Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1902, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. 1 70L XXI, NO 1079 Fleslicrton, Ont., Thursday, April 17 1OO2 W. H n * . '*. which .- ire il ii<> . !' re !u, :< g tl.u, month. ('..me i.,. ' Yon wi I I \ V.*' ; '. l.ry. f' Chains Charms Brooches at i'ic !.. *-%.%. V%% W. A. Armstrong - Flshsrton tli, M' Kr- ,1 Bo I and baa moved tn Mi i . .. .: i firm V i. i Warlini; 'UK > f,,r >t M.iry'*to * Tk for the suinwer The Funster's are takum ctei> towards the erection nf new hll. K ! Hut. !, in -.,ii i< home from In-, work on the i k l'f. (iilb rt it a'ao luid up wi'h .in i r i: flui't'iit > v i i.i- i.i,V:sm ' rrid--At tl-e residence "f rtie bri'k''* jmn r I! > Ivi.on Wil*4,n, Minn M r. S,iii!i,.| Ml. John In r.l II >il mil XntwrU /itrtH Owr Ihi-ii Cnrr." />ri'/<tit. Qni'e a number "f 'i, \ :'.. i i-i nur ullage * r " '"' up * :t h tit ' nii|in:.- Hrnt Brrnice me I -in . xfi-n If I v sit with friend* in I M \il.ini Kmn. ,r of Tori'iro i.- ' ere <>n 1'nrsd.iy. April l"th. Mr. John 1 11. i *ick f.>r i. MIT w. vls !>, .1 1.1*1 i ir H .is Wi-ro mt<.nv<l in ih M, dit , _ und 'ii S.iiiinliy II - wif. "miry N .1 : ' ! . also ^ i .. . f M..IIM- Albert. t 'hi fuucral "f tl.eir brotJiirr u:i ! [r. BdbltJ -iy inter- ettiv ; >.,..; mun to Utt) --h-Mien of t!ie Sab lniil mi - Mr*. Jod Bad ley if Kle.to, ii.,-i WM it ller i:. our \i''.-igo on S' uri Kwktatr. ' The lontract for bii: imn ou- nvw - ocvn U-t 111 Mr \Vilk-_-r - *>f Eugenia. Walker will ban- to hurry Up &> oil!' School ia ({rowing. 1 Ulllli : there i re hfty-f ur pupil* :ii at <ri; ii M t.ily. M I.-'', - n hii: purchased farm iitri>t"tori.. Un r.i an the Atkinson /arm front Mr. (jeorg Ani.tr"ii_'. Mr J..:i Uh.ird.ir , n Kuffvrer iVm. r A ml is pronouiuvd wots-3. Your ^ virry t<> heai it. ' i-l.tr. who Ims 1.,'OM *i;!T r dnx fri.iu n tt'ack of i-itica, ia nnj>n>v if. Mrs. Jot. SuiTord u J Ii tW- Mill- vj tml Vitli-ria, of Mia 'KM), Krnefi m" rvbiives hi n ajid will for Ruin tiiiin. Mni I.,'ll Pnrk<<m is uiidcrgiiincr <-n>i .1 ..[>.-rtxii in a T ..rmit - hospital. '< people ot the mill* wont f'ir H drui'iuid n Uffy |iriy llto othor evi-nim.' *V.,i.ilcr which was the mo.t fin v. idle taffy or drive ? The null* ro huini}0|. tlill Kinil-erley puhli.- -,.-',. 1. Johnnie will WHS a [ ozzV W me that I could ni t un- j week at the Traveller*' dersui.d When I arrived at Seas--ale Ij e ijii red of die < tboer if this wa the ' Mr. H-rb X. - day at his right place to change and he *:d it was., ] . v i, We wel- so I bnde t<oodby ro the laM of my ship- | man lutck again mates. There wan a lady on board with - ..inl, i< ut who xant Shallow-field was the richt iil(.-!y f rr his full. He m- place to change. >he said she had -.vet-k to p f" r ov*r thar road so often that nubudy could ; . advise her. 1 took proper authorr !" , ; .--. j '- and arrived at uiy station about 9 p.m., a little over a hundred uii:ei of a journey. I will leave it to you, Mr. ivli'or. if that was fast travelling - from 2 ; ui r . <j p.m. 1 bad a mi. walk tn ;;..t ' , ray brotiier's place. They were nh i" I" -'. 1 culled them up and : !,ii if.tick. only liviiut al'nut two -now, how t ir . "ni 1 1 in Mr. Mi-t'.n j with '!r tat. Mr. M hut w- rk. \U.. li, . learn, is h the f Dr. Sli'dfx. week* .it* , r i..y .arrival, when death put :in end to her HUlfering. 1 then tisrted to visit my other relations and had a |l-l,-,.\ j'l,. very pleaKint iwr, h:l.' n-y lii i.'li w.-i- T!.e IMHH,:,! in thw part eat tiv,. tim-*day. I mg fat atthi- rate of living, they nv well m Tli-i" - ""* an.uid this t,,, K | tni l. The w ..mm.! "inn ha* our vu.-ii.ity ..r th.- pr- n' ti - - -- i p.,rk all i : t w the changeable Weather, but we , . . .p. n ,.w, jour double what t., be hfcsM ,h,..y d.d wh^u I live,! there. They can '"r ; m, - Una ,fr, r ,| .,, inv we.l 'f they wish to and still * TV .nil.- r, -t i.yway. Mr. Malcolm MV e a little if they are sol-er ami i 1MB. want of tiie ulUtfe. M eri'jjly in,.,,., ill \- pr, -.-it ot uiti .inin.ii i nof the luns. I went ih'o the ( 'umlierUail lak Unnid NK-MilUV. Iiule -bun' t.r. Vu- , tr ctj . nd spent a week at Kewick. I down with lon-iiit. . MP Si,i Blakes- , w thire .-in old fneiwl and Lid '(inte t.m nu Mrs J*.-.h Parl.,w, O I) K.. are ch%t lth ,, ahoat j|r M 1 In.th uii.ler tl^ ,l.-tor'. cr, aid Robert j|_ p FU^herton. H- knew Mr. Rich- i-ut hisf. < i bvily that it w .[I wlu-n he was a >oung man eleven-' ' c loe the wound. All ,,d was K Ud to heAr b. ut 1, -i. I ,-ir under the care of Dr Dii n and w* hip* to he;.: . recovery Mr A1.-X M.-Millan, S. L., he'.d an auction :. Fnday but we believa tn.-re w.u< vi-ry .Mr. H. rr l':it-n l-l'i n Kn Lay for Brarapton where he inten.lt to work at kl.iying M 'a- 1 li.Lt ^.'ii , ork ar the cement work . \. ' of 1'r t .11 S- on Tue- ,1 iv U^i ,,n her way ' - - li.- it .,;r,.|i-l n.; In.; 1 - \V. I I'.inke-tr M, , t l>iMI-U:k ->fn \. - unlay and Sunday on the O. I). K wwli f'l.-mi* |70 t.. *1 the . Herb WiiUoi, <>t Duiham spent Sunday ,., , lv . ,, \ ^...tt nuny a,e |.nnl f T I wn. 1' wtil oil cakenn-l hit ho, n. M . ; \l - 1' P. t i. \li- Qrarws4MhaH '.. ;>,in lalk to utt.-n.l I of || )V UtaiM'- v 'f tl,t |.la.-- an I formerly of I'M H vilU,e M B ';er . wa well known i. oi .,,., . , -,-p bens i l.y all, nn.1 i he n < - ~ > unli,- I vv ' '' ' '''' '> ' ' umyBipothv in lii- hour ol to Mr. P.,,l-rr ao.l Ja'igli A Trip to England th- ,arK. BT.I,,n> t.- the .tatioii we n . Imh style of .irecl cars. i i are '. ilc.k,- , ;, ert I'lm-e olM. You,-;,,,,,,,,, ...... .toft!,.. , M ,.".'.,^0 Tl- ' : yu k^. ir, fr M ..... .wh,re,.nth,-l,,K..m.-, will get o-i board .a 1 ,n V .1.* txkU to tee if all ay, M all They f-vd their cat fie tx-tter : i un-at d,.! O f a'im .-orn. I'' , re[1 . . . .,,[ K . u j ,. thina o i i-oni. Even the norki.it: in in wl ;; . ir. and ri"|.U. 'lli.-y [.,> j.,,,, I IIIIIH; wild mie ,: e r wl.ile I -i- , breeder i : ibreu inn Tbi-y huve uri-at nun: - '^' ! ' Tlu. .: m-i.y B ' ' "''-, 1 ' [ '' .;,,,,,- wru ami .1,,-ie : U ,n , ; s M : .em t Ih irv,. , vor they ,vr, w,,,t,.d tl:e , ^,* ~ ut ' " .itnHUiUon th */ " n '" ' '" ' are d'l for c.ich d.-y and prevent friu-1. After; cost away your tick My frieiiil toki me I would tr.iu faster in England lli.in iu Cii" t'l were Lite lor the 11 a. m. train wore ibi u Ji<.tiu>.d until 2 10 p. i.c to towk aruuu I th 13 cUL'<l L. did 1 linnli to u m^y " 7 ' th* ' M , BI. . M* turnij s i nhfii- iu Id, 1 Ii a . 'i of d'-s'vi' iio i \\e :illd we m. 1 a, which i' it the T eeli. 1 tlri.k t..ti" w:iy tailUH : li.ttoi tlutn oiu i. r,, w ,., ^' '-," " 1 * l "-''. J" '" '-"" ' ' " : it ftsMoii. th- y run th. > " h "' h " re ''" '^ WB " :|! ' 1 "' ' '' I* ! " shct 'r > Our climate ou!d not allow it. Fat she -p werv neliini( fium $M t , Jli>. but the COM will not leave them very ^m nmr-.in 1 weie - * 'i I the HeiilAii'A cl:iv tijar*.'-*.*.!...! sheep .nul are adapted to the c-'un'ry there. Theymike the K. >i iiualuy of mutton i ter. ...rk in d riu the fur mii.'unt nf l>cir r'u-.i ' i -if "Hilt at i-nthcr ii vi'iy backward W'li^- t' iiiuix littl* Mi. U. 'riioui| ui ii . lo.l one f hi* *hr,. which h*s likely blown over the . Mr. (i.'il. HHrNiti',* i >n tnvli-<l K nire i.i Mr. Logard tor a buck-skin Wt< saw the faniilmi jjliisu'^ of Mr. I'.il 'le Ketr in the iieii^hKuhood a few dayn '*gu. I!" looku lialu mid lu-ntty. No 1 .lid' he ha.< been well wiurerad. Miwtur Johnnie l> Brief has left Sun lillog* and is taking a count* in take another ro.ul Thin unU't fn in LuerjHvl. We weut luii({ u' % gih^l *peed for about f p .>rty ninet at.J no one r;l!e.l for our tickets. UooM;r, they .ailed lor by the ohV- r wli-i ejjine to the door, and he lold tha ivlio were o n^ to A hirolm.'n n- ! tor dietriot to change ca:s. After ing ears we ktarttd mtam. The (tatioi,.-, are so chwe aloiK the line thut e scarco'y uot starteil until we h.i.i to stop f ,r the UextsUlMU. I U-KI, to ch.iff my franl -rf.e .I.n.ie, ,. M . upon the I'act that if w, did not make -".; "- * bt-iier t,i,i-.. 1 coud ., 1 never ( "^ - M , v -n^,,,,,,, J^ rt &J??'5m. Miil.,, M, ond station we came to our UkU were v call*! for a. befor.. I .s to A 1 w.mld ^'^, KM -\' St.HI-l.ll. Cla<H 4 Honor Kolls ,f S. S. So '.'. Arc-n . in. (Jetty i Juii.e M iv .) IMII. -i n, M . I'm limn, Kuth Hive Mr. and Mil. Richardson is a most .',try The scenery is beautiful uiouutains and Ukra --t scenery in En^lmii. I bought several views i>f mouii'aiu tcenery ihrna-^h fhrs ikMri,-. r-.ch a Butterrucre. t'r'iinvk and Low *.rter lakes an- v ml \\ iirieriiieti- 'it. mn . - Thin is a greir Hummer. They re kii'-wn t.ir .n ,1 wni.- 1 wai at .t pmd m-tny auction sales of fanner* s-.^k At nenenl run syieut ari' hi^h t > h .' - ,r- ir-. Think n cattle fllim; f"r fnii McFarland, Stafford ^^ f Co. 1 ARKDALE, ONT. Rouse furnisbings. has I tiu depnrtiiient been so crowded with m < 5"* - indqualr *- ^ ieen in much in favor ..f Ir win [M. before spending one dollar of your money. I- y .n i.. , ,- well furnuhed \ If not, why not ] U me c..m er omt a* litile as now. , ire i ,]] t h" e time rin.imi: new them c *t |..-Ht. Art things with a touch of and f' M aid thread. Tlie. new tiling to br M a b. me out of wht WM s houe. The new is ,"umch prettier than the old.and we r o.llect'on had our whi., turned in that dii K new putterns in carpets U! t^e h I *^- te willing to let the CM: I stand it 't the whulf t ek 'io4in< 'Drugyet Carpet in un-y F'.ornl ilri.'n. Special value " -jr. 1/nion Carpet ^ * M ;.*t;eriin, fuil 'M in. wide. .Special value r --..- J' 1 ' - . , Super Itnions H -n<1- U :iut. i uri' w -.1 yrti wi h c ,(t n t -inin S. M l.y lamy drrun for all w ,,]. Extra .peciaj value at and Mo. *Caca Curtains .1 1 f. r vihi,- "U f, ,.- I" te - ^l ' rnpliinertol !, >o i, w .l t i 1 uy un'.*. y, n :-h. Piuvs run fr.,:i- _ fnpanftf Ttyattiny Tlu- w.m >n i, HIM. > ' tn j mf ' "t will ir . . as the i N -we have 'In-ill in !rip.-:. hi D er I !' r i T'l j in.i WALLPAPERS ri:Krrv nd coli.rin. sol.l or s ,u an,-. Miuhrj i coiirsf. :m.l nl, fresh nJ new. I , , . 1 1 ' - JY" I " ' r X f"r '<" . you'll ave. UcFurlnnd, Stafford 4 ' Jf- arwar* Tho soas-'ii ot'ilir yi-ir isiiow with us \\hrn i.uiliiiiiL: UTHM-H- t .i.ns ;uv in fill! swin- ami t> meet tho (lna,ii:il I'M tiii- 'MI',' we lutvi- placed in smiv a lar^ >tcek ami ,-uv fully pirjiaivii meet any demand which may l.f inadc. and at c! In other si-;i.xr,nuHi' liardwaiv we h.ivc : .i M..i-.!.h Sqmrtl . - ;. n >!! Hak, * .O Iron v 'kr Cli[M \\ liirtl. in,. ' i i<, ^ ! A . Taints. OiN. 4. i t >.! till Seal's Font ' ?, cu: ' ' t' i ' Brushes. i ( !' my . for Ckator all through the dy and and 1 " j would have l R.-t on one :"n>in han tefor* 1 ot to uiy taiio. \\iii That Average sfentlt". '."> L F. MAIL- HALL, Teacher Plow Shares, ALL kinds, only 25 cts. F. Q. KARSTEDT, FLlfSHERTON.

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