DECEltfBKB Id, IW1 THE FLESHERTOJf ADVANCE SJ VUl.l.nrdii ft TOUNO fl Hanker*. MsrtoMs o a gn*ral I nuking uuafoss*. I a rwasoaabla rM. Call ou aa. The Markets. 4 arrfullr Corrrc ! Bach Week A 8 VANIHLSKN. 1 V Ol*rk Mb Div doart, Co Or*v ITTSIT of Mart las'* UotnM*. OaDvaysuenr Notary Public AHCMOBMT. I"T I" '"" M '* "" COU '- Cb *'" DKHTd ClH.l.KCTIIl. Tlio uiiJeriinl I. pi.pared to iod.rt*kethoo illwitloD ol all klodi ot d.bts. boles bought, acovuaU ool!otd etc. H M UEKDKU*X>N. risskwrtoD R 8PBOU1.K In H.O.J.. Auctioneer Con- T.vsaaor, Appr*ir and MoQ.y L.Dder Real '-:ti'" " 1 In.iiranee Ag.n. D.sds BiarintuM, lo- airl will* oarrlully drawn p an I yIntiout iwa<i.oa bort.t entice. oo.v t<) I"'" nt luwl raiw ol InUro.t. Col <*ati<> n tu.ld to "ith promptoeM low. A.ot for Ocan Dominion Compaojr. A call sollsltod. jMtliil O U W rnwti ou sl Monday in mou mwilli, la tbslr loo*, rooiu. hlnclc. Fleiirtoa. at p m T. W VI. A M it>Kn. Bseordr;W. > l. Hunci T. Vltitlnf braihrsn Invltod A Cr-rUto.t 1 PBINCK \ 'J losxt. in tho Block. KtsaUirtun. .err thi lull inocn. i * Boyd Bdlauiy, W M w I. O. F. uie.U In .. . .... , veiling la sach month. Vlltln Kore.t*r. h.arlily c.U..H.Wansr; B.8-.W. A. arm- COUHT KLK8HBBTON. ciirnto.'* llloc th. 1.t Krida) DR. e C. .HUKRAV. L. D. S, <Uoai *- honor r.da.wo< Toronto Unlv.r..t) -and I oll" ol l)Dt.l 8,ir.on. of O*"*!** - Oppostt* Armstrourt JwMry W,li rHf M,w.ll tn. laa W.di.. y of cli luuiitli. u I UuodaJk J and a TbumUy D .aoii uiontb. J. W. KBOBT. L U B. HarrUUr, Hollollor Oooveyanoar. .to MNrxt to potomw, Bproals'a block' ihTrtou. ovor, TUarta and >'* > B-Ow.m oo. Frost* Wook lroot _ _ _ . WHKiHT * MABDL: J<rrltt..r. Hollctton Coi.vyancrt, *t OIBo.-'>wu Bound. Ont and Uarkrtal.Onl. W II WkioiiT, MoAaoui I H t.' n -nhsrton o, M Itebsll's Uauk v.ry H*tuMay. Pea* Bsrler Butter Ktrg* fresh Pork Hay Wheat, white Wheat, red Potatoes) bag Hides Wt-l Turkeys per Ib Geese per Ib Chickens per ]iair. . , .. Ducks per pair 48 -o 80 M 4* to 10 to 18 x> 7 75 to 7 00 to W to ti to 40 o 6 00 to 13 to 9 to 6 to 86 to 40 to 43 80 48 16 18 7 76 7 26 63 009 46 6 00 13 9 6 40 60 Eugenia Planing Mills . . . Get your Sash. Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner BIocks,Han<l Hailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR. Photos L, , v,. t. TUOKEH * I'ATTKWJOJI )lanlli>r. Hollcllors, Motion i llaok. Ow.u Boond h.lURV I Ti:. KKU OKO W PATTKHrtON 4JC4V SAMPS4N. HavrUUr.. c I^ :-Owen Hound, llnrcnanl .nk Mlook, N. it l'tt*rou Hooss. Lnu.lalk. ry Saturday. UACKtV.MV, HK.HAtP1ION,L.L.D.. CroW'i tit-iriii-v for Ory. _ D M i: ! * K Dot. Phyalotan. 8nron. etc riMli.ntoii o!11c -ntraln'i bloes. Uuualiaw II. it-. I TAKEN AT THE Flesberton Photograph Gallery aro done in first-class style and at lowest rate*. Special attention KiM'n to copying. Babies' photos, a specialty. I'kUire* framed. MRS. BULHER uu\j\j\j\su\j\j\r\j\j\-[\j\J\J\-r\j\j\iu\i\ru- X HLESHERTON lONSORIAL | PARLOR llll>ljy, 1'lijticUD, Bnrfoou- M^ ,i, * i.--'irtiin. Out din.-" mul Ifinoe.. Toronto atrMt. O|i|Mll th* ooinnury. may b* fouml tlmr* ilay and oroiuu lur (>>utity uf Qr*y. K. T HCOTT, AND Hi Menibar* Dniari'i Gradual* In Moillclu* of C'nlTerlty. Fall.xmblp Diploma . 1'oat (inwln- at* Mwllrtl Hi-h, Mil Slid Hospital, flilcauo l)liuii<ilys. oar. num and throat s|>ulally ^tabfTLT, JOIM A. HCOTT. Maiwall. 'ollacn I'bysla. In Moitlelue Hurnoiin JP . M I . IVI'.I.I. Vitiinnaiy MurReon jrarti: it" "f o.anrlo V*torlDarw Collfmii. HM| IIMICJ r.-'. I .I""' >ooth wvai uu Mar, !. i ' uu >trot raut amith Pr**bvtrian I liunli. 6\V. M V C K Vowriuai , iar|SnaM D*ntlit, Max- wall. Kiifiii*t.> n O it*rlu Vxtnrlnsry Collmiv cmimi'-l with I it.i t'nl*rlly> f.iUHnm W,,.|.i Uv (ruin II a iu. to a |. in , tod r* v ir>liain I'hiraUay from to 5 p. m. rtlOUOtldrlllllKO UllHHAn I or S*vrk* BULL LUaVtFe 27510 Thu .in ! iHiK"'-'l has a lino Durhivn llul fur L---I vi. i- (rolor i-fil)(in lot 147. T S U. TB-SMS -f I (HI lor lli NeMoii. lVtli K ir.. IHI S|i|ili'-.itn i: \i iiriir Si, n MU Slay H 1 yr. Kleulirton. Rrgllrrr4 Tanworth for Service ' Tamw.>rth Hoar for aarTlo* . .krtoiiiMia Terim *l W. URADH. Pro|>rMor. NlimivlRlii |roo> who wanted to llornw ni'invv <h.- 1 In our cH*r. Hook |idl*ni an I lu>iiraiic a^< nlH will IM kilU'l wltlKiut ii.itlo.v Per- ona nakliiK for crvilil will b* poU- onoi. Ura.1 1M-I> will h inn Ii alely aniiht xlatwl. Loafon wln-ti ftiwent |MHt. hri-ii] wiilttm rxcmv IXM'al imlitlf MK.III! ri-fiinii atlUA- lors will IM >hut at lKlil. Tuii card tor Haircut, 5have or Shampoo Or auyttilnu In uur lln when acroui paulod with |>ro|H<r cbann*. A. Wilson. Flehcrton llrlng your luiimlrv l>. < .ra Tucwlay iiouu. *BC)I w**h. Thoroughbred Durham Bull fo Service Cord minto, The iintlurrtlfjnoi! lull n rtim agetl I'mli nil for orvli-n un lot 141. T. ,t H. It. Tnnni- SI (or crmli. cnw. #.1 for thoroni;)! roils l''ilt*;iei on a|i|iliuntl>-u JACOII I.KVKH riMlxrlon T.O. I Ii i ou lol J. N. U. It House d Lot For Sale. tiler If r. No. I'.. 1*. Klwhnrtnn, gooil frani:, tMiuxi ii'l ll ''>'*. H'l'xl aur.l.-ii an, I I, nil trn. KIMII! wi-l .'" r*rs lol, hli>*k H lot 4, KinUtuiiiK 4 cri>. Applrtu Aiidr.w Wi.-ken. or to W. M Si..,v tth i uly tf Klmborlav County Council. The council met *t 10 o'clock o Kri- lay morning. Mr. Harness introduced the following solsr.ion, whieh was seconded by Mr. )<>yl* : That it would appear a* account if a recent amendment of the critnminal ode that it would be in the public inion-at appoint a committee composed of the oilowhrs; member* of this council : 4 exHra. Preston, Agnew, Gordon, Mc- Cinnou snd the mover, to obtain sll information both as to cost and of buildings, and the most suitable luantity of land for the purpose of a ouse of refuge, and to report at the anuary session of the council. In support of his motion Mr. Humes* uade a lengthy appeal for a hnunu of ro- uge, setting forth examples which ap- H- il.-il to sentiment. He was mtiiliud o have a house <>t refuge built anywhere the county. The poor sect to gaol at )wen Sound came largely from the rural iatricts, and we owed it to humanity to rovidu for them. Our churches were laceM,ainl our residences sulwuntial.yet t waa strange that no provision was made the poor. Mr. Harness also referred to ifessrs. McColman and McDonald, who, e said, had expvriencnl a change of eart in the matter, and who had bean ,isli,-,l and cleansed from their old view* n the snhject. Mr. McColuiaa said that it was not SBsaary to refer to the cleansing of any N-raon. He had op|Kisud the qaeslii n ike Mr. McDonald, sn<l still his view* were unchanged, hut be proposed to vote with the people of his divmion who desir- ed the house, of refuge. Mr. Harness was vidently more concerned about where he people died than where they lived, le objected to the M-ntum-nlal talk Mr. McDonald smilingly said that Mr. lames* had given him no offencv. He ind not been converted, snd would have ted againut a poor house provided the w had remained the same as it wss. The mistake ha believed to be in the cmn- ii. il code. The. poor house* were tilled vith a certain class of half lramps,and to irove his assert ion Mr. McDonald read in extract from the Mail aod Empire of hi- ily before. "Tlmt in KIH.<| authority" said Mr. Gor- don, mid the idea of Mr. McDonald quot ng thegresl Coniiervativn journal created a ripple of l.m^liier. The Isw had changed, continued Mr. McDonald, and they rould not inake pro vision for those people as before. lie then referred to the Dad character of HIM f tho old turn over whom tlu- Owen Sound newspapers htd piinled many " nrnclcH, tuiog frequently tho it that he had omne tu his condi- tion 'ilioiii'li no f*ult <>f his own." It was Ilia own fault very Inrgely. The following important resolution in- tiiNluood hy Mutuira. Harmms and Kiea waa defeated by a vi-u of tune to sis that in accordance with notice of motion given nt InHt .Unuitry session, the wurdcn ninl clurk l>e instructed tt> prxpnre H memorial to be presented to the OnlHrio Uxi"l"turo, nuking that the niuuici|.itl act !> ainonJed no that the county council ill. I l|...-.-l of the nenior coin -il of town, niul the rourcn uf township* and riflitKex. Th<* on the vote was aa f.. Hows : Yuas Messrs. Uordon, IU: :. -. Preston. I'rinuli'. Klo, Slniio. Najs Me&srs. Agnvo, Allan, McAitlinr, MoC'olmsn, McDonald, McKiunon, Si-l . nk. Walson .in. I the wnrdeli. Mr. (leorge Ities prrsrnttil his iiHtion an a nn-iilK-r of tho county council from No il division. HIM resignation aoceptvil with oxi>resa of regret froui many itiemhvrt of the council. On motion of Mi SHIR Slmtc and Proa ton tlio council rrt apart thu third day o the.l.inuitry fu.-K.sion t" coiikidur ther<|ual izatioU of thu naauftainiMit "f thn ci.unty.iu orilt-r t'.iM if ihoy ill, I nut agree the no I'Hsnry xlcpM could bu ukon to sp|M>int In coiiiinitluo of ths whole, the thank of Uif council w.i,- i. ml. n- 1 the warden Q.A HMWII, for tlio ahlc, courte-'UH an iu.|. ulnl iiiMinrr in wlncli he had presul od o\.-r llii' counril; and voting him $1W tu i-ini-r ilisbiir^'iiu i'li while attending U his iliri.- On motion of M. Hiw< snd DoyI tin- fo!lowin< aec-iuiiM wore voted to th cliitiroian of tlio vitrioii* coininittesM Kinniicc, comity i-n.|h-iiy, rond alu brid^'t-. I'tliicHiioii, piiniiiu.niid iiieniorial t n dnII-iiH exch Mini judicial audit, hvi dollim TliiH loAolu' n, ('.. I coimnl i-niliiB il'HCii>sn.ii, l>u> fvi'iitiitlly carried Thu council tli m adj. iniii-il l.y Hinging tho I'li'ioiinl Hiitliein.iuiJ Auld Lsni(Syne Poor Girl, Pity Her "Irthiri Bill" M Firi Our l>rdlni|oowicoiii|irli<n : MiMl,I.uiitrw, (karats, Orimssns. Hnttvioiu r, fana<llan lleaiitv SOU Inportsd ll.>anlv. wnli I..H.I l.a anil'.i l hi a.l of linn) Yniinl anloiaH of liotli SMS* fur saht ; stao ona ball I : Kiip.i I y AlMiiJala auil (n.m n In.ii .in h|,.f f.iw. AI: i mi: :O:INSTOS. \aiiilehilir. Ont Tnn M a Is. P*ncii* s*> ha* a ITirmswlhr*<1 Tork far lornr* n* lol I MX tf. P T*n H.. Art . r-rop Marble - Works! aim. lin|M>rlor of ninl l>olin- in mil. Hcotcli HI,.! i ... .,1, ,,, aii.l Murl.K. o k , f n. n mt-nts Repwircd in.) iiiKi-ri|iti"iii rut on ihortMt not e. SYDENMAn ST. t Y<*x into wciikno^i, hut not trnKih. S iiili.-. iilfiity of them. Tn.'il. of ci'ntM' H!IO i<. nnd weak loo. l>ocs nut cat |.|n.ui;li, mul ili^fHln fur IC.KH tli. in rii..nli. Tin* > ii.lin .n \^ su fre- i|in III, t-nl how M'hli-ln li.itlci-ll even liy fond (wucntH. 4iiii>hT K, thon wstcli licr !pp( lite nn|iroV(>, her Hiul li|i;ro> uulilv, her st.-|> olax'ic, hor spirit* booyaut, M 1 tin-, imply tho re- lilt i f cHiini! mul iliv'' 1 "' ;i'U . <ngh, iimk ini; lilooil. ui.l ttit-ii-ln ~'i L:(' IIIHV the nerve nnd lirsin port f I' 1 1 ronu vivu n woinsn'fi utrcngl Ii in ik uirU. Your (Imn-liti r or wifo IIIIM|H l.'firoiMiir). Get it t<> ilay ut Uieh-\nls"ii ' FARM POIJ .-VLB Only > 1HK>. -:><!'. .) Urn., iiitt-r.'^t ,'i '. 1IKI scic . . dc-atvd ami inuli r cnlinH'ii.ii. >il.i. lislf NWMIIIII mid half inin ....I f..riitliln fi nun- il well r .MI,' [hut barn l.n'f mill, fini'i L: I ;,ixl 3 mile* from rillnij.. of Ku<, -i,.i \|-ply tu R J. , F f f iff C. E. NOBLE, DUN DA ILK The Central Hardware - - Store We have a large stock of In silverware, carving sets Lamps and many ether lines. Special low prices in stoves, Horse Blankets, Robes Mittens, Washing machines, cow chains, Aies x-cut saws. All our stock mluml in price for the Holiday trade. gall and see us-to gall is to buy if you are needing anything in our line We pay the highest cash price for sheepskins. All kinds Furs, Fox, Coon, Martin, Mink Command a special liififh price for prime. C. E. NOBLE, DU NDA LK BLOOD contracted any Blood Dtr.i%c TO*" are nev*r ttfff Vats-Mi Ib* vlrtM or puiftoa hu br er*t(lu:Aicl from IUJ Tstrm. S\ Umcj jon s sUavrmitur j oat lire la Lope* BO moo* resaUs will follow. HTS y*m stay of tnc i jffiptomB? Sr*j ta.nai. tlcOTtfOa*. thU>otf j*-or in the inotth, hair faUNer omt.c*V | I latf paint ltchluM o( tb kin, or\'tor blotcbe* ou the bo*- 4 ?, vyn nrl *a*l sMnait. dTsVpCptic atout ich, *vxua. we*knei.-lr^ic J F -.JI. cf tb condary vtafe. Doo*t tmct to lack. DoaS rain jour tystem with tb*t oil i KT trf4tm^nt- | tn.'rcur7 *%*! po^ash-whicti only pprcsB*** the y..ipto*ms for a . nlj tv break out stinin wbO8 ttappv ladomotic life. i>u>t*t tot xneriraeut on vo. Our NEW MCTHOO I TKS.lTMi.NT U ruir.Uit*Ml to care jou. Our ffut.w^ct*f.i rc bcU,*4 t>y t>nlc bond.* that tb ditr.iAe Will er- vr irturn. Tbontvind* of p.ttivut.1 kav* U*o atrwadr cared by O* NEW MKTMv'D TKEATMENT lor OT*T TU yearfc and BO return *>( th*diteaa. No eiutrtaUcuL* uo ruk aot a "yaich mp," bmt a po*M> UT* cnro. Th* wonu ca*ti *oii*.ud. NERVOUS DEBILITY OUD ftRTV aTBTROD TUB ATM r NT will cars yos\ aad mam* a man of JOB. Under It* Infloanc* tbs brain b*^om* artlv*, cl, blood purlflfd jo thai all pimples, blotchrs aad slcsra disappear; t'-a nrrcs bc,>m* strong a* *t.-v' *> that nrrronaneos ba>htolne^ and tk^pMtdc>j' T dtvopeju; tbetr bacoos ^ .ht, the fan* tall and ctoar.enrrry r^rn to ti<- *"ir. j>4 the r:ors.l, phulcil ar.J - sal arat*m* sra invigorated; all dramt caa*r -uo uior* TIUI! wtn Irum th* avmiuA. Tin- Tarlom orgn boom* aatnral and m.T'v. V. n fe,-l . ~nrw!f a man an. I know raanot bsaUilnra, W IHTU* ll ih sWictrd I < > e caofll.-ntiullT rM*al cbaiw*. l>on*t tot ncks in. I ' 'kit* rob yu c! yomr tard dolUra. WB WtUt CUKB YOH OR NO I'AY. and fn* of . . W* tret and <nr NKRVOUS DRHtLII f, KXVA t. TTEA.KNKSS EMIS- SION*. SYPHILIS. OLEKT. STHlCTl'Rir. VAKIC9CKLK. KIDMKT and BL. AUOEK 1J13KASIS, and all diSMan* ft^ulur to swu iad wosaca-Cuaa^i^ras- te^l. DTI 1 T1T5D I Ar* Tea a vIctlmT Bar* TO> loni hope? An yt> rontratpUtinf ' nn A I Inll' niairia^e? Hal r*ir bloc..' !rn dinus.'t? 1U* you any c-i- ItuilJJljlli acaa? Oar N*w Met.'iud Traa.>meat will cure. you. foll(ta , | Irs*. No mattw wbohaa traated yon, wrltntur an uoowt opmiou >>ec ! (. ii .ir. [ barrei reanuuable. Sssasfroe. *The UoU.'n Monitor" il'.latrate1ionr>ic- tot men *l>l*rji*cao< Womes" "Ta* Wagn of Sia." "Vaiiiax-jiv, bulctarsaswt v;:>.v. All ssat Frs* muled. No aedietn* c**l C. 0. P. H* nmos on bx*t er srvci-?. Ev*rytMg { | confidsatitl. QtMslla* list ami Catl ) Treitr.ent, f SEE. (:; Hsms Car*. U3 SHELBY ST. K&K OETRC T MICH. Busli Farm lor Sale. Lot .in. Con. 19, Artcnimia, 100 Mr**, no but il Inc.. ii.> rlimrintf. Vnlnable cwlnr on aauix, n.->. r i... M railed, all ataniumi aort saay to tk" out. I'lirap naj oaay to tale out. uov* quick. W. A. AHMTOMI Map -f (Irey County Wan' >1 a f*w liv*antatoatll tli* rssa ol :v . i,i..\ iu ilio lowti*hl|>c>( Artom sla, U*pry ami Proton Also tl.K town uis|> ii-paraw-lv in ab-m plartM : K*fr rsqslnd, a MH| ooiniuiMioo allowed ror pstrtloulsrssoqalrsel W J. IVIIIMV.H,..IH W. T.lford I. SrJ 1901 11,,, t FLESH KKTON For M.i*>y H uu-. Noxou, Fleury and on fiirm implements, Fleury an.l Verity pl,)w^ .n hand all the tune, also all kinds of ropair* for tlio same. \V e manufacture Wagoa*. ugiiMsi, ('uttora, Sleih, etc. Hor*ehocins( promptly attended to (> i l attention to tender oouiracted feot. Loggin); aud I'ljw oonitanily on han<l. WHWX^^ JUUmttce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. " VOL XXI, NO 1065 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, December 2G. 10O1 W. H THURSTOH, W.-itehe Clocks r-e -, . i;il viiliit's in Watch*v An excellent stock of the very best Clocks on the market to chose fniin. Finest display of .Silverware *rerli' wn m Flcttherton Very suitable, for Xrtiua gifts or Wedding presents. Riii^s. Chains, Broaches ami < Juan Is of every description, to select fr"m. Special Xiruus Goods to hand. W. A. Armstrong - Rehertn Me Was Banqueted Oa Thundtv evening of last week Urge number of pruonnrnt \ i lingers, Mid KUHIS frosn Eugenia and Ceylon. met at the Munhawhoa**to-du h n--r to a de- parting frll'iw eiliseo. .Mr. K. X. llcuiier INI, !.< left thu *ek to euler upon Ilia n p. ii:i--n in Sou* hf'v uueat* *f r present. H R.ohards"ti. M P., occ&t>ied the po*t of chairman and opvneU rbe program with prayer, after w'hu-h a ksr*a num' of toast were given and rt -HH tnJoJ to in a baupy ioai.ii.-r by those who** oaaiea were coupled th. re- with. (Hiring th* course of ths evening Uwy.r .V. H. >Viiht read the following ildrv* to Mr. Hn.'er*iii : Mr. H. ff. UevitTM,. fltikerton, U*t. DCVB 5>ia : Lowrnitifc of jrcur t*Un<l- wl departure from *ui"tg us we, yom frRjw cUiasnsand, desire to-night \t thU Jrtiv*> gathering to horn r you, M well w t<> ifforJ each of saying a hearty "k-OKly r# y^u leave to take up > >ir r>sd*a) in Toronto. The IUI-VM 'ti i f this address) IK t briefly state that you will be much mused in the cm- UiUuity . IT during your sojourn of eleven years yu have ui*ti r.uoicr .us frteinU, not ouly in the villag*, but iu the ar- rotmiiut; country where, through your l>u.i:.t< .vl.ui in. you hve bt!Gt>me wide- ly known. At a btuint-sn man and citizen whttf ir^rvst* I'enten-d here you h.ive ver b.i-n ready to take liId of aii>i pu>h with vr.ergy >uid cn'Iiimnnm any project* in Ike interests of the pUce iuiciated by your.Mf <T oommiiU-d to you by othert. A feature of your life h*s 'xn-n your kind ioterent in thote lx>ut yu who ha>e thn>u^!i oiUmi'y and mi.s:'ortui> needed a JiAiui hold out. In the leeiBemuxneM of your hratt aiujr <!td <4 bnvo'ence unknown to untay hae been douo by you. bat there have been those of a pub- I'c rlMr u.-tdr initiatod and earned to a u-. - orsuful iaue by you which nerd n<>4 now our coiiiiiieudttii-n A sympathetic pub- lic a|>pr i^ed, and your labor, we art) sure, iuft .<iu[>!e reward in th^ uxpresm-d grati- tude i't r!i. iw to whom ymi wrra liviifine- tor. \W cuunoi hut upeak of the iirvpur- Alile l"our l>'ii!iBi<M> Any cel.-i rau.'ii cuiuuiitu-e lua'ama by y--ur rvmova . V- |>rei>!fiit you were not a n ere tigurv-hrad I ut an iM^lhuawstic leader ouick to i'ii- ci-n' !. 1 ready 10 p'ati. Your unique <Tk.i'i'l 'y m program preprHtioii mul the l -ublio tmiited and self denying man- ner in wbu-h y.u rk, d. e>'lribtited in a larye moii-urv U> the phenomenal ^uccem which h -. Httriidud our n.iUi! d:iy tx-lebra- Hon. Mum, ipal houois wir.-, by the way, soi>n to IK) ooiiferrvd, hut ynur dvpnten y-'-ur frieixU the privilege i.f up- lrtii.g y n at tli<- i Us. Vur very hap- py i Uln-^ to the o'.evtor* at tbelaat IHHII- liint on |IK not Kit-un fi4-^4ton. In Con- w ciMigratuUte yu on your (- to the poeitioii wliu-h you goto the Queen city to nil ; a |>osiii<iti huh. with y<-ur ability diligxutl} pplie<1, we Mro oMiti'lent you will fill i'h rrnlit to yourself nd to tile pi ire from which you fail. In mying good-bye to y\ u, > ijrouif'i you extend the mn> curdial jrtu>' to your **ti naMe ife ho be- otnse of hor kiiidnem of heart und plem- iiU cm! <|U<tlitiv8 will K- great'y n<iss-d in the community, mul for her chru'utii rrk imt activity m thu ohvrcn to which he l*!oitgi he will J*> be grtAt!y njiaa- ()'ir boat wiahee g with you to jour o, and at the WMMUXI* of joyou* H U|IOD tn we hcnriily join MI wialimg you and Mn. lleiuifro a miry Ch- iat ni.-w ud happy Niw Yar. receve < s-^v- eoos perfornianctf on or:an aud mo urjan. Mm Webvr also pcrforaed th mouth or.-an i thu number. the date. At ibual, no uch ocouinna, so who were expected to be prrMAt were onavoidjibly arneot. some who were exp-fed to b* abneiit were present,; whiV ther were neither abaent or pre-| rat, but were 'billed take thew rand! in tire porch, thero bchw not even tnd- iri: r. .-.ii :n th >,uildiog. The inrnj-, ry |itrt ;' th entertainment con- . stated of wr*tex refieahmenta of tou| wwd adeacnptiun tu enumerate, and, too dainty > crincue, fr m 7 to 8 o'ckt-k, when the chair waa taken and the aud- ience called tn order by Mr. Reid, teacher. : The program, whi.h was a ery long one, waj nnaroidably curtailed, the tail end, . howrr, will be referred for futuie use. | The sin^-ni( of the school children wss a surprise to all preacrtt and evinced the careful train tag they had undergone under ' th- irutruc-Kiu of Mrs. Wood. Viobn selections by the Uany brothers, ace. m | panid by Mn. Wood, waa rendered in excellent style and raptureoualy applaud ed, aa waa also the north organ acUction by M Mter G<orje C*ir. aejompameU by MIM Ella MicketiK. Mm Wickens also received r<t s-^plausv- by her Riiuuiiau- aud mouth on th mouth or.-an i thu number. Mr. | aud Mrs Sheppard of Fleaherton kiodly , gave valuable aasirtanre and held the audience s|il b- uod by their rich wicen. I They were acc.-mpan:ed hy Mm. JOB. | Blackburn. The tsJrnt of theae ladieu. and centlenan w too widely known to' need c-'OHDeu' A debate by four lyt> involved niach inu-r<t ; Reaolved, (hat farmin*; ts of greater inpnnatMM than tnsiieaor pmfuMsiM Negmtiva* wun. Mn. Butleriurik'" j..uruey toMorrw MM well petaxnia'ed by Mi* Meda Whifaker A very pleasing number on the prngram was a drill by sixteen little i(ir!s) from Mr i school. The cWk-liku of thru movvmetita waa ext feJ awl praiseworthy. T pronrarn in its entirety *,,uld ooopy too much space, but we cannot omit Qj<-nUon- mx the two little McLeud girl*, who br .uj'v. loj. n r-un-lsof appUuM by :-<.u- denn< a c-upl- of Gaelic s<*ig ic. 6n italic style. The concert lte<l u*tel 11.15 p. m., the beat uf order having bee osMntiuneU thn-iuthnu*. amounted to f 16. It kan Wen that a portUni of the vro.-uedU be i ."on tick," that M a clock be for the tebuol. tbe baUncu t.> ;- door game.-* for the children t rvcvw an. I dinner hours during the wiitor. H"S- r a decnien tu the matter has not yet been arrived at. Many thank* are due t < those bdtea and Kutleoien who so generously drove from a distance to two der such vlubli asuistnn-.-e. nor cad tt> much ptaise be beatowid m Mr. ami Mrs. Wood for their uniinni; etfi rt in bnuirn toa TOCceeaful issue, the bent ontertainoient ever wimesawd in the St. ne settlement. On Ktiday ev oiling a c 'Uple of slei.h loads from this line drove over to the rvJ eaool house to pa\ironise and asaUc at Mr Ke'dt concert Mrs. H. Wliittaker of (Asjfl n has re- turned to the old home*tea'l for th- winter. Miss Flosaie Stone, teacher of Wrlburk sch .:. is spenduiH her v. hntius ho!klay at home. Mr. Datid M.-Mullen of Flesher'ou ; --lit a couple of day* i'h frn} 01, ihis lino sir. Me, wa no of the first nettler* on this line. I ut removed to th- atni|aitof in* tiiwhip atut 36 years ago. tiUd to fee you l-~>ki:ig so well, ol>l fiion.l. A-i oryin h recently tern intr >luce.l into tir puhl c school, but whothvr it is in TV in. .in j*ru)Anrntly, we have T'-'t home again. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fenwick of To- ronto are riaatiag I heir fricnda at Eugeuja> %t pnMvut. Mr. CUrk and B. n, Mr and Mrs. Bye and Mr Walker Sloan all took the early train fur Toronto un Tuesday to s^end their Chnstmas at Trenton arnl Toruuto. The yuosur popb feal sorry to luoae Mia* Addie M*an,who ha* g. no to reiud* ftt Trenton. Both of our school teacher* have none to new fields of Labor. They carry wit h them the good wuhaa of a large circ-lit ot' friends who were rry M their departure. Th* Methodist Sunday school anniver- sary at Eugenia was a prs>o> unced success. Mr. Carr occupied, the chair, the pro- gram being given a* the children, with peecha* by Revs. Ivuon WUsoo, Spel- ling and Thom, and Muavn. Crone aad Wbeweil. Xvery child was resMBikared by Santa clause. A pijmant featarw of the) evenintt wa* the presentation at a pone to the pastor, ROT. Mr. W hita>. PtooMda 916 75. McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARKOALE, ONT. o 6rcy County's Biggest Store m Something For Everybody. Like good St. Sick, we have toowthinc for every aesaber f every fataily. Boau!iful pp)vtnioa has been mad* for ths> bigg*** fnmtma* trade sver d. ne in this <t.>re. We have the good* aad ths> salespeople aod the low prices to maUtc oar incicip*u u g<xxL IT OUGHT To bE K.ASY to select Ckhsfma* prasMto here. snth this beautiful t..rv full fr> -in which Co chaos*. >ui ssjewpcopls) ejM help yon eoB**iermbly . TW i what they are here for. Thcsw DT.OM an picke.1 up at random in tbe different departments. They an aofj|*tiv of hun- dreds ef u can fsmUy aa cood. LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS k-like precuHoo xtraaiely paat- '.. enumerate the Deaf as a Door Nail ' : an UOCOLUIU^D ezprcssiuo, bat HUit* true of many people whose bearing can bi quickly restored hy lohaiidx arrbosvue. ft '{Uickly rli**aad cort>s all kinds uf Catarrh. Catarrhhal desf- Uess.aaii iliani ns of the repiratory orxana. l>"ut HT Of h.ipe till Juu bare tottl CsatarHMjsxMM. It ha* rasrorvd lost hear mi; t thousands, snd csvn *o the same fur you. Catarrhosune is a *ajtabl* anti- septic, pleasant aad xmTenioot ro oaw. absolutoly cartsM to <{uickly bsaoat aad ultiautsJr curs. Two munta* tisstsassit fl.'JO. Ssualli Ont. Fancy Lawn Uankerchirfs, either plain whit* or fancy borders, sasortitd patterns, eoibroJeried and W-e trimsssid. heos stitched, fiaacy open work corner*. Regvlur lOc. and 12^c. value*. We bongnt afl a wholesale house had lef- at a bit; reduction and can nay fr XUIAS. trade SV. LAWN HVNKERCrTEFS FUR lOc. tfskaai fancy lan hankerchiufs. ssaortod -m' rodiery aasl laci tu>*. mu.j ot thsa bands* me!; tnmowd aad sMusJIy retailrd at 25c. Wecsvn swll thftn r^ht L. wliu yuu n*l them vaoat. .:; |sj r->r e.SILK retailrd a* 30c. and VtSJt H - U-IXTIESFOR12J eta. 25 Joswo Cenrs 1 ti*s.assond fancy sfcfiriiis and pitttern* (also pUin black) in silk aui aataa. Assorted shades aasl kootn. buw. in i M sssafatat aaaV Every oas worth in the regular way 25c. tc 38c. ssMk. he Xma*. trade at S f -r .nd svk e We ate inforruod thjt school has cKed for the winter U'M lioiie to see a c- iiif.'i'.t' le arvctod before next winter Prwvioua to cl-*iug sch'ol Vr. W.od very Krnen.osly ttvted his pupils t>. gool supply of candw*. wished them inerty Christuias ai.d !iap;>y New-yea. inforinetl them that school w.mld re ..[ on the tjth J;inur, when everyone ^ mind must benutile op tu ett' down : busineas iu oarneat. Mr Kil-to-. we winh jou and your fam- ily, your itaff, your rvuHeiH, nd every eUe a merry ChriHtBMS and a happy and pn>*p<>iou8 New Year. M. Ull HIKIMOM. J. A. BTD. e'rvnt 0>u~ then (' rU^m-Dec. 8,to Mr. and Mr*. .iurl-y, a dauithlrr. Bru-D*o. 15. to Mr. and Mr*. Andrew Grmhuni of the valley, iianU-r Thv mny fr-endu of Arten* Carr ure. pleaaud to *e her horn* again to pvn.l | the holiday SMMMI with her parents at >Voa Our thrn . Our public achool eiioTl on Tharolay ewning lt pru**d ia \M a decided suc- t pi, A birne aiWI ippreeiaiive auilience rhevrfuUy rvapoodea to the ii.vitation prev iouMy annouiicJ, they did Mr.<iorley,r.,e<iounuelii|ior health ' Her dauiihter, Mr*. Sruha, .f Toronto, U n w w&i'ing n her. MKS Sarah Pedlar of Toronto is spend ing her holidays with her parent*. Her many frinnda here are pleased to sec her Rolls Report *f FfaalMrtun Public School foi ta* Auath vt Decmr<*)r. Part 1. cav< 11 -Bert IVtch. Eddy Loucks, Abraui Fran. Miry Burnett, A; un Levnr. .M I. pn I. JSOM*I Siinso*. Herb. - si . I ri*|MK>B FlynC B Teet- r, TaaTts*M 8*ai r fart Ii imy, Jo*) Lvsjii.i ^i]iial,) Ete t't I'ant, H-:oW . i. N Latira Talbor, .Joe* (Udlsy, Clitfocd ltUkfay. Juu". r l'.irt U V.LU \V r! .-h. EWs) u*-. N i lie Wilson. Vet* \Muuen, \ : n^, Lilian Kurlol^e, Laura \ - MAKHN. Teach -r. Junior II Clarenca Blakely. Krv-1 Sullirtn, UaroU ana Will-e Ci-wsU-y. Jzcio \\ . Sp,-.^. K.ii.U:i Mitchell and Al U'it r'crri*. 1'earl Uopfs, Alatiao Ward- robe, Reijvix rU - H ReUUrara. RobbktDuwn, Ktrie Legard, Minnie Stock. Martha Thompson, Clas IV -CUar.M NcTavish. Luuia I VcCalm.-ii. Am* Thur-ton DeKo*. < Fied M.;Taih. Tena McLtfod. Bellamy. IWIla Ici.nio T*t*)r. . fl.L'o L.\J>IES KID GLOVES AT 73 ceuU. 30 pairs .raly Ltvdis* Kid (.tiurirt, ssaiiril saad* in ox blood* nd gTtys. fancy stitchsxi bscks, 4 donw> fsitsasm. s. ail sal i ml Duality, viava 6 The rnrolar pn^as were 91.9) and f 1.0 each pair. O> *!*> f..r th Xuias trade at 35 cer.t KID MITTS for 19 orara. 24 pair i uly children kul mitt<, aaaond siass sast shade*, flusvy wool !in- tng, tssnoJar ralue 35c. tach pur. Ou sole this week at 3.00TKIMMKD MILLINERY FOR fl.50 2O ladies' IriinincU hu. a rted shsties) Jkd rariou*) style*. \I1 'his MOO ni' gix-ds, aikl cvrry ous) corTsvt *y<e. aad food value m ivfulnr wsy at 3ajk. Ou Je X u trade at 130 94 :mLAl'Ir:> SKIRTS r>R93.S3 M Ladies' Skirts, as- h* %o<l waiat tneasur* me black,*otsw nary bias all-wooltervv, fancy braid trimming, mwl by on* of ;h* best asaaabcturwrw in the Duniinon. uiii i^uod ra!-a $4 JO each. On sal* f- r XIOM tra<l at J 35 60 cent FRENCH FLA KCTU nt*. W put ..n the drrs* &> cvunUr this week 37 wat t Uotta* of F.r.oy French Asnnel. all tn season ' atwcat and most handaoOM dew^, ps%. lev pattern*. ..rimtaj Jvi|(as. polks dots, etc. R ^u'ar xalues jl>- 8Oc. and a few Ivnjtha wurth Toe. a yard. I <-t a run at 2J, . *arh. Tor ehoicr of anr len<U ( r Xma* trad* at 1 .> l*.oo MANTLE FOR 13 Lail 'es' Mnntlvs. asBortul SIMS, some \Vol FrWa, som Bvarer, ami* fancy tr-aim<*d. som plum. The rvg. a2u* were 96 and ftf- At 3 00 Stafford & Co, \\'i U Kar^t-Jt, K , - ainv. B..yd, - V N son. Millie ! H 'pp'. Jeiiti'e Chirli- otterrll. Junior III K -1. Lily IVyd, ' Laura Dv, t; M rwh. Ru' y Ttinib c. Osl.wrli Whititn, Lulu Mitclu-l 1 , : Ut.r. IULrr. Klorne B-IUmr. Mjnlo Blnk-ly, GUnu Pe'.cl>, l.L.yd i Prtcli S,.iirir HI. -Kisik x Eva H. lVt.KV llali-s. V.Vi- VniDosen. Elmo lUUlv. ^' - \ limn'. T--clwr BM r> ^I\ ' T!iu:t"u, Lucy Cooper, Euivr.n I'-eilann. Kii.i llaru- h"U!>o, Jvnniv \\iUn. Sfllio Hoppm rt ' M -tie Ttiurxt ii. Em rU-I IM_V, Kl 1 * BirnW>u'. Lucy Cooper, \ - H..|I|, .'rioii \\il^.a. Killer* -ii BelUmy. My tkaX r.juil.* Lu-'V C'HHKT. F.l!a ii-e. .1. N i - C^'lie' ' IT, -trr*.*! Bvll^SBV. Myrt'<- KIU lUkrnhou*r,L<i<-*; Coopur. J. B. r'*ct', r'ru ci;*l. Energy and n* Af Aft^ Eyeglasses. Burii Wj || Mail Contract A constant dropping wears away a stone. A slight eycstrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself^lisht discomfort sheulJ be rerr.ociiod at once. This \ve guarantee to do \vith glasses. Consultation free. Delays are dangerous, W. A. Armstrc- LCM AND FLZSHERTGN. Store W. HOCKLEY PROTON 5TAT10N. fur tlu- tu-xt twenty days wo will utter ut special fe'lue- tiun- Mt-n s ><i; :.. wiita $4 u;l an. I women's *l '*' ;mi I fl. '_'."> lace ^h-H's ut ." Also twelve puir IH>VS' lon;^ Knots, regular price *! ,."n. i>n sile at Th- Ml. wn Sic. J l.c*n V fsrr V tsus J gSJ.lLKDTKXOF. na*-( <r Ueu*ral wi'l >oo. un K.i>l\ ' , Toiian>M> i'f in* Conti*lfui tout >, - ... N i .t API i- Pna%rdnotM>ra ali.i x lu-il tlan to o'n.ll'i..i. ( ! ,'^1 >o :*. in * bu *ava aud M .as tacsM wt Ta.t* nia> ' - lIQ-"l *l til* I'tWt > .Sic* |-l-SMTtUr al T >. . ' ,-ivST oKl-'.CK l>Kl AKTilKN r. HAni CvaTMOT BSA-.CSI, L* . OStasrs, '.T !> io-' :-n.-. ;>, a M T - bmuk U all'! > rythiru :u dry . ' * t. .. n, mli * J to . ..tK f*)r ^M1< (.miiisj M, e SSM i hr U ut o tf, Hittoir HI I