Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1902, p. 3

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FEBRUARY 27, 1902 THE FLESH ETON ADVANCE ^^^^^^^ tt ^^ t <^ t ^^ t ^ lt ^ f ^ tt , t , t , t , ttt ^ tt ,^ f ,n^i t ,n,^\r, , i r* T u iii i? f*r\ i MARKOALE | .P. I . rllLL__CU. J MARKDALB I February Bargains! i Wi'h thin month the winter'* trade ia practically over. We yet however hitve many lim-u that uin* he ua-nte'l \ out during thu next ten day* in accord with our custom of not carryini< K.MIH from one , ismi t , another Tlie following lines an. itm< in.; score* That Muat be sold at once. Jfir Wool Jfo3f for 25 eft. Women's ai d Misses' black all- Kind Hose, sizes fij to 9, full fn-h Lined and luamleaw, regularly g> Kids ale worth 15c., but tn clear them we make the price 3 for 25c and rtin Woof 3 <S*ins for 5 elt. Fun st X.-pbyt and Berlin Yarn in almost all colors. You can buy noiv f. r 5c wht f iinu-rly would have tout you 2. r . ;i full-sized < h'ne yarn only ^c 20c. 3,1* Ribbon* for /Oc. 10 pieces lovely fanry silk riblx.n in piht blue, white, cnrdi-ial, pink and lilaek. Thes aie strictly new g.m.ls, full M inches wide. i. about 2IC)yds only to lie Nol.t Ht 'hii priee, per )ard lOc I i.i ii ;< i 111 and Cwtton KhlrlxTwrnty-t'lvr rrnl*. M i'n 'a I. >.'li L"iuoud KU n IP. !. -tie and C..it..n Shuts, nn.lt nni and dirk colors, ass >rte.t */.-.>. Tli.--e are in every piirticulai mi J strictly correct fr Hpring wear. Keg. 50 ct . {ood, on kal>- this ..-k -01 50 cl. Caps only 25 eontt. Metis C|..ih <'ij>s, assorted l/.e.s, Hii.l .HH! nH.)rtiiH'iit of [.itterns. Tln-y .iru what reni.-nii of lines that have sold all season at 35, 40 and 60 cents. On sale now until all are all told at . 25c SO ct. 7/nefersAirtt fot 35e. Mill's he-ivy rilil>el I'liderslurl-s, IH n/., warranted not lo shrink, and are th. lonelily satisfactory in every rcop' ' ' Sivy of these- g.-ir- inviiti to lie sold at each t)5c Strata's at a fraction t' .r.lon, M.i. M it try F.-'itle-r. .' ' bi ml. ; arl i einbroiderv, "ilk < pile. |H I 1,11. , ,\, we make the pr.ee | er do/. or bun. be, ..nly p if'T 1 of cost h' mile. K- ul.r II ki-lllN 5c T\villc<l Silks iu pale blue, yellow, pink ami cream at liO cents [HT yard. About Siity yard* all told and twen'y cents only half represent* their value Che Bicwcst Embroidery Snap Ulc'ce Cucr Shown. Hundreds n|n.n liuinlre.U ..f )i-<l<of tho daintiest and lineal wl.ite eiiiliii.iilernBh.-ive jnrt I. . n pl-ieerl in Bt:.ck t!i.. ni"st hpleii.li'l rolli-cii.il of fine Swim K.. I v.- ever I n l.|.' t" *.-, nre. Later on we'll yin. a more de- tailed list I. nt f.u the prencnt let UK lei! yu'i that .tt .'I. 6, 1{, 10. 121 eta. |>er yard you ean s< eur.- . l.-^nni emlnomer- io fully 25 |'.-r cent, below other seas..n' price* Opened out anil ready n .w for rn n In- t veiling. Our Business is Improvina all the Cime. So Jlrc Ualues. T. C. Hil5 $ o. I Iflarkdak. I Trnportina Retailor . f ^fWiW-WWWW-Wfl^^ ~~- The Markets. Ad vance rt'BLISIIKK WRRKI.V AT THt orFIUl, COL- UMGWOOIl HTKEET, rLBKUBRToV, OUT. PT W. R. TIUKHTOH. tl i"-r annum Ktrlrtly Iu advanrr Advettiaing Kates: Ooe Column. 1 year, <V) ; lialf col.. 1 rear, ill ; quarter cul., 1 year, I5. an the party had been visiting at.d alu-i.d inn |.:irtn M with the |> v ou* on him until they had nearly dtsappenrud, when |.. ii..nni;e.l l.y the i'(H'rt lr. from Tornnto to be the (leaded .1 ..-.. mnallpox. ]tut why isolate him, when in* parental Ii im { waa as luid an could be T Why not ijuar- antinc tin In. use and not put the town ship to (lie v.xpvno of in<>\ ing and re- I. u.|. lint! ' The mountaineer* made- fun of us ln M Me had a cse of our own. an I'M f' It likn laughing at them win n -in ' in go away with the lumber, kt. . I p.tns ; hut tlie gravity of tlie auto made us syinpit hize with them in their icarc. klinlx-rloy . Our Oi ljtt week Mr. J. Stxtford received the < .ir. lnl|\ < iirrn- rd Kuril Week Oats. Uarle, llntier Kitgi f re ah . I'ork ..... Hay I* 'atoua ha 76 o 45 to 18 to 20 -.o 00 tu Tti 4H Iti 7 0<i 10 IMI to 10 no <"' 60 sad intel Mrs. i'hillips that his see. .ml daughter, (n. e Mian Annie Stslford) Kroin an otticial " Brown Ilo-.k, " just isaurd >>> tlie Ontario (ioternment there u reconle.l, .-ini..iiu other informal ion re ' Kardini; tho working of the I.i.|.i..i Liccnse'Act, -(he nunilier of commitim nt- a . (tj-v \i> *. * *"n i-t iiiicw a f LHaavfi uy * J I t r I m hid died niiddenly at her home in Thcs ' fur llru " k '- ""* "' ea.linf the years f Mini. Al K oiiia. Air. Hulled^.) S-alf-rd IH " t> '" 11 " 11 ,'" '' v , l ' r >' f'"" ty of the I. t iminediatfly f..r Tliewal-m where we l' r " vl '"^ I" ' !) 1 *f "e IL' , n, :. i .^-..... I ......... ...L . i M.... niHniriitu indrrv. the largest mnce IH'.K. immediately u'i 1 -rstnnJ ii.teiiin'iit took place. Mem nnal serviee will le held iu Ihe church here next Sunday. Mr .in.) MM. Jo!, n liutaon have left fur tin ir h nut) in D.ikntn after i-ji. inline . il weeks nt Mr. A. A. McCoiiiiell's. The i^.. ! iii" u li-ipitl which KH.S such a . . i.l. HI/ l.i.t < iiiin.ei- ati I wlncli IIM sn, I u. i i full r. li'-f nn th o ,.| . l,i- li ,-n i. in nr.l to tin- w.-sti'iii th.. ini.xin,-!. iii tin- pMI -< y .1- |.ni-t i t ,. t ,.VHH!II|I It will tlmre lie nialti r nf In ! there art (i it t'l.'i i'n r an. I ma ); to d . duly for an- i who in ileelin-d to h ive "a nil d ID all pot." initinriitu intirci. the largest nince when there weru 14. Ten yoars M(.I iin re w.'H' '.'.'!. A \.T) utrikniK and i;iHtif)in.' feature M the dnivi'inn Hei^e. Km the tirnt tun years (if this pi-rind the svtr*K'' "nii'iul i Minnnt niti is L'J li, for the U-t 10 yearn only 8.C K,.r ll.e |iMi\u.r.' -Iniii-u ihe ln-t period the avrr- ,- :' ''I'.' ''. ninin^ tli ln-t |>er IK| , no tl,.it Cr.-y l:n pr. V'il ni'.io lh' In tin i.l\ in ..I rCan't- Afford to lay up with GRIPPE .f tl..' !s I,., -,ns.' Distiirts ihni hnv.' c i mine ihanS. (in-y, ai.d |H,H' hilt of tllHHo ille'll.l.' . I'l.i. We cillllnl ll.-!|. le With a in iimllpiix on him I 'h:tt m:r iii'.injis I. ss kw-tbidittg 'lir.ii i ho cine' (n.ii X. n ill|M,j hut iinvini; ''"' ^'ent I, ul k of the pmi inee, und Hi > Ir ,-n it) I,. tH.-i n |)r Itn.liy ai.d II,.' t .. vii le.-nlt inii^l ! e owini; to nun.- vili j-.nl il tlrp, wl.i.-h mil IK; hcMiu ii. Owen Sound !"' "" An.itlnr M.-|H'.;H ;iv.s the tins wuek. Tin- t.il.tl iiuinlur of witnea.ioH t'' u-r '. "'id i-h'.ji lienMs i-n>d i-iiin in nil Htii'iiint to aliout liititii It pro n- 1^74 Tlie-e ttliuw :i r.iii-tniit ili'cicase in '.ilnio.st i very i-He, i iniin^ from II, m IhTt, to(W ui 1UUO.-- Durham He- view. liu to lie \ eiy inte|-eM>ini< Mr .1. MMfowM ...... * I.. l|i nf i.ii en^ino t'. run ihn mill i lie water nois aoinewli.it lo*. .* w.'it leiing winch .f Hie i ver will lie u, , r ,, m t ,t,|,. |,, r ^i,,. rti!w*y. After l!i- en <.jr i^emenl tliut M:iyoi J'e Iwell ,-{ Ti.nri.liin v itn.l C. \V. .h when Drugging Will not Cure Catarrh H du Thin l.'itthsmno i'i-fi-0 ii caused l.\ ^i,,. i-eriiis th tt inv.ide the. all pa(^^n^'u of tin hei.l, thro tt and lun^s. KMI! can ho me i "tily l>y inliulaiion of in..lie;itud nir. Muiin-i'i ' . ,.,,( m ']'.,. Sioiuach inedicinr-g, atonnr.. i-, onto we W.ll Iu l-iokiiij f i|- so:n, 'thing t4> ' tro '"' 'fiwt aitl, h.-i tu-e t!>. j fail I.i le.nli n. n fiiinie. ithu c.ius"- ii' tlie iroulile I ' itari hoSi.ne is Dr. N. k i\ i . i i if Detroit is viaitinu "Ui-ctsuful iK-ciiuse it i-. mli .V I in eveiy Im lir.'ther, Mr. (i .11. Wqlter. ' part of the lisi-.tlmij or^iuiN, and IIUH Mi .i.m Aim. I). \\llit,-e me viaitin^ I"'*'' 1 '" ^ : " ''"' K''""< ''"nls tliu n l! mi 'is it . i 11,1 in N.iilh Hiin.-o "' l "siu> und pieveiits dro|ipiii^ in the All .l.iliii frm^ of Th nnliiiry, former- , thmut (';ttnrrlio/niiu trotUi un.rt! than ly a re.iid'.'nt of (Ins loc.tlny,in.tde a ahoil ' olio lhoiis.mil miuiire feet of the inuooui i .ill 0:1 fin inU lieie nn Monday. surface with every lireittli t.tken through .Mis W.iiier- Mm. I M vi ting ntr jtho inlmlnr, an.l ftffoi'ds iiistn.t relief. Il Mr. II Hun I. p. it.. -i y cures Ctlarih, Actluna, and Allsa K. Ui< k. n, (" Fl..s!,eil n .-uniit n I'tonc-lntia. Sold ly dru^itii. Two Small soil & last wo<-k. i to Tor L..y *iMi Mi. (J.o U. \llvll-l II Mil'. I III ill'.-. |l It |!I.SIlil!,'|. \ S|M. nl Kllillieili-v ooii'o.J..i:i |. nt < '.I. , . fallows : ' O .|,|l I |,,,| X , w .,,, - ' I' ' ' ' t0 I. A:,,, fully I " 'li-imn ; ..i.ii'i r ,|in,. m ,,n ill S.ii ii,. iiiiii,,,,.. .,,) H ,.,,,| 1 1,,. ,1 . i the d.i-.-o .,,1 ,.f M, ,,,.!,!,, ,,,,||. lll'l'ls I'. .1 i ' I ' '. |l > II . . ' , ,i n ,| !' " ' illl|i, ,.||"I1 "Hti, th it i f . I II.. I- I i.i lo hi* |.,i,.iiul b"iii (. T ;is i'.,i,ir;i.nl on : h . . ,.,. | , | | , J, | tin- Si>ii)4ih, innntlm' tioalinent. 1'iice 11.00. HIZH 25 C"|.|M, ui Iiy nmil fioin I'o *'.i. Kingston, Out. Thoroughbred Durham hull (or Service Cord tttinto, 29068. 111.- U'iili.ri.i||M.iil lisi I'Ul.V nil lilt 111,1 .( 'I ini *i ' .-. *.i for I I l:l , III Hi) III flim afio S.Tl. Duiliain JAfDM I.I ..it. ..i TIL Tlesberton The active business man is just as liable to take cold as anybody and because he feels he cannot afford to ' ' lay up ' ' with it, he neR- Ucts it and a neglected cold leads only to Grippe and Grippe to the open grave. UWANTA GRIPPE: CAPSULE nips a cold in the bud you feels its good effects in a jiffy, and it cures like magic no need of laying up it heals while you work. V W. Walnh, a prominent Ottawa tmtinrftf man, cayi "I slwarscsrry I'w.mia CapnulM with me ana on tht flint MRII i.f s cold I lake two. snJ that s nl. < it I nrvrt have a cold, bream* tlili little wonder worker wards them off." AT vora ixnooiST's i BJZ oa MAILED DtSKCT T V WANT A MT'G CO., Ottawa. Out. Ltd.. New Prints For the New Season J This week \veaiv showing the first deliveries of our New Prints and \V;i-h (lixids. Kadi se.isnu the manufacturers make some distinct improvements on the form T x-.ixin's designs and pattenis and this season is in. exception. Our -elect ion.-, have lieen made with great care and you can rely upon ^ettin^lhe newest, the prettiot and most servictalile [latterns yet produced, and whether you ohoote the cheaper or Ketter (|ualities you are eqosUly lore of getting the Ix-st possjide value tor y-ir money. Prints at 5 cents. Fancy Canadian Prints -nice .-mall in-at patterns, in spots stripes and fanCY designs. f;:st colors. '_' r inches wi<;', [.er yard Prints at 8 cents. Fancy F.njtlish and ( 'anadianTrint.s--light, inediri:! and d ilk < ol-.i-; n-v. designs in s|M)ts,stripes,taii( ics and floral designs all good. dress patterns fast colors. -J7 inches wide, per yard Prints at 10 cents. Fancy English Prints light, medium and dark patterns including some of the latest designs from one (if the best color printers all nice dress or Mouse patterns, in spots stripes and fancies ... The cloth is extra strong, free from dressing, beautifully finished, clo.se and even and the colors are absolutely fast. :f*J inches wide, per yard 5C 8C IOC New Muslins in Mlark and ('oltrs. New Fancy Sateen v New Fancy Foulard^. New I .awns. New Ginghams. Nf\v Cliambr.iys. ami ny peraon in ;|.oeHslon of an orchard liv- ing witl'in the towushlps ol Artemesia. Oupr.'y, C. Iliiik'* !, Kn|>liral nr Hi.lliiinl anil aro (le- hi; ou-i i.f li tving it prilii"*! nr grMtod can liavo i- at!.'. 'i Hnu apivUI raid vo Jut, u'li \V.-liei . i O. Out. I 'II ! |M in nil.' I :r me . mti'ly 11 1 1 n ri i[ it ol i A i .1. a i i - >.' >'t ;. ' line hi twri'ii Mi,- UI i.i April anil tin' r.'n nt May. \\licll wi il iii^ v in i iu if. fur u'raM ini; pi pint- hi., i Illll. I ! .'ll^T ..II I'.ll I I lit' ki'il ' i waut |Ult ill thrill. 1 iiisinu M\inR umllfc (or thre.< cunts tjat-ti. l'iir< of j.i u 'UK ii bjr Ilia orolia: I, In : > i i ilnllur up Mcorillufl to Hie or. bar I. Y. ui i '-! . tfnllv Jos. \Vrssn, rfov M. Enaxmla Special in Waist Silks. A ran^r i>t' Ni-w Waist Silks in all colors, stripe ami check patterns specially suitaltle for lilou>e DOrpOWBegOod (InraKle <|iiality _M inches wide, regular :;7.lc tor Special in Children's Boots. Children'.- Heavy drain Boots, t ither lace or l)iitttui, stout riveted sole, solid leather insole, toe cap, sixes s to 10. Ke^nlar Jfcl.tti, tor Bioar Service. Hard ware DC p't New Spring Wall Papers New Curtain Poles New Window Shades New China Churns Sap Buckets and Spiles Horse Clippers Horse Singers i \ rnv K'.-V .!,. Ivlaiuii \Vllaon ill it m AC 7 p. in ThoroUKlil.ro.1 Itei k-ltirw Hoar for sorvico ou lot H, con. I, <>rpre\. Ak toi ixxligree. TRRMS ft. WM.v:l.IM TON, Prop. Maxwell, May It 01-1 yr. il F 1. E S II E U T O N ADVA N C E FEBRUARY 27, 1902 Vicinity Chips i ir:irtrlstirs of I he Past ftek Cr*rally fulled for tbe it , ious * Fr.-h luo* aluraya on hand. J. H. \V:i.t.>il, 20 cor.| t;ro<jn furnace wood. Doyd, Hick!m!{ A C >. \ MphMaM IMI ami'li-T xu il![>i>x C.U!e. Sr Kimtioilay L-nrreK^nn-i Mr. Jitred Tinker of Staynei spout Sun- l.iy with th: family f Mm Joy. Stella LmcUs i* altnvliiig the tuilliiiery opining in Trmii 'i.i. *e-k. FoK KKNT E SALE -lirioU . : in Kleiherton. Ein(irr,i >( Mrs. I. Kr tilbury. room hiiliae, u""'<l wrll tii.l (jar- deii. fi.r sulr. A|>]il>- t<> r i i r.il quantity of l.aj i. 1 a 1 h.vrw i i. lu-w. t r sale cli. ;tj<. Apply to ', L. bnulbury. The beautiful springlike weitlitr of ihe |*>t w<-ak lis.s been vory n.j.iyaWe !>ut >ut '"'.r w|ulli. Span matclinl bonus, two colts, c.>w ami c lf for wle. J. H. Hid. K!eli- ettoi. 11 wanted at onct- fur liush work :>ply at Hicklin^'i mill.Sth \it.'intt,i. .:-i' mil. I. IKMI I lit, Iwtween Flenh- uk, on th.' iW li i . .'. Kiln!, r kiiidly ii-.iv<- at thu thce. I'oMiy attended As.siz.-i in Ow.-n S. mid ilu.s wet-k when hm case a^ain-t iho township ..f Eupliraxiii for *milli>ox . Ian. -.1 w up for hearing. Th actual result it i.ot known at time of KOHIX to pr-jwi, n* the jutlgo had not yet am iHinced IILS d-cMion upon the anawcts .itt. d iiy th< jury. Dun Reid, the well known propn. r of the M.'Cu ...lull house, Duildalk, com mitted Kiiicu'ie on Sunday morninK hut by cutting Im throat with a jacknife Ho onlyl.v.d fifteen ininutia afu-r Iwjing found. There i.-> no re .son "iveu for the act oi her than thai lie lias li en gloomy since I. is wife died la t fall. He ' three daught. r- Died All Alone Rev. J. S I- 'Vilson ii a t.-iMii.g a itudi im tonveii- ie'i, n'-M. the b'g |n> i in, in Tnmi.to t!.ii week. Mr. J. K Mar h. Ma.k-Uk-. hm -Id .fed hont, I! :tl Forut 'md A U ..inl:rt.iiid thu pim-h ,> price wa* f2, Tli.- Ailv.iin-K I. nl ;i |ilea-a:.t call from Mr. 1'atriek MeKee of N'utiiw.-i v.i!n<e It is twi.i'y yours simv Mr M.'Kee left lnoi.sliip. He i* Joins Wl '" iii N..tta<ta^^i\. The (.'liristuti. Entioavnr of tliu Pre- Ji)t rmn churth, Fit shertmi, wili holJ a necktie uncial at thu home . f Mr. Jauu-a Dyce, lYylnn. on tlie evening,, f Feb. 2H Teams will leave Sin |>^ard'it corner at 7 *V>- Adiiiisaion 15o. Word wan received tier- by wire mi Satiiiday of tl.e sudden di-ath nf Mrs. H. Phillips of Little lUpiii*, Out., i. .r Th*-- H-tliiii. Mrs. PnillipsM (.daughter <.f Mr. J.ilm htHlford of Kimn. natt eular* ant t.> hand. I i in t<> R.'nt Lot 10, N D.R , in the tu nsliip i I Ait. mi'sia, in the cmiu'y of (irey. AUu a lious ami two larg* K:ir- ili-ns, kiu>* n an thu Scott prou^rty. Apply to Maa. C. SCOTT, Arthur, On'. O<*xl clraii clover seed ; common reJ, M:iiniiilh, Aliiilie, snd Alfnlfa -ind iTi.n- uihy soed, very choice, fur said at the Mrlical Hall, Fleahcrton. All .xher tcanlfii and Huld seudx >n tbeir setson. 15 May. Mi'NBYTn I.OAS At 4J lo 4J pT cent Kx|n naet low. Alan a number of nn- {irixed aod unnii|novri| farms fur >i!.' elici[i. .Ap()ly to Or... Kutherfurd, Sh.^1 but in', nr Uan.1.^!* i.thoe SAlunl.iy after- til mi. Tlie AJviincu hail a pleaaot call nn !nyfr.inJ A liwm i.f M: tvho luui ITIMI visitiiiK IIIM uti. 1.-. Mr. J. Clinton, fur a couple of days. Mr. lr;n ntyn tho town i.f M Jianj i, gointj with immense striiicM. During tho past week oiue v. ry lin li-l.-. i-Lipli |Hile were ilel.verrJ at this market, of vtlneli two |n>lej lie !i\ eie-l !y K.I. Turni-r of Ku^i ni:i on S,a' t..|.jn'd the buiich. Theso m..-.siird CO ami 66 feet in length, n >;.. i r v.-ly, with A inch l.'|is, nii<l lil'uugl.t the kwMeMeM ti^uiu <.f twenty dollars for the pair. -I. iV W. liiyd W' ro the pur.-haaxrs. Mr. Turner pays a lii^h tribafe to th v;nl.-y io.nl aii'l says it woulil have n. n itn[i s ill.' to market these pules h.td that road no: oeen uuen. They were dranu by one tea-n at nmt loa-1. The surritl union f*Q(titM stT\i..-. un.ler Meiwrs. Bvthuno anJ White will nl'un mi Sunday fvi-nui^ iu-t in the l'i, .'.ylirian church, wlicn tin; r M.itnxlUt sortie will IK- withdrawn. Mr. Wliite will be present t tho neivice in tlm 51. thoilial church on Sunday m. .rnin^ The n-juUr pr.acliuig I in thu Prcfthyt< nan ohurch on S.tbttath afteriinnn will b' oiscon'iaued during tho unit'ii etangeliKtio services. During the (von^flistiu c'niii|uiign the joint c iniuitteu deciiltNl l hut tho hymn book to Im used would b Songs nd Sol.* by Siikej,the slit; n cniiMiiiius( some 750 hymns. I'lu'Hu buks (thd Miiall rditum witlmut IMUMC) can bj bought at Mr. W.ll. Hunt -i furniture s'oru, wln-r-j the bible dc|).i tnry is kept, he hiis received an order nf 2liO cnpim Tlu- S.iM-uth i-chool in the . >ti'i-i.m church will continue tu meet at tl.e mine In ur i. formerly. Last niulit in tin' 'I', nip'" Building the Cn \ I 'mnity Old H- >i hold an liisioiical evening. Mr. Matthew 1. n, M 1'., fur Rist (5r:y, was prtsenr, and lol'l of early ilayn in Ai ieii.oin.aiui .Mrlhtvid ('i. -him., e\-M. 1' 1'. f.'i" North (ir.-y, told of s..]in interesting stnriu* nf Owen Sound nearly fifty ym>s HI;.I. Mr .lanns A Tueker ami Mr .ls K XMii'sue, l> L. S., read exc.-lltnt pup-tra denlinu with the history, artileiiieiit^ic., of ihf county. Mi. Jo.l. Clark told a atory of illge b.-ya. Itwss decidwl to hold anexcaraioa U. Owen Sound dununthaummer.St- urdc.y's Star. 'I'll man Paikn, a re-. . el..: 1 r. si l.-iit of (Nprej, l:vi i^ u h> 11. c n l:i. was '..in d drail 1 . Ivl liv h l-rollo-r :' out ..u M i; i.) i-v ,ii.' 'y well to .10 Lachelor and .lion.-. Hi' is sii|<|i .s.'d t.i have ilied of heart failure some time Sunday Highland lo ha.-M l.iin until the f.llowin^ uv.-niuit, when hro-h'T w nr > l..s l,.n:i.- an.l t. ...d I.. L. .(. Det-.-a yd was a (roth, r of I> r . P^rks. f ILivenna. iM[ue-t was coi.si.lered necewary. SALES On S,f, n -i ! .iy. M.i ,:h I. on lot 2*5. c..n. 1, ii. U. U., Arieuiet a.farin at'ck iruple- nie.itM. tii.- |>r perty of Mr. S. Ill ikest.'ii. D. .McPhail, auctioneer. On Tuewlay. March 8, lol lo, con. 7, Os|ir-y n .. ir M.n *vi\, n extoi.stre il e f farm *t*-lr, i .;ilen.euU and household fu'n.li.r-. 'ti- | !..[" rty of \V. ^'.^k. J. \\ . ' i..'. " In \\edi. .'".I y. M.in-ll .), lot 4.oon. 13, Iv f f i in stock. plern.'i.t. noil liousehold furnnure, the o,.. ity ot Uohrrt Clemea. A J ct].". i * for all of ab iv.\ Ob.laary. \\n> <'k>u-!tH I^tfard, an old rea dent of Ar'< iu< sot. |n 'uily i'y at the re-.nl. n.:i- of her daughter. Mrs. Henry \\ il.-.ii. on Sunday nioruing uftur a abort !>, at tho e of 76yan. Mr. Le- (i ml H b'.rii in Lincolnshire, England, and .-aine to Canada with her huslwnd in lS.t-4, hcit.ii'X on the back line est,about nnlei! frum ihic village, where shu re- iii ii.ievl until Us' Noveiube*-. Kir.- years o her biuiuind died, leaving her and two uiiui.irried ehildrun on the farm. In .V i. -oilier last she cAme tu town toapend the winter with hur daughter, Mrs M. \\i .n. A we-k ltefor<' lerli *he took to her btii an I i;vint > and peacefully .Mioea until the wmiy spirit ok is lit Sunday morning to . n.-e nioru j-nn her loved onus who had |>ajii.d i<. : K. r thirty y.-iirs -lie had been a faithful muinher of the Methudiat church and her far li ill the future wan bright, she leave* -hind i wo uiarnetl daughters Mrs H. \\ilson ;itid Mrs. W. J. Talbot Ann and John Henry, unmarried, at home. I remains were taken lo the Methodist church Tueoday afternoon where a mem ori.il cr- ice WH held by ttT. L. W. Th in. Pi'esbj teri.ui, in the abxence ot ||. I p.!.'-' f, I'ev J S. ln-oii \\iUoli, after which ml enu lit t ok place in th. Kl'.xhcrtou cemetery Railway Extension. Krom the rep >rta uf ie.'..-nt in the Li;uUturf, in th" I' '.i'..nt.i p. WP clip the follow inv : .tiaynr P.'dwell. of Thornliuiy, ami Mr. I'. VV. H-.rt.i .in, ..t ( .aik^lmr^. h ..I im interiew with the <.' ninnss oner of b'u Works on Thiir*lay r ^~r .ing an .-n-'.iii i the Man'toulin aid Norih Sh-re Kadwny from Thotnbury, through the U. . i \ , . .y and acMHM to conneet wuh tlu- C. I'. K. r.d (.i. T R. at Mount Forest. This road would lie, they rcptc- sentel. n - . ry treat ' to 'he pei.pl i:i \ i'ley,and the r.-ad would i .!.> tloougli a n.imt ptotimiua. and I. Tiili! part of Ontario. Hon. Mr. Latchfonl expn'RM-d luniselt a.s l.eiii; favorably tni| r. N>ed by tho suggestion, :uid thought itoui<lir to be worked out He also suggested I hat 1-uiiiling null's might be secured over llie' > I It. !-twe. n M .ford, Collinnwo..d and Th rnbury. His attention h.:d not. been pi.-viou^ly cntlud to this mutter, but wuh the m.i;> b for him it c uld l>u plainly *eeii that the road would accommodate H large lei ri- itory at piesent not lead ed by any Mtl- w-iy, and ii" was satisfied that this r. .u! should no ahead, and he xdvised ihosu m tcrested to get the project inhpe." A Remarkable Epitaph Mr. 'R. Oliver of this township h handed us the following remarkable epi taph which he copied from a tombstone in Loynor churehyanl, Kngland, in We iiu.U retand tbe subject was related to Mr. Oliver : " In meniory of William Billing, who was born in a cornfield at Ta field (l.-iid in this iiansh, in ilia ytr lt'.7'.. A- th.- age of '-':! years ho t-n'i>i..-d MIL. Hi* . Keivice under Sir ' and w;is .,t th-' t ikin^.' of the loi'ress ot (!i l ira!tar in 170.'). He :iftei wards crv. d under iho Puk.- of M ui.' i r til. inornlilw battle of Uamillies, fuiight "li the 2:ifd Slay, IT.Hl, whel:- I. wiunded by a musket allot in the th:;jh , afterwards returned to his native c.mntiy and with manly cour.-ige defended I. mivereiim r'tfl.ti at th.i rebellion in 171") und 17 15. He uuod within asp-tee of 150 y>irdH of where 'rte was born and m in terrnd hare the 30th January, ltf<)l, age 112 yean. " Bllletxt by Dcaih, I quarterwl here remain : Who U> trnmpl souoda, I will nis ml luarcb afalD." Weary Brain Workers .mi, ideas come a ttlowly an II. .l:iJS.S. Y'.U 'hiuk of {.hillgs just A minutu or ru roo lata. Snip's gone? The buoyancy that made work a ple<iuri. (hat's gone too. The lioctor wuld talr you that you ure run dow.., not eating enough, nor digexting enoiigli. Y.uir stomach ncfilH ai> I, y..ur digestion ne>-d a biac.T too. Y"\ir bl. o.l m-eds Plu-s and 1: n tlntt it m.y ..- f rm.d readiiy. Now Ferr.iXoiie in a wonderful nerve bracer and blood maker. It's fund for the blood and nerves, it will make you strong .jmckly and permanently. Sold by Kichard.ton . IKOTON S CASH STORE. -W . HOCKLEV - Great Batgnin* for the neit 16 days. In ail iiin-K nf winter ^IHMJH such as ready- inado clothii n, *nd heavy winter Ov.-r- cats. Pea .lack ts, dri-sOv^i-c.iais, men's heavy Sox, Men's li n .- Pints. A nice *s.inni.-i.t ,.f M n's bea\y Wixjll- . n ShirU. GROCERIES A SPECIALITY 5 HMI. ('! .-ui Currants fur ^-"ic ."> I s <.'!.-:tn RaMina for 25c ' 'i . ! ;.,ri-.l Japan Tea fl ~ UM. Kresh Fijs 25c Canned Corn and Peas per can 7c .'! -riui ^.. .1 S.i Inn -ii Vs) '. .|i V; 3 pck-.i;es FUUed P.au, Wheat, 1( i.-e foi Uc Clondyke MUIJI .'J l^iia fir 25c L. inon.s per . I.. /ti-ii lf,c DRY G(X>DS SPECIAL :i |i;nn. T..W, Is 25c i i HITS KUnni- i-t: 11 Itliiikrtx fllli: Miiis l.'.ilnr. '1 Lauiulri.il Shirts... 58c Special in Corsets D & A Corso: 72c J.wol C. n*t 4!c Grain r.u tl-75, $^ 75 per dozen. Mei.'sFlaimi-l.-tte Sl.:rs 33c Ba-x-'ii in Ties 25 ai 1 ."Oc Ties for 15c A full asu.rtn .-i t f >+| i inn Prints ami a i.u-e a-*iriii.eti of Figured Sli en 12 Men's Split g Smtiux' juiit anived in Serges and \\-r-t,- N. Firnt claaa Tailor in iiiiploy; tits guarunteud. Hi-jhuHt price* paid f..r K.rm I'ro<luce. Proton Proton W. HOCKLEY Farm to Rene Goo.l farm to rent, ona and hair niilw from Flhi Ion. 100 crr, 9' ' '. : fair orcba: d For paiiculars apply to tb tiiiiiurHi^neri. Mr.. A. B. 8rk, Ladybauk P.O. Farrn to Kent Trade or Tb nndmt ignit.] devirni to nell or trulo about a .lO-acre (arm cluwi to Knrriiliaui. RU<| farm buiisa and barn and jouan orchard. Woul I ^x cbangtf for a 'argn farm and pv dlfferunco. Anyuua lutirsated plaww corrmuond with K. MKLUI-l'M. Kuv.n.haui Second Rand Farm Implements H.is mi li.ir.d X"X"ii and V Harris MOOtMl*baVnd liio.lers, hrr r.ikes. M ed ilrilli .Hid i.dkis at a I am also ni;iit for M. < '.. ni.-iek, I'oiilthard :ii-il S.-o't, mid ( 'o.'kil.i.tt Company of iJonitfoid ; Aspinw.ill hind soi:iy. r ami [wtnt.i lia^.-r. M.nder mow. r ".'..'lions ..... .".. 1'rii'- 1 i..ks . .ich ........ 'c D. Hadill, Ceylon. Notice to Creditors Mattlidw l(lcii-.N m i.ftliaTi i hunt. t'. " .** M- Ki'han'K.'M A C.i. *ft>r nt!' ' ' IP- ilt. it >! . n "t fto.i. ba t||:lt I- "t til" I. ..( iinfar: titor hMiiiaHv an HOIlt i.f It 1 1 tllf 'Ill'll'.- sifc'll.'il -linn : li HI accountant, nil t, pri.vr Mni. ;o 110 mi or bfor0 the Firm (lav of \pril I'.KK. A niMotinunf thu :<* cre.lit.ir* w'll in. liol'l ,,n Monday, '' Mitrch IWh! at .1 :> i i -Li-It p iii. at tho a*iii'.' ofllcn. .''J ' -: i . .'t Toronto. for th appolDtmcnl of ii urn, flxiiin their remuneration, an.l tlie Rivinu uf iliinction.i with refuri'iic to tht* lisp ial of tho estate. ebruarv, ' JAMRHli H A**' 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ^ 3. Sbeppards m m i I.V S ii iaV Oil m f I if ii 01 i I i i i Of Of We have just completed our annual .stock taking and are placing on our Kar^ain tallies all lines that we have ju-t a few of left and everything we have in thesbitpe of winter goods. \Ve have- a few Ladies' A-trai-han Jacket- which yon can have at cost. Now is th- lime to buy anything in the shape of fur you can buy at half pri< e Men's Heece lined and wool underwear at great ly reduced prices. I'.nys Heece lined and wool und. i- wear at greatly reuuced prices. \\ < ha\e a few pairs ofiiM-n'- l.'-ggings we will sell at $1.<XJ, $1.1."). Men - and boy.- D.-t.-r reefers and Cardigan jackets will be sold regardless of cost. We have some of those Ladies' Jersey Jackets left yet at 40c. A special line of men's double brea.-t ed heavy suits, regular *N. 00 f..r :>.0<i. All other lines of "Kead\ to wear clothing at reduced price- for tin- month. "We have a bargain for you in mill ends of factory ami white cotton. We have received seveal shipments of .spring goods among them a >p'i-iall ot of K0 pieces of print regular li'ic. selling at. lOc. Another lot -pecial fur comfort ers regular 14cforlOc S|M-rial lot ot'Cinghams regular l.">c for lOc. SOUK- pien .- |iv -odds. new. regular :J.")c. for -JOc UEMEMHER Kor the remainder of this month we will 1,'ive -nine -jieeial- in all lines. AGENT FOR BLTTERICK PATTERNS. HIGHEST PRICE FOR ALL KINDS PRODUCE Of $ * Oi Of Of Oi Of Of Of * Of Of Of Of * Of * 01 * \\7e are out for business ...BOUND TO PLEASE YOU... Examine our sli-i^h- ;ui'l ( 'uttt-rs hi-furc l>uying. It i* onr :unl>iti'> tu lead in the Carriage tradt- and want \'U U) h'-l[> u.- "t. We mak" a spiM-ialty <>f Imrs.- shoeing and repairui:: ,,f all kinds, particularly, Fine Carriages of all kind*. w..r.. - j |-| a Heard & Son . aii.t ' LESHCRTON ? ? ? EMPOKIL!M. ? ? F?^$b*rton Furniture II ,>r IIK-- A IM I til'' I' I )f 1 1 .- '. I. -I l-. i.i.-iy of Lei's .;ver 8ho*n in F'.."!I.T'O.I :n-'. cliini,-. o"..r. - """ li.lU e^ily *l.ilet -ck isl.,r-e. S w no. .N ui S,k;tie!i.'Wi:i I'.'.ir.l of all M7.e and . tioiw. Cutry t 'iiiiil-<. ''i-u-i. Ul ml MWeul pi'f. l-i!ier mil's, ,,,,,,, whip* :ind li-!ns. iniiik-. aJ! M0) ' -ii'cn g' '!. i d e\erytliiii4 found in nn np-io-data hirin *\i- ;>. fe/. 9#oor, - - ^op. Boar for Service Ilkll. , li^llil-1 !>... '.U 11 \'h-i.i.' l. Bri'.l ' stonal fi'i.'iit<> fi.wi-hi|'. x ,.-. i. i ,)*-. ins i Ci.oim S. ill- riu In IKIi n ' . u IM) a.'i'~. a< itorm i soft ' (isr- ,; m Maxnoll P. O. We are oitrryinu t|-o newest s'ylts <| . -I'li.-ilile '_v"i- ui -til lin< b'uin:run-, cm siBHnu of : I'-irl'T rinu 1 eilrn 'tn sii'tn, loui ^.-H. *id*boMfin, i.'lteMKi. n anil tiiM"-, eh.-iii-s, *indow shadeH nnd our'n n po'. . ;,i.-' me-, . nseli, ufc , *e offer at <* LOWB5T RICES. I'i. I nre Framing aid (Jenei-il Re- pairinx- l"ii'ii-i t:ikinu in '" it!l l>rii.'iie Siv'^f-n-iion guartntei-1 W. H. Bunt, Prop. YOUNG MAN! I'l-epiin- '> tMre -i. ' TOOJW WOMEN I p S'i. -ei'^s of v ur fut I'v ' i'"_' : C' iitso a , -m. v ::>, IL Sold 'ijra.l npml"ii taCo,"'"^- New York nob ura.o- Ml r Ut_ WartUvi jii.1) <k ^~top.thc O \VKN- ~i(>t-NL) 111 eiili- r Shorthmi'l 'i Humie-n lub]OOtM, \ "ureat this ins itnli. a will raiso you aLove the many wh.' ar emi. v n^ to iHiilie n living Iiy coinin..n in an*. Yon ennnot afford to to .;!*) here, f. r i and works off our method*, and equipment i u'u-xeeU IIIC <'ul(l . . 1 B J. Winter terru now .p -o. S:udut* I,utlv Uroii.i.ijulinne Tablets cure a oolil I adnrtt d at any time. Ca'-al.-xue fro* v nonidar. o Cum. So Pay Price ceuw. ^ C. A, FLEMING Principid.

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