Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1902, p. 2

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cuiNO FOB A SOLDIER. At a police court situated near a g r, m n IOTI in liio wi-ht o( England a few tla.\s IIRO |iisoncr wa briiu^hi up rhnre,ed wiili Irt-iiiK drunk and disorderly und with lighting in tk M He \vs a Uill. well-built, strop- ping yo :ng fellow, hut evidently an n il oi i nil r. for the inaivixtraU.'. f- ng a lin<>. which wits paid "' the prisoner's in him if ho hud any work l.i m y j+ iv ij io il'i. I I.e | ri.-onor replied that he tut of work. ^ on t-ocai to be frequently get- Ing into troulilc by drinking mid Ighlini;," Raid the magistrate. "Why lon't you go for n soldier?" 'Not Die," wa* the answer. "I did Hi'-e. your VortJiip. and be very killed uic." WIDitlAB TALKS. fHE CLAY POTTER WHO ES- CAPED EZiaO CRIPPLED FOR LIFE BY ALMOST A MIRACLE. i. K. Wideman of Duntroon, Ont., Interviewed, in Toronto i The Most Hopeless Case of j Rheumatism on Record A i Living Monument to the Pow- er of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Toronto. Dec 30. The wonderful ; ecapc of A. N. Wideman, which j ouud its way into ih- newspapers a ew weeks ago, is still a subject of oleri-Kt here. He will be remembered is the man who was no frightfully sripiiied with llljeiinmtli.ni. Leu g .wlM-d und contorted out of shape, lie WHS fairly snutcl.ed from a niuerablc death by Podd's Kidney Pills, and he ha- IMTII oue of Hit. irvutPt-1 upholders of Dodd's Kid- j >> fills in Canada ever since. Mr. Widonian Mill has to use a' stick when he walks, as the dlsenss left him with one leg shorter thi n the other. With this exception, and with the deject due to the breaking of hit) tueth from taking mercury medi- cines. Mr. \Mdi-man is as well OS ever he was in his life. "I never heard of anything like 1 the way I'o'ld's Kidney I'illH worLext In uiy rase." said he. 'They drove the UheumatlMm clean out of my | yrctem. You know work was slack In earthenware works, and I took a chance to work in the harvest field. I gut M mked several times with rain I and tlmt lirouht on the worst nl>-\ tack of Itheumatlsm I ever heard of. 1 I was in I ed five months. My legs were twisted out of shape, the toe* pointing inwnidp Well, nothing tho doctor* could <1o did me the h.'M gona. My teeth broke on from tie mercury he gave me. that was uil " "Mow did you rouie to take Dodd's Kidney I'illH ?" Mr Widcnian was aaked. "A neighbor of mine. Mrs. Tloyer. Hot me to try them. I did so to please her, but continued their use beciuine they were rnring mo." "And you ascribe your present health a n'd Htren^th to Dodd's Kid- se.y 1'illn ?" "I rerlnlnly do. If It hadn't roi n for Iiodd'H Kidney I'llls I would be In my grave at this minute.," said Mr. \\iili-in.n rjnphal ically. . * Coylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces f and Is sold only In lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. 'apaa tea driokm try "Siladi" Green t.*. tho immc bencnu that have come to patients of tho Kluskoku Cottanc Saiiilariiini, by virtue of its excel- lent situation. nhnuM come to the poorer pntii-nts whoso only hope in in I'dmittiinca to the, Free Conflimp- llospital. All tlmt is wanting now is tho fur- of this hospit-il uiili I.I-.IH mid o her ni.-ocMsary appointment n. 'ih- National Sanitarium AS.-O -ia- ti n, because of their heavy <!elit. arc unable to undertake this part of tho work. Only let the many whose hearts are tout hed l>\ the <li--trvs.sinji caw chronicled in newspa|icr col- umns from day to day bend their contrilititions of (1, or, If poM>ilde. $5, |IU. or $:>0, nnd no fimo will te lost In opei, mr wide the doors of tho new hospital If not tho suggestion a timely one on the opening of a new >e.ir? 'I In- iren of the -I'-uon will l-i heightened in an Iniiiiea.Mirivblc de- tree by the thought fhat one's giftH have been of the kln>l to help those who are most meilm^ help the poor run iiii|itivi-s whnv sickness is doubtless the reason for depriving wife nnd rhililren nnd other loved 01 os of the blesuiiiRS that would o'herwlso come to them. Conlrlhu- ti.ns will le received by Sir Wil- liam n. Meredith. Chief Justice. 4 I nnipiTt a\enuc. Torontii. W. J. CUR.-, .12 Fi-o-.t Slrwt West. Toron- to, ir the Nulloml Trust Company. liinitid. treasurer, JLJ King Street east. Toronto. THE VIJI.NKKAIU.K POINT. Pcrev "I've mod* I'milinc- eorry that she thieiT me uver " t.uv "In what wuy ?" 1'ercy "Why, I'm attentive now '~n a girl five years younger than he is." IIKAHTI.KSH WOMAN. "Poor Kickors has a very bard- lienrted wife." said Trivvi I "What's tho trouble now 7" nuked Direr "She not only broke the hroom stick over his head, but made him go to the store mill buy another " A Toronto Druggist Tried All CONSUMPTIVES YEAHS. IK 10 Statement of Dr. John Ferguson The New Free Consumptive HOB* ital an Immediate Helper to This End. Ihe statement of Dr. John I'eru- ton, one of Toronto's well-known >h hi. IIU.B. that, "If consumption BatunlH v.i i. |-in|.irly isolated and Ireiiied, iviUiin ten years from now Vul i-K-ulou^M would be one of tho I (if I no\\n diseases." ought to piow- mi i in iiuiiiMiip! stimulus to I'll IH Ir. of the new I- lee ('on.s<llll|lt.ive prove an i-nrnurnRini; ntlniuluat to Id. i ilAl to hurry along wibMTi|>- lioit* lowurdx the furniNhiiur of this s'Mi'nl, capalile oi ndiriitting ut r*nr K e. me iifty pntiantt*- nnd without any I 'Ihe urnoiiity of tuboroulosis Is ly in eviilem-e in iJm rerordH of Uie Uu4Mika i ..Hm.-e S.iiulariiiiii i the mnnnf!i-nient, of the No- i-iM.nl Siinltiii iniii \ ..ni i.ii i..n. and under whose mi^iii-es the now I i . Conrtiimptiva 1 In.- j.ii ,.l I..IH billit lu four \eaiH -121' pnlii-nts lave IMVII lienleil aid inore lli.iu S.'iO haW) been eiiied. nr >.< helped Unit thoy could |:o hark to Worfc, taring for wife or cliildnvi depm'l.-i.t pen tl rin he le \ I 'lee I .il.slllnpl IVI- M.'-]i|- lal is Mtu.ited in Mi..'Jo!>n. nol i..r Irolll the Mil ^>i. I :i I ..Mi.e.e Slinil.il nun. Ihe two i'i ni luii.-n uho li.t\.- irnfleriiusly loin" 1 1,.- msi of con- Ihnt SAYS JAPANESE CATARRH CURE IS THE ONLY PERMANENT CU3E. Mr Jolts n-yll*. the w.ll known Psalor Clerk for Mr. deo. M*r>(i*ll. 1 1 e ie..diD|i Uuecn 8. ka I KrbKil.i. ur-sir. riu.:-- Wi. e(1 l ... I - .!< v.< fasas^p* t n:,.rrb (. the only ur for m i IM on B inrk*i, 1 hmk 1 knuw m-i wr*i I rin i*l .un (luiii. | i Blr ,,,, d , T vr> irrmrt) wbu-h I ihouil t would dn mo KOO.I i.. i SMSMTwal dot or., li u t n. ly ret-eirrd li J 'f nip. la > ic- .( A ttt lira IBK erer.l <t i ur iu i.nuir*. who I. ail u. u "i*nen a Ih ilro, p r. In my ihrnut ir..d. . i.o. ..MI-I u-ii K .n nil fi 01 h, M of J*p*n** iSirh ( nn-.liud IMJ-. If . o n|l,,i. ly eunt or Ui* 1110.1 dl .urnil. a rl MM r. hfi tr .iirrrring lor )! ] hi Vi< nii.to rreomincndfd u tu ?i "1,* .V " r " 1 r lon " r "- " n *w ut r*r*rl of 1 1. rin whom It lim rurrd. J*pnr. t.l.rrh ur wrmnn.nil, core* clrrhi,d.M.nb*li1-,,fi.,,.. Al | drii;1 -i*. W oi nt. A Ire* unipl* wnt | o *nr A "\ uiKr iitf In ni i fti*iii,. iLiioete. <> Ai-drcu Ike O. ft U. Co.. ClockM were first net by electricity In llruHhels in the year IH.'i?. OZODO:ir Tooth Powder 25o Thrro le a patch of ground In Colorado, at Cupper Cheek, t, niiles by . which ylolflH twenty million dollars worth of K"l'l a >ear, arid will not bo worked out for a cen- tury. Us. for MimnTs and (a r e no olfi. I'ife is the lest ciilUvated of Si-otil. ri unities. 76 per rent. lieini; farm I ml. Siilhei hinil lu,s less than 2| acres in eaeh i,dd<) uniler culllviiUoii. HE GAVE l.OOO CROWNS. Tbo Kjnpe-ror Joseph II. was In the habit of walking about incog- nito, (i in.- morning > wiiit Into a collco .-.hop and asked for a cup of chocolate )lo was plainly drcxMx!. uml the wiiitum. ticiiiK iK'n'i'imt of hi* rank, insolently refused it, say- iiiK it was too curly. Without making any reply, he I out, aii'l \\cnt ilk u a little Colice-hoUHe. liaid by, and asked for it cup of chocolate. The landlord uu- ;. \.en-il th.it it should bo ready in u n ciin.nl . Hlu i- ho wafted for it ho walked up an 1 down, and was converging on dliTerent nul.jevla, when tho land- Kii d daughter, a very pretty girl, mide Iier uppuarunce. 'Iho Emperor wisher her good-day and observed to the father that it w.'.s hlfch time a lluwcr in full bloom >h njlrl luitrry 1 eforc it fne]<-<1. "All 1 " repiird she honest old man. "if I hud Inii a tliiMis.mil crowns. I i-niilil tunrry her to A I no young mini who Is very fond of her. But, air, tlic chocolate IH ready." 'Ihe Kmperor culled for a pen. Ink and paper. Tho girl ran to fetch til-Hi, when he gave, her an order on his banker fur a thousand crowns. TAKR NOTICE. During tin- year tho space devoted to iidveiu-irK MINAKICS 1.INI- MKNT uill ciinlain e\|ire.s*-i'in of no uni-t-rtnlii Mjiind from people who Mpeiik from pernonnl experience no u> 1 1 c merits of UUM bcfct of household Ueniediui.. Sozodonf Tooth Powder 25 Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth - Oorodont I, (TO Id 5s. Lartf* Liquid and Powd T^c, At all Morel or by mail. Sample of Ilia Liquid (or the posu^e.jc. 1ALL ARUCKEL. Montreal. ip^O O Z CASH xvill buy a box of SWEET SON'ORA ORANC.ES, or M %L-'SlE3'a!.JJ you kike 5 lo<cs will make the price $2.10 per box. (!: '.<ko or Jlto ) THE OAWSON COMMISSION CO., llmltad, TOR3HTO. Coniignmr nt< ol I'.iuliry, Builer, Egtfs, Potatoes. Bean, Honry. Apj.ie* solicited. is l.-i. r i.OOO| So!t7.rr-wutor lakes its name from The Kinpire of .In wpiurc miles in I-M.-IU that is :t-l.-'llic village of .Sunler St-it/eri. ! i'"" niilos bigKei- than the Lnitpd Prussln. A s|irln th.-n- disi-hur KiiiKdniii.. H contains over 4.0OO .',.(HHI ruble f^t uji hour of this Islands. erul Wi.i FACE METAL GATES'-^ no oue ran uTonj wooden oon. Lieht. nnd yt utrurg naaaall U> ap- port a heavy man (.1 Uw rod while hi rwinjn *ru*n4 MM i witnoat uiLunf tin : 10 i. Tbor sr asst _ r ^_iriin-... wtlllHi Ufrtim*. Will notau n-r rrl rlni*.. . 'lli*7 nrn.appuod wiU l*ich wtuett sliow them tobsenssi denser wsj aadtrcwlf ictinf. Ta* oa IT ruod sxtsJ * that U Hw rncoch ID prir* for CraTsI f*rru (urinan Wo *J*u m*lu Ikna and OrnasMSal rmc*. Poultry Wrtunt. Nail* aad Utanl . Tn* t . w'r* FnrC* .tiBHtee Wlkerillr5*itl Tbo blmrest average farm in the world Is in South Australia, where Ihe average so,uuttur holds 78.0OO , scros. Minsis Unimcol In (tie House There are 14O fuctories In Europe eniploved in turning cored apples Into Jelly and jam. for th TEETH 25- Ifl.OOO tons of al'iin arc mtulo yeurly fruiu whale raised in the Nurlh, of p. c. It is ealculnt<Hl that Nor Sweden bavo between them head of n-irnK^r. I-'iuloud than 45,000 in all. nv rn'l :i;j.<iii has icss THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL OOMfORTINQ. COCOA T* I ni * i.i. . I-, itM HIT. Tuli* I iro Hroin* Qmrli.* Tl 'i-le A 1 dt-BcaiPi* r. land n e monay If It foil* lo our*. C. W. Un>T' nn*lurr I* oa eacli bos. Uo. Ttii doKt. rl lin; wax is rom- pom-d of Kin-Hue, Venir.- turpent nn-. veiiinllion, nnd a little rr Or THK MOST POPJLAR 3 O 3C.Z O in* tM h l*tc-< ' llw k uau Brass Band Ins rwmenta, Drum*. Uniform* (to. EVERY TOWN CAN NAVE A QAND !,<> till r qii'Ho I. Pi -\tl- O.'lum > I -iw. mill-d fr-. Wr n f w hu |*M f7mi ini of oU.fn for 'h *! tk* MU, -"II. .K if n:m ihr t. o uie-lT f> DtK.TlMn. Li ii|hm iL. ..--I - i -. ! I ! t>H, uii I. -!. uj I* tbt BREAKFAST SUPPER. Of l:l.52. r > criininulH convicted in mo rotvnt \ear in l-'n^l.iivl mil \\.il- PS, 84 Wi-ro NOllti-need lo death. 10 to penal servitude for life, and '.'I to over IO yi-ura' IM-IIII! servitude. DoafnesH Cannot be Cured ly loeal uprUt-Mion*. M U*y orBn t rvh (h <lIfN>&-iil i> in Inn nl il. rtr. 1 btrf Immif on* *.iir t onrn dr*fn-. *f\J tht i >ir ''>n<- m tlnmil r madl~. I>" fn I- rnu-rt h> .IB Inflattir.l ronill inn of h<- inuruu* lirlnK of I h Ku'ii'-hi*n I' IT. \\ lir'i >tau lnh M m n*nnd jojn.vt > rumliiliif uniml rii.lpir f*-t hvarltis. nH>t when it H nt rjl/ c<iM4 i f oai H i he ronu I. d uniou ' h* IniUm in a. Ion CAII b* I at- n Ht unit 'hUuh'r-u red !> iKaorni*! eondill n. lnn< w M Iw d-i Ir. jrni f r -r : i.init i HM o'rt of Un r o n.rd b. ii lArrb. wiiifb ! uoiiitnc hut *u la* flftllll-li CO .ill' mil i" I i lu J--WU HI r fci-e . \V will ult Onn Jli mi rl Oo.tnMfor any rani* of lM*fni4 (i-.m-wl >ijr i-nt rrhMbtuB n v be ciri b> llAll'i C.iwTb fur*. h. d >sr aircu.iiri frre. K J. ( IIKNKT *<X>.. Tol*a*.O. rtnl.l h> I lriiv(.pl-, 7 M-. V.ml y f Uw an Ihe bett which J.'i fue In ii>ades last year ex- <i\,-r SO(> fulso iilarniN. of i \.--ie uialiciouHly given. t I.I. ! Ik" ..!.- 4 ..'i, >.f >ii rorn.; (Ju n ne 'latt Na^ur*. No ^aj. N'iri\ruKiia. through which the now canal will J.HSM, in the only fn-hh wfii.-r !ako whiob holds a spe- of t-!irk. UN Hi g in 'ln.lr r l.ic-l lHlr*rrnl . Wfl/LET RQYCB ft CO., L initod, Tomato, Oat. *al Wlaaipe*. Uoa Gents' Suits Cleaned or ll|r-l ; n!:v IAI!!**' Wrr -f wll hinhK I M < T ilMvr.r,uw*, UCU> MKl'Al BRITISH AMBKICAN DYBINO COX Mon r,>. TtroulM. O1U Oilb4*, Dominion Lino Steamships* Hr,-uri W **ol. rrtlu W U Ti* IMM >l > >wc*. S.WM. w jffj'JS, f,T jltriT-hSr mi Mir.aid'sLioim.D! Is useiJty Phyiiclans Crent Ilrlt.iln hu lO.IIIO naval 01 \vbi<-h ;lln ure mu/.ilo load- The fii-iiniiii Army possesses H.OtiO trained carrier Mioafa's liniment Lumbefman's Frlef 232. R31 womrn are employed in cnti m f.n-'nriepi ; only 1 17.- men. GOLD SORES removed or healnd by ons or two i ppW ca lon or CiUadlns. It Hasps tM fthUl soft and clear. Lirga Boxs 26o. Druggtats sr Citeadmo Co., Totonto. IRECAIN YOUR HEALTH How many men are suffering miierie* for the want of a simple remedy? They Jo not live ; they simply exist. In the facet ul thoutand* can be read the story of a waited life and blighted hopes. Joy* and plaure are unknown to them betauie (her* vitality is be n<j rapped. Varicocele, waiting diaint have ex- hausted nature's electrical force* auU left them \vreckt upon Ihe ihores of life. Dr. Mclaughlin's Electric Belt b Mw sjSMSSlet remedy of the (.fre for building up wricked humanity It fins tho oxhuiutad nerves nnd organs H h tht- fire of Uu li you will n i it wbile you sleep fur twu ipuniln it will restore youthful \ ie/ii to every organ of the Lilly. It it tin- only elecirieiil bodv api<liai,ce HI the world to-day that will in fuse tho life force iutu the wr.-Uenoa rr;H. Il i* curing thousand*. I can 'itrnirh y<m il!i lenimcaialj from whuai 1 havoeun-'. I'erlnp-i some of them your n< Read these Encouraging Cures >ri ucing your Di-lt I was given ivp by right dortitis. and was reduoeU to UB pom -Li. anj conflnvd t. nv hrd as weak RS an Infant. It Is now two ini.i.-.f.s vino;: 1 atajtrd the 'no oT the l!clt. and m cotn- . J. . I havp i(;-] T. 'nr v Ij ftu in .n iy , t IIHIII.II . . 'O >t. 1 am still wnarln it, ami will t.-ll you about tho result. I have gain- ed .itiout fifteen pounds, anil mjr back ilnos not both-M- me now. D, CHIHUI.S. Cli-lp*v O it Yor belt has rn Iporl my ruvrs. anil I have gal -i I In '. tih. HIV! my , .ire long."-. ci>\n M: COOP- i-n !(::. C alli.iiu. O t ^% m. m mffm f. sv K v.iu valve yn.i I rulil.. itn nol u CAUTION- til IIOIIO tOO IfOlkd W IllMl ><HI WMlt yon &>r>iMh. Vrt' * , it nil elootrio bIU Ml.'.t-r uiicl Inira hulcn In lh flush uml <-iii ilu n-i K-X"' I ! re- olhrr bell- in trade. Kvfry man >Mha lin i <if |ihy-li<al -.irength phii.ilil rcd mv 1,-miiifnii* - tun) mill IH.U I . t wUl*n.l )hlbooV. clOMlr *saM, We n, the man yon huld be, write lo-ilay. 130 YONOf STRCET, TORONTO, ONT. Onto* Hour* 9 to 8.30 p.m. .., >nr Hell C am II am r with \\r, p.- 1- !i ivfl loft th I rinve uhtm Kockton, lie mrtfMt; 1 , i DR. M.P. MCLAUGHLIN,

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