Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1901, p. 2

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\ I The I Red Witch Or The Wooing Of Constantia. : l\ # KYNtir.Sis OF 1'HKCKIHNG forsook 1,,-r. IIAI'. 1 1-..H.S. A lovers' quarrel tak- niwiivH kind ~ place between t '..MM UUU.I'H cousin "Thny have told you more thai that." She lifted her large, hcavj eyes to his, und looked at him fixed ly. "They have told you I am cold unfeeling a very slons I I confess thai ID what 1 have felt at times o stone. What is there to rouse for To .how love or longing '!" "Surely there are mi>ny things inferior to that one great treasure 'gone, but still of use." "There in nntliing," she said uton- Her smile, if rarer, wus "y- "Th child is dc-ud I" She hud . und there was no rt'a- '"Men back unconsciously into that ",- *. son why ho should regurci nvr us ' ( 1 frozen iniiiiin-r of hers, HO that h( i und I.,.rd Varley. While on- ih.-rishing a grief that was Inconsol- was able to.j. d-,. of the apparent they inarry, l.ord Varley a ,,|,li- II,. kuew nothing of the long unconcern of whii:h her neighbors ao- beauliful chin-utter. HIMIIIII. I,,,.I,H spent alone in the destrtod cused her. lhe old love uwukus nursery, where she. km-lt l^-sido the " w o shall forbid you to dwell oii.stanliu wltMMM a tend,-r cm ,, t yr little cot. und prayed for pa- "P<>n that sad fact ?" said ho. "Hut u for which she rebuke* her t |,. nco nnd a F ,,,. r(lv , llllsh to ner Bo ,,_ j wou |<i have you regard it in a dif- hu three suitors, tary life. and conjured up tl.c d.-.,d f-i.nt spirit. Surely life Is not so ge, who liu proposed and is p ni(t . , , vlll( . h her durllng'n pule face altogether burren, BO entir, ly I cr.-ft Barry and 1 eallicr- smiled at her uRuln-whcro the tiny ' Jy. that you should thus give up DOOM s machinations a nrim Wl . ri . .-x,,.,,,.,.,! to , l( . r wncre tlle all your best years to a sorrow un- nmsked bull reveals tin- mi.seruWu pressure of dollcutc buliy hunds fell controllable" and l-'ealher- upon h ,. r t ,re.,st. her cheek. She WHS "'t i a simple thing to you to (wasted and worn iron grief, but *h<> K iv advice like that," nhn said, wilh ....... kept her eyes dry before the wirld, a faint touch of reproach in her KXIV - )-'M thut rure'css thhiR should ,-i.t,.,- K'-ntlo voice. "But you you have 'file coarse insult was not com- '" to "'"1 disturb tho sacredncss of "t known." Dieted, he bad barely time to notice l "' 1 ' despair, i "Yes, yes, I sec. 1 know what you fcow she blanched und shrank from ' One "flernoon, with Iho ever-pro- would suy " lie spoke quile humbly him in her hurt purity, when tho w ' nt "Wise of desolation upon her, now. and leant towards her. " 'I'.vcry sound of a womun'H hurrying feet lme lnv back languidly In her chair, " Cttn mauler a grief bul he that sense of | h.vsii ul weariness lin * lt -' y<! that I entirely true. "no afternoon, went sense of denotation upon her, now, unu icuni lowuriis nr. ' "i-.very _ -..,..., Hhe lttv back languidly In her chair. " c * n niaxtcr a grief bul he that along the graveled path caught her wit " a M-I>-.- of | h.vsirul weariness lln * It.' Yes that In entirely true, ear. All minor passions died then, tnnt '"iichi-d Iier not unpleasantly. ltut 1 did nol come here lo trouble her heart flew back to her child. She Tno 'i"'i<"* came and w. m. uiid >" <)n| y to try to help you ; and rn-\v ii,t,, hours. all (i twiliuhl wus " ow - almost In the beginning. I havo ...B. , . .. I ....I _U I'.pfll- f nmffllAtAt t/ n'r,,,nr V..* " I... her heart flew back to her child. She Tno 'i'"iti>a camo nd < nt. and - vou - on| y to try to hi.-lp you ; and confronted the nume (who now np- ^ ruw '"'" hours, and twiliuhl was now - n'most In the beginning. I havo laired. brcalhlew. pale, and ti-rri- ulr 'dy st.-iillng over lhe land, when K no completely wrong. Yet " he fed), and rricd aloud lo her in In r 'h'' ''"or wu.i openc-d. and u w-rvaiii I''-'"l. and Inc.ked at her reflective- terror, with white lips, anil hund.s announced : ly "I would be of sornu goi.d to you tightly pressed ugainsl her bosom Ml- O'Crndy." if I could." "What is it 7 \\lmt ?" the gusp- " c rnt "< tot\-r(1s her ncrnm 4ne "' !<now it. I know that." she d. polisln-d oaken floor, strewn wilh cr 'l, a little wildly. "Hut who can "The baby, my ludy. She Is not "'''"'"I rug nnd bits of sacred car- help me ? 'My erlef He* all within.' mo well. The doctor is wilh her. l>el ' with tep swut but subdued. ll destroys me us It grows. And He " nd with nn exprnssion in his eyes o\cty moment sei-ms to add a cubit hat Hor.K-how comforted her. even to its Mature " Sim rose. and whilst it drove a knife inlo her K^Pt by him, tho deep crnpe of her hesrt. It Kpoke of a nyuiputhy thut B wn "ccming to add a rartam in- \i.ll. I,,,, ,,.,.l f, I... i tl-nsilv tn l.i.r vuutt Vl^r. v.,ILnl nn l.udy Varley did not hear her ; she had rushed post her, pulling Vnrli-y. who was In her pulh. to ono side by a quick gesture, as though he hud been a brunch, or some oth'-r inani- mate obstruction. At midnifiht all Was . h . a(1 lc 't Wllh h ' r and for her, n<l tensity to her woe. She walked up , ro ' st 'd from ftn giave upuln tlio " ttlc fragile form that had been to down the room In silence for a ite or two and then burst forth again, as though silence was tort un- to her she, who bcforu his coming 'ostruction. At midnight all inut nun been tc over ! Lady Varley. up.m whose >r '". hcr heart's blood. Jt was th the little head wim lumw m.ni.. '""Nt time she had seen him Rincn tli Mrs. . lh * bahy d-Ye; but li wakfn> his faiber's bis fcubj.-rteil For many days sho lay her ; thllt he would not mistake her in a sort of stupor, dense enough to t " rcvrt composure for coldness ; that prevent her fully realizing the ex- t% coult * fathom the depth of her t-nt of her loss This seemed to " llfIcr| nP. <nd, having fnthmned, )on- ider !" ho said, rising turn with abruptni-ss to his feet "You hardly know wlmt you ny. _ ... _.... w ..... You think only ol your grief Then those attached to her a rather merci- WoulJ ""' accuse ln-r of cxaggcra- are others" lie checked himself ful happening than otherwise. It ! lon ln ''.-r gi -U-f Ha was apart r-^lonutelv. rjinred liur at leant the last poignant _ m ""'' u "'"'c all >li.- others, she "Thero is no one," she said. "And fcUlte. ir,l,..,|. Constantia. 'or myself 1 do not car* I have The day ,,(t,. r the child hod been , . hnd I"" V ^ 1<J herielf Leyond cioubt ''n hardly used. 1 " She pau- Ini.l within tho grave, Lady Varley a .,, "' ed and struggled with herself for awoke to conftcloi.sne** <mn- iii<,ir. ' * ** n K Ia<l to see you," ho said componure. "J asked I deiimiidod and lay prone and passive on her frnvely He took her extended hand. 1 I prayed upon my bended knots all pillows, but in full possession of 1 i-r " " K<' n *ly ..;.... .. . She had lat no 01 Just now, hearing Constantla's voice _ n ^ r njournful ; os. and n..ted. ll wan denlid me I Why should 1 be expressed 111 I HI , - | .! W ' | " ' I I * ". I ' I ll . 1 H I. I - " .- He hurl con- liiglil und half my days, tna that ered what he would say to hcr one thing should be granted me by ore coming In ; hut now all his heaven. That one poor little life I _ wiiih to-dny c '"ming In ; but now all his heaven. That one poor little life I that no one won to bo admitted: but f forsook him. us ho gazed wrestled for no more, no more-but __!_ .. _ i lIllO lll*r 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 f 1 1 I <ii-/t_: .. ., . I _ . i It . , .. n .1,... 1 . .1 _._ . i itl ___... voice """ hpr noiirnful - cs. and noted. ~ - ... . .,.., ..-,.. , ,- upon tho corridor outside, asking ' a w< ''l<'nnic pain, tlie cham.es thankful, grateful, nn they tell me 1 bow she hud passed tho night. sho L onc sl 'orl njnntl, O f iingui.--!! hn<l slic-uld lie. for life itclf when its suddenly lifted iier heud. and desired wrou K hl "P<"i her fuco. sweets arc drugged from my the maid in attendance to admit hcr """ ""'" w "" * ' visitor. ConHtantia, looking polo and . - ww* v uiu^f^uii ii cm my ^v cry MIC wan pale hollow-eyed, hopolfsn. iirms ?" '" l '' s ''ad I d sp.- n t. in weep- Sho appealed to him with larpe . .. ! '' toimuming regr.t .miserable eyes, and hands outstretch- roubl.-d. came In slowly, and, kneel- " f'">m up of her od- Her In-urt seemed full to over- Ing l-y her side, prr.s<u>d her lips to * J* 1 ' ''"""' "' whlti-ned hei Mp M . flowing. O'Urudv. by a gentle move- her rheok Sho had not itecn her for ? tremulous the beautiful ment. led her lo her cnair ana iom- some day-, und was. In a degree. . '' " S1 ' (l '" f " " 8"fUy firm. p.-IN-d her lo resent herself Sho was unn.-rv.-d l.y tho haggard glunco lhf* nave l "' < '" *">'." she said. so wunled, so worn a thing i;it he scltled upon hers. ' J** that I could not liear of feared excitement for her. Wl.en lie Any aaectlon she had hart for Con- ' y mutiagi-d to g ( -t some news would have released her hand sho tantla before, grew now into a full- ', n< " ''ron/pfl. l.-nn fucc still clrng to it In a RidiM' implor- er life, thut never afterwards kn.'W ' he '""ked down nt hi-. Ing fuslnon, und so ho sat beside her any diminution in its strength. Hut ,. ud npw ." lie said very holrtlnir hor palm In his. witnon; a to her alono she relaxed- triti. h* r ' suspicion of passion, or anything le^s H n month to-day." returned sud and sacred than her 'dire nfflic- only she permit t.d h.-rs.-lf the luxury' . , l '" a mo "th to-day," returned sud of giving way fo a grief that every * ' a lone BO low tnat n could tion. day seemed to mako/nore Intoler- 8Curc | y hear her ; and then all at i "V a HI* HAB* .-..,., < 'lilt' flPf flir t I t tnlft f , .t ..... t I . .. .!.,_. day sfcin.-ii to mako/n_. able. Her arms were empty Was nothing to fill them. A faUhle-a huKband, a llttlo grave truly """hor " nd l)roke *" to hitler wi-epmg. hearlh was left unto her desolate I i fore " hcr olhor visitors she H., far as the outer world went, ' "P*"*" herself to a culm iihn You dwell so keenly on your own and loss that you forget her gain," he for , . who hastened to assure her of their . --- ----- ... ........ Juill lv , sympathy, went homo again to tell ' lnn ' * WB8 ' after a ". but a spirit is now b< each other on their next meeting 'tranter to her, her strength failed, poin, nnd grief. that after all. delicate sentiments l U '" r(t "P ra K forth, and as t hoy and rare, and a] had been thrown away upon her, r nn hcr npal "t W HS eased, her spiri't * of our world. knew relief. "Speak to mo of It." said O'Crady, In his musical, cultured voice, IntoliT- * muii there " licfl fortitude forsook her, sho covered lu-r fit, -.- with h.-r hands, nald, aJiudlng to "tl>o Httlo "on* into blller w.cninir. He- whom sho xvns pining. "Is nny life. had even the most joyous hero, so rteslr- me outer world went, '! " c " l " a rn "" : ho ublo a thing that you would hmo rold. unlnterenting. Those f ' whirl ' u Pn hrr aching her quit tho glories of Iho relwtial ted to assure hor of their art "^ ten'blo ; but before thin land to Join it ? That pure nnoclic ""- " h " -' " now beyond the reach of , and distiiuifilntnicnt. all the ills to which are heirs. Ix>t her rest In hcr sweet peace. l)i> not do- slro her return. From ranturti. pure' and unalloyed, to a happiness Imper- fect ni ours is. even In Its most per- f. t state, would be but a poor ex- change Indeed " "Ah I There Is truth In Ihnt." Her fuco remained fixed in its mourn- ful seeming, but from her snd eyes two large tears distilled themselves nnd ran down her pale cheeks. Others followed thorn. Itut the nnk'rv rehfltton against the powers above had died from hor, and her faco wus had bocn tin-own awuy upon her. and that evidently she did not feel the dciith of the rlillil nearly so much as they hud been Fnd to beliovo Ah H they had lost their little onus """"" WHICH a loucn of how different they would have folt : I lncrn lic lo brogue, rich. fcow they would have shown, by " ld - ? enill : r - r "" "nrebuked through which a touch of the and old soft. team and sighs, the grief that consuming thorn t Kven Lord Varloy was In a rertnln degree. deceived. Once Him resumed her old d'l'lo*. and nut at tho head of the table und received her gniests, there was little In lior manner, whleh hnd always been grim; and gentle. In Hponk of .my inwnrd. tor- <urlng regret Her compoMirc never "Ah, what IN there to say," said sho, "but thai 1 have lost my all 7 I am a creature bereft of every good When last, you saw mo, there was nt least hope a stricken one. perhaps but now there Is nothing." "Still. tell me of it." he urged. "To spenk will do you good. 'Give sorrow words.' They toll me you are . undemonstrative, strangely Surely that Is not wise." silent Softened Then, something moving him. he began to speak to her, to picture to Is Your Child in Danger? her the happy life of the child In .hat realm whither, as yet. she could follow her. Iio was ever c.irnest man who followed the right as well us In him lay, and eschewed he wrong, but It had never dawned upon him, until this hour, that he had Indeed a thirst for things di- vine The bonuty. the holinefs of he unseen life had entered Into him. ind taken poHsession of him, whilst yet he luy in iffnornnco of (t.. To himcelf It was a marvel how 10 thus delineated to Iier the p. r- ectloo of the life to come. Tlio tyle. the miblect wns foreign to him et he funned, nay. ho knew, that nil e pictured ho believed, and that the rnndeur of tlio Idea that the Httlo hlld hnd reached hlifh heaven and a 'ather's cure nnd love, nmt wns for- ver (ah, the uplcndor of that bought !). forever free nd absolved | from enrthly stain and grief, was- glorious to him. | Later on he smiled to himself as he recalled thut hour. Put the smile : liort no Kcepl it-Min In It. and was Lorn more of nut-prim* tlmu ,>f agnos- tic doiiht. 1'ist then. however, lie w,,s not mmtttmg. He hod entered into her |Sorrow with on aculeness that should i have warned him. and was con- scious of a sonxe of triumphant relief us he saw her snd eyes cli-ar bemutli | his words, nnrt h>-r expression of ii- 'ed despair give way i o a tender sub- mission. 'I he twilight deepened. Thf per- fume from tin- triirdens without \vs | wafted softly inwurds. mill frojs n hundred tiny ni-stn the lust -wot crooning of the hirds broke forth | AJI Rpoke of rest, of pence, of loy, 'o |ba aguin renewed and bullied in it. the mother's heart took I-OIII-IIKV end I woke iinuin to hope. Ileyond tl-e [ lv.ilij;ht. Iho growing dnrk'n-s*. th-r I Was a glorious lijtht, whero Bho u>i<l her little one might im-et near' tj heart again. O'Urady rose to bid her fnroirell Now a SCHHC ol shnmc. of humilia- tion was ;ull upon him. Thut ho. , the man of tho world, careless of nii'st. things, should hiive f'lir.^l to o|.<-ii oul inlo thin sweet Hal-it a (-ug- Kt-stion of a hi^lier liic, M--I.,,>,I |. r .-- Numptuously absurd. He ti.-nt o\or Iier tiand anil tried to murmur Miir,.-- llung of what he felt, but she ni<i UOt .'.ir him "You nil! r< rno again ?" she asked anxiously. She looked <|iiite l-eauti- ful In the flying sun^-t m her long cr.ipc robes, with that rapt <>. ; sion on her face, and <)'(;r..ity found himself lowering his eyes guiltily b"- fore hers. There WHS no doui.t of .the sincerity of her desire to see him i again. To nee him. howe\ir. fi - ;<|uintly. would in all prohnLiity le '. nothing to her, would not lend l.er ono pin's point beyond th<- spot ( n which she now stood ; Imt with him. ; how would it be 7 To l<e near her often, to KI-OW fnmillor with those snect eyes, and ported lii-j He pulled himself tORethi-r with a litlle start, i.i... t ( .,,k her hnnd . n I said "Cood-bve" In as orthodox ., fusliinn as was possil.!.- '"riiunk you. I shall have few pleasures so ilesirnhle a- this vou have offered nie." he snld, smiling |>leasnntly. He did not hold her hnnd thn eighth pnrt of n mini.ti-, , though he know he would hnvr plv.-n ]a good innny years of Ms J|f o to j havo held nnd ki ,d it. lie got 'through the urdenl very tvetl. dow ev.-r. nnd presently 'found Inmsi-lf outsiil.. tho door, conscious of only two things tr-nt he hnd n<>t letr.iv- ed himself, nnd that In r eves had .followed him until the portiere had hidden him from sight (To Ite NOHKOI.K SHIRT WAIST. ."- to 4U iiust. Norfolk styles, IB bolh waists and jackets, make .1 notable feature ol the lat*Bt model, and ha7e lhe merit of being generally, becoming. Th smart waist illu.strated combines all tho essential*, and can be made with or without lhe pointed yoke, as pre- Icrred. The material ol which the original is made is reseda green flan- nel, with embroidered dots of black; but llanm-I of all sorts, corduroy, I velveteen and all waist ing materials are appropriate. The found. ui. Hi liium* is fitted snugly and smoothly, und extends to the waist line only. The waist pro- per is laid in wi.l.- bo.x plaits that are slilched at their uuderfolds and again at euch . The yoke is Ktiuhed firmly to posi- tion under the centre front plait and over tho other box plaits, but both front and bock plaits extend to tlio stonlders when 'yoke is omitted. Tho sleeves ore in modified bishop style, with cuds that include pointed portions which match the slock collar. To make this waist for a woman of medium sl/x- :;; \anls of material 21 inches wide, ."!J yard's -7 inches wide or 2J yards 44 incln-s wide will be required when yoke is used. 3| yards 111 inches wide. :1J yards 27 inches wi.l.- or 2 yards 11 inches wide when yoke is oinilted. GROWING Need Watchful Care to Prevent Overfeeding and the Evils That Follow. All children at some period of their infancy are subject to indigestion, diarrhoea, or constipation, \\nile th ssinpioms of these troubles greatlj diner, lhe origin of each is due U , the same cuuse improper food ol ovrifi-edniK. 'llm resulls sometime! iu di.irrhuvi?. s.niiet iim-s in conslipa- lion. In either the treatment is U O*OTI. DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE ' ~ THK TKMPLK OF MPAl'TY. A permunent "Templu of lleuuty" Is project, d in 1'ui i it will bo a building whe.ro thu huiiil.sonu-st wo- men appliouuts from U n count ri.-s will be paid naluiicx .u,<l ki-pt n constant exhibition, dressed in ap- propriate costumes under the direc- tion of tho most famous artists. It is preHumcd thut the ranks will liave t.> I.- i-oiistniitly i-ecriiiu-d. ns good iiiarriaRes undoubtedly will ten.pt "exhibits" to leave in rapid suc- cession. KNCAtJKl) MAN IN MKX1CO. Among the peculiar customs of Mexico is one, which makes It par- ticularly incumbent upon engaged young men to go shopping for tl, ( ir sweethearts before the ceremony takes place which unit.n them as one. Young men go up to the city of Mexico from interior towns und lav In a stork of finery for their | i pecllve wives In the most natur.n and iimtl er-of-fact way. remove the cuiisi-. anil this cun onlj l-o spcidily. safely and el'eituallj done by the uw of Uaby's Own Tab- lels, a purely vtx.-tahlo medicin {guaranteed to contain no opiate noi i any of the poisonous Klufls found il i tho Mo-culli-d soothttig m--<iiciiiea, 'Mothers who mice use lluby's Owi Tablets for their little ones never af- trr experimei t with other medicine* i ami iilwu.wi s|K>uk of them In thi hiRhest terms Mrs <;,-., |{. Johiv ston, Wall Mrei-t. Hrockvillc. Riys i "I have Ix-en USIIIR llal.\'s own Tab- I lets for over a year, ajwajni kecf | them in the house and always find them satisfactury. If niv little boy- two years of IIRC in troubled witl constiputi. n. indiKi-Nlion or dlar- rhoeu. I Kive linn the tablets nnd In Is soon relieved The tablets regu- late lhe bowels m-il il,, nut cause af- ter constipatu.il us many medicine* do. I havo also found them l-encli- clal in teethini; " lluby's Own Tublvts are a certain cure for all tin- minor ailment* of lit- tle ones such us colic, sour stomach, constipation, indigestion, diarrhoea, etc. Children tak.- thrm readily, and crushed or dissolves! In wat.-r thej can be given with i;ood i e-.nl m to the youngest infant Sold hv drug- gists or sent p..-t paid nt _.-> cents ho< by addre.isinK tbe Dr Willi Medicine Co. Iliockviilo, Out. , M .-n marry -I l.OOO wo- 61 out of every 1 .CHMi younger than 21. 1N IK- men. In Englnnd .'111 mnrd. is oocui yearly, in Ireland Ifll. in Scotland only 19. France has only one university, that of Paris. Imf h:s 1C. university Only one \.m.-ty of apple. (h re* omrarhan, will grow In s>ib-tr_lca> oimlries. < i THE KING'S CLUBS. Organizations of Which Edward VII. i* a Jteuioer It ia doubtful if mUry pcoplu are fully aware huw pionouuuMl have been k" ciiiiuis of nui Majcsiy Hmg bxlwu.d Vll lo be coiiniutirisl aa a clubman, Kaya the Loi.dou Aiml. U* la, however, oiiu ol lue moat 01 such in uru.t Uritaui. SALADA Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, snd Is sold only In lead packets. Slack, Mixed and Green. CITY OF TOOTHLESS PEOPLX. Chance, for Dentists St Petersburg is slowly becoming a city of toothless people. The HUB- *JiU has belonged to homulhing |IM> iweuly clutiv. The Boujuruy 01 me tnnlitulioiui whose muuiOerAnip lisus ire honored by iho inclusion of his Clues liiurein are of a military il>- KrifsUi,^. out wUen iio aacendod tuo throne he was aUo a member of se- eslabiished for purely social Among Hie uesl known :luos, once pairum_ed. or still patronized, by the King may be men- tioned lhe Lulled J>i vice. Junior Uniled Service. Army and Navy. Uarlborough and itoyal Yacht; but iis Majesty's connection wilh club- sian "capital ahould" be. and evetitu- land now. of course. U almost pure- ally will be. removed to Moscow, ly honorary. (mainly on that account. This. at The tinned Service Club was estab- least. Is the opinion of a prominent lished in "Waterloo year." and is merchant of the city on the banks of "housed" ul No. lltt 1'all Mall. Its the Neva, who says he has heard list of members is confined to six- much talk along that line In the last teen hundred, all of whom must be few years. aval or military officers. whose Vladimir 7x>rokoff. n, tea importer rank is at least equivalent to that of of St. Petersburg, exhihiut a moulh a major. 1'roinint-nt among those devoid of teeth to show the effects of belonging to that club are the Duke the climate of his city. He says the of Cambridge, Lord Uoberla and sight of a person similarly afflicted Lord Wolseley. Tho entrance fee is a a common one there. St. I'ct era- very high one vtx . JU3O while the burg citizens are readily identified ta annual subscription i 10 The any Part of the empire, he says, by membership list of >he Junior, or the absence of many or all of their United Service Club, in Charles teeth. Street, S.W.. contains two thousand There are two reasons for this con- names. Among them are those of dition. The Brst K. /.orokofl gives the German Kmperor and 'the King of Jj_^* _*^ ol ! Ph T 1 !* of lhe *Pltl city .the Belgnu.* Lord Kitchener bten a member since 1877 OFFICIALLY DEAD Bamarkable Experience Trooper Dougal. Strange as have been the exp-nn- ces of many Britiah noldi-rs .luring the South African war. those which have befallen a New Zealand trooper. Quartermuster-Sergeunr frugal, are d>>cnle<lly out of the common. En- Itsting" in the Now /.calami .-ontin- genl. he gained his prmml rank af- ter having been four times Wounded. While one of Lord IC^bvrts' body- guard, he was sent Into the hospital tea drinkcri try "S-Uda" Greta taa. at Pretoria. On recovering sutfi- Uy to be discharged he found that while in the hospital he had been robbed of the Commamli.-r-in- Chief's silver bodyguard badgi-. and St. Petersburg Offers Splendid *" th " moaev *"* possessed X. 1 :, in r-K. . -. K ld From P IT ALWAYS PAYS YOU to handle a food article, eupccially when it i* Tea. LUDELLA CEYLON has proved its worth time 2nd time g\a. You recommend it ; it'll back you up. time g\a P-ick. c ... 29, 30, *0 SO SWEET ORANGES The Oawson Commission A bon of weet Sonor Oranga for $J 50. Special nricavin lots of 5 or more boxes. We nav 150, 176, zoo, 116 and 150 lizea. Co.. Limited Toronto. low*>t prtoc* f u.b. Pretoria he was invalid- ed to Kngland and having been granted furlough pro-ceded lo his fa- Sozodont PootK OC C Powder **3 Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth UiHlMJI Pi.dV ric AM r ALL a BUcaML. MojrrUAi. PAilI'EnF.l> PETS Some French dogs have travelling | lime* of smooth, plain aiutn. some- i times of smooth, plain dlotn, some- times of tartan, neatly stitched, and provided with a handkerchief pocket. For night wear a flannel shirt is giv- ! en the creature, should the weather be coM: but if it ia warm, aa after I Paris it ia at Coancs or N ce, one of 'foulard or white cambric. provided I with frills and embroidery, takes its place. W8RK AT HOME. nal children to w>m for us whoJ* or v par timo hoiMma: man 'a ochta and oihor r Iclos al thoir awn Mb W supo v 'a*-*'! roHia*aft in Forfurthar I parttcu'art addr*s. ' Tb r ..pi. . KnltUn, ,^lo.t., Limited . Tsrsata. Owt. handsomest service club, how- lever, of which his Majesty is patron, In the Army and Navy. This, which stands at tl.c corner of St -I square and Pall Mall, was 1H51 at a total cost of 116. OOO. of which 10, (XX) was expended on however, dates from 1838. when it occupied the premises at No. IU King street One of its first mem- bers at this time was the Duke of by the l>uke of Cambridge, and eight very junior officer iu the army. The vapor, that ari* from the marshes of the Neva have th; effect ' the teeth of Whether there is some deleterious property In the vapors has discovered, but the result is to be due to the stfluvia from the swamos The second reason ther'a home in Slirlingshire. Scot- I land Here, while he was recuperat- ! ing. his father received New Zealand papers containing notification, rnbsed lists iu London, of Q.-M -S. Douga! at the authorities thai he 10 means defunct, and ia his statement put m in Lou. ion before sail- . o( "" . P ro ' ' the *"- >' *od dentists The **. lo r "J ln tt comrades In the col- ' dent ' str y Praclically un- '- He wa, granted furlough b^ not known in lhe cily or the nation. '*** Petersburg ofTort, an unsur- passed field for good den lists." paid M Zorokoff "Perhaps by excellent Ireatment and lhe use of prt-aerva- the teeth of my fellow be saved. The city was 1 cause be won alive: he has not re- ceived his war medal, presumably be- cause he was "dead." CfiOSS QUESTIONED, B. CONNICK HIS EXPERIENCE WITH BKiGHT'S DISEASE AND DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. in. and the climate was never very healthful White St Petersburg is lhe capital, the center of cullure. wealth and refinement of the country still remain* at Moscow I "Crar Nicholas is himself said to 'be fearful of losing all his t,-. th RELATES having had much Irouble to keep them in good order. From this fact. I think, the sentiment that is being I formed in favor of re-establishing the 'capital in the. city where It r-as in j olden times will, m time, rr-suit in With That Dread Malady for Fifteen tears. Treated by Five Different Doctors. literally Rescued from Death by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Middleton. P F. I . Dec. 23 Mr U II. Connick. lhe well-known black- "In no other crnter of population in Russia Is the decay of teeth so noticeable as In the capita'. It is only during the past ten yean that the subject has attracted general at- tention. and recently the feeling that '' own.ent should be ilVr,^.T.a^ known al,"ov:; ?-' ".* [ ^ the Island as the man whom Kidney Pills saved from death a* by a miracle, has often been inter- viewed regarding his case and is ever ready to supply the facts. "1 had been a victim to kidney | trouble for fifteen years before I took Dodd's Kidney Pills." sad Mr. i Connick in a recent conversation I "Did you know It waa Brlght'a ninea-ic, Mr. Connick T" "Not at first 1 didn't, but when I found it out I was .startled, I can ' th- tell you. In those days, you know. f (ject upon Diseaw was incurable I HOmnia Teauitiy VALUE OF VEGETABLES Products of the Garden Better Than Medicine. Tomatoes rouee torpid liver and do the work, ordinarily, of a doctor's pres-TipUon . . Lei luce ha THE LAIIGEST PRISOtT In France, at the new prison, which is about eight miles from Paris, the authorities show their belief in fresh air and sunshine. and the prison is a model sanatorium. The prison is the larg- est in the world, and takes the place of three old owes. It is built in a very simple style, but covers, with its floral gardens and residences: of otflciaU. more than half a square mile. There are so many as 1.824 cells, but as there is accommodation oa the association system for about 4OO more prisoners, tho total it will contain i.s considerably over .,000. A Toronto Druggist -Tried All the Catarrh Remedies Known. 8AYS JAPANESE CATARRH CURE II TIE OUT PERMANENT CURE. Mr Jo4s*yll.ih.wUksownS_iori:i-k for Mr. iio M.rh_ll. tb l-d. Uua SL. E*-t I<ruifg1i. lunaro, rtit. _ Vt hen I KT 1 , .io J..n- I .irr h (.'- ih- only cor- for ca'trrt. m k. market. I oiak I know jort wt 1 m ial> n abour. 1 hav* tiled (Terr SOZODOMTfor^iTEETff25t Elder Suiter "Oh, you fanry your- self very wise, I daresay, buB-J could give you a wrinkle or two." Younger Sister "So doubt and never TMF MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA At a duel the combatants ed their pistols without effect, where- upon one of the seconds interfered, and proposed that the duelints should shake hands. To ihis lh other second objected as "Their hands." said he. "have shaking for this half-hour." BREAKFAST SUPPER. The most destructive of British floods was in March. 1864. when the Bradneld Kuaervoir gave way 25O people were killed, and damage done to the extent of tl.5OO.OOO. Australia now breeds considerably over double as many sheep as th* United State*, th* number* txuog millions' to 3 i millioos. I was cur-d of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD S UNIMKST J. M CAMPBELJL Day of Islands. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by y IN A KD'S LIMMKNT WM DANIFXS Sprlnghlll. N 8. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MIXARD'S LIMMKNT UKOltOE TING LEY Albert Co.. N Bf Miflari's Liaiineojjofes Oinduff, Shagreen, now made from the skin* of sharks, and rays, was a aaaae or- iginally applied to a substance mad* from the hidea of horses aad tad's Lin'nHit for sale In Germany, all workmen. ser- vants. and clerks above 10. and gat- ting leas than $3OO a year, are oblig- ed by law to Insure against old age. W P. C. HUM A IlIVKU WITH A DOZEN NAMES. Before Ihe coming of the whites t* America the Mlnsissippi Hiver was known by a different name every few miles of its course. Kach tribe that dwelt along its banks gave it a name, and more than thirty of these local designations are preserved in the narratives of the early travel- lers !- IN- t rk> - i I.I. Bromo-Qu < Tablet* cor* o*ld f. Ne or* */ PrkMMeraca. The amount of coal raised yearly in Britain does Ihe work of 5OO.OOO.- OOO people, working continuously MM IMC*. iri(lh>i UM (H Brass Band rwrr'. Drum*. UnlffertVft* ItC EVERY TOWN CAN NAVE A BAND Lowwt prl *~r a u KJ FI T_t_loc* MiMucrv I . m Jl-d fr-. Writ* a for a*/ thlaf IB *lr r >- -iral lti <. WE J LET &OTCE t CO.. L:m.:ei, Torustio. Ont. aad ITtaaismi, Mas a soothing. nerves quiutiag " rf - f ^" , rl(M*T ll.tr^n . tk ...... -. .J llright's I)iseav went to five different doctors. They could do no good Finally my wife Hcrv is " acknowledged nerve and I went to one who told us ri*hl u ""^, and is more and more used in out there was no use taking my "'Hcal prescription money- I could not be cured.. I felir Onions are also a tonic for the (hat it was. all over." nerves, but people will be forever H..W did you come to take Dodd's prejudiced becatufe ot thuir odor KU \v'.i'i r i'p S - - - -- Oandcl " ra P urif * th ,r, ...... H ..-r._.v ^-1 J VIli; OlOCHl ttflil 1 gwierally ar declared to tona ub the were talking of the dealn of a neigh- Ky9 t em . bor. and my customer said he was luite ure if he had token Dodd's . l ol * l >* sliould be eschewe.1 by Kidney 1'llls he would have been J w * h * r * >urror of gelling cured. .Thai sel me thinking For lttt - t** 1 " <"c penally o( .-ut- the lasl six years I had been forced " to hire a man to do my work. Well. Watercress is a good all-round I begun lo take Podd's Kidney Pills brace-up for the system. and before I had finished tho third Spinach has medicinal propvrti -s box I was nt work again 1 can and qualities equal lo llu- most indi- .Oioo a horse as well lo-day as ever go of all blue pills ever in . 1 could in my life." Parsnips, it Is now contended by "Do you mean to say that three ycidbtists. possess almost the same hones of IXxId's Kidney Pills cured virtues thai arc clainu-d for sarsap- you of Hi iirht's Disease of fifteen ai ilia. years' standing ?" Ooels are fattening, oven a modor- 11 Yes. sir. thnfs . <ctly what I uteJy learned man will explain be- inean. I wus so stiff and sore ( cause, of tho sugar they con could not stoop to pick up an v thing Ordinary lnn.i beau*, some ..ne has couldn't put on my .shm-s If my said, ar-'nood to ulluy thirst. but if.- wus h -r.- she would tell more the souio can be said, with equal .bout Dodd's Kiilnvy Pills than I truth, of a pitcher ot water <"" ' Asparagus is efllcacious m kidney Mr. foiinicU Is now fifty-eight ailments to an extent ttu.t is not j.-l vears old und the. picturo of health 1K -rhaps thoroughly appreciated, mil strt-nstli i'u. umbers, aside from sunbeam -!r;i{ pr.|-rt j.-s known to renders "f i i-aidt;: ,i;.|. <. cnt.im an 'hut. -. h'-lpful ia cases of d>.-<- pop"'* Cuhbage, in lloll.ind. i 1 iheiiBbl would do m _ ami iliox-erkl doctor*, but only r< u.r.d lit 1* inpor j re ipf. A tn he* iag TW,I of cor lu^uimw*. wbo had u d Jp_n-e >f it. I tr,,d Ir. ??"" *{. 1 V *"' J* *" '" r ^ t - 1 sr rk Cor, find m j wl f . pl.lely , u r-d ot r" T ' UTr",,* l d .*^- a r^ n r (l S' T r^ k "' r "' " T ' rml * il IMiVI .: I \ STUirKKN M P S numbor of tlio newly nlect- of the llun;;rian Parlia- ment nrc so ini[M--i.nious that shortly lK-f.>re th.-ir elei'tlon. wjri-iints< were oMained by ' dilors f..' pounding lh" allownn.-i- iln itM numbers ..f [>arl!irncnt In or 1 pay Ihelr debts In Kunxary. mem- bers of Parliament ..ire .\llowc\l about M a day for th. Ui- I'ai ntary session Thai i>ggs will cok muc-h wealy if tfc 'rying ia* js covered 'they hear g o! .1 bi'ioit purilier. but tin- authority is vague In Oermany is purely saucrLriiut l'.i!s| ( -y will assist . -ion. in..- cheese and nuts, but H qiiiintity in e\. --. ... i-rdmary capacity has to bo cotnuuiofl. Therein lies tht- joke I'umpkins are an Ingr.sJi.MU in a P .ii.-nt .--.! H>- thitt is Kuaranteed to , ailmfNtts flesh is heir to, but lh - worKl Is Increasing in inhabit ai-'-s w> do no* b-liexe all J.p.n, (..urrb un ttrmmnl\r cure* rtrro _ad t*Urrb-l .IpufiMa. A,| drurct-ta. Wocatii. A rr* inp. ent to ur ,* i uUtr orn.m inwiti. lxl tic, for io*t Tt ca ' v M - Co - u - lu - I'i i.sor.. r "It is difficult to see how I can bo a forger, your worship. Why. I can't Mgu my own name." with TO I * <-ti> I . T*k L!l-e Breoio >:< Tb.u Al drult rfud in moatj Is it fmil" to c<Jf. K. w; Qror.' icm^iun ! o* eck MS. Us. I The most expensive streel to re- build during the lust century was the Rue d.- Kivoll. i" Paris. It cost 14. 300.000. war* or ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury u merrary wlU .Brly de-tror th *** at JUllTml ,4>m..Ui/dmn th wh!.y.- whin Ml Tin* t irob lBai<i-i rfc-s. Jurhart:i-l- -hoold Tr b* <ue* cpf o JVoou A PHOTO f s(iR *viN(. J L )ONtSF-.(. (9 >>' IO<\DflAIQL^ T V< IORONTO F BENCH CLEANING. (.U k. VWrM. SUs iiini MtaUM For mw4> >t r V-n _4 wl m n il _ I fl |'|do(t f itbo mrnu ; IU !' . -trrn 2 ou arc not signing your own name OZODONF Tooth 25o tluest "What a splendid dinn.-r IK. n't often get as good a meal a* this " Little Willie (son of the host) "We don't uith-T " Minard's Liniment Cores Burns, etc, The national debl of Ireland. 15O millions, wus con.solidaU-d with that of Rngland in the y-.- 1-<17 Imt. It in tk Internal r. Ohio, br r. J. rbor TKim.la_. i__l b Dv-avi't*. Rttc* 754 per Half* Tamil* l*ul " ^^ Tho United States has now the third hirgewt Hebrew population of any country in the world On>- ia 7.1 '< , ., .1. v* Kioifd'i Liniment Bel lejleBralila In lhe year 173O i.iio Lord M of London died of gaol fever caught during the assizes at Newgate fever was a form of typhus. GILEADINE ! a If 'm et Cllsad prsparat.on. It ourss CiW or, Chapped Hands, Wounds or HUn !>. It I* not aiMMttMtlo, but a kalw TNt SOVtR- IICN NIALIR. large Boies 7Sc. Drug- glsti. or Th Ci;ad.n Co., Toronto. Dominion Lino Stoamohlpt U U>-7 1 1 i : : n i M : i ; 1 1 . H-fr j: The Important 1 ii Consideration I to th4 miui or woman with a dpo>li reoual li th nocoritr of ib moaof Utpocltwl. If tkdpolt U ~ ' Canada's Premier Company J IU ta/rtr i boron.l quetiios, A rrx>ndarr , oo.ldor.r . O n i. tho rn ut *L* Y l". * r r I**' A*IMnrSrmvTo l caeerru.'lr sum proaii-tif <anp.i>d TNI CANADA PERMANENT and WESTERN CANADA V MORTGAGE CORPORATION I Toront Street. TORONTO ^ l-l t t I! I t I t-H-t-K

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