tho past | few months, and there have al.so bivn birgu additions lo Ihe new i rolling stock. Tho Stock Kxch.inge will shortly reopen. The Star news- paper will Mart after January 1. Tho registry of tho Supreme Court will open lu January for Uie issuing of writs. Tho court will sit In March Twrjily-lwo prisoners charged wilh conspiracy are about tu be brought to trial. Tbo Australian Itnnd and Natal Cold Storugo Company has Ksued a pro.s|..-i ins. showing thai It will dav- it capital of 100.000. Of this JL.'IOO.IHKI wit! be the working cash ciipilul. IHo remaimlor being held ul reserve. Tho Company Is a Queens- land onterprl.se under Ihe auspices of Ihe Cenlral Queensland Mont Kxporl .iinl the Queensland Meut Agency, the largest meat companion in Aus- tralia. This cold stornge company will offer thn first serious opposition to tho proscnt South African meal iiiimopolles. U Is understood that tenders aru being m uie for military contracts, and ovt-ry facility Is bo- Ing given tho concern by tho author- ities to tin-; end Tho company can supply the best quality of moat at fnl. per pound, delivered at Johan- nesburg, which will enable, retail prices to IM- reduced about .10 |v cent. This will provo a great bo., n . WANT TO SURRENDER. Boers Under Delarey Hold a Meet- ing. A di-Mpntcli from 1'reloria Bays:- It Is reported that tho burghers under IS'lurey hold a meeting at which they ret|llesl<vl tholr COIlimiUlllT to olTer In siirrentler on coiulii ion thut tbe I: ish Wiiuhl uiiilertul.il to rebuild llu-ir homw*. (feu I'el.uev l. ild tho miMl Iliul it WHS useless lo otter to surienilui . ex- ce|'t iinconilit tonally. It w.i.s ilcided lo take the mutter under i ou.iilei at ion for a w.-ei,. wle-u meet mi; Will lie held. REBELS SENTENCED. Condemned to Imprisonment an< to Fay lines. A despatch from Capo Ti w i says. - >. 1,1 -111:0 of nine persons ci<:-victe4 'by a Military Court were -nbliuly ' i renounced on Thuisday at Dud;:- , th orn. they all bell),; coud mined t* l i ms of imprlnonmeiit and to paj t ii.-s .John Schoe-ian. a niOLibor ol the Legislative A; sembly. was son- jtt-i.nxl to ix moiiihs' imprisvnmont or.d to pay a fine of .100. If th* i m: is not paid he will be 4o.p-lson- od for a year ID lieu thereof. II* u.is f. nun-ted of refusing lo hand bia horso.* over to Ihe llriiish, und of refusing to roporl Iho presence ol i .John nules was seuter.ced t* two years' imprlsoumenl, and lo pay a One of 000. The otl.ur OnoJ ranged from 60 to 500. MILLION IS'REQUIRED. Will Coat That to Finish Montreal Harbor. A despatch from Montreal says : A inilli. a dollars will bo re<|iiireil to l nish the harbor iniprovemontM after tho shore and outer wharves have all been provided. In order to cover this e\]>fiidiluro. II trill be nif'(Marjr for the commissioner:* to apply to Otl.iWii for ix-rmlvsioii and powers to borrow the funds Thu matter will. It ia cperted. como up b.''oro 1'ar- liaiucul at the coming session. THt FAST ATLANTIC LINE. Contract for Pier in Wexford County Has Bveu Let. A despatch from London s.iys : ih- 1'iiiy Ni-w.s sa\ s th.it a fonti.ul for Iho building of a pi'-r l.iKM) f.-.'t long at Kos.-l;ire. County Uf^n.nl. Ireland. Ivas been concluded '1 h . I'.ut of tho selu'ine to cuiinivt I I guard. W.ih's. and 1 by a line 'of fust sliMineri. with tho idea ol '; eventually nuking this tho f.. inerii in m.iil route to I. onion RENDER CATTLE IMMUNE. Pathologist Says Inoculation Will Pieve:\t Txiberculosis. A ilesp, itch fnmi SliH kholiu.' fcaja- 1'rtif l:.'lii"lii{, the iiiun.'iit p.iiholoKi .1 . cluiineil in a I'H-tvii ln.-ieil If re mi Tliiir.sthty niv{l I that he hit! I'ln.iil Hi,- pi's-.ilnlity of ren- il. i u, g 1. 1' r,. iniiiitiuu f> oni t,i: li.sis by iiiiiv-iil.il ion uc.'onl n^ to lin.l He \\ill .' i hi \otel pri'e r.'C.iitly nwanl 1 to j'ta'ti-iujj tll WILL PAY FULL RANSOM. United States to Seoure Miss Stone's Release. A ftf.Hjiitlcli to the I mill in |ii,i ; . Til'gn\|ih from Soiiu. --*<iy.s that t lu- liev. Ml Wrishbtiriii*. ilirifto-- of I h-- Ivobcrls ( it Coiist;intino|d.-. urrivetl th.-u- on a. t unli.'eui i.il IllSSion fOM'HS'llMl Wllh till! re lei*- Of MiSrt .St,)lie II l-i I Illi the lulled Slates \xill lay tin- full mi, sum demanded by tho bri- gands BRniSH"luN(SWAN DEAD, Billiugton Had Ho-ltl the Offlce lot Thirteen Tear*. A de.s|..itch from l.o'iihui s.iys IliiliiiK'ton. of Hratlfoid. tho public. 4 i.i m I. dii-il vostar- He i-Diiti'.i -led a cold .it thi rion nf .in o'd friend iuil felloi , ,i foitiiKhl ago 11. I'e'd thii i.Ilice of h ilitfman for

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