Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1902, p. 1

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1 jfltstetmi ant*. VOL. XJI, NO "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -. " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday, January 2, 19O2 W. B THURSTON, [\ 'Watches c s Silver war Rings U-rton T .Dili-hum. taking hi <'>' "" the pl.i'forin. the ciowd wan no ureat that he h>n:n! it impoanlile to get the door keep- er* t" c'loc th'.! door*. Hethen proceed ! tn oi. 1 1 tike meeting t. order, congrat- alatli it them on the Urge turnout and re- t .- / i i iireitinu ttmt 'he hall wan tti't laruer. Hi values in Ladies bold ,m y i,eh.iM chwrniM wouia be . hoped i ><ne * a piiceville. Iy iioind for kc audience wan |fod order Watches. . - , c-nera-ly iKilMl tor k> epi'iu JINMI or All fUtOCllent StOCk of the Very ,,,,i,rh program was a lengthy ..no Clocks dii the market to vho.se from. li-pl,iy df Sil\rr\v;ir*' ." . . vMTik'iw* in Flmuerlon Very stnralihe e>it , 'Is,. f>ir \nm tofts . r Wedding proents. ( 'li;iin-, r.r'i;'rlit< an<l a beautiful litt !e (fold clnaji, a silver nap kin ring and MM foil lowing addrean : TIACREB W the pupils fchol e. ti.'ii No. 4, i ispiey, take tin* opportunity of expressing our smceic re- gret thai we inuat Ray good -bye to our teacher, and to express in part the affec- tion and love' wo cnteitiin for you. In the pH.it three years that you have labor ; UH, you hare won our (.1.. 1 '* 'Ill; ii^i:. 1 ( o i unj/ n\ mama ot every description, ...,.-,, h.,i ,.. 1( i *n .-. .,. HI the '.- et_ irtnt. \in;i> t i Is tu liaml. W. A. Armstrong Fluherton oii|.i mrt. take up their time with further by your failhfulneu ; you have remark* PiQr HPCI<T McDonald who | confidence t>y your yiupalhy ; you have' had [ilnyed the inpirjni- air "Cock'i > the' w-)n ir oheiieifcb liy your kindness . yon during IBM imembly ot the .UN) have w..n our love hy your uw* true wor'h. \Ve apeak with all i-oniidtnce when wu nay tlw our -clioul IIHH made yreater proxruiw in the pi^t three yearn .h in any ihur school in tin- lownahip, and tins tuccean and pr^ies-i \v.- must ancfiho to you. \Vo have found yon a eomiieiwit tf. iclier, a judicious manager and a sympathetic friemi: patient under the must trying cireura- McFarland, Stafford & Co/ i HARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest Store * YEAR After YEAR Mills K.'.n-well to (ill)- n first claiu style. The chiiirm in that l'ioi. O. Murry of Toronto who li.uf lieen nn; e^ixl to play at the List ' II"! i thru >',>,, ;..., I )l( N> * Yf.ir Mr K-! t -r and ntff. M . . V ' ' i I frieuiii in ... II , . n nf S. .inn! Ci'lU'U'-' N F. i !I.T V!.'' : ;.M "i uf , iJiim. roii. \\.i MI i m.iinei.r. ho.vevur, his absence would Iwr i;rett..d If Mi M,-l> nald i;">e su.-| pipe mimic H we have just had fin- pi>-i I ~ I'lNtet.inx t" sii'l the audience iriu-e slam en. alw.iys ehuerf'il, thoughtful and .tmcnt to tli. we r. marks hy their hearty kind. \Ve fwl that woid8oan:iol tvyjv > appViNH. T tli.Tr arti.st- cn.-i-:"i f r ' -'"I n-spcet we entci -fain f ! you. thM oOMMi-u wvru- Hatlam Confs I '"X }'" therefore to ic vtil thin gold ll.B mil-Hi, ii ,]: inm'ii; *>;.mno ; Mr. l> . ('. cluck aiutailvei na, iotM i r<- Met Ire:; r, h.ui ..no ; MINH anil M -i rltjjtil.i C*lirisl el F iMliurtini .i.-iiiilipaio*' ' ' Ill-f I. UI tod .- 'list r- -i, of ail i, ,: M i Mi-\'lnir of T>.rni ; M of |>i|ihain. Mr. A. .Ii.a -. Owi-i S,iiiu-i,pi'iii t fw i i, i ( .1 i.ni'H !it n ,-k. \l . A. ami M HI K. Mi Kiiiiiiin of S-..und ai.- \'-i * "t J"l'ii M A r' I DII ! '. n'i - f l)tioit 18 viiiMiisr kin unc;.-, I* It lu r Mr. Oixmiit V\*lU.-:i.iTi is iiwiulini; . li.Ji.lay fi'li KM I', oilu-r, Dr. I. at the rik <i/ l<tc< nniiu | i *> ' UMIN! llnl.- f- * of till I!U <lltt4 > lUin in n i ivi.iii'un,' -I th.- "Thu Crook mi>l I' aiil ' and "< 'INIIIII' ll.r. 'In- Kyi', ' nt aid ii .i-nii-ii:-!-. H}r rn- III-PIII; t iwolinulio HOII^ was highly ap; i/ua In Ke t e Mrvce.' ward for y.-nr merit, liut_a a lmht d.Ueu of ,-ur love. It m wi'h deepest r-'i-ret tiuW vi c must ,iy ij->ui>d-l>yu tin' we that heaven \ -i|. i . .' - i s mav ac- company yon t<> m licr li.'l.'s of us- fn! '! t^*' wtwil! incctj!n lie Ini^h. uid happy In-r.'.i'trT. Siu:ud on hi-lUlf of the .school. I ii-iiilr^-n. i L-'HJe KOIIIII, Winters. May llitiderfcin. MIIH Ley made a very .inpropii.u.' re- 8 1 Ureeting to the New Year Tliu Crooked < EtllPl Nrir.nn of IV I n Station a p ek. -ni :ind vimnng Us' 41r. D*'. null Mi s Jj.r.l. Mel. K , I. -Mill-in of Timrtnn lire Ht M t '.iineroii . 1^. a-j'l Mi . l>i*.t HijjI'iHiii 1iii;ht-i- M (rieu mi.iity. Lo Oner and >Mis \V|i'ti!ov i'f Dun- nrtmt 'HO 1 1 X'iii i:'i Mr*, 'iiicr ef thin plaM. t*. I'..* . -M ii Mr. Metift -gor and an en- eoro "Uhen yo gan^ w-i June," Jici realistic ci neeoiioii of ch meter* xm> limply p-r:e 'ii-.ii. Tlie next number hy tliw liy I'.il'er llcii.n in <1i.iricter, creeU Fi-U and All" w:w a.s tine a per form.utcu ufer lei-n here, in fuel the belt wo evi-r hcirl at the S.i I S. coneurU. Mn nx all, "The Tows. ire m t'u- Corn," wa lie.irnly applauded, i >n ny future oof .isiK wirh^jfaud Kciley (MX .,,,,,,, , lwt Mn , C-uttH llam may nu Pricet illo her auccesa M a foie{one>cAn clnsio'i. Mr. D ' .\ii ' >r<ii|or in Inn el- ectioiM "Tie HuUland Unmade," "Mr. Voiunfeei," "The Higl;lai,ilerh Toant," "1'lic St.ui.lai'i on tlie brae* (VM.ir," "H r 'on and liuutleniikn," and hui dn it .th Mis Couttu liiiin WIIM rlxe l-t in his line w.- have hem 1 !i-i.v le.iiaiice eai'li tinu- loudly fpplitud rd and hi.i fu'urtr vifits heru or in thiH Wallers, O I> ' " llll> '<""' vie. inly will Iw RUdly we) omed. The ^.tn. Mi-h-f-'iii, for :. n.|,,it vea -,, m , u Hi'.'hlan.l <l.mcers, Ahss., Ili-ycc (ihi'l ti.hiv.- y.* l.a.-K -.-_ nn. V\ ill. a||i) , t s . ||lt(l( . swori j ,| ull( . ei Hml.Un,! nnd M:- H . . l>" " :i"d Mi M Kljng 5.- ft| | lir , Horni ipe, eli: , wen much ;: trip to Lions __ .^p,,., .,,,,!. .M.-mv of tlio audience re mark -I ih.ii they wo>e the hem aeen here. We IIIUH'. just .iy |>cr>pnlly that Ve h.i\ neon nmny similar pi-rionuancea, l>ut none to excel thi-ni. It in to iio hop- d we will have some opportunity of s.-c n_< thi in :ii;iii in 1'iicev ill . Mr. II .Vic- Bead II ii'iiey'. Mr*. Hfl-t ev i -id Mi-8 KditH Hart! v ; ! Mi-a Kohi rtson of . rsti-n. urc nit n- s - al Sidney Blake- KU>HI., <) D. U. The Pn-s ' )!.< ri in S S \ma< Tree en- nil1etll W1 Xllltt Kve wa.-l ii dct -s rvirv . iy. Si K-ii<Iid Wi ither el 'he proa pert of a vo nl pronr.on e>tii- l-4iii'l I i->u ;lr '!' A l:u ' cloud, ;iti<l We will . eiitur.- I ' say thtt dey were not diippotntil as on- "f tli^best programs evirifivi-n i'i 'hu church WM rei.ileieil IW evi nt i -. Fro n to 8 p. in , the rrnvii^:- ot tin- inn r nyMi wro Katmried fl<MII well lillwl t i*'!.'S in Hie l.as-'iiHMit At Don ild M elecli'Ois and Ii s playin<{ for the d nice*. prove* that wehmcno ned to yo hunting fur i ||'r in the future Mr. Mel iiiii : ; ill, ur^-iniKvr for S. (). S., IIL bigliiaiul ciwtuiuy iiddreuw-1 thu audience ilh "Th- l-i netilji o/ beloiininj t - order," .sai>g a (i.n-'ie son^ .1:1.1 in indited ;I|O |ieo|i|.; of I'i leev lie :iod VIO- inity 0:1 their kiudiuwH ami hospitality. He ha* X" 1 a numner of new mumiieis for Hteeu joAog xirU BMrdMd fro the ri, e s. t >. S. during hi.-i ^sit her,, Thu titlw platform nod n-ina Mio j llty ,,f aceninp.inis', :n perform*! l.j iiiavery p'uasiiK nui: MI.SS Chrwto.. in her n.sn il w:,y. S!,.. ,V ,il:iys weK: niiisl heru. Th" tincst intcr- im .iii-nl enr ijiveii liore w.-n o- -nclndi d with "Autil I.i. ind "liou Save the Ku.'; ' and usual vote of thanks. Fro- iver $1<H). *-<\>-i the s-iiK in.ti: HIT. Hit* Mahle L>a,l '"' ClU V'UiV.'.jaVr K llundfU s.itls a -I; n .1-4 fthtf wa^ n-|.,-;iti-.lly mo >rcd We hdi.-v *ht- i- 'he I- -st. wo htv h-nrd in i'nce- vill yi t and wnu'd '> ple*ed tu liavu her i-i ill tlie fn ure S.-l . S cli -ir were woll 'liinuOt Mi. Anna Lift Clionl" in lu-r ilv .-i^ i-c'i uis fro n the by th-: ii .iC "The .. , "T: f ' ' ' and Mcl.enn m Avdl *> ) T" J|tL we him- flftv ut IIOIIIH if trained, cull b. , liere. Tho M<-I>onn : l I>P'. eii M.I'I:I - clini. -i; si'lce-joiiK on violin . i, am>ii>patMcd r-- Mis A. .J.-miex inil Wet(' l.'.ni(J)y uppia'.lrteet Uuci'ntioim f>y (be hildre" of ilie ti hoi;) weie well ., and Alex. ' 'ant -roii g.in, a couplo ,.f ; ,..<! :.. -1,-ctiuiis. To s,-.. the Xni.is tree l'0r of our yo lu; p"p!" sp -in an worth the prioe of <l.in<)i.m iu i'aelf. ab!o ti'iie $t tiio re i lenc ot ius d 'n-iintvand .i.-.l,c-ii|tiiully The S S, i;,'ne si'hoblK 'I I ai{ j. ui, . Niinn-roiis |-I-OIIIH from the :-Jijldrei>. 'I he entertain ' .in t.., c'osc by niiKiiigof ^IK! SaM- t'l-.e Kli'lf Jlcv. J. A. Math,. ion ".cui't-j i bo cit^rjn i> pry cri^li table I', ' lh MUM .of ply mil .1 liberal dint iibutinn of HIM- and oandiesth.it wnx much appreciated by t llllilllTI. ' ^nim "*r ftm <'<irrrip<nuli nl . Th- many friends of Mr. W. \\ ni-ht of went, hack life, wre lorry t le.rn of his death afte a few months' illqinu ,f lienrt dineasi-. Mr. Wright wns (>i y>iar and was one of the tirsl sell ie.ru in this out : he was :i joo i btnbMd,>Bt] i kind father, and loved :nui renjiee'ed liy ll who knew him ; ho was hu:ied on Tues- day afternoon in the F!.-sherton CPIII hy thu Workmen and Orangemen, of which orders li,- wfts a inemlier Thu fnn-ial w.-is it 1 ir-c. one. Mr. Put-T M'lir'.t on'y HOD. ome six II. died 'ii Ki '!-!> in^h'. Mi . WI!H on Me \liilltfi: wont throii-h in ipeintion in ill- city ' n I'rid iy morn n iy last very siiece-sfully. Her in my f, i, mis ivish her a speudv recovery. TIloMU who visited the p.-i-i-ni,i ! Koine for ChriBtmad wcre:--M-. (Charles unl Jen. if O M.-lia of T'.r-nito ;<> \Ir. T I 'oi linaon of Tiinmt > I'n.versi y" M' s M.uie CliisUiii, Owen Soiniil ; M'-. and Mrs R \Vr:nht.. Durhiin ; Mr. and Mr- l> M LmixhUn. Miii-kd.ile ; Mi. I! !'' ' Irt'ell .SOIIM,! : Ml~* Mo|-;rtn, I Mill -I I'. ILmix Mis i)' Neil and Zion ; at the Glo e Hotel, MM. and Mrs Li'vi-no ot ('.,. nore Si neoe ; at the ^ue-n's Hot-l. >I s. II Tucker .ii.d son. Dtlie. visit | oil Irt-r d.i'.i^hter in Wiait..n, Xnus. Mis. M'IJJ.M- MeXn'ay IA v niti:iu' friends i'i Mi al". n',1 Mr. and Mrs. .Mils ;il! spei.l i couple of dnvs in lit* Queen CitJ t!ie|a t w > -k. Mr-. \V . \\n-iit Hi" Tor mlo .hin-'io'i is s|.'ii'iiii; a few <eks U'nlir th.piren t tal ro .f. Mrs. Piitlo'i nml Mi.su Rye Spront 1 i.si W'-uU. I" vi.sit frioniK in _-..*> To The Farmers nllC .UKifllfl- ill ijllifk SUci'fS- , ,-iiul year after jre-iir the ftiwiness (JotM! In this stun- lias krpi mnvn>iu^ in volnm*-. r.tui recording its gretttest growth. Tin's i> liivaiisi" of cur t'stalilishcil rcputatitm fur iloiiiji luisiiii'ss mi tin* square,niarkin^ M?, Jii plain li^iircs. having .n- pri-r for Ul,^nd giving better iPkie than can In- out clscxvlit-ri'. Our big cash purchas- ing pow.M- u r ^t priffs for us when lniyiii_'. ami \vt- Uct'p tlu-iu i-ip;!it f(r for our ms toini'i's \vkcii sflliiiLT. instead of ad profits. \Vi- :in> an? determined tin- IHO-J shall ouf di^taiii-c the nvi'i'd of any of its prc- d.Tt':.soi-s, uot only in the iiit'ii-itscot luisi- ^s for us, 1'iit also in the direction '>f money attking opportunities for our friends. They hav-- on.r sincen-si thanks for past favors: the Itenefits. \ve trust, have been mutual. Yours taithfuly, left From Qnr Oit. Chri-tmns h< pe<l olf very pliM cidiliy in our little burg, do-yite t!ie f.-ic-' t)vtt "ii/j oi our youn^ people aru sutf und erii.g ii'""' niesli itrvt thcied'iv could not uevonr ujuuli turkey a* tln-y otjjer wise would have d 1 " Mr. and MM. Morrow held n ! :it ion mi (-hilsimaii day Kur'j i;n.-sts | tookjof tl liospiulity. Tue-lky eve .ill'? "f IHN ce!< a film III enjoy. Mr. an ' Mm. IJiirn*. Mia. iturn.s in a > h inm^ h<iM'eiM and evcrv t.'iin^ went men \ Mr. ,-ui.l Mm Uolphii) anil Mr. lionlDil are spending C'liliMuniN fiieirlt in '. '!aniii)ollt. Mr and M . l'> nn "f Michel holuUvinjr with Mr. and \l\-t. K" a. Mi-.s L*'y of Kllc'sniorg. who ha tuht our Rchu.'l in iuoh crul't'l'lf way, >CJ ,| ,,t|,,.| j, n , No. (J7, l,cld tht,i fijr the past three yours, hiwiM-ianBd the , , ,M,oji , >(4 tn<l*y e\,M";i-.., D<i nitration. Mi- Koliin"ii will bd h'-r ST'.b, I'."*! ^IHU wea^Jiei' ainjil"inj sleigh- aucceajvyr. School cloned Kiiday (ith i aHed all who Wh'od 1,') tf'-l- '" f very wnUala'iriiK concert propnred by I v dU oomfortalily, l.ut uuforMjiuOnly tho pupi|. wjjioh waji well attended. Tlie ,, InnitisJ cafwciy "f the hall eonipollod elci;t|o|iii urerp fl|>re'u% ph'Kten and well. ^ , t return borne. Long before the roiidwroJ. Mr. Inkxter icupied ih cha.r ViM.- of marine >. Iw" " """I *" >' llnd dlj hlt P" rt *'" A * '*" **"** * f n.... s- 'capacity., - On- M" ''irinitn, Dr. tho concert Mia-s Lej- wc pr.mn,u<l John *i'h i nro The Institute se ,-.ol| :s ll^aill with ll<?' The. mcetili-ali'.i|t to In* In M .ir.- e In- . ,1 n ,1 iiU.invi.-:'.. !u '. ''. i'libl'e >'!'! which uvury itidivi.lua! sli.Mild ni.il.e use of f-.r Ins on improvement or !, help other* We car-wy ever attend ao In ituo tMeeliim nl wh'c'i we have not heir I people ai-k ipio-t s privaielv which wonlil imvj di'in- h" nando': e-slBoreg o' t'> :.'< i.i tllO nieedlig D- n'l -;" -iron- I :ii:d limit, up the s^ii',B4'i afler the s, * s;.< i ( i lind "Ut -I'Hiel Itii;^ M.l ci/t|i! l.-int n. n K:rn<J by . lii:i : 'licui w iw:i lii'-y wirrtoli the H' or And fii-tlier do i I kick llboUt sl.l'i'lnei.is of -pe:l, tllH meeting when III, V t'.';;!i! havi. Ii -en ,|nest,.oii. d in [i i'il e. It nny i.i . i H -x-g<{er ilii n ui uiiirepreiMtlUfV in fully att'i'iif th" f>ts i.ii tli- piiii'o m, i lien 18 tho timtj lo cswll htm to aocn n t Tin: is (he w >y 10 prevent s-ieli Mrn^s in I'm futuru an 1 togivo 'ln< public nn-t- .i<i tfoi'ljilolicu HI those l|o aie sol out o inatiuot in insniiru work. Y"ur p-nct- it. In r in snoc. H or railuN up m any I'tien of .urienltnr.- in whi- h w r " . . A Question v of Spex Do your eyes tire easily ? If so, You need Glasses. Do your eyes burn ? If so. You need (Masses. Docs the type become blurred in reading? If 50, You need Glasses. Do you suffer from f rental headitchc ? If so, Glasses will Help You. Do you know if you have perfect eyestpht ? If not, we can Inform You. rr WILL COST YOU NOTHING. W. A. Arrnstro-'rj r JEWELER AND C'TiCl/ 1 ' FLESH ERV:>iV. al'y KICHI the 4. I nude d'Hc (1KAIUM S -. i CURB A COLO IN ONE DAY T*k LUi* Hi. iiiw (Ju nn. > i -I lota AI Ii ui |ll%* ro*tiO I tho ii)0liy it It lil' p. "'H B , \. , Urovc'n nnalur* u ><i I-4- ' >x -i'- ' Trim wort h ; ^ > P rdr iSi T vi t\ Alvln i NO 1 ho 'in ! .1 .- i r d T IIW Till I!--., II 1 t 14 T, \ -S. H-, A;' ' , ' I pROTON'S CASH STORE. -W. HOCKLHY- Special rnliu-i ions in Men*' lu-svy t>ver* 1-o.Vx in, I )>|-'-ss (' nts. rc-_' pri-.. Jf- .".,i i.,-- LAJ>l;C< i 'MATS Ken piice, JW.7S. for $4 _-,. re price. $5.i lor ?+ _'.">. ; n-i; price ? INI f,,i J?li 5(1. LA DIKs 1 Kl'It C( VTS lU-etJiir puce, !3."ilKMo *40.HO, m pncertOT.BO to :;. r i 00 \ lull I'SS-irtllleiit .f Ladies' i -ipl les. i i U n fio-ii. l! i '!, fl Ml. *:i Ml. >. I I'll, in. prices. \ t sor'tiicni "f lieavy wool I.I'i 1 !."ts, K- y. pi-iois .?;( 'HI. $:t .MI." (4 no. 7-">. ..iliiceil t" SL' till, ijs! ,iu, ?:'. I'lai iiciettn l.lm ke's ti-v pri.es ! $1 25, :,d.|c, ,1 I. M ' !'l- si'K;-UL IXi:l-.cfKIi:i> ,"> Hi. rai-iim, 2i'c. nlH. l |ioitnil pi if*. _'.") it o p-m-.d hncst, mi. '! t. .1. SI. 00. 4 ilm-i. \'ir^::i (!o!'l s < m- | . '- . (.lo^^ , h.-ttiiij t -co, .'Tl CI llts. SPEl'l \I. IN r.M'S '-> n ai.d !">- p-. tegnUr |-i ' to O.I. ! ililei .1 I '2 i ee-,t-. \ i.lli'B-mrtm n' of M-i-s li,;iv > cr- i i- In-Ul 'JO eei, i p i t" 81.7%. I 'J iif *n'.t jllSl -irtivi'd :i ''. rice. Protons' Cash St< i - Ii,L;li. >i I Hr | 'in LTS' pi'oclucc.

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