'- ( THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. were small ul the Weslorn Cattle y ^iils to-day; thu total wan only 36 loads of live stuff, Including 8OO cat- tlo. OOO sheep and lamb*, I. loo hogs, and a few cows and milkers. For good stulT Hit' market won un- . haug'-d. bul for light cattle it was ilc, ideilly more cosy , BUSINESS REVIVAL. Prosperous Times Predicted (or South Africa. went eat ly. The market Is about played out for futur< -' f tl "' company huU-hcrcd entile, as local dealers aro quite Mocked up. (lood ciittlo sold well enough to-day, bul all light cat- tle- was easier, withoul pricus being ijllo'ahly ihiMiged. Miockers aro wanted ut from 21 lo 3Jc per n>. Toronto. Dec. i.'4. Wheat The market Is quiet, with prices about steady. No. 1> white and rod winter quoted at 75 lo 7!i}c outside No. i! goose nominal ut i>'>; 10 o7e low freights. Mu.iitolia wheat easier; No 1 hard is quoted at H7c all rail, Via Naim.i No 1 Northern at H.'lc, and No i: Northern at HOc nil rail, via Karma 1'nccs are le lowur via North IJuy. Oatu- The market Is weaker, with demand rest in led Cars of No. '2 quoted ul 43 lo 4.')|c low Heights, while locally sales aro i purled ut 431 lo -lie. , Peas The market Is unchanged, wilh demand fair. No. 2 uold at 83c middle Heights Corn 'Ihe market is quiet, with prices steady. Canadian yellow sel- ling at ':! lo 62|c west. Hurley Market is lulu. No. 1 pioted at *>Mc, and No. 2, 53 to 54c; No :i extra at 5i!c. and No 3 at Sic Uitddle ireighl. |{ye The liiarkel Is sleady al 55 lo 56Jc middle freights. ltuckhca"l- Marki i (|ui.-l, wilh prl- reii linn al ."..". to ;,r.;c middle freight. Hour The luuikrt is firm. Ninety per cents . in buyers' bags, wanted at S.M middle ireight. wilh holders ! "" to fetch lhe l P f' rlcc lnuHl A despatch from Johannesburg s.iys : Mr Carl Hunan presided un i'v.por't "aillu waV in good demand Wednesday at the first meeting of tho at from 1 1 t" . r ,c . with a fow choice Johannesburg lots at -"'I'', though I Ills Was un ex- r.-ptioiial priu; Minus Co. since Ihc war began Ho Kvery thing here Sl1 " 1 ne wa * impressed with tho mag- nitude, vu-st interests, and brilliant The balance PRINCE OF WALES' ADVICE , BALL BANQUET. Send Only the Best Emigrants to the Colonies. The Tour He- viewed . sheets showed a surplus of assets over liabilities, excluding share capi- tal, of ia, 25(),OOO. The liabilities in issued shares were 2,68O.OOO. Un- reserve fund amounted to JC1.OOO.- 1100. and oilier liabilities totalled H.">O,OOO. The balance of profit was across __ Joid Country musl wake up if she in- WHAT HE SAID AT THE GUILD- t( ''"' n to im'' nt *iu her old position of |,ri--eiiiini-iii-e in colonial trade agiiiiist foreign cnnipulitinn. M 1.1 1 ill-' I'ul'LLATION. No on' who had the privilege ol enjoying the exi..-ri..-n<v which wi; had during; uiir tour could fail to be .stiuek ttilli one all-prevailing and '" pressing demand the want of popu- lation i:\en ill the oldest of UUf col<>nii.*s then. 1 xvere abundant signs ol The Prince of Wal.w. in his able, speech at the l.uilillrall ban- ijui-i. said, among other tl.iuics, cording lo the n-port given in the Daily Hail : this want Tin-re jre great tracU of country Choin; feeders arc Worth 3J to JIJc per Ib. Milch cows sold Well to-day, sever- al t'eii lung as much on 8-~iO ca'.h. Rood cows ore wanted. Hood to choice veal calves are also 'Vant.il up 10 ah., it len Mich. Sheep are steady at 8tc per lu for choice. Lambs aro worth from Sf to 4|c per fh. All tho small stuff sold oat early to day. and prospect.-, are encourag- ing for m-xt week. The market ull round was a season- ably good one. Hogs are steady and unchanged The bcsl prico for "singers" i rtjc per Ib, and for light and fat, Oc per n> unking "$y :";H i IxjcaTly Viid~forTow-' of l' rimo Q u l'ty. < BC * lu not below er Province tradu choice straight ! 10(l nor " uov 2 lbs - rollers, n, wood, arc J.'f HO to f3.4O. ! Following in the range of Manitoba Hours Mean , witli Hun- tlons: gariixns $4. It) to $4 :<(/, laid strong' Cattle, bakers' at $.'J 80. Toronto froighl Shippers, per cwt 14 '<> Oalmcal- Murkut uncJiauguO lots on track, $.". .'(.", in bags. $6.5O in wood bbl extra. Millfeed Itran continues firm at Car Hut cher. choice 4 ><> and Outcher, i.rd. lo good 3.25 lirokcn loU 33c per Dulcher. inferior i!.7S .Snickers a. 50 Sheep and Lambs Ht> lo Sl'.i :.t) outside and on track Choice ewes, per cut... 2.75 h'-re Shorts $21 In %'2'2 ouUtidn Hutcher Hhcop. em li .... J ' '" Manitoba bran. 92U. und shorttt, 923 l.umbs. per cwt H.5O Toronto freights, includiug nock*. IJuckj.. [icr cwt 2 oo Milker-, and I'alves IMM.HUCK. Cows, each : Pol aloes- The market is firm, with offerings small owing to scurcily of mrN Cars are ijuoled ut TOc pur bg on truck here, and the jobbi.ig pun I>i led Apples-Market is dull. Pri- ces are -1 1 lo r.c por Ib. Kvaporatod ell PC U to K>c. Hops iiusinesM quiot, with pricoo sleutJy at i:c. yearlings. He. ll,.iii-y '1 In; murkel is unchnngeil at 10 to lo)t lor hlraiucd. Combs, * 1 .50 lo #2.50 per iloxnu. IteaiiN 'Ihu market Is steady. Un- picked arc jobbing at $1 4o lo $1 15. and handpicked al (I 55 to ^l 'io Cranlrrrii* Market unchiingiid, with Cup Cod at |H Lo $'.) per I.I.I ' '.. i .uliaii. 90.5O lo 97. 1 1. i.v. haled The in.nl.et is linn Calves, each 2.00 Hop. Choice hogs, per cwt ... 00 Light hogs, per cwl.... 5.73 Heavy hogs, per cwt... T> T.'i Sows, per cwt ') . r >() Slags, per cwl O.OO Me said tho company intended lo build a ri-siil<-nt i.il hole! of a pnl.i- lial description. The great demand oven for privale residences In Johan- nesburg already far exceeded lhe sur- ply. \Vhr-n the population returned wilh lhe enormous influx thai was cxpecled, the demand would certain- ly Increase. The company Intended to import motors for tramway traf- fic for tho convenience of resilient*. Kvi.-rylhing should be done to lighten the burdens of luxation, but when a profit was made let t tie (Jov- ernmont have a share. Hu foil con- fidence in the inslincts of the most import. nit trading and commercial country ol tne world, und remember- ed that a M-tllemriit was In lhe hands of Mr Chamberlain and Lord Milnrr. ensuring lacl und business and financial ability and justice. I At present the industries of the quota- . oun t r y thought great, wore In their infancy. New industries would spring up, and immigiatlon, agriculture. commerce and Industry would nave importn. . developments F.verylhliiK pointed to prosperity in the Trsns- vaal and South Africa generally. The chairman said that tho amount of the war debt was a matter for friendly arrangement He was of the opinion they could rely upon tho Im- perial demands tielng neither unjust nor oppressive He added that the situation was Improving daily. .md he exjiecled that in n lew months in- dustry would be in full swing, not- wilhslnndirg Ihnt posslhlv small remnants of the Doers would still bo fighting. yet unexplored. hidden Here, in the cuiutul of our great w ,. allh cal | mg for development . vust Empire. I would repeal liuW pro- ( . x|(llll ,^ if virgin soil ready to yield fi.undly touched and Kratlli^i betb |)r .,, itltb | c return . s to settler^, and all tin- rna.-.-ss and I have been by tho (his can ,, ,. lljoyed ul)der conditions loyalty, aflertioii and t he ,-ut lin.slasm of nea , lny nft . i ioertt | lowa am) f ree which invariably characteri7ed the ,, ilu , JOI1S iu eX( . hu ngo for the over- ir ,, wlU . d cltjes , u , d u | I111>sl |,, )pe leM struggle for existence which, alas, ton often is the lot of many in th OU1 Country llul one condilion. and one only, is x tended to u throi long and memorable tour, ll may iniere-t joii to know lhat ve travelled ..\.-i- -I.VOi.O n.'le*. SH of which were by -~'.n. and 1 think it iit a mailer of which all iiiuy feel pi oud thai, wilh the exception of .nude hy our colonial brethren, and , hat |s .. Si . lia |f> sullanl ,, ,. llllKra nts.- . foot on any , u ..... d ,,-,,.,. UIlll . 1 , l|l .. lll to .not of to la Fort Said, we never iui.d where th, ; Union Jack did Wuvu ,nd in the l M.ucli we nrst fomheil at (.ihrallar ..,,, , them on| of her u>st a sailor. I was | , . s my fe llow-couni rymen at home |in.\.- i In- strong 111 of the attachment Ml , lht . rland ll( her ,. h ,ldren bjl and Malta, whure, as proud to ni'-i-l T\\O <;!: AT KLKKT3. ||y , |)js nit . uns Wo muy sU ,, f(jrthor si n-ngthcn. or. at all events, pass on unimpaired, that pride of race, that i.i u^t coiiiiiHinity uf s.-iiimii lit ami purpose. of the ( h.mnel und Ihe Mediterranean h ,-,,, n mon loyalty and Pacing through Ihe Suez canal, a knlt " il<nfrlty $.-. 25 4.60 8.75 :t ^:. 300 a. 121 :i 25 1 us 2 5O 45 OO 1O OO nation ucr.!i the Channnl. we en- tered at Aden, tho gateway fit the I -:.,.,l We staved for u. short time to unjoy the unrivaileil si-ciK-ry of C, vlon where we witnessed a or- KOOUS display by native races. ami in wh*t happv coiit*ntnu-nt its WARNING ISSUED. _ Persons in Charge of Jails Must Ho i d Prisoners Tijjht The I'rovlnclal Secretary's IVpart- O 25 OO OO 1 oo 2 tK> TALKING UNDER THE St:A. PIEW MAIL STEAMERS. Canadian Vessels Will Be the Largest Afloat. A despatch from new nected. 1'aris . _ - A despatch from London Belgium and England on- Il|irlaml nm , W()|| t[l| . ,,,. lfuM sl ; ip . builders, have Iteen asked to make a The tender for constructing three -.1,-um- - ul, n, am,,- teb-pl me line from ers for the new ( anadian imul ser- i-ls lo l.i.iidon is now being con- vice The speclncaUonH require I h.il tho veUt.-lH shall be K2r> feet long. The longest vessel now afloat, is the Oceanic, which Is 6S5 f.-.-t ov.-r nil. various peoples lived mid prosp'.-ri.-d under lliili>li rule. nii-ut. thmugh the Inspector of Pris- I'erhnps ihcrc was soinethinK *iill " ns f<J t <intario. has just issued a moro slriking in Ihe fact thai the circular to all sherifls and persons in (fovernmenl. commerce and i.-very rharge of the prisons, jails, and form of enterprise in this country lockups in the province that they was under the leadership and din-c- must impress upon their jailers, turn- ti.in of but a hurdful of our fellow- keys und guards the absolute neces- f-iiiiiitrynien. niitl we realiztil the high lty of exercisiriK the greatest vigil- qualities of the men who have Won .mo- ;iml adopting the .strictest pro- and kepi for ui thai trplcndid pus- raulionx to that end that thu pnsua- HeAslon '" - in the" charge .ire kept safely Australia saw Ihe consummation of and have no prevcntible opportunity tho great mission which was the lo it*cu|>e In the case of knuwa most Immediate object pf our Jour- deaperule criminals il will bo regardV ney. and you run imagine the fuel- ed as inexcusably culpable to neglect ings of pride with which I presided in surround them with such vigilance the inauguration of the first and conditions of secure d.-i .-nt urn as representative- assembly of the new- cannot b evaded. In cases vvl. ere in- born Australian t'uminonwcallh. in voMligution shows thut a prisoner's I him. Is are placed the destinies ,-scape i.i dm- ti. carel>->snosM or ne- of thai great islurid-contlneiU fleet the service* of the omVntls <:on- V ritllll II-: TO CANADA. nvrneil will I* dispensed with Thu After speaking of their visit to 'circular letter b> the inspector is dlM to several .-.trucied. The linn will be 2WO milwi long, of which ne.iily till inilos will bo under the nea. from La I'annu. a lil- .with good demand Tiiuolhy quoled l)( . ru-lnian f or i near Iho French Tho representatives of the pron,. at 50 lo $0.75 on truck for No 1 ' fr( , nt |,. r ,,, lUmsgaln. Hy mouns of of the now company, who asked 'Wor this lino there will ho direct tele- the tender, are golnir fo make n. tour phonic communication between Iho gr.-at commercial cilloH of tho two loiiiitri.-s l.ieg.i, lirussels, Anvers. London. Luei|x>ul, Munch -slor and Ilirmmgliain There aro in existence two o'her submarine telephone lines, ono be- tween I'm is and Ixuidon. U-Ii: miles lung, ami one between llueni.s Ayres and Monlevideo, 218 miles long. Mauritius. New '/.e.ilnn^. Tu.sma.nia, Natal and Cap,- Colony, the 1'rince '' l said : To Canada was also bornu tin- lilt-usage, already conveyed lo Australia mid New '/.e.iland of Iho Moth. -i land's love and appreciation of lhe serv in-i rendei ed by her gul- l.tnt sons escapes ri-ci-ntty from m Ontario. -The inarkcl in quiot and firm Car lots on track are quotod ut 95.. '.0 to *ii per ton. 1'oultry Market is steady, with good supply. Turkeys, H to '.>> p< i Ib; frozen, ^i aided and half-fattened slock sold from m to He. (iceoe, iliV pn-ked. tl to 7C. JHlCkS, 5 1 ' 7. r >c Chickens, young, ftO lo OOc, old. :.', lo 40c. lUbbilH 30 to 25c PCI pair. In the journey from orenn to -e.m TIIK HAIHV MAIIKKTS. Iliilli-r- Thn nmrkot is firm for lie.sli imiile dairies and largo rolls, the demand lie'iij; good We quote: {Selected duiry tubs, 10 to I7c; i him e largo rolls, I '>i to 17c; fltiust Ih rolls. 1H lo ll'r, puckiiges show- ing feed. 1 to 2c loss than ipiolii* ions t'n-iiinery prints, l!2c; solids. 1!)J to 21c. Ii.- inurket re.mains of lhe K.ngllsh and Scotch ship- yards. II is understood that no order has yet bee.ii p'.accd. HARD TIMES HIT CHRISTMAS REEL AM) CAR COLLIDED. Fireman Killed and Others Injur- ed at Hamilton. Third Less Than Usual Spent for Gifts in Germany. A despatch from Hamilton says - **"; h w v r ; ' *W t I a While going to a t.re at Kc,-r A tompanied only by a reduction <- ..''- fo"ry .-n-ml-s. in Iho " * "'';;" >":^"* , ' "^ ,' ; i.-.eipls light Strictly frenh scarce, ^selling nl 23 to li-lr. iold storage, 17 to lUc as to ipialil.y, i., d. Hi lu 17c. Chotwe Murfcel firm. Wo quoto: 1 in. st Soptnmbc-rs, 1O to JO}c; HO- , ,,iel.s, 91 lo OJc IIOCN ANU J'ltO VISIONS Uri-ssed hogs me hnn ut fS !> >' I., m , .u loUt. Hog products Hteud.v . We ipi'ii. It. i,-, m. long clear, Hells at lo|c In Ion and case I '\r- M.-SM pii'!.. *^u f,O, do short nit. $21 Ml Smoked Meals- Hums, I lie, l>r;-.ik- i ' t,. MOM II, rolls. lie; bucks, I 1, and shuiilders. |ii',r Laid \larkei i mil inui-s linn \S e iliiotu; Tlerros, Ilc. liiln, lljc, palU. 11|C. above ! * to .esl end of tlin city, shortly before n o'clock on Thiir-.d.iv morning. firm. '(h,. Uny street hose waggon collided with a streol car ut tin- corner of King und Hay streets Kiremnn A despatch from Ilerlin says : The most conservative estimates place (Germany's t'hiisinius s|H>ndings at DM third less than n year ago. us a result of her economic crisis. This ac- In Ihere will be. no diminution in voln-n,- Merchants declare that Ihis Is con- clusive evidence that lhe haul liiii-.-. have affected both the musses and tho classes, all of whom, while in- tent on |>ei|M-luatiiig the traditional NATURE STUDY Buildings to be Erected Probablj at Guelph A des|>utch fr-.m Ottawa says: Ths . -,lous f,,r us comfort and ur- N..IUT-I. Study school, to bo eslab- gani/ation we were able to s.-e :,,.nu- |,^ t ieil through the g.-nerosit y of Sir thing of its matchless sctnery, the w c M.trdoinvl.l. to qualify teachers ri '' hl - -'"'. ""' "' t>ind- m ,. urH , ,,.,,, h , r ,,. iMMMm ol lens possibilities of il> vst mill ,-\- il(K , lllc ,,| UK ricultural studies, will trm.rdlimry fertile territories \Vo ,, robttbly u> crcclo ,, ul (; U elph is saw also tho success which has l . l>olu . c ,,- l , n wjlh ,| le Ontario Agricul- rown.d Ih, .11,., ts lo weld lulo one luru , r ,,,,,. KP ,,,, Mo<K ., ,.- ttrm . TW O community the people of two Rreal builllll>( ,, Wll , ^ ,. lwu< |. , U1 ,| u plan ),.is fxeu prepared ior sul. mission lo Our lm.,1 halting P aee was. by tho i-r-Mncial tiovemm.-nt.H express dos re of Ihe Kinif. New- establish Hi- school on foundland, tho oldest ( ,f our coloWM by Mis Ma,,,, , and the tirsl In I860. The hard, seafaring popu- lation of these islands gave us u ro- CCplioil, Iho cotdlaht v of which iS Still fresh in our memories LOYALTY. STH.I:V:TII AND I SITY ..... has ^.^ ..,,.,, , ,. UM . (1 Ior main . leiiance. and Hie tnivelling expcnOM i,i pupils will In- p.inl to and friim tin- school on the condition that the (internment of the province iroui \vhich they come supplies substitutes Theodoro Smith, married, of 2(. l ^'^" Hl.nlpy avenue, was almost instant- M''endor of the (.erman^ holnlay Me ly kil ed In the collision. Kori-man s . I,,.,,-,, Wilson und l-ireman It..!.,-, I ' .. ^"^^ " Consnlorably TO VETO MATRIMONY. s Medical Men in Austria Desire tc Have the Bight. dfspuU-h fr.m Vienna says: A MAItl I Ste.lllv LNHT:I) SLA-I It.lllal.. |l,-i VMii.it Spring lower; No HIJc wmlii nominal; MM, Corn liidl. Nu. J yellow, 71 Jc; No. ;i do. 7iJ lo 7djc; No '2 corn, 7(Jc, Nu II do , (H|c. ()uts-l-s.y; N.i. '_' win!, :,l Ii . No. :i du , I Aiichison mid Uolmrt Cameron wcrn also biidly iifjureil. Wilson's injuries lieing uf u very serious nature Tho i car was b.idly wrecked and WHS thrown to I in- side of the sti,,-i Mol 01 nun i. conductor, and passen- gers wen- nniiijnied Altchlsrn is n sun of the i liiej and I'ameron u son of Ihe MI. i ,,r of Iho Spectator COAL FAMINE IN CHICAGO. Big Consumers Are Bogging in Vain For Supplies. cheaper I. CANNOT CAST VOTES. Disqualifications in Montreal tor Not Paying Taxes A despatch from Montreal says : Tho City Tre.ivurer lias prepared a report showing that there will he no less than ^l.:'..'!O persons In lhe clly disqualified for the i.on payment ol water and personal taxes Tho dis- If 1 were nsked to specify any par- fur t--chi-rs durjng their absence ticulur lmpre.--sii.iis dvrivid from our ' journey. I should unhesitatingly place before any others that of loy- alty lo the Crown and utlai hnient to tho old Counlry. U wu* indeed i, niching lo hear Ihu invariable >,- ferwnri-M to "home." even frcm the; lips of Iho*- who never ha. I tv-cn. nor , ,,[i ( ,.-<.d has IH-.-II mude hy lhe otn- vv.-i,- evei likely to bo, in these is- r i a i orgiuii/.ulioii of nu-diml men iu lands Thin loyalty was uiiniiNtak- |U. henna lo introduce .1 marriage ubli- .-vid..|ice of the con.scloiinnehs of nualilU-alion law -.tiength. consciousness of unity and ' u is MUJk r,. s ,,.,| Uiat |-rsons who living membership lu the cinpire. mid ,|,. slr ,. ( ,,,,,,,,rv must siihiftit to Ined- il,.- consciousness , ; power and r.radi- imlnatioa to USCXTtaln whe- neS to sin, re the bun-ens ond tlni ,,., ,,,,. s , ; ,,,. ,- ,.,, u ,. s ,,., lesponstlMhn.-s ( '.hat. membership |, h ri , ,,, ,,,.,,,,, i,, ls i, illl( | s ;llll | u- A ih-spatcli from Chicago says ( |ualilicalions mean that this numli.-r ( hi. . it'll IH threatened with a coal of pooplo will not bo allowed to \oto famine. Tliioiighoiil the entire city ,,t (ho approaching civic elections, big consumers of hard and sofl coal Tho law is lhat if wuter nnd per- I Northern an; begging shippers to supply them. son al taxes are nut paid before a No 2 rod, I'M I. without avail The seven) K i V en date that parties forfeit llieir weather nnd Ih, Hoods throiiglioul ri^ht to voto In civic elections. the coal mining districts have tied up railroads to Mich an extent, that hipnu-nl is almost impossible To \\erc 1 to seek for the causes which have cie.ited and fostered tins spirit I should vi-nlnie to alttihuii- it in a very large degree to tho life- and ex- ample of our lull- bi-loved S It Would (- lilflicull to the signs of general sorrow for her I,,SH and <if love for her iiii-inoiv which we found among all i aces In the most remote districts which we visited llesides also be largely ,lc, (shi No ^ mix.d l-i, ^l, M i| u , /IHJc Wdil In tin) M-I ions shottage. railroad llailey 'i"'l lo 70. guild t u fnncy OOmp.ini verting their pnv imll. No 1. 71V. through billixl. rogalive of eonlis, at ing car lots of DulUth I'e. 1!) Close VMi-it '...! ... ta.sl a.s they nli.ve In-!,- ami C.isl.. No I h.ud. 7ille. No a Nor- thern. 71c No I Noilln-rn und IH>- . ,,,).. i 7:i;, M , 77c. UaU-1.'t;. i .,rn H|c. l-ill-iiil. lle. '^\ Wh.-al ll,, No I white, cash, Hlc. Ni^ U T.,|, ami l>i-omb--r. >>:'., .l.uumry, Ii . May. H.-. ' '1 't.al huli I'.- i.-iiilM-r. (!,">' : v ' turn Hull. iilier C;c. May 7|c. Oats I ice. -inber. 1f.c. May, 16Jc. :i. he, .-.iiber. ' 7. r . M.ir.-l, ? are pulling Ihem to Itioir own u-e Ke A NINTH CONTINGENT. Zealand Prepared to Furnish One. MONTREAL CUSTOMS. Beat the Record This Month by 200,000. A despatch from Montreal s.ivs : Tho Customs n-ceipts at Montreal iliis month pioinise lo heal the re- , o.d Mr. While, the collcctoi . ( p to the middle of this month our this, may It not utlributed to UK; nnd iii^l policy which during tho lust half ci-nlury )>i^| J..-I-M con tinuously initintuincil ttie/ar<l.s our colon All> LKi'M Till.; As the result of the happy relations lluis createil lietwii-n tin- Mother I'ountry anil the coloni---, we have s.-.-i. a splendid rally I omul the old Hug in the defence of the nut ion's honor 1 have aiap!.- i.|>|>t t unit x uf foi ining .soii'i- estimutc of tin- niilit- ury strength of Australia. N.-vv land and Canada having h.ul l-li-nsnre of reviewing u|..n,U the uf LIVE nlo. I- AIM. i ^1 The rec. eolleetlofUl were (Jir.ll.iHHi more than 11011 i,.,,.|,s Miundnnl imd e.xi : A li--ipulch fi-iuii \\i ..ingtoii. N '/, . they VM-H- during the same period lent material is tl,,-i.- uv iillaMe. r.>- snys : Voluuti-ers for the Nth s v.-ar. and I expect at the end (''ring only that nioulihn K into ,1 cotilliiKent lor seivire in of the month lo ln>d th.it cur l.i:s- shape which can he reailily , Alma an -already poiirinK in. iness lias I eeii SL'(!O.OtM> ahead of Tlie Cl 'ii:-l Chni.h I'resi. Ih. , what It was during He pi newspaper. ' ,1 If the enij >1 t hi^ lmli..-,i i-ilog I e- calls for II. it is certain the col, ber 111 H-- i.-v.-i,ne will U- $5.- I' mpli-e whom I have will cheerfully furni.sk iv luulti con- 1 (MMI.(H.I) i . -i it w u s 5-t,47.- '' "i,-.-ting ' .1 \i-m t.y capable :iml cipeririuvd I ,- t , di-i nm-iisln-il M-III,. ,-i,t.i ol (In- commercial luteri-sts uf allude in the impression which Ihi-i s M.ilical ceriilicates wiinlil lln-n be us nei-essurv in making ari-ungcnients for miirn.ige us birth cert ificntes nuw iin-. sinil it Would be illegal for min- isters ol religion or reglst i urs to con- duct tin- wedding I'orinali I ios ill the ruse of i-iiuples who have not prodnc- <M! this iiviileiu-f oi good heulth The -\etiing l'.<pers slate that a bill i-iiilioil.ving these clauses is ready for introduction ill tho IteichsiMlh. TORTURING ARMENIANS. Turks Continue Their Shocking Brutalities. A ll.-rhr. il,-s|..i I cl. lo tin- Co i ,- paj's the number of Armeii rha tire ll.ving from Turkisl IMTltorj is d. lily U-comiiiK gre.ii.-r Their londitiun >* terrible M sl-..v\ .-igns of sluicking maltrealiiieiil It iiistaiii-es III.- C.IM-, of :i t-oy i: aho liinl his ti.iigiie ml out :ied in to.-s s.|.,xi|..il tl-roiigh. and of ben ,,l,l ini-n wilh Iheii bucks ciivi-K- ivilh \vi.uiuls T'lu- hapless wietilu- ., ,- tli.,1 tlu- lobhel V all'l del- of An i,ni.i, s a,'- every-d.i.v oc iilceiiri'x. uf vvliiili mi Hot in- is takei hv Tml.isli .,! .id. Is I h., snh i. ,1,1. i'. -I Itussi.i will once. inoi uongly lo Iho Sul Inn 1 A