Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1902, p. 4

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'I 5 V > * The I Red Witch <> * Or The Wooing Constantia. I CIIAITEU XXVH. a little thrille of my own I wanted to to consult yo about. An 1 thought if I met yo here in private." with an expressive glance ut j.otah (who read her, however.' like u buok) ".nn mitrht listen to mo." "Certainly," said Constantia, gravely "Norah, run on to lh.i, house, and if Aunt Bridget asks for me, say say 1 am coining, und that iry, who was determined not to ..ako 1 shall bo In prubcnlly." it seriously. "llo guvo tlio- jiruior- Shu darted away like a swallow, When the silence had grown post- t . nco to tho botUOi - leuving Constantia alono with th mely awful. N.mih broke it. .. u ncvcr OL . curre j t o e." said maid. \Vell. 1 never!" nho suiU. .simply. stron( , o s | o w!y. Well." said the former, smiling l>ut largely ..^ ()jd lo ,',... gaj< j jjarry. "I'm a kindly. "whul is it? You huvo N.-itbc-r did unyono else, evidently. dl|1| f( . llow cno ,,,rh, but Borne instinct soineiliinn to suy to rue?" Tl.ci-.- was i.o dlMMtient voie* One Btood to 1I1L ._ un( j , |rt , 110 to m is- "Tlicre is bod uews, Miss Connie." loulcl sew that ih.-y wr.j toOMMMt , n|sl hjll , TniH crn/c for toU il ab- she said, and then auin paused, enihiirrasw-d wilh c-iich other, by the f , tjlll . n( .p W us all a plntit to get him- with a swift ghinro around her into way in which they avoided each oth- S(;ll jnto lne KOO(1 Br . u .es of Lord Kit- tho thic,.tning gloom. "Oh. if I IT'S eyes Constantia triad tOBMtM ], t ,, mi W ho can give him a push in sjioulil be 0101 heard !" she said. a remark, bui i.iiled; o did Strongo; l(|0 , )ur ij um <-ntary lircf-tion next 'No one can h(?ar you in this out- ;-nd tlu-n all in once they Ix.-cuino ( |,, r ,j (>ll Hah! it makes ono sick to of-tht-wuy spot." retdrned Constan- MW .re that s ( ,:i,eiliing was tho mat- t|lj|lk of lt tla ta |, n iy p though her heart wns !>.- I. r with Harr.v. "001110 home!" naid Constantia ginning to beat with the expi-clution llu \vo |iur|.lo. Ho wa-H writhing. Middcniy she looked distressed, and of home unknown but surely coming wriggling, m Hi,, most extraordinary ,, ( . r |, n ,,rt s uvre tn.-nil.ling. A evil. "What is it. Kitty! Speak ul way. and then thu crisis came lie u l( ,iighl had corne to her. "If ho once. Something has hnppened." bui>t into a roar oi laughter. should liai-pen to walk this way to "N'o, no. miss; not jel. llut hut l.oig and Joud In- laughed, with a ,,,,,., lllt j, niiRlit happen." Shu what I'm afraid of is that it will indecent disregard for public ,jj(i nol sav |,,, w Oln-n of late ho hnd huppcn unloss there is some one to | opinion. lie wns jiust. rarii.g lor ,,,,,. throiiuh tl >' wood this wny to prevent it. Mit-s Uonnie." in a low. liavc much that. Ilo llnng liinisiili ind. M| upon ,. n] | u , '|-|,,. fj^ttaf*. aild how often urgent tone, "swear to n:,! you'll not grief. the iiioswy .sward as though hir could , ih{ . ni|(i r ,,. ),, ,| |, y ,|in Lack door in- Lelhray that 1 uas thu one to spake "Stop crying." she said imperiou-*- no lonuer sujipurt IUH lilnhs, and , ,),,. ,,,,,_ (in | ial( | behind the house of what l''u now goin' to lull Ju." ly. "and lis'.en to me. ' Have you abandoned hini.sell'ucsiui ually lo Ihe to K j vu S(1 , I1O color lo the servant's "I swear il," said Constantia. proofs? Is there no doubt about all mirth that had been con.summg him UMSW er. "Not ut home." "Oh. hur- williout hesitation. And then i|UicU- lliis disgraceful story?" for tl-w last lne iimiutos. rv r- S | IC C| .i,.(j looking niipealinRly ly, ".Ltuly Valley is in danger trou- 1 "Sorra doubt, miss." The girl- Sirtnige n-^iinii-d him wilh extreme ut Ntrongo. "If 1 i:i--t h.m now I bi,-'" |wos still sobbing, but gome indignn- not sp,\>k to him I couldn't "Ay, miss. 'Twill be sad tin >ublo : lion came into her tone. "It's all Dock Agent I suppose you don't grot much exercise. Allan Upp Well. I'm running up and down columns of figures all day. U thai counts for p-fci " paticico with her wild DIDN'T OKT ANY DAMAGES. severity fur u lilllo while, itn.l then, overcouie no iloulu by his evil ex- i,,,],.,.,!. u nd '(. might guess " i.mplc, gave in, anil broi.u inio exu- l,oiaiil laughter likovvi.se. Kvcn tho for her if no one. can help. Bui you, arranged, I tell yo. 11,-r very dreadful lips f'-ur of Conslantln's vvru'h was pow- | lis j, vl> Ulll j j|,,. v K \\ follower) Con- l-'or two lorn; d.i.vs and niilus." cried irulh. erless to control him. Norah was ii'il long in lollowing biiit. lielight- cd with a chance oi cackling at all pule at the JUigs Mc( Jillu nddy, you can do sonic- Tliursduy. they'll nave a good run - primp to thing. Thai's why I came to ye. before Mr. Uundns has learned Ihe Oh, il will be the ruin cn- "A littlo strategy and resourc* often win n apparently 1.PO- ksa case," suy.s wil-kiiown bar- n--ii-r "Take, for instance, a cum- .ilion action which 1 was dt> fen ling on behalf of a certain rail- w,,y company. At flrst s.ghl tbj oviilciicc seemed dead against my IJy starting on t)jl . nUj The pluinlll | cun.e into U* court lool.ing weak and fecbU, and holding his right unit in u stilT. cruiu|i--d fu-liion. Ho declared that h h. (1 not been able to lift it more than a. year ; that it was for ut/- ager footslcp.s back towards the girl, in low bui excited tones, liicly of my lady! Such shame to 'I'he Cottage. Just vsh.-rc tho wood "this Kccic-l has kiin upon my bearf. her. an' before all tho world. too! lerininuied imii ih" i |.. i. neid.-, l.i- until I told myself 1 should BpuUu of Oh. miss, if you can do anything, do . impossible for a to raise it he saw now a splendid op- Ball u,,., U.| OI , K ,-U to hor homo, she Hor die." it!" , (S hi ,,,'.,., his chln aiu i u || cn a o- riunily not tj bo negloclMfe and diKiin.-s.-d her ci.inpaninin. ' Spouk. then." sa(d Constnnlla, She drew her breath nurd: with a Coulll of lho i n j ur y imlictod upoe i --r ifiirlh full swing without u "lion't tuke things so much to wilh a touch of impatience; "what^s kind of bob, as she again turned to | li((| thniij;l l for the moi row, aud a sisr heart." said Siroiaje. in n low volco. this terrible tlniiK that threatens the anxious girl. "l'h<- jury was against me so far ' i:i"l'l"asuie n , he took her Iiund in puriniK- y<"ir :ri>ltc--?' "And you." she said, looking down fts , COU)J ^ 1 made u ' mln(J AM for Constunlia sho stood stern --Nothing is worth much grief!" My lord " began iht girl, and on her. "how aid you learn all lhat th|} al | c(ted v i ct , m ( ,f the acci- ter's and unciiinproinising, ga/in;; at her companions with c.ueiiil conlempl llu l uiler a bit her strength, olio found was Insiiflicienl for ner Had thiH revelation come u Yet, how he grieved' How ho then stopped abruptly as if frighten- . this?" would grievo foinvi* for tho love do- ed. nicd l-.im! Ik- put a-s,<l> his >,'-vn Constantia drcu back. She flushed f.-c-'ings for the nn.uieiit. and spoko crimson. i.his worldly senliment to try to "It i" imposHiblc that I should li- inontb ugo, before the di.sclosuri-H on | l( ..,| |, rr wound Ilo vvns consider- tt.-n to compluiiits of lx>rd Varley." tl.e ruglii of that fatal ma.skud ball. a |,|y perplexed by tbe Ktrnnge look she said hau/;hl ily. "1 thought vim ull would have been din.-r k -ut; bui lev- vv ,,|, u -:,ich she answered him. Killy fidpeteil. "\\li.v, there's Oinny Murphy up at r.allviuore," she"R.iid nt lust "I see. 1 understand. He is your I.WIH-I In-art your lover?" "Why, we do be keopin' company |dc-nt was shamming, and that he could lift his arm if K-- wished to du so. 1 therefore commonceil by ttayiag to him. very sympat h -ticully : I " 'Your arm is extremely painful, is it not ?' '"K l-' r ^ 'ill inn-, she would; ],, that have fo.'l cin-tn-d, l.uuiiliit<i.-d. heart- .,i, iw |y. broken Hut n.iw! Now the> w.iu nil laughing, und hii o-i yoni.-;. Hhe \va* lush, sin- wan pielly U WHS but a ll"sh- Wound ufU-r all. bhe had reconed in l-m respoctal/ie u girl for this sort of sometimes." said the girl. plucking I .. your cioeil?" slie said thing. l>o you think your misln-s.-. .shyly at her apron "Hut faix. 1 y,,.,,. ' ' .Y OU ' na ve talked about It . your family, to an her lirsl oncouuter. \vould like lo have tho petty un- don't think, mis.s. that there's much (,-i en d3. haven't you ?' I "At least it Hs n good ono," ho pleasant ness,- 1 of her household pul>- in it." ' *Y< -ir.' M-iiiin ,1 evasively. lid.v canvass< il '.'" j Sho cast a glance at Constantia, < 'They all know that you cannot lie mid llnrr, , Having kissed good- She moved as though to pass tlio out of her cli|uent Irish eyes, as she jjf t j t f night to Norsh. tuim-rf into a path girl by; but Kitty liriuti laid her said this, that brliul her assertion, ( (>!, v ,. s that led sharply to tlio right und hand upon her arm and held her firm- nnd compelled Ooasiantia to believe -^(.'rg y O i^ able to lift it before) In spito of a xviire suon out of'sighl. Constai.t in. ly. that then- w.is ill the world in it so lno arc |dent 7^ ' 'inj'ulo with her scver.-c ->-\i. ul ,i, ,|nicl; High, went on ihrough "Miss Constance, don't go like that, far us she was concerned. -\ . inly.' the Mern IHI.-S admit h.-r suit lips n- t |.,, W1( i.d, hnrdly heeding the lively {Hear mo." sh^- cried, dropping on I "May be yo think I should have -|l w liij.h could you lift it ?" lax.xl, ihe giavity <lied from her \,,,,,h- s (: (,aUci Unit ne^ur for a mo- | her kni-cs nnd catching 1'oiislu.nti.i's held my tongue in spile of what I ^a* my next .)", st i.ui- 'skirts. "You know ilon.'t ye. now know. May be 'tis blamiii' me ye- "Without thinking of tl.e conso- miHS? that I would well my heart's are for spakin' at nil." she said pre- ( |uences. up wont the injured arm, blood for tin- mislh'ess. 'Tis for my sently. pu/r.led by Cotistantia's pain- xvm, t |-e arv-v.er. 'As high us Unit,' hidy thnt I bif;, l.ere on my knees. I ed silence, "llul fegs, miss. dear. 1 r j c |,t ,,hove tin- i LIU'S head. eyoa and was n-piac. d by H spark- , n ,. llt ,- oa si-d. Tow arils the end of ling ligM that told UN own lain. t)lr . ,,,(, a thick bit of shrubbery SI. i n,ane one last light for compos- gn-w. and as they cnterexl it, both 1. 1 1 and Uii-n, \iini|iii ,in-d, yet with- . S ( ar t,.d tl .s a lull, dark ligiiro step- out regret for her dcieai -.lie joi'ieil ( ,, ,| ,,,,, ()f ,),,. r |,,,d, -il.-inlrons, right in the general mei i inient , und laugh- , f, on t of them tho tears run down hor I Constant ia shrank back Involuntar- Ih .ti^nt you loved her, so I cume to couldn't see Ihe uiislhress worsted --of ci )ur s<'. the roars of laughter you. Oh, miss, if you will not listen without t>nyin* a word lo somebody ' that followed thrs performance uttcr- Whnt friend has ho upon who might give her a hand An' by | v di,infoundf-d ih; shaintm-r. and hf, get any dajnnges." who will? . I uii'.il chcel s Ijly ns ,, frij.1,1,-1,,,1 ,,nd laid hor'earth when- her own limn i* false to luck, miss, it sthruck me that you "That's right," snld Stronge. with |/ u ' ,j (>n Somli's arm. That llttlo hur?" 'were the very one LO do her a good quick bvn.su of ielii-f UN he \\aich-d i,,.,,,;,^, however, wns not to lo j The voice was so IriiKlCiil. so pas- !tuni - Miss ''"'"'"v" i*h-- c/inu- closer her. Wns thi-ro a gruninur of hop.- in daunted. Sim went straight up to [ filonutcly in enrm-st. the g'irl , i ,, .- und took Constanlia's hand, and lifl- llmt n-lieiV | lho ,| ftr u ngure nnd "(<Ji, but " she ai1. looking up "\\!i\. it's Klllyl at him. "It is dreadful, is H not. 1 Uh, w.i .'hoiild uot IK- laughing " In a tone of distinct diHuppolntmont: poorcxl Into iml KO wh ito with honest emotion, that ld " res|M-i-tfully. and presse.l it to -> u l Constixntia felt her nerve fail her. her ''?" " do sometlnng Do now! ' sho said then. I o n . if any real mini'ortune threatened l '' n l' oor - lfcnurt girl, nn' no ono "AfUir 11, why not?" said ( (lll 'tlial bordered on disgust; to Stronj n I'hi-re is an element, of |,e so ner to Iho finding ol a real Ufly Varley. what should she do? <>"'" l'c She entertained for hor so warm an l " %l ' r - 1 I''alher afTection lhat she stood now almost jt through the parish o.s a sin an' a mo. or I'd stand up 'crry himself, an' cry con. , in- . ii.tlity somewhere around, und wo |,,,gey. and to have it turn out B*>th-lpMJyMl by this sudden baleful light Bn aie. if I thought it would do any ull inflicted by it. Tliero is sure- , ( ; itt ,. r n ui "\\hnt aro you doing lnat had 'been thrown BCIVM her K"" J l<> n) y lttd y- <)h ' " lis9! lo sco ly no harm in thnt." ling _. liure. Kitty?" she demanded, with an ' UiiiTcU, he is culling you names" j llir ot ,, H1 ,urity. said Nora saucily. "IL.- siiys you />. ( u , ,. | m ,i emerged from tho uro a comical element. It wns you ' |,| at k clonk lhat Irish married wo- who made ns laugh, wasn't U?" ,.,..,, always wear; u face young -'"'I "Well. I ilon't lancy 1 was the lirst |, r ,-iiy. <lne could HC-O that the cloak cnimu," Hind liany. "1 was only tla- | in ,i dei-n borrow'i-il. Tile girl looked us, HI! hut iiisigniiicant match, llel- ]l , is( .s,,,.^) ,,| Const antia, in a tim- lei I* liiughing than cr> ing any day l() nti,*ilaiii fusliion I- eatb.TMl'in oii(;hi to do the cr.vind, '-Mi,s C.ii.nie," he snid, "Could I naughty boy! Ily .love, what n spaUe toyofor a uioment, if ye HwindUil" Ib-re he went oil again |pla/c"" "I wish we hadn't gone up ilien- ,|,.. , i, m k had fallen b.nk altogo- ti.-day," said Const ant ia nei voiisly. ', ].,.,- , 11>w , and ln-traycil the Uovo-col- "You iniiMl confess wo In -havi-d mean- ,,,,.,( , , vl -heiniri- gown and muslin il>- ly, wtiHtnafully. to npy upi>n him ,. t | ): a imined the Iciuule livery >il through his open vvlndnvvs, to delict Aritf;!iii. Const aiitiu Haw that It was Kilty llriun, tho imdnr-houso- him "lirinklng whiskey, with that blue lmllu - there. R girl to whom lady ribbon pinm-d n|>i>n his run It That's Varley had I ..... sl-<-ia,lly kind, t*.k- wha* I call mean nnd Hhameful," in- J,, K her out of a poverty-stricken ton-tinted Noruh, with n little sniff. mhin to tniffl an a servant. The "Oh, I hope he didn't s,-o us," nid K i,.| | la ,| ro turneil thiM kindness by a Oonstantln. inisprut)l.v. Sho looked |i a -,-Moiui.to iittai-lnm-nt . that grew HI, pule and (,-rriii,-(l lhat once again with every genlio word from her her Stiongii'h heart wns rontracted by a K ,.|,i|,. misliess "Livdy Varloyl" ox- bitter pang of jeji lousy. "To do him |nsl ice ho Ooesn't. quint, and it would ha\e been im- ,. ',!,: olhi-rwisi- I,, s.-e us and I he j bn' 'I.- at tin- Mime time." said llur- ni.'rt Coir-iiantia anxiously. ".She is nr* HI? JIa anything bsppenod?" "There Is nothing. mi.sH," Knld tho nfrl. "nothing at all," with a rather bruln. That I.,. id Valley h.id b.-en l e flvce '" lu>r - s " Htt<l - au 8O |onul y. wild. foolish. culpa>.lc. she knew; but " " " " ie w " ll(1 Wlis **'? ?"' that word "false." and tho girl's im- hpr! If CXl ' n th " blll ' v lm<1 been loft hoi " "|)o not think of that, do not go buck to it." cried Constaiitia hur- riislly, a pang al her heart. "I will what I can do. I promise you; and I am glad. Kitty, that you canui to me me only. No ono" she li im- passioned manner "Do you know what you aro waj- ing?" sho murmured faintly. "Ay. miss; yo heard, tnaybo, lhat (,. Misther Dundas wont to I.< ' about a week ugo?" ' \"es." .,1 lorward impi ess->v.-ly . and laid hur "May bo. though, yo haven't heard hand on the girl's shoulder "no one. that civnr since hia Koin'. my lord reinemlH;r. must know of this but you has bfl*n nic.riiin'. noon, nn' night \>\Y there ut ISallymoro wid Mrs. das?" "If yil Imvo only lo tell me ni Lord Varley's visits to Mrs Hiimias. who is a very old friend of bis." be- gan (%nsta(itla coldly, "I " "Ah! but that Isn't nil. i Hi,- girl sadly. "This IH Tues- day, an' for Thttrmlay they have it run away." I l Think of I.ady Varley!' cilti I l. Mi SK1UT. 1'^ to 00 Waist. fit snugly but flare to correct st>m bincw tho two feature* EUROPE S DHINK BILL. ;No ui'.it.-l moro periuctly than the circular one, nnd none is so well adapted to widt ., _._ T VT . -.,- materials. The smart tiosigii shows Wliat the Different Nations Pour ,,,,., lhl . tir< . ular 4 Down Their Throats. wj(h Uie circu|uf ll( ,, 11M . Ct auU so Tho c,,nsiini|.U<m of boc-r in Dn- Ku jna additional flare ut the lowei varlft ihiiing l.Si! a\i-raged M.O portii.n. As illustmted, it is niiule Chosen From a Multitude. Trie Preference Shown by Thinking People for Dr. Chaee'e Syrup of Llnseeo) and Turpen- tine-Record Sales Thie Season. Considering Ihe la rue n inn her of remedies for coughs and colds that are now .in,-iud to the public, :md In iew of the fuel that nearl> every druggist has :i prcpafckt inn of hi.s own which ho makes tin eflorl to -ul.sti- for the ineclii in.- asked for. it Hi-ems truly n-markiidlt! lhat the domanil IOT 1'r ( 'rtane's Syrup of I,in-.euil and I in-pent me should incrc-ixe hy .such leaps und oiimio liming dclo ber tin- Dale of Ur Chase'H Syrup of Linseoil and Tin pent int. ex ...... l.-.l hy SI-MTII! li i;i(ln-d l.ol- tle.s thu record of any previous month in Its history, \\liun It ! rttDOfataerH lh.it. lliis pn-parai i,,i, received vf-ry littli. n,-wspii|M-i luUerti.sliig tie) evidence seems to U> concliwivo that it m,iko* s Its way l>y shuer force in lle-rlt. ^ Thinking prople nu-ognl/e the liannfulness nnd danger of using strong drugs which Ui-e said to < "i > a cold in a few hours They prefer lo cling to Ur Clmsu's Sjriip of l,in-v,-d uiul 'I urpent in, which they know be- yond a doubt, to bo a thorough nd elTectivo treatment for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, ulioopiug cougli. Un out ii nl it inn. nsihnui. nnd even consumption itself Tho combination of I-l.isi-ed und Turpentine-, with half a dozen other ini;r^diciim of p(|iia,l value for treating colds, In such pi uportions as they arp found In Hr. Chase's Hyrup of l.lnsced and I'lirpentlno hus jum.-n to bo a perfect proleclion against such dnvelopments as pneumonia, coaiumptlon und MI u,u lung troubles. You ciui wilh rorUinty rely on this preparation to aflord prompt relief uiul p.-rfect cure. Ho you suppnflfl tlmt. Iho snlo of Dr. Chaso's Syrup of 1^1 n. toed and Tuipentina Would 1,-j inotv tlmn t|ir(H) limns that of un.v ^imllixr preparation If It WB%n,ot thn mo.t elTei'tivn rf-mrdy thnt momiy can t "' ..... I ll' 'est nnd proven Itself worthy of tho confidence that Is plale<! In it IVi-plf r,T(>..im,-nd it on,- t () ,,n- thr. nrt so the good news spreads. Uo suro you get tli gonuinfi, with I'r (,lj.- _ -ur n the wrnpper; ^:, , ontu a bottle. 1'aaiily si,:o, Uu oe lnuci r>. uiurU. f.l-c its. At all ticalert, or KUiuu4oi. Sates A Co . Tiiruutu, ' hel i- l M,|\(; IIM'I'INKSS. "I have but or:e rule tliat 1 follow for R wmst 'Was it :\ love niari'iage. il.. >.u .. tliink ?" ' .! tainU Alt mum Lolj in Ihiv life, nnd tl- ,i.- love tjiarria. ,- " I n't ' inak- ol)i'''' p' 1 - 'i'l'.v a-: IM>S- talhci * ' \. '.'" sii.ii-" \\i , l replied, "you N >i ii I 'l l-i :,- i , :.,\.> - if *d oltprhl tn 1. I. thi-n. nt^ hat \ ,-i. -. .1 1, \i.i Kn.yH'. b>ve of 1> '. tho other ' h.v-.- .,( idverlising. and \ .li'ioii.s i!.,.v." '\\h.ii \\as tti.,1 '" Sk.- i.tln-r kinds of luvo. Tl'i-u- il no aid II, at vi,. ni-v.-i .la- M.IW vou m-.-il .{ ^..nig into details \\ht-n out I ,r-rinij s!,.- had tv laugli " japtuk- of u love r:Jlrring." nil s-jltled to run away " Sho threw ber arms widn, and then sud- K ail"on-. per "hT-ad; in (Jreat liriluin it ^"strip. d'i-he\Vi',t'. "cul' bias' ami 'liolh denly brought her hands together WlllJ ;|o 7 K ,,||,.i,s per I.eud; in Her- skirt and lloimce aro s,-am,-d at tin with a loud clap and l.urst. into munVi ^7.5 gallons in llelgium, 40.9 centre with V efTect, but lho se u in Oh, wlrra, wlrra! an' what gu || im s. , d In Franco about 6.5 cm, (, u omiiled \vh.-n [.referred, and become of my laUy thin?" she jr,,||,,n. The figures for wine were : rt n ,|,es, material-, of the wider sorta NObbod frHiitically lY.,nc,-. J.". 1 gallons per head; I ; tv.it iir ,, appropriulu Constanlui was too horrilu-d tn llritain. <>:!'.' gallons; I'ortinial. L'u Th,. skirt is fitted by means ol gallons; Spain, !'.; Italy, Ix In short hip darts, the fulness at the tho case of spirits. I-'n.me and Oor- back being laid in invert.-d plaits, many consumed about two gallons Hi.it meet over and conceal the s.-ini IK-r head nnd Creut Mrilain ,,n- gal- ,,i c.-nlii! buck. This lli.uiav also u- lon. Kenmark showed the highest ,-i,ciilar. and Hares with fasliionablo rate with :i.:i gallons Creat llritain fulnnxs at sides and back. The or- drnws about :t'i |.,-i- cent, of its net igitml | H finished vvit.'i a band ot revenue Horn the excise tax on -.aln, i n-d cloth, stiuhed. but the spirits FratMe nnd llermany some- ,-dg,- ( ,f the skirl c.ui N- laid i-ver I I'.- thing less than Liu [n-r eenl. Tho tux lloiinco and stitched Into placo when on spirits with f>o per cent of alco- a simpler lini.-h is desire.) h .1 amounts (,, about lls the >;al- 'I 1 ,, cm this skirl for a woman ol "on in <!r..at Mrilain In Franc,-, HIT- medium M rdi ,-t material -J1. <l'-r tl w law, it it. -Is., mid in ,,r ;| yar.N .,1 ii-clie, wid,- wi:l be r.- li.iiiKiny about Is I'.d. (M-r gallon. An ((Hired when skill aid i!,,n-i*e are cut Interacting fact brought unt is that wuhout seam at the front ; . r >j ynrdu the amount of the tax a|iparentlv in either width when cnV bin* and !,a-. m, elfect ,,n consumption, whi.h wilh t'am. t"it in the 1,-V. -r in coutinui.s to incron'ii- almost Tory static.; I h>- pieces vviil I,.- f A REMARKABLE YEAR THE PECULIAR WHATHERTHAT MADE 1816 A PHENOMENON. To Summer Except 'What Little Came la December IB Mew Ki.utnnU Ibe \ernr WHS Called Glihtren llu .- dr-il and SlarTe to Dcalb." European ami / incriean Jr'.a repre- eni the year us lia ae Urn |.li--noni'-ii:il In ;-.-; fvery panic-ular. In \*\v Kiu laoil Hi* year wtiit by the natue <if ''eight- een biiuilr<"l nn-.i starve to death." uncl the summer months :tn* knmvu iu hi-tnry I* "(be cold niiiiuer of ISl'i." so remark- able was the tcuipvi :ituro. The suo'it rays secnu-d to be destitute . of beat, and nil :i:iture tm rlad is s sa- ble hue. Men and n->.u<-,i lx>uiivt> friglit- eix-J Bad imagined dial the fire in the no was beioff repldlj ritinciiisli.-d ind '.bat the worlt} woiil.l MHID cume to no end. Minister* tmk the phcamueoon tor the text of their sermons-, and p-wiido sci- entitic men talked of things tb> y knew iit of. while the fanatics took sdvaDtnge tit t lie occasions to furtn religious organi- sations. The winter of IS!.'- 1C was rery roM In Europe, but roiiiparutireljr mild >n tliis ei.nntry. and did not in any way indicate the evrre woollier that soon prvvaile-U. I.'VCD the almanacs were silent, and. ul- th'iugb the unal indications "alHiut now look out for c,il,l weutlier" or "Ibis I* a g.i.ij time for snow" were entered in the regular portion* of tin: book devoted to the winter predictions, those used for fbrouicliujj (he pleaxanter month* bad DO iu<-h uhnnhii; warnings. January was miM. so much o tbnt far dsjs tbefTei.iple allowed their Gre to go out. arii%ial heat unde the buildings pnconafortably irarm. Thin pleasant weather was broken by t severe cold nap in February, but this low tempera- ture passed ia few days, ami a warmer condition similar to tbe month previous el in. March "rnine In like lion, but went oat like a lamb." Tbere was noth- ing unusual in tbe climatic condition* of the month which differed from (bos* grn- erall.T found la the windy neavm. April was tbe advance ituaid nf this strnuze freak ID temperntnre. The early day* were warm and bright, hut as tbe month drew to a close tbe cold increased until it ended in Ire and snnw aad s very low temperature.. TV tboe who delighted in balmy May da>s aud I jvrd to watch lit budding flowers the May of 1810 was bitter disappointment. True, bmN came, bat mi did tbe froM. and one night laid all Teeittion blackeuod walc. Corn was killed, and tbe n't-Mx bad to be rnadr ready for another pluming, but tbe people's as- tonishment was complete when they found ice formed to the thickness of half an Inch in tbe pool*. June, the "month of rimes." was tbi* year n month of ice and desolation. The "oldest inhabitant" was surprised, for never before had the mrr- ciiry sunk no Ion in the tube in tlieKe lat- itudes in tbe last month of spring. Knml. Ice n u.l snow were common. Almost ev- ery creen thin* that had taken advantage of a few worm days to develop was killed, am] various kinds of frnit were nearly all destroyed. Oue day the beauti- ful snow fell to a depth of ten inches la Vermout. seven ini hes In Maine and three inches in Mu>-sa<-hnsetts and r>-n- tral New York. Matters were beiciuulng to he interestin-T. IVi|ile were iinib-ci,l,il whether to upend the winter in the i-.mili or at the waxhore and umnntainx. One day the latter resort* were desirable, and the next would decide In favor of the former, but on Ihe whole tbe southern clime was preferred July was accompanied by frost and Ice. and those who celebrated the glorious Fourth "uof wisely but too well" found n abundance of ice bandy for immediate use the next morning. It was not very Ibick. not more than one-sixteenth of an Inch, but it was ice. and it mused the rood) people of New ICiiirliind. New York and some sections of I'ennsylvunia to look grave. Tbnt mn.-itb Indian corn was destroyed in all but tbe most favored lo- cutions, and but a small tinuntity eiw-aped. Surely Angus! would put an end to licb cold weather, but Ilie fanners as well us hotel proprietors were doomed to disappointment. Tbe midsummer inonlb was If possible more cheerless .thin the days already passed. Ice formed even thicker than It had done the month be- fore, and corn was so badly frozen th.it It was cut for fodder, and almost every grn n plant in this country as well ss Kurope was frozen. Papers from England stated that he yenr Would be remembered 'by the cencr.nt inn then living as a year lo which there was DO Birainn-r. What llttlo corn ripened in tbe unex- posed stales was worth almost its weight In silver, and farmers were compelled to provide themselves with corn grown in 1H1!S for tbe seed (bey used in tbe spring of 1817. This seed never coat so tiuich, being difficult to got even at $3 per bushel. The Inst month of summer was ushered In brisrht and warm, and for two <! tbe now almost frozen people begnn to thaw out. It was tbe mildest weather of tbe year, and just us tbe inhabitants got fairly to appreciate It old Bnrcas and Sozodont Tooth Powder *** Good for Bod TetK Not Bad for Good TeetK .1 Liquid 3W I^e-Lk|id jnrl p,. m ,, cr ., c A n u.o... bynuul l,,r tUe pra*. iam|,t l.,r ix-nipr c. HALL A aUCK*U MONTREAL of me common vepeTnnies. a* rnev were n-nnired for si-e-l Kloiir -'.III in IMI? in ill* cities for >!.'{ per barrel, am) I lie av- erage price of wheat in Knuhiiid was 'J7 billings per quarter. [tot-run <>!obe. IMPORTANCE OF REST. Nervous. tirod housekeepers or busy worUers in any i.tl.cr uccu[.u- tion save time and strengxh by K'urninu; to (Jo U.c ritflit Uiiuti in tie right moment and in the cuhiuit ui d shortest wuy possilj.e. It L.ay take tlioufil.t. but tticu^lit is ono of tl.e best lal'Or suv n< iuipluiiienta e\c-r discovered by man. Sa\e limo and sircngtli by Ls.ng muchinvs '.\hvuj.ei it is posiiUe Prole n^ iii<- and health by talfTifj a lew inoinents' rest hotwecn rtuties. Work doi > in a state of fatii^iie will prol ably LOTTA'3 CIGGEST NIGHT. llln^ra of Hamilton, \cr.. Threw Their niches ai Her Feet. Lotta. tli* actress tin pn.-a.tp life Miss Chnrlone Crnbtre-i. left ibe ftaie at the height nt her pupnluritjr for reasons uever ilfftnitrrjr stuli-d. Her iiiiiRiditr iuflm-nre orer ronsh men was exemplified by an incident tliat oc- curred wln-n sbe was about sevcn'i-en. lu cliar>ri- of her mother lie was making s tour of the Nevada mining r:i:ii|.-t. She l.in.lrtl at Hamilton, one of the i-oiieL.-'t camps in tbe territory. An expectant "crnmil of pnrtU-Mlarb/ i-yitsb miners was at the tareru to m-t ber when tbe stuj;o drove np. When there slinhtM from tbe stnse a tpnre. el.leil.T Iniiy. wbo was Mrs. Crnb- trv*. an.) a littlr- girl in short frocks, who was Xliss Crab tree, the disappointment was loudly and roriferiiusly expressed. However, any show was better than Done, snd that evening the miners fairly pocked (lie plure where tbe sbow nai to take pluce. Two l.illi:ird tables had bi-en pushed together tn muke a stage, a cur- tain beins lrupped between for purposes of retirement. At tbe hoar Sft fur the ofM-niiid there stepped from behind Ibis enrt.iin on to tbe front billiard tsbli- a demure little creature, with skirts reach- ing to tbe knee* and carrying a banjo slunc aetliirriitly over ber sbmihlen. The audience was very cold, la less than half an honr, however. Ixitta bad every raulbor's son f them in state of hitch wrought enthusiasm. Sb taut to tin-in, riunred for tht-m and told them funny sturies with tireless enorg-y. ant they encored ber again aud again. Fiual ly out* man in the andienre. ran its] CD tirely away by enthusiasm, came down to tbe fp-nt with a whoop and. tbrowiai sumetbitic n th stas,-. cried out: "Tbere. you con have my pile." The example was contagious. la less tbnn n irintite every man In the place was scrambling eagerly forward to d.v,-. himself of riches lo order to laj them a Lotta's feet. The resnlt of that nleht's work was the most profitable In the history of Miss Lottn's <-:iiver on the nuj-e viibvr in Ne- vada or anywhere elx*. i, Ti IfctUUIflDI SENDJ A STORY pcorlj- done and Ron.ctinics must te ed lea in to he calm. All tie store I of patience incased in one mortal frame will lie reti.Vd s-n:c tin.p for a trying ordeal. I'on't waste any of it. Phjsicians nnd drufrgists grow fat on the nrrcks of corstitut icns broken by co> n ICKS little tl ii'gs If there is no 7th,r argument t!u>t will Count fo. observing thcf^ simple rules, consider the wrinkles hnw tl-ry grow and reiremtor that rervous j frettinp. wilh its consequent it splits j of I'l temper. is the soil in - facial ilifigureirc-nts Courtbh tree. TOM knew tbw bt to lot. ttM% a* DAioed iLov (jut to PTAIML Mil. kins at V whrn ;je wr to tbMO lino, hat iher i*c ib- thU d- 1 $2.25 CASH will buy a box of SWEET 8ONORA ORANGES, or if you take 5 boxes we will make ihe price $2-10 per box. l-liri .0.0 or .ICO) THE DAWSGU COMMISSION CO., Limitad, TORONTO. Consignments ol Poultry, Butter, Kg^n, Potatoes, Beans, Honey, Apples solicited. :-i 4-H HH-H-M-M-W-J STELEORAPH:: TELEPHONE | PARLOR Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Graen. tea drinkers try "Siiadi" Green tea. HINTS FOR MOTHERa All Jack Frost came along and whitened and burdened everything in their path. On the Itith ice formed a quarter of an inch thick, and winter clothing that had been laid away for a few days was agnla liroutrlit forth and wrapped round shiver- ing buronnity. By this time tbe p.-uple had Rivru up all hopes of again seeing Ihe flowers bloom or liearmie tbe birds ting ami ur^ua to prepare for hard winter. Octe.bor kept up the reputation of Its predecessors, as there was scarcely a day that Ibe tkrrtaometer registt red liiuher than 3D dcKrccx. N <reinber was H!SH ex- Irem.'l.v cold, and sleighing wns |"'<'<I tli first week of tbe uiouth; but, t-ti.inx" to relate. December was Ibe luiiJrst anO most comfortable month of die entire year. coodition which led air.uy pcple to hclievc that tbe seasons bail ab<nit. Of course the cold spell sent bread- t atnff<i tn an unheard f price, and It wnj to ubuio for table use m.in/ A STURDY FABMER STRICKEN WITH RECEUMATISM IS CURED BY DODD'S KID- KEY PILLS. This Mau Was so Bad That h< Was Almost Paralyzed A Won derful Case and a Very Happ; Cure by This Excellent Remedy North Temlscnjriingue, Quo., Jan (J. (Special) At thu liouglas r'aru near here lives Mr W. II. Johnston who to-duy considers hiuiseli u very happ.v man indc- d 'I He cause of Mr Johnston's happi- n,-SH is his somewhat siidux-u nut vi.-ry rcm.u kabl<- recovery Irom ill. most severe case (if Hheuma'.ism over seen in this county. l-'or d long ii. i. .- ho sufTered with tho Hhcnin ' l i-i-i which KrndiuiMy gruw worse till it threatened his life. His principle ir.u.l-:.- \sa.s in i. ;i<h-. and it was so bad that his neck slim-tied so th.it he could scarce- ly move it, and was beginning to The pain vvoiiiil go . for a time, but return with and a MT.UIKI-- n-aturu of his case v.a lhat alter lh<- pain would leave a.iy purl, it lei't behind it. thnt prickly "pins aud needles" : ion. Il thought thnt perhaps his smok- ing tobacco had something to do with it and he gave this up, but re- '1 no boiietit at all till he used odd's Kidney Pills. 'Ibis Miiwiv he lound to be a com- plete anil absohiti; cure for liis mal- ady, and very soon Hi'ter couiincnc- ing Its use. the pain begun i<> leave him and now he is strong and well. Thu.t such on extreine c:ise should Vielil so en .ily and i|iiickly proves lh.it Dockl's Kidney 1'ills \.ill cure any cawe of Uhuiimatism. I omotivcs to birrn oil in the 1'n- cilic States are, built with the cab M h-ont nnd the nmokc- . behind. The tcii-l M i .!- d, a: d |i.- oil and water aro con- luct-'d in | of War Koot has given (' ..I !.-( a brass cannon, ij, 1 nrrvl iii the :*i>i!ip|iin'" ' '<;-.! :,n t!lC of New Yoi '. will be -iifori.d I..M- My and fairly The gain t'> Hi- i!\vell-rs in the ' will bo almost iii'-slni' rhil.lren. phis at well as hoyt, kiuii be tausbt ielf reliance. Cluhfren ihouli) Le t.injlit to line im- ph- >ud -wi-et *uagt about tbe bonce. <'!nliln-n bnulil \tf taiisht to liny "TUank you" ax man as they can pe:ik. A ImliT nhciiilil never br frichtene<l l-j turin told bjr in ignorant or tbuiifffatli-s-< Hterstnre that Is Interestlno: snd oilanlnble to the >mall minds !inul.| Ut rh-ntifnllT sunplii-d for Is* chil.ln-n. A child nin.v 1^ made pcDt',- or rough acrnnliiif to Ibe mnnnen nn-l nctin-- ' iln.f-e ah'.tit him. for bis ervstcHl Ui-sire i to iniitnte. "\V...-ikly" rbildrea may he crentl.T strrnirthcned l.y a daily salt hnth. and if ;...- ,!ik- sen suit stiuulil b obtained for tills purpose. A chili) sliotiM be tunsht to cnrcle as early as possible anil sbouM never be nl- lowr.l tn b- "-.fiil-horn" abmit taking nieiliclne. for ilisuln-ilicnce in this rpsp. ,-t is not iiifri-(]iinntlT a risk of life. Children shoclil be itivru a light supper of brend nnd milk nl ." .-'. I.-.', nml put to bed at It or a little Inter until tin 6ve rcnrs o|.|. Aft'-r t'int tin-.e their IM-,!- time may be fixed at 7 for several y<-n:. Envy pre<-:iiitinii shniilil be Liken to keep s child in (lie best of h<-:ilth. A sickly, peevish bshy is n cnnstasit cnrc and nnxicly. unt nhca henlthr und well tr.iinc.l il is easy for tbe little cue to be bappy aud g,>, '. Every Stfck A Match Every Match A "Lighter" MATCH H-H-M-M-KM-f-t-l-K- Two college women of Urookl.nc, Dr. John E. Oilman, of the Hahne- Uass , are making a snccen.-i ol a man .Medical Coll.. go, Chicago, tikwirts laundry run nn strictly scientific ami . that m tne last year and a half ho econoi lical principles The clothes has treated more than lif(.y cases of cancer with the Roentgen ruyj. und has not yet found a case that would not yield to tm treatment are sun-O-ied and bleached, and by series of experiments the foreman has tested all the latest contrivances and processes for bettering the qual- ity of the work. THF M3ST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. UntoM Cures Burns, etc, In Host on children to Ihe number of nearly 9.OOO ara not properly pro- vid,-<l with accommodalion public schools. in w p. c. 1 1 10 At Seattle a combination of Pa- cific coast lumber manufacturers is being formed, which will control the entire output of the 1'ucilic coast. TO ICBC t ritLn ix \r. HIT. T>k l.-i.-ir* Hrunin QII nl. a TsMcH Al itrii((l,u r-'und i nionxj I' It f*'l< to rnr. IL W. Urars'i ocaiuan In -o tU bus. !.< The Htnte of Washington has 444 lumber mills, --awing over four mil- lion iii't per day. turning out HO,- 1111 shingles and euipioyinf - Mkri's Lliilmeit Cu'es Oaiifulf, Tbe nt nnd Ih* Kl. Once nn<in a time n cnt and n k'd were traveling in company nnd Mopped in front of a window of a store to admire s miM-cllan-ons ilixplny of mcrchamlise. "I>N'su't it make you mid." nuked tn rat. "to see tbnse kid Rloves? Just think, that may l,u the condition of jour kio some dny!" The kid laiuhcd and then answered: "That's no nkiri nf my family, for It comes from your two enemies, the dog and rat. Rut m-e tb"s> fiddle strin-.-H. P'in't tbey give you s pain in your stom- ach?" Ni,tv the cut laughed In bis turn nd then replied: "The interior department of my family doewi't finni.sli those any more than your skin KOCK into (lie gloves. They come from your cmixiii. tl.e slu-ep. Moral. Things are not always what tbey HIV called. THI M~T OIKTirRICS. O Ijl O 'i'OOTU tti t- h lwts< th troth. S i*i u .niii ihs sums Tneumonin at present leads all di- sease in the nun.! .-r oi deaths it causes in the- United States. Con- sumption said heart disease comu next. pr Over ntty Tears Bfit*. Wmtiow s--oTHiN.i nv^or b hm INMI b) pUiIli-'-i of m---l.r fi-r lh r cbildr** wkiie IM h,. MtDothM ill* chU'l. "(I- n- -h' m. ftj -y|i.,n. o>.i, Mi,4 nolle rvgu.a'M vli loin <ch a.l l^iwalft. i,.l . (rt. rn.lv Ti.r l'i,.--hi%. Tni|-.a- ornM bolilc ftoid . p li.iniiiu i.r tii'iost lh wor d. U* iun m4 WOMAN AGED i just came into possession of t^ ooo wishes to correspond with lonest intelligent man, who would 'ppr;ci;ite A good wife. Dox 2,538, Toronto, Out. Bnm Band n rwm^nt*. Drum*. Untforntt) ttc. EVERY TOWM CAN HAVE A BAND Wowo> nnc evr(\u >(-!. W{ tiOi 500 1 lii-np-* t TI* m >ii- n fr-e. Wr l ' n - r , th Kf in t i.l<- -<r Hn-lml lnlr,i,rnl . WflrLEI R1YCS A CO.^L Toinsno. Out, tad M 'lnn.po(. Maa C ARPET p Y I NO ^^ n-l i' ep nf Thu i- Mw*;-y wilh th- ^"^ BHITI H AVER OAN J?>1NQ OCX Ad-Iron Dot IS*, Montrul. V\ oon v \ PHOIO. fr s^c.i! %t I J.I JOStM SX..1V The annual report of the Immigra- tion Unreal! at \Ya.shinglon shows the toti^ steerage arrivals in the 1'nited States in the year to have been 487. '.118. un increase over the preceding year of .'W.ol6. or about Qflmlnion Lif1d per cent. ! !> Ml I -ll.ll d -..-',. KIT i - < id. Bnim<i-QuiniD>.> lab -.! ,-ar" * cold iaonad>j. No . uro. No KIVJ. I'noe 2S ci D . M'.rurMh. la l.ivi-rpanl. Boston \M pool. Portland to UvHpool lo*. Lrc* n4 r*jt Slataukipa Su|*r.< It .! cilMri of p ,ncr^ S .iofl S..O-.B o4 Ilirdcl*^ wn mu: I uwa. Tm l> M uf (4 Last year the m.nkots paid as re- venue into New York city treasury --'iS.OOO from mills. OZODONT Tooth Powder 250 Nearly 47.OOO Iliblos have he.-n distributed during the last \i-ar amonu; immigrants, sailors, church.cs. missions and Tumilics by the New York Hi M i? Society, according to the 77th annual report just issued. . CX 11 31M.S1-. - D. T-nrn# A C*.. Tho expenses of the recent city election of New York, as charged up- j Bounty, L-'.ngland. on tho municipal treasury, amount to about $670.000, or $1.08 for ev- ery voter. SOZOD3NT forth* TEETH 2:o Mr I-'n-di-rick de Clopert Adams Selxvuy, a M-|'fiii!;eniirian,, liv- ing at Mount \\innnn. Ald. 4 is a il."-iendiint on his father's side of the late Lord dp deport, of Somerset Nursery Equipment Momtltar oin to b without CileaPir.e Cables' sore* and acoUcnts :!l oali far Cileadlns. lirs? Boxes 2SO. Oruvjgiots Of 'Heaellnn Co., Toionta. TAKE NOTICE. We publish simple, .vt might testi- monials, lint pn-SM agivt's intcr- l, from woll known people. From all over America they tr-Ui'y to th.. merits nf MlMMUt'S LINI- l'NT, the best (IT Household Rem- edies. C. C KICHAKnS A CO I'oit him hnd for (our years a charitable institution devoted i-xclu- ttly to the euro of indigent colorod women. | The Important | MwuHd^ranbte i consideration t A tombstone was ono of the gifts *i* t a recent golden wedding anniver- sary in Danville, Ky. Deafness Cannot be Cured NT local aprllcntloni. m Ibtj i-nnot, rea^h tha di-ii-fd porii, n of t!ieor. Thvm iiiHilt wsj t . euro rtsttfn<?-. and th.it i by eon-ai''!- tn.n.ii r tnoilie". Iln.fiKrn !< on unit bran Inflamed .-omti MB ef ' omoee* Untas; or MM Km n. hittn T'l e. Whn his tui> i in- fl. inrd ynuoivo a rumbling en-ind ,rimper foci hririrlV. svl when it IH ^nt rtlr C|OM<| dt-nfaeMi IK ihe roin t. an.i unleiw h isdum n. it' Inn o*n r< IA - - n ut nn.l ihl i ub -f <i r.-d to u< normal cci.dii n. leirtn< w 11 bn d. fir- TI f r ver : nine . a-*.--* out of t> n aro c n-edh..' .nrh. which IB nothing but *u Is- fiatnvd condition of th m-j'-oii* ur ace . Wewillglvs Ooa Hi.nd 1 Ho lar for iutj eMe e( iMwDwa (eued hy rat. rrhl that caai t bo eirad by (Mall'it CaUxrh Cure, tei.d lor clrcu.ais. free. V. J. CHRNKY * CO., T*1W. O. Si, id by nruKg-i'U, '*' nil./ flll are Uia f d< punitfxl. to ih'mnn or womn-i with i dtp .. U thn securltr of th.i nn 007 " If tnedrpo-.il Is w.lU " IJ Canada's Ppemiep Ccmrany J lt afc i heromi question. A . . neoondarT teaoMsm on I-. t"er' of iMsreot thndrpoi t<>r 'i-<-eiT.i<. rid|s * alwvtrr > tr.io ire. All infur'nulon cheerfully uud prooipuy unppllod. : THE CANADA PERMANENT V and WESTERN CANADA I;: MORTGAGE CORPORATION T Toronto Stppet. TORONTO T l&l-H-H-l I I HI I'M IM M^y

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