SCORES J)F_PROMISES. And Hundreds and Thousands, and Every One Will be Kept. Krcp your eyes on the ark. and. whatever t>cUdJcs, you will go through all right. On* tCtmtvr morning MaMwtna, lh marshal of Kruuce, appeurcil with 18.DOO armed men on the heights nbovo the town of Koldklrch. There were no arms to defend the town, and the Inhabit ai.ts were wild with terror. Then tho old rienn of the church cried out : "My brothers, this is F.nwter Hay I We linvo been de- pnnrling on our own strength and THE S. S. LESSON. INTEBNATIONAL LESSON, JA.J. 5. Tszt of the Lesson, Acts 1., 1-14. AH f J"U > TlioiiM !! *' ' "> H'ii>. J Ar!m.Uir, O I Mil,- Hun- ' Toronto. i denth as the coming of Christ. When Ho comes, He will be "the sams Jesus" and He will come "In manner," and Zech xiv. 4, says lit will come to lho same Mousrt ut Ol- ives on Uie east of Jerusalem. On Ills way His saints will meet Him in the uir in glorilicd bodies <1. Cor. x r.i, ".-. 1. Thess. iv, Itt-lM) ana theu in due time return with Him In glory (I. Thess. iii, 13; Col. iii, 4; HOT. 11-14). 12-14. They returned to Jerusalem the from Olivet with groat Joy and wore had written in his gospel, continually praising and blessing gives an account of the t!od (Luke xxiv. 52. 53). They also Golden Text, Acts L, 8. THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. 1, 2. "All That Jesus began both to do and teach." Thus Luke speaks A despatch from Washington says: _YJt'. i*r. Taluia^c prettih.-d iron* thc following text: Jusl.uu 111. 4. "Ye have aul (.uhsud link way licretofuru " lu lHi-uiiit.iT, Ifvsy. 1 wudotl lho river Jur.lan. und. although the cur- rent was ali-ouc, 1 wan able lu boar Up against it, but in the tiuiu of Spring n. fcl.ui, vtbi-u tin snows on lliinl Letmnun s.ell. nothing but a Miracle uould can tile any ono to croM Uie river. It woa ul the dan- vile cartoons and assassination. Ir- that falls. Let us turn to Coil. King o| t | le things which ho, by revt-ri-nco in church during prayer, the bolls and havo service as usual." spirit, luicosuiiiig ofl SOUK and scruioa by Then tho bolls rang out swnelly and 'j' n j B ^ ^ 'cold, artistic, or literary ci iiicisiu. niiffl.t Hy from the rhurrh towers of t|,j,,g a which Jesus continued to do continued with one accord in prayer und in pruyer time neither bowing Foldkirch. and the people thronged B||(] louc |, by t i is spiril ihro.igh His and supplication What a contrast the head nor bending the knee nor to the houses of pruyer for worship disciples, an <l n e | a still doing and lo their feelings alter His death Handing as ono does In the presence 1" ne sound of the bolls made the en- teaching' by the same Spirit through when they, nol looking for His ro- ol an earthly ruler, thus showing "'"^ think Ihnt tho Austrian army j^ i8 willing ones. We could scarcely surruction, were filled with sorrow, more respect for a man Hmn to Ilia ' U11 ' eouie In to save the place, sod nuvc a Illore uppropriate or helpful and He had to rebuke theiu for their King of Kisgs. AVc ai.1. not lor "**"*' ml hl " ' ' 00 R o\d\rr re- ^wn with which to begin the tosson unbelief U is His resurrection and genuflexions or i irc.imtli x.ons or treated i bolls had for to -day. for In it we have the His coming again tnai gives joy and prostrations, but when prayer Is of- stop|)d i was not one WK - ri . t o f power in His service, even peace. This is the last mention, I fered lot us either bovt thc hctid or ""Idier ID slgfct. Ho put your 'rust lhc Mtnf , 1()aer w |,jch wrought l>ii(1 the knuu or lot us In some way ln Ood - 1 " 1 "''en hosts of troubles nnd temptations nuirdi for your overthrow rini' all the bells of hope and faith and Christian triumph and prove that springtime tliut Joshua and WK AUK NOT INIiiri'KlJKNT Uu, ..Ulcer* o, ,,ls army unerod the , , , , t , r ^, n , p n on tho ihreatenii. K |.erll. 1.. .r. 1^ . . f , . . . ...V. ... ll... ..... . t..t ' I..'.. I- . -, nnd of rover.-. ' tlirm' of word* of my text lo the people who art in a lew bourn tu ci KSS the Jordan. About that croniing uo say but luile, on a pro- viaim oiiuMon w tlifccoursixl i n- eertnng lint piling up ol lho walors iiilo cryUil bun icucle. Ue only upeak ol Uie nmrUi lo tho brink of I,,,.,,,,,! tli* river. No slruuger thing lias Her occurred m ull history. What WBJI tiuUilully suid of the urn uat li.r.icliii-s ma> bu irulhfully mill of u . Uu mi- making our nrl tad lust joiirnt-y Uiruutfh HUH world. , VOU Will I II we I to follow It is pofcbiUlo. iu> suuiu of in.v good 3 frieutU believe, lhal inm wuild will be curr.t led anil improved and purl- liod and lluralued tuid uiu pa i udi.sod as to ilmuiie and koil and character until it bhull bcroiiie a lu-uven lor the ransomed, but 1 do nut Uuuk 11. 1 I, live an idea that heaven in al- ready limit h.iiii.-vvii'Ti- Our d.- parlod friends could nol cclebrnti-d ull f voi'r life ii|i nntl down with gobl and niounted w.ili L lyuibol oi lho divine pros- l n I'M the marching n-giii.riiix of | 1 " Kllgg.-Sl a I el. -I. m - I Ma I IS lucking In bou.U lifu, in ball, and religious asMiui- blage. liul Ihough Joshua's host observ- ed ll.e lluec-|U.ii Ii -is of u nn.o couiniund, the. tollovved the ark .u.d lho ill- An wrought In think, of His n. other. Mary, and wt Him In all lilt* words and works and (md 'her wilh those who are cngagus* concerning which I'aul wrote. "He in prayer. How good lo find HI* that wi-.iiiffhl ellectually in Peter, brethren also at this gathering for the samo was mighty in i..o" (CJal, ii, prayer, for there was a lime whes 8). they did not believe in Ilia! (John 8. "H.-ing seen of them 40 days and nj^ 5 j m a y , V1 . K0 on Inlo ihla yeaf speaking of lho things pertaining to,jf u,. ..till tarry, and continue us is .or r, I th kin K flora of f}od " At Icast lOilhese mortal bodies, hlled wilh Hll will b w th v <>r '- li '"" S '" :Uv<-on ' ;is res., rrecl ion Spirjl> j, js fftUhfu i witnesses, read, - from the .load and His visible awen- for Rny manner of service and wait- sum He nppcnnxl to individuals or ing , or i, is rclurnj praying without coinpanips of His disciples, and it cuaajmr would s.-ern thnt He was always speukinji about Ihe Ihings of the kingdom of Ood. Since this was Uie the nkies. The Ood who led you GRFATTR AMBITION. . Opinion of Am- K reut topic of his preaching and con- "tion. can there bo anything vine us Ihe path > ou i a i,u, iiuui Ui* tot >ol been trodden "\o t, e jj^ ix^.u n> passed thi^ way i.ofoie ' oj Ulc . aij^ Many of >ou uro sulk-ring from mst p lvjlmcy , l(ic . Mr. 1'arkes, M. P., Ju.-.l lelliineU LU I. In such i.d I . en or you as have m t mem- ory. Tl.crj li.ivc |iru<ti--eti upon you l,.ive ret. -iv oil Bights or you aiiiioyu I in your . . . uiuu, suuck by the more impurtant for u Ihan to be sure of an entrance into the kingdom. to walk worthy of it while here and to live to it ? (John iii. H. 6. I Thess. Ii. 12. Mnth vi. :). 4. .". "Ye shall be bapttzca the Holy Ghost not many days great activity ,,,. nce ... Although they had bwn almosl constantly lor two uej >iaUM>, ivhoie pine uuu lho na.- ii.iinui.ii luring hu- Aineiuaiiii. He Ivas world is Hxed up lor saintly and arc the s.d.ju-.t of ini-sinlei pretalionii all until or yol| ure J in t| ie midkt of iipp'iinlmeiiU or ih, -I.- .-.I.- N lne , , , ci^oy . I.e is llio ever lived for "who like Him 7" (Joo x**vi. --) they were nol qualified to go POHK LORE. Scientific Observations of Expert] on the Feeding of Pigs. The Canadian Department of Agri- culture has just concluded an ex- haustive scientific inquiry into UK feeding and raising oi p:gs wilh s view to discovering why much of Un pork exported by Ihe Dominion u rated -as interior on account of iti lack of Uruinuss. The trade in pork has beroma ai -niporlant branch of Canadian com merce. the business wuh Kngluni ho fcuid. U froo from lho f or 'th" as Ills Vi'tness.-s till siieclally |OI1C ""u"nt'"K to more than $12. inierchUt winch nu uiuth haiu- endued, as It !< written In Luke W - ^ ' in ll ' lu * 1 y e * r ; * lnu A iMideiicu. Having u.... mu(1e >n r BlmiKUl and gone out of Ui world. 1 do not u <>r think we will come except as ,,, Vsit . u | ^toMBl is laying siege to l>cr m * uul cluro lu '--ngl*"'!. ud >xiT . 41). "Il.-hol.l. 1 sentl th- nwalslermg spinui 10 help who your ^^^ , tt ,.^ ntl or yo u HTP un- w " Bt " ^ Ull ">'' " oot m " u "''!>"- mlso of My FaUicr upon you. nunm in loo i-arUily ulrugglo or dor O uibiirrasMiiieiit lhal you caunot J" ul - I tr hit ps lo spectacle of A 1IU11NIKO I'LANET. The fact In. 1 bluuio uo ono for IllollUlO IlllhUlKen 1 pity pro- hut """> <-""' un- tnrry ye in the city of .Jerusalem un- \ou lon '"""""en. The men. he biilievoa. m ye be endued with power from on nover "saw anything are K lud to 1 lnu "n'otlorod, a-i high " Since our Lord Jouus- rilm- _/er .M ''"I fcui'h lht ' v " ro nl l'l>;''ly to work a* many M .|f did not ' . public minis- uiiM. 1 never thought botys as ihey please. There M-cn.ud try till tl-.o Holy Spirit rnme sjecial- .), lu be a greutt-r ambit l.ui lo gel on ly upon Him (Math. ill. IB. 17: Arts you '" 'bo wurld than i* soc-u among thu x. .IH) and these privileged men . n'y tnii's- l"'-ii((lish uriiHuii class, und the con- could not go forth without a npoclal Into bpi.iitiuit leature wus Uiu grnul du- enducmenl, nre wo not wrong If we h.ol siio evinced to master thoroughly all tJ,ink we rnn servo Him without be- siin.-ritl so^ne thing Tiko thl?> ticfore. tli lec^nll.a.lltlus ol whaluvt-r branch ing lillctl with the Spirit ? (Kph. v. f)i . n ,. %( . u l(i ,.,,.. t ,, to Ie pl.iced In And when say ull that you uro lallt.g tho words tif the t.-\t ti\vn phraseology If you look at the wouilrous like this. 1 ne%,. I t-uch , lht ' y " r ^ at t t .. -.1 1 iiii-iil us II possible iu* of blauiing them. Tl.eiu circuiiiManreB am uo uia.iy wrong i uadk. but uniy one light one. \ ou tunnol ui Inu diuv upoa your youlhlul i- Miiiuui.lM ioi vvixioiu, ior laiUllle is bo euurely dn,erc..t irum youth. Vc> " w "" l(l h " v k ""* n whttl lo You ID oi.i ago draw up,>u iniil.ou . AI ei i, IIUTM ior inn iwu stages ol exi.siL-iii'u are &o Is wisdom lor ono niun lu Uo mii.dd bv lolly Ioi aiiolLur lo und tuWu A man of utu-vu and piuck is not quail 1 ..:.! lo advisu a uiau here Is a wi,.i I. \ou nre tliuik nioveinent n .1 i do. a workiuun nn^ht bu eugagud in. for AMMUCANS WORK UAItUI-.U. Mr. 1'nrkos ft-8. "Lord, wilt Thou at this time : restore again the kingdom to IH- talk ,,ho... the great discover- t i,.,.lo>er. and operat.vo- les of the i.i:<- the eiecir.r power, ti.e . /.i, iu ti^.i.ii ^..^ nxiK 1 ""!! vu trr the opinion ., ? .. Th k|n ,, .,,,,.,, , G(>< , , hcavl . n will An aclnove- up (Dan. II, 44). and thei.-- i!a Y ko"vTar"bv'"ve 1 . 1 .' 'ioid"d.,'v' ^"duv' "'.'l-ai iniui.l is so well orgau,7.od that kingdom'of "fJod "and the" kln^'oni o^ )t the iHnii.iger is able at any uuie to hi-nvcn. will be a kingdom under the Ye ascertain what is being done, wheia- whole earth (Pan. vil, 27). with or not. and alto lo u|>- |., rilo | as righteous nation in their es ol the ni'i- l lie elecinr power, ll.e . . . . . ' . nuavvii win IH.-I up ii'im. u. "" M,M,n power. Ihr. telescopio a, ,1 ml- """I"? hur '''; r '*'" tban they . o ,;,, ,.,,. , ,,. ()f u ": ,,0,,-0,'ir power. but -lo not nsy ln ''''"' " "> ^' "' work h.-.uen the ehar.,,-t,'r of it and uk MvUllM about the discoveries w,-,,il ""inasuinoiil Is marvellous; every foro ca|led , t ,, e KI) , J)C ,. ,, Tl-io nre s. uprises all the lime IB a new roml we arc tuuid und vhrinking luool Uiul wotiitl bu might b inipoMible lor in..- li.miun h ,, %n , ,, ,, l)s way hcf<ir _- er ,t advice u. ,,rdi,,ai-ily of lit.lo vuiuu Hi)| r||is( , |y M| , (f( , , M ,^ o(| , ( . r fl|p , ,,,-aisa the l-.oplu rovievv thoir ov.n siu.e-^sc.s or w|l(ch W(j m|llol | |lt , Ull . .>,.,,,_ workman mid then loll us wiuit is bust t))Bt Wf , ..,, not ,,,, W|iy i-arkos has a value oi a particular own | nll() lne center nnd tho for us to do, uot realizing tbal our ,,,,,,, In iimny rospucts Mr. nliolo earth filled with the glory of r higher opinion of Ihe the lx>rd (Isa. Ix. 21; xl. 9; xxvil. our nniv npportuoity Ann-man w.irklnginen ho Haw Ihan rt; Horn. xi. l. r >). Tho Saviour did ot Iii i:nt; land, and bo tied. .1.-. I n >t call their expectation carnal or that ho did nut hear oi a single com- enrlhly. as many do to-day, nnd tell the that circuiiu.l..ix-H are .lint-rent, ou, to,,.- f(>| . do|n|f ,. nrtHin , nl|l(;fl ,,, llt p.-t uiieuU-. cJiUerinil our ph.Vi'ial ... and uieiital nnd n-ural cnuuciliu.4 |.l mil of un o|iorullvo dilleri-nl. Uonl ul thu gieal o,, ,,|| . idex tl.nie griufs (hut himself li.xnuso of ilrink. takes that, have bx)u made have btwo we otiKhl lo Kolace, hunger M- n At lho pruttent tuna tbo mmin.i liuute until* human atlv isunuml. to fi-.-.l. ..m, Unit we. 0.1^1,1 to warm, producliua uiu Iwing iucronjmd of in them that their thoughts of kingdom wore all wrong and II was to I-.- n spiritual kingdom In the heart* of nton, hut He simply rlcultural I'eparlmuul has cuuduct* the Inquiry into the soft pork matte regardless of expense and labor. It 'are summarized in a lon| pamphlet issued for thu onlighlea uienl of pig breeders. They are. bnelly: First, that tin great controlling factor in socuriin pork oi good quality is in tin; i.-cdinj of the pigs; second, that ol all pi| foods rations consisting of ut|ua parts of oats, pease and barley gavi i lu. best and Uruiest pork, and U di>esn't matter whether the ration! are served wet or dry; third, thai a ull pig foods beam and cornuiea give Ihe soilest and most imerioi pork. There are many tables nnd flgurei in decimals to point conclu- sions. The aciciuihc i.ien ol the Ay riciilturnl l>eparlinent hino also dl covered that to Iced young pigs u| to the kiUmg stage of lauiess befon they reach ^maturity tloeti nol con duce to providing lirm and hallh< pork, as many unscluntilic pig lu-i-.-il ers and packers discovered for them helves long ago. ll is also laid down that skim mill fed to the pigs wllh grain produces l in m. ir and bettor fat than tho sanu gr.uu ration without milk; that I clover diet, save in conjunction will grain, isn't a first-rate pork produe L we ought in i, Hn (.radars tro liknly to pxpcrnjiice to Unow the time and their presrul (root crops turnips, mangels and 8U> in und I do to- rtiiiipeiuioii niurii sev en- th.ui any- busiress Was to bt> filled with tha g ur beots call Iw used with U-iielll Yiat, our entiie world Is on a kind wwrds lhal wo ou^hl Ui spi.ik. ,. 4 ,. r y ilirecllon. and l>oiore long Kng- lold them Ihnt it was not for thorn, or; thai "it is quite evident that II* new pulbvfay. It m.-.y be awiu^ing gcjitruuM dor'la thai we ought In thu haino old oiOit an nni by perform AH that yoi (I. I, .it.. I oi Uiu Almighty iiiiiuoiisity uartl making tins world l.i-tt.i : Was k|ii-inklutl with wmlds, but ll Imppn-r wu most do very ..i.u or bun been rocl.ed with eai Uiiiuakiw never do ut all. Joshua tinfl his nnd i-coi cJn-il in'h volcanic liroM tu.d troops never came buck over tha w.iy lit upon l.y climatic changmt they wen: n.i.nhinu lowaid ll.e thing Ihoy arc aci|uiiiiiii:d with; the Spirit iiinl In His power to bo - wllncsws unto the ends of the earth. i ,1, en SUBK. ..nd is!a:id:< lillod. and crossii.g of tho Jorcliiii 'I he imprnss anrf (ii|>acity is already ing thn consuinptivo deiiiand. imil Ills m-sugo to us Is in W.HIII this has become more uinl.eil not. for I hnvo rxdptMiunJ tho Aniericiin will invade Kngliind n " 1 . fl ' r ' havi- reil,-ine.l this thre. th.e avuluncliod into valk-va of the Kaiula! or the h.ire feet of em h ho lhal '.ildier .showed in what .In <> t i->n ,.<i.o With going, bul never did tl.e ln.|<iess lime of the si.tnliit (if nn.y one of ti-.-ni uii-'Khow th .I I.i- I. ...I ..In. i, 'I \> e nro It. fn tlm tnido Mr Tarki-.s world, it may would not So it la another world Ihan Win. I. U,,s I, i i.d 111 Uiu system. Vel i' is nil tho ,.|; MI., I w ill I . ' p chi.iigiin_ Id , of its .l.-molitum. Of all hiring eternity to come The,,, ,s - . ., , |iam ,. H ,. tin. l.-iii.tind VMII hi. this lustrous n<) retreat. Alertness and h.lel.u I. tins );lorlou bo way What MlNjCft? I.MH ll , WO li.' US tho oll.i-r tin mines in sourch of an lulVl ' < - nlb-d tt,..- l,v thy mime. Thou fur his Niiriilus goods, and bo rl Mine. Therefore ye are My wil- 'lod This people Myself They vlmfl wimld uuiko n. heavy sacrillco to get "esses sailh tho Lord, that I am - ve I formed for show forth My lli'iihs "i'ngbiiiiVfiir U-hintl Am. i icn pniise" (Isa. xliii.l. IO, 12. 21). ft. "And when J If. |,.,d ..[i.iken these while they beheld. Ho wjn cloud r- .-iveil Him .tike xxlv. He led 1 1, r weakest point is over i apitiili.-.a- tnUen up, nnd lowed tl.e g,dd,n I,. I. led chest of aca- Hmrgo them I do n ,t ,,.,, wl.iUi was thi, Mmbol of I to ties,, t.l.,,,,,1 port nn -I,-.. I. ut a sm.lii Till-: D1V1M-: I'UKSI-INCJ-J. Jn,od-bye until I see t tlo II . I RiVC sole. ml and i-|-- simlii^ and i beery see them Hgiiln " ClIOOSINU TIIK HK.ST. v bile Ho pur tod from Heaven." Among His parting words were tho assurance. Hint all power was given unto Him in heaven iuid In earth, l-'.very needs all fwisistnnt that He Would l/o with them all tho Nol In,, .,. n bul rtlvluc I.M.'.-I .),.]. N<>. we cannot sny Hint. There will in whatever l.raml. of IUH business days until the .-ml of the age that not con Billing with his col- be no new and corrocteil odition of hti may be b-ivst c,i|,i.l.le ol organic- t|,,. y wore lo go Inlo all tho world ,il lieiitei.uiiui but consulting Hie volume of lift). After we mg that feat uro of Ins establishment, and preach the gos|K.-l lo every en a- God ol Individuals, nmke exit from the stage nl tl.e closn Soiiieliiues the asslslanl need only iur t .. procliuming repenlanco and ro-. in With Cod M.- and impunity, thut Ihe scientists "d not notice any softening ellcct. duo to lho results of feeding rape, artichoke* or pumpkins, cooked or raw." P.eans product) tho worst pork of all the foods, nnd the investigators caor not. adviso that beans be used at diet, in tiny degree whatever. Then is no hope for good pork from bean i- ted, lard. Mf to (Olid. liut cora i.i rated higher. Corn- meal in moderation is recommended, especially when helped down by skim tnilk and varied with other grains. lint the more tin- corn ration is in- creased the softer tho pork. And particularly is it scl forth that ovor- te.Mling is i'lid, even for Digs. THI: ntovoHAL OP MAUUIAUK. Ho had his little sot-.-ch all written out for several days beforehand, and it ran like this: "1 havo culled, Mr. Wealthy-man to loll you frankly lhal 1 love your daughter, and that I havo her us- MII.IIHI- lhal my affection is returned. and I hope you will give your con- sent for hor to become my wife. I am not a rich man. but w are .. iJud of nations "the (,,,d of "f 'be ''" act wo cunnt.l re-enter. bo a trade, publication. Somet inn-s mission of sins in His mime (Math. Wl)r | ds At Mils point I nsk yon to notiro it is of ne.vsMiy u man at a high xxviil, 1M-1IO: Murk xvl. 15; Luke youltl r un d strong and uro willing t That thr.o-nuarters of a mile dis- " lo fact tllat m y |pxt tlooa " " salary. It in the wist, business mini X xiv. 47). Ho was thc first risen i, ght tho battle of lifo together, and t^nce between tho aJ'k or sacrod box attioUOB t thn crossing of tho .lor- who knuws In whnt vv.iy Jin cnn get from the dead to bo recolved up Into and UK- front column of Joshua's " nl( - '" (l '" ''"' WMV h-aillng thereto, i ho most value oul of an inv-eM muiit luuivcn, nnd by virtue of His death MM mightily impresses ' me H Wo "" t ' 1 ' h ' t much of our crossing f.,r an assistant nnd who cnn seo un d re.f ui -rwition all Ills redeemed on tli" way that I.KAOS TO THK < UoSSINO. triiops mightily impresses WiL a forceful w,.y of tonclimg ro- vcnc for lho Almighty. 'J I ey n.iod- ed lo learn that Lunaon of rov.-i em e as wo all need to learn It. Irrovor- ci.i Heri all nationH, and none our own. Inevi renew in and is not a- profano word ,,_' Jn ()|0 rjg , lt wuy , n (iU)L>| . Wlll .,, H> S'.II.I-IIIIM* thought wo |l(H . () nol rnrn nl)01|( death if our potul Jocosity? for t e , hus ,,<. w(mt jt 01 , K |, t lo be . HorlpLurcs. the phraseology of B We win di(J right jf wo | ivo riKtll niblt. often introduced into the most o | 1( .,,, r. stop bothering about frivolous riinvi-i-Hiii ion mirth provoking. ih, i. HI I, In courtroom hoiiM or legislative hull ventlonul and tnecnanlcal Its administration Irreverence ior j think you tt.o Habbnth By the way It Is you f,,,,, |, Hn |, u, |,,, n k. from lho i, in pleasure excursion and willows on this side tho stream lo h - 00 tho part Urn p.ilois on the olh-. BUsft, from ' lno ' <>r(1il " "'hen the marrh of our wherein ho tuin make a trade publlca- shall tako part In tho lirst rosurrec- llfo '" " cl( ' <l - ''"' I"" to " ttle <"- tion do for him Ilio ork of a high tion (l!ev. \x. o). It Is probable Thero Was a great, deal inoro of it, MI d he could say it all glibly before ; .i...1 man. Tho man who thinks, (| m t those who roso from the dead ,. . ons, and plans will havo no dif- after His rosurrco t ion (Mnth. xxvll, Iii -i. lly in s.-l.Tling from the volume fi'J. r..'l). ant with Him In glory, a he left home. Hut when he stood in the prcseuco of papa Wealthyman, ho needs fur the bottor.aont of his own 10. 11. "This same Jesus snail so NO HOW AT ALL. suid: "I I thatTh I Mr. \Vealthyman- I tell you frankly that that 1yotn lovus me. i.nd pnd I havi -to to frankly ask you U jiy wife that Is I we sh possiblo Hint the two men in white j_ no _ wo ttro willing to light- that ii apparel were tl.e same two who ap- v,e WO am young und can light l p.-nred wilh Him on the Mount of _- no _i hope you umlurstand me.' "So you'vo been In a row?" suid Transfiguration and spake of His the iiolicumnn to tho man with the d.reasn which Ho wan about, to nc- .sal. ofrhiltlrcn tor tbelr purenta. lnno- lcio Imlnf siibstitutod for ol>otli..ii(e. Ir.vorpo for nilors, which Indiiues cherubic, HCTH i is* of Horn. wing ones on niun that, ho Hud, and he <|<llel ly vll, 55). The great truth in this coiii.,.- most people have ,p, nt nil th I... n.e, l.iiTI bnngl nnd when 1 got possngP is tho one we h.i\e quoted, suomy il"-y l-:id, but they'll r-.u , up I ijiiiellv Hiiuntorod away nnd here . d \u- im.r.l not for n moment mil- Imve inure, and they'll tee 1 , all th I am. No. sir, I'm not the nu.n to sider the coining ol the Spirit at more liku spending It b.M-auM * . "'.,'ir('ir<-', sninil.V sliont nnd yt-11 nivl miuiHh things anil JVnteeost nor t',,- it- tr.ict ion of .Ie- h:ne l OOM u ,.-il to spending inur.e, aphlc. ih-iti'i! on t'be i.lhifr , bring out the ftiubuU^'W." jruxalew, nor any nt^tr evout. ner on the hlighttwt provocal iou '.iWonto. Pec. 31. Wheat Tho de- inanJ for wheat was limiied t inlay, ind prices unchanged. \Shite and red winter quoted at 7ic middle freights and No. '2 goose at 6Hc middle freight. M-initoba wheat lirm; N'> 1 luird sold at *'Jc all rail, via Sar- nit\: No. 1 Northern at 85c, and No. 2 Northern at t<lc. ail rail, via Sar- nia. Prices are Ic lower via North llay. Oats The market is quiet, with prices unchanged. There were sales locally at -i:i}c, but for export No. a are quoted at l.">c low freight-. L'eus -The market is i n -I., i. .1 with demand good. No. 2 ipioted nt 85c n.itldi. ii.-i-l.t-, and at S-lc, west. Com Tin: market is quiet, wilh prices easier. Canadian yellow sold at *J2c west. 1'urley Market is steady. No. 1 quoted at 5Tc, und No. '2 58 to 54 e; t Oic short cut pork. $21 $22 50; compound rctincd 1 Jc; pure Canadian lard, 1 1 J to 12Jc; hi. i, Inrd. 12J to 13ic; hams. 13 to 14c; bacon, 12J to I5c. Poultry rurkeys. fresh killed, K'c; frozen. 7c to Sc; ducks, 8c to i>c; geese. 5 to ; 6Jc; chickens. 6 to 7c; old fowls. 4 to Sc per Ib for dry-picked birds, and M-.ilded stock from 1 to 2c less. nUFFALO CHAIN MARKI'TTS. BulTalo. Dec . 31. Flour firm. .t. spring easier; No. 1 Northern, 854c: winter, No. 2 red. 004 to '->lc. Corn easier; No. 2 yellow, 71 Jc to 714c; No. 3 do.. 71c; No. 2 corn. 70Jc; No. 3 do. 0|c. Oats, fairly lirm; No. J white, r.ljc: No. 8 do, Til to 51 Jc; No 2 mixed, 1!)-ic; No. : do. 48Jc. Barley. 07 to 70c. H>e. No. 2. 701c. DE WET'S SWOOP. Boers Climbed Precipice and Caught British Napping. A despatch from London snys At the Mat tie of 7,oei'oniein, which it now sceiiis, wart foiinht. eurly on Christmas iHorning, the British suf- fered a suv.'i-i! di-teat This much in made quite clear by the information contained in Lord Kitchener's long despatch from Johannesburg, pub SULTAfl SBABIBB HIS EID FRANCE AND RUSSIA INTEUD TO FOI1CE HEFORMS. Conditions in Armenia and Mace- donia Are Regarded as a Menace to Peace. There are increasing signs that lho great powers of Kuropu an; concen- actii-n to- .11. - sian Am- l'l" w( . t . k th(J > lishcd on Sunday. The lirst uilicial trutin B list of casualties shows six oll.cers a'. '"j f and lifty men killed. eight s > (-..nslan, i.iople informed wounded, lour otlu-rs nuss ng, ami (Jran|| ,h.. Mumher o, wounded and ,-ap n L- n, ) ,,-,-->u,in.s8ioned olbcers and men not yet known, but it is u-ared that the' complete casualty list will NEWSJTEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. ONLY FOUR WERE LEFT. Boers Gained Konie First, Were Driven Off. But Ihul the condition ot Armenia, -nia rrgardutl by Kuropo as a iti-- " to T' ?K T'l W '," ,' 1 ernment .,. peril lo universal p-a.-u very long one. Lord K.tch, sal- Tlus siglufican1 , lin ,,,, m -en,ent was cs ihat uiiout half - , o | 1(UV , 1(t l( | m()s t Immediately h. ' presentation ol notes by all the Am- bassadors wi'n reie:,-nce to the um- i./.niK aititune .i.lopi.-d by the Porto in the matter of the milling regula- tions. man's column are prisoners; so it is evident that D Wot scored a bigger suet-ess than the otticials of the \var liepartment had al lirst imagined The victory was due to Do Wet's daring plan of attack. Tho Ili-.t ish column occupied an excep- tionally strong position on the slo[>e ch from London soys : oi a solitary kopjo. The southern 06 No ;! extra at . r >-C, and No. U at middle freight. liveThe market is steady at to o<ilc middle Heights. Uuckvvheat Market quiet, with pri- ces steady at ii.'ijc midJ'e freight. I-'lour lhe market is steady. Nine- ty per c.nls., in buyers' b.igs. quoted at 82.110 middle freights- Locally and for Lower I'rovmco trade choice straight rollers in wood, ar-' $3.:5>' to ill -10. Manitoba Hours, with Hungarians 1 IO to S4 :i>. and strong bakers', at SoVSU, Toronto freight. Oaim.M I Market unchanged, lots on tr.n'k. *:. .'15 ill bugs, mid $.-j..'>t) in wood, liroken lots, ^.'.c per bbl extra. "Uillfced llran very scarce, ana pri- ces tirm at Sl'J to $1'J.5O. Shorts. $21 to $-- outside. Manitoba bran, $20, mid i>h.irls. $2J, Toronlo ii eight.s, including sacks. rHODUC'E. Potatoes The market is steady. Cars are quoted at TUc per bag, on track here, and tho joObuitf price. 8oc. lined Apples Market is steady, with demand slow. I'nces uro 41 to 6c per Ib. Evaporated soil at 'J lOc Hops Business quiet, v steady at i:Jc. jearliiigs, he. llou-y The market is unchanged at IO to lOic lor strained. Couibs, $ to *J.."O per do/. IJeuns TI.C market is steady; plck.-d arr jobbing at 81.4O to H-44, and haiulpickcd at $1 . r >. r > to Cranberries - Market unchanged, wllh Cape Cod at *H to $ u per bbl Canadian. So. JO to $7. Hav, baled Th.; market is lirm, with good demand Timothy sold at $'J.5O to $U> on track for No. 1, and nt $8 5t> to- 8'J for No 2. Straw -The market is quiet and flrm. Car lots on truck Bold at S>. 1'oultry Market is i-rm. with g. od demand. Turkeys. <J to H>e per Ib. frozen scaliled und half-fatted stock sold from 1 to c. t;cesc-l'ry pick- ed, to 7c. Ducks oO to 75c : Chickens, yonng. 5u to ttoc; old. 3o to 40C- Habbits. 25c per pair. TIIK HAIRY MAUKKTS. Duller The market Is quiet, with prices unchanged. 'Ihe supply of poor stun is too liberal. ,u.d mtm are dillicult to make. \Vo quotiv Selected dairy lubs, 1 lo l~c; choice largo rolls, 1O4 to 17c; I, nest 1-lb rolls, 18 to I'Jc. packuijcs show- injj f.oil. I to 2c less than above quotulions; creamery prints, ^l to 22c; solids, IV 4 to -'Ic. IVgs 'I ho market is tinner, with receipts liL,ht Strictly fresh scarce, selling al 25 to 2oc; cold sU.rnse. 1U to 20c. as to quality; limed, 17 to 18c. Cheese Market firm. Vke quoto.- Kinesl Scplenibers. 10* to lie; s conds, "4 to Ujc. HOGS AND I'UOVISIONS. Dressed hogs unchanged at $H iti car lots. with o..erin;.s fair. Hog products ste.-.dy. \\e quote: llacon, long cicar. sells at H'ic in ton and case lots. mt".s pork, 5>- (l to $2O.5U; do. short cut, 821. 5O to $2:.'. Smoked liieat.s Hams, I He; fast bacon, He. rolls, lie; 14c, un I shoulders. lOJc. Lard- Market is unchanged, fair demand. Wo quote: Ti. lie; tubs. 11 ic; pails, 11 Jc to lljc. UUSINKSS AT MDNTKKAL. Montreal, Dec. 81. Cm in- New crop No. 2 oats, locally at 48c; No. 2 barley, SOJ to 57c; No. 8 extra barley, 53Jc; buckwheat. 53c east frciyht; peas. 82c. high freight, l-'lo'ur- Manitoba patents, $4.10 to $4.20; strong bakers', $5; straight rollers. :j 15 to $3.00; in b.'.us. $1.8"; Ontario pat. ills. $4. l-'.-ed M.u.'tolia bran, 1; shorts, $22 lo S2H, bags Ontario bran ill bulk, tQ 821.50: shorts, in b.ilk, A despatc rom onon sa a . Lord kitchener, in a despatch from side was almost precipitous, and Ma- sds reorts of sharp or Williams, who ww in charge of Johannesburg, sends reports of sharp lighting in the Orange Hiver Colony ami Transvaal Colony Tl.e engage- ments occurred ut points widely apart. The casualties, so far us known, aggregate about 15O, equul'y divided; bul. henvy Hritish !- lhe totals of which have not yet jor Williams, who ww in charge of the column in the absence of Colonel UNPKItSTANPINC IS SOCC.liT. Franco and Russia are tlie lenders In thin Litest utt.'iiiiJt l-> set iliu I' u ropt'iin steam rolli-r in steam roller in motion make smooth the rough places of .., Turkey \\hat they are trying to Firman, apparently nover dreamed of r ,. u ch is the ba-is ol "an undei stand- the possibility of the lloers climbing ing for making representations to the kopje from that side. Hut this me Porte and for ,-ve." ..illy taking is exactly what they succeed -d in do- action in order to oblige vlu; Suh.ui The picket on outpost duty O ot only to carry out the clauses of CANADA. Winnipeg has eight cases ol small po\. The new directory in London On- : tario, makes the population 48,037. Oscar Taylor of East lla.iiilton '"' '. was lined >52."> and costs for running turkey raffle. Ottoman Cov- ; T I'" Met larcy Mfg. Co.. of fxjndon. have secured control of the Copp Co's Htovo Works al Hamilton. Montreal Harbor CommiHeionera ate laying plans for tho erection of a mi.lion-bnshel lire-proof elevator. 1 he n.-w contrivance for preventing the caiul locks bem'i carried away l> the boat-s was tested with tfrcat .m on Tuesday, at Port 1 on the \\ellaiid Canal. Hi-.oid.-r \\.-ir of Montreal was on Tuesday presented with a pair ol while globes in memory of the lirst d .y in eigliteiii years in w nidi thera vv. re no prisoners for him lo try. Mr. Ceorge Uawson. Inspector ol 1 eiiiteiil mi -ies. reports that Uiu num- hi r oi | .rininei-.-. c. n n.-d in St. Vin- nt de I'aul I'eniieiitiar.v has drop- . . ..-j ^.^.. -. - , - . u w v** -^ - .' C(llt U(! I ! ' i l ItJUIll'IIlliliY m*ra " **l* ~ was taken completely by surprise. ,|,e Treaty ol Itarlln rolatll ' | K -dfioiii I HI to :!i:i. and thu skilled been reported, have occurred in the an .l before the men in camp could get Macedonia and Armenia, but to g Transvaal. In this last-mem i. in '1 clear of their tents the Uoers rushed guarantees for Un; execution oi t J uimcuiiy in ca..v,,, K ., liKhting, two hundred mounted in- through, shooting them down as they and further reforms and for the set- -_,_....',.. o ( t j 10 vvork. _ j _ T^.. :_ . I _. . I. n ..iiiii*.iiiailltl>Utl<lIl^ |'"11** iniclianic i.. ; o rare that there is diiliciil.v in carrying on certain de- fantry, in the noinhboihood of IlcR- inderyn, were divided into partii". and were searching farms when they ueie attacked by three hundred ! nnd forty armed natives, under l'm- can-e out. There was no panic and a resolute defence was, bill the attacking force, which was eMi- iii ii.-d to number a thousand men, pn v.-d too strong, and soon had tho tleini-iit oi the numerous questions pending." So run the terms of what is undoubtedly a senii-o.'!icial rum- ion troin Tans Russia, it, is sal. I. is discussing tho uiiiim . us ,,,er..y qi.-stion with ( l.-rmany . the co -op, i - Lord Kitchener, in his lirst message ution of Aurtn.i H'lrii.iry and meti'ioiied Uiat thc column had two can be t;,k-n for gnin<.il. D gun* In his detailed account he on- is n<i di.ubt tbi.t l.ord ! IV spt-uks of a l.Vpounder. whi.h lir- 'I"' "''"-'' l''"'-.-.i 1 ! will ed two rounds and then jammed. H combine .n uny genuine m-hejno is noteworthy that the Uritish com- elTect the object H winch l.ord Sail! man.ler-m-^hief specially refers to the l"-y vainly endeavond to . .. .._ -,..,.1 hehuvior of the victorious Doers soniu years ago. Lnngberg. the Boers ijhnrg-'d bravely lo |h ,. UritiHn woun (jed. , _ ^, _ mundant Uritz. The Uoers charged co | ll!lln , j ls nierry determinedly in overwl-.elniin'; nurn- bi-rs. The V.ritish casualties were severe, but no details ht'.vo been 10- ceived. Lord Kitchener also reports that during (leneral Pe Wet's attack ' n the Uritish force commanded by Cen- crals Dartnell and Ciimpbell. at and FOUGHT DFSPKRATKLY for several hours. De Wet was driv- en oil with a loss of twenty men. Then; were twelve casualties on Hie side of tin; Urit ish. M. Uotha. with eight hundred lloers, surprised Colonel Domain LOSS BY STORMS. NKCKSS1TY UK I'NITY. There hns never been tin- least question that the powers con '.I KM,..lilv solve the problem of h ' ' .neiik with <;IU-:AT BIUTAIN. A grrat newspaper trust may b foimed in England. The Knglit-h tiovernment is prepar- inz a i.ow Irish land bill. Lady I.yndhurst. wife of a former I on! i li.uicellor of Kngland, i* di ad. IMcrtric signalling Is to bo used n'ting thu North-western Hallway. 1 nghind Win \Va do.-f Astor has given !<>.- 'or the National Ui:lo Aasocla- ^ ';;;;;;;;;;. )n fnltivlU6 . wlll ,. elude a niagiiilicont naval review at ed in British Columbia. A despatch from Vancouver. U. C.. one Spit head. Hut I III 'I I! I S _, U is estimated that nearly a i.dvance guartl at lt.rt>-l hop. orange .;,,._ , ,, , _ u .... r ., hiver Coltny. The liners fished u kopjo commanding thc main body and the guns, bul i ,. , i ' , des IIIIH just bought the 1 1. .11 estate, near Nowmar- guns, but I' rallied hit* men and drove thu Uoers from Ihe kopje. The Hritish casualties were heavy. Damant was dangci-oiiH- ly wounded, two olliccrs and twiBly men were killed, und three olllcers and several men were wounded The Uoers Icti six cleud on the t.eld Hritish pursue.! fairly tli: -iuie. .-vied motive rij.t hen- is the hitch 1-iMiice si artled the world Iv h. r kt, fOT fBOO.OOO. million dollars' worth of da mug.! ind.-l'eiulei. 1 coin :-- u' Mu.vl. ne 1 ,j- !lo | aw hitherto in i- I.UHOM.. ! ir- .11 don.; by storms ulong the pcrs now assert in I'nris T- ret, i M i|,,| ;M) , , M , M vv.lh fa s.- teeth from Frusor Hiver Sea and lulu Islands action Was not mom di .u.i.-it ic sun- ,,,,, lh e regular army, MOB been tin: whole fabric of Ot- are iccla:nic<l larui lands, and an; bordered by cannerius. The violence ol thn wind and waves lno..e I he dyk.-s, and the water i usli.-d over the i>, covering them with four feet oi water Houses were swept into lhe raging flood, and those that ri- llooded to the Uouls ply toman administration is so r that a heavy blow might puh it. If tl'i:- be so. all the more credit is duo lo M. |ielcir--e ior lorbear- uiice. The Turkish flag waves ov--r the enemy and captured a number of Mop windows in many custu prisoners. including Cumin.. ndiint i huve to be used eunrH.v Ke.vter. Later, tho Boers, untlor a Hag of asked permission to re- move their dead. They admitted having buried twenty-seven men. FOUGHT TO THK DKATH. In the flghl at Tarfel Kop tho Uoers, dressed as Uritith Yeomanry, engaged in a splendid race with the Hr.tish in nn attempt to be lirst in gaming the kopje. The Uoers gained i the summit first, and opened a h.-a- vy lire on lho single Iroop of I n - Jinant s Horse which took part in tho ' race for the kopje. These troopers 'took advantage of all tho small am- I otint of cover available immediately below the Uoers, rod fought until 'ull but four of them were killed or wounded. lly that time reinforce- ments of Paini. tit's Horse cnmu up and charged and captured the kopje. The North Arm. I brador Alliance, and La- and eM-ry cannery on ,,- K.i-r 1-ra,- er was more or less damaged. Sultl Stacked crops were desl. o.v ed over .. ivide area, and the Ue\c funning ' fon .piiny's station, a very largo con- cern, with a cold storage plant ad- joining, was swept nwa.v ov.-r 1 hrow of tho regime of Abdul Humid until tin.e as an etlici- ent. sub-it it ule wan r-udy ciin bn ino.-e easily What, joinin? the regular army, has been rep. all d The Nortli-Kusterii Hail way Com- Iiiin-.- of Creiil r.ritaiii is about to OS- laid ih ttutomutio block signaling on hs line. Ihe levees* at St. . lames' Palace und the drawiiig-rooniH at- Ducking- haul rn'a.e will i futuri! ho held in the cvtnmgH. instead of in th-i after- as in thu Victorian regime. break- backs. $1.70 to $;.70 to $20 to S2 Included; $30.50 ROYAL VISIF TO IRELAND, Story That it Had Been Abandon- ed Is Incorrect. A despatch from Belfast says:- -The I.or.l Mayor has received a letter from Earl Cadogan, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, saying that, he is tinnblo to make a positive statement repard- ing the precise date of thc Itoyal visit, but thnt he had been directed to give the fullest publicity to wftatever ari-ongcmcnts might ulti- mately be made. R ELIGIONS IN MANITOBA. Statement Issued by Census De- partment. A despatch from Ottawa says: A statement of the religions oi Hie peo- ple of Manitoba prepared by the IVn- sus Departmenl is as follows:- 1'res- byleriuns. ().">. H22; Mclhodisls. II.- 874, Itomaii Cat lu. lies, H'i,(Cti; Lu- theriins, 1*1. -177; Meiiiionites, 15. -22. Hnplists, '.I.11H. Tho total popula- tion of tho 1'rovinco Is placed at 231,945. f .taiidiiig that would no room to quest ioii the No one .-..n pi-eds the course ol this remarkiible nnd inisei aide of p..' .- ......... s but ,!. ,,,,11,1,,,, All wires |,..,i, K down the new as th|| C'.iiiiiiK in ineusrely, but lho total t.y the storm on the fan.' I'.icir.c to shipping, buildin-r-. crops, ard dykes is said to be fully a million dollars. So l.erce was the storm that Hril ,,^. s ish Columbia was cut oft from the ,,,.,',, lulled States to the south Ioi days, und will In- cut of! from \ " toria for one ,. s __. torn up at both ends. (| ,.,. is c^p^ide of indefiiiit.-i.v Ntistaiii- A despatch from St. John's, N'tld , j|1( , ^ i; st ,. H j n (. iniuo;,eH on both says: l-'urious Rales swept me cons- l)(> j y llll( | ,,,i n ,|. oi Newfoundland Thursday ni^l.t : As M ml |,, ni i _____ and v.-riiiifjht finch d.-st ruci ion so |,, l( . (,.,. ss overtaUe hm. a:ni among the sh.ppii.R and lisliit.R prti- ,),,. . u .,.,,,, m !.,i ... I nor'., which In- w 1 per' es at Hay of islands. New louii'l- . ] | l)W m , ,,,,,. ,.| M . to loiu'h. hits fall- l.uiil, where sevenil American vi-xsi.-ls m ;)l ,|,,|i|iiigly into m-i, ^eking cargoes 01 h>---ring. At on the west COftSt, the lisl.ii i; Ii,- UMTKI' STATKS. (Ins In San Friiinlsi-o Is to be fur- in- hi d at '$** Ic. -||ie Oovei ui'i.-nt II.IN decidetl to us wireless t.-'enniph. m the navy. 'I he XVubush railway is building n $22.50 to tJiVr.o .{oiled outs Mil- lers' prices to jobbers, $2.75 in bugs. and $.V!W> to $5.5 per bbl ( I Ontario Septembers aii'l (ictoln-i-s. 1 to KUc, Kastern counties, !{ to P'e, Quebec, !?c Uu tier Choice " try current receipts 2Ojc; seconds, 1 o l"4c; dairy. Hi to tJc; rolls. Mic Fggs Selected sold utoniKe. 17c; Mont n-nl limed. 17 V> I8c; best selectetl cnndled, 22 to I'rovisions Heavy Canada i.i I oiulou t* Jfl.OOO.OOU bridge over the Ohio at v.._ - dri '"' 1 a '"' (i M. ILII tition" r.-nii-ineil unspoken, M>- | Uiip . i- ()U ., r , |^ ytnirn old, was d.i! llninil would oiler nothing more (| (I(ji|( ,. ,, y u ,.,, w at Eng . than n conventional ..ppoMi.on '",,.',,,, ,, N j "tfTSSiS oirTyea,,. ,,y de- ^^fOt^S^SS ho has dniwn into MIS own I. m s : n lit is l.-iig mad. at hatiilM all the threads of ..drnmisl i a- .hnrio. In. tion, .out his vast, dominions. | Leslie M Shaw. Governor Ol Iowa, The Sultan is ono of the hardest i | M ,-.-. ed f^mi.r. lo.H.i ait Hecro- we.-i. , a.s th- ...t'le is W()lkl . rs ,,, , (. world, !iui no |-n,vsi- t .,. rv ,,|- Hi,- 1'ieusury. In <.h : cugo Alex Sullivan was fin- ed SJ.nOii (,:r trying to Keep an in- . As M mlluni | result intervals of ab- ALIF.N \TK.S HIS Moreover. Abdul Humid tru.-ts no out.-. He has i.lienated I Im whole age, and Ihe wharves and water- ... front buildings were del ro\ ed It. Mussulman population of the Capl .1 will iniinili.t .- lixiividual tree.ioi-i no longer ,111-1- hiiinlei.. lloth the br-iik- in the cnpitul. -V.MI for tl.. nll ,| -he i.nh,.id pier have s,. ,.,.,., irrost* and sudden dis;--l - atices Incroase Within a fortnight I .,, l.s., inclUlIn,,; pi-ominciit, men. hn\t- I c-en denounced TO CHECK THE DISEASE. Compulsory Vaccimation By-law Passed in Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: Coinpiilsory viicrinatii-n will so O n to Vaecil itfld in Montreal in order to s iay "i siiunlpo.x At n l,,. -ei ing of tie ( iiy Council tl.i lei noon .1. |i>-h.w OS Kit rod for tl" compii:- iiry vaccina- I'.u. ly demolished. FARMERS. The Russian Government Will Ed- ucate Tnem. A despatch from St. ivt.isburg I ..iig ron: iii.i-d ' has induced the OoTwrnmont to ji-.ti- -.',,. scow Museum to I i by cpies and b;r > to Arnl'i.i. Ii ,-i Arat'l to-ni.-rrow thi! Yildiz would icriflced All this i.i known nnd htily itppreci- by the Suit an H nil predl es him t" Meld I" th.! powers. Tho ,ii.- ., .,s>^.., > *.._.. qtieslioii r,' solves itself into i open n course in u^ii'tillun: for wo- I|1) ,, h ,,,]. .,,,,| tho plan which finds l, un. This step is reg.ii-de.1 us n vn> )||(is( f;|V , >r , UIH)III! t (m advocates of ti i v f ( >r w oil en m tneii- strunicle lor 'i',,,.);!,,), reforms is the openln hinii.'i- scienlilic education. 1 1. ha.< , , lc ] lnl .,| ono |les nnd the llosphorna I., .-n Won ' - ely by the capm-lt.v wo- : )() " U n ,;,,, t |eots of the world. Truly :n n havo shoun in lhe pro- ., s j lll p|,. ,.,,,, ,l>. but in very ,,, ;,,,,! n. ii-rtiiln depart mer, *-- ' i.i..i,. ipecially l-s. The iieq'i.'.r tamlBOB of the last , li.ive inipr.-s -.1 the llov- enui,ent with thc n for ns- .L.Hion.-il slatidai-.l of agrlCUl- ih.-c i'i IJussinii n i-u of fairly l-,i:..i ' Uvo ' ly small. ' Agt-i..ulture hns no bii' fun. in t-ton; for sm h B of tli, -i.i uatur'aUji : '"' r '"'''"- 1u co the irlment.i ->f. , j( . jtv is ,|,,. . midablc obbta- famine in- c , to Hs adoption. f SMALLPOX IN LONDON. tion of :, ' - es of shops a., l under ' he i.-nity ol a i-n>- and iuipi ini'iitnent. '- -' - ,,, , ogi'K un '' ' < has nt : ..... '" dit led mi", l-i i' cr ..vvu.v from thi city. I h,' rtir-U free delivery service ia tile most | Op. .1. II- fciiluio Of IhO P0- tal service. Mis i I. ii i. Koss of ner-iardsville, N ,| JH ,|,, ll( j from h.\.ophobin. the P suit of a biiu f'o'" Mtrange lie sheltered. W. S. Cartel 1 , u 11i-o<.l-!v1 lawyer, his given a frlol "f 'iind f ,,.) 7,000 *.r imi onn. .liiin.s IMrl;-'. '-tuel i.-niiufncturor, of 1'iqn.i. Ohio, died on Tuesday ol blood po from a cut "Ml the oived while *i-a'i;.g n cnvul- I lhe (Jovernor-i-lect ol lovva propos- es a commission of thi-. men to form a non-parl isnii commision to dotermlno the value of the niilrondu , fie .tate with a view to taxation. .:i< \KUAI.. 'I he fum.ry Niami:< are overrun wilh ii plioM.e ..f loi-usf. At n Un; in ZftCOtO. Mexico, 45 ,,,. oii:< III t, 'he . Germany hod ;. d.-ilii.e of export la t, moi.ili . i ... .mating to 60,- i:<. i tons. Jews and >''! s' L ' ! '' r ''' M '" Sou * th-.n l.iissui |.l. -Him; againat ., ,i,-i nment. '111.! *. rn nd I'tiko nnd !>UChOa ot wee iliA.M'-.l o.i the grounds ivei-Hioli. K-I-IUM is from [)rora tliat working rov\^ improai the of the milk, :i.*l i hat tho food is of the Disease Raises Ay- prebonmoii. \ d, -spa till from London says: Thc epideniie of smullvoi ' London is Incn-fl leadily. nt'il the.-.- re now Oil? rasos under treatmeiit. 'lho' 1 : ,,es, ,.,.,- . -.e,. ; ,,,1 .." ,-|.M.-tn,ei.( in Si ,^|l)eriftn ' 4. HOI ', "simn r ,e,,ts ato o,,, ^.h-; ,.M ciiiwnv of Mai!c.huna t