Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1902, p. 3

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JANUABY9 1902 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE I ttMMNW^^ 1 "MARKDALE" I F, T. HILL & CO. I MARKDALE SNAPS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS We want to inaku January a record-breaking month, and to this end have marked scores ot lines of seasonable goods at temptingly low prices. Every department of our store will have its own special attractions. The best values of the year will be in evidence during this month, and your dollar will purchase more goods for you now than at any time previously. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in Mantles. Barguins in Millinery. Bargains in Caperiues. Bargains in Fur Mitts. Bargains in Fur Caps. Bargains in Fur Coats. Bargains in Over Coats. Bargains in Suits. Bargains in Underwear. Bargains in Mens' Furnish' j Bargains in Tweeds. Bargains in Blankets. Bargains in Staples. Bargains in Shoes. Bargains in Rubbers. Bargains in Crockery. Bargains in Glassware. Bargains in Groceries. In a few weeks we will be in the midst of our stock taking- in the meantime we want to reduce our stock to the lowest possible point. T. C. Hill $ Co. I marfcdal*. I Importing Retailers. towwvwv^^ Ad PTSLISHBD WtBKLT AT THE OFFICE, COL- I.IMi WiMili STBKKT 11- . II. I per .11. .ui in utrlrtly In advance Advortismg Hates: ne Column, I year. *M ; half col., 1 ?, quarter eol.,ODS year, !. !ao average of eight teacher*. Receipts ^ for the year from all sources were VwXTs/Ci? $124.51, and disbursements 163, leaving a balance on hand at Ihe end of the year of $41 61. This, with receipt, of this year's anniversary, will give the school about 9120 with which to commence the year. Miss Frances Bellamy recited r LBNIIBET' >M , THUKSTOK. ONT., Method Ut Anniversary Tho annual tea sul entertainment in ; connection with the Mulhodist Sabbath M .h"l <{ this place was held on Now Years night, and was iu eery way a splendid HUCCOS*. Tea W.H srrvod in the h.Kil room from 5 to 8 o'clock and was quite up to the high standard of eicel- lenc attained by llie ladle* in former yean. At 8 15 when the paator, Kev. Ivison Wilw.n, tm.k the chair, the church was well tilled. The opening prar was .rtWed by Itev. L W. Thorn of the Pr liyUtrian church, who also made a few feltciU.ua remark* latir on in the even- ing. Tliuproxr.ini wan almost entirely furnished by the number* of the school, most verso* among the girls snd Mas'.er Fred K imtoJl most among tho boys. A Victim to Principle The !.! Mayor Still nf Ornnxeville was a martyr of temporance principles which he In M all his life. When Dr. Lewis was summoned to the mayor's office a few , huura In f,.i r tl.e tragic end uf the chief ni.i. i-ii it.- In' found Mr. Still sulftiing fr.nii ritii'iii" pain in the region uf thft heart and told him that brandy would likely give him relief. Tho mayor an- awi-red that he had always bcon a total .ni.i iwked the peysiuian to pro Farm to Rent Oood farm to not, on* and halt miles from Klnhtoo, 100 acres, WelMktwl : fair oreba r < For parloolars a pply so the undcnlgnad. Mrs. f. B. Hvkrti. I^dybaok P.O. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I hereby notify the general public that I wil 1 not hereafter be responsible for any debts con trtetet In my usine by any partiee whatsoever without written initractlon* br me Ceylon, Dec 9U, 1U01 JOHN iMISI.I. I 1 scribe some other remedy. Dr. Lewis tried to rewHon with him, but tho sufferer WON inexorable. A few IIOUTH lator. when the mayor was in the throes of death the doctor rcaolved to adininiHter tin- brandy on his own responsibility, but it was too late and the brandy stood on the tal>li> beside tbe dead body long after the final trngedy. D Lewis is of the opinion that - ^*. . w . , rm . (i*. anil was of uniform excellence. U may j t |, w li,| U ,, r wuuld have saved Mr. Still's aafuly be said that no better program "f life- tin* kind was UV.T ivoii in that church. Tlis npWndid manner in which the chil- dren acquitted thenvtelvoi must have been highly gratifying to those who had epent long weeks of unary effort in train- ing them. Special mention ahould be Mail Contract SB AI.KI) TP.NDKRH. sddressed lo the Pcst- maiter Urueral.will don TKITV) t Ottawa until Noon, on Friday :ilm Jauuary IIOS. for tbe 0011 veyanee of hl> Mi)oty'i Mails, on a proposed Contract for foor year.. Allruee per w. ek each wa>, between Dundalk ai.d Urlntyre from tbe lt April next. 1'rlntrd notlcei containing fnrthxr Infoima- tlon as to ooedlttens <>t propoeed Contract may be seen and lilank form* of Tender may be ob- tained at the Poet office Inspector at Toronto. ToKKlCK DBPABTMaTMTT] ASTBUB M Mi. CnirinAi-r HHAMII. Li.suur Ottawa, IT December. 1001 ,-iupt ANNUAL MEETINQ Tako uoticv that the annual meeting of KaM Orey electoral Dl'tilrt Agricultural Society will ehrlJ In tlietown Hall. Klmilirrloi nunday, lannarr 15 IWU.al I o'clock lmilirrloii. n Wad- |. ni . for the Hoard of made in this regard i.f Miss Chriitoe and Mi** Minnie Joy. Tho cliraai in the children's pait of the program was readied when the throe little tots appear i 1 ui nulit robi-s and nielli caps and re- i-iii- I "SantA Clau* did come," at the IAIIIU time waving their well lilli-il stock- ings. The naite and realistic rendition of th's selection 01. mpletely captured the ntxlu-nce and the little ladies were called ba--k to the pla'form lo repeat tho |>er- formnnon. During tlio evening Mr. Win. I . nn old fnv.iritu hurr, Ming * fc"l<i, l.iwn in llm deep let nie sloep." Hia i, it i-oine of rare i-mpss and splendid qutii'y, and hii in .ir< w is very liitihly a|i|nVeiited Tl u MISHPS Joy more than KU'ininrtl tin ii !> enviublu n put lion in a oesut f ,1 mo n-iit'i'd "The dis taxt o'liniiM"," ainl > cited a wi I! merited rii' 'in. Mins t'lir.ntmn Hichnrdson oh. r i" I tho an li'-:i'M it'i tli" rucitatiuii of "I)!.- I'u'l,.'! Vi-ll," whirli was given in |d"nilid t-l vl". Tl.o (.r.K'i!.-<U amount ed to alxiut mx'j dol'ars and t'n' in'erwst i-v 1 tliis y.'.r !IOWM that til'- sniiiver- IH Miitfi-riiit; fi '11 i.o iliiniiuitioli of pr i n .1,1 n in .1 hi'xli HI i r,' .if effi; Jo l>v I In- r.'j" ri', which h i'l-iiil'.n. ''4, wiMi - i ( the rereivliiR snit )>M-IUR on tlie Hoard of ilneton aM eeretsrjp Tresurr's reiiorts for the present >esr ; the election of ornoert for theennulug \ear and|urh other Itwful biitln*.* ilr,,ni'..| tief*qaary In the Interests of nald iwii.it. . roll attendanco li cordially imit A. K. -I. M'KOI I.K, S*.. Dated at I Ijalurton. Dec. 31. 1901 fii ON YOUR GUARD '. agilnai unacrupwlous ImiUtocs who. may clshn lo be able to furnish you * mcdlclns at food, or the sanis 11 OUR NATIVE HERBS.: The Formula it lown to but one person, ALONZO 0. ISS. ImiUtlom of either TaUeti i iwder re not oiUy wnrthlcM. hot mfty h n^er- ou*1o Ihe health nf your ctintomert in toinf MipOimdM by in*-x iri*nreti |cr4in with* out correct knowlnlRe of the formula for miikifift the medicine. There U only one remtme Htrb comptMind, UUR NATIVK ntnnuf..! l\unl only by THE ALONZO 0. BLISS CO. 232 St. Paul St., Montreal, Can. ALBERT SILAS JOHNSON, LOCAL AST, CEYLON P, 0, P- T ">IO, CANADA, ThatCold or it may kill you. Take a cold at this time of the year, and ninty-uiue times in a hundred it will develop into Grippe and Grippe stands for a category of ailments that has baffled the best physicians. Kill that cold ! take a never-fail treatment Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule when you feel the first "shiver" when you feel the first flush of fever when you feel tbe first hint of an aching head when you feel the first stab of pain in your back these are all Grippe symptoms that this potent, powerful but pleasant medicine will knock out in one-two-three order make you well and keep you well -handy, too carry them in your pocket. Your druggist should have them if he hasn't, mail 25 cents direct to VWAMTA M-r-d CO.. Ctd. Ottawa. Ons. FLESHERTON Deductions for . . January We commence the New Year with a reduction in price of a Host of seasonable lines there is only one Hhort month before stock taking and we want them moved in short order, so as to include them in our inventory Every line where the assortments is not full and com will be marked at special prices Reduction in Black Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths. * Winter Suitings. Waist Silks French Flannels Wrapperets Flannelette Wrappers Men's Fur caps Men's Cloth Caps ladies' Fur Garments Ladies Cloth Jackets Ladies' Felt Hats Men's Boots and rubbers Women's Boots and Rubl>ers Children's Boots and Rubbers Men's Clothing Boy's Clc thing Hardware Dept' Reduction in Wall paper China-ware Glassware 1/IE FLESHERTON ADVANCE JANUARY 0, 1902 Methodist . Tlesbtrton PASTOR Hev.J.8. Ivlon Wiloon wvlee^Surulny 1 1 rt.in.de 7 p. m Subjects for next Sabbatli- Moriiing Supplied. Evening "The Unpardonable Sin." Vicinity Chips of the Past ;.r.-lull> Culled for the Curious Fresh lime always on hand. J. II. Duckett, Eugeuta. Wood wanted 25 cord* 2 ft. maple wood. \V E Richardson. Engineer wanted year round job to right man. Enquire at thin office. Born At Ceylon, on BunJay, Jan. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. J . B. K.'-in, a daughter. Foa HIST oa BALI hrick veneered residence in Kleaherton. Enquire of Mrs. I. Brvlbury. Mrs. Geo. Park differed a paralytic stroke on Friday last and has since been very low. Mr. Oen. Mitchell ato New Yevrs dinner with biii mother at Alliston. Hi little daughter, Lulu, accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Gibson spent New Tear* dy in Dui.dalk. Mis. Gib- son remained fur a frw day*. Mr. Freeman, foi tome ye.im poKima>t- er and m> rcrmnt at Pioton Station, h* sold out to Mi. N. McCimnil of Pr'oD. The sesi' M f Ch.i'mer'* clmich have decided on holding pecml unices in March, when rl.e pantor will Ho assisted by Rev. M. N Btthunr, of Toronto, who has given uji tlio 'tvgubtr patial work to engage in evangelistic work. The annu il meeting of East ant) Centre Grey Liberal Conservative association will be held in Markdale to-morrow, Fri- day, Jan. 10, at 1 o'clock. EPITOK ADVAScr Allow me to thatik the electors for the trust they havo oi:co mire reposed in m. It will be my aim to continue worthy uf the satua. A ..Vim. Mr. Graham, who in running the rink this winter, liai announced a carnival for Wednesday, Jan. '28, and i< arrrnging for a big crowd and a first cl%s time. The annual in.-, tux- of Fleidierton public library wil J held nt tho library room on Monday evening next, Jan. 13. at 8 p. ui. All interested in th.' work of the library arc requested to attend. We especially require a quantity of Ruck elm and Bans-vood loga for which we will [iny good prices at either if our mills AruiKirnnL' Bros., Markilale and Rockvalo. - t*. Farm to Rent It 10, N D.R , in the towiinhip of Artrmesia, in the cuii'y of Grey. Also a Lome and two Urge gar- dens, known ai the Scott propr'y. Apply to MR.S C. S>rr, Arthur, <>m. Fitn FOR SALK Cheaper ai.d belter than urim. Carload of shorts coining; at once. Having a few tons left, thorn in need of shorts pluane place y >ur order with FEED SrorroRD, Maxwell. MONCTTO LOA* At 4fc lo 4J per cent. Expense* low. A No a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap. Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or Dundulu office Saturday after- noon. Th 8. S.annivpihrry of Wesley church, Van<l leiir. will take place on Tuesday evening, Jan. 24. A splendid program in beintf prepared. If you do not come you will miss something wonderful. Tea erred in tbs basement from 6 to8 o'clock Admission adults 25 conts, children 15. The Mt. Forest Confederate last week published the following item of news, which will be of interest to many people here : " We understand that Dr. Muhati of Durham was married on Satutday lust to Mis- Mclntyie of Durham. The ev- ening I > -f !. his many admiring friends ia Dui h mi gave him a public banquet." The I.O.F. Uid|fe of Eugenia will give a grai.d concert on the evening rf Wed- nesday, -Ian. lf>, when J, C. Morgan if Barrio, H.V.C.K.. will be present The comedy v 'Otilivt, Mr. Harry Rich of To- ronto, .it H N.' awist in t,H proximal _A big tini \ I. See bills The T'lorutury Si.iiulard Rofloclor isuett i \'-r\ eu-Jital lo Chtitmas num- ber c<- '.-.i.tiii-: ,-i>out 100 half tone pi tuns places, renldencos and people. Hut why should Bro. Marshall iiiclui'i !< < i lomvi cif members of tho goreru >u- 4 jt Toronti? Sure'y Thorn- bury ii' es net own the government ? But hi'ld, pei haps tho government owns th" pUntUrd Reflector ! Mr. and MM. Alex. Stewart of Tees- water vUited friends iu this vicinity dur- ing the paat week. Rev. L. W. Thom is awistina Rov. Watch of Sliplbume in special meetings this week. Do not forget to attend the Farmers- Institute meeting which will he held here to-day, Thursday, Jan. 9. There ia always much to be learned from these meetings, which in the past have been well nttend- ed. Every farmer within a radius of ten miles shuuM attend. The Eugenia L.O.L. No. 1118 held their annual election of officers for the current year as follows . A. Madill, W. M.; Wro. Simpson, D.M.; F. T. Carr, Chap.; G. Meldrum, Rec. See.; Rev. R. T. White, Fin. Svc.; P. Munahaw, Treas.; Jcob Williams, Leet.; R. Purvi, D. of C.; 4. Carruthers, 1st Cora. Man The lodge is in a proaperon condition ami pushing forward to advancement in iis several workings. Magistrate VanDuaen had a rather in treMtim< case before him on Saturdiy evening. Mm. Jamea Ashdown of the Station charged Mr. T. Chialett with selling tobacco to a luinor, contrary to the statute dealing therewith. Lawyer Wright appeared for the defence %n 4 made a strong plea for his client on the ground that the buitineas was in Mrs. Chisleti's name. The magutrate, how- ever, indicted the minimum fine of tan dollars ami ousts, amounting in all to seventeen fifty. Tl>e home of Mr. and Mn. W. Tucker wan the scene of a very pretty wedding on ChnntniHn day, w hen their eldest daughter, Sarah, ws married to Mr.Le.vi Belts, the ceremony being performed by Rv. L.W. Thorn. Mr. Fred Pedlar acted as grooms- man and Miss Lottie Quinn assisted the bride. Mrs. Be'.ts made one of the prrt- tvsit Sridps of the season. The happy couple took a trip to Toronto. They have the hearty congratulation* and well ish< a f a large circle of friends. Mr. Andrew Wilaon, barlwr, received the sad intelligence on Tuesday of last wc'-k of the sudden death of his mother wholireain Toronto. Mrs. Wilaon, ST., was visiting her s n here previous to Christmas, and the Utter accompanied lier home Christmas eve, remaining until New Tears eve, when he left her in fairly good health. L'pon arriving home a few hours later n telephone raewwge had been received by the family acquainting them of her death. Mr. mid Mm. Wilson U-ft by ihe morning train New Tears day to attend the funeral. At the toucher*' meeting of the Motho- di.st S.il.hitli school on Tuesday evetiHg the following officers were appointed for the current year : Superintendent, W. H. Bunt; Assistant, H. Down; Secretary, J. E. Fawcett; Assistant See. and Tress., Dr. Murray; Librarian*, T. Hu liner and C. Hales ; Org-tn:*t, MIM Chrisloe. Teachers Rev. I. Wilson, Wins Christoe, M i< Clinton, MIsH 15.-ll.iinv, Miss A Joy, Mm VI. Joy, Mrs. Tluirs on, Mrs Defoo, Mrs. A rni -trun.', Miss /^ilUTrinible.Mrs. Mitchell. A library committee for the purchase of book; w.is appointed, consult- ing of Kev. WiUon, W. U Bunt and T Buhner. Mr. En>est Phillies, lat of Winnipeg, called ou The Advance on Friday last while ou his way to tak* a position as proofreader on a railway journal pub lished at Peorii. III. Mr. Phillips is a son uf Mrs. Josiah Gamey of Maxwell, and also paid hia mother a short visit last week. His experience carries with it a lesson to young men which we are sure he will pardon u.s for pointing out. Nine years ago he went to Winnipeg and en- gaged with the C.P. R. to learn engineer- ing. For eight years he woiked faith- fully and hard to qualify himself, and a year ago <ot ch-trgo of his first engine. Instead, however, of doing as most young men would, putting in his spare time with amusements, he took a throe years' course in a technical school, duiing In, spare ti-ne. and got his diploma. Two years ago he married a young lady in the went , and as his salary amounted to nearly fifteen hundn d a year life was rosy and prospects bright. But some time ago Mr. Phillip*' he u ing began to fail him' and the matter became to serious that he was obliged to IVM-M his position *ftr all those ymrs' work. Hu consulted threo specialists nho cou'd do nothing for him, and then, though of a bu .y.n t nature, his Npiiit quailed before the blnw and something like devpair mttltd over him. Just at this juncture, however, a Utter informed him ilial he hmi been rec'iir- inein'ud a pnx'freitdei for the technical department o; i railway journal pub- lihe<l at Pt. M in. mid to make a long stiw/y short he *:>.-. ueJ tho posjl^on a| % salary of fifteen hundred per annum, and feels, thanks to his technical training, that he is quite competent to fill it. His technical course was taken only with a view to thoroughly fitting himself for his life's calling of railway eiiK>neer, but hundreds of youn^ men conaider the practical end of the education quit* saf- tiuiftit. Had Mr. Phillips done so he woulJ have been reduced to common labor at laborers' wages. It is not diffi- cult fur Any young man to diacover the nuguvf of ^uld contained in this little experience. I Sl .Mm III-- xi,- wart A pretty New Years weddinx occurred at the residence of Mrs. Geo. Stewart on Wednesday la-it when her youngust daughter, Mika Ella, was wedded to Mr- Herb Smith of the firm of Ik. yd. Hick- lint; A Co. The ceremony took place in the presence of ahout 75 guesU ami wa s oonducteJ by the Rev. L. W. Thorn, pasrw of the young pxople. A large nuiuber of beautiful preoenis were exhib- ited. After a very enjoyable dinner the evening was |>ent in aocial concourse. The liri<l *n<i (nmiu are both highly respect-il young rxfiplt- ..f the Tillage and many congratulation* n-l well wishes are shooi ritl. May ihe r life be all roses. Clubbing List. *Tlie Advance and 'Globe, wild pri-iiiiuius $ 1.80 Msil.with praimunia 1.80 Daily News 2.30 Morning World 3.00 Montreal Star and preiuras 1.80 Touth's Companion 2.36 Toronto Daily Star 2.: Farmer's Sun 1.80 Guardian 1.90 SHeep Atx*cty Cam* to th premise* o* th andeniirnl. la* 14. COD. , (Moray, an or about ttcpt. I, la*l oo ewe ihaaiv Th owner km . ( ufto.l to pt or* r. pay eipaDMeand taka lir war. iaoi. NOT. 19, 19U1. II COULTBARD Farm for Sale Lot 40. con. 4'Artemesla. containing 100 acres, W cleared, anil under cultivation, nmaimlxr hardwood, well watered^oodbuildinfri and wtuall orchard. A snap for somebody. For further particulars apply to aJUKX HKNHT. Maxwell YORKSHIRE BOAR For serrtoe on lot !.#), Srd range W T. A S. K.. ArtemeeU, s Ulorouj(br- i VorkshiroJ White boar; Tertni SI. K. CAIKNS. Prm . Farm For Sale. The undersigned haji a farm for^sle on lot IA. eon. T. oaprejr. containing IOE) anr. W acres under aoa iu exetjllent Ntat* of cnluvati >n . small orchard ; Rood frame baru and atable* : house ; a never failing well, with windmill: U miles from school. puoinfflce. telegraph urnc*. null, etc. Not a foot of waste laud un lot. one of the beet farms for either grain or grazing pur- pose*. For farther particulars app'y to Jan 1, 1 m. Win. Meek. Maxwell. iill Opens Saturday, December ai*t. And thereafter Mou<'fi\ , Wodn. mta v and Saturday eenlng. Hkatlng Christmas after- noon aud eveuiuff. TATR ORAHAn, Prop. Heifex* Strayed. Strayed from tho premise* of the nm!orUCM- ed, lot 19. ton. 10, Osprey, one two-vear-ol.i heifer, mostly red with xraYisb. wiilteon bwlly t full horua. Anyone knowing of such an animal will confer a favor by couiuiuaicatlnn with PsTenham, Nor. 19, 1901 OKO .WRIGHT FARM TO RENT Lots 38 anJ :ID, concession 9 Artdinn'la. frame house aud barn. For further particular* apply to .1 ! HU'Kl.ts'c;. NOT 21 liu Maxwell P.O. Tlxorouschbred Fur Service -on lot 159. con. t, Arteruosia The undeifllffned has a fine thoroughbred Herk- shire Hoar for service. I*eiigrueoei application Terum8)l. ALEI MCMULI.KN Noy. 7, 3m Fleeherton Eioavr KOB Service. Thorough brc 1 Kcrk*hire Roar for service on lot H, con. 4. <>ppr) Ask for pediirree. TERMS is WM. CLINTOX, Prop. Maxwell, May 9 011 yr. the old, ring in the New J Welcome to IpOa. ili To-day we take time to review the year ju.it ffc past , nd reflect on the year just ushered in. 19ol %j< marked the biggest and most successful year this i|j[ store has ever had. Now we look forward to 1S>02 ifc with new hopes, larger ambitions, new enthusiasm ifc and brighter promises. Our success of 1901 shall U- lAi our inspiration for greater achievements during l'."-j i|ji for we cherish a more sincere devotion to the in ten- -i > i||f of our many friends and a larger determination to de- tfc serve their good will by doing better for them* A \,V very Happy New Year to all. i* a* ~ falling... Of * * * I* Oil We commence to take stock in four weeks and in those four weeks we have decided to clear as much of the stock as possible by making a great clearing sale. We have selected the most seasonable and appropriate goods that are at a demand and marked down to such an extent for these four weeks that you'll quickly decide to profit by some of the big bar- gains we offer. Come Early 25 Men's D. B Suits, special at $3.00 to elswr $5.56 15 Man's $! 00 suita, to olear at 13.00 12 Men's f8.50 suits, to clear 14.40 Ladies' Jackets, refcular $10.09, foi $7 50 Ladies Jackets, regular M. 50, for $1.50 25 Ladies' Jackets, reg. $5 50 $ri.$ii 50.$7.to clear $2 Men's Frieze Ulsters, regular $5.50, for f4.00 10 dot. Boys' all-wool sweaters, all colon reg. 60o. foi 45 cents 1 bale factory cotton," 2000 yards mill ends, 3. 4,5, 6, and 7 cents 1 bale white cotton, 1000 yds., mill ends, 5c. and 6c. 15 doz. Men'ii collars, new shapes, reg 15c., 3 for 'J5c 50 Ladies Jersey Jackets, nice and warm for house wear. reg. $1. fl.5O, $100, lo clear 40 cts. Men's all-wool shirts and drawers, O.K. brand, regu- lar 60 cents, for 40 cents. All lines of underwear at big reductions. All size* in boys' underwear cheap. Wa are making lux cuts in all lines of Dross Goods. Our BIM.I. Shoe and Rubber stuck is complete aud the bnifo is in then. A frenh stuck uf groceries coming in all the time. 22 Irn. of best granulated sugar for $1. 2511x1. uf be-t yelow sugar fur $1 Tho above prices are for cash or it* equivalent in produce. 3bos. 3. Sbcppard EU genii ...BOUND TO PLEASE YOU... Examine our sleighs and Cutters before buying. Ir is our ambition to lead in the Carriage tnulr and want you to help us out. We make a specialty of horse shoeing and repdiring of all kinds, particularly, Fine Carriages of all kinds. J. H. Heard & Son. We aiMaijouti for Cream Heparator*. Straw cctters auil (irain Urlnden. LESH6RTON 9 ? HARNESS ? ? EMPORIUM. ? YOUNG MAN ! YoDNG WOMEN ! Hvpure to make a success of vmr fut lure undertaking hy taking a c-'Uiwe at M ! the Anitthe I Uf trie Hells. The greatest variety of bells ever shown in KltMht-rtoii open ttrinir, chime, collar, etc. CniHe your blls early wliilu Mtock is lsrge. l-lnrk'MlM.I M \X\VI- I I We handle woodwork of nil kinds. "%-^o-c-o o^tT" Horseshoeing pn-mptly attended to. Special attention to inlorfuring and tender contracted feet. New t!oods in Saskatchewan Buffa- lo robes, rubbor and wool ri>H. lilanki-tH of all HIZUS and deii-rip tiona. Cuiry conihs. brushes, col- lar and weat pads, leather inins, bits, simps, whips and Uthi-n. trunk*, valme*. circinglH*, and everything found in an up-tu-date harnvss shop. OWEN SOUND in either Shorthand or Businexn Aul>jt<cts. A coune at this institution will raise you aho*e the many who are einlfnv-.riag to make living hy common in- an* YOU oanin t alfonl to go ehtewheri'. for our muthoda nnd equipment arc unrxcel- l-il. Winter term now open. Simlenta admitted at sny time. Catalogue froe. C. A. FLEMING Principal. Second Rand Farm Implements Boaf for Service Tbe undersigned bas a flno yoini thor ouab- hred Y..rkhlri' boar for norricc onlnt 17I.T.A S. H.. ArtoiDHtia. Hred from .Inneph K.-atlwr- tone's (Toronto Township, StroetviM-.i h<H,t Turms 1. toek. I Isn.UH M. (i OKH Farm S\lc Grain Chopping done every day at 5 ets. per ba K . UM.Kcrton 4 Bros. Maxwell, Onf. on theflfh con.. Onprey, beiDH lot R. hn 1 and \V. at of i, containing ino acrfw. u. acres cleared aud *' tinder cult ration . hardwood bush good orchard, ban) ar water. buililinH on eaoh fl(sy For fiirllir |..ii - tici)lrH, : apply to. Cuts. Ca r : NoT,lin. MaxwHI Mopslho i'ouRh and work .\ the Cold Lvxttive Brono-QuiDlae Tablets our- n one d*r. M O Cur*, .So fay. Priee i II 4< ii hand Noxon an. I ^1 . <ey Harris Mfoond-hani! luii'l^i ;. h'irss). i ikes, M. -il drills and t. lie r. i. , sal> at iv li.iri{a:n. I am also suent for McTo.i'. ConiihAnl and Svoit, and Crx-kslii.!'. Ooiii|iaiiy of Hrntford ; Aipn ul hand Hi'imcr a ul potato Jigi;> r Knuk-r mower tesctioiiN. . . . Uriva links each U 0.nadill,_Ceyloiu i \xlvoB Astray. promises of th* t-nd. ..;.y , | .| 4. N. l\ K.. ArU i >!, on ir i\'., XaT.' . f >u c:s. Ih- . fr tel' t property, pay expenc and tcov. sway. ThO- 1 . MeAi>::.: i.T^

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