Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1902, p. 3

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FEBKUABY 0, 1902 " IL I . . THE FLESHETON ADVANCE ~&t o M M , , r , , M M M i M , , . f : , , , , . . = r , , r , r , , , i . r , . , i , ., , , a i, , , fit . , . il 5 . ^ ' F. T. HILL c5c CO. | - ____ - < - --- ' - MARKOALE i The .season's bluest and best values are now beinjj; offered in all depart- ments of our lar^e store. There's not one solitary line of goods within our doors that cmi he bought for less money elsewhere. There are, however, many lines that have never.to our knowledge, either here or elsewhere been sold at such ridieulonsly small prices. These statements apply to CLOTHING, SHOES, FURS, i)KKSS (JoolS, (iKNKKAL I >KY GOODS, (iKorp.RiEs, etc. We're anxious to make a big finish to the biggest sea- si ins business ever done by us. By patroni/ing us during our FEHKUARY SALE yon re welcome to a share of all the K-irgains that are going and just now they're decidedly numerous. . T. C.BHUCo. I Ularkdak. I Importing Rtta.lerr. * ^limivmif^^ Tho Toronto Star calls I. B. Lucas ^uihnrizi-d t-j procure f..r Thimuu Maud- untxi.hxkd phenomenon." J... ^^C^^^\^ I. J:, i.s u [>henoiuinon, all right, uiid )!,, y .| Mnir That us Unhurt 1'. Legal u .: i<rcni occasions ho has cxplod- " i""i-" l 'd to tlu o.uneil to pun-In-' . . . . . tin- water iiowt-r mi Alma utreel , ,1 in tin- L^inlatui-0 with I) ill tc Start). knownM Ku^-nu K.ilK itn.l tl.o n.a.1 ng fU'i'Ct. lilt) i owd.T is (if a Very iill'.waucu U-tH.cn ilu> ii.-rtli l.iint ul t.-xijlij.-ivi iitmlity and iliiws IHH bullets ""l' s " " I. ,, nit Mtivt-t 111 i!.f t .KM |>l"t i.i l-.ii to tliu inui'k every tiino. It would, Kcm i wnh a ut-w ..t Bttlfanug said w-ii-r liowi-M-r, lit: more corrrct to pvonottCo |"''-r, ">" >-'Vf "' ''">' : 'f l>fr 'o i.|i| , ,iiil, il it riiiniinit i- l" .11, .mi,' in' > an -exploding plMuouMnou. ,,''. .,. H1 , h ,, ,,, , ( .|,, M11 , ,, .., . "f Tliuntday last touched n-llmi; *.u.l r.iatl ull.,.ni, ,-, lmh is iif poU mill umiT.' C ,. 1U1I1 ", (iia.iu.il us,.,.. . l,,..i,.,yl.....l if IHV- uituriil niuiubt-rs wince. I, and will probably . cuai> |ir.K'iuu li'uiti in U in in tin' u >f nnj ,',, r,.,,,.,, tl , ,), ,,,, 1 ,,ril at tut early a Jo it more. dti nil .'il. I!.,), I Mnir Tlit. i Ins t.) ini-.-t ,,11 Mir-liV lilt ll.l-iM., t" a|>|Mi:i:l M assessor Sfld "tinT ..Hi. .-I, t,.i I' 1 '-. anil lln- Ma i cli IM--MOII l-i- ili-|u-ii--il itl, vlic Dowag.-r KiuprcsH of China is i,nl.-<- i .... ,,-, \,. ,|, ,|i omsiili-r n uui-iin^ vi-ry cjutntt-. At a reception to ni-i-.Mnary for any |.m i...-,-. Cuiu.l. .I,, , .. , Council adjourn !. "liu of tb foreign eniMMjr she .-..>. is said to have wcpl and sxpicssed .\ ,.,.,-.( ,i., n ,^ i.uivUily wasr.miniitu'il her sorrow at tho oniiu^i .-i tMinimUnl .v tln-M-.i-.- of N I. M JUBBUO A ta WM \i-iti, limn ID UTI l).'in a t. iruili iui.-t.il.i-." iii I'll tliitl China ,1'ly hours "f Siiinlny inoriiinK last. Tin- 1,1114! , is ln.ikr ill., wins- in tliu front ill' ' . llll Hi il ill.' IK L. i|ll..-lly Hit ki-,1 II, anil Ii. l|,i- I 1 1, .in-, !> , - t LI,, i. i- I'll I'll. Hi;. l. ',,,,. s .1,11111". all. I |i ,| k. H..1 lil-lil'- til, n i-xit ut lliv buck ilimr. St-vrml linnm ' Shu 1ms also will no longor uli'-jliU unit-lit and iiid i.-oiiisc with I'niii^n liilioi..". As an iinli.i i'"im<l in lli" Iwik yitnl mill n cuddy "ft" bmttUMMfoodnMlfMrirabM <i" li; ";-" 1 "" 1 """". '">"'';" "* f'"'''; 1 1111. i. -i ilii' vi tin bouse ttt tliu Mtittinii. al 1 lil.lt CIlllP ., tt.,1.1, I, IllllSt lll> ,.l \\ill, ll ; r, I,, -ii,,-.t lll.lt III,- llll. -If longer bind tht-ir fi-i-t.an 1 Cliiiu-su and i' 1 U| ' " l "' al l"l'i'-'ti>n. S.uii.'thinn .. . shnuld Im dune townrdi furrc-tini; tlu-in MancblCM int .uiurry anil DMOOII , ,.,. t .^,, l out people. These /i.l B |.c*a of con- T|H . , r , M , (f H| . hl . y Hyp , M , F(pre ., vorsiun will bt- 1. 1-, i\. 'I with only a .-Inu' ,i wuh ,,I,IL-HU' I. Mmmnur.* Rirl lin.ili-iiiU' (li-^ivt of n-j'iicing, bt'Ctiuae ""''" f"""i-cn y.-m-t ,.f j, m tho tnnu llir ,.|Ii-l.i M .is i ,,lnui|tl.'il, tiink DMM tlicrciH unf.H-tiiimUly u poribilitj ilut bfor JodOaadirJoJiatOuelphonThBT it IE nu'i'uly a wunmn'H uhilltuinx mill 'l" v - Aft.-t hi-anni; lliti i-mli-ucn of Hye that the reform will l.<- tiliori livnL . ,""i"" H ' ' .I"" 1 ''T'' (who 'ii-n- wi.rkmi; fni Martin lin.s ..it tin I., l us Imp,- thut tin- |., ...ininlic view inn,> * ,.|1 n> !'.),) ili JII,| K| . uisum-s.-n 13 UllillilltiCtl. 'till' .MS,' .-li.il iir,|i||lti-,l Ity f tl.,. i-hlll);.- witiitiaaea. -A bad- cold is no friend It'3 fU illskliotis knock it out of your sysk in in the (Uiickcst, safest and surest way un hour's de- hiy may mean mouths of suffering. Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule treatment is the arch enemy of Colds aiul Oripp, lung troubles ami nervous pros- tration, and when it taki - holil it never lets go until the last vi-sti^e of a disease germ ii eradicated. Try U next timr von miP<^* ">''' ,.,.in Ii I InttBOHBlS if \ u f.k..- 1- i.t- M'. ,'..' i:irm. At nil Ui'ik'zi'H * cenU a bo or t.y null fium UWANTA MT'O CO., -w-., Ont. Township Council to \lt. III. sl c.illllrll Illt-l "II M-.lliU) list. i!,, 1. 1 \,- 111 tin- .'li.'tir. All tin- nii'inli. i H W,T,1 |I|'-H.-||| BlL-'-|lt Mr. 'I'll, Mil) I Miiiiiti'H ,-l iir. viiuis h.'.is'ini H.-III n-Hil HI il f.inliiiii ,1. A Itiltfi- from S. liu i -is of Til,. oil iMlu'li-li- rlllvi-ll |'l|l, s W.lf. rr.ill. l'.)li linn, In i l'i' I " i. |iril l-i .i No. in' n in .1 - Mm I'M I'.l'IJ, -,s ml ', In, -i',l iii.il i.-k.l a ti-Ht, HiT.iiiil HII, I lliinl inn.- itn.l M^IH I l.y tin- l, rn- an.) 'I In- ;,inlil..r,' ir|,.iil n tlir ,i.-, ,. nut. of ' '" ""'I' |USd, listing ,ltx |ir,-Hi'llll- I Mm r Oil. on Tint .l..|iii l:, I nut In- I .!! !.-, inll.tr fin I'llintl MI,". I ill t .in I l'...i I "mi I Ii il llit- r.. nil. , I l>" ,i O' niii.ii'.'H t" lin.iln mi. !, id -i.ln< i I I [ I'lll l.'ll. ,i|ll, ll HI- ,1 11110 I'. illlli', llit' aiiilitor.-' M -|i "i i 'I'll (ii ,-,-. it hi ir. tin , i ; I I 1 1- ' ii i ( tin- am! t..ii i n i liu cc mi' * "l 1*11 i. ni.,1 itn.l (in .1 i AII 1 u I In : h I , Kl-ll.n-i.l lllll ilUlllloli"jr 1 1.1 ll I I" < $10 p.ich us |i. i liylit*, 'ii Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord Ulinto, 2906S. Tkn uiidoiiignixl ha* a flnv UM| Dinliitiii ill! lor .. i vir,. .,n lo 141, T. * 8. R. 11.11,1- llforfrad* o, :t r. l lVrti,;ri.<, oil ai>|.lk*tl u J \li)ll l.EVKK Mi-slu-rton I'.O. nu, I ilitll nnli frni ton, lim it.-r. -. '.ni.'l, .ir, I ; tan or |,ai i.-uliri H|>i,l> i,.ti,.<,i. Mm A. II. >,>k, .. I ,l>l.anl. r. New Grocery At Maxwell C\ I', in ,1 in tin. > I.IIS,, ,' s 111 t I..' l ll' I-.' I.f M L\ tt.-ll, ill.- pnlili .nil liii'l wrli Us n lin,' I n w yi oi-.-i i,-- -f il. IVIal ty mi tin- I \\ , I .'tl,' |inr. llNS, .1 H'ltll K li,',l of in.'.'Mi'i; tin, M.ii-ts i,f tl,,' t;i!iit-ral "U SN '' '''" '" ' I' ' " ''""'' ''"' " ' III I V III KI>N I I.OCtt I llll Ii-rnis u,,' . - CA-M OR TKAIH; iiurt U. , K ...is in h'nrin I'M xl no.' in Wlioii in the Xi> r U-. a,.ii:. a. Carru-.l. p -M uir That iln- ut-v. mhoreliy 1 *' KMJtAR SONS. :\ penon In 'pt>M0aatonof ao orchaitl liv Ihtiowaablpa ol \it*-iiu.**iit. o*i'riv\ llhKW," ka ul M 'Iliiiul auil ar* ,lf u-. "f liavinuil pi iin^.l ui Mitift. 1 '! can liav : t. n ,. i !;> i'i ,,;>' i i > l>\ h,- ndnin it i',->tal car uMifti Webtr, tunnla, F. o.unt I wil . <i,l ' . iirnieiliitt! ly on i, .rpl tinl. ft , I y.'Ul' f'laltl:;.; n'ln, tltnu l.ttwrtl !,iln,l i.n< I. ,tn <>f May. Wlmi i nit! I'lfittoit i ,,l KCICMII ,MI vtaiit |.iit in thKiii. I lulu: :>K ;:'*.U- (', tint'.' i-tlit* uitcli. t IK Jollnr u ,lln^ t tli* cl cliai J. Your* rcnpov-tfullv Jo. \Mrnan 111. . 'iiia Nt >t ic-c. >.- U lioicln KIV.-II that tbu hotel bull i . ii-il ou uy O'Neill Hro. a li UK. lut I'n'ii ti' Klrr.'<l o Mwm M.liltlll.V M,' U'll.l. Itll'Mll.it |.|,|,I,, Htl.'U U lii-oti inilo li-r IrmiiKti'i i.i It, -HUM t.ir !' tan l.n-.li A. J II N ill iiii 4, iwni T.J. .. v.-..i FOR Servioe. 1 1, ,.,,,il(la.r,Hl llrkt,liiii> Boar tor aorrlo* on lot it. rim. 4. i>M,iti> . Ak for p*dlare. TBRMS i* WM.t:L.IMTON, Prop, aj OB 01-1 jr. FLt-'SHERTON In Carpets! Looking uvcr our C.irprt stock \vc find we Jiave ;i lot nl ,-Iioi-t cmU ol (IrMcanle pnttorns It-t't over ut- want tht-ni clean -<l out befoi''- >tock taking and to make them n. >vi- <|iii<-Uy we have i ut their selling prices lelo\v lir>t mill nst many are just snitaKle for small rooms, ranirinj,' from .") to _'() yards ami you'll find themall ^ood -er\ '.eealile patterns. 7."' K'llt 40 c.-nt .">."> cent 4."> cent 40 cent 35 cent 30 cent 15 cent Tapes! ry Carpets, three |uarter. for ;")5 cents 'rapesti-y ( aip'-t-. thi'ee-([nartfr, for 30 cents Wool Carpets, yard wide, for 40 cents I'liion Carpets, yard wide, for 30 cents Dutch Hemp Carpets yard wide for 27 1 cts. Hemp Carpets, yard wide, for 2."> cents. Union Carpets, yard wide, for -JO cents. Hemp Carpt-ts, for 1 1 cents. Brussels liu^s. fringed all round pretlv patterns si/e :;-_'\ i s cents _'." --ents l>ti/Tn-, nf ends of I>l''--- (ii-'ils, I >re s Is, silk--, ( 'In viots, Mrlt;n->, Flannelett8,Shirta ings, a, Cottoiiadt-s. \\v, v\:c., at Remnant Prices. vfj> /.>> IB' -/..--. !! ! IN !!! Men's Pants at 95 gents :;< i nail's Men's 'l'\vc>rd I'.uits. in neat dark striped jKifUTns <rood wt-arin;^ t \\ct-il -\vtdl i i\r \voll niadt- nii-dy linisl.cd. Si/c> :;L' to 10 wai<t. Kt _ ular Price $1.25 for ____ Double 0uit,d foi 4 Men's Houlilr Hivastt'd suits \vi-ll niadi 4 from lu-avv all wool twrctl mat dark pattern nirt'lv triiitnifd and lined, si/.-s ::'-.'"i- Recjular Price $6.50 for . $5.00. Wall Paper SPECIAL PRICES. Wherever \ve have only a few rolls left of any particular jiiitU'ru \vr have placed ihein on our Bar- gain Counter tor quick selling these small .|iiantitiivs aro just what you need for papering halls or )HM! rooms and in ncarh CM-IT case \ve can -,'ive you Kir ders to match. Pretty \V;ill Papers, including j^ill , :inl glimmer cH'cc-ts uicr^ patterns 3 CCtltS up to tlate designs. Kcuular Prices from .V. to X, cents. ( >ur Wall Paper Sale price starjs from 1 il F L E S II E K T O N ADVANCE FEBRUARY 6, Vicinity Chips ; '! tr-irterfttir* of |he Pant V - ->. <ar.rtnj 1 ailed for ifce < r : is, ; ia DOW a p-ilicu village. Fr.-s'i lim alwayi on h:iml. J. H. Kr^'.-uw. 'I .'.:, 7 7far< '!!. Api>l/ to K. U Kiriiwle. U'.ii.tt- I, '20 L-i .rJm^reeu furiuce 'iJ. 1 1 .liny Jt C>. Wo uiiiLrtai,il tli.it Jlr. A. M. (!ibw>n ia all.. .I' to i-'-tirrt fi-ow tliu Miuoluy of Loy.i, Uickinig & Co. Uiaa Anniu Howard left on Monday i, whero ahu will n-niain f--r onto time. l)IBl>--In Artouin-l.t, on Turr.lty. K.-',. 4, Irrii.- PI -leu, infant .1 i-i!.t. r .f M, ;.n I Mrs. K. McMillan. P-irn IiiO<nii Sound, "ii KiiJ>,Jan. :*1, to Mr. and Mr* N Ii. Duuxuiore, a eaugliter. FOK KBNT OR SU.E brick ICSMSMsl rabi lum-r m Klu>herlou. Eii'juire oi L. Urnlbury. Spun matched hor.-s, two colts, cow :tlf for aaJv. J. H, Hea/d. FleaJl- trlon. i H mieil to cutitlo^ and corl- wood. Ap^ly t.. Ii. W.Arai lfOi.. U-H-'k- val uiitU. M,,i M.tuteJ:ti oncti for ln.sh work. o. Apply a: Hii-klin,'. ui. -1.8th liui 1 , Mini KTitniu,'li of the ;> .st..lficu .-tul led on M< unlay t-i viait fnrU'Ls *c S:.r>u f r a ' Mr. Will M. ,.T*, bitmuMnMker, DM bceu UiJ up fi>r a ei-k <r u with a evero attack of thuu ,,.t >in. Mr N vV I 1 ., rwl T.'ionio IVu'.al *lfc, one f tin.* la ly leac!.. )-> m our pubiic s h..o!. tiou fi n> >' A i that iii.st.iu'i'.ii mi.ii* ci.ji>}-:n,i 4 fully -ucct^rull tcrui. 5Ir. I' Bellamy is in Owtn S .u.iii vw.tiiu her ilauiilil.T. M:*. V t.i . iMni.s more, who It4k be.Mi vary ill but U 1111- provin*. f, <_ i.iiiii HIH'U iri.ikiii* ImfsvH, U ''-' 9't MUK; . iglut. W. W Tumble .tml Mrs. \l> ' .iiul .'>. H ! I !! Ol \| . . - i , *M >>in- U.iy ;ui.l M i>u. M .1 \V. i >. urn. . f the Lotti,'. nt I '.m 1 it!" "i'.'i tlu-ir . VV . J. 11 I :uii; . l.til week. MfiLi ! \t the ri-aiilt-nci.- f tin- . ; . M -. V II ' r - Mr S. J. i '.Imiu i.f I -Hi. T. Haulury. 1> I' U M. Mufr.-ri .. tiic',pi>i Kltrlit:rtiiii i.li;'.iM .Mi, -i.l \\n , l-'n i.iy i-t.-iiiu.; I i-t. n - ita i 'flirt-pi, af't-r which the ! -il;{i i'u>: juti 'til>'J for tin. ncc N..IM it :'! Mii'n.ia* HouM- iv.il itoin M 1 . K T. Her:" i t Wi n jieu iua<;IR!:!.e, bii<-liy illutrnt>tl, ilvncrili.iiu ilie i-rnwth ami i>c.-iit iMn liMou of tb prairit city. H Jil l<r> f. bi.v; let the t' eir nc reaiiloiices i-n !' unro .iret M f-'llowx : v h.is i!,i. work, Wriylit Mini M, 1> im',1 th.. I rn-k wcrk, J.IH. V'Htti.n tliQ p!trrini{ auu . Farm t.. K. nt -Lot 10, N O.R , in ib township of Artemenia, in ill.- < iin'y o! Vl> H lioute MIL! two Urxe Kir- dctiM, known M th Scnft ;>n>certy. Apply to MM C. Srorr, Arhur V I \ i 4j PIT cunt. low-. A No a tuiinbcr of iin- pro\ttl and iimiii|.ivi-i| i.rn.s for Kile chi'uji \|i|.lytM(i . i.i. Sln-1- burn.', . r U;iti.l:i!ii , tiUy after- r -hi- simple dM|i[iinff of n cypher in Hen^i i 's .ul\ft:isciiK-iit !.ir w.ek a (lif fi-rr i ..... I .ii'htM.'ii ih' umitvl iloll.m re- .sult<"l. Thf st.iK.-k i! i.ji.l have rend twenty tboMUld il ll.-ii's. i;.'ttim ih"ii- .vin.! of what itufKirlaiice IN ill limsiof .-i siinjili- ch.inu-ter, which i.f i;~,-lf niean-i luiihuiK, .vt m---in.< so much when d '111 Its H-ll.iwt. Mrs. James McCIockl n of tlii.i ' .h.-,l a' her hi .in.- I-IT- o-i Tn. s,|,i ;i'^i-'l 'Ml y.-ms. iif'iT :i IHK ilj- i> 1.1 i'. niiiinptiini. ^l. -. Mi-i*lik liu |.-av.- an 'iit.tn' .l-n: !it.-i :u ,1 husband lieh'ii. 1 hor win i much jrni|t'l'V in I he lii'iir of 'n;l. The fu- nrl will 'nki- I'l.-ii'c :r 1" ;i. 111. Kn.lay :h:iui | rov i'lin,; tin- 'ails- ire | a<s able. 1! ni"\:il- of Ruliiotipti' n I:i\c I., .MI einii'i{ in ili.tii'i on Then' U'O i' '': ilioir 6ttO s i -.'I'll have us yet failt to renew f..r litihi. \\ ,. , i^llv i. irl i;i *!n ir Ji.llar M in-h 1 IM we '.'in- :i l.r.^,- '|.lin. t:.ni t-> > ........ i that ilii'e. This applies alo, ->d more (utrticnl*' ly, to rh.xtv who re, in .ITI-HI-H foi la-t y.'-tr. "f w'.icli c!am tkr.' an- a f.-w on nur b>'kt. Centre. Oruv Farniur'K Imttitu'i will buld H m..l fair at K'uibvrlpv about the frit of &farch when about 970 will b of {J.r^d in prise* fur grain and pulat-e* have, and ,,ii-- in :. 1.1, from 10 to 50 i.;iili!< of tho litfjrviit v.-iiidtics for a ui\ -n , i -. r until wold, ini'l :im MI: :o ..i|iutl t!i:it . thiKiti-d Due ..veil. ./. I. (inh.ini, aee. Hi.- 'iat thin country is iriutUnt to iv worsd snow storm than Ih.t li;cli lio^nn Siindny nn.niin^ and luaie.<l until to-day, Wu.liiawlay The tem- perature wag not low .11 il -t.nw full in gruar .jUaniitie-., thia IM-HIK nccor..pAnie>l l>y -\ hurricAiii- .-f wind which pn!\- the Miowflak.'s to hi-e.st powder. (illuiK the air witli froeen, driving ini^t which piili-d up the r'unU north, Hourh, eaM ai .1 west until thi-y wire utterly :niijuil'lu. Thu wind l.owlod, shriekid, innanu'l, and whi(ipi-.l the .-now i.:to a whirling foim iiiiw c-iuld face if. Tho couirry maiU .if count! found it im|>. il)l- "o << thru^!i, i.ut thu nilwiiyi appear to have bcu |.r- , -ircd for it. Each mm wnn dr^wti I \ two heavy enginen and nw pt--w j aif'ilU-d the line all (].< tun.- V i i ^ci.'ii vijueiiCt: m U mi were f i i y well on time and delivrn d i.gciH and inailf wi'hxi.t di lay. N in U.-uu w-rvo 1 to country thu week. Bet**, an old widower who for . h.ia livod the life o' t hermit a> Ku. i MI i. -ra.-. found dead in th mow n. :ir ; > t U'odneMlay mot uii:g of laat wn l>. .-il>. ut i) :. It ia aaid 'he 1 thiMr.-n law him alive at 8.30 wl:i!n . 'i rheir way to achnol, l>ut .in hour h-n he w;i.s f'.und hy Jame Leo- i w>.a i^ui'.- -tilf t!mui(h not appar- ently f Mzm. Dr. r.ihliy, coroner, went . i'i-! IMIL deci'led that DO n -|-.t- - - .-wary. Decnaicd came ii in Kiiyl mil yon'si ago and was an -Id A wife .ii' I cht'd, fr i.i M ln>. n l.u WM separated, died y-ars .V{'>. Laat win'or deceased Huff r-il 4 I... I i.r..il< -f ,i ! u, from the ah ck of which Ins fo-i.iitiri.ia ui-er t*co-. It u MI, p '. .i lif ft her fell in th- dee,< n w .i.i *. Mitf citu'l or died ud- '1 ny Iri.iu h-air failure. The funenl took | i . , :i K i day to Sal, -in burial KTOaiid Dfceiuied waa nomewheiu about ?." ..r *) year* of .1 m-s c.m tv. ..i%'r ttu- .!i^^Mal of ilty i anticipated. flic Carnival. nze wino- li-l.l III Kit's!: -Ua'i. . ' la.it -('; n I' M -kiln 1-'. M i I. - I' r- M..U-1 '.In -h.-w. '. A: ..M. i jn ; Jnl. I- Jl - Harry nuy. V. \V ir.lr.,l>u. Clon > m. Th .' A-i:i-- M.irk'Ui . -I. lin.-t .ami t id. The cainivtl aNoiie'-f i it aucce>ful i-ier h. 1.1 here. Tin* 11 in c .1 , -n.l.ii u. M.-iuagOT I irih.uii M.rvi.1 refiCfluucutK U> nil !i- .1 tin m. K-I ' u.it colfee.cnk-, ml sam!i hi . The very large h id i In ii- .1 ..ng. Toothach.* Cured in On: Minute N t . ;i!> '. IM iclif. l'i. : - pain i line Dl i.samls lin.- i"i power ful. pi-iu-tralini;, pain Mii.iiuii,, prop.itni n :ikc it an .il.-iiiiii- . i.if , ic. <-I.IIII|IH, coiic ami ..II .f.li. r |Htnm and adit* h,it, l-i -..-t m^ti- kin.l. Tlio world is challetiKed t > ei|i:al Xi-rvilme aa a houneliold liuirvent The Giy County Old Bo>> ti- n, of TT.'I.'O, hel.l their -iniiunl " At Home" in St. i!. i-.e'n Hail LIBI ni^h', ih.ri" ririin; iipw.ud.s of two huuoreil iiit-uilHTi in.l fri. ndn pr-vnt, amorg them .several no;.-ilile p.-.'p;.. .-t < I'n-Hidi nt J. \V. Sf-yinonr ' iley wus in thf --Irnir. \'i i i lint COD it. in hicli tlume who to.,k p.rl w ; Ki. I I.i ,-. A Dock ray. Miss K\;i (oliav. .J. H t'.nn iTi.n. .1". T IS k. i. v I Uundalk. '! -- Klorenre Micphanon, and \V . .1 A.i'.rn ahan, was lullowwl l>y -i .i.u.i ., the whole in ikinv! up ;i \i-ry .ii-ln;i>tful eveiuiii( Mail. There ap, ears to l>e a ^m inn 'endencj in the mun-r mum. ii'.i ittefl ! > in- i ounty at leant to f,ill in lino wit!) llu- ..I. i of lia< ing municipal tlec'i.un only once in every -. Sin.-e ill.- n w county council's act wine in fon> the nun.: init.i... . -. MI which iHii-iiii> ami v.lln^e . .iuii.:i!s have I .eon ri-turii, .1 l>y n.-clnn-i t.'ii in the .'If \ earn of C.-unly .-l.'fiioi < II.IH Kvn annually ricr. .-wm ; until this y.'.ir nearly half ill 'iiuiii.'ipal l>. nlies in Hun.'' 1 1 'l.-cl.i'. .1 .! i tc.l on nom- n itioii d.iy Kveii sl..'iild 111 l*ro\ !. ial (iovi-rnnu'iit not < -.- ir to m:ik" r s! itn torv in ihi- mar future, Uie hol.iinn of ..f miinicip.t' > ! i IK- .ml y ar will hvcuiiH- a xeneiiil'y .-IxtervoJ unwrit- ten law.- l'-is! - Catarrh Is a Germ Disease Science at ii.il with h i . has Mtabl-sbed it * faut.aml thin , clusi, n ] reiuUTS obsolete tin- jn-n'ti. > ,,f trunling 1 ,\r limn, l'at.trrli :tn.l Itr'iiu-hnm by ' atoina. h druKHUig, m-rnya, anulfit Ac. ' Suc'ii treat menu are an utter failure be- I-HUHH they cannot |x>ntrate thu .lehcnte ' air celbt of the lungt, r permeftle the air [iaae|tea of the noee and bmnchial tuhe* w bore the ^eiine of Catarrh bare their ;hold. C.itarrlio/nu is 'he only cer tain reindy. It U inhaled by the uimi'h and after |>readin throii-jh ill 'he ret- Ittra'.ory origins in exhaled t.hr..ni<h the nuatrila. CUrrhi..ni.- kilU the u heals the inflamed tisnue-s, .mn the head and r!ir<,at in to m i.nt. -. ui.l .-m.-n in a few hours. Nothing IM so effective, plea- -ant ;u,. I Mtnplc M C.iUnhoZona. Two in. n'liM -rr u incut fl.OO Small mza 25o. Drug^iNtR nr N C. Poluou A Co , King- ston, Onr. AUCTION SALE. OF V1LIABLE FAKM PROPERTY [n the tonnhip of Artuniesim in the ui'y of (irey. :tK WILL BK <IKKi:ilED FOB 3ALK WED. i 9 th FEBRUARY. 1903 "k ia the f.-runoon at Muashaw's Hotel - IN - THE VILLAOE OF FLE>MEBTOM i a cr* I h. pio.;u-, ,1 tc Mm .< u of land ut i tli laiil tliu l<..Ulltu All, I * .* . <J 4 ,, t*t U* I>1C.I pll|CKl 111 til.' aaoetor ro i >; mi in. . .,.....~r, ,, M itfft^ff as mlunt** pkj.: 14 clialtiM in,,-. M .,' , .',' '. * i.i lot nuuibar IM imam totitb M iWti Uiirtv iinuutM eaal 4 ahauw m .ro or ! u tli<iruturh ingle at tiio rail >uuth weateik i.ubor liuiu tho mull tM- tww.ii lot. nuiubi-n II-.' ; aud tM;tliano north XI Jre.- JU miiiuie- a. ,-(, D.-IWWIII the Mound aa,l lirM . 'IWuull li.ti ii'i:i,liar 1 . ""T- - "" lit a>eli mum tu the ptao* at aerax, . ... Tli. Mlo'Wlnf inipror*^ menu ar* itnl to bt on tli |m uu-m Aimut JO clMrJ %>,.! uc.lr cohiTatioo. baJauce pssstafl i. u - i I " 'ii for ont. ,,[ tar purcbaa* moo tu U i>i,l I, , , Jn tho ,| , ..( M|.- For bala trm will bv ma.l kDuwu at -ale Fo farther prti,:,r an ap ly to i***. Mt-KiNiu ,t La-oMAiD. JMit- i tani, or o 8 ' lnr *' Turouto tr--i. 1'oiotito K J. Strool.. EM| .. Kltiortou, oot pROTON'S CASH 5TORE. W MOCKLEV - Clearing Sale for Two Weeks. . i All lin-s ofli.-aily .M . l-'.'lt II .L I i [| r *,. | . iia M.-.r. . % ti't lluavy \\,,1 I L'.OU f> IM Uanjain ]>n , #1 :!O ; , Jti. | .in.l .lra. "ii ^ile ..; 9 ,.||-. vv ''"- - l.-ir^niiin at !'>* llir r"' ' . ... :( e u-" ^...l Saltii.-n - U'B. :t L.iis T K A t i-a:: ,-f n!! km . i 0.1 25 cei.m. 7 I !:-. l-iiin,iry v ' -y RuShert ?1 U. J-J ' biirgniu t ,1.1.. t .M.-,, 1 , vc,i^ '!,. s ;< ^ a \ nr \:> ..-enlii. 13 | air .M,- !l ., . i iv , r < ,. t ,,,, ^j^ , n - hinner etis .f dwlivft in diffcrral p.vt.rn, cvllinu r"i tBto^.5<). V full awuittino U ,!I r|.,-r jiMt ,,riiv..J a r fr.. i i ;jr roll. A lar^-c .(u.-tntity of fine ' a p. t at from 2;->, t .Ml ,J. fliiihesf frinv [n.l ;'.., Kirni 1'ro.i-i.v. Butter lOc per ID PrMk It oil, .M Pound PHt. Fna t9 eta do/en.Prh Laid. Proton Proton W. HOCKLEY Flcsbcrton Furniture Ularerooms. ; ^'e aro rarryinn 'ho in-ivi .'vl<- ,nablu gotli in all litus of .^uii{ of : r-llliT Mil,j Lnllil.-!!! sii t i, lnlll,:{i s, si'll'l"" - M> II :nill Cllltru ' i'-!,-s i'hn>, iniii'w .sh, i.-i;ri.-\ n jMil.s, pift.in", ea.<ui, etc , Which wo offer at LOWEST PRICES. Picture Priming ard (loneiMl Ro I'.unn^. I'n l>-rfaliini( in til its braiiche*. SatiHl'ac(k>n guar%nteo<l. W. M. Bunt, Prop. Ring out the old, ring in the New Welcome to ju> * * \t, w * To-day we take time to review the year pjist ami n-rtect on the year just usheml in. marked the l>i^-st and most .sucfessful year this store has ever liad. Xow we look forward tu li'"-j with new hojH's. lari;<'r ;inil>iiions, new enthusiasm and hrijihter proiuiM . ( inr success of T.M)1 sliall l.e our inspiration for -n;att.'r achievements during: l'- )() - t'or we fhrri>h a ninp- -inct-re devotion to the interesjli of our many friends and a larger detenninatinn tode- Pswe their good wiD by doing letter for thenr A H,i|;ji\ New Year to all. 01 Ui M. Oil *. \t* * * * * * M \\ ' ninni- -nee to r.ik>- *ti>ek in four weeks and in those four u have deeided to clear as much of the stuck .1- p. i-sibU; by making a great elearing sili-. \\ have si-1. -i-tfd the most s-a>onal>le and appropriate g >ods that are at a demand and marked do\\ u to sin-li an T\M nt for tin--.- four \\ii-k- tliat ymi'll imickly decide to profit by some of the big bar gains w- ohYr. Come Eiii'ly 2h M.-n s !>. special *t 98.00 to clear 15.55 I ". Mi;n's|'0 OO suits, to clear at t^S.OO II Men s $i> 5O suiu, to clear 14 40 Ladies Jocki-t3, regular $10.09, foi 17 .">0 Ladies Jacketa, regular $6.50, for $4.50 25 Ladies' Jackeu, reg. 15 50 $ii.$ii oi).7.to C!MU $2 Men's Frieze t'hten, regular 15.50, fur $4 00 10 do. Boys all-wool sweaters, all colors rpg. 60c. foi 45 cents 1 bale factoi y cotton, 2000 yard* mill ende, 3, 4.5, 6. and 7 cents 1 bale whit* cotton. 1000 yds., mill end*. 5c. and 6c. 15 ill'/. Mvii s collars, uew shapes, reg 15r 6O Ladies' Jersey Jackt-ts. nice and warm for wear. re. $1. '..J**. $2.<HI. to clear 40 cts. s all-wool shirts aaJ drawers, U.K. biauJ. MgV* la: >0 ct-nts All linen of onderwer at lig rviiiic'i'.n". All aim in l>yn' uml.-rw. r cheap. V e aro making hig cut* in ail lined of Dre n-.l U'ihl>r stock M LMinpli-re mil thi- knifi- is :> '!n-in \ atoek f grocnri. ^ u i I 'hi- tune '.'_' !'. f 1 e*t ^ratinlatfd gngar fur $1. iOllw of bt jrel.iw sim'tr i'<r fl Tliu ,i w .i\ pricu* rf for caah T i:- ( iivniciit. :n pr-' * * fl .i. Oi U/ v,- L Sbeppard Flesherton, tusenii o IVS are out for business ...BOINDTO PLEASE YOU... Kxamiii' 1 our ^l-i_u- Mid <'nt: -n- is nur .'uubitioii ti. !'-.id in the Carri.iiri- and want ynii to lit-!|) u< oiiv \\".- niak i s,|.t-cialt\ of hone uhoeing and ri-|iai: of idl kinds, part iudarly. Fine ( ',-trri _ all J. H. Heard & Son . LESHCRTOK c -. HARNESS ? li.MPOKIUM. i t 1 I 1 I ( < ' t 1 I I I (I ( ( I I 1 4 I 4 ( ' (' H .-.. i- _] i An. I t h- Mii " i''i .M.- f i n 'i in . n: .'!] h Us rly wluK- st.flt is ! \ ... .:^ :i > - . r.'lli-ifil] I ll) T" !>, I 11 'I>,T :tl ,1 .sil liliinkrtn nt" ail SIZIM Mini ,le- Cm ,\ , nil s. ': u l.-tr ni|,l sweat [.nils, Icntli.T M an.ij.v *!-,i|i< iml U-h. s, T'liik'. vnlisct, i-irt-ii--. OMTj-thinu f.iiiml in n tiji-t" li.irn. si ihii[i. YOUNG MAN: YOCM w.v; I'r- i <> ,'1 x ill- flit . ;~ AV." ^ & >j(ty/ss/ ( 1 \VI-.N ?*' >fN II Will A course at t!n i:i ie many w in niskr living l>y ,- i Y'.u ,-tnn t nt' IIP nu'thi.ils an.1 ."I'li tin n nm. ; > . f, r M. -.| \Vititfi ti-nn no* , 'tl at any uni". 'a'!"gue v. FLli.VIIXt! Prm. Second Band Farm Implements Boar for Service . it.i u .n<i - , ' . s .i.'oll rurn.s l. IJ^n.ii^ For 1 It . < !, har.1. on aeh n : to. i :nvrt III' on 1: . I 1 ( >Ain! lii, rik a, ,i i \],-i* t i M - Coiniiaiiy ol I'. M.'ll.l - , 0. Hadill, Cey-V- 1. C\ii v^ s A Sil i > , the and works ih, .,1.1 off I.aliT nrono.quin'n Tabl.,u enrfi a ool.l u oo* Jay. 2}o Cur. v No Py. Prio- * owiU . o |> c P. K.. tounxa ,,f -h" i iin-l ;.,. iiixvit ,. , ! II., , . -^. . pajr < . nl% T'lUS, Mr -. i. ; < B.

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