Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1902, p. 4

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WORLD MOVING FORWARD Toward the Long Day of Emancipa- tion and Christly Dominion. ous I should noi wonder if we coultl I hear a voice that was heard on (!al- jilce and ut the gales of Naiu and by : the pool of Meil.i-Milit snyiiig. "Inus- ' "" Tbouuu4 Si>* Hn On*, by llnBi Roll/, of Tu>on'*. M ul AfrtcuiUif* OtlttVA.1 A despatch from WoaMngtou says IT Tannage proachod Irom toxt : Kxodus xii, -. much as ye did it to them, ye did it _to me." be unto you the' Behold, also, a* it IK pomibl* in Beginning ol 'mouths it shall be tho 'no other month of tho yenr. the fln* Bionih ..f ihe year le y*u." ! wondrou* aaatomy of the tree* in Th* last month of tho year has January, th* leave* of the lost year all gone and not so much a* a bud of a new botanic* I tdrobe appearing, the tree* standing wit'- u^ of uight. and the Ui.si of the new year ba arrived Tb tattling lit Kale lal tt eiliiitiday and January eutered. Sh* arms stretched toward huavcn. one res a belter name, lor she Is of the greatest evidences of the called a:'.ii Janus, tho heathen delt/ who, they supposed, pre OTUT doors and au might bo e.-j-ot led to preside ut the opening of the year. This month W.IM of old called th* wolf inonlh because, tl. rough the M verily of iln Weathur. the hungry wolves came down seeking tood uial taveurlng human lit* In th* mia- *! of tho middle uges January was represented a* though Muttering from the cold, and having a bundle of wood under the arm, suggeMive uf the warmth that mu*t b* kindled. Yes. January Is the open door of th* year, and through that door will cone what long processions, some nf thrai bearing palm leave-, and BOUIO invrtlf. other* with garland* of wl.eat and others with cypress aiul mistletoe-. They are coming. and uiihing can keep them back the evmu of a twelvemonth. It will. I think, b* o. * of the greatest year* e4 all Urn*. U will alumnd with don > <" power of the Creitir blesciag and disaster. Nation.il LBd International controversies of uosunlous Import will he settled. Year of cnronatioo and dethrone- nt. yr that will *ettle Cuban ad Porto Itlcan and Philippine and Bout* Africa* and Chines* destinies. Th tamest y*ar for Biaoy decade *' "* p>ast has dug its millions of graves ' bl nche Md reared It* millions of mm n.igr " lld tber *Jt*r*. * can expect greater event* In thi* year than >v*r before, for tit* Tho Irnvos appear only < ore iim then die. but these great arms ai> stietrlu-d uji t.i..|il heaven in Bil-i.t prayer for semes of >enrs, nou mailed with ice. not* n>bel in sunn or bowing to Ho Cod of ;h tempests as ho passes iu 'HIE MIliNICillT HUKHICANR. In July the trues stand glorifying the earth; in Janu ay tl ev stai.d ile\in ; lha winter l,mli;r tho samu tiuv Hie iliiiii piay with IIIH toy, ami. growing up ti manhood, sila under It in sentiment- al or philosophic mood and. havuiK p.iN-rd on to old ago, rents hun.x Ii under its shade. In the*o Januar> days tl.e treos seem to any: ' '1 h Im^i-.s that rustled lin.r music n Iho l.'st siiiiimer art? detiil MIII) gone but the loa\es that will adm n tins uucovervd (<ruw and ilic.- i/j.e shall liava as mmli (-uui> und as their prixleieMiurb Only There are beautiful and luvaly to como in >uur liio. U huuiun Only lator " oh, the in-.-' Almighty and lh InMoile could bav* world's population ha* so vastly in- oreaswl there are o niun.x morr than in SAy other year to laugh anh TIUUMPH AND PF.HISM mightier wheels of IIHN hunlim he aucli wider *weep. The lire* ui* kindled Iu furnaces not sown IIM..M. but M*-*nty times boated Th* ve- whirling through the uir to ailing thu seas and tunneling the moiiT.Uiln i will u.Mka deuUd demonstrnlion. Would Ood that In-fore the DOW year h&n closed the earth c*as* to treinbl* with the Innt c.in- BOBII** mil the heavens cease to la lighted up wilh any more conflagrii- tloa of homesteads nnd the foun- dries that mako uword* bo ttlrned 1*>U> blac.kwuith shops for making plowshare*. T^ fiout dour *f a stupendous fr kas oprsmJ befoi* many uf eu there will he twelve mo*ios of IMirtunlty fur tuaklag tint world better *r wwn. happJer or more ilnvahle Let us pray that It **y * a yoar thai will ladicat* ih* **<>udT redemption of the hemis- phere Would to <;.id that this IB i; hi be the yenr In which tho three great Instruments now chiefly used for secular purposes might be put te their mightiest uso in tho world's evangelization the tnlegraph, th.j Celephono. tho phonograph I Klec- tricity haa such potent tongue, such trong arm such swift wing, such lightning l,,ot. tlmt It occurs to me Ihnt It rnnj bo tho ungol that St. John saw and heard in apocalyptic Vision when cried out. started hark and another nut- I Byiug In the midst of heaven ha\n>; the vviTl.isting gu.<.pl Ii. pre.icli Oil* (lOUlIC *1 UilltJtlUIV si,gguHlU by ll. liul lur lha orcii and Ihe poiutiotf of n> Si. Chupollu oi 1'uii i-cim.-ii.i ul i.uilnr aicl would u -vt-r li.4vu b -..u lined. Nt, Wuinier thu world haa taken froiu it uiniiy hl.v les ol mi| t gf-.u v. ni,--^ lilt lUelr inierlucmg fur the tri-o.* in . laiiiol for i lie victor, the willow the sorrowing, the apun lur llu- lieuibling. tno c>pres.s tor the bui i.il' liul uulilu] ourselves. tho> cannot chui.gu th*ir pl.ue and so .land u .11 1 img all ihul pastlti Sumo of them a,o uoli-am uionu muuls of Iho cvntui lua. I bunk Hod li' treia. ineir beuul.v. thoir sheliei. biuiithus not i>nl> June limu corona- tion. bul in January privation u every i lung Lui giataiu< slructuie' l.ol Uiu ic.unoijiijLkl.ic. ux not be luted ugnin.sl them. "\\uodiiiiin, spare that tree." in ill 11 very munth ol January liil.'t. I wo i.ionih.i slier a giuol battle had bccu (ought beiuceu tin army 01 Ibu King and the ai my o railiameni, khepherds and traveler* uetwano U and 1 o'clock at uigln heard luo bitltle refalvd in llu skin*, th* *c,usd of iliuuu. the ciauli i arum, tjir groans ul dying mix and thao the wllhdrawal ,,i the scnii Into ooinpiaio ilwice 1 hse sho|> herds and travelers repeal wl in ihi oeighboring towns what ihay beard. and large Buuibers ol peupla, r pec i inn ill. 1 1 all was a flocuplion uent out on the lollowmg nighl and they hem d the same uproar iiml tumuli in the heavens- -I h" Trtl) AliMll--, IN HAITLK. 'I In! KIIIK, hoariiui ol im.t -..i coiuDal in iho liouvena, sent auiban- III IIK|UIIU lulU Ibu IIIV-.K-I.V uighl llii'v alu In. ml Ihu i on- III lii' i and mine, hack Iu ll,e und UUto th.-ni that dwell on the earth and to evr-ry nation nnd klndid and tongue ami people i" They were tongues of lire that f..it on the heads of the disciules at iho I ci.tecost und why not the World called to Ood by tongue of electric lire 7 Prepare your batteries und make ready , t>ut upon tho wnvs iho world wille look :,oli-liiii oulll us tu IhlH m.vli;r- iuus occui 1 1 n | Mhelliur i:.o.ii hhophcnls mid iia- Mie s ..ml i uiL'.iAsudo.s t.f the KIMK \\.io in delusion i i.uinoi ku>, Oul Ihls 1 know- Illill llie I' "WHO.SOKVKU WILL." Furthermore, this month of Janu- ary ho tln> greatest height nnd depth of cold. Tho rhei < uru bound In rrystnl ehaiiiN Tho foiinl ;iins th:tt m. uli' lif.l t ! ip ii, M,., .,.,,,, oier pin k-i now toss Dot ouo jet, for evury drop would bo a fror.cn Rtnr. Tho sled* crunch through the hard Miow. W.iiine.st nttiro thn Ward- robe can afford in put mi that wo may defend uursoivoN against. tho fury of tho eleirent-, H.irdest of all Iho months for tho pour, lot It bo the HfOson of griMli.,l generosity Oil the pnrt of the piospiTous How Hindi a Hcutt.lo of r.il or n p.ui ,.i Rhoi" or n to.it or u shawl may du In uHSuagi-mont of MifTorlnti I- the 1st of .IMIIIKII . ;, I tho 1st Of February Ood o.il Knows. S, ut- ed by our warm rrgi slurs or wrapped In IUTH wlii Ii nmko us ln<l<-|> of the cutting January Mast, lot UN not forget the lneles* hearth and th Uiln Kiiriuentu mid tho hncklng ough nml the iheiiuiatlc twlngo of tho:n who through ile^tltiitlon lind life In winter an ngony Si, *ach one of us lakn under charge poverty stricken household or lha .on ,.i of Saiau comli.ii, tho heavnn.s - i in i h in MiiiKKli' out Will IUe, Win ill lor woe, and u thu ol (iod ,iinl me HOW 111 as well as ih to Mho .shall bte-i.si iine.su or ariiiiea ol liotl uiu iniglii iur lliuu Ihu ai-miuu diabolic, we know who will iriiimjih, and wu havu a ri^hi lo . hou! thu victory llim.^h out Lonl .lesii, Christ 'Iho King ol Kings, thu Lord of HoHts, ihu l.tid of .lo n- u. i und llitveltick leads ill Ihe iin,- Ilicl 1 h.iM 1 no four uhoul Ihu I n>- lueiidiiiiH issuo. My only u-iir is Unit WO Will llol bo loiilnl 111 till! I HllkS Mini ni.'i.v armed tu do our purl m this citmpaign of Iho cum in lies. A. , nd. m; lo my ii'M. '"1 Inn inunlli shall bo mil o >ou tlei hi<(;iiining of months. It shall ba Iho lii.il immili ol the yenr tu you." iiuo.rgu 11 niuko picpiuntion for the olhur ele- v i-n months, \\hui you aro in Jan- uary you will probably bo in nil the other months ol tho year. 1'iepnrti for them neither by npprehcnsinii nor t o s n.uiliu an i' i| u ion Appiolcin ,1 iiii-ioi iiuiu will only tlepletu your body and gloom your so'il mid iinut you for any trouhhi that nay (In the other li.unl. if you too much ilr.iippoini ueni uill he .soi.rn. ona disnbh-il man or one Invalid '''' healed and romfnrted nnd Mreiig- A COMl'M/lK TIN BLOCK HOUHE, WITH UAKIIKO WIKK TliK 11AV1.N dK CONTKNT A 111. vUKHOtii>t. WITH A WATKIt SUITLY The blockliouttea now la use io South Africa for protecting the railways are constructed simply from sheet* of galvanized lion, placed lour inchus apart, with t e intervening HpacM tilled in with gravel They are Ri-n- erally octat;onul in nhitpo. with two lonfiholes upon each face Hut some are hexagonal; in fact, the original idr n hn been o expurimenUid upon thai tliey are found in a great variety of Hhnpe*. The guoeral principle, however, is the same, and when fillod iu with gravel they are found to be bullol-pn>of shelters, though out se> oure u^nlnst shell or puiupum i:r. Hge for all the day* of th* eluvra months. HTAHT KIU1IT. and you will I..; npi to keep right. Hoioto the ship cupluin i;i-i>i out of the New York narrows ho make* up Ins Blind what sea route he "ill u .e. Ulnlc you aie in the iiu.iun* o! ihi tnuii. n inuke up j our luind which way >ou will Sail nml uarull ..our i h.ui in.d set your coni|jasH und hiive he ,li>- oa s v.vii , i .-. d , n ti, ia.iLi a u i c r. . dy fur buiuoib .u.- age all the way across or Ihe wuup .11 a CaiKibuu.il v. 1,11 ,un, d Nnw lluii ihu Irani ui m<inth has la t d, let U p SM lanu.ir. f lluw- i-u by l-cbru:ir>. with Junior days, and Match, wiUi Itx herce winds, and April vulli Us sudden khovvers. und May uilh Ilk uliis.-.inii|{ orchaids, .ml Juno wilh ilk r.irmval of (low- ers, inn! July with Us lturve-a. and Augubl. with ilk sweltering heuis. nnd September with lis drilling a vet-. .11 ilo or ui h It- f u t .. ami N'ovembor with Hit Thanksgiv- ing siuii'.'j. and I>ece4ubor witli its Chrlsiiun hilaritiMi ilnrch o*. O hattaliuo uf Uie u.oaihs. in lha regl- inenti of Iho >ar. and the tim-mlnn ol the cvMiiurles! Mnrch on and Join Hie months and yours und nn'urles Ironrtv passed until nil the rivers of I r hi\e eiipti d I to the oc.-. n of ctcrniiy, but none of all the host ouuht to rentier hi^'inT thanks to Hod or take larger comfort or mako more m.ignitieiml rvKolv>- tii.ui tho rinit month ol itie HIE SUNDAY SCHOOL INTEHNATIONAL LESSON, 26. those just oponod gules of tho .ven' and thn closing 01 Miosu gnles (hero will bo man.v iim,-, \\ii-n you will want Ood You will havu questions to decide which will need supernatural Impulse 'llnie may bo lllneHS Of tho body or pel |>h Ml ie-l of mind or spiiltunl exhaustions lo omnn On our wny homo fn-m Hicued. IHiring Ihe i eniainiiu; twen- OCf. a chanty, though Ihn wind mn.v | '> ' " ''' - '"' tllls nainili la> m a (M sanlinir nd Iho iii- ni'l-ly i>l t-mli utn' '^"|HI nml BHITAIN'S SHIPPING TBADE. Mr. Gerald Buk'oiir Speaks of Its Marvellous Growth. Mr. (lerald Kalfour. President 01 Iho llrlUhh Houid of Trado. cJelivmed un ad'lrw* on llri.a n s li-ppm, imda th* olhar day ul a diun r ui lha I.I .erpuo: .Shipurukors llonovu in Socluly. In iho course of il hu a.ld that the growth 01 Iho linn-.ii hipping Induklry since lha accosi on ol wuuon \lciuila had buu innr.ej HUB. ovst. Iu an age uf progoMS. 1'bu number of vessels on th* rugikior o ih l-'.uipin hud IncrvasMl from '.'.- IMHJ ) mutt to U5.uK) In li'Oii. mi taauishlp* from one In forty to oue la ihin* 'I her* had aJ*> lieon an enormous laoronie In Iho tonii*{' 1 "' vtnniiiahl|ie. With all Ihls eiioiui>i>.s advoiics ihera hud been, w th the uliHill ullon of Kteam for Milling hl|ia. a vary gruut dimunillon In tbu lob of life al BOH. l>ealing with the question of for- eign i ompuiitlun, hu said thut tin 1 1 unsferuiicr ol llrltlsh vusHOls ID lor- eigu Hugii hud nuturally oci-asione<l a grpat deal of i omuietil within Iho last few year*. During ihu p.isi vi-. u Iheie had heen mi iruiisfnrrtd Is of Iho K'*s tonnaga of nut lesM limn IIIIII.IUMI. but it was to lc leiueiiibered thai iluriui{ tho sumo year there hni) been mhl.-il to ihe llrltlsh reylHter l.liiiti.niHi inn-i uroH.s. Iho slgnll-cunl fact being tlmt '.'.'I per cent, uf the latter wok new tonnage. ulmi>st imlrely constructed In Iho I nileil Kingdom. Uf thn vosselM tiamtfurriKl, HJJ j>er cent, were con- Hlructvd before 188*>, and no le.s* than 5.") per cent wern coii-triicli-<l before IStlO. That was a very ma- terial fact, ho sitid. Iu tho truo slg- n'i.. UUCP of this transferencn of ships to foreign flags. He admit tisl that they could not rcgurd with anything like indilTen'iice elTort Hindu by foc- cign goVornmuiitH to socuro a larger shun- of tlio carrying trade of the world. Tho British shipping trado occu- pied a unlijiio position among i lie In- dustries of tlm country. More than any other. It was esHeullal tu. nuil Intinintely cotinuciod with, thn li- of iim nntlon. If tho llrltlsh lost thoir inprcanlllo marina, It would moan no- thing Ins* than the deotruct ion of the Hrlllsh Empire. That Kmpiro was snllqlly nn Kmplre of tho sea: It resleil upon two ureiit supports, tho tinvy In tho first inst:incc>. anil the me'cantllo murlnn In tho swond. Heavy would bo tho responsibility of anv iimei iiiiienl which by fault of omlsHlon or coininlssion plnred In Jeopardy the mnrrantlln timrino Onlv twrlvp men In 1Ofi h->vp rtnrk tt. a* comrared wilh twenty wo- rn n. "Why did you in"lto Urogden to spend Humlnv with you ? It le.nlv lirokn his hcnrt when Je-nnlo li-i- klns n>nrrled you " "I know It. I thought if llrofiien rann up nnd <nw how .Isnnlo ' ti -r rule thing* In tbe I r vi h ich I -iipp.e -il to pro n. . ' ' 'il be liitlicr ! \\itli h> . i vli " Toxt of the Lesson, Acts Hi., 1-16. Golden lejct, Ex. zv., ~. l-.'J. ll VVIUH ihe hour ol ihe evening saciincu. u.e huiir wUcu Ji-sua ilitxj IUI l.olgulllu (Alklt. AAV II II). .'"H(. u, at luuuu t'l-it-r uud John going in- to thu louij'ia uu llun uLiuoUui. VSIulu Uio iii.L.ii'-v inn Jw cuaimuutl tie ir lurimt Ihu LH.-IIHVUI-H 10 UUHU* I (nisi n. el lor pra.vui. kiniwinx ibut thu true und unly sncrincc lur sia Wuj iu hcuven un iliuir buliull und Ihul i|iu>. ins wiuiu*MW. cuald Uu li.'l hlll^ UllllUUl I Ilia ' As i CUT uud John said. OU IU. hi) tool u I to recuivu sumullnn^ 10 UIB way ol money, tor he kj.i.v mil of the dura. 1 *'* riches and rit;liiuouMii-.ss 01 I'rov . Vui. tii. lie guve lux.tl. oxixjtlinu le receive." ui.d thufe^s uu>ie ih. in umnv U.-neveik du whi-n llu-y piu>. lui lhe> n. uml wumicr II they are In am. uaii uiu kurpri.-rti If they rei'-ive. uud talk nl.uiil II* i oil g > wo d rfi>i un i so .-.L.tnuo ll-,-, UlUlll I-..IHI II IVoUl.l Uc UllWt we pray to cxp<-i i. uLcuiUmK lo I'M. V. a. UU. .V .John xiv. I.i II This luinn muii vtiut U.\|HM ling irum pt<t,pm. bul 1'eler uiid Julin tind leu rued lo A|l t II. )|ll (.Uli ll bC'llC-VCI. Wou.d lay hulu ol ur be luid bold ul by tliuH winds l I-HMO >< irimi iimn " It is Uud whu wurkulb" (Isa. II. --. 1 iiil. u. lo;. giual iiiin^k luifcitt 00 MX'II . B. In iho name uf Jesus t'hi'i -t of Namroiii, rise up ami walk." Silver and noil coulu nul d Una mr all 1 lie power ol num. bul llmsu who i, ax.- neither guld nor silver 1.111 be iriemlx uml parinoia with Him whu Ouolh ail smh thlitgH. 'I huro u -.. iinei h.nif belter lluin money which au a h d ul hou. uiu o, ics Iv. I. UuV XXll. 17 J \l.:li> plu.e^t tU have Uie gill uf tiod. but koine reul- iv posses* Iliiu. Il wuuld bo well lu t>ii.sidur. "Have I thrisi. ur du 1 imlv Mom to Inn ur iiim> that 1 haveT" (l.uke vin. 14. umimu. 1 'oho v, l^i 1'wter eould my: "1 have." "1 give." 7. B. "Walking nnd leaning and ra slu ; i,, d.' . hi* i y a n an o o-i 10 ..-,- uf ag who liad uvr wulkedl X\ell mighl the pouple (Mill it a Bula- blo inn,!-. Ir (chuplur iv. III. 'J-'i It UUH nccoinplishod In a niomeni As .on ,11 IV'.-r look him l> the rlrbt hnnd imnie1lMt-lv his '>t and nnkle bones r(*r>tlvi<d utrength. It WUH wrliten bv thi' prophet tlml "-e IHDIO oniti si null) 1,-np as a hurt fla. X-TV. ) Hilt how few WOll'd ever '\pisrt tHh such word* won'd hi\v* such a Hie iiJ fulfilment? And that l<t one of i.ur gniit dllT- iilih-s anil hindrance*. We worn *n nlow to be- lievo that Ci.xl mean* just what Ho says. l. HI Tho iK-ople nnw Ttlm nnd knew Him nnd wero filled with wou- der and ainajtemont. So on the il.iv of r.-nteri.nl they were all ama/ed | nnd marvele.l (chapter II. 7. 12). i The rhnnge In lhi man was qo tnnn- I I e t i nd u nml- ..uk nl le t hut It cmil-l not he di-nlisl flv. If?), yd the nu- ] thorltien vvimhl. If they i-oiild. stop nil such doings. A Imlv whom I know, whoso rye* were .miraculously heuhsl Hftcr all the doctors had full- o to help, put the ' or\ in tmct lorms. nnd a doctor who read It told her she was doing wrong, n* others toiLvl.i ihmU they could h.ive n simi- lar experience \\hul uro wo on earth for If not that tho work* of Cod m-iv be se, n in us. (John ix. :<) 11. "Tlio lame num which was il held 1'eter 1111(1 John." Tho hivileil limn n ittinilly clung to hit* ilehveivi s. ai il Ihe crowd ran to sco the hen', d .ind the hen lent There Is "> liltlo power of (foil In ll'e church to-<lny that the crowd hns to ho ilrawn by i ntertuinmenla. suppers. concirts. etc . lull let some of Iho T that was scon on this oc- M ^| .iituip mnnife > >l .IM! f'o things which now disgruco the church mlftht spivdily VHIM-II This man's help e.ime through 1'et r mid John. nnd he clung to his visible d"liver- \\beti we learn to iv I) -rely, "My InOji cometh from tl Lord, who riKnle henvin nnd ontli." we no lomrer look lo Ihe hills for (Ps. cxxl. 1, 2, margin, and Ul. ":M 12. "Why look ye o i-nrnestly on us ?" Not km-wii L' ' i'e Cod. people HJI/P wilh won'liT upon tho vislb'o Instrument* by win-in Cod -, "i.,, lot but if thoio whot- -iiM ue lc l-e e^>il l-v Him tl> v '.il U , iho glory, for no lie.sh shall glory In Mi* |'irs,-lli (1 Cuf i. -V :il l As Soon ii- the instrument is willing lo b* inaKiiiiiml Ihu power u u.ses. COM- (rmi.g Phoruuh's dreoui. Juseph Saul that il was not in h m to in- terpret it, but thut i.od would do U, and Daniol kaid thut there vvu* no wisdom in him in ru thun IB olherx. bul thut Ihu Cod in heuvon. who revealelh sutrels. would n .. knuwn the droaui (liuii ill, 16 , I'uii u. 'JH ;iii lU-10. "His name, through faith iu His name, hulh iuo>l thi* n,., irung " A* un the ou.v uf lVntr- cost, ho tuld llieui that Jesus. Mhoia Ihey had crucihed. hail by Uud breB raised trmu Uie deud und received up Inlo heaven. *u now he a^ain tolls '.in ih.,t the (.oil of Abraham. 1-iiuc and Jacob had glurihed Hi* Sou .le.-.iij<. huving rmmxl Him froisi h- cl?:.d. and lh.a the |i feet snui.dt III-SK uf this man who hud IJVL-II lam* WUH due wholly to Ihe risvn Christ, whose witnesses they VMI* We do not knuw thut the uiuu hrd any fiilth in L'hrisi. bi l Peter *nd Job*) hud. nnd ihe fuilh of the woninB of Tyre and Sidun bn,-n.lu h-- I'M to h. r ilauuhlcr und the fuilh uf th* (iturinn tiioui-ht teulth lo h M-r- vi<nt i&liitt mi. |(l, l a. XT. JHi. so their (.nth broughi lenlth to Ihi* m. ui Uho can tell Iho pos-.ihini i. s of faith In Cod. emi whut do w* know uf the faith of the Son ol Cod ' l Mnrk xi. :.';.>- L'4 (.! n. UU). As Mephibosheth wa* (nine througk no fnult uf hi* own. yet w u s omde te live with the king and rut coiii inu.il- ly at the king's tiib'e III Sam Iv 4. Ix. 13). MI we who are all lumi through Adnm's sin. without strength, ungodly, may be healed > Hun who. having died for us. ip novi alive fori>v<-rn<ri> ' Itum v. 1-H5 lii L'4 ) 1'i-ter. In the |M.wer of t h Spirit, pn'urhes unto them Jesus , u: the resurrection, an iHiighl by th prophets. mid. teMing tnem that JCHUM ChriM srisll come avaln tc n-store all things of which One hrtth spoken by Ihe mouth of all Hit holy prophets, he urgrs ih'in lo re p<-nl. thut their sins max be blotted out and that the limra of refresh- Ing nmv (Mime with the com sgni* of the l.ord .leads (VPI-SP* 17-21 iid see U V ) To th* Jew llnt ( vw 'J'') n-d to evwry riveture (k':irk xvl. 1.1) we are to give the gospel. that out of all nations ihe pei>l for III* nnnte may be trathprmt (Arts xv. 14). and thus Ills Kv* hulMrd. that Me may lake her to Illmsoll and conic again i.i His glory. WHAT UK CAMK run. A learned judge who was one of th* guests at a dinner was unexpected!/ called upon lo reply to * tousl. Uo- covurlng somewhat from his sur- prise, he said thai his situation re- mindiKl him of the story uf iho uma who fell Into lh water w'lil* he wo* lishlng. Wilh no little difficulty he was res- cued, and after hi- had regained hi* breath and was in a fairly com- fortable condition, his rescuer itsk.-U him how he came to fall into the water. "1 did not como to f.ill into the water." rvplnM the unfortunate fish- erman. "I come to lifh." 4 vvi'l holp Jcr REVOLVING DINNKIl-TAMLK. Tho dinner-table thut waits on it- self is the latest invention for -taurunl purpo.s, -. ,, .specially de- siHiied for use in hotels and publla eaiiiiK places It is HO arranged tlmt tho circular top rot.itos, the base beim; nxud. On tho lop tho dishea me placed, and. when .mv I i.ilv \v anytliing ho has only to wait for It to come rounu l . in, tablo bo- ing made to rovolvo by a motor conceale.l (lenenlh it As the in- ventor soys, the contrivance "doe* nwny with the annoyance and in- co'ivenieni'U occasioned by passing dishes mid other articles containing food, drink and seasonings." Tim Imbl'n Metropolitan 1'olice. like ihe I o.vul Irish ( ,!.,i., biliary. nre dncvtlj under ihe control of the > n a- nl, but il:.-v ;ire civilian, and not u military boily. The K I C. :iro i s ..ut uilly a miiitary police They nro (Irilleil ns BOldler*, and tl oi'i..h i lu-.v oiiliii -' \ only thi I iiton th,-y aro iini-ed 01 ( WMh nvo:ver^. lilies of a Borne ! ':v sod p.iltern. and btiyoneta 'Ihe In.onet is a pociilimly nnplcaa* aiit wi-updii. the cml of it next the i i r--l of th,' rille b, iri; Ro no- ,' is fooll-l| l ll'.lllf' 1 . on i.v to ihnw I ack. tl'.- ,rt'j to : w :i und suiu w ol ,,. THE MARKETS Pi ices of Grain, Cattle, in 1 rade Centres. etc poose. tiTc low freight. wheat dull. No. 1 hard Toronto, January 21 Wheat The wheat market. c< ulinues <|uiet, and prices are .-am. r. No. 2 red ami while quoted at 75c on a 5c freight. No. 1 bpruiK dull at 7Kc east; No 2 Mun.i n! a quoted at 87Jc to 88c ail ruil. via Suinui. Jan- uary shipment; No. 1 Noilliern at 8ftj to 81c. and No. 2 Nortliein al OJ to 81c. all rail, via Sarnia Trices are lc lower via North lluy Oats The market m quiet. with prices steady. 1 her* were sales lo- ally of No 2 white at 41{ to 42c ..mtille freifchl. wlnlc exporters quote 40c I'MUI The market is dull. No. 2 q -.led at 83c west, and H-lc middle freight. forn Thn market is dull. Cars of Canadian yellow are quoted at 57 to .">8c west Parley Market is steady. No. I quoted at .~7c. and No 2 at . r >3 to B4c; No 8 extra at 52c. and No. 3 at 50 to 51c mii'dle freight. Rye The demand is quiet, with prices nominal at 56 to 56{c middle freight. lluckwhent Market is unchanged at "i.V middle freight. Flour The market is quiek. Nin^ ly per cent . in buyers' hues. quntiKi t $'-' 9O to $2 '.:.' : die freights Locally and for I ower Province trade, choice straight rolU-rs. in wood, are $3.30 to $:i.4li. Manitoba (lour steady, with Ifuncurinns -1 lo only 52 loads, including 91: 5 cattle, 117 sheep un<l lambs. "<<><) hogs, 25 milch cows, and a dozen rnlves. 'I In. 1 marker may be summarized in brief as steady and unchanged all round. Trade WHS brisk and we bad an early clearance. 'I lii'n; was nn iietive demand for all Kirttls of export cattle, and prices WHAT OUR MEMBERS ABE DO- ING AT TORONTO. OF UAJUIIAIJK Four muur.urnn, rendered necessary by i.he recent codification of Imperial were firmer, but not quotabl.v chanc- K -, antes, appliiable to ihe 1'roviucc ed. at from 4 J to 5jc per pound. I <t;ht rattU* sold at from 4 to -\i>: I<cr pound. Choice butcher cattle were a shade better nn account of the good ex- port demand, and inferior grades of Ontario, were Introduced by tin- Altorney-tluiioral. These are an | Act for the Kevision of the Statute an Act re Uortmain. an Art r Imperial Statutes relating to propor- t v nn( | r j v il rights. and ,.n An rc- were steady K.ver; tiling went. lating to Marriage. Stockers were Belling well to-day! The laitt-r Art de'nes the prohihl- at from -i to 3jc per pound. ; ted degrees of consanguinity ai:d af- Keeders are worth from 3J to 3Jc ,.nity. and provides that they br nt- per pound. Milch cows sold to-flay at from $.'!() to ">> each, and more choice tached to t.hp affidavits snlwrnbrd to by parties rnni racting rnurriaire They am as follows: A man imv not ninny his grandmother, grand- father's wife. wife'H grandmother, aunt, uncle's wife, wife's aunt. mo- ther lep-nn>ther. wife's mother, daughter, wife's damrh'ur. gnu's wife, sister's granddaughter, grandson's wife, wife's granddaughter, niece, nc- plx-w's wlfo. wife's niece. or tiro- ther's wifiv A woman inav no* marry her grandfather, grandmother's husn-ind. huKhu<:d i |.rard ii i her uncle, ami's husband. husband's uncle, fa'rvr. tcpfathr. husband's uither. nn. husbnnd's son. daughtur's husband, brother, grandson, granddaughter's husband, husband's grandson hus- lui tid's nephew, or husband's bro- ther. Ml VIC I PAL CORPORATIONS. Mr 11 rower of Kn.st Eljjin has a, law reform measure relating epvi- ally to municipal corpora 'iors. The A Lady Mrand. Orange Hivir Col- preamble nciu-s tliwl tl.e law in ony, i!<'!-|iiitch says .Six Yeomen be- COKIS of suits fur damages for the cows are wanted Cood to choice veal calves aro al- so wunteil up to ten dollars. Small stufl is steady urn) unchang- ed. ilood to choice export ewes are worth from 3 to 3lc prr nound Lambs sell at from '!} to 4|c per pound. Hogs are unchanged to-day, but there is a weakening tom'rnry Choice hogs tn-duy sold at ** fl2J per ewt: fnt hocrs at 86 ."<). and light ut Sri .iO p,. r PWI Hots to fetch the top prici- must. he of prime quality, nnrl seal" not below IOO nor above 2OO pounds. RETURN MINUS CLOTHES. ix Yeomen Strip; ed by the Beers and Sent Back. to $4 HO. and strong bakers' at 9.1 ISO, Toronto freight longing to Major Heath's command non-rt>nir of public highways i Oatmeal Market unchanged Cur were capturiil I- i ii!ay. They were onetimes administered in nil jniust lots, on track, $.1 .1.1 in bags, and stripped by the Itoers anil s.-nt bark manner, and that the present $.". "in in wood, tbl extra. Millfced Brnn Is stendy nt 81O f'-'" Shorts. 'J1 to S2'J outside Broken lot 2."ic per ; to camp naked Naturally, every ' 'rial without Juries in uimatisfac- precaution is taken to prev.-iit th(.-e tor .V It provides thut ruch case* b* small captures, but the mo. ntninous tried bv jury. and that wl-ere th rocky nature of the country provides J'- '-' di^ms it in the , ,,, conry proves - Manitoba bran. 8-O. and shuris. $23 mnuuierabii- hiding places for thr Justice. m d where the suit is frivol- Toronto freights. Including sa.is. ,|lWrs. which makes ,t xnedin-lv OL '"' h " " lav " rrier " lc P'"> n> ' n l " ' 1 ' "' "rrril ' "-* Tl- rnoiTCE. Tots toes Th* niarket is dull, demand slow Cars 8"> to flr per hae. on ami the jobbing pi ices Kit to 8.~,e I'ned Apph s--Market Is sti-udv. with demand limited I'riri-s are ."ij to He Ib Kvaporuted sell at '.' lo . ! difficult to rvarrt ngainst them Fn- I' 1 ' 1 "'' "rrrily '" i"-* q rn-ly the I'm, h flnnk guanl^ - 'pas out of si^ht of 1 1, mam column a-ng among -h- hills, wl.ere- of lh " Pr "" n of . r "" (l - ---------- "" > ""powered to or-frr n n """ b y competent author.ty re .rioted al ,. , he r<U( . rs come oll , of t , (ij . Te - hilling places, sucroi n I nn 1 rni.Mi-o them, t' e column at the lii, . not be- ing aware ll-at the carti'fes have whether the uit of. jp to frivolous. IH.ni'O APPLICATIONS Mr Matheson asked : "1. IfcW II. .,-.K Business quiet, with prices at I Me; yen rl ings. He Ilon.-v--TI market is unshanred t 1n to Kljc for strained Combs. Il "- lo S'- 1 .'il pi-r do/en I-eans The niarket is stendv fn- j picked are jobbing at $1 4() to v"1 4.*i; and hnndpicked at 81 ."ill to ?1 "-" Cronljorries Market un- harped. With stocks small. Cuje Cod at $'.' .'HI to !(> per 1,1.1 Hay. I a led The mnrket is st<nidv. wiih rood det'-and Tiniothv i|i at S!>.7."> to $1O. on track for No I. 1 and at ?8 to $8 An for No J been n-e'l- The Hoers. who know many application* ha e erv path then procc<"l to oilier ed for volunteer Inrd grants hidincr i>ln--i- .. il r.'i .-.it the opera- the Act of It st ses.-irn T 2. il< w t'on Ten Hritish Koldie-x came into camp the other d.iv w ut H hre.l of clollrn- ill" ''<>rr h.i^v" r- -i many townships have I r.-n "-t aside for lo.'Htli n nl voli. I. ml grants. n:d wh.il is the lolal The rallwa> shall an far as prnctlo- bfe be constructed* equipped, and operated with railway supplies and rolling stock made or purchasable In Canada, provided they can he obtain- ed as cheaply here as elsewhere. Thoso employed in 'he construc- tion und operation of the railway arc- to be paid the current rate of wajres. The provisions of the Alien Labor Act und tho Knilwuy Act of ()utaj-io must not be contravened. FINANCING TIIK I{OAD. Tho commission may raise sufficient money for the construction, epjip- merit, and maintenance of the rail- way by issuing 4O-yeur dcnentures. interest to be paid half-j early and the rate not to exceed 34 per cent. per annum. Tin- ilel entures shall be a charge on the lands set apart and on all the revenues of the corpora- tion. The Lieutenant-CJovernor. by order-in-C'ouncil, may also guarantee payment of the principal und the in- terest thi reon. The income of the eonunisnion from the railway nnu the lands Is to ' < applied to puyinp for the maim in once and improvement of tnc riui- wuy. ihe payment of interest on thu debentures, nnd the payment of a sinking; fund, which will diHchurge the principal of thu debentures at the maturity thereof The surplus, if any. is to form pnrt of the con- solidated revenue lund nf the pro- vince The members are getting their per- sonal ideas into shape this year, and a large number of bills will be pre- sented early Ur Lee. of Ka.t Kent, has a men.- sure to enable railway men who are away from home on election day to exercise their franchise. It provides that before election day a railway man may make a dc" aration under oath to a justice ol the |-euce or the returning oflicer and deposit with him .1 vote. This vote shall be count- ed as valid on election day. Mr Iloyle has a bill to prevent a mull fmi , Kitting on a Public School I'o, 11 -I nnd on u municipal council at the same time. The question of Ihe separation of farm lamis from towns for purpose* of taxation so often raised by Mr John Hlchordson. M I' T . for i York, will be up again A hill pro- viding that farm lunils ini orpnratetl in towns prior to ISHd may bo re- MTt>| tn the township on BCtition, will prnhnhly be "do|-teil The date named in the present law ta Mr M.-IVirmid of \V.-st Klc n. will n introduce hi* measures to i rnise the limit of exempt inromen from ?7ini to $l.ii<>n and to abolish the poll tax 109.07. 450.30* FEWER SEATS. Ontario Will Lose Six Members According to Census. A despatch from Ottawa say*. Th* Cenhim Department gave out to-day the official figures ot the census ol 1'JOl for the whole Dominion. Th* total population is .">. '!'.), !>>'> By provinces it is an follows: 1'JOl. Prince Edward Island 103. 259 Nova Scotia .... 4.V. r.7-l New Brusnwick. 3:U.12U Quebec ....1.648.8U8 1.488.VI3 Ontario... _ ....2,182.942 2.144.:m j Manitoba 2.V1.M47 I British Col 177.272 North-west... ._ 158.041 Yukon _ 27,187 Unorganized Dis- tricts 25.544 Total. _ _. 5,.lflU.<U>6 4,flHM,2 The unit of rrprcM-nt.it ion JH there- fore i.Ti.367. It is found by dividing ,05. the number of representative* IB Quebec, into the population of thai Province. The representation by population will therefore ..tund M . follow*: l.VJ.50a Hritish Columbia.. North-west Manitoba Ontario... _ Qurhiv v ..'\v Itrunswlck N..\ a S...IUI Prince Kdword Island Yukon Uembers 1 . 7 _____ < 10 _ .... 8 US ____ 1.1 18 4 1 Total ..................................... 21 This shows that nrti--h Columbia) will (rain one member. N'orih-wes* two. Manitoba three. wnil one gs to the Yukon The lorses are six mpmbers IB >>- | tario. one in New Hrunswiek. twain Vnva Scotia, anil one in Prince KsV wanl Islund Tlie repri^entulloa >s jthe prefont purl'iiment is 'Ji:i Is 'other worri-. while seven will be as> i!i-d after the nili^f i ibu' H i. irawiU have to he .('' cte<l. making a 4if- ference of three li-ss thaji ut oresmt. KI.NG PERSON. them of it together with their horses, acres. of^Mich t.>ivnshi| i ?' lion Mr Havis repi ed that th* applica'ion* numbered about 1H,- ( (in One hundred urnl nineteen towrnhips lied I een - nvido for tre six 1'oers north of Kiirron*- locullnn of gnuit s. ,-,: bracn . totnl where heavy firing was h-n r.l H r " a "' -" : > (1 ." (l " ^" > - No ^' ritles .mil ammunition Small hatrh'-s of prisoners are ar- riv-nr here daily from the columns opernPnt nearl'V. Mn'or Heath cnp- terr'l hiirir. on Saturday Natives report thnt Ste\ n was nt MorpnnMlam Thursday i...ii vet lii-en local. -il. It may be stated that under the plan of --f!i i '.-n.i'i t iu i h vet- .inn who has been actually in l lie I eld ih in- titled to oncxpiarler s, el ion. I'-i) Straw The market is nuii-t and SURPLUS WAS $427000. "' ri ' s bllt "" n '" r '' ' hm "lie vet. -ran firm r nr lots on track will bring' can to -"-It'ed on n section, so tlmt .> 7.". lo ?fl Summarie* of Ontario Public Ac- 1>IC K' :ints * llp " token up win roultry Market is firm. Turkevs. counts iourlh of the total area oi the 9| to 10|c per tT>: fro/en. s- n id.-d to snd hul''- r ntied (dock sold from 8 (o The public accounts brought down by the Premier aid Treasurer. lion lc. fit-roe, drv picknii. 7} 10 fijc. Puck-, lin to S.V. Chickens, voi-mj. f''i to T.'H old. 33 to 40c. Habbits. 20c per pair. HOGS AND PROVISIONS Pressed hogs unchanged at S8 in far lots, with oflerings fair Hog products steady. We quote: I'ncon. long clears, sells at 1"} to lie in ton and ca*c lots: mess pork. S'-l; do short cut. S22. Smoked meats Hams. 1.1 to 13}c: Breakfast bacon. 14 to HJc: rolls, lie: backs. 14 to 14)c; and shoul- I - HVJc. I ard 'I he market is unchanged. C W. upwards of $4'_'7.(MiO on the tninsac- nships TIMUKIt LIMIT SAI-FS lion Ur. I'uvis. in repiy lo Tv cu! ' h ,' lur '' lu " of Mtttheson. Mated tions of the year 11 re MI follows IV,, i"ts for l!'0l... Hi-cpjpts for !!'(><)... Incroiisp Fx|M'M(lii nre for Kxpendiluro for Inrr. The minima : 4.r.l2.'.>4n I 1 * * 273.to:V74 ..$4.o:N S.-l-l 1'i .S 35.1(1.1 12 thut ;i,e i- the pnt year had received $.Y71,;JSM .'! us bonus on timber limit pules. There was still du* 310.787 TFMISCAMINrfF KOAP. 'Ih.- condiiuns i.i.der w hu h th* first Provincial Government railway i 'o te built .t:.-l ei ruled were iaid down in a bill n.iroi'i.t --it iv l!oii Mr l.atchford. enlifeil -n \<~l to authorize ili construction ..f t ho The excess o f receipts over cxpendi- Tl . mlscamulRUC M d Mortlssra Ontario ture for the \-enr '"" 1: -- amounts fri .'t'JT.'Jl cash in tho banks. I'eeepiher with fair demnnd. \Ve c,uole:-Ticr^ 1 "' n W .46S.4M.99: balance ,,f c:i> h trs. H to llic; tubs, lllc; palls in th ' banks. Pcf-emher .'list lllc. STATITS MARKKTS. Detroit. Jan. 21. Closed \\hent Ko. 1 white. January, ;>(i}c; No 2 r.-.l. cash and -lanuary. 88{c: May. 8c: July. K4c St loins. Jan. 21 .Closed Wheat July. 8>Jc. Milwaukee. Jan 21 Wheat n lose. No f Northern. 77V to 7He. Ko. 2 Northern. 764 to 77Jc: May. *"Jc Kvc \\tak; No. 1. fl. r .c Hur- leyFirm; No. S, 6."\4 to fiOc: sum- Corn May. :;e 21 Close Wheat ll.OU.54A.81; 8 The preamble recited thut there nre I. -rue iiteus of urah e ami. valnahlu timlir. a il mitieriil 'I -posits in tho increase. 1 3S.140.- district between UUc* Nipissmg nnd Luke Abilibbi. nnd norlh-w. The surplus of nearly half a mil- from Lake Tcmiyc i n e it h.- lion was buili up Inrg.-lv bv an in- disiricl is now cliflic'ilt of acc.-sn. n.-i-l rr.-ase of nonrlv S-'<" i>i>() in the n- nhould be brought Into coinniunicu- rripts from Crown lands: from sales tun with existing lines of railvvavs. of the rVorvn timber reserves: nn in- und that for this purpo.se a r.. cn-noe of about $'J" o<Vi from liquor shou'd bo tonstriicted and operated liietises: ar-ont SI '_'. 'inn for charters under the direct i<n and control if for ine'irponite<l companiiK- about the province from n point nt or e-.u SS Odd from ti'M>s on rorporat ; ons. North I'. ;ke Nipissirg. lo a nnil SI in. (Kin from s'M-crsfoii duties point on Lake T>imM-iii>imi,"!i'. er in n laree number of wealthy nirn hav- one of the townships adjacent there- infT died in I'lOI. On a few trifinr to. pie. ttft to 5-">Jc. Puluth. Jon Cosh. No. 1 hard rn. 72ic. No 1 78c; July. 7Uc. C'm-n fi^Jc Huifalo. Jan 21 Flour Quiet. Wheat Spring 'lull; No. 1 Northern. Me; ''inter unsettled: No '2 ri-d. !>lc. Corn Wcnk; Nn 1' yellow. (f4c: No. 8 do . 66c; No '2 corn. ".?c No :, 6.^tc Oats Pull; No. 2 white. 51*0; Ko. n do.. Blc; No. 2 mixed. P"c: Ko. 3 do.. 48Jc. Harley Knney. TOc. flyc No 1. 7C H Toledo. Jan 21. Whciit We:ik: lower; cnsh. 87Jo; May. 87JC. July, 'tc. Corn Weak, lower; January. 62c; May. 64Jc. Ont'-Ji.nuary. 47c; Vny. 46Jc; July, 4 lo. Clover- seed January, ?."> ">; slarch. ?0. alinneapotis. Jnn. 21 .Wheat clos- td-Cash. 75|r; May. 7Jc to 7R5 C; July, 77| to 774c; on truck. > iter-is tlmre are decreases compared with 1!>00 The iner"nso in total expend iturc ,I 8 fi^ 2 . J N< :. r ' h : w.. P-.t dov n Innrely to M tr. -hnrg- on in settlement and coloniratlon. 1 iitnl thr bii'liling of the Cobonrg asy- | linn. The r-xperidituren in lepislalion 'and ndmintstri-tton of justice were reduced about $1*" .(>"n. to f " 44|c. W!:W CONSUMPTIVE CURP. Tried in 100 Cases Successful in Eighty-four. The London Pailv Moll prints u despatch staling that at n mis-ting of the 1'i-ris Academy of Medicine a report wast read which recounts some remai knble results of a new remedy in the In at merit of consumption Tho ne- reit prepnration is ml cl biiailine. It. is a Inpiid. The I ieiitennnt-Oovprnor-in-Coun- cil mny appoint a llonrd of i.'om- niissions of not less than three, nor pore than five persons. vh> yha'l hold office duriiiK the pleasure of the 1 .ieut ena n t-< ' o vernor-in-Council. Th Is c.iiiimiss-ion i-, a-.ithori7.ed to ci n- Rlrucl the railway mmijfo four feet citrlH and oiu--half inches), toprther wilh telopraph nml telephone lines : to fix all thrifts for pasuct.Kers nnd poods : to enter into ajtieeinei-.ts with other railway companies for rrci|Mwical rniininK p.'n.-rs. nml for -i|'iitnb!e milciiRe rates nnd truffle iirniugemonls with Co:m-'ctin(; All those powers me ii'ft to the up) rovnl of the \-ei-nor-in-Coiiiicil. -u inn. M i:i s A MII r 1 l e I loutennnt-Oovornor-in-l'ounctl irom tune to lime out of the nteti lands of Ontario set apart a tier of townships os ouch siilo of nml iiilioiiiinir, as far .1 . ible. corn- stib- T7|c; No 1 Northern. "8J to r ,, m ,. oso< | ,,f tl< active [.rimiples of ihe raihviv and other |..m!s In grown in Chili iind MI i si ^ not exceed i OR In the frrcKate L'o.dOO nc.-es for ca.-h mile of ; . . The ci-nimissioi hard T4c. Flnur-Kir-f patents S' "" to r , ,-,.,( pi,,,,ts $4; second do. IS.Rrt to s.l 'HI | ,,,,/ lears. 1> <>0 to *-'?; second elea_r. At |;,, n baix, a loculily i" ,) s- 2.85. ItranIUilk. $IS to 918. So. h.ithed of consumpl itiM, out of one ar-pt -'it an cn*;li'e.-r a ! an accou-t- i hii'ictri'd ruses- Ir.-.ited by hv p.-il- rtnic n-ii 'or the railway jn'l such other TJVR STOCK MAMXETH of haccilline 84 are rvport- officers nn.l employceH as may ho Toronto Jan l At the \Vc*(iru ''' lo ' ' u " " K ' '"'If' 1 road to retov- > for the cot-duct cf tho Cai".e Yard* to-day th" weipts'wcrc cry. busitiew of th* corporation. The following petitions were pre- >etn ed Mr Cross Un behalf of the I'ort Pnlhoiisie St Cn : hanncb. and 1 old I lecir'e .Siix-i-l 1 ailwus Com- pany. I united, asking power to eull us undertakings, lights. Irani hi.Mja. nnd pi opert ics lu the Niagara. St Cuiharini-n uuJ loronio linihvay Couip.niy. lly Sir. Miitne Krom I -ID rotepuv- ers 01 Collmnwooil aKHinst h (; lion roiiiirming iho ayu-ennni bu- tu.-en Lhe Town 01 (.'oilman ootl an I the (.'ollingvx ood Shiphuililum i 1'ivny, on iho ground th.il ihe exuuip- tion from ia\. .noli hud nul been sul>- mittt-d to ihu rait-pa.v I-IM iur cunlirm- ation. i l!y Mr I'ardiv l-'rom T ft Lovi^ Joy nnd o 1 hers, asking mcoi pora! i- n | of ihu I'euolva liapid lluil" ay Com- pany, lo run iroiu Sarn u iliruugh I ami. ion nnd Kent ( ountius. to Thomesville. with brain lies lly Mr tiross r rom ihe San I'aulo Tramway. Light, and I'ower Com- pany. Limited, to ruuhori/e the issue and sale m ret). -finuiilu pieierente hti-ck. and to conlirin the company s mortgage and bond Issue. ly Mr. Auld Cn behalf of the Township Council oi Pclee, asking POH i.-r to aid. by a debenture issue. the eslablisiiinent ol u steamship ser- vice between I'e.. I and the nmmland lly .Mr MeKe.- Krom the \\imKor. l-'.s-sex and lake Shore Kajiid K.-.il a. i i mpuny lor an mcn.-a.se of bor- rowing powers I'.y Mr 1 t-.vs Krom the London Township and tho London Street Kmlwny Company to val an agreement iur al mn "i a surface eli!Clric nvilwny on a jiortion oi the I'roo! I IM- K.-.ol By Mr. Leys 1-n-m tin- i i-ndon City Council a-skintf validation of fie bylaw gran- n . K( ,ients to the McC'.i--. '.l.-n-i'-'etiiring Crm- I'an.v and to George White, Sons A Company. lly Mr Cs -en From the Ham- ilton City Ci'tincil. asking thut a municipality employing a solicitor or counsel on salary shall have pow- er to collect costs in ail act ions, the name as if the counsel were put n- ceiving a salary: also thai j City Council shall have power to revise the estimates of a 1'ublk Parks Hoard. Till', C. I{OW INfj OF Fl \X Mr Freithaiipt (North Waterloo i has placed tl>e following enquiry on the order paper: Has the Coveriuiieiii taken inio considerut ion the ,; lion of utiliiing Caiindiun-grown flax in the manufacture of binder twine Hiid rope. instead of procuring the raw material from Manila, New '/ -a land, and elsewhere? ANOTIIKH Kl.KCTION BILL Hon Mr Carrow has a bill soinT- what uniilar in principle to that of Mr I is-, with rega.il to rililwny men It provides that in the can- tors moving from one district to an- other IN-I ween the time of registra- tion nml Hf-ctlnn, an opportunity be given them to vole. Imperial Parliament London. A despatch fr, m 1 onrton sav : King Ktlw.inl opined I'-irliament o*) Thursday afternoon witli a ci-re- ii in all rsM-mi.il respects mu- llar lo (hat of February lust. After ml in:.'. IM^C l-'dvv.trd ap4 Queen Alevanilra .> teu-'l tho ITonn* nf 1'eers. and occupied the-r throni*. beneath u canopy, with tin- I Vino* Hint I'rinci-s of V. .1 e- on either m1* of them '1 l-.e other inemi-. rs of ih* I on chnirn ul the fout of the steps lending to th* ,. The speech was not an important ulteia'ice Hi- v.i e- i v referred in irralreil terns to tie Woi Id tour ol il-e I'l ;nce and I'n CI-KS of \\u'e. e- pressniK regret at Hie '.n't thut (be War in South Ain-a W.IM n..i ron- Cllllled sii it ||,- I 1 >;-.;,., | |l,. :,; <i-m ot I Me sue. . ee would i|>ml ( ln' abanilonri;i"it of hoiir'- -i.-ii n of tho I . Canal ireuly. SCHEEPERS EXECUTED. Boer Comn-.andant Shot for E5i Many Crimes. A di-spir-", from Croaf l!eint. ''.lie ' KIIVR Coimnunihint Scli.-.-. . well-known I'm-i itiin- innndnnl. wl'o v.as eapniri*il hutl ()e- sober while ,| who. aftet trial h\ , senteni-ed to den'iv -.itiirdajf. Al his trvl '-n,, e| .M-H ..iimittitl kit- Imn u nn'ui. -!- I'll lieiiu-il nil other . w r h vv huh he win d II.- hnd had -.tint order* from I'e V..-i to pun, -h a'l Itrilink > ho had aid- ed the 1'. 'i ,-ii - ,nst trM Ho, .s. uml r , Covrrnnii-ai TIUS. nn. I -herelon- he hull tlUIIH nmert n!' , .nn) il*. <<tro- i.-d !-i)il!ifs. Iledinici) lliutlM hod ners 'o T.- from their owi s H,. admitted i "ns lie had ftogffa*] "e irorTicr ul HOITM on farms, but it w .1; the r*- 'n t hut -.I i:nli. i--d :!ns piiniHl, ient D Wet's o;i|. , - ,, treat stick ui orrinnts se-. , l n n one Bion prisoner said he onlv f!nfrrl nniivo scout when, if he h.-d .ip to I'e Wet's ordt-rs he would kn v shot him. SLOWER~TORPEDO" BOATS. Ten New Destroyers to be Built (or Government. A Clusuow ilesMi'ch "iny!" Tb Hrltis-h Coverntiii-iit I, is inv-teil ten- dert on tl'e '. I il.- for th.- eontrtie- li.-n of ten lorpidn boat ih I iners. larger a 1 ,.! ! "niji-r. bin Jtlnwrr thno hu'lt 'I he iden of the fltnenin-i n' is thut tho rlue- tion of speed to ^.'> kn'ts will b more thnn com[M-nHa t ed lor bv super- ior power iimri' reh.ibilitv . and r co.il room. TO BOYCOTT GERMANY. Russia Organizing Commercial Alliance. A denpab h fr'-m Yi.-nnn so.vn 'Die evening ] n uni . that Russia is trying 'o oi>.i<ai e a ccui- mcrninl a' ' I'e |-ro|>.-nml Cerii-un tan: Austiia. lt,-l\. 1 en Switforland. Sirvia. ;>cd 1'oei- inanirt nre represented as beinK vnlj ing to i in v hit wink prove a virtual bin cull of <!ornmjj

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