Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1902, p. 2

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HE NOTICESJJTTLE THINGS. There Is No Emergency of Life WLere God le Not Willing to Help. "r-rs, (young men of Elisha's theological ""* " >r tho /uct lhiu * -Kev rate! 'he.r own way. The most ihin K toii miys: of tbOM to day who are successful In preached Irom the profession.*, mediciitine the sick ll. Kinirfl VI. ti. l,r llfK'fW-n t inv tl... 1.. law The i.on did 6,m the gospel, fought Iheir owu wuj h ^^'"K 11 '- 11 BCJiiinary in the val- und up. Those are the kTiid o" me ley of Palms, mar the river .Ionian. wl, know what education is worth had become so popular in .he tune und know how to use it U* a -sha. the prophet, thai more us renumber that in college days the ludent. Ili7cias l sro l om's > ' l aiid'dor- ^mo^t^^^Slt "^ PlCDty -.Hurlc. must be enlarged or an en- drive and '"liKcs ^LtSS'^ lirely nuw l>iuidin( constructed. What books nc they do'.' Mill they Mend up to kept tfiei Jerusalem and solicit contributions ' of many garments was lor th, umleU.,k,,, K 7 UUI ,l,,, v M -,,d for the Weather that were wort!, out a Kl . n u , n,,se ,1,,, money for a to the world not),?, g then nndh lve ew ihi-olog.vul bi'imnary? Having been worth to rau-ed Um money, w,|| they send for since, while the ran? .! nothing MB ,,,-d marble from lege who ha. to '" , the quarries where Ahab got the ,?,<," i n O 'i ' ( , r U, getTome boo? Btones lor the i.illars Rial u,.lla ,.f h . Btv 8Olue boo good order, having been sharpenc by Ulble study and Btreugthuncd bj PIU.VH-. The reason we somellmci fuil in our work la because we hnv a dull ox or we do not know hov aright to swing H. The head is no aright on tho handle. At the tim we want the most skill for work and perfect equilibrium we lose our h'-mi We expend in useless- excitement th nervous energy that we ought tr have ^employed in direct, straight forward work. Your ax may bo a pen or a type or a yardstick or a scales or a tongue which in legisla tlvo hall or business circles or who could til hardly tones for the pillars and walls of they needed and s palace? No; the students pro- raise money for pose to build it themselves. They since w.re rugged boys, who had been the truth, 'turni brought up in the country und who down because It w d n. yc, been weakened by the lux- | Those students | n the valley "."? K, rl , y ! A " UK ' y U8k " rU "" S by the Jord '"n "ad their professor and strength and hardihood that prophet, go along with them to tho help them in -,,- mental and spirit- or IH * T V? J , i ''3. ' tart I Ua ' chi vcments. We who are oil- JBha and his stu- j ing for the world's betterment need 1 l.'M.y of lumber m those re- brawn as well as brain, strong bo- gion. along the Jordan. The syca- I dies as well as illumined minds an^j upsido up of Imth cla.ss or pulpit IB to speak for God nnd righteousness, but the ax will not be worth much until It has been sharpened on the grindstone o affliction. People who have had no trouble do not amount to much for usefulness, but Cod puts their ax on the hard circle of the grindstone, an<i betrayal gives it a turn, and pain gives it a turn, and poverty gives It a turn, and disappointment gives it a turn, and bereavement gives it turn, and now it is sharp enough FOR SUCCESSFUL WORK, and how It cuts down evil nnd builds schools and churches and theological Hvininarics I Alas, there are . iv **j * ' vii va u \ < I more is a ttout. stron-; tree und ; consecrated good for timber. Mr. Cladsione ask ' souls. Muny of those who are now doing the best work in church and state got muscle and :ree more beautiful than power of endurance from th fact the one we Blood under at 1 Inward- that In early life they were cm tuld him I had not ,, riled to use ax or plow or M. .m., res near the Jordan or hammer, while many who vn, low attacked by Klisha'B stu- I brought up in luxurie. o f life give for they must havo lumber out for the new theolonicnl seminary I , nPKn?|1? Buppose some of the students made ' ar> an awkn.inl stroke, and they were SI ANh I'HOM UNDKItl Crash goes one of the trees and niiotl,,j ;,nd another. 1 1 tit Rome- thing now ts.c] I.'-MS HO wonderful that the occurrence will tux the m-dulity of the ones, so wonderful that many till think it n.-vt-r hnppenixl ul all. One of Ihe students, not able to own n ax. hud bmroned one. You must remember (I at while the ax of olden lime nan much like our modern ax, It differed In the fact that instead of the helve or handle being thrust into a socket in tho iron head the bend of the u.\ nan fastened on the handle by a lent her tlmiiK. nnd no it might lip the helve A (.Indent of the scin- Ipury WHS > winging his ax against one of tl.ose trees, and whether It was at the moment ho made his first tri.Ke and the chips Mew or was af- ler he had cut the tree from all aides o deep that il WHS ready to fall we are not told, but the ax head and the handle parted Ileing near the river-ide, the ux head dropped Into the river nnd sunk to the mud- dy bottom, dent wjiH tho student's dismay. If it hnd been his own ax, t would have be.-n bud enough, but the ax did not belong to him. II.- had no menus to buy another for the kind mnn who hud loaned it to him, but Cod helps the helpless, and II* generally helps through some good and sympathetic BOU|. nnd In this case It was Kllsha. who was ip the w,i..ds und on tin- river bunk at the time. He did not seo tho ux head fly off. and HO he asked the student wt.ere it dropped II.- was shown Ihe plnce where it went down into the river Then Klishn broke oft a branch of a tree arid threw It Into Ihe water, and the ax head rose from the depths of the river and floated to the bnnk. so that the student had Just to M., op ( |o\vii mid take up the restored properly. Now you seo tho meaning of my text. TIIK iiiiiN inn SWIM." Furthermore, j n that scene of the text (lod sanctions borrowing nnd lug" been any miracle peiicumed if th,. young man had owned the ax Mmt. lipped the helve. Thn young man i out In (he hi-.iiing of the pro- plii t. "Aliis, muster, (in it was bor- rowed!" Ho had 11 right to borrow. 'Ili.-ie an- tnii-s wh'-n wo havo not only a right to borrow, but it is a duly to borrow. There, are times wb. n we ought to lend, tor Christ, in Hi- sermon on the mount decl.u.d, "l-'i.ini him that would I, oi iow ol thee turn not thoti nway." It Is | BATTLE IS WON. They nre keen and sharp of mind. impossibles before thousands of people called to do work that it is Impossible for them to do, called to bear burdens that it is impossible for them to bear, called to endure suffering that it is impos- sible for them to endure. Head all the gospel promisee, rally all your faith, and. while you will always be called to worship the God of hope, to-day, with all the concentrated en- ergies of my soul, I implore you to bow down and worship God who con turn the impossibles into pos- sibles It win no trivial purpose, but for grand and glorious uses I have spoken to you to-day of the borrowed, and lost and restored ux head. GOOD KINO CaBISTIAN. Reasons Why He Retains the Af fections of His People. but have no physical "endui . They have tho ax head, bul not the handle. The body is the handle of King Chr.Mtian of 1. t-nmai k is the Uio.st beloved ol Kuropean monorail*. Notice, also, how Cod Is superior A story in told which illustrates the every law that he has made, aliection of his people, and at the even the strongest law of nature, the MHIIO lime the fieedoni with which law of gravitation. Tl^- slick that t'-'-y approach him. -lisha threw into the Jordan float- | '1'he King was visiling A town In the ax hend sank. Dy in- .northern Jutland, when u peasant "corabfl' law. it must ..,, down into advanced to him on the sin. -I and tho depths of tho Jordan vet "* tl "* rl * ii "* 4 * **-* * u - ' - without so much us a touch tho hard, heavy metal Bought tho sur- PRELIMINARIES TO THE CORONATION. face. Then. head. i.-.i. , t they , iri . VOKKI.Vn I FOR TIIK CORONATION IN CANADA: HUDSON BAY COM. PANY'S TKAPPKHS PHEl'AHINC KUWINK AND 1IIN- 1VER few and gon God than Ana- THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL FEB. 9. LESSON, Text of the Lesson, Acts Iv., 32 to to v., 11. Golden Text, Eph. iv., 25. 32, ;!:. Inuiatively und inquired i( he could It is, the floating ax do aajrtfctag for him. a lebiikc to those who "No." said the peasant, bluntly. on the fM'ound that "' J UHt Wanted It. tell you that you contrnry to nature, as | are ll gd king one of tho best we c\,r had." The King latieh, d "Do you think so 1" he replied. "Well, perhaps It's a matter of 'In.iiKh the law were stronger than the Cod win. made the law I Again mid again In Bible times was that law revoked I Witness the scene on tho bunk. of the mnne Jordan, 5. In after time, the nx head sank nnd rose. Klijah stood there, WMl-tag r ,,p c of sheepskin, when there w n a mighty stir in the air descended. nnd a flashing ...... ,..^ v Elijah Hepped into ft. _.. wheels of fire, drawn bv horses nre on . tasto ; but then, I'm a poor judge , in atTairs of this sort." That the j eiisnnt, however, was "j, ui n w ii i v iHirnCr* of >>**|> l *ii|'ii\.iii|| . he rose, l-'iffy men for three wrcath " the grave of the wile . days searched the mountains to see | J " s cn. the famous portrait-painter. if the body of Klijnh had not been I ''c" 8 * 11 was a poor boy In whose dropped innonfr the rocks and picked l ' om ' r his Mn.esty took much Inter- l by the birds of prey, but the ost One dft y thc Kin K ct Hearrh was In vain. The law of ! vounB lunn on tllc str t lt . Bn l gravitation Inul been defeated. pressed by bin mulness. ankeil and dnys ue can scarcely imagine stu..... thousands of believers of on* lnwrt and one soul to serve Oe Lord, no one clinging to his own thinge. but i loving the other us himself and all having all things In common. If t was the power of His resurnttion that did this, they must have known something ihul few know to-duy. -37 . I'osseaaors of lands Vnd not far wrong in hia estimation " Is h U8cs Bold their property and put evidenced by another r-tory in which , proceeds in tho common fund King fhrihtian was tho good an K el. I tne Ileetl of ooch "'Bht be sup- This story has been revived by the J ' ftntl lllttt no ono might havo nction of the King in placing n ' any ' iu ' k 'I here was no seliishiicss of nnd no Belf-set'king. This seems all the more remarkable when wo con- ii'ler the strife for pre-eminence that was seen more than once among tho twelve before Jesus died; yes, oven t tho pnssover on the night before I Ms resurrection, but now they were filled with tho spirit, and hence was the mutter. The the im- tvhut young man - f n *! - _ confessed thnt ho was In love with * '" ffPHt dillt-rence A Spirit fille.1 the daughter of a wealthy man, who ?I. l|e wi ." manifest the life of HO NOT FKEL I.ONKLY becuuwj your nearest neighbor may be miles uwny, bocnuse tho width of II" contiiiint r.iiiy separate you from tho pluco where your cradle wns rocked nnd your father's grnve \x.,s dug. Wakened though you may be by lion's roar or panther's itcrenm, . -- -^ , , > - _. .., ,,^., 10- lvc (Jort will help you, whether at Iho ; wealthy cillzcn, and argued the | Lovi signifies "joined," and he illuto- tline the lorest around you raves n> young niiin'.s case so successfully 'rated tho truth, "He that is joined would not let her marry the son of a poor tradesman. oho I" Bald the kiiiR "Is thnt nil ? We must set- what we do " Tho very next dny ho called on the Christ and not the life of self. Jos- 08. su! named llarnnbiis. son of con- a Lovite. and cvldenlly a one. Is mentioned as one of true . those who having land sold il and laid the money at the apostles' feet. the inidniKlit hurricane or you suf fer from Homrthlng unite Inslpniti- cntit, like the loan of an ox head. t '-..d sanctions borrowing und ljlrd in th treetops or tl l forth the importance of return- I n "-' tpr psnlm of the thunder. I do not think tli.-ro would have UlOH " words of the Bible, whic n any miracle p,-i lornied if tha hnve been written out of i Take your lliblo out under the trees. If the weather will permit, anil nl'ler you have listened to the solo of a bird in Ihe treetopw or the long rend which must doors Unit all W ,| 8 withdrawn. . A king Is a hnrd man to resist, nnd a king who IIM-H Ins power w i.sely IB u mighty instrument for good. 4- 'The trees of thc I (tap. Tho cedars of Lebanon ho hath planted. where the birds in. -ile their ni-st*, ; UN for tin- stork, I the tir trees nre her IIOIIM- The high hillM urn n refuK lor the wild gouts 'nnil thu rocks for the conies Thou lnake.it diirkneHs, nnd It in LAIIUK FAMILIES. Few fathers have such largo fnmil- n-s us nn applicnnt for relief to tho ml nre full of j llirkciihoad t.iuinlians. Mnglund who - which - stated that ho was seventy years of 'age, was tho father of twenty-one children. the oldest of whom was filly and thc youngest an Infant. The right that ono borrow the menus of, getting an education, KM the young j student of iny text borrowed the ax. j It Is right to borrow IIIMIIS for the I forwarding of connni -r. ml ends Most I of the vast fortunes thnt now over- I shadow tho bind were hatched out of I a borrowed dollar. Wo borrow lime; we will borrow eternity, nnd thnt ronfttunt borrow- ing Impllen a return. I 'or what wo borrow from (Jod wu IMIIM pay back in hrarty than*, nnd fhrl'-tian ser- vice, In improvement of .nirseiveH and tirlpfuliir- s Tor others. ]-'or what wo borrow fr.ini wherein all the heusts of the forest do creep forth. Tho young lions : roar after their prey nn1 i > I. their meit from (!od. The sun in in-Ill, they gather themselves to- gether nnd lay them down in their d"iiu Mnn giietli 'forth uitlo In-. ui,rU nnd to bis labor until the evening, o Lord, how manifold tiro thy works I In wisdom hast lli.ni made them nil. Thc earth Is full ul in-lies." How do you like that sublime pastoral ? to tho Lord is one .Spirit" (I Cor. Ni - 17 > (ll "~ Lord Jeaus not only guvo up all Ills riches and became of Truth and tho father of lira each desires us. but neither can fill us un- less we welcome'them. 3, fl. Dead and burled in a haurs ; gone from the eanh from his possessions, but where ? To the true child of death is gain and far betler sojourning here. But what of nios ? His name means. "Jehovah is gracious " Hut did he know the saving grace of Jehovah 7 We know that there is such a thing as being saved as by lire, that Satan may destroy the flesh and yet the spirit be saved, that some of the members of the church were sickly and Nome dying because of sin nnd that we are told to judge nothing before tho time uritil the Lord Come (I Cor. iiJ. 15. v. S; xi. 80; iv. o). yet Rev. xxi. 8. gives us little hope for Ananias. 7, 8. "It was about the space ol three hours after when his wife, not knowing what was done, came In.' 1 Three hours u widow, but not nware of It. How long they had journeved together In these mortal bodies wt do not know, but his journey has ended, and hers Is about to. though she is all unconscious ol It 1'rrhnps eho had come seeking him. wondering why he delayed to return home. It is a sad Mory and should teach us to be sincere with God, who desires truth In the inward parts (Ps. ii. 6). If we did not know that 1'eter was filled with the Spirit, we might feel like questioning his w a y with hei .nl might wish that he had sought 'o lend her to repentance, but per- haps her heart was fully set in hei to do evil (Eccl. viil. 11). S. 10. "How is it that ye Jiave agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord ?" So one with (Jod nre His people that when w touch them we touch Him, and as w deal with them we deal with Him (Zech. II, 8; Acts ix. 4). There is unspeakable comfort and yet n sol- poor to make us rich, but Ho actual- wnn warning in this great truth, ly gi\e Himself f or us. taking the How awful is this scene before us t place of tho guilty thut we might be fsll is for ll 'e "rst time told of her nulled to Him (II. Cor. viii U- Gal husband'si .le.iti. .*! .t t.. v. 1. 2. "IJut Ananias phira " The tares nnd and Sap- the wheat will grow together until the harvest until Jesus comes iiKuin ninny a bird will lodge in the branches 'but no bird ever becomes a branch. The husband's death and at the time told that sh must die. nnd In a moment she is pono. In tho morn- ing they nre in health, but united in n lie to Coil thai Ihey may appear before men to be very religious, but before night they are found out (Num. xxxli. 23). and are dead and Won commands, ''\\alk before Me, nnd be hllri <'< 1 Two liars in one grave. IJut their souls If not saved as by lire, then Luko xvi. 1>3, first clause, tolls mnn has nuinied twice, hence the casii is not so reiiini kiiblc an in- - -... ^..-n . -...-.^. , v -.. stance of a largo family as those | xvii - 4 - margin, Kent, .\\iii. i;|>, lirc their f.ite H was the hutid of (Jod. , sincere" nml --Thou shall be with the Lord thv .'od" (CJen v UUK luiiiuv as tnosc given by Thoresby In his "History of Leeds" He cites I lie case of lr. Hudson. Chancellor of York, whose wife died in her thirty-ninth \ always binding and ' Cursed be he und th> ' *'>"'Ke of all tho earth doeth Hint doetb the work of tho Lord do- " ~ 1 " ' "'""'My" (Jer. xlviii, 1), seems to . in tho nhnpn of j,r,,t, , t i,,,, bnc k In pntriotir devotion I ,, r -x.'ial We borrow from our parenlq in their good example nnd their hnrd work |U!'t. for us in our Journey from "' to manhood or womanhood _ . rt the .in'-s d, .-,, mo. we ought to be paving luirk. TllO halleluiahs of lien v.-ii will bo returned for CHUCU' IX ION A<!<i\S Furthermore, let w> admin My subject also reminds us of tho inipoi t.int ,- .,( Keeping our chief im- plement for work. IN UOOD I think that young theological stu- dent on tho bunks of the Joidnn wns to blame for not. examining tho ax before ho liftod It that day against a true. He could In n moment have found out whether the helve and the head were firmly fas- tened. The simple fact was the ax wns not In good order or tho strong- est ntroke that sent the edge into the hard sycamore would not have left thr implement, headless Mn Cod has given every one of UH an ax with <> nil to how. Lot us keep It In iniriy-ntnth year, J v ".vs a necessary warning bavlftf given birth to twenty-four | Wh en Ahram nnd Sara agreed to act children. Another IniK" family was " li(1 ""'I IKIIIIC nnd Kebekah diil tho that of Mr. .Joseph Cooper, belong- ing to tho sninti town, uho-.e w in- born twenty-six children, but Ibn niosl remarkable wa.s that of Mr. William Crecnhill, of Abbots Lnngley In Hertfordshire, who had no few.-V than tiiniv nine children by ono wife. Husband "Well, she Imd on one of those dresses made of what \,, u ,.,ll ll stuff, of a kind of a mixed simile, and dimmed W ilh whal's-his-name-: I don't remember now whether it waa cut low or not, or whether It hnd sleeves, bul 1 know It hud one or tl,n other II, ,- hair was done up tho (style like you see in pirtin you know whnt J im-iin. | don't know whether she had ntiy ornanit m^ or not. but I expect she had. That's Hint I noticed OKI easily tell about all. I think, about her, but you . from that how she looked (,;.,,. x,,. 1M ;;. n, a: xxvl . 7). which of us can say that the eyes as a flame of lire may not seo some deceit in our inmost hearts? tjmt doetb the work of tho Lord do- ri|; ' lt M!cn - xvil1 ' 28; Hev. xv. 3). ceitmlly" (Jer .xlviii. lit), 8Pcms to See also Acts sil. :>.!; ,. C r. intvlij. always a necessary warning- i 16> 17> ftu<l y*' 1 *><?lipve flrmlv that "Cod is Love " and "not willing thnt nixy should perish" (I John iv 8; H IVt. iii. <.)). 11. "And great fear came upon nil the church nn.l upon as many as be. i nl these things." it was a need- ed lesson for the times, and. al- though He does not always . VMi.v hath Sat nn filled thine tlllls swiftly punish sinners, He '" ljl ' " the Holy (Jhost? nlways hates sin und tells us that Ihoii hast lied unto (Joel." R.-o the h that telk-th lies shall not tarry "' the I at her nml the Spirit -n His siKht (1's. cl. 7). We cnnnot "> b ">K to Ihe Spirit ,S-y Hod b "t think of the swift JiKlttment unto (Jod See also tl,,. oneiK-ss of "I 1 "'- Aaron's sons at the beginning Hie Spirit and the believer, for in Iv- "' ('""'H ilealingK with Israel (Lev. ing to r.-l.r nnd the others they lied x - 1- L> ^ " all liars In the church unto the Spirit Notice n i 8o that It . to-divy and nil ministers who use. was fhe work of the devil the lather "trnnge lire were thus summarily of lies, in ' \ .., jov Ill-it IIS,- c are not our own, but bought With Mis pietuiu.s blood ,. . li'-s. in Anniiiiis, the snme adver- .n\ who in Iho cnrden of I Men liod to Kvo nnd has ever sinco been prac- ticing his ungodly wiles. Contrast IVier filled with the Spirit nnd An- anias filled with Satnn and the high dealt with, there would bo no end of funerals. nn.l n truly great fear upon iiKiny. Although (!od seems to keep silence concerning the corrup- tions nnd nbuuiination In His pro- fessed people He nssures us that a e g priest and others Idled with indlgna- IT * wln not always keep sllenrc nn* tion or envy (chapters iv. 8. Ml; v , 17). If filled with tho Spirit, evil can find no place in us. Tho Spirit 17 >- judgment must begin nt UM. house of T.od (1's. 11, U; I l'4. THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. Toronto. Feb. 4. Wheat Market Was iii-iiier to-day, with more en- quiry. Fifty-eight lb., \TOite and red, quoted at 74 to 7f5c, mid.llu freight. No. 1 spring at 72c oast, and No. 1 goose ut t>7.Jc low freights. No. 1 Manitoba hard Jnal at 7SJc to M>C gi.t. .Surma , N*. J. Northern sold at 83c North Bay. aim i.i . No. 2 North- ern quoted at Sic Sarnia. Oats The market is quiet, with de- mand a litt:<j better. No. U wh;t<; are quoted at 4t> to 41c, i .iddlu HinneapotU, Feb. 4. Wheat closed from Mrs. Soffel' shortly tefore i>. 75i<-., May. 75^c; July, Kijc. ona o'clock. When he awoka this on track. No. 1 hard, 77c; No. 1 morning he asked for Mrs. SotTel, Northern. 75Jc; No. 3 do, 74 Jc. 'and waa informed that she wan al>- Rour Firm; lirst patents, J-'i 75 to sent. Later, when the details of th<: $:;-(.">, second patents, $3.65 to escape become known, ha telephoned $.'i.75; first clears, $2.75 to 52 85 : to McDonald, and was informed that second clears, $2.50. Bran In bulk, Mrs SofTel was not ti $16 to $16. 5U. \V inl.-n Sollel immediately made a Detroit, Feb. 4. Wheat closed No. frank confession of his suspicions. 1 white, cash, 90Jc; No. 2 red, rash and January. 881c; May. 87Jc; July, aajo. Kt. Louis, Feb. 4. Wheat closed- Cash. 85Jc; May, 85|c; July, 78|c. CATl'LK MAUKKT. The two guards injured will pro- bably recover. LATF.R. A reward of $"..<X)O hixs been offer- ed for the recapture of the Kiddle murderers No trace has been found of Mrs. Soffel . Toronto. Feb. 4. The run light at thc C.f'.le Markst to-duy HiiMnesB on the whole was fair to that she hail tak.-n all of her brisk for anything of choice qual- clothes with h.:r. ity. While there was enough of the It bos been known for several An investigation <li>rlosed thu f.ict best medium qualities on hand, there waa that Mr*. Sollel was taking freight. Peas The prices unchanged. 80c west, and at market is quiet, with No. 2 quoU-d at middle freight. Corn The market is quiet, but tho feeling i.- better. Canadian yellow quoted at 56c west, and mixed at 65ic west. llurley Market quiet nnd steady ; No 1 quoted at 5fir. and No. '2 at 63c; No. .'! extra u.t Sic. and No. 3 at 50c. middle* freights. Kyo The market is quiat, and prices are nominal at 55 to 5^|c, middle freight. Il'ickwhcat f>enmnd limited nn.l pri<-i?s nominal at 54c middle freight. Flour The market i- quiet. Nin- ty p-r cent., in buyers' bags, nomin-il at fl.M") to S^ !'. midiile freights L'>cally and for Lower Province tra.lo choicu straight rollers, in wood, are $.'! 20 to $3.25. Manitoba Btcady, with Hungarian 94.10 to $4 :ii>. and strong bakers' at $3. 80. Toronto freight. Oatmeal Market unchanged. Car lots, on track. $."> 2". in bags. and Hroken lots, 25c not enough of the better quality to interest in the Uiddles and it is said supply the demand Si.ma choice ex- that sh'? frequently fiirniMhed them port catt.o to-day fetched $.">.;t7 1-2. with dainties* outside their usual and more of the same kind would prison fare, have found a ready market. Choice j It is reportod that the Hiildlea took butcher cattle w.-r-- _ -i tr.mi at the Fourth avenue station lots at $-1.40. Then. v:us a of the Panhandle It.iiiroad. which but in within a block of thu jail, and left aro for the west. THEY ARE CAPTURED. A Butler. Pa., despatch. nvs. Tht Itiddlo brothers, who escaped from the All..ghaiiy County Jail in I'itt*- burg. Thursday morning, aad Mrs fair market for heavy not many oflering. Stockers fairly steady. Heavy bulls for - ex- port are selling at $4 to $1 J . Cood veal calves are wanted, and f export lambs and sheep are in demand. Ho<.i aro weak. dropping an eighth iig.iin ',>-tl.iy. with prospects lower Thu run was 45 load.1, with 7!<4 h -ad of cattle. ::.'!>< .sheep and laiul/.s, .M45 hogs, and | 15 calves. Export cattle, light cwt $4.25 $4 50 Dulls, export, heavy. HIE ONTARIO LECISLATUIK WHAT OUR MEMBEES AKE DO- iNG AT TORONTO. RAILWAY BILLS PASSED. Ihe Kailway Committee of the Lcgi.sla.turH took up the bill oi the Morrisburg F.lectric Kailway Com- pany, which proposes to connect tiorrisbuig and Wuichu.stor in I>nuda4 County anil construct branch The company al.so asked tin: right to construct and operate telegraph lines, eluctric power, and Lgutinif pl.iuu along the line, and to acquire or erect lioteU, sanilariums and at.oa.iii- ers in connection with the railway. Thu main provisions oi the bill wore adopted, but the latter clause* ] wero changed. Mr l:arl-r made, a protest against permitting ten-phono companies to spring up all ovur Uiu country. Mr. Conuiee, Dr. McKay, and Mr. ParuV-e thuu^ht the public should have the convenience of us- ing the coL-ij)..:. s. The clause relating to telephones was amended so as to prevent the company iro:u selling its service to private parties. or charging for the use oi its phones. Tho clause relating to steamers wu struck out. aad that relating to hotels amended by mak- ing them subject to thu regulations nnd vlll.iiros His amir'lm.nit Is that the section shall i.ot apply to towns incorr,iorii'ed sine-- I *.., instead ol 1866. 1HHIJ1N; IiKIIEVI IMfK.S A second reading wax given Mr . s bill to extend to 30 years the period for which debenture! may be iasued by all inunicipalitie.' for the purchase of electric light plants for lighting and power pur- poses T'i.- :!i>-.var period is at pre- sent only |..-r.t.i f i."' 'o municipali- ties u, Attor Tin that, rtnomalous. Katel>i(.-trich Sotlel. wife of W rd v. ui the Public 11. -alt h Act Peter SofTcl. wero captured Friday cwt Bulls, export, light cwt s. heavy ............ 4.0O Feeders, light ............ 2.50 Stockers. 4 K) to 80O ....................... -2 40 Butchers' cattle, choice :! 75 Butchers' cattle, good. $540 in wood. per Tti extra. 'chcrs', common ... Millfeed Hrnn i.s ui changed at SIS Hatchers' picked. . Outside. Shorts, $Ji> outside. Mani- toba bran. $20, and shorts $22, To- ron'o freights, including sacks. 425 :j u.-> 4 25 2 75 j oo 375 ptioni't K. Potatis The demand for pot > 1s limited, and pi ices easy. Cars are quoted at 6O to (Vic pT bog. on track here, and tho jobbing i 75c. Tirieil Apples Market U dull. Choice ure worth tk; IK.T tb Kv:i|-n- ated sell at 9 to 1 Hop.-* Uusines-s quiet, with prices steady at 13c vi-.trlin^s. - Honey Tho nun I i i steady at Oi to lOc. for strained. Com'>s. $1.50 to $2 2.-> |.>r ,1 . Beans The market is quiet, with (air offerings. I'min- n. djun -. $1 .".."> to 1 40 ; han.l- il.-ked. $1 55 t.. $1 '10. t'i .inli-'rrles Market unchanK.;l, with stocks small. Cape Cud at $i> .Mt to $10 per I.I.I Hay. baled Th.- market la st with good demand. Timothy quoted at $9 75 to $10 on track for No. 1, O ^ !* O ( ^\ 4 00 4 25 do oil-colors and heif- 2T.O 250 lt-.tih.-rs' bulls 2 50 300 Lis;ht stock bulls, cwt 2 OO 2.50 Milch cows 30 UO 5500 >. export ewes, cwt " "') 3 5*' d., bucks 2 00 2.50 Sh.-ep. butchers', each . 2 <*) 3 OO Lambs, cwt 3.50 4 9O fi oo Xht S 75 do fat 5.75 and $3 to 88 50 for No 2 Straw Tho market Is quiet miles went of here, after a bloody conflict, ,,y Detective Charles. Mo Govern, .K.lin Roach, and Albert H. Swim-hart. Ed. Diddle i lying in the Ilullor CViily -l:ul in a ilvi::^ condition, Jock Did. lie, his bro- ia in tho adjoining cell, riddled with buckshot. His condition U not coo- sidcicd serious. Mrs. SofTel shot hee- self in the battle. She placed a re- sidered serious. Mrs. S.nTal shor her- volver t.o bet left breast nnd drove the ball clear to the back, but her condition in not critical. She i.s> now in the Hutler County lleiier.il Hospi- tal The detectives are uninjured Tli ! woro about :tO shots exchanged in the fray. Thj capture wai com- Th.j Puiuhrokrt Southern Kailway Company asked power to --xtend its line from PeuibroU l.uke through W.-stmeiith and Ho Town- ships to the Ottawa Kiver. and to omal^amata or enter into running ar- rangeiii.-n'H with the Toronto. Lmd- I spection has say and Pembroke Kaihvay Com- ' pany, Pontiac and Pacific Junction Hailway Company, or any other rail- way company. The bill was amend- ed so that tho company must maka specific men ion of the i.u-i they do- sire to amalgamate with. AFTFH C.OVLUtNMKVT AID. Mr. Munro. M.P P., and Air Lougu- rm. Ml' I' , introduced a deputation from Pembroke and Weslnieulli, ask- ing for aid for a l.Vmi It- plctod about one from I'" '.-t|HM-t and a half miles present law waa r ill SHU' \L Mr. Ho.vl.! I'Nor'h Ontario) moved I '.,mt r -ading of hia bill to di.-*- qualify from -.itMng on the Munici- pal Council of a city, town, or in- rated village any uifi-iU-r of a s< Ii ,ol board, for which rates ore levied Me Hovle hId that it would .c the benefit of both the muni- cipal and educational tysti.'uw that the nneuiber.-hip of the s.-hool Hoards and Council. 1 * si. Tho At torni*\ -t i-uenil waa inc to take the ).<i went to the m>. iinmitte.) TOWNSHIP i:ui:\' : A second rending was given Mr. Duff's bill piovidiinr tint T.iwnihip Council*, shall consist of the reeve, and first, second, third, and fourth er,iiii..illorv, e.vvi t-f Mi-uci sball t elected separately. It vxs ref-'re4 to a Municipal I'.nnmr MANY TkFKS PF.STR. >. KM Th r<'t'irn u.^ked hv M- .l--sitop with ref'-renc" ' " brought down It shows tlmt the total nuinlH-T of tret condemned to be ' m lh County of Lincoln by tiovrnni'-nl inspector- w.n 2o.'.>'*.^ of this num- ber 17.7HH were : ' leaving :t,177 i-ondemned but not d-- i'\n:\ I In reply to Mr. Cam -s'ie. the Mm- of Agriculture stated that froil thc number of s-ud.-nU at the Western dair-. - had been 227. at the Guelph Dairj Pembroke aad Southorn Kail- ' School. .VU. at the F^.st.-rn THF .a CANAPIA The lliddlea were born in St. Thom- <>nt . about thirty yrnrii ago. Their father. Goorge Kiddie, rnnuiv- ed subsequently to Amh.'rstburg. whiTc h. kt-pt a saloon locally known an " 11^11" for some years, and it was in tliU atmosphere the boy* wens brought up. The father died. BIDDLE BROTHERS ESCAPc. and the b y s * tai< * by McQua.le. their und* H* --'I Both of way from IV-mbroko to the Ottawa They wan tod S.i.yjo a mile. Ihe I'reuiiL-r prouiis. d coun . Messrs. Hugh Jil.uii. Hua. S. C. ! W. MrWilliaju-s. uud John Flott waited oil tho Covi-rtunent to ask an extension of thu mm- i,.r Com- mencing and coiiipletmx the proposed School. 1 51.1 Tho Utter numbor m> clml. -il students who had taken tw or uiore courses. 100 MINERS KILLED, ship railway from Toronto. IJay to 1 in- Premier and Hon. Mr Latch- ford were waited upon by Keove Were Under Sentence Death at Pittsburg. A Pittsburg. Pa. d'-spn'ch says : F.lw.ird and John Hiddl-. um : er i.ci. of death for murder, ovcr- Terrible Disaster at the Mines in Stexico. Hond/ \ -.in Ant on i- 1. T-*x A hundred and in i-i.-i-rs kil- |.-d is 'he re-ii!' of a d'i.-i .--il ' of 1 to beat tho boys W y for th, ,. "' T ^, !", ^ "Jh.." UM, *> 'sure he dprive.1 from it. but Onixl|y. ' muairipalily , u , which was receive.! !.. "daj iltio it niRnT \ -lie time Hi" explonion orcurrc< improvement of tho f.-rry service be- "'" r ' l ' w >rk ln ' h< p.iwrrt-d the guards at an early hm.r Thursiiay morning nnd Wi'li provided by some uutttide saws 1 who also them with. revolvers. they cut. thu bars and were ready at any moui.'nt'. to make an opening large and through. The two rut-n igh to paM ccupi '! "i- firm. Car lots on track will bring j joining cells and plajin -d the $f, 75 to $ft. Poultry Market unchanged. Tur- keys. i>i to 10c per R>: frozen, scalded, and hulf-rutod stock sold from 8 to Oc. Cee-.e. dry-pick".!. H to 8tc. Ducks. CO t.> 9Oc. ChicU.-,,-i young. 50 to 75c; old, 35 to 50c. THK DAIKY MAHKtrTS. Butter The mrvrk^t is quiet, with Choice grades Orm Inferior Imttor is hard to sell \Ve .juoto : Selecte.l dairy tubs, 17 to 17 Jc; choice large rolls. 16 to 17c; finest l-lt> roils. I s to I9c; inferior ii'Mlitii-s. II to I2jo. creamery prints, 21 to 22o; solids, 20 to 2lc. Egg* The market is quiet. Strict- ly fi-fsh. L'7 to 28c. held fresh. 121 to 2^c; cold storage, 20c; limed IS to 2r I'hfose MarkiV, IM steady \Vo quote : Finest Sept-mbers, 104 to lie; seconds, 9J tj lOc. coll .in. 1 s.-i inn the - iard a:..un.l i he , m , Wllt prol-ar.lv liuri.-il him over tho tmium ,. (t|ll h ,Tf J. u -k Kid.il.- was ca iii HIS AM> llressed hogs ii lots quoted at ruovisioNS. 'lui.n^d. i'h $7 7.") Hog pro- tor the boys left Auiherstburg they umler tl ,.. drifted around the country, finally U.-ads Act to the : l Sp, hai received a by many hi..- It and KlISSull landing in Pittaburg ATII UK TIIK BIDDL1 A Sa"irl.iy despatch fnm Butler. Pa., sayn: At tin- close of a day of inten-i.: excitement and many con- i ol P-'"pi<J 'n fiictin,; ,-on.-.'rn,n < th- urging M, (.oveininen^ to for llfo of tho wounded IJiddle broth- ers and Mrs Kat Soiltsl. tho unex- pected hat happened. .Ijliti ll.ddlo, who. until late this afternoon, was mi -nt o ino i.'rrv service us- . . w . tb. island and K th- '",. a I ... whom wern n, h..,,u ' s v ' 11 '" Shortly b'f.'ri> four o'clock onu "'considered the more likely oi th.- Mn- P D roth>>rs t.o escape present. <! -tt U. suc- ""'-'cumbi-d first. ; >i 7 .",.'1 p in. lln i.r.i- the Huldles called to .1 nines Ceary. who had ch.trgt? of the side gates, and asked for so:: medicine in a hurry. saying hi ' jjp, SofTel. w brother was dangerously sick o j pn oumoniii .<> p. m. survived until 11 Military hastened to thj cell wi'h t'.ie medicine when John Kiddle sprang through the owning in the i devel.ip.id ityuiptoniM this ai'.i-rnn.in. after having come safely through the ation this morning for the ,-\ of the bullet, has a chance for life to thd stono floor beno.tth. a di- tanco of sixtrvn f.'-'t 1-Mward lliddl" j.iin <! his hrotli"i iiiim liately and both, with drawn revolvers, hurried to t hi- Ih-st Uo'<r, where they met Guard Koynolds and shot him. THUKl-l MKN ON DUTY. Th.M-o w, n I Hit thnx- uion on duty and the third was on oi;- 1 t.f the up- per lang'-s. He was ordt-red d-iwn at tht point of the rovnh !*. at 1 the three guards were put in, ho dun- Tho keys wero t.ik--u ft 'in K tfft and the two . . ha-l a rlcur :.-M 'i ' : t-nly persona who witnes.-i-.l tlif escape duett steady. \\ iiuoto : ll.icon, \vero prisoners who could not inter- long clears, sells iit li to Hi-', in ;f ero , )r givo an alarm. ton and case li>:.< M,-^^ pork, do. short cut. *2l T.O to $^J lie; SuioUed meats Ham*, 13c; breik- fast hucon, 14c; rolls, 14c. and should.-is. lujc. Lard The m.irket it \\e quote : 'i'iercos. Me; tubs, 'i; pails, lljc. UN1TFP STATFS MAUKKl'S. Buffalo, Feb. 4. Klour Steady . Jair demand. \\he.it-\othiiiK no- ing Corn Stroniv r. No. 2 yi-lli.w, 64>-; No. 3 do , <i:iji-. N.. 2 eat. No. 3 do. 0^;,- OatsStrong ; No. a white, 4lr: No :t <lo. 47}c ; No. il mixed. 4'iic; No ;t do, 4Gc. Barley Nothing il.iing. Hytv-No. 1, 6:>ic Toledo, O , Feb. 4 Wheat, Strong; higher ; cjsh. 7', 8V!.-. Corn Str.'tn;. May. i null. Tl-.e pii.ton.'is went to tho w',.-re tho guard.- keep their clothing, and each put on a new suit They th,-n unlocked the oulsida gates and passed out into t!)-- Tin 1 e.-4capi> W.IH not tli-.- i.'d 'intil the ilaylight R'ljrds c.uni 1 on duty at .'clock. They -re informed by firisoti'-rs wh,-re tho night gn i-.l - had been put and they \voro soon r<*- l,-,is.-d frvHil tin) uiuigeon ajid sent to the hospital. THI: r.oMAM i: OK rr. The escape .'f the Kid. I s \\ is si.b- ..etpii'ijtly rxpliiinvd in a statoinent -.1 liy \\.u-, !en I'eter l\ Sollel. The warden asserts th.it. Ii s - >sponsible for the furnisbing of n i"-l saws tti tho lli.ldli'-, which enable.! them to (.-.-.cape. In her infatuation for t-'.dward llitl- lle. It is alleged that .-.ho lias left l.,<r husband and Ivv four children, und It l .-iippoeil, i-* to meet the ;>ed con- ict.-* at. a. place ugroud upon Tho story of the nuitter i.i luiof. Mrs Hofiel was tho only person ad- uiitted to the Jail since - day. \\jiliitMilay afternoon slm visitod tl -ni during the wai iK-n < ,.W-nce. Tliuisd.iy evening she retired at 9 o'clock Sho told her liusband that Mini . r'l>. 4. Wheat 8 ho was going to visit a sister at i -luly hin.-r, .Ian , July, i Higher. Jan , 471 ; M ' 40c Clover toed, .'iic- . *"> s " . March. .' ^ . - -. No 2 alsiko f7 .- Milw.uik :'.-. l-'eb. 4 -Wheat- . clo^o N<> 1 Mortkern, 77c: N.v J NorMu-rn, 71 t<> T.'.ie; M W. 7<)c. 1, tile li.ii-h-y steadier. Nn. -' ' -V '-" '''"' 62lc. for-! M.i.s . i>-. IhilMlh. I. caah. No I a Northern. "-i . 74jc, May, 77Jc. loha. No. 1 N.< McDonald, and that ho would rtlro Caused bt the ballet vvoundH in Im antl : -,id by !i.--n-.r- HOSPITAL QUARANTINED. Smallpox Spreads to Notre Dame in Montreal. A Montreal il--p.itch -niall- rox of a. mild type is af>pnr--h<'v spi I'.iJu,-^ very fast in Al"ntreal. and n>any n.;w cas.-t havo b.-en i -p. >i-tcd A p. -ciiliar .". ..iru>, in connection with t!u' ,'pi-leiiin: is tho qiinriintin- ing of the No're Uame Hospital, ow- ing to on.- i-i 'ho serv.in'i l>i'inj{ at- d with tho din. -,*. Te. insti- tution is one of th>- I ir^-s' ' .isi ill Montreal. and the .j,;.ir ml ine M that until I-'i-bruary l-tli. tlie Hi MI men. women and children wli.i me wii!iii the w.ilU of this lupiinl will have to rom.iin th..-re. ami thr only communication th.-y will witli lilt- outside world will be through the tt-l.-ph -no. 4 OUGHT TO SURRENDER. American, Divine's Opinion on the Soar Resistance. A I.onilon despatch says . Cabling fion ,wn. the coiP'spuail'MiL of the I'.iilv I'luonicle ipiotos from in adilre-s il.'iiVi-reU by I'r .lo.s.'I>h C. llartzoll. iiii.<.si,.niiry bishop of the M.-Hioilis,, l-'iiiscop.il Church in Afn- ; rinciiiMii'i. ' l'i vll s.,i.l 1 1;-- 1!,- TS 1-..1-. , mis- takenly at : empt-il to buiKI up a. re- public basetl upon je-.-inri-i:.--' uislcad ni principle. 'I'll.' llo.-rs have msxlc a bravo resistance. anJ now o-idht to bo bravo to ncknow!eUg;e do- feat. and no mm worthy of tho : of I- '.UK I ish i nan or Ainoricon w.iuld not rn-"i\o ll-.-'iv surrender in A pro- per spirit." I>r. Mm -I/-.-11 said he believed thero would arise in Afr.cn a ssttletncnt of civili rat.inn wliich hud, 77J-. No. _____ ___ -i - No. I Not tl> -I'll, early <w that sli" conKI net n early i complete tho urcli o! ln| 77;c. Mt.t.i- frtart. Wn-d,-n SoiTol w,n about ll'e ation. and crento n Vtnied people in Ii. 7'Jc. J u il until aftoi- midnight. Ho retired | South Africa like that in thu V . - 74lc. Oat* lijc Coru Olc io his own rooiu. wolck is separate Slat* s>ftsr the Civil War. assist in ilo./d pn- :iiea-suroa WOMAN'.S UKSIDI \I;E Hun Mr. Harcourt will in t reduce a bill relating to the Tnrotr ty. per.-iiin uiij the rn-ft ion of a ciaiun's r--si.i'-n.'r on the property of tllu utiiv.-rsi'y Mr ll.irco'. that a start will be made during tho couiiiiK summer, and that as a pr--- liiuiu.irv unuiodution for -'O vounx ladies will be provnlrit ri iii.n: -s, ;,.,. n.s ,\t r Two bills to amend the - \ct were it: 1 1 od i i-.-il. The : 'i.-.i' ion introduced one whn-h uiakes two prop. It, to ;.) school Loards of rural inur.icipnlil.ieM to expend money for tho conveyance of children to school Ban munu-ipali'i.-s. soc-ond. to liblt) .several adjacent. school turns t , alts :or the purpose of es- ibl :.-.h PH.; ^ >ols. Mr. l-'alhs tl-'.ast Durham) iutrc- l an act to amend tho I'ublic liuols Act, which extend.s the pow- er of rural school boards tu borrow money under a sealed noto. aro at present restricted In borrow- ntt u> siiiii> ii. -.-.I.. I |or : ,, II-TS' -.al- i tile, bill evtend-. '.iirili Hid ~'o-... li-oseii.-tt by the sos plosion Not one .'.t'.iped The Hondo mines nre lor:ied K , .- t.-rini-ii-s Of I branch of thi V-" i.-.in Ini'-rna' Komi, ahout 1"" mill's south - i'n:i.n WEW CONSUMPTION CURE. Discoveries of Dr. Eobia and Dt Binet. A Pirn despatch sivvs The dis in and Pr I respecting tuberculosis IK.V,.' led to < treii'iin-nt I n.st end of at- taekintr only ' '^' tha. : ,-,- . u - led to ph lii '-n sum.) an nonnoii- u- ti and generate carbon in propop , t n<n 'I i out TV. -' l' tpendi lures for n'h-.-r s. h.,,>l Ml'M' H'AI AL'T Mr. Smith > rt-.-i i inlro.l'. \ ' t.> am. T.<1 t which deals with Milne-pal Act. the \rxed .pi - in ' '".' us ami villages. It provides th.it tin- niunii-ip.ility :i agreement with -.vni'i-s 01 such lands i,>c a spe- cial ruto of taxation inst ,ij of hav- ing the farm lands -M-IM- -i-.il by a . by-law. ONTAIUO II K< 'Tl.'V ACT Mr Lee i 1-' .si Knit i n' : -i-i.lii.-'Ml Ins lill to amend the Ontario l-'.l.-ctma Act by providing that railway eni- ployr-. v\d..s,- work tak'-s' them i-.,!ii Ii >nu. may be nl'owed to poll th.-ir I..-I,.,.- election day -irst lending. M-:\V nn. i.-; iN'i'uni'i n ! Mr. (.arrow got a Urst reudim; for hi.4 bill liiiiiiing the number "i ex- p." t u iti. be i-iill -d in an action to i lire.* on each sid- judge Mr by leave from tli Allid ,. S.llltll I -'\ ,!-.-! MARCHED TO DEATH. Whole Detachment of Japenee. Infantry Wiped Out. A Yok'<h..aiii di * :'!< iiifiin'i-y ti \\voni-i' on .I.in -H '" priu-tto* marching ov. r tin 1 si.ow KoM '>! them h.i- -mi-,; been *-e<-ii except ciirpor.il. who Was f.n tliiy l>y .1 reiief p, "-;-oral Mi.i' ' Ii-' d.-'j.ini' 'heir way. niul come by .lit* in- cold They - and burned tli-*ir !' -i"'I rills st.>cks. hut by the evening of .I.i:i hi: 71 ->f tlieni li.nl PI rishod. The sur\ivi'i-s separated into small parlies .md <n.ii;h' for r.-fiiK" It la Ii of thi -M- ' n ,rred the city, anil f.'l-.-r; it for th il i.-f of 'he families ,,f the unfor- t-ina tB sol.li.-is. .NORTH-WEST LAND SALE*. C. P. H. Returns Show a Large ase. A Wiiinip.-i{ The land w !!. pnMi-ih- ,-d liv th.) C 1' It Land I -eptiri inent i 'la\ 'II..- ".i. for $;il7.7i;i ' lary. I'.iUl aii!oui.l-d i o Ur js'i.T.".:; .M 1 1. is ,!>o , .,- im in t h. . ! js i Tin amniint i- it. ol January. I'uil, by Sijill .ntm :I7 Tin of ' I.i N' -l ' b , I the Drainage A id oi exteiidiri-r, .,111 ti-i n !--,- t h ili^- ch.ir K ..- ni \\.it.-r UiMiid do any injury :t!i-l where tho MSiMI \\.vild '-i- '.i -i\v. I and I'onip.tTiy for th-- p the outlet need n. .rod. but hnve al-io doub ! d those for th-- comp.'iis-.ii ion c.-:ild be given those responding month I.;--' \vlltise 1 i!..!s XM-re lUiollfd. r tllO COlllp.lllV ,! -sp.-sed of I J, Mr l.uli.iiilsi-u introduced ablllto T -'. at ?7..V>t, IIR.. on providing for the of 3. ; ' !l) . in Jiinw 4 of faiui lands out of towns |ary, r.'"l.

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