THE WAR HAS ENDED. Boer Leaders to Submit Terms to the Burghers. A London desfuitch says: Tho i .inn. mil. i-nient coiaerniiiK the pi-a.e negotiation in South At I ii ,f Is reeaiiled In both Hou.sOB OS tiinlam.iunl to the early cessation ol bo-tililie:< The general inference is that the liner leaders have n-ccived an undei -. landing; re^ariiing the lei ins > h th-y have accepted, and think Worth while submitting to their fuuiitrvmen av I|K II.IMS 01 terms of |-aie Some disappointment is I ..! in r.irli.iiui-nt that thelioei-' lenders did not f.-el in. lined In mak- ing terms without Incurring the risk ol i onFult MIJ; vvilh the less responsi- ble clement. This view, however. .. looks the thoroughly democratic n.t'iirv oi the liner Ifoveriiiiient, whnh prevents S. lialkhur^er and his in formullv suriendel- Ing lliM'i nul-penileiM e without the ronwin ,.i the burghers. It is genei- allv (elt in 1'ai liaiuentuiy . niUs that although nil armistice was ref. tl.e pernnss on nivell the llelfgatcs 10 consult with repi . iviti of the commandoes must iniplv a formal, uimvowcd armisticp. Sat isjuction is expressed in the loblue* of Parlia- ment that neither Hr. Kruper nor ill L>-vds mie apparentlv innsulted ill the pies. -ill n> e,..l i.i'lods. The |>rincipal editorial in each of the l.i'i.dou inn! mi. g papers Is do- THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. Toronto, April aa. Flour Ninety pel- cent Ontario patent, nominal Ml -.'("& in imycTb' sacks, middle IM-H;!,. -,. Mtruiglil inliiis, in wood. 8 10 to Jit If. Malillobu p.ilent-* <4UnU-d nt 1 lo $4 in. ami MI. -in; bskci.-i' lit $3. HO, i.n track. 'I'm onln. >lucWvvl,i-ul--'lhc.- iii.ii Kct i* nominal nt .'.tc low In-iglit lo Ntiv >.,,,* (Minn .! Car lots, in Mils , fc4 Ti en truck, and in hacks, *-l <>" Hiok- *n lots, i.'ic extra. Harley The market i very dull ; No A extl.i ijiiuli (I ul .,(!( , .111(1 feed si 48c, middle fi eights Wheat .So. 1 Munilolia li.ud Mild at rt4jc Tiiiiu.ii) unit v\est. April KhipiMMil; No. 1 Norlhi-ni al Me. and No. - Norltirrn nl 7MJc. Apiil shlpmvnl Millfeod llrun ofl.-rc.-d at (15.50 luldillo fninl.i. wi'hoi.t Imls iint.irio No 'J r*d winter, Tl'c bid in buyers' bng. low frt-ighl to .New York, lint i.m fleic-d bsrliv No ;i oIKrcil al Sue out- tVllho'.l lllllH 1'oas No 2 white ollered ut Hoc n.Millu frc-lglil. un 1'neihc, without I, Hi. n.its No J Hi. ll- uul-tfil at 4<>C ii, I. ,..(! jttk>, low fruitful to Ao Y .. i k, Out none oil, Cm M No. 2 yellow, 5fc bid west. ml v. i! ini.xcd, ,',7c hid went. Witli- uiit ofTi-rlngs. If.. N., -2 nflvieil al . r .7c middle fi-ii;iit now nhi|i|>< d lo t'ortlsinl, .1 liids 'llli: IiAIKY MAI1KI Mutter The ni.irket in flrni, with ROII.I ilvin, nid for dairy rolls. Me- iliiiin .nid n, (CM,, i i|ualitlcs arc dull. Smelly rolls meet, with ii.nk *als. We i|uotc llnest 1 -M. rolls 1!' to iJiii. rh, ,HO liirije roll-. I He: . .dm' Ki.ides. r,.:;:. Hiid tubs, 1'2 tt, I.V iK.inicry prints, i!;. 1 lo l^lc . , i i . iilnls. I'd 1,1 :>! Jc. l-Vt I ' ,i|ils mi. fun. ,11, d the (leninnd good Itniind lotn r-oll at 1-c |xi ,1 . No. 'i ugR* <|i.olt,-il ul lo, I h'-c . | !,, Tn.-l ! ' ily, With trad*! only fnii. clu.jie loin. 1 1 Jc I'er 1!. Ih'CS AMI PIIOVISIllNS 1' liogK nri- we.ikfr llcig |.ro- .1 .IH in f.iu .1, -in.ii il firm \Vo .' H. ic, ni, I, ,nn clear. IOe. in t, n and (..-( lots Mi-si pork, >-.' I . d.. IK. 1 1 cut, 122 Siniil.eil im-atH Hi, MIS 1 .",<; I'rt-nk- t.'i I......I,, He in II-. lie; linckd, H to IJJc anil slio il, !u-s. IDJc I 'M>- niMikit is i.nchaimed, with giitid d. uuiiid \\c- quote : Ti. ires. II tn 1 lie. tnli, 1 1 Jc ; pmls. 1 1 Jc i oiii|iiniiid, !i lo 1>]c. i '! M KY PllOlil IT Dried iipplvx The I, t|nn t .nut lent nrek-Mi, with mmill lot<< nt'll- Ing al ."i lo .">|e 1 .MIJ.OI nteil. K) lo l"lr Hops Trade in qnk-l willi prices Hleudy at ill, yu.iiliniiN nt Kc Ilonpy The iniiil.ei in dull at n{ to IOe for r.liiMeed ( mnlis, )1 IS lo 2 33 | . r ,l,./,-i, Unple nviiip- Miirki-l *|iii*-l, with |.i n ,-s .incliniiKCil. 1'ure (now muKc), llii|'ill,il null.. us. 'MIC. lo 91; old, II H ,o ijn.ilily, e, r > to H5c. Hugur, U to M, Hi-.ins The market IN dull. Prices $1 to *,! 15 1',-r hush. HH to ijnalily. llmid fiickml, |1 'if, to f I :i" Hay hnlod The nmrket Is quiet, with pricM uiichiint" d Timothy Is quoted nt |IO to $10 2ft on track. Toronto, for Bo 1, unit at frt ,',n to |9 for No. it. voted to a discussion of the possi- bility of pence. Ktich paper dwells upon the two poinU that the Uoers mu'.le overtures upontanedUsl; , anil thr.t the Mritisli have evident ly shown no si^ns of alianiloiitiiK their V"l |l > us already laid down, yet the n.tei change of opinion has not ended in a breakdown, as was prcx iously tin- ..ise when i'n-ii. llolhii and <!en. Kit- . I . ner met. Heine the Times inn i i mles that the lluc-r deli-Rivtes have n- ognized the necessity (or bringing tlie ho|K-les8 Ktru^K 1 *' to n conclusion and that they have Mitisficd den. Kitchener that they at leust urc in e.u nest. Mi; IIALFOUK'S STATKMKNT. In the House of Commons on I'i i- d.iv adernoou Mr. A. J. Ilalu.ui. the . -i nmeut lender made this state- ment : "In conformity with the pledge I Ha'. e to the House u day or two ago, it will be proper for me to say that Lord Milnir and L-ortl Kitchener, while refusing an armistice on mili- tary grounds, have agreed to Kive facilities (or the election and meet- ing of representatives of the various commandoes to consider the posi- tion The liner leadeis h.ive left I'M - t oria for this purpose. It i- net ex pecied lhat commu iiicitt inns will be a-d in less th.ui Ihiee weeks." Straw Tin- market is ipiiet Cur lots on track i|uotcd at 95 lo !' 7*>. tl.e latter lor No. 1. I'.iullry Keceipts ur* miHll. and pines linn \Ve ipiole : l-'rcsh killed turkoys. 13 to 14c per lb. chickens. 7ftc to $1 1 lurks, TSc to $1 lleCM, 8 to lc |>er tb. I'otntdi-b Market unchained, vvah nfTprings fair. Car lots quoted at fin to ."HC on track, and small lots, out of ttore, sell at (>.V per bag. t'NITKI) STATK.S MAKKI-.TS. Minneapolis. April 21! When t. May 72 to 7L'ic. -Itily. "Ill to 7:l|i ; truck. No 1 ban), 7")ic. No 1 Northern. 7IIJ to 73Jt, *o. 2 Noi th- em. 711 I" 7JJc. I lour lOc higher; first puti-i t- . 9.'l '.HI to 91; sen. ml piilciits. $'.',>:, to 9:1 '.HI . first clears, 9.'! . sei,,i,,| clenrs. $2 25 llrun In bulk, $12 75 10 91-') llllnaiiki*. April i2 When* high- er, rinse, No 1 Northein. 7'|c. No 2 Northern. 74 to 7-IJc; May, 7,'IJc. live 1 inner. No. 1. 68 to ..Sjt 1'.. , I 'lev- lllrl.ei . No 2, (iS| lo r.-.l,- ; wimple (ill lo r.7( Corn. Miiy, l}c Oul'uth. April 22 rioe-\Vr,ea t. caNli. No. 1 hard. 70|c; No 1 North- ern, 7ajr; No. 3 Northern. 7d|c. May, 7.'tjc: July. 7.1J to 7.'ljc. Mani- lolui No 1 Northern, cash anil Mwv, 7Sic; No. 2 Noilhuin. \!>c. ('. 43ic. Corn Blc. f'A'ITLi: MAIIKKT. Toronto, April VJ II. , , ,|,| ; , ., t 1 1,,- i.ittlr market to-day wen light amounting to r.JI loads, with 1 "I.". head of cuttle. ^31 Hhft-p iilnl l.-llllbs, 1.0.T1 hogs, and (Id calves Trice* 011 round Were firm. Choice export cuttle were sold at Sft.!O to >n. sonio !.,...( i.ittlo in one ruse felch- iiic. (i ::o Iluicher tiittle were worth 94110 to 9-Y Sheep and laloli- Were dearer. e\|.,nt sl-i^-p HOlliiiK nt I lo $17.-, Vearling laiulis were worth $0 to 9fi 'jr.. Jlogn Wl-ie illiehalveil. Kxport, c'hoice ....... 9R !'" I \piil t CHttle, liyht... 4 .'if) Hulls, exp heuvj . cwt I 'eeders heavy ......... StocUers. 4(1(1 to H(MIh 2 !<> jllulehi-iM' cattle, choice ,'t 7."> Hut. hers' cattle good.. M ltd llui. h"ih' coiunion ...... i Iliitcliers' picked ..... do ouVolois & heifers 1! (Kl HutcherH* liulln ...... :! . r ,d l.iijht slock bulls, cwt L' no Milch cows d.i bucks STEAMER BURNED. Many Lives Lost on the Missis ippi Hiver. A Cairo, Ills., despatch Bays: The Midn-wlieH steamer City of Pittttburg, from Cini inii.i 1 1 to Miimphis, Was butneil to the water's edge early Sun- day laorning at Turner's Landing, near olmstead, Ills., 11 miles from Mound City, Ills., and HI miles from this city. A number of lives were IOHI and others were badly burned and othern-iso injured. Two boats and all available craft from this city went to the scene for relief. Most of the passengers were Btlll in Led When Second Clerk Oliver Pl.ilipps gave the alarm. Tne en ginecrs also started all the pumping engines, while the crew brought all the hose into play. Amu! streams of Water on all sides, the llames from the lower deck and dense clouds o( smoke, the passengers rushed from their stateroom-'. and a frightful piuiir ensued. Few could adjust life- preservers or do anything (or them- selves The smoke was stifling clouds floated through the blaring steamer, ehokiin; the passen- gers and adding to their tvrror Children cried |>iteou<ily. begging that they !> Rav.d Lifeboats were manned and every eflort made to save the passengers It. uiis were sent from shore to help in the work ol rescue. nnd pasMn- gers were landed at the river banks. As fast as the boats could he emp- tied they returned to the ill-fated er. The burning steamer was inn kly beaded to the hank, but many passengers were forced to M.. up from the stern end, nnd trv.n;- to swim ashore through the swift current many were drowned. ilai.y also p<" isheil iii the (lames Help, except from people living n.. ir by. did not arrive till 2.20 o'lloi-k in the aftcrnoo-i. ami passon- Kers, who wore only night clothes ami were without food, suflcred ter- ribly. Thirteen members of the crew nre missing, nml Cap! Philipps lajf - 1 ' or li.'i passengers are missing also. Two passengiTS were seven-lv burned , but I'i recover. Tin-re were 70 passengers and 7(1 all told in the crew The captain jnnd clerk claim in all Kti |..i-..i. hail- lioen nccounted for. leaving tt() people lost or unaccounted for. The lnt-,t estimates are lhat 1 .*>" pei-i,li- ,-le al'illllll ili(l that more tlmn I. .ill \\ e. c '.i\er1 M.HIV of the I. .'IM nre or injured As t he reniMier tif the steamer wns burm-il no list inn ! given eiiln-r of victims or Mirvivors. and in i niisequein-e it httK liren impossible to get complete I lists Captain Philipps admits that the lie. uh list in. i.v re.ii h fin. $r> no r> 0<> .". (in .1 dO 1! To r, no l 7r, s -,(. .10 0(1 :: mi Hog*, best do liiflit *>! I'. e\|'oi I. rwl... Iliiels Vi-.uliiiK linnl.s Spring Inmlis. each.. f'll Vl-s e.K l| do. cwt ::n . 2 tH> i, ir> r. !>(i :t nn 4 5(1 L 1 IK) > mi (I (Ml 47.'. :t ~.n t. III! ft 00 III I. (I K 7.'. MORE ROLLING STOCK. C.P.R. Arranges for $6,OOO,OOO Worth for Coming Season. An Ottawa despatch ways : In an- Inipalnin of a t ri'iiieinluus iniieaMe iii i, ..ili. lo and from thv Norlhwetil during the nuning NUiiiiupr, the ('.in. i. h, HI Pacilic KiiiUv.i.. ( n lias )ii- I plain! orders tu the value ol sr..(KJt),iiiKi for additional locomo- tives cms Pelivi-rv must lo made before the end of August UNl\i:itSITY CONVOCATION HALL. Tho Secretary o( the University ol Toronto Alumni Axsnciatlon, I'i J. C. McLennan, repurla that satia- f n i lory progress is being niiiclo in the cunvasH of the alumni (or funds to build a convocation ha 'I for tho university. The uniuuni lenre^cnt cil by the subscription fornis signed ,iml reti rr.ed lo the iwirutury Is SI. (MM, lieing an increase of $1,381 lor the j wuak euiling April r.'ih. TENTATIVE PEACE TERMS. Pretoria is Certain That End is at Hand. A despatch to the London Stand- ard from Pretoria dated Saturday says there is considerable reason (or helicvlng that a tentative agreement regarding peace hag been arrived atui which, unless something unfor happens, to vitiate it, will prove uiutuully cordial. The correspondent adds that he understands that the buais of assured peace on the initia- tion of the Boers themselves bus at length lioen reached. Tha Boer lead- ers left Pretoria Friday night. On Do Wet goes to Hcilbron. Acting President Schalk burger and Uen. Ito- lare.y will leave tho train at Klerks- dorp, Cen. Lucas Meyer gem to the LyiKlenburg district. State Secretary Ueit/. and a companion will meet the burghors beyond Hietersburg. and Uen. Hothi goes to Dundee and thence to Vryheid, whence he will rea( h his main commando Arrange- ments have been made by which the burghers will be summoned to the different rcndezvooH, where on agreed dates the British terms wll. IM> clear- ly laid before them. Meanwhile there is nothing in the nature of an armis- tice except that no attacps will be made on rhe Boers on the actual lates of their various meetings. While it is possible that some of the I State burghers will prove re- Ciil< iirant, it is confidently expected that the Transvaal Doers a!m<> t t" a man will acc|iiiesce In the wishes o( their leaders. * BREAD HIGHER IN LONDON. Bakeis in the Poor Districts Bait* Prices. A London despatch says: Tl TK rained the price o( bread one half-penny on the quartern loaf in nnny of the poor districts in London ind Liverpoo, on Saturday, giving as eheir pretext the new duty on Hour. The London Chamber of Cominere* ms called a meeting of all city mer- h. ni's for Monday next to take ac- ion in op|Hisitii> to the stump luties in the new budget. The Parliamentary Committee i.. .ted by the Trades Union fon- Kress have been urged to cull a grn- meet me ',. |'i,.tist ..,.. .,. .( the I imposition of the lax on corn The trades unionist bodies are' rousing resolutions to 1 la eftect : lhat this tax is a departure from' free trade pi inriplew. which i: . lure has not been before the electors of the country that it will invdM- I. ui .1. us double the amount of revenue' it v. ill produce, and that it will bear' ' on the poor. NEWSJTEMS. Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA. Nominations (or Ontario Housa take |.!..i-e Thursday. sTa.v -2 , poll- ing 'I h'liscluy. May I 1 !'. Major-general O'Crady-Haly Will continut* in command u( tho militia, in Canada until Junu .'iOth. Premier Haultain, of Northwest Territories hu.s buen voted ."..')"<' (or expenses t the coronation. igniir Marconi Buys wireless tele- graphy will be working between Can- ada nail Knglund in fuur months. Hoy \Villiaiu.H of Winonn. hung on a waggon, caught his feet in the: rear wheel, and both his legs win broken. A total of 13O new elevators bavt been asked for from the Canadian Pnrific Kailroad Company alcvng branch lines in the wost. Miss Florence Cameron, daughtei of Postmaster Cameron, of London, Out.' is serving as a nurse at Dur- ban, South Africa. K. J. Webber, of Murrain, the coi tractor (or .the II out real elcvut.n bus also secured the contract for tb eruction o( the new elevator al Fort \\illiaiu The Lake I'.rie and Detroit Hlvei Kail-Airy C<imi>iiny propose to iloulili Hie rupucitv .)( tlieir freight s-lieda U London owing to the increase in their business. HOLLAND'S QUEtN DYING ? Bulletins Minimize Seriousness of Her Condition. An Amsterdam d, |. uh says : 'The people are gloomy nnd anxious, IbsttvrlBf that the hilletiiiH telling of gueeii V, ilhc-lniinii'M comlii um arc iiiiiiimi/ii'g DID siii.-.. i,- s of her An. nut; Hie imiuiriis re- on 1 i iih.y were nn Hh.igr-n fi ,,n, King Kilvvurd anil Qu.i n Alexaiulra.|,eir \\illi. mi. I'liSiilint liiM,s<- vrlt . and I'n siili-nl l.nui . gate* nl ('ante loo 'have l --en placarded with u notil i .1 1 ion i>.nl Ing : "Typhoid li-vcr wiihin." Thin was in coinpli.uice willi the Imtch luw n-<|uiring every house In which .i C.IKC of contagious iliM-ane t-xi-ts to pent u noii.c: to thiil ellii-l out- tldj The (| icsiidii of cKtnlilishing a re- neni y is I i-iiif- eiunesi!' . ."siiiered ny the Nctherlunds (!nvi-- Mni-nt, and it id thought i-roli.iMe. in view of the |iosxil>ly long illne'K i,f t hr i.i , pen. that tho Mules-General Will be Hiiminoni-d In n joint session nl un e.irly date to lake ait ion in the { mat di ! IMMIGRANTS *FROin U. S. Thrre Thousand Are Entering Canada Kvery Mouth. An OtlaWH clcspiilch nays : Three thousand Amrrirun.s u iiiinilh is il.i i lie of uniiiigi -in ion into t'anudu H. I. snys Mr. W .1. Whin-. In- |.,tl,,i (if I' IlllHllKI iltion Anen. u s iii the Suitis Mr \\iut.- huh jiml retained from i he \\(.-.|. and I III' I 'an. nil. in aiM-nls Uie gl'tlill|{ of iui|iinies frinii all luirt.t of the Ue.stern Stalls nbont land in d. "Tho inovcmenl of settlers to Can- ada IK nleudily growing greater." SMI, I Mi \\hite "and alivndy the in crcaae over loKt year IH ubout :\" \m i, -iii Our agents find that the inloi ination they have lei give i> l.t-iiiir asked liy |K-opU- who live hun- dreds >f milts away from the titirii i us but the news that good land ran lie had in Cunadii for the asking In spreading nil Ihrough the Am- en. MM \\enl, nnd every monlh the iiuinhcr of lni|iiii ies ubuvt the land Increases." CABLE"FR"OM~FIJI. Congratulations From the Remot- est British Dominion. A London des]mtch says : On the i-,uii|.letion of the Pacil.c cable to i I ni. U.e Covei nor of that Island I telegraphed to Mr Chiunhcrlnin : I "The |>oplc of I-'iji desiie to con- vey to King ICdward un expression of their loyally on the- occasion of seniline, this. the lust telegrnphic iiMwmvge from the reluct. M Kritish dominion Ix'.yond the HI>US. " The KIIIR replied with a suitable nieewugo ot thanka NOT A SINECURE. First Yeoman Has Charge of $10,- OOO.OOO in Plate. A I.oiidonil espnteii sayn: Aiming tho oflicial iiiinoiinccmrnts that have appeared in th.- !.,s| f.-w ilnvs ,^ one to the effect that tlin first veomaii ol the gold inuitry at \Vin<lnor ('astir has ictiird from Ihe serviiv i.| Ihe - n a pr',* . . . I .. Hit- in i..,iiulci tt.e liUe) SOimits like so iinich Crock. As n matter of fact tho fit-Hi yeoinun 'as chnrgi- <,( thr gold plate which IM-IUIIK- tn tie Cri-wii, the vnluc- of !usn In said to be two in.ilion. slc-rliiii,' (SIO.OOO- IMKI). So It IK f-asily --r<Mi thai the i|iiuintily rained post is l.y no in. a sinecure' TO TAKE OUT CONTINGENT. The Steamer Cymric Has Been Chartered An Olluwti ile. p. dih nays . The Minisli-r of Miluia rorciveil a on \\i-clne-il.iy night froui tl.e \\.ir ( Hlice, staling thai the- ste.mier C.vniric had bi-uii ch.oleic-d to I.iko .1 portion of Ihu fourlh ('..i.adi.m contingent to South Africa. Hon. { Ml Kill lien IV lie. I to the r.lplalli of the Cymric, vv Im is now in lloslon. askum when the stt-amc-r coald In- ready, and Ihe aii'Wf-r ns (h.. i vim. Id lie ut Halifax uid i e, i!v for, ti in. .sportali. ni p,ii|...sfs early in May 1'lie venst-1 is now dis,'tiiiu ,, I.UM' o( lea at lloslon I I.e * v n. i ic IN a histrr ship lo i i-i '. . \ n toriaii, which saileil from Halifax , on .lamiary 'jsih insl viuli Um >-.-, ond half of Ihc- t'anddi. i. M. .nlecl Rifts*. WILL SOON BH PERFECTED to Be Wireless Telegraphy Bound a Commsveiai Success. A Liverpool despatch says : Mr. Marcoiii arrived bere on 'I li..i.- il..\ OM the steamship Maje-tic. and piocwd- rd to l.un. I. MI In an interview on landing he suiil the icu-i.-i' oi w)\ut the chairman of the Marconi Com- pany was rcportfd by tho Central News to have mild in to Mr Morgan K iuteie,i in hi- work Mr Marconi says that he believes that Mr. I'lerpont MOIK.III is conneclcil with the European intcic-t* of the Marconi Companv. He vMniconi) consitlci'M lhat tl.erc is a jjn-at com- meniul future before uneie^N li!o- graph.v , which is rapidly I" iii(; i . , fected lievmid even his most guine expectations. f Siuci- the ii.ti oil. i, lion ol pep. the slot meters the total local con- sumption of nu* in certain di iiuls in Ueilin h.'s by mat -l.v Ti> > per cent. CKKAT HIUTALV. King IMwurd'a dinner to the poor of London has been fixed (or the fifth of July. The British Admiralty will be ask- ed to provide a naval dock .if KILL- st. ui Jamaica Seven persons VV . I , b'll IK-d to death in a fire in Hackney. Li.iidnn Kng-. <>n Saturday night. Creat Mritain will protest aguinM ihu hemp tanil established in th I'liilippiiies by tl.e I nitcd States. I 'i r.irton has challenged M San tos-l>uiu.iiu i. \ ia airship irom l.oiidi.ii to Kdinbiirgh for any sum up to $.">(' l'r< pariitioi s iO r illuminating Lon- 'ton in June have already begun, and se-.iral banks have their < tuition ' ilotluV on. A new school for the exlucation ot chiUlren of soldiei-i vv ho have (all, t durhiir the South African war be endowed at London Urislol. C.-inlilT. Liverpool. Milforc ..i.d Si.'.thaiiipton me i-xhilii: ing keci rivalry to be selected as the r.ngl-sl port uf the new Canadian fust Atliin t 1C sei vil-e A I rni ol Heading seodanifn an preniMitiiig tu each of the block s in South Africa a box of boif vegi-lable and flower seeds, an n . ."IMlllill Kill K'uKli^li bakers have raised t l.i <if brwid a pfMiny a loiif. am the t'(.!i(ien Club is trvinx to raiku a (lemonslrntion in Munchestei agninst Ibe grain tax Mr. '.\\udhnju has declare. I In t In House of Conin OILS that while it it true that there is a coinpurutivo al- ?t!tire .f crime In lie and. tlm livi* of m.n > |>oi sons me bc-iug macU mist-ruMc by illUlJildal lou ulnl l.i v- cotllng i MTI:II STA n - l-'riink K Stockton, the well-known novelist, died nuildenly on Sun. lay at Washington. A hvHVy rain ivnd bail storm has sw.-pt North TVxa<< nnd in the Ind,.. n Territory, mm h dauia ;, liing done to crops A poor. little, unknown hunch- back Rirl killed herself In Conii.ii 1'ark. New York, on Thursday, hv drinking poison About l.'Jtxi einplovees of the Cen- Klitiric Coiii|..iiiy struck Schne.tiiilv. N V. on Saturday, but later icliirneil to vvui k Sam SieM-nson. n trainer in Row- lock's /on. had hi-. arm terrihlv lorn l,v a ,., K i'(| lion, which ho wa ii.g. in Huston on ANe.lnctcla.v The Supreme Court of Illii ,MS fiiuls lie law taxniK foic'gn insiiranie com- I'.inif-i .li.inn business in Illinois t vv o per cent on gross premiums t,, I unconst a nt iniiul- 1'epprr im a means of defence may liereuftei l> earned by women v. im an- compelled to l>c on the stree's of Payroll, dhio. nt niirht, as .It of tlie tmmeio-is cases of hiKliwiiy robbery which have occui t.-d lately. At Teiio Haute. Ind. .1. P. Kim- mel. physical instructor at tne liuli- nn.i Slute Normal ^.liool. |I,:H l,i-en fntally mimed by liemg accidentally vtruck on the head with a Mi-pu-.ind huiniupi- with which an athlete wa.s practicing. OENEAA1 I'el.els in K'waiin-Si I'lovini-i- ilitem! to sei/e three pi ov inns in Southern China Chines. bandits attacked :i I! ;,sUr post ut Vi-vv-baiig. Mauchurin. kil HI one KUSSIHII oltlcer and ;ourv'iv. Cei turn i us] c-cted of s- ing n bull belou^in^ to the Khecliv* <! I i!.vp( have l.eeii tloggc-cl while ic Ce'iuatis are I niport inn thiMisnniti of xonts iiom Swit/.et laud, under thi belief that gcmls' milk U a vurv curt (or cotid'.inptiou. SONIJGHT Cryrp ^J\Jff^A for Ike *<-Uc Bar A copy of illustrated booklet "Weekly Expenses Reduced" sent free to your addres* by writing to UVU BROTHERS UNITED, TOBONTO > JAWSON WAH WRONO. JawHon, who is an Inv.-tcrute yarn ipiniiur ki.ii a bore of tuu nrvt i/i.ig- titude, hart aiiiiK ID hit) riend ic:uie harrowing t>t<>ry of a omaa whose hair had luni.-.l gry -n a slo^ie night "l-'act, 1 unituru you; I knew tho tarty." ' If >ou ! *ay yos knaw the lady in lucstion. I can quiti.- li(.-l\e jour itory to be true," commented tho i i, -ud. in a tone which made tho iti.ry-teller ft-el mthcr u ible "Of I knew hc-r," wus the :eaty answer ; "and it's not such an IMC,,,, :!!,,,:, ,,, eurrence aa you seem lo imagine. I knew a man also " " "And his hair tun., ,1 ? H a had already learned to howl lto tsrruptsd the MI-UIM. V\,!l, I or Uirt-ij tuues. an' knowed his al- ion't wonder at it." ,*.. This made Jawnon a little sulky. one mormn' the poor i-ip he spn-ilily l.-ranie interested was pructuiing a new trick he m- when his friend lemarkwl : ,..| t ., a.siomsh us wilh, an' "Yoi.r -lories remind me of a comes lo his dealh very unexpe. ady I u.-c-d in know, but she became ! He was behind the door when it rrey in a single hour in less ihun an happened I seed him wit'i my eyes tour, In fact " curlin 1 his tall over his Imc.k an r -Some tarrfW shock, I suppose." emarked Jawson. "I dare say it would be." con- -.iiined the friend ; "at any rule i'. aappened whil she was getting inar- "Oh, I understand." said Jawson. wgcly; "the man would have nn- | one must laugh This U a matter of thcr wife alive ; it would all be dis- course. Sometimes. however. the toyered at the eleventh hour ; a t--r- J'>ke is re-ally funny, as in the fol- ible *cene would ensue, and all that lowing iustanco : Mil: LOT l.\ "What are these things ?" asked till) i:usloiuer. i'encil t-r:i I.TS." si-id the shop- girl. I don't want anything that will er.isw a peni il I want u pencil- uitirk eraser " That x what 1 mernt. These are ..-marl erus,.rs. Any tiling ' "Ve ; I want sonic lead pencils." ' U.- ha-.. -i. i .in;, i. -ad peiai!s \\ have some wooden cylinder* with V, id they do .1 '.'" OT't tMl* MV MIMM* t th jumpin' through the curl. In one of his leaps he broke his back an' died." MOllli VALLA1U.K THIM.s LOST. Wh.-n tho judge makes a joke every lort of thing." "You're not within a mile of it. Jnwson." waa the unfeeling answer the hearing of a i.i:-e SALADA MAPLE SYRUP vV'e are handling large quart titie* We can handle yours to advantage. The Dawson Commission Co. Limited, Toronto. if iutt.r. Ceylon Tea Is the finest - . o A , , -.- Tea the world produces, * A PAINT nd is sold only In lead 'SURPRISE packets. Black, Mixed and Green. tea drinkcn try "S*.'J" Greco tea. "What brought you here, my poor man '" inquired Ihe prison visitor of a convicted bigamist. ' \\.-ll. '," man was moving about in the n.-i of the court, moving cluur.s and di th prisoner, "I think "This lady I refer to married ,-i f",.|- t things generally. low named fJray. and .she. of course. secan-e Cray as soon as tied " the knot A RAILWAY MAS, rXTHAORDINAEY UNPLEAS- ANT SYMPTOMS OF KID- NEY THOUBLE IN THIS CASE. Tortured by All Kinds of Pains "Young man." the judge said my trouble started (rum utteuding too many wedili:i'i " "Ah ! you l.-.iriit to drink there, or steal. per- at haps ?" "No. lady I was always length, looking at him sternly, "you the bridegroom " -*- urc making a great dt-ul of noise." "My lord." was the reply. "The fact is that I have lost my over- T)ITI D A XT ft DADCD and 1 am end -n v ..ring lo I L LI Ail U A AX Cl\ it " ." was "people often lose whole auits m j viih.,nr making half no much disturbance." the ready Comment. [ It will surprise you to see how looks, how it wears, bow easy works, bow economical it whn yeu paint with RAMSAY'S PAINTS- tke oldest and best known paints ill Canada to-day, mads from ths beat paint material to flgtat ad hot sun and storm, to outlast all others, and at just ths right price for pure paints Drop us a line and ask for BOOKLET K." FREE. Prop us a card and ask for A. RAMSAY ft SON, '-"' M CHTRBAL Paint Makers < T1MK LS NOT MOM V. A lire iiittiinuicc agent was cn- deuvorini; to persuade a Jew to in- And Aches He Tries ZTery thing sure his shop After a deal of argu- but Fails to Find Belief Till a Friend Advises Kim to Us merit on both i-l~->. the canuy Jew .'i i u Pre-eminently the 8-mt- eat Pulp Wood Prefacing Cotintry in the World The prospectus of the Atlantic Pulp and Paper Company. Limited. j'ist issued by the brokers. Messrs ' Sutherland * Cameron. Ottawa, con- tains *ome interesting reading mat- Non- ; ) Sulphurous. Odorless. Doud s Kidney Fills They Have ' V, II. wippoMng I insure my shop ter The nulls of the Company will . . Made a Well Man He is Grateful. much annoyance in uiy "My fingers would Ottawa. Ont . Mar 31. (Special Prank Chartrand. a railway mun, whose homo Is at 13O Little Chaud- 1 iera Street, has acknowledged that Oodd's Kidney rills have done- mor for him than anytlung- else in the' world has ever done He says "I luffered with backache and vco.1 al- ways drowsy and had a very heavy feeling ID my limbs "1 had frequent severe headaches, nd more times very sharp pains in the top of my head, which gave m work crump and I would have an uneasiness in ;..\ ;^g. ind occasional pains in the loins. "1 was dizzy in spells am! short of areath If 1 ate a hearty meal I would have a pain in my left aid* My appetite would sometimes l ery good and sometime* 1 couldn't rat anything. "1 had a constant soreness and tenderness over th spine and tired feeling in the region of my kidneys. "I suffered quite a little with a drugging heavy feeling across the loins. "Dodd'a Kidney Pills wers recom- mended to me by a friend of mine who had been cured, and I began to sse them. "Almost from the sturt 1 began to 'evl the wonderful improvement. which continued as the treatment roceeded. till the unplca.tant symp- toms had one by one entirely disap- peared "Dodd'a Kidney Pills have worked i wonderful cure in my can* nnd I cannot speak too highly of tliii grvat ind good remedy " What Poddfs Kidney Pills havo lone (or Mr Chart rund they have lone (or thousands of others, and :hey'II do the same for you if you rive them a chance. There are- many railway men In Canada to-day who find Dodd'a K..I ey Pills indispensable. Th*y are th* railway man's surest and best friend The constant vibration on trains and engines (s very hard on the kid- neys and Dodd'* Kidney Pills mak these organs well and able to resist iseasr ot' Hut: and and it not on tire three years after- I ward*, how much .should I get Tlie full uuio'int of the policy," uideil the agent. ' And thuppi.tln- it got on ftro one month after, how much then ?" "Well." repled tli-< agent after pause, "probably seven year*." YoLTiiri i. ' ri;isiTY. "Well, if you will excuse me." smid the guest, "1 think I'll retire." and ri-mi{ he walked towards the door and awaitod the e:<urt of hit host. 'Please, may 1 go with you ''" pleadingly excUmn-U the boy of tlic household. "And why should you want to go with me'. 1 " smilingly replied tin- g'lest ; 'aren't you miti.six.-d wilh :if'.rtable lx-<i ' ' repliej th^ boy. "but I waul lo no with you 'cause. I Ii pa say thi morning that you ex- t'l l-r-tin- nil 92OO.OOO. be situated on tbe Little Caacapedta River, at New Richmond, on tKs Bin- des ChaJeurs. whom it is proposed to rect a paper mill with a daily capa- ' c-ity of 54 tons, a ground wood oulp ' , ', mill with a daily capacity of HO tons I 4* i 1 1 i > i i i 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 i n n m 1 1 1 1 1 ni 1 1 1 n ii i 1 1 - . Evwy Stick - A Match Ery Match A Lighter '- bw tut Eddy's "Headlight Parlour Matches II ri twin SM% fr 4MMIIM out iis III *l For .!. ( II Ptrvt Mai a .ind a sulphite pulp mill with a I I M M M I M-4-fr* I i I I I I i I I I M t M U I I M- MM I M- The nu-asurinis machine made by Sir ,)os<<|ih Wlnin-orfh will measure one-mi 1 1 it nth m nn inch, and will show the cipai. 41,111 of un inch-long bar of if t.viched by the linger Ic for Minani's nif We nu o(he A VKUV SMAKT IKK: ' Spcakin' o( smart dogs." said Mr. Nlretchit. "rviumda mo of a dog I owned t'other year. Thut we dog knowiil when il was Sunday-, an' rent lo church reg'lar. un' wouldn't chasM a rabbit to save >i-r life on that day if one- went slippin' by right under hn nos. He wa tho best r.iM'it dog in the country, too. an' !o\ol Ihe sport aniariiiRly Hi- kn.iwctl lioil Save tbe King' from 'Rule Uiitannta,' an' would kivp time with his Uil on the floor when 1 vva9 piavin* >f 'em i>u in.v lidille. pup vv.iulil ju-.t do anything you told him 1 never seed his equal. I wus in hopes of teaching him to talk when he met his death Mrs. Hoaster- "Henry anil I went to the th. \\> had a box." Mrs. Bluut "Chocolate!*, weren't they '.' I suw you ia th gal- lery ealiug something." .VIcrs. C. C Ui.-hnnls i. Co lit-nt'i-uien. After suffering (or sc- v-i years with inllammatorv rhcum- .I'lsni. so bad that I was sloven months confined to my room. au.t >r two years could not dn.-s ni if hunt nolp. Y'our a in-- tie of 11IS \ '!' - I M.iy. '97. nnd nsked m to trv ' which I did. nnd vva;i so well pi.- with the resuliw I procure.1 n Kivo bottlon c on pletuly cured me and I have had no return of the pain (or ighteen months. The above facts are tv.-ll-known to .liody in thin village and noigh- borho,vl Voin* gratefully. A PAIRT. St. Timothiv. Quo . May Kith. 199. , .i I had an ;iw(ul time *hc.-n I refusi'cl hiui " Maud How do v",i aioan ?" Clara "Why, he took it in earnest, and 1 had to explain \hut 1 didn't mean it " daily capacity of 40 tons Ths wood used will be principally spruce, and it ia believed that pulp and paper can be mors tiouomically manufac- tured there than at miy other placa in America. The properties and lim- its acquired by the conipasy contain about UO'J nquare miles The com- pany has reports oa ths property mad* by llvs differsnt rangers, whone rrpor'v show that there is ,urncient wood to afford a persetual siivplv of timber One of the rangess who has ti . .el.iJ and examined limits In ths of Maine. Nuw llrimswlck and Quebec and worked in Wisconsin and Minnesota, says it in ths best pulp limit he has ever traveled over The water which will be used in th.- manu(acttire of paper is pur* and clean, ths Little Coxrnpedia River being fed by springs and is suitable for making the lines t grades of pa- per without the expense of filtering The n'.uiU-r of people einpl >vod in the Hritish Civil Service now ex- ceeds half a tuilllon Of theue over KHJ.OMJ arc employed by the Pust "Hi, .. Levor's \ '/-. (Wise Head > Pitinfec. tan' Soap Powder dusted in the bath us th water at the same Unit that it disinfects. "You say you havo a ping-pon* club in your town '" V.-M '1 >K- Drat fellow who mention* ping-pong .1." W P C. I I'M TM MOST POPULAH CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. IK tMIN. loSStSM Ml irni(, in* turn la. C i Kdwards. M P . of W I u ards : Co . Limited. men. Ottawa, \* the president of ta company. R Y Kliis. dirsctor o( P W. KIlis & Co , Limited. manufac- turing jewelers, is the vice-president. a:i,l other directors are. Charles H Waterous, president of th W ous Kngins Works Company. Linnteil. Itrantford; K. H. Thompson whole- tale paper merchant. Buffalo: A K II L'ck.irdt. manufacturw. Toronto; Charles Ly!tian, preslclent of ths I.y- man-Knox Company. Limited. Mont- real; J W. Wiirdrops, director of the New Richmond Lumber Company, Limited Montreal; William H Mc- Int.vri*. paper uiunufa.-t-irer il.xte ui- chanicftl superintendent Laurent iile Pulp Company V ari'l W H P Park- er, barnster-ar-Iaw. Toronto The sulxicrlption books nre now open, and prospectuses, with full In- formation nnd application fnrnid, may be obtained from the office of Sutherland , Cameron, Ottawa, Can- or the National Trust C'ooipsny. nil w.rfc* Me CeM. L iTe Brom.>-CJn Tablrte cure a oald oae d7 . No > are. No Pai Price U oeaie. Doctor 'Put out your tori; Little Colin N : ,. ' I did that to the leiuhej j and got a spa. iking. CARPET BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. DYEINQ lit W ft w^tHlfti'T With 'h ^^ Chaffing Keep HWs Llnirnt in the House ' Sores. ontfRt WAIT HINTI I Oen't put aie< M Ohalflitf area. II <utie*r eae* for Urn* mi CILIAOIM India'* i;.>vei mnent Now they hnvo in Kengiil alone (our million ciuchona shrubs. Minard's Liniment is used b< Plwicia"$ to Import " ra*eee a*n at nea and eurea tlM i last III t -r,". ."..IHMI Only M whales year (or blubber, were killed. TI Mitr A cetn i> \K otv. Take liiilB Bromo (Ju Bine Tabl<>l Al druaitU nfunil the mono; .r It fd lo otire. _ druaitU nfunil the mono; .r It fd lo otire. , K. w! QroTe'* atiular* ' an kss. Ue. RCLIABLC rorcnio Monet iifinaM if net eatlefaotenr. Dominion Lino Steamships Wmtnal to UnreoeL Ballon to Ur- EL~ naarior .rae 3.., ... ,.! . aM all wtiriiian, i*l| to wr WANTED Limited. Toronto. Winnipeg Montreal and Camels were >. in aul has i'l^t SOYS ' \<: and . The word "infantry" wns tirst by the Sp.mi.irila to designal- bodyguard of tho "Infante. " or heir lo tin- Sjianish ihi 6 'j liniment Uimbsf man's Friend Bugle Band P*r Our 51ty Veura Wv. Wixm.owe SUOTHIXU XTRi'i- hw h*>a ued bf ilIUoMuf n,o4kn lor ih- r . h.ulrwi h.!> t MhlDf llurttn Iko child. kli<'ni th ,inia. al./i p*i*. UUIM wtod Mlta. nMulau* u< iu>in>fh .! Nu;i. MH! m tke betreiuilj fur IMcrrha*. Twnlj ciu a t.jtvl* SoW hi dnislala Uu*ejhou> UM vur.d. H* wra *ad i* for :*. Wmuovi-tooTsiNu >an.' Aunt Hannah "Oh. I don't think alary would do such a uieun tiling as that 1 h.iM- ;i!vv .1 ys h.-ard peo- ple say oho wa.i nen.ToiiH to a fault.' Uncle CJeorge "When tho fault hap- pens to b hers, she is." Page Acme Poultry I* ol ' -ottoia and duM no* r*qulr r*U r mporl l *!. ! ntrwnf Mrl,h wlr l Noll IMC.) ui >... byWmimi in W c," .-I nd to e*r K. srM*. Tfc. ' Pc* Ac.p. 7 ' tutttsi sad TH f i|* W Ir* rc C*. , llni!t*d, Wiltmlilo. On t. ' P...-S your wife call you as many Winnipeg, MM Intlramntt, Bvoltt. Fifes. Drumi. Cap*, ate. EVERY TOWN OR SCHOOL Can ha a File and Dram or Bugle Band. f.j--WMt pn,-r ever uu,-:cj. IlluMralcii pK-li m.,.l,-d im. \Vnraii4 tot ANYMilMiin Ml SIC or ML'blCAL INS FKLMhN : N WHALET, ROYCE fi CO.. timtted NTS We wnt ftt aene tmlorthr mtn n.1 .m-'i m "rf iocuiCT. lpcl or tn*llu. la Int |.i, > new mur t*okJ u in iniptt~i,iu Uo ihreucbuiu Uke t.,n ftn.l'y H4| *iai")rrii< ni r**r rouod. .vtnmiMloa nt MUarv. $oyoo per lunth tnm bxpenee*, nutio rirr.l SIMprr 4>f. Write fur imniciiiftrn ToAUiSloe boi W. INTEmUTION/lMEDICtN. 00.. LOMCON ONT Vvooo A PHOTO. E^CR u IMC J.lJOKF^t'NC.t**^ BAV ST WtCT - lOROHtlO H-H-H-5- -H- -H-H-H- pet ii.iim.-s i\a she did when you v..i,- llrst man ied 7" 1'. nj>l as many pet oucjs." Deafness Cannot bo Cured hT local ftp!,l!rat!on. M the/ cnnnotrmeb the "i"Mr,ew. Th,r lo] oo- car" I - ifne. and that U br ootmnu- r- uiivll*,.. l)f><rnM U oAimoit br aa frt ,'ou(llMou of ihe raurono lining of the Tube. When 'hi tube ii ia llamed foa have ammbllng co-mil or leiper arlnic. asd wlien If u <-nt!rlr O!OM><| drafii.'< I* the r4u!t, asd unlro , he (Brlani mil ion ,-u h taknoutaad tksUVjbsfSMsrwl in it* normal ooadakn. Bearing will be d rr>.y . frrarer : nine taeei out of toner. o-ueed H oiarrh. which I* nothing- but aa In 'tamed . ,e.,i;t.ofi of the inn.-oe.^ r >ce , Wr> . 4 MO One Ruadrcd Do.laiifor an> BMeX l>i>a'n*M !,-,OM*.| HT ca'.i-rhi -hat an n l bi o ,-.' ny Hall'i Catarra Cure. 9Dd or olr. K. J. I'HENEY * CO.. Toledo. leronte, CaaxJa TOPRINTEK* OR SALS. TW3 7-ravolution Oampbti, Pressst. >> 40n|6 Inches. SplemJl i rder. Price tl.OOU each. Termaeaay S. rR>NK WILSON 73 Wsst f delate St., Toronto THE CAHAB* PERMANENT nd WESTERN CANADA M ORTCACE CORPORATION Invites investors o( large or small amounts to Investigate . , Its THF MOST NUTRITIOUS. 4uld hr I'rungiata. Tic. H*JI.Vml,y PtlU are Hie belt. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST- SUPPKR. 1 ! Four Per Ci-nt. Debentures ; with hal(-yearly Intereet rou- pns attached They are is- M-a-d for tixed terras of not loss than one year and are . ml by assets amounting , to $23,000,000. OF-ICIS. T/v. . .. TORONTO i HT, 1 OrOniO. .