Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1902, p. 3

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The I Red Witch :*? o i V Or The Wooing Of Constantia. * < > j ; I "Aunt Bridget is within." she said hurriedly. "Coma in ; you shall see her." This noble promise failed la raise joy in the breasts that heard. How- over, perforce they turned, nnd ac- companied Constuatia, into Iho druaded presence. Miss Muct; ill, cuddy was, as usual. sunk in the depths of gloom. At Iho CHAPTKR XXV. I their highest good to be ablo to min- boring cleigjman, a busy, prcten- Mrs. Hildas held an assembly at ister to bur happiness ; whilbt j ou tlous little person who guvo to IHT her home not lonu after. All the you ! cast tu sacred gilt from parish a baby uvery twe vo months, ounty wa there and everythintf you. and scorn, und insult, und be- and rnther more of her opinions than went with the abandon whuh , h..r- t ru y her for one unlit to be named they cured for. Ineie wu.s, however, acterized Donna's cntertninuicnia. in hor preserco (Jreut heaven ! th:.t justiiicution for Thpix, waa d;icing for the young such things should l>o I And what is folks and sedate games for the old to be the end Of it 'I Do jou uunk %9lka. j-'or those who preferred more the world is blir.d '.' Do you think excitement there were game* of your assignation with tl.ui Wi man thanne and hi;-.!, stakes. Donna lost to n ght wus unknown ? heavily to FoubB.-rlon, and in an in- it ever duwn upon you tfrvlew nfterwurrid h '.old her of his that little tale will tx; carried homo the old ludy. her in hcr skirmish with Misu ul.icCillicuu'dy. us .-.he migiit reasonably be :ui|>p,ihad to know more of tho shape and si/o of a snirt for a new-born halo than a Does "benighted spinster," as Mrs Hal- kin somewhat irreverently termed - to her to plant another dagger in H was quito a relief to the still to her gentle breast ? Has she not suf- indignant spinster when she beheld forwl enough already at your hands ? Barry enter the dru wing-room. Is there 110 " ;wos a. target on which to loose her Vurley put up his arm. The ges- shafts, turo was so imperious that O'C.rudy firoup paused, and regarded him w th ex- stormy, and suggestive of pectancy. The pause wu lengthened. j ahead. implacable hatred for h:-r since had revealed his true character Constant m She told Vurley of her debt, und ho at once gave her an I.O.U. i, r the amount. Ho completely lost hi* heud and tried to persuade her to fly from her husrmnd with him. As K <._, ...,. ..._ , he was in tho middle of this attempt Varley's face was as whilo as death, j "' her husband came in and Varley lost anil his nostrils were distended. At'"*'"*" tho luckless no time in making his escape. lust he spoke : |ston> -"are When she nud When he had left her presence, he "Your wonderful solicitude for ly gorgonizod him. sho went on had passed hurriedly through tho Lady Vurley deserves my warmest the others. 'How d yo do f hall, and being in a mood that <!e- gratitude." he said. with un evil said to Strong, of whom sho sired solitude above nil other good, laugh. "I thank yon in hcr i nine. made for a room little frequented Your manner, though no doubt one and but dimly lit. where he felt sui-o of your st rouge t points. Is, I coo- he iiiight tind himself alone. llo fess. a little mystif> n; lo so dull a you Solicitous Cjuack Had your bmkfut. yet. my dear? Turli No; but I'll hmv a liule chop atlw awktle. tho intolerable glare of tho more .She rose to receive the liitio open ground, and they wandered on of threo uilli an aspect aimlessly, but full of enjoyment, for dangers some time. The wood was Keathcrston's. and It adjoined UH> fields thut cnclreled CRYING BABIES. The Cry of an Infant is Nature i Signal of Dist'-js. I'.. lines never cry unless there n I'ttlo afraid, giving him a ha... I '1 hen h-r -.-, es lu.l slant ui * .|,,i'<. a rel at. luM, Constantia. snu the Cottage ; to stop from them into soiuo very gooU reason for it. 'Ill* the dark shadows of the trees was cry ol u baby is nature's warning but the work of * moment. The signal Uiat there is Momcihiiu; wnui.r charm of the golden midsummer l-.^ery mother ought lo get to worn v. .-.i.iuT was full upon Horn, and it immediately lo hnd mil what thai wa.-i not until a slight glimpse of the something wrong may ho. Ii tin hony Con- house reached her through an avnnue iretiulness unU irrituiion an: nol of limes thut Constant ;u remembered caused by exterior sources, it is con how fur she hud come. 'elusive ovidcnca thut Iho crying babj flung open the door, closed it as ve- mortal ns I am. it "cuds me to im- "I began to think evil hud he n I leu. How far wo have come ! she is ill. 1 ue only sale and jumcioiu hcmently. and throwing himself Into agino that you believe I no longer you. uuat havu you been doing with said, m a ,|uick dismayed tone-a thing to do is to uduiinmlur IJauy'i a chair gave himself up lo thought, have nn interest in l.ady Varley It yourself all the afternoon ? 1'hilan- tone almost frightened, that exercis- Own Tablets without Iho Hligluosi "Ttac. time alone." he cried, in a even leads me to believ,, thai vou"- dering. as usual, 1 suppose " Clear, vibrating tore. "t>nd oppor- tunity are all I want. And thin- riddance of this cursed stagnation, und life with her I" Something seemed to riso out of the dark corner before him lo front him as he spoke ; a tall. con- in- distinct shape, that after a whilo ro- orvid Itself into O'Orady Ho look- ed tenner, darker, more bronzed than ever in the uncertain light as he stood and looked silently at Varley. The latter sprang to U.H feet with an oath h- looke-l straight .it Ins adversary, -She drow a long breath. It kocaaio und again that evil laugh forth "want her " The deadly insult to his broke Plum to the others that this far. See. there is the house." "Let us go on to the gardens. ,-,J Stronge's mind not a little ; "too delay. | For Indigestion, sleeplessness, tin It irritation accompanying the cuitiu| of of teeth, diarrhoea, constipation colic, and simplo fevers, these man "Oh. no !" said Constant ia. step- vollous little tablets, havo given ro iair'him hv tlic throat " Tho lull", abuso thut would lay tlm wretched ping hack upon the path. "S.o. how |j e f i n thousands of cases and save) . . lt wou j d | ook to Mr Fca . nauv pj-^mu, baoy ijvua no ,,< to see us taking possession g, vo a child so-called "soothing' only a wild preliii.inui y euiiier, and is <iuito early ; there is pknty wife had that now h- was about to launch lime," urged Hurry. strange therston hardly pu.-s.-d his lips when o'Onuly out into a volly ol vituperative had him >y tho throat. Tho tall. *busn thut would lay tlm wretched thin, powerful roan swung him to Harry s head low in the du-st. nnd fro In his p,irox\-m .f race and relief was near Audr-w Str disgust as lightly as though Vnrlev leaning a little forward, caught Iho of his place in this sort of way (who was a well-grown u.an) was irule lady's eye. and by mean*, of a - '- -'- but a child in his nrap. The latter perfectly calm smile und a gcntlo ^ did hi* best to rptalinto. but. infur- movement of tho ru. : t. hand, niugno- hear they are lovely now, ' entreated ., |(lu , e or ollll . r | mi mful drugs; tlioj 'iated though he was his efTorts wen ' ' lar that hu .toiayed the If medicines; suth only siupify and pro he were at home, he might think" duco unnatural sleep. Uabv's ow "Still, tho gardens. Con ! And I Tablet* are guaranteed to coniu.i. ,u vain Ho could "Where the deuce have you Come O'CJrady's hand, h not shake .111.1 off id then Thorn was 'it was. and f'.rm as iron, though de from ?" he Insolence in his tono. heard understood 7 Ho watched him with lowering brow, and ner- spi-echless. but muildrncd with u vous, shifting ryes .hatred that would pnver know come abatement. Then suddenly Var- H;nl tho fellow ! llcnto rough to look at. Thu two men glared ut each other savagely "Where the deuce have you from T would bo more to the pur- ley's fnce changed. Thn veins swel- h grew l.i In re,! and came in little stiiV.I punts 1 1 hold on O'C.rn'iv relax ' - e paAHion- pose." said O'Crndy. in I. is slow, led ominously upon his forehead. 11 s methodical way There was. how- evtr. a ring in his> voice that | oko of una"cr, contempt, and a ragP that bordered on disgust. "What do ynu mean '.'" said ley, drawing a step nearer. blord was surging in h's veins, and he wan 4n that humor when a nun words already trembling on her lips. Noruh ooaxmgly. She slipped hand round hcr sister's wa,Ht. 1 know you will b glad to hciir," gu-/od with tender entreaty Into ha said genially. "that Lady Vartcy is looking ever so much better than Hho did when last I saw dor." "Oh. yea t You have noticed that. too," broko In Const nnlin. forget- ting her shyness of him in lior un.xietv to l-iick up and prevent cusrndu about to be lot, loose nt Uurry the on eyes. "And if he Is away from home," she said "He is," suid Darry. Fermanagh." "Well, lot us go, then," stuntia. Not a word escaped them as thny skirted the avenue. and presently emerged up, n u low, level bit of ller promote sound, healthy sleep bl ' cause they go directly to the root 4 r baby troubles. Dissolved in wala tueso tablets can ua given to th f_ youngrst iniant. Mrs. Waller lirowg ' Milhy. Quc . suys: ' I huvu nuvd .. p usod any medicine lor baby lhat >in '" as much good as Buoy's Own TaH lets, i would not be without them.' Baby's Own Tablets are for sulo HI all drug store*, or wiil be sent ill 1 m glad to hear it," snlil Miss sward clou* t () t |,o range of windows M.ictiillicuddy. "I trust she is get- tiiut belonged to the library, MllUroV "" ' '"' -ipl ol pr.ru , C!3 >> addressing the I)r ting into a belter frame of mind. Ti !,i,'hL ntel.v ai'gry thought within tho lat- Vnr- ter had perhaps inducod him uncon- Ilis scloiislv to tighten his graap on bin enemy's throat. "See I" be said, with a touch of would go us quickly to seek a quur- rather devilish satisfaction in the to lov.,1 abuse oil s,,. : ,e , D rel as a kiss from the belovwl thought. "I shake you as I would i rnt I So ! so I Now go !" He hnrVd him back against tho wall. > "And repent if it ho In you \" CITATTFU XXVT. room, siiioking-rooin. rnl tho little against Iho Divlno dorr.'us don where Mr I-i;aih.-r.stoii was -popu- to mo to ' i i: < r| . v supp.se,l to medit,io on godly amount of moral depravity." Sho deeds, to rniik,: up his clothing club almost forgot Hurry in her eagerness "'' other charitablo accounts. and Medicine Co., Urockwllc. Out. "Do you compel me to answer ? la aa answer necessary 7" In his turn O'Orady had moved a little ; he was now much nearer to tin) mt.n nd- drc*sd. His eyes were glowing . I.e waited for Varley's next word. said Vurley peremptor- rose to In i where, according to Harry, he was in nnd *-' lc habit of saying his pruye.-s. "If ho only had a little tent now." NKW UICYCI.K AMBULANCE. Bicycles ara such a convenient means of transportation that it i| nothing extraordinary that, invnniori should apply thu idea of Uio carrlugi if for a walk this evening, and so. Constantia a feeling towards leath- y ou WJ n L ., :<;ilun erstuu hud unOergoiTo u considerable Take me. too." whispered l!nrry. change since t *- * ~ u * - "You do compel me, then I" said i,,o>od. because it is ulWH.vs"terriblc m |, "^J the other coldly "Well, hoar mo ! t o Iho young when thu (irst uoubt .. _ Mi . Kor many days it has been upon my , nc 1,,-si aistnwt to tell you what I think lo give you my true and hoii so counted "You are tired. Aunt Uridget." hhe lle Sllid - '.'he could hold a Blue-rib- to an ambulance for em.n gency c said ijuietly. "Wn only distress you. n "" meeting wherever he went. His -pile picture shows a machine ntted 1 h.ivti |r>inisod N..r:i!i to take 'her l'*t of teetotallers would bo (llloU to W jUi un nmlmlan, ,- which cm h o\erllowing I In will rrnutii qulto a Hensiitiofi in l-'er Ah !" The ejaculation dropped from him involuntarily. Ho changed color, was riveteii upon thu wm- of tho room where the good in. of Mrs. i un- j n nn jjnpioi jug tom- A ,. Clla ."* f '.':..", U ^ ir - " ml brought himself leisurely "'to Iiis manipulated In- tho ridor alone with- out tho aid 01 another person. It U intended primarily u* n menus ol reaching thu injured as soon as possi- ble rather than providing a rapiii mind you of w . d : ,,,luckv hour " " opinion of your conduct. the one thing t e- loved dawns upon the mi:i.l. Niio hc g|1 j n .. Wo must 0|)ly |)np<J - had believed- so entirely i;i leather- h(lve not (lone yoi , a ,, y ,,,, ston , had so counted on his lovo pray" going un rapid'ly. us he I young man was supposed to wrestle a | ll() ,|,it B | means of transporting Iho sullercr tg In Varlt-y liorcely do you menu task T What d "Very little, sir, What the bringing me to know of mo ?" acknowlodgo (or hc r. wordkvs thou K ii It had tu,,,,. her' op on hor lips M if to speak. "I A and the with tho higher powers for the sub- W e jugution of drunkenness in the vil- lage : and lo and behold, what he suw there was the good young man himself ! His companions followed his gaze, nnd wen) electrified in turn. To suvv To-night you KOiierously" (with sneer) "oner me an opportunity. I Mo mSu nol spoken, indeed. but ( , n ,,. ( . a , you to tn ko my advice. there had b.Hjn gluucvs. fond insinu- C up. of tea for a bad heuduclw. 9 ationa, lover-like pic-twuios of tho to lio down. No. not a word. in- -'" fce to faco with a person vou 1 h.md. delicate gifts of Ilowcrs lht de-,1. you must, not try to persuado hare good reason for beliuving to ro had convinced her us surely as any UH to stay A cu|i of tea. remember. ' many miles nway. is alwa\s a :h ,,. 8{iokeii i.-siimuny of his trutn. 8<|Ue<-/.inn' her hand in farewell, "and """'' '"' lc " i!< - '' w ' 1; ' dcci'flodly more it was a bright, un almost oppro*- an hour's rest ; that i.s all that is '" Co^sli.nt in in this instumo, us Itornoon. and on troe. i,>,|uire,l. Oood-byc, good-bye ! Now. f "o would not havo been seen by I l-'euthcrston so clohe to his housa I for anything that, could be or her. Before she had siilllciently n.-' covered herself to arrange for a] hasty retre.it. Kent herMnn hnd mq/v- ' und what was ' which i.s to my credit. I fancv. Hut nlvely bright that little is bad. In my opinion." un d licld. and drooping (lowers tho jo try , n y taid O'CJrady. with the utmost calm- B , m H hono vigorously. Tho slated M cover, d v Constantia's und UiJZr*,.?** * nj St Con8umniale roof of tho Collage U-ol.ed bu.-ning Harry's letreiit. and presently I ,y hot. and even in tho erstwhile cool found themselves oiu e more In tho p y- " rncosses of tho garden, whero Khudo <( |M.n air. their m ml , r- lo . n .' miKht peaaonably Le sought. c, n* by one K..riih hnd ii.imil them He seemed paralyzed. Tfn placed a ( (>rt from the noontide heat tlvro "I tried to cuuh you cried the trembllMg hand on the back of the Wa8 II01JO . This ( , n. ta tia. sw.ng- child, running ' pnnling ip t.o them. chair near him as if to support him- j,ig i nz i| y ( her Iniuuuock. acknow- "to stop vou goim- in' sulf. and his face grew livid His | e< |,, ol i lo herself. awful roge wns so gr..,t thut it in.istuied '| ho soun d o / st eps upon tho gar- t her meelimf him. and depriviKl him of energy for n ,. n ,, al i, roused her from her Idle prancing round dreaming , and it wns with a start nnd a vivid blush wild and swivt us heilg,-rose thnt he saw liarry Mr. Strongo bearing down She was full o/ life und act iv- nerco ( t y lt t all times, and now she sprui.g pencti. Through tho trees and I strong. conc,uered prudence, and gracefully to Iho ground, ind con- p,,tcl-es of mossy swnrd. sun-smitten, the nioiiicnt. "Haven't you grasped It ?" O'Orady. with a curl of lip "Must I o.xpluiu ?" Then all nt mn hia an( j manner changed, aid, his studied her. calm diisiTted him away and returned this ho now hold ? C, n-lantiii gas-ed ns if fnwli, She is In on nl tn ' 8 nnvv object in tjio picture. Sho temper Some on,: vexed her fll|t she was growing very pale, and nd sho has been 1ll "t her hands wen; tremblinir. Was her last belief in h in to lit) now rudely shallot oil hero to-duy ? a h-"'"-Merked liottld, of | "y no means .111 :iS Ullce-tiUn the house vvcr .I re They hnd entered the wood by this " tine, and tho cool and leafy houghs IVoodly propoi , arching nbovo their heads liiled them empty bottle with a certain senso of rest ie ld to tho front. "You I" "Arc you a dovit or a man, ironti-d them, still with warm, flush- ed clu-eks Her e.vt lookud misty thut you tn-at that creature so f H ,,d a little dreamy from hcr waking An angel is given you from l,eav,-n I h | U inbor and her musings amongst There are some who would think it I Iho hot blown rose*. ,! full of n liquid of n pale gold eoior Tl ' l>'<'>clo i.s pro\i.ini with a littlo 't seemed to those looking on that ' cl " v< "' bai "' " 10 "'" llt "" ll ri>ltl they coiiid, even nt that distance, ' wll ' c1 ' Rrc I'l'unpi-d lo the frame and the word Cognuc upon If 'Iprovidcd with sock.-is tu r<*v\\<- \ hi sides of the frame. The Intler is ol kui braces tc i ho >i retch- lay lilio tufts of .gold ; bin. for Iho most part, the hot. ra\ s of the dying Mr- I'>at,hcrston, who evidently 8 '. uos monarch were excluded, and a light Ignored tho superior , harms of a ,1,.- "Rht tubing, i.nd that was almost twilight pervaded canter, eyed thu ordinary liriwidy stretrh thecuina.s everything. It was delicious Is Not This Stealing? In Ipit* of at Least Half a Do/en Imitators, Dr. Ch .-tie's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has More than Throe Times the SaU of any Remedy Recommended for Throat and Lung Troubles. Iliive you been imposed upon tvhen i .skiug for Pr. Chuto's Syrup of l.:n.s.'nl uml Turpeiltiiio by being offer- ed nn imitation'.' Many hivr hern, and u n know of some who have changed their druggist as a result. It is not mife to deal wi'h u druggist who offors imitations and subst it ut,;n. An honost. druggist will not olVend his caslotuors by sucu tpiesl ninalilo inel.hods. The use of lr. Chase's Syrup of l.pne.-d and Turpentine has become so universal that on all sides ere springing up prepni utions of lurpentine n-id linseed, put up in p.icknges similar to l>r. Chase's, with tho ob- ject of niakinu salua ou the rcimlal.lon of this famous remedy. Is not this dishoiifst. Is it not. stealing, or even worse? For, besides tho injury done lo this proprietors of.r>r. Ch.isu's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, (ho people, are being deceived. In some ca.sos, no doubt, even life is lost as a result. Arc you being d<-c,;ivoil? Ilavo you asked for Dr. Chase's Syrup of I Unseed and Turpentine and been givou ;ij\ imitation or sulist.il .ul c.'f Thore is no doubt uhoi.t. the \irtue 1 lliis groat throat and lm>g i<>nn<(ly. It 1.1 two well known n,s a thorough cure for bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, asthma, coughs and colds to need further words of commendation. What wo want, to do is to warn you against these imitations. To bo cer- tain that you are gelling the genuine, his suro that. Hr Ch.i .'-, |i,.|iruit und. signal uro are on tho wrapper. Or. Chase's Syrup of Linsoed mid Tui-|it-ni ino IHUS ruacln <1 |-!H-n.'ir"nal s>i isc it , MI-OS when other re- medies fail. It Is fivr-reiuliing in elTect. curing tho cold an will us Iho cough, nnd uprooting tho most ser- lus fcirius of bronchitis, asthma, and sirail.n throat .mil lung diseases. Twenty-live cents a bottlo. Family i*.'. llirei' inn", . , much, '" i i-nt.s At. all dealers, or Kdmunson. Kates & I'onipaiiy, Toronto. A h-;ii,lioine an<l nse:iii ch'-isl.nuiH prooent fur mother or grandmother ia Dr. CUaae'a Last and Complete Receipt dook. llluetrpled folder free. fter Ijottlo with a friendly glance, 'and -' r is opened _ m pulling tho cork from il, pror..*!,-,! Wh.-n not In iiso the braces an i to pour its con ton Is into the tumbler folded in line with tho frnmo, ant until Ihu lalter was quite half full~ 'hi; wholt; may bo rolled up and at/ eroiis uiea.sureinsnt allowed To lift, larh.id to tho bicychi without inter it to his lips nfter this, and drink ferinu with t lie rider :.iilliciently fa ith unuilfitakahlo relish, -eeined impede his progi- I'.i sl.>- Hi jtt simplo matter to this apostle of i wheel when tin- str,:lrher 19 in us temperance ! j an ulongalmi handle is rhunp.tl o "< omo, come," whispered Coiistan- , I iio front, fork, e\ien,lii,g nearly t. tia. turning, and with one consent, ! the lexel of I he c,uuas the opei.-:.i they all turned and fled the spot. ,^,n K one luuid to stw the nnd ran back towards the wood. In sili Bro they made their vv.iy, until Hir.v camo to a tiny dell, "secluded moss-grown, living i a t h,, V ecy heart of the swaying trees ; and here tlev Stopped, out of breath a lilll. looked one upon the other. spoke. (To Bo Continued). OIUI FRTKMDS ARK CUN VI :itsi \,: "Tako my advice and gel. married ' "I havu a horror of perpetu:i| la- vory." "Ah. my dnar boy, if you only could find a wife like mine so good, so kind, so afTi-cl innate, so devoted." "Weil, then, I'll wait until nho's a Widow." the othm- tii steer Lh,? b. ^ lame .in.l c.M-le. II. .1 'lie liol.-l I. ilit. -1 - II 'W tl.e*e ' .11 reinll her s-u many oixler* ul once." Si (wh.' u wondnreil thu uuu. thing) "Oh. rt.> \..,|-' Tl..\\ can the rem6mbcr so :nui : ' mi phnntljr) '"Itiey dm, Owr.iful ! : nu Consent to your M>M- ! IIIQ tu my daliplilor. 1 mti . liuii^ nbt.i, 'T, rl.unl.-. ' . II. -i. is :., -, ,i Take ' l<1 '-

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