Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1902, p. 4

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I CONFUSION ; nt(1Ity I OF CASTE. o > '(k Vs. Nobility of Soul. CIIAI"! EH VI 'W' ' Hi i Dillon.." Mr. 1 'I tn his , Hi room Sl>e l.n,,i nnd llC told her (o com.i in. and then she her from him ; and she yielded to the touch, poor thing, and fur u moment turned her (nee to the donr, a* though she would go away, lu.U then suddenly the flood-Kales of, her heart burnt, and she broke out gobbing like. a child i more than n minute she stood with hi-r hanils roxen. ', her face. cryiiiR inn. --'i .' i'i- 'Ily, in her he!; ,w nnd XV al nuss- all tlir nn.fry :l,.i! sho had tried to hide from him through tlteso weurv dins laying it- Ki-lf bar* before hint ut List, with 11 [pitiful, \\.1.1 iibatidtMiutti.t She ' > ' - .' ' I ill"' | ' I I 1 1 J I I. . t. I I 1 1 t V told you I c'- nldn't do ' "' . Hi- "K i't his disk, tind he I 80 II WBI ^-tlled ttuit in foi.r '" l1 '-' 1 "P f OF t uu ..mi or two lit- .,,,, .ml not -i.d.leiilv, ' \\l,y lit'' -'.ii.it i - tbe u,., i'. r .'--.ire you I , , , 1' I I 1 I U I , IV UU tl'\llul' l Uf> . t . . ' >^ -t the door and |. n| . d , n Kirl ,. nf , s ,,,, fl ,. ls itl ,.,. 1 t than ill ?" ho exclaimed i|iiit-Uy. ax ho . | when thi- turn won proposed. but the other N " '" ' "' il i l.x that ti.r , k would bo . Il , Jill II I. HI. ill... It'.-.l tbll-S. P ** It was LettyV aunt vh-i told ln-r ho She bull i lo.cd the door midly for- j till she - ' , l o lui i able. "I I only wanted to .may he toll. Hi- X-. 01, in -.pi..k to hi-r [>i-ak to you. HII, for ixvo or ti.reo a l_ in. r ],;." .-.tie ln.-,t sorrow, as if the world h;u' ! for her and her heart had broken. llo hi-nl her name nine in a tressed nnd uKitittud voice, and then stood .-.ill-lit. Kara sob she gave waa likn u l.nife piercing hiin. Ho stood still, doing nothing to nix.- fort>-not knowing whut ho could I to ilo. When llml luinu'e of ui!rt w. a, iu l.i-r li-.:..i:i.it ion nnd ^he would |IH\C gone nwuy. .1 d pi rbaps it would i i i |llnUVi*i*'U|iviii n j/a i ^ v if he met her anywhere .-.bout ' U been well if b" had let her (jo- the hoi.- and al.iaxs kindly ; but ' h ,. , , uld he b hard enough to do . .,-, I-..- would only bid her a ' ,,"' "**' "' i- ? As she n-nde a m.-xi-im-nt to- hand! them happy. You must toll me if it wil: do thut '' \\il! it. my poor child V" He made lift- lilt hr:- face to him. and looked, 'into her ejcs After thut look ha did not afik I to answer hijn With a foelini; curious sadness a feelioit that half t-i.d. in- ,. nnd v.-t. even at thut moment, b.ili an .ilii.i,. t bitter he read all that he; i-.vs lb' 'a- ,J and ^entic to linn, .uid t.ill.i-d to her for a little wliili-. soothim; her. !> those, sw,-i-t,-t of ii 11 I hr>v .should rot purl I poor little lips hail iT'iun to into faint tremulous .ni.i'S be- fore lie let her h-.ixn him 1 don't Icnoxx' how in helievo it," *lie said softly, once In her huinihlx tin- burden of her meek ami him wit i head drooped down, listening to hii> nn ini^ht ha ,1 to FOOl'- liixjii'- iniisir ^poke a word to him wus : bv x-. of 11 pil i"'S tlut to her ; yearning to r sign of how sho loved him. Mi<- rould only I" nd h'-r face down over brief liood moinnif;, " at :be mo>t oiild nexer tulk moie than a '''''' . mlnut- t. l-.i uu ' 1l ' sk " s " ''" IV "' ' -o on his "-''' f "' and t.i.iiii-d l.i r a scriilni t ImC ' Id- 1 . pt i., r xxith Ian, fir perhaps a of nil hcur ; then all he could think of snying to hur sejcmcd . SUFFEBING WHICH EOCTOBS FAIL TO CURE. Thousands o' Women Throughout Canada 1:1 a Similar Condition Word." 01 Hope to Suf lii --, hoiucH 11. ro. IK. hOUl(i : tin' per'. XVeuk . hope!- ..; This ful coniliiion is largely due to a :u winch lioui' 1'nik 1'ills lui\ been 11. in ruses of Ihix kind ii .ahfi 'IV ' i Should '1 I'. mi,,.,', w!io IB i M phy, a well -ki. own re- ! . nico Head. N S . cheeriullv ' testimony '> the preut \<< ttilli. . . woman'* ail s Mrs Murphy lays. "A (ew 'h was completely broken flown inx troubles l.oi<ir tin 1 1 n ills wht. ii o V SCX. 1 XV Jf .1 I . d let her in ui. do' . t,,,lv (or and le ,:ex,r aM.,-d for her. nor 1 1 , l l '" l -I gone away ot !,er it sbr r..m- V" "l" ""' . ' ' ' ! '-'" '-' think - , ,td nonr Had she donr. . tin- e him, or to make him '''' >...^.,... - i ' . ' s "' '"' l v, after txxo f,r tin ' ' down). "-. !..!. ., h . . t it -I 1 ' I... .:...!. ^ Sho wan standing with . with ^ wiWui "orrowfui I ' l:ll ' l<> . '"okins al him to thh l iilways Rratefi.l tor tion " . nd now, and Mi- not know it) Wlth its ..i 'lie other nrd her. not null you can't do anything fur I Would Miy to Ml' 1 '"" I , an to the be, Pill . n ,, i . ,, thinking that iu unhappy," he said, after IVrh.ijs hi- -f-ari-e.- .1 yet of for in a wa> Was : to bun . but. a thought nf the UV he had inii i.is heart sunk Ii u: \ :ol.'l:t alt .-.rk n' p. uu xvl . . , tlii* . I UK ! t ! is in: i wai h.istlly c - in- dy i g I wan / un. i hie to | M form my hou- . ' 1 .IS lITld. ncnt all through the sum but w My ii pi .fitat* . he heard tbe click of the l.'Mi . >. . - -ii-ht no'. , , lng . \,,u n..;st IP, i Ui0 ho , ,. , .. . . ,. he ,. . ' wo1 ' " ' ' wo1 ' " ' i oiv it is bud to part-it is I.Til :,,,do two ell.,. hpt-.-k to htm <,f what it was tlu.t ( xxitl. ^ ii(| I . Ir I ' to me Q wc'l an to you Po you Ibiuk 1 .-hi-ulij i.ift like best to l.-t us go on an we "I XV.' CulllU I ' : n. n .'.in.ors. and Into bis ' the door of the room. .x it i. I. tin el'.lld I . . during , m he mud ' Me h.-ld h^r h.u:,. -path's ..-.ay make , .-w r l.s f )r ,- houb, f . ur ' h ^ askcd ".''I Iii ugaiii I. "XV , , . , ';. should I 1 ' 1 "" ' ; " ,." rh ; 1 ' 1 - ' wllh , I1 a on the L " v '. ljsald ' ' wl !" p |ond ,, 1r . 1 <" which ho waa telling her Miirkham : v ' " '"" " llat ''i" I'" 1 " ' ro "" llls th, ' '" '"" l " v P or T noon Mi Markhiuu xx puck . I if- " I thought . to the Vill ..' a. i' ^ : '. ntinued ) L1I/V (>! \ A Ceru.an b ""' nd I WM >! emurialed ' h'lsband urir- Pi. k 1'iljM. mil procured me a After Ubiug the pills a '!iat thev and after using 1 !'illy res' to IK.II' ! I . .>'. I the d the bnt nf : from paina in <!-. back 1 .it ill'.- sot some ui" Di ' K Pill" and i in I I am ; b'-ttir tl an I have done fur n-t I'vaise these ; too ni'tcli ui I I Ire thut the prclty flowoi known us wonderful health lily o: ns 11 poison HIM." he said, half ...^ -. - ----- , .'iloi.il ' the sau ; d.-adly kind Not 01.; ' V.IM on r. tl,,. ' i,. and kiK- as v un a pi "' WIHI . t i.cujl ,,Jrt'.lu In llt. tpnu -fed and Roothed I <' li.ol.i-d M he"- hni, a in i' i.,.s hind of xx .1 kid t Ii ' ini(4' i, "ii i Mid Mr run nxva- xxith ut " 1 1... t I bn eeii'V , . - till h-- ce.ited. l'rrh.i|S . " - . . If ill - ' . tO I b ,'itl.-r .-ality ; ;..- i n I xx ,th I'.ei , MI " 'II , it ft !' him to no on only i . for ""' ' ,,,,,, el don't nenl any l t ...... It -.bile he xx- .is (aresalng her he knttv M he xviih n h.-i. ' ut how nri-.it a notif.'it t I l ''fd Inimed- .'I- 1,1.1 tl.,' mon-.i i i ni x laUljr, xviih all tin' -xiuptoma of le of .'oinf'.i'i i- b. r nnd hnlf by hyiirii' \ a>iit- - ' .'ysi.-i of ' undone. nl tl.ii .< i-on.stit.:, t 'o which- st - ItetJ at- liihi.i. Iv thi- I'.'ii.-' rating ner- l not ui II. ^.i.l io ' > few mlnu "Well. I !!-. . shall not have 1 1 now. . , ' nnd when, . ' ' tention oi tie t>riu..;i bot.imst 1 <J think flat sho bei-n diav n bv tl.e fart that oi,.> of i .: .d \ct with j-'irh hi* n->rd.'ii,is IU.M fell liimself nliMilulo faith lietifxiun in him nnd -xiti, .1 vniiiitinj;. Mr I . re t on. uuiil.i do enough 'mod to look hiu ing raided iniulvt-r tent Iv a bunrh knew iiuw 8 ' '" : '"' " ; ' " lv r n Mint sho could not ak : ol In"-* of l! to his mouth, i ,k .. ' . "'"' l"-!onx Io a i if ,. want to i er wo the lips of Winch x ! v ed now. I al i - to miiny , r Hut . ! been i." ' " .'i i i ?" ho ""' snid Ai.d then "I had thought of I'or.il I tioiii.-... ' limk u,,. )..; -lh.it wu why I I I ' ' B rV t 1 ' sl-e I- fill lo - ' \nu try ' -.mi he in .1 bin "' ' : tell l.ovx b. h .11. il " i I t., . him .: x.t ink- weiii , or r be him bl b .,,! her I:- 1 mind i.o oppi > hud l (.mil . : ' lean hi* . hurt ' - , bad thought it xx., s be.st | . . h. | I not mm ry now. if you cure fur me enough to U-.e Tn prorx to fWI tht I>r. i niw' Olntmrnt ti<-rtin anj nbnolul* t ore for *aoh nl rx-ory form cf i- b!ortlnitni1 protrnalM pllea, Hi It. NO VERIFICATION trred i,erves In this way such tro-,r ail- menli* of ' e the t" * " health to :i!Kiw '. of th. uieiuia It ache. indiK-'stii'ii. kidney nud troubles, i b- pai t ;n' \ get tl,.- 1'r Willi.ims' Pink Pills lot I'ale People." box I will bi* stpnld II box. or - S-' I), b I 1 VVillinms \lf-i < <'o . lli.-rkvji!- mil. _ 4 iT Al At her . for ! .1 bloxx- |dl nly rould i_'.it l.t i i ' i i. ful sib'i C". iiiitl theji- Umnniali In tho .'ixl' v j.rjA nnil &nk rour i.i": jh bora whtt th.r |) :.k o' I:. You ran UH It and irt rotir ii.oiirr buck If nnt curl. NV t-o>. at ' stl ' linn Kl!dMl*r<orRDMAN*ON.llATBJt (o./fo-onfo. IH.I. Hut ' i n i.r.ir to III (-lie ,-i.i"l!lf I.' I o (.'O II. . :Clg .VOIll- him at nil for ' .. ",.it Mi.it Wll II file. ' oil ni . wlfO. tlb. Mr I" '. .tal hi lib. \.r.. i .un ol me. in t 'nit ' not to hiil iiKiiin. next i almost in goi.e uxvnv : he t-at xvnli hi-i sick In-. n ' i -'lit u Unit : III b.i ' lii'd x on I. | whisper ni" do you ihii.k that h:i' in.! made The prospert lh.it hr opi-m-tl to "O ' I'll \ oil M,|.p..M' I her WilS (tO bet pool i . . d.WJ.1- '-d you ' 'iheii- iliy in M thai she could not it your r . ^ <ni in ist not no on do- \ m, nuniot mean It." she lepoated. iiiK li I i, it hiive xoi. do M " Hiul \.-t, .:\en while she spoil-, xvith H bn spok.i a x\iitl timid irmleii. . if her t In r Moi" t nnid to ht-iheli the i oilld i,..' do il i V.IM, .1 pustlloiiilte di p.'li ii'v; l,i'!ni|' ..!,. id., ' i ..... 'in hi* own words fi -lightened her lest they her. stu- .. iiniiiii.ii I all bei s-<-.n. nnd in i,,v i-inb.n i .1- .m.-ot put ~b,iiiltl be true, she rli;ii(; to him bis hunt! upon I,, i arm. .iliuost ns if ,,,, think I . . ,1 00 .inxlhini; in HIT timid " , menu it '.'" ! , led Mr Tiel.nv ..I H i he meiint lo |..-li uilnly I iiienn I' II r uill m.iki- sou l-'KK.vril ' ICS which nre beni) b schools rontint , ti oops siijeii-,. I of tin- . I the - xvi it ten in tin -.Klih aim-. is : n.ittoi'iil .n my like th.it of Ktv Ividnappiii.: !; the sole method of n .'luiiiin' tinplox.-d on the othei of the ('hminel It is cbielly in I.nn dou. ..i Trnf i ' thiit thu aboinii-Hble vylnle sl.ixe tr.ule n o-i t ,|.--'-rii prouii-e-i . l KIII. "the n.iti . ., I ^ -While ii'irrrsl in .loo Ilioxxi lish drink " ai.d it roncliulfii EVERYBODY IN OSHAWA IS FA- MILIAR WITH THIS CASE Joe Brown's Wonderful Escape From Death is Now an Old and Oft Told Story to the People of Hi* Own Town. Out.. Mai, b .1 s, I'.a.i b.-eii ivxixed by the 1 pub Mr. Al.iu is quito a.i as Mi Hroxn him- elf. niul m-xer ii.'injj the story of how I., he s' that the Knglmh diem of drunkards W such libels nre i.uiKht in th school* xvho i that we i-,- ml popular in I III HIUI IS1I AUKRIC'A iii'.itiun nf ilu- i.ut'i in so many pa x 1 . a people are well nc- |uub 'i.-d xxith ib ( ' whole circuui- Maine. Mi Hiown'n fullicr-in-lnxv, Mr .luhii Allin XV|IUM- pl.ue uf bi^, ID right iu tho centre, of the town, hoi. hox\e-tc, hud to ansxvor many MeBtto I'. it us he xvH.s At the slxtj --mnth ani.ua! in- xeiy i io."o to Mr Hi-own during of the UriCish America Assuranrt lliu xvhulu of his pauniil expt i lenccs Company lield in the head office at In !'7 r , u j t, H | )e iimj.^ (h,,, ;U1 ( . it y Toioiiio tbe oibep day. a highly sat unittt'i n xx as presented .'"> fi;.-s Him m dividends was (In tributed at (1 and 7 per cent . am Kidue.x. 1'il.s .onijueie.l thsea ... and; $:U,!V44 curried to the reserve f'.irv! M ijo . . Unit Protruding Bleeding Two Letters from Mr. Walker Explaining the Severity of His Case ard the Permanency of Hie Cure by Using Dr. Ohaae'a Ointment. Sonm people HI em lo thlnU that It i* '. n h to rlniin that IT I'l.M.'e'n u.ntiuttnt will cure every form of pileK. but fncln KO to yroxn th truth of thin eUun These are interrstlng letters from one who has eul- iri d much and been lined. In November, 1001. Ill Si.erwond Walker. M llieiuan on tha I'anixd* Atlantic liailWMX living at Mixda- wnskn Unt , 'rltf!: "I am great suffet'i fron. b. ceding piles HomMlraoa the piotrndlnji piles com* down, cunning niiu-h miitiry and uneasineKR, um'. at ..rb-i LtnM I uiisnhiril ti- liiedniK piles, and tl.^v hired to ur.h an utont an to make me qull* w*u If l>r ( liixs^'s <intropnt will cue this awful ailment you will huxo my prleMniK grallti.dn " On March 1, IttO'J, wo rm-oix'd I he following lutter frou, Mr A'lki-i xx-iu^'i spek voluuiet for Dr. Chain'* OlnlUiont al u ne lor piles of tho IJ essiinj foim He ' ling to my promise. I now take pleuure in writing tu you n -mi rnt in" .1 b. \ . f Ur t'huie's (>mtmont for bleeding pJlee Rome thrre months ago 1 .-id i :.. ' ; ' >* proved n Cod- u 1, for It hn* nntlrtly <-urert mo of blinding pilti "I would have written lociiier. but I mi.' ... to b" nblo to tell ynu thiit it w.is H permunent riuc This you- can iitr foi n. '.>\.. n l p. -i|d' ln'ie xvi.o h:\xe been i ui ed f VilV Ff'VPiP iHhiM Of I |.ll'-> I > .-il.l III illt '..r n w/' know tl. ut wlili li i fto nin ssf .1 in ruling mien of the inoat nKK'r.vr.'rd Kind all Ur Chnie'R Ulnlnuni . r powrri are ni.u xelloup nnd IU < ureo tUr- obgh aud paimMXtit. hixty ienl a I.e.- at all drnleir. or l'Muunii, Hate* * Co., Toronlo. Mixed Mr lirown's life l.u ni. ' Wn didn't think he would .-- . Hvo thiouKh it, let alone ^it stionj; and be yli-o to work, but tho pil's nun e nliu ull right and well in n sluu I tiujc, and tin be t of H all is tbiit, the OUrt h.'.-t .-,(.001! he test of time It inu^t be three nnd ;i hall ve.UB siiire, ami uH you know truiiK nnd hearty to-day ami teen over ta ,- I It .,ld'.. Kitlnex I' in back to tl ..' shop Tbere uro many others in town who IHIVB recently been reminded oi (his wonderful euro of u seemingly hopeless . e. xvlm timl m. trout. calling up tho ftict;t, and none are alow tu >;ixe all the credit to r Kidney 1'ilia. I I Ml in HI i No man should lunke an exi -u (or not adxertisiiiK of the fact thut he him novel- iidvert i.scd at all. should go after business just lle the UH though he had been in the line of business getting all his life lie should push peraistently ship in tho Rome of for nnd rJmuld be Mxtltbvd with nothing n mild Would Rixe him iiilx.uili'ge light along 1 1, is h noxv stands at $6K' .1 A I'o.x, the president. -aH tha the net MIIII in p.'ruiiuins f;u year w $127.15!>. and the i. tion in losses 9lO,IU<l. Hexi. \x the business of the toiiipany im past emu' M-Li's. Ihe pri'sidt.iit shoxx ed that diirniK that period the piemuinis :i i .uuiil.i had uicreiusec from $17". !'.'. I to $:<S1. 505. - .lo;... iinn-.i"- of , ..:uu.. biimes in tho MI nip. field. i to the (SoverfMii'-'it 11 ports, ly 4O per tt-nt noes instil isi-'n \s i(\iui:s f i't thai ,'.i'.v dof; ' o .-.I into I'r.^iaiid is sub- I al weeks as if its oxvuri xx'-ii .1 tio II i ei n an '. . i on lb' de ol the i 1'idi ,! . o i,'reat is- the niiiio;. Ihe 1. Iheir li ...|,.,1 [ .et s, ^fgf*~~ rumor h..- Hie I some "f lli.'in ir dogs into Kng tbiea. One ounca of Sunlight Soap is worth more than two ounces of impure soap. REDUCES EXPENSE tS 000 wiU * P* 14 by TlEVEa >XC?3*M LIMITED, Torontj, to any fcnon who can prove that this imp contains to any fcnon of prove or 097 Al* TO* THE OCTACOS AK TlA\' Kl I !. Tin- London Inuly Chronio!.- il.<- luliiiwinn U-tter ..n in Sou: b Airira The Federal Life Assurance Co. of Canada. twent: sb.i .'Tmny :,..,! at the hi lice in H.unil- ' .- ! , , . Hist I. Kerns, was ap- >er| ehuiiu.an und I 1 ;. 'ii reiary. , y-'ar. Icadinp to tho belief that a h!>.' udvaii u< may be maintained throughout the year DAVIP DKXTF.K. Manajriiif Diiettor WM KHKNS, Vice-Pr.**!!', KXPLi.si pul)- ej '. niusln';. think tli.r i -I for .smash' ni; tliimis. Inr t.-iisl .1 I '...>". 1 day x-. e eanif l.i an empty fariu- huiibo shut up: xre bcoke into i i piano xxitii : no'' lai'lled I h it, mother I guessed that .olr xv.is nil , n and si^-i-sted ihut xvo should oi'i-:. the ii.slr'.i "uiilih. il xxas full I That wa:i noon oui^li f'>r us; we burn; it down, but ' or the I,. blew up LSU/nK <,icfc EFFORT OF DIKECTOHS. lh'ir u. director! .1 report, as foiloxna Honor to - I.M i.t tin- ; TIOI : ai.d fii .. sin i I'.iny for the iUlier .'II 1. duly vi>u'--h<?d for by the andi- <UIIK - ' f " $J,- d i. tho income of 'g in- V-'. have Ixiv v $178.- ^nd have n.-n AUDITORS' EEPOET To the President- .-ml I- t tho | federal Llff Assurance Company '> . . . ;u*di> a r.ire- ! ful audit of the books of your rnin- panv for the year ending Dcremncr ."-I I ol. and hav d to their uocuritu'8 h muperted and compared wall udijer >nd lound to ; therewith. M-..iiici;xl position of your , 'I. IN in- ! by the iyiri| merit. -ctfally submitted '! -, ST1 I J .) MASON ntr : lltOtl. Mil ' il l. 1 Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces* and Is sold only in lead packets. Stock, Mixed snd Green. ipn tea driaken try "Sa!aJV Grwn te. Tin- w.i'kl.v ma, 1 to our ui-ny in \ .. T. 4DR8 % COM> IN <IK II 4V. Tnk MzaiiTo Hrcnin Quinino Tablet*. A 1 <lmirt run iid ib money If It fll t our.. K. XV. Oror'i lo V..TD in on eacU OOK. Mo. and it's the U:nd of pitint you should , house. i|> i\hr. lights ' bright. It-mi and mr .inn>it your i.i ii>hhors i.oini; !.) paint :IK" Uuy RAMSAY'S PAINT _ I '111 Pill'" f IIK-IV Krn'iiid nd J :ii-oi>e.rly mix.- ' 'or "se. no J iii* riRht *' >ur * booklet shoxviiig beauliiul homes. Ask 'or book.. A. RAMSAY * SON, E ' tu l842 MONTREAL. Paint Makers YOU WAMT QOOP: PRICK5 PCR YOUR \LvrATEHENT FOR moi. -,')4 OS is u-oiii tin- ::. n ish Army iu 1'"'" I Inr in 1 I ' uriiy !o- _. itl ' .. h.' K'irpI ' - on .">6 I' . $i jr.. 7-1.".. Di of M that In. u applied t . i x- 1 1 h ii ' tOMl pax I,., -lit* -. iifflt'Ulited to > 1 licen i; i \ ' of th* rouipaiiy's : in. 1 dll'li'S il'. V n>- ,-S (I'll, tin- .iv ^ fl KxponwM have i 'liable limit .. with due v I field otln , my a: e "'"'.. b>x-al. ; , BUI! are i-iiii'..d i.. iuch f. -.lit for their ubl. : "i of i lit eoiii- . ' inti'ri"- 'ieiMht"-s ol the office s' ill 1... n u'- hful In tf- Thi- Hsnuranroft carrn"! by t heron, now amount to > which the com: ' ds re- i xes to the full amount r.-n'iired by law. and. In addition tli.-i.-to. ,<! phis, as above shown I''-.- work of the current yen well under wax h bet ter than foi lie- s.M'ie i. .1! stock... Butter, Eggs, Poultry Apples ^ Produce - ' ' 1 <V4 T-7" (Wi .e lieu (I i bus a;: 7.71.". ft) o,,i ..ib-T "onp no'.vd'-rs ma ,n it . i 'lit i'i,SKii:N- ''I! \t 'f(> Till'. DAWSON COMMISSION CO., Limited TORONTO CurreiipouJaa. .104.77:; > -holders u claims i.ts. surrend- and jiro- .. $ All other payineuU... As- niber 31. a mid bondti $ . *<.. s aeeured by pol- ii-y r*Ber\. > ; iii bank, and oth- er onsets... . _. ... I.-.- 810 !> 1 ,'.:l r>:i7 HS : . I .'.0 u SI. "i ol horses rorsi.Vred Til. -re s -. Mia in- b.>ok.i keep , OIIIIIIK "'H now. ilon't you ln rumcnts. Cnjrns, Un.'ormi. eta EVERY TOWM (JAM HAVE A BA.:D u Brass Band Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury ai mercury will -uri'ly .ie-,rny III* (ciaw of 'gu<-. ____ '.!!- r:lau. \V - lua- for nr t!: n< ill M llr r IIKI-.-U If .11 u.ii'-iil . $ 1 i K -servo fund S 1 . li.">5,056 31 u lo.snea awaiting proof* lit' IOO CO r liabilities >:5 :l SMI ul UN on policy- holders aceount .. l~""7fl 64 nlrln n ilinnujli tto" 'um ou -ur'ee. irtielMfhould ncv.-r hn u.-il ,-xoept on nrM eripiioa-i from rapalabla phjraiotana, M ib inuiKc "iy willito :'n fold u> tin- (nod v.u opoiblr rlHrfro,n '.hm. Ilk l'rlrrb CT. m.iBtifi-trll)r K J t'hiMiu; Jt Co.. To- llo I). i-onlin no iiirc"' - y 'ind n -.akon In irn:ly ,'iitn; dlmaclr upon tho bluod anil VOO *mrfnce* o( th -n-^toin. in buying Itll' OnUirrh l'ar be tiuro yu gt : ii ir>tiii ing It in tkamlnt-rn:d'/,>:i . Obiu. by F. J. fhrnojr 4: >'n. l'*tniioni.il< f r**' liy IJriiKgnU. prli-i- 7 ^ ' - P'.ll" m fiotdei in con. In vollltl pu. . w r c. mi Guarantee capital Total security . t in ijr> S8 870.000 00 wer ..... S a.31!).'J'J.-i .18 ins ing ... ^ . 9 a.:W.'i.T> M) Total aaaurume in fon-- i:(.ii:i!-i.r77 (11 On motion of Lieut -Col KPI nn. .!d by M v I r- li.irt Wiis aoo; The medical din-ctor pi twilled a I report, showing H favor- . ..\p,'i-i.-i- The retiring dii"' "< were re- "d. and ut H suhs.'nuenl in>'elini{ I'.'vid Dexter wn elected president and ni.U'iiijini; din-ctor, Lii'iit Col Kerns and Mr M.icplii-r-jon vlco-pre- I, -HIM to uiukf ik. .mil 'Ii'"- ' .Mi ptHMIlls .H l.MVi-s b.-io.'.' tll.'V '.MS nil wurk. thr M. Lain IT* llronii) vju Dm i lab.t-'s , ur- ,i cold la une d v No > ur "- No ' >r '' rlm J4< - 1 '""- A cow's hid" vroilui - :'.." P' ther and th.it of a horse .ibout nid.i. ^ THB MOST POP'J-A DCXTIPRICB. J? O 13 It. ithotKih. wtt>n Hi* b- Mill. i in., gumi WflJLET R^YOS & CO., L'.initail, Toruulo. OHU, nail Wlnaiiinii. Man TOPRINTERS f 33 &ALE. T'-> i ?-r.<>volution ^ampball Presses, bad <IC:<|U Inohoa. S;iieiiUl:i oi-Jet . Prtoo Si, ooo ouch. Terms easy* 3. FRVHK WILtiOH. 73 WOSt i!uln:do St., TcitntO Dominion Lino Steamships POL>I. Pi,it:aul u . ICIWI,. l.re :r or .! oW t k fur Fr Ovir 5lly Ver SALESMEN WANTED II rtrt',fpM xraiii: Dot mach 'n. <r.. a . IAVCM anas.. 0lt. OM. .-7 -il.lr.SI H., Kin. i f0lw >. l. : D. Tnrr.>oCo. -. i WOOD PHOTO. F.NCR AV t*t._ iL. JONES CNG.O BAY isl) f'.t -li 'fcgi ' MR*. |-*<M,ir "'- - u thf wurl.l Kr I,-.TIII- , Hvm-i- ' n-tal I i , like c-i.pper FEATHER DYEING ClMtilnx *ud i*'.;ri.ii(( o<l - incd Thnu can b teat )>j pott, lo IH-T ot. U < t.ti )>U>-* > B.UTISH AMERICAN OYEINC -I' N .\xrll. Ill' -I. waa I UMil to rail , ! b.m xvus soiuel tines "a tl A xisilor. u Mi \\ilkin in rd in I.o: d ll'i- -!l '- o'l .i.sk a f. ix or ion xx Inch xvouid be 1 1 Lt'irded ai, s.ilrlcirni ex iile H e of Lonl ,.,,-,- to use u mild term IlfW do >ou ilo. s f). I Wilktol I 'hink I had the liotior ol ni' What do you xxan' ' itilen I Ku.ssrll Well Sir fli.!, ' - 1 h.ix- en- i|.-ax nre. I in my let ter 1 I..IM- \ o i I,-: i " : ,. ilu- po XX .is oil."' XX ,i: 8 tb III his : I'i GOLD SORES mov*d or heolod bv one r two appll- oa'lons of Cll(tine. It ksopa the ikin Hi.- Pub) inner of th- volt tind olear. i.l naril's Liniment Cures Oistempei KnK \NCI-:. The ifenoral illitenn-y .if the axei-- rlll - innr, result A writer who hfis tru- M'lb'il widely in their countiy : tb.it the >.hpk'-i'pers uniioiiiir,' iheir wares by pictures i.iibi-r than by ii.iiin'S Tin- iilientiii'i of tin- rnst- . s is Hounlit by |iunt:ni;s oi I he articles o:t and I rousers in tile i I it b inn St.. iir.-ail. bntlri rlieese and sa;.-. in the lino of jirox forks, nnd cat-pcnte. -.' t.i.iis at II,.- I II, .T 111 t be ,' , writing to us 1 xvouid -,a> ili.it. It!,- 'xv of H 111"' ' - "(,., nl I h-' lest Of time Ilka MINAKP'S 1 INIMI.NT Tl hns been nn unfailing n-medx n our hoii-choM exer '.in.'.- 1 run r . u. d has ontlixi-tl .: i -ompei it or and inn: at ions Lnrgo Suxee 25u. Co., Torunto. or brusquely, "and you h ;,,.,uxa,.' .1 '. ls XX Ml. slllXl'llU i I In i.ii I is. Sir C!i:ir|.-j. I xvrol.i' fin. I letter ill a bin rj in x \..t al aii. in 'l on had plenty of time to xvu!,- a 1'Xibl,- No, yoi' Ho on ' " 1 \Vr'.l. 11 vn'-ancy has occurred in ' bfirun the xisitoi 'Von aie x.-iy untidy' in your |.,-ai MU '. broke in Sir t 1 was li-axollinK all iiiKht ' I ! si." v r" ..... "'i. lime In lll.lke \oUlsr'f Inly Nfl 'ii all v . about , :I',I|I,',M ,i>,i ' i on ' " \\ei>. Sir Charles, this xovancy ha-- occurred in " And you aie \rry fat." inter- I upt.-il Ilie i-birl in -I |C Irrll ably "Thut is hered.turv. I am annul " said the xi-.'lur. not a little disroll- hy the cri" i' i \'-iy fat N t n e "1 knew -,'t fat It' la/ini-Ks Hut I .urn Kusaoll hfl|.--.l the in the burrack.s Hi s tannin the proii.-i- 'iioLions by a s.', -,,'S of ple.lli'os I I. all s.-i-m-i like lealniK xxith children There ,ne mil- lions xx ho read no bonks nr i" ' n. and wnie and roclve no tl-IS :<'il's Liniment L'uies The hardest Wootl In "bony, but MOM, xvhicli is much used ikiti( llllle-H nnd ot'>ei , NipI-.-i II" told her he would Ki\'' I''' 1 il11 ll hi "' "' world to make her ha|'|>x Sxx.u;'i. "And xvli.il diil she do' 1 " She married him anil held him strictly lo his pi"n The xvorid has noxv house- I l| I l '-I- Iii.' r. Lin'm.n' :. .'!!.'" i I'llited S- Colts, eli In oriler tba' :\ rainboxv in oil icetl I lie vin the hoi'l/on THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S QRATEPUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. Mr Y..II I.: . -A you me !>rl ter i h:in \t.': do him. ixen if le- inore money " - but I thlhk It belter to bl'lo!,:" i'li^ni;ed to him whil.' you lire making n far- Think 01' t be loxely pn-sei i In- Rive '" PAGE METAL GATES' . Light. RDll Tt. II m the .-ml whllo h ismi; th'-in :o e .f. nllfclnn Will uu ' to tino woodi'n onca. Light, nntl T*t. Rtroni portah'y man on the eod ihile h : " cln ! ^ iwm';fi aroji.il th* T'a> are ii.-nt to Knponraiic.', MIH I.U.M*. n mi mi win uutsa^ nur g*t. rickety. Tliflj r iaip|>htl xvitii Ir. - litsi which nltoxv thorn tobeopon Hd cither XVH.Y ndarm-ii ;u und The only good uio. >l yuf, eaoxiiib in price fni- general form piupoien YV ;.su mako Ifiirin utt Ornamental try Nutliiie. Nail nii'l ^'aiilns. Th ftp* Wif* Feoc* C .Limmd, W>IKtvlil. Ont ADVICE TO MEN Who art Old While Yoimg, Whose Vitality is Wasted, Whose Nerves are Shattered, Who Find Life Burdensome, I can cure yo.i with Electricity, a I have cured thousand* of others. I can make Ihe blood circulate in your veins, the nerves tingle w,t!i vgorou* life and the spirit o. energy ihow itialt" in evtffV move of vo.ir body. Mv r Or. Mclaughlin's Electric Beit Is a Model, a Modern Home Treatment My twmiiT fiur. u( l\riy 'c-.liwi, in tkl artuiii applianc*- Von nnar Itvuli oo t nU/h"' ii(i '!i lUotrlolly .ntxiiwrt intoraiir (MirMna all Xfvou i>tl ViuJ fcl.laX *n.l Huxdi- troublrn Khf >IOIUBI. f.n. lUoi l:i IlittUvn BUNU.u-li ,'i.t l foi-nn ofiMln m,.. wtaklMW. P. r'or Mo '.If* ihil* y.|n rt IIIUSL ouio. Any on* who will cur* mm omn u* my Bolt and Pay When Cured. D* Vu *ullr ? I,' inki'i '. i -. it no i. 'i.i-i ' lu-xitulp, don I "l four Urn* un ill iifti. whli-li \ ' ; tiif .p|) IMH,- t* 1 (tirolnd it. will Mirr TUU. kPICIAL NOTIOK-ir you liaxo nn old ')U of U.r make which hm burned niul I yii. ii ..no that rtld n .it t> IOMM nl*etrlmtf.T>riac If In nd I will allew you one- kU - li.< )tn.! of mine for it I n'v. . : If run .-ivii't call I will ncmi you ia Illiimrt. -I i x>.< ' i-i ruii InfoimaUen VRRR. (nil tvdny If p.>wll>l anrt I w<ll u yuti 111 v ill I r*prftoir it to '.P. DR. 9, 0. HcUUSHUM. (30 Yonge Strwt, Toronto.

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