[HE RICHEST POSSIBLE GIFT x In AH Ages God Has Honored Good Motherhood. vni'*t ta AH t U rrl<>nrat al Ok.U In H. /'* "" Vli.". I Ni Hun- drW 4 >'. ll Will, m H il>. of Toraalo. M llw Dru .!....; ut Ajr. j.iuie. OMM] A despatch from Washington says : Hev. Ur. T.iini.m. |.i.-,iihid Iroin he following te.xt : Luke ii, lo, 'And t.ivy ram.- with haste and Uury und Joseph and the babo iu u i.-ianger." Tho black window shutters of a l>e- e.uK'r niKlit were thrown open, and wuie of tl:<- I" -t Mni;i.-rn of a world > they all king stood there mid, lultniK back tli'- di.ip--iy d cloud. Ji.n.t'-d ^ i IH-III until all the rhoes of hill und valley applauded md i iiriin-'l Hi- ii.illi.hiii.li rnorus. '-, I. t us go into thai Ciirislmua us llioii>..i> MO had iw\i i I forship|H- I .,i in.- manner. Ik-re is i Madonna worth looking at. I olidr. lint that tin- nn. --I fi>igi.i-ut in ill lands und in all Chris- li.ui ri'i.iin i.-^ . M.I i\ And there are Marys in palaces and Mat.vb in cab- In- .mil. th'.u|;h (icrninn und 1'rem-li and Hal. >in and Spaiiir.h mid l-.nKl.shl pronounce il dilin rut ly . thry are all nun.' ..k' - of th. onu v 'mm we Iind on a bed of straw, uith lur pale luce iiRain'-t the soft face of Christ In the night of the nativity. All the (real pa.iit.'rs hnve tried, on canvas, t.. pr<- i-nt llary and her clnlil und the IticirtentK of thit mot-t famous ft. giit of tho world's history. l(a- pha'-l. in three dilliTi-nt ni.istrrpn-i-.-s t>-li Li ii'.-il Ihini Ti/lli'l-etto ind ih.i landnjo Kurpu*-*-i-'l 'h mselvcs In ' -luriition of th" -<-i'l l rr>XK>o lui-dfd to do no iitorc than his Ua- donna to become Immortal. 'Iho "Madonna of tho Lily," by Leonardo da Vinci, will kindle th admiration f all ajjes Hut all the gullnrips ..f l>ri-.i!.-!i .... f. ii^. itt. -n when I think of the himill room of Hint i-nU.-i v ront.iiiiitii; the "Sistinc Madonna " Y"-t nil >.f thorn arc copies of St. Ifatthrw's Mailiiiina and Luke's Ma- di'iii:.i. the iii-.pn.-d Miidonna ol the old book which we had put into our h.u.ils wli.-n WITP infants and that wo hope to liavu' under our heads \VHKN \\i: Ml lli-hiild. in tin- lirst pin.'-, that on the lust night of I'lmM's hfi- Cod honon-il vln- I. . .it.' i ! ,i<ii, n ^ on ran- Dot K<'t into that llt-t hli-li.-m barn witlio.it KOIIIK past tin- i... the mules, tin- iln^;^. the ox.'ii The brutes of th.it sial.le heard the first cry of the infnnt Lord .Siunr of the old painliTK n-pri'si-nt tli- oxi-n and camels km-elmg that ni^ht tii-niie '.he Bcwhurn I a be And \\i-ll might 1 hi-y k...--l ' ll.ivi- vi. u ( .\i-r ll.ougnt that Christ calm-, un.onn other things, to ulleviate tl Miln-i in^.s of the bruie creation t Wns II not uppriipriute thiit ! Uioiilil, during tin- lirst few duys and nights of his lif.. on earth." be sin -rounded by (In- dumb Leasts, wluiM- iiioari and puunl and bellow- Ing liavi! for agvs Ix-en n prayer to <lod for tho nncvt ng of thc;r tor- tiiri's und the righting of their wrongs f Not a kennel In oil tho cenlurijs, not a bird's nest, not a herd freezing fit the poorly built ...-A|..TI. not a freight car In suitinn-i time bringing thi- I i-cn-s to market Wornout hnr-i- on towpalh, riot a fnih-s >! iigi.ny. not a surgeon's room uiii'i-vsing tlio ntruKglcs of fo.x or rahl.it or pigiNin or nog in thi> hor- rors of viv.s. i-ti.in liut has an int.i- rrBt in the fact that Christ was i. .11, In a studio surrounded by brutes. Stand ng then, nn I irni.rine now I do, In that lli-thli.|ii.|ii nigM, wnii nn Infai.t ChriM on lh. on. i.l, .,|.,| t hi- ipci'i-hli-sH <-ri.'titun.-h of (Jod on the otlii-r. I < ry : "Look out how you llriki- the rowel into that In tide; take off that curbed bit fmm that bleeding mouth; rrniovc ' laddie from that raw back , shoot not for fun that I. ini that is too Minill for food ; forgot not to put v.itrr into thr rngi- nf that canary . throw out some criiml.s to those birds caught, too far ninth in Ihn winter's Incloinfncy; urreKt tlmt man Who IB making that om.' hoi.-e <lra\v a loiirt heavy I'l.'-iigh for thr.i. ; ru-,|i In up.in that M-.-III- whrri' hoys are tortuririR a cat or t r.ii.slixmg Imi- t.-.lly and f;rassh-.p| . r. drive not ofl that old robin, for h.T n.-st U a mother's rradli-. and under her wing U.u IPI.V In- tl.ru. .11 four nu.'-i<-..iiis of tin 1 sky in training " In MHII lllc-s nnd in y..nr M l.oulK te.ich t hu rmnlng generation more mercy than Ihc prcm>nt XI-LI-I a! ion has <MT shown and in this marvelous llil.ii- pictiiro of the nativity, while \.ni point out to them the iinKol, r-h..-.v tlll'lll Itrls'O I hi' ll.ll:. I n'i.1 \Vllil' hear the celesllul chant lit them also hear I III ( nWS MOAN. Hi hold, also, In this Ilihle iscrno bow on that (Jhrir IIHIIH night. Co. I honored childhood. ( hildhnod was to I", honorisl by lluil adv.'iit Me must a child's light linil s and H rl.il.r-, l.i-iiiini.g i-yr and M chilli's l n hair, nnd babyhood .: I" ' li-.iiin.'il foi all i inn- lo conn-, and u rrwilli- wn i n.. i. ,,,..,,. than a Mighty <MHI ' M.i.v (I,.. , tion of thnl on.- i Inld's fa. I in all inliiiiti:.- l.,i-i-s t It was n ihi'l i.i Nni.ninn i k't- rhi'ii tht told the great. Syrian Wnr- ri.ir whi-n- IIP rniKlit go anil gi-t rur- cd of the- li-prnsy which nt his H. plungp In HIP .Inrdun lift at 1 1 | I.-.! i. nn of thi- rixi-r It was to tin: criidli- of II-IIM i in wJ.i.-h a child WAS l. i'i r i i.-.l li\ Nile, that UiJ ..ii.l n, ,iii,i,n, , thnt nd lie will, while the world Insts. continue to honor ihc Iields. When the shepherd's crook was that fam- ous night stood ugainsl Ihe wall of Iho ISei hlHicm kliun. il was a pro- phecy of llic time when thresher's lluil and farmer's plow und wood- man's ax and ox's yoke and sheaf binder's rake shall surrender tn the Cod v ho made the country, as man ii..ii.'c th.. town. Tin-: nitsT wonn THE S. S. LESSON. in of history. It was a sick chlUl evoked Christ's euratitr- H was a child thai Christ net the midst of the squabbling di-.- ciples to touch the lesson of humil- ity. A child decided Waterloo, showing the army of Itlucher luw It could take a short cul through the in hi >. \ili.-n. if the old road hud been followed, the I'russian general would have come up loo lale to save the destinies of l-'urupe II was a child that d<-ci!i d Gettysburg, ho having overheard two Confcilrr.it i p-ri'-rals in a conversation in which they decided to ninrch for Oelty- burg Instead of Hi.rri-.burf.'. .1 this reported to Covwrnor Curtin. the Keilcral forces starlc-d to ni'i-t their opporionls nt C<-t ty^.urg. And >. ttiP rl.i'd is to drrid'- nil thu pi-cnl batt'os. mal^c all 1 1'" Inws. all tli" destinies and usher In the wor'd's snlvntion or dcstruc- tinn Men. women, nations, all earth and nil Hc.iv. n. Ill lldl I. Till. CHILD ! Not ice also that in this Ilible night scene Cud hi.i.ond sci.-iiic \\lio are the three wise men kneeling beioro the Divine Infant? Not boors, not ignoramuses, but Caspar, Haiti. nnd Uelclnor. nun who knew all that \\.i^ to be known Th.y wvie the Isaac Ncwtons und Ik-rchels and I- in .nl.i\ s of their tun.- 'Ii. ir al- i lii-iuy was lh-_- lnr<-rutin>r ol our su- I.I.IMI- rliriinsir- . their astrology the mother 01 our ii.agninci-ni astronomy and when I see these scientists bow- ing before the brautiiul bube I sec the prophecy of the lime when all the leli-Moprs ami microscopes, and nil the I.eyiieii ja.s, and all lh<- i-h-c- tric butteries nnd all tho obscrva' lories, und all the universities shall bow tn .K-siis. It is much that way already. \\!,.T. is the college that docs not huvo moinmg prayers thus bowing at the mangrr? Win have I .-n tho greatest physicians? ' Hint ting the names of the living- lent we should bo invidious, have we not hud among them Christian men James Y Simpson and Hush Vali-liliiif Moll anil Aburcrombic Abcinclhy? Who have I -i grealest scientists? .Insrpli 11'Miry, \\lio Im-.l and dn-d in tho l. nth of Ihu gospi-ls. and AgaHHiz, who, Klaiidmg will, his sluilei.ia among Ihe lulls look olf l.ts hut and said. "Young g.-nl I- nii-n. IHK.I.- we study th''s- rocks lei us pruy_ for wisdom to the (ioil who inn. I the rocks." All Keology 'will >! IMIW U-loie till' liock ol A^r. All botany will MI worship the Hose of Shi, run. All astronomy will yet rorogm/r Die slur ol ML-lhlrhem. llehold also in that first Christmas Highlit hut tiod honnii-d the lichls. Coimiln. hlirjihcrd lioys. to l<'tlile- IH-HI and see the child "No." tln-y Miy: "we rn- ml lr. ..... it good enough to come in " ' \ cs. you oi:. i- In." Sure enough, the Morins and the night di-w and th.- briirnl.lrs have mado rough work with l heir apparel, but none has a lii'tirr right to COIIK- in Thry weru the ffcst to hear me music of that (lii-isi ias niglil. The first un- noiini-eincnt of u Savior s lurth won made lo lliose men in the fields. Thi-n- nrrn \\ ihat rughl in lli-il.li-hi-in nnd .l.rii alrni snniing ill jriii-p slerp. and lln-ri! Wi-ie i.alnrii-il ml ivrs of governn..-nl who, hearing of II iiii.iwii.il. may have inonghl tl.at they ought lo have hd the first news of such a great event. Nome one dismount ing ;>un. n swift .iii.i-l at ih. -ir dom and knocking till ut some sentinel's <|i.rsl ion, "WHO COM I S TII like nnd und our the great ones of the p.il.ice might have bcon told of the nlr.-ii.il nrriv- ul. No, the shepherds hr.ird the hrst two burs of the iniuii. the lirst in the major key, ami tin- last, in the Milidued minor, "Clory to Cod in I In- higl.i-st and on earth pe.uc. good will to men!" Ah, yes, tin: in I. Is wi-rc liimorrdl Tin- old .-.liephrrdri with jdaid and crook have for the most part van- ished, but we I avo gru/lng on our American | i..rn helds and pruirlo aboul 4'J,<Hi(),O<)( -iiir.-p ami all ili". i kei-pi-rs might, to follow the NhcphiT'N of mv |.\'. und all those who t.,. I in tin. helds, all vine diesHcrs. all <.r< hard.stn, all hus- hnndmen. Not only that Chn--.- ni:;hl. but nil up and down tho wot Id's history Cod has I..-, n hon- oring the fields. Neai ly all the M..IIS of rcl'orii. and litirulure and .nee und law und b'-n--\ nl ..... , huvo come from t \\.. h i Ingi i >n fi mi. tin- lie i if. .1 , ersoa n nm the Li-Id < 'I lii- i ..i ml mar- tyrs, (iarlicld and Lincoln and Mc- Kinh-y. from the iields Ih-my Clay friini the helds. Daniel \Vi l.:,t.-r fiiini the Li-Ids Mariin 1. ut i i i- from the fields. llefon: this world la right the overflowing populations ..I our _cn>it...l rities will have to take to *hi! Iields. Instead of tin mi-i- i limit* In tho rivalry ns to who shall M-ll that on.- apple wo want nt lonsl eight nf Unix to go out and raise apple*. Instead cu t.; cliiints ill- irii.i.' to sell that one l.ush- rl of wheat, we w.uit al lent t right Of thrill to go mil alill raivi- wheat The wi i Id \\anl . i" liiimls, mori- liron/i-il i hi eks, more iniisi ul.-.r nrnis. To th. ' rod them when II. m.k- up ii. i rdn Iw 'hi- i-ii.'nijjl.t -ntli.ni, a child utlers is apt to b "Mother," und the uid iiu.n m Ins dying ilieain calls. "Mother! Mother" U mulU-rs not whether she was brought up m ine sui -i-oundingH of a city and In uf- (lueut homo and was ilres-i-.i n|ipr<>- priuli-ly with ii-iercnre to the de- mauds of inodei n Ine or whether she- wore the old lime cup and great, round spectacles und apron of her own Mial.e and knit your hocks <>nh her own nivdles Hculcil by the bii-.id ii-eplni. with gr.-al backing ablaze, on a wir.'.er night. Il nailers not how many wrinkles cros-.-.l iin .| ro _ rroi-sed her fflie or how ninth hi-r shoulders Monj-d with the hiirdt-ns of a long lile II you (Minted a Madonna, hers would be the Ul.a^a Ki.-iilh! hand she had v. h.-n we were sick and what a voice lo nun In- the pain, i id was there any OIK who could i, II up a room with [wore and purity und light? And what a Hud day that us when we raiue home ui.d she could gieet us no', for her lips were forever still 1 Come buck, iinilher, in these Christ- mas tunes and take your old place. anil, as ten oi twenty or (illy yours ago, come and open tl.e old Ilihle as you used tn. nad and kneel m the name plan \\here you used lo pray und look upon us. as of old. when you wished us u merry t'hrisl- IHIIS or a happy m-w \earl I'.ul no! That would not i e fair t<i cull you b ick. Sou had troubles enough and bereavements enough while you were hero. Tarry by the throne. nun her. till we join you there, your pruvers all answered, und in the eler- n. I homestead m our (!oil wr shall again ke.-p ( I i istmus jubilro to- gether Hut speak from your thrones, all you glorified molhcni, and nay to all thefw. your sons and laughters. nurds of liivn. Words of Winning, words of cheer. They need your voice, for they have travelled far and with many a hi-ailbieak Kincc you -l--i' them, and you will do well lo cull fi om the h. -ignis of Heaven to the valleys of varlh. Ilu.l. enthroned ancestry! We are coming 1 K.ep a place right lies ik- you at the bampu-l! ALWAYS LOTS OF FISH. The Supply in the Sea is Practi- cally Inexhaustible. In Cn.it Ii. n. UN I'm i XV, Ilium C. Mr.nii.sh. the li.nMng llnllsh i.iaiinr bloioglHl, has sl.,,ng.y huppo. teil the view Ihat tin; M I llic sea ,ii< p.ai-t.cal.y u, exhaust idle , and in Norway Dr. lljiit and Dr. D. hi sioul upostKs of the mo ru l.ope- ful |>ros|K-cl as iig.mis our sc.i -lood >uppiy Dr. lijnit. s ill i .\,i> shows lh.it Ui'-re nit- many million lines more young Itsl. in 'In- M-.. than man hud any i<ii-u of and the thoory that tin- youiiK luood carried oul lo ea pei ishcil is pi nved to IK.* a fable. Ho made the luiil-i l einnrkudle dis- iv that awuy oul Iu iho n| en i" .1 where il was .several 1 hulls. .nil of men is in i.,.j.ih. lie lmil.il l.-h as it wiie in hiscis or iHi-i.n stiata. Some nipiiie a line us long us tho Uoiiunienl to reach down lo li.eni, nil. .-is were in si. II Inwir iie|il.s which wou.d submerge Sl I'mils and tho Monumei.t on lop, anil wnli many thoiisand fec-t of water lei.w ili. in 'll.e.e, in then- still and dark and h. therlo supposed barren n-gi .us of Ihe M'II he laughl gical coil ii.nl haddock and conl-iish. Miii.el.ii.es In i|ii. mi. lies Not of l.'ii't signiliianco Is the hiiilirg of cod in lh- dc.-p places of the sen, as in this dut- 1.1 very we have th.,- key lo solve II, e mystery as to where the cod abides when hi- draws from the coast. Il was formei ly r.uppoM-.i linn tin- killing of u cod in rot- meant trie cle- slruction of more than U.ni.u .tn .n i o tonlial codlitsh. Now, ns Dr. Dnld ays. il merely looks like improving the life-chances of tl.e pn irenv of another cod I-'oraierlv it w.. ron- sldered that tli- I'.sh production .f i the sea was a lixcd ip.,.nt.t>. win. h was being continually ilicit-ai-ed by man's inroads on il. Now it would upl '-. r t. I . an organism on which the iittncks of man can make to ical Impreiisiori It seems pi odadle. in deed. Unit in every n-roi-il, eveiy iniiiute. . tl I every (lay, more l>sh IH pio-lii'-i-il in the sen than all human- ity comb. m il could (k-vour in the ..in..- time -Ni.icli-onth I'eiilcry. THAT \\AS Tin: Din I:IU;N' K. "Yes, tl.at is whcro he made, a mis- take." haul Mcl.can. i-cferring to thn lali i.t act of stupidity on the part I of Mcl'arlnne. I don't call such an action AS i that n mistake," replied ol<t Ciu- m. ' I;. (In laloriiilly ; "] call It a Miinder " "Well, it's nil the t>amc thing," re- turned Mi I "No, you're wrong thero," was ('niniark's reply ; "ll.cro'H u gond deal of difference between a b' nnd a mistake " "I should like to know what it is." aiiRWeied Mi'l^-an, (sceptically. 'Well, suppose you miit to cull on ? .un" friend, put an old umbrella Into I the Maud, nnd took uway n new one win", you left. Unit would bo n mls- Iml Mippon- v "U put down a 'now n ni- aid brouc.'.t nu.-v an old that would bo a blunder. (I've . 7" .11 admitted that there won a afti-r all. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JAN. 12. Text of I-esson, Acts .i., 1-21. Golden Text, Ac.lt- ii., *- 4. 1. "And when the day of rente- cost was fully come ti.cy were all with om: n-cord in one place." 'I h s day. called 1'enlcconl, or "lifticlh dav." is mentioned again jn chapter xx. K>. and 1 Cor xvi. H. u> a ' iy to bo remembered and observed and wh l h.-r I he . eitloil ol Ml'ttlilas In in Ihe new meal oliering of firsl fruils I. fly days ufler Ibe sheaf of lirsl fruils. ihe former representing thn lesuncclion of Cl.risl on Ihe day nfler the TaBhover Sabbath m.d tl.e In i li r. Inly days later. HUggesiing I In- event of our lesson in connection with ihe beginning of the gathering of the body of I hrisi from all na- tions. The leaven hi the fiftieth day oi.eiing sels forth the m even in ll.c I. .\,i I. r h-.iv.n is iilu'avsu tv|e of evil, bul il is met by the blood of the si crihce (I-ev. xxiii, 17-21). Chri t .. il.e lirst fruit*; wo are a kind of lirst fruiiH 1 1 Cor. xv, 23 : ,l..s l l.'-i Uln'e ill.- disciples of Christ waited for the promise of the Father lla-y continued in pruyi-r and si-l-piieatli.ii (AciS i, 4. 14). In.t whether the election of Mallblas to till lie place nf .lu^MK WHS of the I.i. ill or nf Deter is u (pieMinn Some ili-. iples still Imd il dillicult to i r.iv and wait wnh-uit lie transaction of Home other business \\ e miiy pi-:-- Mbly Imd I'aul and nol Matthias as the twelfth. See tl-e one accord of the Lord's, people in I. 14: ii. 1. 4ft: iv.Jl. v. 11'. viii. (i: xv. i!5: Jtisl seven timub. Ihn one Accord of Satan's fnl- 4owei8 m vii. r>7; xii. ^(). xviii, 1 L 1 . MX. -'.>. JUKI four limeH. ihe world- wide number, suggesting ihe whole world In the wn-l.-il one haling God (Ili-v. vli. 1; I John v. Ill, H. V.; John xv. IM. I'.t) 'Ine word Is only i-s.-il once elsewhere (lioni. xv. 0). and tear! en uk wilh one mind and one mouth to gionfy Cod. J.-\ "I ley were all filled with the Holy Chosl " \\hen Ihe Holy Spiril riirni! upon ( hn-l at His baptism. He came in tho form of a ciova. for then- wus no n?od of a purifying or consuming tire, but raved sinnerR Deed the Spirit as n I re The vn\n in Isa l\1\. iJ, "The tiro cnunoth the wiit.-rs to boil lo make Thy name known." taken In cuiiiirction with the witti-r n.s the word ( I- ph v. ^(>>. n "d the Spiril us lire helps UN to un-li-i -siai. d why some people who I n .w nmch of the word of (Jod M-ein to have no power or go in idem. The water in not hull ing. they need Iho fir.- of the Holy Spirit Tre Spirit nine .IN ihe Lord Jesus mid Hi- would and took pos^.-sion of those redeemed m es. His temples, and HI once they began to speak, or rut h-r tl* Spin! who filled Ihfm he KHII tn speak through them. See In A.ts iv. ;il lu.w- when thpy were filled on niiolher occasion they spoke the word of Cud with boldn.-ss. \\hilo \el wilh them In tils mortal body .II-MIS hiid inlil them. "Ii IK not \e that spoi.k. but II.- Spirit of vo'ur Father that Kprnkdh In you" (Matt x. !!(>> \eiller llic thoughts nor tho words weie thrhs: but. as In the i .'e of the Nwrot psalmist of Israel, tho Spirit of the Lord spake by tin-in, mil His Herd wim in their tiinifiie ( II Sam xxlii. 27). " i; .fow from nil tuitions worn pntheri'd HI .I.-i'isuli-m. nnd quickly H"-v cam.- tdirelher and lienril those miloiiriio<l C.ililreiins tul\ing in the lnmr.ni ties o' nil lands runccKBiniT Ihe v. iindei fill works of f!od. The Holy Spirit hud taken full control of these n nnd was telling thrimi'h them the things of Cod and of Christ as .! us isnld Hi would (John xvi. 1.".- I'it Hi- Who drsi (,'iivo diiT,., ..nt irtnuu.iues t(. people (Con. xl. 7) can iis ensilv can-" others to speak the-.,- i.ii.-'iiiiecs when Ho sees In. nnd al- though \ve rlii not hear- of nilNsionur- Ina in our ilav ncipiirrn^ a fni lan-fiiiico In lhi>t wnv. yot I nm nc- qiui'.ntcd with mifwionnrios wno. in rolia-ice upon .loh .\\xvl. 4. w-re nlile to K|Kiik In a foroltyn toniiie in o very short li'-u- duo whom I know piis-.eil ..n .- .-i.in in six incnths that Would oidiii.irily require a vi-iir oi sludv Tho Spirit I|IH-S not tnlk of the *orks m man nor dn.-s Id- honor Ivan, but Ho IOVI-H to honor Cod Like tho servant of Abn'hntii when ho wont to obtain a wife for Inane Mi- tolls of tho only Son ami how- th" l-'iither Imd given all things into \li-~ hi'nd Tho messenger of the Lord is not expected r think out Ii ' . ago and toll tin- people his thoughts. but ho is cxp -cted to ro- iei\o il noni the Lord and deliver it BH tho Lord's iiH-t-sngp ( I-'.x iv, 1",; -lor 1. 7; John xii. 4!); I. I'd iv. in. liMf) This mipprnnlurnl ocruri em i- was In thi-.e devout .lew.s wholly in- comprehonsilile. and they tried to ex- plain It by susin,' that tl'ese nun wen- full of now wine, nhout as silly nn i-xpl . n.ilion as Is given hy some 'of tl^- wiso nnd professedly d-jvout me. i of our ilay of some I'l the xvondorfiil works or (.'oft Tho na- tural man. however odiicatod or reli- gious ho may bo. cannot receive the oh Im-s.s unto Him (I. Cor. ii, 141. and theno devout, religious .lews , nooled inst what Nicodomu-i noo'lod. u in w birth, the Rift of f!od. which many of thorn u litlh- Inter n-feivod That tho wisdom of this worM not coinpri-hpnd or oxphiin things of (iod is repeatedly shown ill tho book )i naniel. a t-m.k which some of V-e wise men so-rn to^-ish nut of the Hiblo, |>orhnps he. therein i -;|iown the iiltor irniluliiy 'of the wisdom ni Kgvpl I" B> the things of nod. The wlee of this world are drunken, but not wilh wine (Isa. xxlx, 9). Consider also Kph. v. 18, ml some eunilarity b- iwecn a man filled with wUse and or.* filled with the Spirit. lft-21. Peter does not say thnt th'e was the fulfillment nf tnac pitrt of Joel's prophecy which he quotes, but that it was a sump'e of it or. if you prefer, a fulfillment, for on* has truly said that propnccy may nuve a By-rininant ocromplishnivnt while tho (Complete fiillillinont is yet in me fa- ilure. That Joel's prophecy has not I yet had Its fulfillment (if you will suffer the word) or Us final fulfill- ment is seen in the context, for Is- rael is still ashamed and humiliated among the nations, and Jerusalem is mil holy, for strnncrors Mill posscfS her, and Ihe Lord has not yet re- turned to dwell in '/.itin (Joel iii. 17, 21). Tho judgment of nations (Joel iii. 1. 2). of , which our Lord spoke in Matt xxv. 31-46. has not yet taken place, for He has not yet come In His plorv \Vhon He thus conies, we will come with film lo bo. amiocl- atod with Him in judging the nations (Col. hi, 4: I. Cor. vi. 2: HeT. II. il'i-^rt) \f\ us b filled with the ; Spirit and be His faithful win i till He come. NOVHL SUHOICAL FF.AT. A surgical operation of a peculiarly interesting and audacious character iwas performed at the Maritime Hos- pital, Cherbourg. An arlillcrynuin named I'oiiei i. hud the misfortune to I meet with an accident in the arsenal. i by which Ihe four fingers of his right hand wore comp ctely Mivered al Iho second joint The hospital nurgoon rejoined tho severed nicmlerit. nnd 'although the patient suffered excru- ciating agony, he reluscd to be chlo- roformed. The operation is probably | without precedent, and the doctor* have ihe greatest hope of the nr- tiilrryman regaining the complete use of his hand. STICK TO THE TTtUTH. The following bit of rural phlloso- phv was oM-rhcurd in a farmyard in i the east of KngUnd the other day : '.lames, my son," said a man, .who Mood mixing the milk nnd I water. "Vc sea what I'm a-doiug of 7" v.- . father," replied Jamea ; : "you're a-pouring water lulo th "No. I'm not, James : I'm a-pour- i ing milk Into the water. So If any- bn. y axes you if I put water inlo the milk. you tell * 'em no. Allue slick lo tho truth, "ainos Cheat in' Is had enniiirh. but lyin' Is wus." London Tit-liils. WKH I H NC! KNG AC, K.MF.NTS. In Turkeslan every wedding incnl begins with the payment of a substantial cons d -ration lo Ihe girl's parents. If the girl jilts her lover, Ihe engagement gift has to be re- turned, unless Ihe pirenls have an- other daughter to give as a substi- tute. 4 TO TKACH THK MOOldS. U has been rlelinitely arranged that ten Hritish sergeants ore lo join the army of the Sultan of Morocco aa military instructors. Several ol them are at pn-.-nl In Cloraltar, and are wearing Ihe Moorish uni- forui II is also rcporled that an Kngli hinan Is lo be put tn charge of Ihu custom house at Tangier. KKDUCira THE COAL HILL. Here is a simple method of making Itiewt of coal go an far an IScwl. The plan Is to place a quanlity of chalk in Ihe grates, once heated this is practically inexhaustible from combustion and gives out great heat SALMON LKAPS. Measurements of salmon leaps may now be included in high-jump re- i ids Standards were erected be- low wato. fulls by Norwegian Kishcry Commissioners. The Ir h are credit- oil with a maximum of ::i>fl. in the oll'icial rctjirns. NUMHKUKI) HOUSES Kvery horse in the Hriti.sh Army is niinil en-il. ii n. i has a little hintory kept for it all to itself The number is branded upon the animal'8 hind foot tho thousands on the near hind foot, and the units. tens, and hun- dreds on the off hind foot. ONK OPINION. "What n sour individual ! Whnt'f he growling about, nnywuy ?" "O ! he complains tlmt. he hasn't |-ot what ho deserved in this world.'' "I should think he'd have ctvuae to rejoice on that account." At a party one evening a lady wrui entertaining Ihe assembled company with an account of their lirst quar- rel, aid 1invv. after le. iking it up with otic- another. her husband had planted a I roc ill remembrance of it. "If w<- had only done that," whi.s- I oi-od the in n | to her hus- band, "what a splendid txvonue we m.glit have had '" Mrs. Worry-ton- "I wish I rould fntliom SOIIK thing wle.ei.y I could ki-ep my liusbaml at homo at s." Mrs. Sootherson "Got him a bicycle" Mis \\or...ton "That I take h m oul more thai ever." Mis Soothcntin "Oh, no, it wouldn't. My husband got one the day. and iho doctor miys l ' n ' I "it for ii nioutl>." NEWSJTEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA. Parliament is not expected to moot until February l.'l. ^ The Women's Medtca.1 Coll ORB of the Chicago North-western University will -luso bm-auae women doctors ar* not a success. Tho total attendance at t'i* Pen- AIIK rlcaii Kx[.(isiliin Was 8. r .20.O4a. r.f this number 5.:IOO.H.'.1) n-iv froo : only 3.213.1HO paid admia*.,<.ns. Arlhur Ilnrtel, thp l.Vyi-tit -old son of John Hart el, of Long I.su.nd City. Ci iniipitid siiii-idn t'oiau-M' I. is father Couldn't lot him K o out to -lay connet ' l ' c !-.. ai:thoi i . at I.H.rhlield need .Hat An nlcctric railway is to \SrnipnfC and Hendingly. e r II >- \Ved- London had 48 births. .V> de.alhs ,| .. uay nif ..ht, were muid, -red. ud 55 marriages lost month ( n ^ ^ ^ ^ c , nRreKa . aval Lnivcrsty. M, utreal will t<> ;) , r a , We , ^ c . ri> ..,. Sl eel bi-ate iu g..ld n jul Ike in June , ouis his Cal s d H M . lift tj , m ti ere . ii vv thul mat ri Kons-s City. Mo . Hn<- .lame* A. l'0'tli h.us I, .en cxpell.il from tho caplinli.-.t.-. liavo l.oi:glit non , n -li,,iinl many acres of Umber limits in Scotia. THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, tattle, etc In Trade Centres. Toronto. Jan. 7. Wheat Tho lo- cal trade in wheat com nines (|Uiol. with prices aleady. Uh e ami red quoted ut "."> to pnmt.i; No. '2 goosu 7t>c al oulaide is Ju-t ::.:::!:'. \varrunis were l.-.suil In rj al u-t ministry for Rctt ii'K a <li- Montreal dining tl.e \ e r wero a. lt) priHt.ncrs. of whom li.L'.Vi .,,, lln ,. r weie ma'cs. Ml the snwmillH in British Col- umbia have combined on u schedule of priCC-s for the Canadian uu.il export trade The WC.-UMC. n l-~.lpct.-ic M> (> from one woman Ui ui.-rrv quoted u 1 . (ittjc iiuilillu freight. and No. 1 spring at 74c east,. Manitoba vvheut dull; No. 1 haid quoted al Hc all rail, via SJarniu; No. 1 Northern at Sic. and No. 11 Northern at ^-c, all rail, via Surma. i'ru es arc le lower via Nori.h Uuy. Oats Tho market to-day was qui.-i. The den.:ii:d i.s limned, with buyers not willing lo pay murutl.un ing., at 11 to 4i;c. \.i The inarkot is quiet, Iho de- i. '2 .(.1..I...I at *t 84 to t>-"<c in u 1- puny is behind the propi,.-.al lo liuilil ],, :li ; o .iiil limited. iiaminriit.i.in frui.i Ii.xlv. Ar- .,, s( c wnst. and i.-|\iu. Syria, ni.d Cr-ecc hos grown die [ruight. I fty p. r c-i.t in irt-ie ' '' . ,-n- i lio market i.s quiet. wit! III. t from Irolnnd has been ttccrca*- prvus HUMidy. Ciuiudian j i; tf f r (tevill . I .piofxi ui- ('" lo Olc v. at] Fe.ncr. a 23->e r- 1 a- i - fs j liarley--Murkut u> .-. .uv. No. eld-trie riiilway peg ai.d I ha. finely . The i !i nt the.- K\l" litl w o! cd it u I 'led at :~>7c. and No. 2 at ."jiJ ti No 3 mixed. 49c: No. 3 do. 48ic larley 6 to v 70c. Uyo-No. i. Toledo, Jan. 7 Wheat Cash and H8|c: May. fiHJc. Corn lieeembcr, ttftc; May. 07 Jc. Oats Dnemhor, 46c; Hay, 47c. Clover- seed December, $.1.7O; May. .i.'>71 Imluth. Jan. 7. Wheat Ca.-h. I hard. 7'.>ic. No. 2 Northern, 7-'JJc No 1 Northern und I'ocembor. 76\c: .Uy. 7Jc Oats l.'.c. Hyt 6'JJc Milwaukee, Jan.7 \VhofU Steady; closed. No. 1 Nort.ltcrn, 7HJ,c; No. J Northern. 77 to 77Jc: May. 82lc. Hye Steady No 1. (i. r .}c. linrloy Kusn-r; No Ii iilc: sample. li.l to (>:!{<-. Corn May, <!(>{ t.) f.<>lc Minneapolis. .Ian. 7 Close Whrut Cash. 77Jc; May. 78|c. July, 7'Jic: on track. No. I hard. 7'JJc; No 1 Northern. 77Jr; No - Northern, 7.',Je. l-'lour b'irst patent.s. $4 lo $4.10: second patent.s, *:!!>(> to $4; iir.-.' 'J.. r .. r ). .-l.'.irs. Hi nn In bulk, *18. $2. 'JO to ?3; Hcconil Detroit, Jan. 7 \\lieal closed- 1 while. I No 2 red, January' ami cash. Doc; May, H'.'ic. St I... uis. Jan. 7 'Ahcat. closed Cash. .- .nber. rtf.j; .May. i 'A I ! I i: f .I \HKET. Ti.ro-.it... .l.ni 7 Thorn bcinp only 2O r;irloailM of stull oil siilu t.>-.!. THfclR LAST DITCH. Optiiuisiu in London Over th* Boer Resistance. A despatch from London says. < > Ihe ll-reshuld 01 ihu Aew N rar a i:onuurtablo spirit ol .)pl.mi.sm in no- ticeable 'Ihu political cr.akers Imvi ljeu aiiu-suully yloouiy in tiio annual n-vu'Ws nud hoiinli."., but .ibovo t,h rumbliug bastuts has runflr out >i hiyh treble oi chrcrfulnfHS iind hopu. C'oronatiun year ha.-, nut .ii-iml with aiiffuries oi jmaci! in Mouth A; but ihiM-u is eviii.-iice thai the ISoor .'.u< c:i \SSUH hdva been won :it n u-rribly luijli cost. ai.i that th .-xiiloits ol liollia and L-u Wet citnnoi. !.< rc-pi-atud without a !:nul pron.-SH i.i ' in the concentration ol ' iroiiiinundoi's. 'Ihe rebullion in lha liutri ^ n. '-|l-nijjh suppress- d, .uid the Hours, ailc-r Uie most persi.stent and valorous dflunce. known in morliTn times. ar perilous- 1, M.-.T 'i.>- ..i-i ditch on i-acli sido of ini- \oul. I.OK! Kiichuuisr's bloct- house systt-iu has not broken dowu. und the sheer \\.-ii:lii. ol Ii f British 1.1 .-.lowly but surely crush- ing the Uulch ri'sisiiiiici!. I here may not .,n liK'>t in ilurkflSt Africa, but ttn-n- is u souse oi di>- Of a lli:W parting darkness, und iu tnere is (lie ri.nsi ousnoss \\.ll.-i- r ril ,.,. ,,,! e ,1.11111: 'iv - 1. . N *a at 5 1 ta *> t*i " I tho \\.-,'. -it, cattle yards. It. I source of strength in , . in. I vn.-vv I', will Le of a I lie 1 t-H! MM :ii;toi Chinese mer. States have for llic Chinese ' i: KNEIIAL. P'll o i [ !.ii;uu has Town. Icng by 71) feet v. a hai.d.somc building. Tho amount mili/i-d eaters in tin- racil.c (iii.-an, and dls- to which poeed of in tl.i; ISriiish m,.ikel. was Kul>jccte.d $.150.000. | WilliaJii li.kard i suii.g the Hum- Ill on : ire I Hallway fi.mpa y f <r $l,(XO f r in ury to In- i. rvoos ' sum- . clc-itiic win;,. pou!> is In 1897 en to felon. 7.'K>. in \~;>\> tln-y had grown lo f-l I'M I'-J. -n (r in 1 '"") broke Ihe rec.jrd witji S211.1HI. Ottawa's City Treasurer, in a HUiteiiM-nt of n"-. .pis uiid tin OB u > to 1 oc 21. i - I that there is a ih-t.cit nf SI 1. ."ill. ( 'on an const. Hie total expendit'ii .-. - uring blindm-Ki. uid Ilia total receipts g-lSU.OA.Y prcsd.i.t of tho On Fob. 1 a second mail will bo . ... ni Ui d -iicidn. .ni front \ihabason landing to tho 'I wu huidrid pi uple I'etice Itiver I'istrict All inii.t.t.er to be forwai-.lod by the mail in qd.-s- (>. by ill- tnu tttiiiii of i on should I..- p.i.'.-.l so .1. i.. Ii ovor thn town. iu tho United No M al BOc w .,.. Ireigfct Ili;| t liiri{( . ,i<.n(!. hut this ] . Kye'lhe uan.el is steady at about, lru(lij WU;J RO()(| u| , (t |)rll . 1!SJ ,., ul (juict. (Juota- ."i7Jc nndiile freight. buckw h ,i pet r ion to ' tions, .".."> to ~i.~i! t Dirp'a.n 'i-< 1- ioar The uia.-kei IH steady. Nino- si tin' . act and iho in- tv per cenis aro t- ' ii mi. l. II lor Lownr in ;ji.yerH' iiags. 'old at Tho rccn|iU ini-i'.il.-'i .".ll! cuttlr. JOI. shi-< p anil UimlJH. lino hi>ns. uiid A irw calvi-s li..-r \\ no p< inm entile on sale hen: lo-da.v I'h. -re w.i.i a lair movement in i'l'in-.; i-at.tle iit Ihe chang.-d i)r'c':-<. bul only a l-vv lout r top . dy . at to have c'oc- ruvuii v truil straight rollers, in wool, ai lo Mt.4'1 Manitoba llours Witt) llui.Ku.nanM Vt.K' to ! :>". and ^^ ,.,.,,,,,.,,, , , , ,,. w fiaiim . - Lasers' at :i 3U. I'oroiU-o n , (> ,, r [)( . r _ ()vu , , '"' ll '' lt . Price* were steady for butchor cat- fi ' M , lsl ,,,,,, Cll ulo sol-lat ir c of the roci-nl Iloxi-r un r.reail tax ill It.ily will Ix! reduced. ' mlera in ravaging tho Java 1- 1 nils. ./.-ipan has begun iho orctlion of . ,j l. t.. tum along the '"'< and (. at m.-al Market unchanged. Car t|i . 11CL . 4>nlin({ , Ml ,a : -t.y, wli.. h w.vs on track. fc.. .... in bnys $.'. .'.() in wood. lirolvi-n I'.V IH.T bbl. oxlrii. ed Uraii imcnanged at Short.-.. 21 to $J-. ..^' I" Muni- liih.i Iran. $UO. ilinl -.liort-. S^J. T'o- ronto freights, tnclud.ni; sacks. ingor. i Tribunal. mostly medium Cln>ic'! stuff is wimt.-il. and iv,..ill h:\vi! old lo-sluv -.v as an early ciojrancu. l-'or , i.nd siockers no on- qinry appeared to cxisl, .iud none i (lie n.arkl-l. Lambs aro worth from UJ to 44c, and an: w.iri.il Sheep w.-re u good salu linluy at Potatoes The markot is steady, from -' to :ijc i-r Ib. Cholc- Cars a- f ipioiud at 7')c per bag. on may fetch a iractnm morn Irnck h.-ii.-, and the joLbtug pi icea A few choice veal cal .n'.-d .T-:. Ii is a market for MIJIU rnoico o drowned i Ijr.e.l Apples The iiiark.'t is steudy unlch rows, in tin Mo,jri!-h I..HII loroo- wiih demand limited Triers are \\ l-'^iiiioiiion not later limn Jan. 27. Uxn. Tandy, of K lias had his lo^ a:n| ut .1 d. ih-: reauit of a fall do .MI I u hod of oi.e of tho Itiihciiu ft Ontario Navigation iii.jis. lie wus a to "ic per Ib. to H'r ll.in.s HtlHIIless Kviiporated sell at ,ire steady and unchnngod. Choieii hogs to-day sold ,n $0.7f steady at lc; ycarliUKS. He. M K. .hn.ivvski. a Polish on hi- di- covered a KUS call'-'l aleetrold v\hich is said to euro consumption. | lioney Tho murk -t i.-, nn. unomia. and m-nn I t" I0*c lor itrumcd , Sl ">!> to i!. .">(.) pur do/eii. A French sci.-nlis. ha.s .Ii, covered a ". ' '_^ h motlioil of extract ing fn-iu ordinary per cwt: with prices li^ht at fat nogs at J6 I17i. ami l^i por Iho lop price must lloirs to at he ol prune quaiily. ami sc:ili: not. Luiiib.s low Kid nor above 'JHO HIM. self-governing; ml ' -r whelmt-.l vviih Ijui uens oi 1- nijiisliin. l harassed also With iiicreusinn pn-ssiire of for.-ign com|M!tit ion. tln-y mil rnn-nle I hom- s-ives with the i.-ilent ion Iliai t In- old ciiun'ry is p is.sim; llii-.-*. isia ill Un; fort'i'ies ..i -e with- out finaninil 'list urbane.-, wh. . (iermuny, without un .-xliausiinn war. has bi-en shaUen and paralysed by iridu.stna.1 d'.-pi essnm CANADIANS DISSATISFIED Constabulary Members Want to be Kept in One Corps. The London Daily l-'xproas of that letters irom Can- adiuns ut. the iront who huvo jomud I'uden-l'i.weir i ' that there is gri-u'. .1 among- tho men on account of 'a-. u in 1 1 .)..; .pU- up, muk- in hull ml h.Uf Can- adian. Il was unrti-i stood when - lull C in--. iiiml ail .-I tn- 1 -'" ' '." ..nlians that v.-eiii with him, but Imtti-ad h Was given rominunil of U divi-<mn ..n- ly, om- whicii Imd no ' ' un- coiia'x llnrsi; on the I've of thi-lr de- parture from Ottawa for Mouth Af- rica linvo each tn-n p.-<:.seiited by l.4.nl Strut he. in i \\illi a handsome novv nun.li r 'J.',( 00. M Uarilii. .-*. a 1'arl.s municipal at $'J.23 to couiuiilli r. f..r applying nn insulting straw -'I he . ,a <o I'r.-sidunt I o.ibet. vv;i>i j n nd at gold br,,,K-h in the shape of a shield ^ ~ n<<;d t(> ^ tnonth . v { , t .,, fi < m - uient. A Xieniiu physicluli Ims di'-cov a substiiulo for Ihe oc.sophaguB. It Following is tho r:iug(! of quota- S.M , bearing the Si i at.hcon.i crest. CUKAT MIIITAIN. baa 687 ra.sott of small- Hay, with good dein.uid. 1'imolhy qu.i'.-il ' 7.". on Lack lor No. in.iil.m i qtiiut and .>() lo 90 for No. 2. ..i.s on track will bring ' to ve. is firm, with fair 1 . 9 to .Oc per ,b; 0"V-^ ^ " StoiUers. por Shi!i-p and - 7.". sheep, eu'-ll 'J.(M) por uwt .'I ".O . . , i Mill.i-rs und ( :: -jr. :; .-.-. . o.n.-ts part of the o- I Bunion pox. King I-Mward i.s ro-nrranjfing hou;*-ho!l on liusino..n liiiR.s. Americans, it i> |.(-;iovo'l, are gradually buying t '.e Clyde ship- yards. An Ant.ir.'ic expedition will sail from I- n. -.land next year. ( ump'osod t-nlirely of Scotsmen The- cn.isriitiim from the United Kingdom la.sl your vv.is lio'J.HIS, an tnci-wosc of 4,287 over tho preceding Hrilisli War Minister of with 11..-I.I.VIIU. ui^LJ^, w . . aruldi-d and half-failed stock ' 2. I ii ,-to:i i. h >'> a <4J- his the t nnd allows fur tion and swallowing. sol.l 7 (Oite I Io B s. CANADIAN FLOUR. The War Office Has Placed a Large Order. A Montreal despatch says : Tho K ...ck- Clioa-i: h.;i,'S, p.-|- cwt. . U ."" Ollice ha.-*, through t.bo "' tl,ou.su,,d ^^ (>f ' eqal to IJ..-..M) Oar- , n ,.. , ,, shl ^ lt Wa3 rc])01 1 . I DC Kabbi's. '-'>' I MM- pair. HOGS AND 1'iloV ISluN-, Dressed hogs arv lirm at $8 to $H.1'> in car lou. will) uttering* Mu- ll off products sl.eudy. Un quote liai DII. long cli-urt*. Bulls at IHJe ' n ton and civ.se lots, (iarnrt porU, ^UO.OC; do nhort cut, fc-Ul.i">i> to #_- .1 Mea's Hams. I :i to 131c; liri-iikfu.tt. bucnn, lie; rolls, lie; ' I . :iml ,,-ioiilders, l";e. i Lard- MKI-I.I-L is iinch inged, witlj fair dein-ind V.<: |tjolc: T I I , nlH. lljc; pail.s, Ili to --. mlii .ili! will put on a tloi-t of roingemliir sioum- .rs. weekly, between New York. Bos- ton and I'.nsii.l JoJ-ii Miirrav. win. is w . n.-.i by ,. (i some duy3 O( j O that nu order for t!-e t nit il Sint(8 nulhoritiofl (in tl'O u our j, ac ) bts.-n [i!ai:--d by the Itrit- (harxv of mu.d ring his wife at Jef- ^i, (Jov-wjiim-nt. and tho story has f raon. Ohio, has surrenderod to the i, y Mr Uoki-rt lU-Mgl-en. poll e at U>n-ton. ' p ,-oHi(eiit of tlie Lake of the Woo* 'Iho llotbodisis i-f Knglund have ' MillinK Co. i.-. ili ed i72J.iiini of thc-lr million! Ves." n-uiiirk.d Mr lWi.^gl:.-n, 'it guiiiCii fuiiil fur the e-iionsi'in of the ' is quite true that we bare re. wrrk. The fund hus boon in exist- from the \Vnr (inicc through tt.o cm o for four ve.ns Canadian l<-purtinenl of Agriciril in u pack., I .i.l Qrey und ull,c-r ilistingui.l,.-.' :-n OHtet for l'J.r.0.. bar,, !s of >"'> P I-i.gih reforne-rs wi.h to aso-Hu,, v. .n.in .lour. On ..."d-ti-i-'idruiiiiK by inline- -"' r Mutnten ast John, N.U the National I'.oard of I-Mucaiion '''bo i . mainu.K 500 ton.-* will arrivo St. John for slup:-i.-ul. hy I he I loth instant. Tin- I'our i i foi wa- .i.-.l from our K.-.-wnt in mill " Mr. M.-ii^ii-n .staled tha' in spito of tlie Australian iliiliis, l her wu.s :L hogs. Heavy hogs, per cwt.. ('. IJi Sows, per cwt :i..".i Stags, per c-.vt O .*( Truth. 4 ^ ^ i-, 7') i; .-IT; i 1 1, i 1.00 it. Ho wus i 'an. nli. ia that witru in A d.vi~l..ii soon after. th<- col-HK-l Ijrmi; .n-'lerel north, tr-nderitl hi- er limn go away with mil clnibUi ro- eruiis, uisieud of his, own i ..Iiadl.j Ca-iinliaiis. On. il{, and will come ! -ir. long. and either Col '- . i a gooil M il,.. I back to (-'iii. ,n:a in '. or I nl s: it'll.' will have his own Way and net control over tho un-tt from nniiiiiu. BRIGAFDS ARE TIRED. TWENTY DROWNED. to adopt ii sy stem of .mil weighing sell. >ul ehi UNITED ST \1F.S Ihe Univ. rsily of (I'l. ago h.|s oiiuhl. n M I .-.."mi e ,t !.. Sibloy. Ill . s. In.ni, ii- eli.s.d on icco lilt of iu i-pUI. I-. n- of small- pox. Kel'ints show thhl tTu- n.iii"M,il daiikfiiptcy .iw linds m-neral !- provnl M. Hn'nsr-l>iiiiioiit w'll <-,-,n h.i i. In- : .! e\| criiii'-i.t-.- in thi- I'rileil Slates in -\t sprii-i; Valrick Sullivi-u. of .IcuiiiiiKs, Moat.. :h it hi-, wife. I . hild. n d kins If dead. Sn.jillpox is spri-iiibnn in Illinois Tho Chicago school iiiiid hns a <le- flcit of $2.(.K.)0, IKiii. Dr Mchola-i Van. o. t;..-ii.-n. N V . !Mi ywir.s old. is to u'niii. hftV- liiK buried twelve wiles. .hxnies Kails, a w-!l tu ii.> f.ri.'.r of Ma'ihcim. N Y.. c.iiniiiiti-d sui- U-cause he hoxl lost a lawsuit. Th Iron i y bwtw.--n 11 Stab-* .'lid I ' .' irk f.01 ' M s. Iho Di .;> Wont Indies will be ?!<n- clu.ss of pi''.|jl'! lii that colony v. I must have Hour made of M.uht.n'ia li.ird wh-at BOER TREACHERY. Officers of Intel hgeii Dpartmen- Shot Down. A Pn-loriix p.' Two tif- liceis of tin lnl.;lliKi-nc I epar' in.-ut. \vhn \ ..-I.- SI-IP in i..ii-li-y with thn I'.i-.-rs \\li.i ib'sired lo -.11! lell.l.-l \\iinu llalhs were tn-.n lieronsiy t \\ -t \j\ eiineeali-il I. A despatch from C'ari.ai von says: V ivm-r on Tuesday broui-,ht ill Tnwper i. who wan shut t hi-ough tin; lens while oi>nii-Miid>-.-r- donkeys ixnd wugi.un ' . Corporal Dawson, was kill- o.l Thi: in. -11 il lh- en-i-.y woro t \vcr lir.-d upi m withi.ui whon liilv yards oif. t-y ; who w. -i n lying hell. ml a i!:itn wall I' 11 stated t|i,,i M,.M:r i ..i..^.| h., vvoiiinl after ho had siirrcndered. TITI-: DAIUY Outtar The supj.ly of Uulti-r Is good, but ofTeriPue of infurtor s.i'ilf I.'IO le;ll, uiulfeirtell.s sloWlV. Wo auolo 1 dairy liibH. !' to 17c; choice large rolls. 16i to to l'.C 11 to lo L-. 1 1 1-.; se- Soir.o oi Mi;.s Stone's Abducton Ar Deserting. A despatch frmn Solia. I'.nl --The lot i ! i p..;- . ... t Ini ri> : lien M si ,,-i n ml hoi . -innpiiM.. .11. Mine T.ilL.i. lemiiin un irnnlirmeil iNovvs Horn l no iinntim i he I'l-i-,- iiul.s . - iu Tur kish tern lory. 1'la \ ai" In 10; liiw PaciEc Stea^r H tt Down by *]%,* % . , " Bart l ue ' bandits. ' A S.ui ;'ra!icisco despatch says: A A - have i collision at sea f.irl.v 'I 'mrsiiav rm-ie.!. .a which 'i tli- I. the -I UUdUp V> < :;. Hills ill'..- -a., I In |..i-.e he.-l i la VSuilii anil an unknown sailing wounded I'.i ..t tin- I. r. mind bund I resulted in Iliu sinkinic of Iho w.-.inoi! at the .h-i.iv iu ol.laining < .ju.-r and the I'ossiliar loss of at ransom lor IS. l |...i-.i tvveiuy lr.es Tl.e Walla. Walla sortLtl. and am a 1 1 i.-mp ' inn to is DWni.sJ by the ' SttfiiisH i.r Kulgiii ia. Hut Hi"- giiiirils an ship Company, and Rii.ks.1 from S.ri clow)] v.... '..; thi nntler. It u January 1 for I'uget further said that I! w e n-abonls u. anil u t'..pe coast. |Mirts. Sin.' curriifl 3 first- (lie cnpt iv--< is known, and i':M il il passeiiirvi s. js >.M:o:id class, hoped tli.- ,iy . i rew oi SC iu*n. Wlien oil , v.ill I)..- adle to lu> m ruii'a.1 l-'.gus T'ho market, i.s firm l-'ri'sh -,-il ai I'O to -7c. cold storagf 'J" l!lc l.nii-il. 17 lo Me.. Cheuftl Market, lirin l-'ino< B r. 1C eorid- . !'". MIDI'S. \>o()!>i. TAM-oW. I-'.TC. 11,0.- M wkol -i'-ady, wtth rc . fair, \,i I iipwirus. :' Xc; N.I. U co-i, 7c. ciir.-il. cows, and \>c lor s,t<-i-rs. No. 1 HJe for I'l'.'es iKMiiliiiil at '': for i, nnd H ' for No - Sheepskins- The niiirk-t is hriu at Til to 7.JC. \i-, ' ! iptiet at IIJc. and iiir-vuslvd .it 8c. Slocks are now pr.-l.1y well re. I need Pu'leil wools s.-ll at. l.'.c lor s'.peis, and at, IHc lo I'Jc foe c-xlras. Tallyw- Doalorfl ar-- paying . r >lc for M-iidei.-il. and IJ to c for rough. Small lotn of sell at Oc. i >IAlL':.s MAKKKTS Itufialo. J.vn. 7 Khuir- SK-.H(\ i ^iiru.i; l:>. N .'. I Nor. 'J led. ri " .1! No. - l.iw, 7n;. N.I :t, TH. . tv.i;. . \.i :i fin , i No * wliitc. T.l ti-, No No . : 'ill. : M-iid<icitu>. on the t.'.ilii'orii.a ui l:ln o'l lock 'I hursd.'.v an ii-dn bari|i.e. boln-vcd K> be l-'rench, loomed up in i he h.i/.e Mini crashed into the \\nlla Wnllii's :..iw Then the .sailing vosl slid off into the darkness and wjs -. -. n no . ,v desp.iich M-O'III I. .union All t'n- pii-,s..|igi.-rs nnd cr-i-A ..l no r|i , U] , ,,,.,. ..lering i ho ud- Wai In Walla except iho f-!W on , in! i .1 ..-w days. FALSE TEETH. rental Hospitals Make Proposi- tion to Government. ttiitcll Here a.-. loop. Ini: wi.-n: iironsod by the crash. Tin- si..er:ii<o quarter-^ Wei-.: ill tin; IHIVV, and it. is believed ..i tllO -' .or. ie;e passen ;i-i -. nnd crow were crushed lo death A big liole was Hindi! in l!"- stmum-r's Imw. and she sank in :'>."> inin'iies The - and crow Mi,nnta:ni..(l strict -.Illle .111.1 W'|-u lower. '.I I.n," s ;m.l lil'C l-H.'l \ll who v\ ere ii.il 1. I i,, th., collision got olf exc.-pl Capi. Mall, who wi-nl down with h's ,, ; ,.; is( . v.sability ol suppl.'. ing i.iKo '.-oth 1C tho forces. ill': appliii.nt I for . . "I !:i i: '-n Uaden-l'oweU s p. lecle.l I'll Iho uroll!lil nl l-Mll to. III. ami liumli -'-'Is "I iipi'liciuils lor .-i \ ice wilh t I.e ,\ ' oiua ' ' WOI'O d --ipial i'ied for i ho siiinc '-. The denial lospn.ils oi London* Mavo iioli.ied Iho War dllic-- ilia! 'hey are prepared t-> make good ihe oi i .|Uip applicant s v, '1,1 a--.- ship. uf ill.- picked up liii-r b\ on-- i.niii.iur..o with Mr- cop'. ion "f a f'.-w In n BRITlsH~SUCCESS. In.poitant Froui West Africa . "Pported ai L 1 per head BRITISH LUSSES. Nearly Twenty Thousand Havi Died or Boen Kil A ili-spa 1 1 U from 1 ..-ial- The lo'iil i eih.cl i<ui ..| C.i.-ul I'ril- iiin's 'nil.. -n Soinh \ n om I ho b -ill'- war I " . .nl of I A despatch from I'., i ' \ ,vs u Ar. .- i on lii'C-ini.or L' I wilh V llene alia., al... 1 lillesl Six impi-riri'-i . III .. , i,.., is- 13 .,- Col ! ll "' <l - \ .. avalW liio Kr.ti ' v vein I and I