The I Red Witch * *> * * * Or The Wooing 01 Constantia. : K ..* * .L*f -*o*4> CHAPTER XXII. the momentary suspense waa at an Constant ia went home with Lady tntl - *'"* - old **" thal perh.ips V-.riey. who, anxious about her ail- " hc wonged her chila. ictte earl in he proud * .. , - venij.i? At first the girl's mind was lishohor undeserved e distraught with recollections of thoM who De.i,_u's treachery, and Keatherston's roath CFIAPTKIl XXIII. lie halted somewhat abruptly and j then come on , but it was evident 'to her that his flyst Impulse hud been 1 to avoid her if possible. She gave no sign of having noticed this ; and. j indeed, the relations between them of ! late had been so strained that it I scarcely troubled her. "1 had no idea 1 should see you here." he said, less awkwardly thnn he thought. "I fancied you in the nursery . at least, your women told me you were there. How ia she ?" She was too pure, IJe a'luded to his child. .Just the same way, I think." Her There were eyes were on the groond, and her down be- tone was carefully composed. It was but impossible, therefore, for him to to k wer waTe ' '". wtio rose out Lnow the anguish that was Consum- ing her wounds all gaping, but with faces "I daresay it will be nothing," he serene and passionless, though the said cheerfully. He had not seen the she became "sensible of the ei- cluo1 rocks had cut sore - The ** * ve ch ! ld '"f a wcek - and * knew n - treme quiet of her companion, whose no 81 * n of ** 't "* wlthin Tlle tnlntt about lt " is <-' ar < !lesa that she could hardly think *- ht:re wer al>o of anything else, and had not even of lt * un * n8C8 dulled wondered at the fact of Lady ley's abrupt departure. Hut after a fate she could not see "in the broug- nave ham. Hhc put out her Im-d at lust and tou.h.-d hers, to llnd that it was Icy cold, unl that the fingers were clenched. Her touch woke Yolande from her fit of dumb misery, and with a sharp sigh she roused her- self. "How slow Hunt in driving cried feverishly. ".Shall at home ? Speak to she- wo ever be him. Con- their reward. The stormy pet- grated on her. His own child ! Was r. i ftkimuiir.g the tempestuous wave hc dead to all things- save one ? knows such wild throes of passion She controlled herself, however, and tierce and strong as are unknown to Hood waiting to hear what hc the gentler bird who cowers am>dst .hould say. "I often told you that thc fragrant inland branches, to hide doctors were false prophets." he it from the coming storm. said . "you should not give ear to In Lady Varley there wr.s the <ti- their crookings you should not fret vine strength of womanhood. '.hat as you do." knows all,, endures all. ar.d still ia "True." she said : "it is a foolish b u-ong. thing to fret over any matter, small .si,,, turned suddenly to Constant!.-*, or great." and met the girl's eyes bint v.ut- There was meaning in her tone, and f u |i y upon her. There was genuine Varley winced a liflle. a "You loft very curly last night." . he said presently He was regarding You are tired." she said. "Come her intently, and she felt it. w ;th me. You must go to sleep at "Yes ; I was tired," she said. "for one to sty here ?" one who so prides terself upon __. as she was desired. ald'tTTcn. a lilths ur.ncrv<d >>y Lady | OV e in them, that she saw. and Varley's manner; waited iu silence sorrow that she would not see. for what she next mi"ht say. Hut she said nothing She sought and found the cirl'i* hnnd again and once. pressed it with a cWiv-utaive earnest- "Are you going ness, but no words escaped her. "You arc unhopp> uneasy." turned Consiamia at 1 "Uneasy ? What a word !" turned t-lie. with terrible though re "but It eases my l;c.irt." laying her care for your comi my hand lightly on her bosom, "to be "It was very cxc CHKTWTMAS STfOPPTVO. fT*rr a coed fun fur girls and txiys, the candy and buy th toys; ^in-}ack ard chatl<r-bJ*. VocJen man anil pnpr ox; r doil and .!:i vug cow. C'hrUtmas shopping's fine Juat now. should know . but her ana so uniformly truthful convinced him that whatever hr 'her suspicions, her knowledge yea- asked Constantia quickly. yea being a "Yes ; I generally stay here every honest, is it "" a&e<i hc, laughing, accusing him openi.v niht I do not sit uj you must yet with a only p not think that." with a wan smile, sneer. "Say, rath pressed agitation. "Ify child. darling, how had were was hat is scarcely sufficiently imperfect to prevent her main for the real of U-e even ng It Eespitt Medical Treatment, He Be- Almost could ' II.IVH u-ft her. near her ; and so I have had t(mt it appear*! to even for a moment ! An>l all this couch over there." pointing to a di- one e knew or liiMd was there." horrible night, it has seemed like a tant corner, "prepared for me I do 'That surprised f you. p rhaps nighUtwire. Yen. I have been Justly not martyr myself. you see." with but. as I have oftci told v u. Mrs. rtially concea "Oh, if that is all," he said light- you did not ly. "it was a pity you did not ra- iny." lint company, as was about the best dance we have every had here for many a day. 1 quite enjoyed it " To thia she straggling sfr.iy BLACISTEATE DAtTPHOrE" 3 . DB PLOEABLE COND1TIOM. Weaker and Weaker, Until He Could Scarcely Sign Hii Kacie. . . "I Dundas. :n spue <J eertmn rumora bush near had caught her gown, and i made no anbKer. A v r of a blackberry rjrideewai that. It was could hardly . , to that may have reined you. i not she now made herself busy un;o.-len- " ' "" But I did not leave her another sad attempt at a smile willingly, Connie. you will believe can sleep if I choose, but I like forced upon me. I be near her" A h e*cisped so altogether objedtionubte as you ing it. h.ive refused to enter her as she flnMied. (. onstantia could tei "As- you justly remarked, all our that woman's housa. and yet Oh. see thct her Heart was brokrn that she liftetftier head now, and look- ' best friends were them." h wrut on. forgive me. dear ! I forgot she was in her secret icul. hard as she bat- ed full at him. Her dark eyes liosh- with an assumption of gayety your cousin." tied, against it. she had loot all hope ed however, ratbi-r uneasily up. n "She is no cousin of mine." cried In her little one's recovery. Who told you I thought her ob- him. "O'i.rady. unionist others. ' 1-ct me stay with you." entreated jeotionablo ?" she asked I id '" Uires years. His health gradually [ Mrsook him. until by degrees he was I to give up doieg aJI kinds ol He coiiKuued a puysician and . . > * lar K quantity of medicine. ConiUintia vehemently. "I dist-wn "Let me stay with you." entreated >eotionablo ?" she asked I id it lly-ihe-bye." he said l?nhtly. t'iining, b * uifu _"od and h grad- her She is nothing to me. No- she miserably "Im not send me occur to you that there might be to her with a lively smile, "you must " v s 1 ** weaker and weaker. His thin : away. This arm-chair is very com- reason for my so flunking of her 7 confess that the time you did s. utics as a magistrate necessitated "Ye*, yes ? Is it so between you 7 fortable. and IVi let me stay 1 certainly never said so." i there, short as it was. was not al- n " doing- much writing, and being Yet I should not have spoken. Has with vou." .r manner towards her Is bare- together dull. You and i.r.i'-y, i--m exril, .-... penman in his days oJ she been cruel to you. Connie to a "As you will, dearest." said I.ady ly civil. however She is an old could see." here ha laughed indul- good heiuth it caxuo \ery imrd to girl like you 7 \\liat >. Is this only Varieu'gently. She *oid something friend of mine. ar.d. of course. I am 'gently "enjoyed it together." im when his burnt shook so much Hillside 7 Why. we should be at in a low voice to one of the women, bound to be friendly ' my " Lady Varlcy started as if he had lie coulj kcarreiy _ep it M Araglin by this time Oh. what and presently wfnc and sandwiches "\\hy fh>uld yJu 'uologire for struck her. aud raised her *;..s s|., w . mough to sign his name His daugh- hours can lie in thirty minutes ! were brought, which MUJ pressed on yoar friendship 7"Iinterrupted she. 'y to his She wus paler than be- tor. seeing bib ueplorublo condition. Connie ! Co- ' ' If any tl. ing should Censlanti.i Mie touched nothing witli a curious sniil 'I' ray do not. fore, if possib'e. with a scorn un- advised him to try lir Williams' have happened." herself, and after that took no notice surely there is no necessity to your ' spcakable Was this s.Oeloua; accusa- 1'ink i'ills. and after a bit of coax- An rwful had seized hold on at a " "' ni -' r Idlest 1~" v.,e n her ; lion meant as a coudonemsnt of bis ing he was induced to try them her She wr.s trembling violently, hours of s!c?p and waking, the girl y wife. I was going to <oy." " w > oPswat T Wps it a vile effort to - fihe half roar in the carriage a" Knw that I.ady Varley I. .id oj-ent h. r be went on quick'y. a:.d with a dark- kill the ^nsv of shame within - "~- ' bi 'my ened brow. "I had hoped you would *>y an attempt to drug her him though it was impossible to her. in n 'K ht u l' on hcr -nees her state of impatience, to sit nny eol. praying for what a gracious have shown There a laekj N wit! me ant longer still, but Constantia placcil Lord had seen fit to deny but to I her arms round her. and drew her The morning dawned ami deepen--!, last nig back very gently into her seat. It a- d still the child lived Apparently was a shock to her to see Lady Var- it wns no worse, no belter . but was ley. who was always so studiously it no worse ? Towards i-oon. Con- cold and calm, thus given o\er to stantia. with whom Lady Varley have despair, and half wild with nervous would not consont to part- entreated dn ml and prevailed with her to take a She sought eagerly to soothe her. walk for lui!f-an-hour in the garden and by degrees I.ady Varley grew as she could not slevp. comparatively calm The arrival at j t wft! , terrible to Constantia to thc hall door, however, tended more ^. how 6he clung to a belief in the to calm her nerves than even Con- child s recovery . the rhi d mho was stantia's tender endeavors She a i re _dy half way on its journey to sprang from the cnrriBge, und hur- heaven ; but she persuaded her "to go nd past the servants and up to thc into t he garden with a silent carets, nursery, with only a sign to Con- nn d a hopeful word or two. all the stantia to follow her. She hud ap- same parently forgotten to drop the girl Lady Varley went down the stair- al Thc Cottage, and Constantia had CBse w i tn a languid step, and out been too alarmed about her to nun- j nto t | lu K wert summer air. it wa*f tion it. selfish to her house as you did 9 to give her up to the before ^him to niiation* of our world. * lf <-' ' a, want of refinement In It, I should n..-t ed tor in you." very good." said Yol-m<'.'. url of her lip. fine foelip_'s in was tio noticeable chixn^ his condition until hc had started down taking the third bo* Irani thai to his lower it-vol to *ully her. tl.e on Uie improvement ws rapid tall. pae. pure cream r-; wno mwd Rrrw , lronuer eot filth upon hia 4|U . incrcmJ>< ^. tn ^*, a sd lal situde departed Irom hi* limbs, movement she put her Mmf , lhe , u , ln} f throat. Her nostrils ,,.,, lo ,, eye ^j by \ hf timf five boxes were used. Mr l>auphin< felt a new man The weight, of ypart burden of sickness havi With a h.iml to hcr diluted. "Take care ! loi she said in a You en die tore. "Select. j n . H uit me. as >ou one brvatli n i". but do not dare seek to lower uddeiily. liflini; to his id stern. "I do not like d. and let that admissio all " ut wliy 7" demanded be angril t that rest." I will not What fault do yo find in her 7" "You are a warm partisan." sa! she, in u low. dai'K'-rous totio. "Is* nan withdrawn from him a a^ep or two, and now stood regard- Ul> oure I it not be idday. and the sun was high in the ll wi - *">. to insist 7" hur heaven, and the (-erf.une from the "1 think so. As you huvc your- Connie waj^MjIIk-iently read 0[ ,,. 1; ,i,,\ V i-rs the passing breeio self sugiceste.]. it will be well to put leave he In human nature to^ i n ' that All was cloudless blue above her there was something beneath h -r head, all was green beneath her feet anxiety for her child, something in- The day was indeed a golden one. so ferior to that sacred care, but \et r i t h in sueets that one felt over- itrong enough to disturb ami p uw red by it. and thought on " er some sh idy nook where one niifiht H. r own grievance was forgotten g j t beneath a branch n elm and in this supivinc grief. How sa.l it dream the hours away A tremulous all was for her her child d\imt. her hare lay over thc distant sea. and husband f with ess CoiiMamia the rocks shone out white as burnish- Cieivchrd l-er hands, us she thought gj silver of Hoi nit's gay. laugh All rouml h-r as she pictured her making a 'iht Wus "the time of an end to all fencing in this ninttcr. In i nsuriiig her it has seemed to Die. of Lite, that you censure me." "You have cnuriige," she suid "Why not ' What Is it. I again ask. thnt you fin-1 fault with in ! She threw up her head as if at. out. to speak . r er i;r-w deadly white her lips p-irte.t What ever she kn- Wit to the ministration of t him with large, contemptuous ? ood *'. c , ard 1>r w '" ia nis- Tin* Kvery line of nor tlgyro oraith- Plll Mr l>uph'ne ' -3 years o i>f vehement Indignation, her tall. ** bot f ls - voun 5 <" d vijroroui nder form, girlish still in its out- ** ne did }"- S. <"id is eve wjs uplifted to its fullest ready to praise in the wamuwi and was fulfilled with the in- terms the ving qualities a iant passion thai had at last Pr Williams I'mk Pills, ven her to speech. ^.. 1^ William.* ' ; < are th An uneasy lau^i bro? from Var- trlend of tne wcak " ld allin """' "Now I mewed " he said "'"Toss all othr sMaticinss In thuii tat underneath your assun-ed in- tonic - "tn-nijthening qualities, and difference some such 'Jfcr* t.-i-, n d.< '" ' "-'' n ' lk * nd oPontent p"opl I don't know who put it bright, active ami i.ealthy Thcs . ur head. bu^Lsuppose that P'U " ld by all dealers in medi- flEVVou h.i\e ""' or ian be had by mail, post- lined a very croW* friendship paid, at . cents per tiox. or six an alTuire de coeur Women who boxea for 9'- .SO. by addressing th on living an anchorite life ii.-.o urs, ajr hound to lind s me safety- l^ for their fnnci.>s It is a pity .ins Medicine t ' BsE i Co. Brock- she was about then to disclose ..-thing cheek..! I. r She lh e dowers. U drew her eyes, and by a supreme . IIL. L. >ul '' have chosen on<? IV l'MM ' \TION roses." and crim- effort beat down tl.e emotion that with- ls a *" l - V| l0 "' that >"" la ~' ? l so terribly seriously " Here he Thc iiicreuse -n population during smiled with' au attempt at careless*- the past liO JIMIS ,f [.,^,p,e of Kuro- b - v tn suddenness were lit- anO bos h 'nimed ilro' As Yi!iinde tur the ivied jratc shade of the her accusation "If you tie less Intense, you would be easier 8 j le to " He hesitated in th of slowly, contempt uo -, Live with ?" she suggwi yellow-winged Varley was wirpris.l Mn< too re- ' ' P'i'Jscd. always lievr.l to be annov-,1 He hud failed ' t-. rpd between the lines, and did not guess at the sleeping volcano o r*nc!i to the o-o| she met her slowly in s hlm : but otherwise <,f Urillin, the (au. - atal jest out of the knowledge t ,f \\ir- ,0,,. crtnim. arid white, they bloome-l was trying to conquer her. Present- "fl thol j n 1 ''J roa'ity he was some- pso.n origin, accord ing U Sir Kob.-rt leys submission to her power. his ut ,. %1 . rv ,,. rll As they nodded their ly she was calm aKain. and only treachery to his wife Could siich K : v< .,,v Reads, a delicate odor escaped tiiiht cli-.sp of her hands bc-truyeil things be. and the world still go on from" them tjiat was wafted hither arv ftH;!iii(< whatsoever in all its round of careie.-s mirth, us aml thither untiUtha^very wind grew "I think her vulgar." said swift pleasure that MM lime | ilnKU1 ,| with it.'amiin for thought or justice ? Sur--ly tuo their warm tx <*..y of reckoning would come ! liul in the meantime must Yolande - must she sink beneath hi-r 'loub'i-s. with no hrnl held out t.. h looked ut lady \ .'ear- husband saur cut features, cului again, now that inl " *hp was calm, 11. has bee at the f of the century to 610.- ~e The growth ol In 5 has been OO.OOO to neur- popula- tion of the l'rit:sh empire hat in- creased fiom .il.out is.tH^^CXK) to For Throat Irritation ... t'Mt luy within her hreust He sus- ltho "Kh her hourt was on fire, and 63.' and Husoia her r^t*-*! '"'r of knowing, or guessing ht ' r soul rivi ' n "Th* - >:!^.-v a nl-. . growth. in ui thsn it WM .xr<'<liwt she rc ied y-" <? said at last. m a t..i- L'u IHMI.-KKI to ,V> .Hi IHH> m O n m**~^~~*~~*~~-i-~~~~*^m**i^* so low as to sound like a distant casu and from 4O.OOO,0<>0 to 133 - boll, yet so clear as to smite heavily OOO.IKH) in the other 7ranc hga upon his ear. ircrese<t from _.Vt'.K.OOO to onlv Just yet ho was undecided as to 40 whether he would or would not separation, ami so he revolted j Hoarseness, Dry Throat, Sore Throat. Bronchial Troub?es. Coughs, Colds and Asthma, Pr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is a Cure of Prove'n from h-r - . I onna's hold over him. strong -s it was. had rt uto !.>d him to despise thc world's There are more ministers, smgrrn and public speakers usin? I>r. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turoenline than any other siniila^^reparation. because it fa ouclly suiteil to their neetls. Py taking I this pre- S^Uhe platform they feel ceitai,oi frpedvu parutioii tx'fore rltation. than K-S the trouble, pneuu home a botll oughly I'r Chase ea and quiets .un from dry throat, h here can N^ nothing uiore eniLAjussing to a singer 01 s: .nee oi irritation publicjpeakcrs seom to be esiK-eially and throat ir- s rcjRbon it seems wise to have in in^jrTurpcnt.m-. wlvch is bovond susceptible to bronchial your grip when lea. ing 1 doubt thc most thor- lung diseases, and for ' 1'hnse H Syrup of l.insi-eil n^_ rvutmcnt for bronchia] and luug troubles that is to be Syrup of Ijnsrwi and Turpentine aids expectoration, clears the ihnat and air passages, sooth- nerve* which cause e<iy/^iiri(;. .ind thoroughly cures all throat and bronchial troubles. There arv ther preparations of Linswd and TPurpcn tine put up in imitation of l>r. Chase's. lip sure that the por- trait an<J signature of Dr. A. W tlhnJP'are on tho bottlo you buy 2:> iv?its a bottle; family as much. 60 cents At all .V*ltrs, or Kduvwuon. Hates 4 fo., Toronto beginning, but out "pted of place here." "Heroics are she said. "I k and a word would Kindly cast my life y ours " "To join it to " (To Be CoutuMNd). 1 AMI'AI.TIIV MONTHS CANM'A AT C:LASH:OW KAIU. In a husiness sense, the Kxhibili->n as : i nve of national 01 foreign i: .str>. has n <t re or less ji the London SI il Will IV'IUS^H all that tF.o experi thinks desirable, anil how iar de flciericies are due in management 01 \t"rnal catisr-M it ia not atway: .er the MioiL U may have !-<i ai (;;.i.svow however, our i pear lo have si-or-l a splernli.l HMI- rhe Hhibits ni <'arada Qui-,-- ind it'ier S';itet. hav> led tl-o chief attraction of lh> IVcvmber is the most deii'lly month KxtvLii ion to many thouMitufs in the ve,,r in l.rnuon. with V.-nli a good second ; but January Is thu nl thy in France, and March j and ktv>w!rdgc of. in Ui*-aiTrn> |our empite- visitors nnrt have trust t,, ..i . r .nl tt t,. nuch. inter.** ^. th rS"una* u