Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1902, p. 5

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m .^ u tilt YLESHEHTON ADVANCE MAY 29 1S02 i'A.STOEeâ€" Hev.J.S.tviaon WUaon V -^ Service-jSunclajrl 1 a.n»,& 7 p. in Subjtcta for next Sabbathâ€" Morn'rii; â€" Mr. RiohnnU"M Evenin^' â€" The Pastor. Service at Cej'lun at 10^.30 a. m.. Piitatnoa fur saleâ€" S' TuTiief, Eugenia. Fri-sh liiwealwaya on hand. J. H. 'Duckett, Eiigeuw. Our mill will he closed fur the uett ton d<iy3 for repp.ir. P. LoucIjs. 5000 fei;t evi) trimahiair ;it 2c. and 3e, per fout, while it lasts. R. P. Lfj<!it«. Mr. Shc'ppartl tiikes a hidf page nf this issue toiiiim unoe a bit; i eduction sale. Bo:-:i -Fletcher, in M.irkdale, 22nd May, to Mr. iiud Mrs. J.C Fletcher,!! daughter. F. r Sii!e-OtMS bumn niaro, 8 yts. old " dn fnal. Will sell or exchitiL'C fur j^ood toad liiii!,e. VV. W. Ti-iuihle. Piirsi! lijs^Jx'tw.'eii Eugenia Mid Flesh- artui', loiitaiiiing 912.25. Finder pleaije leave at llii.s "(lice. The fir-t wiiol •'( Uia s-^ason was offered -on Fiidiy last an 1 jiftrr some .Sj'irited bidding bi ought loi cei.ts. 50,000 lbs. of wool wanted at MoFar- land &, Ricliiirfl'.s, Dundaik, in I'XchMn^o •for yiinis,c'oth, cloiliing and blankets "Highest pi ice iiaitl. The Adv;>iite is .soriy to announce the death by consumpiion if ..he tmly son of Mr. Joseih Pidlar if L"up City. Ne- braska. Du(«.;sed was a yourg ni^n â- whilst nj;o we have ii'jt learned. Money to L').v>J--.At 4h lo -IJ per cent. Expi'tisos low. Also a number of im- proved aaJ unimproved farms foi" sale cheap. .^ opiy to Gen. Rutherford, Shel- â- barne, nr DundalK office Saturday after- •n on. Cabbage, taniato and cauliflower plants fi-T sale. W. Barnhouae, Flesherton. We have heard of nn new devehipinenta in the Osprey siualljiox district, and it iiow l.ioks an though the ti.wnsbip ulficiala iiad the disease well in hand. Artemeaia township council will meet aa a Court of ReviHion on Monday next. O.sprey council uieet.s in the same cap acity oo-Saturday of this. week. On Tuesday morning the people were hoirilied at tindiim the ground aod build- ings white with snow. The 8now.-i(<irin continued all day Tuesday and TueaJay nigbt but melted about .is fast as it fell. So far we do nut think much damage has been done to fruit, but ihe unseas .iialilo wt-ather baa made things extremely disa- !.'reeable. It waa a peculiar sight ti see the ground covered with soft snow and apple trees in full bloom. A weddinij tuuk place at the iiiitise, Flesheiton, on Tuesday, the contracting; parties beini/'Mr. Wallace Grali.un of Eugenia, to Miss Bertha Charlotte Smith of the third line, Euphrasia. ThegiMums- maii was i\fr. Neil McDnnald ami the bridesojaid Miss Clara Smith, .Histet* uf the bride Rev. L. W. Thorn sent the parties away happy. Electric Light and Power Flesherton. for The aiiuual inoetiui^ of Centre Or^y 1. will im-et ill Haskelfc's hall, Markdi June H, 1 p. Ill, At 2 p. in. Prof.Lfugh head will ^peak on "Fungous Diseases," •and 7.30 on "Weeds and how to destroy them." As we ill ) til pres' on Wednesday the '.village is in possession of the fair sex, ;there being a larue iiuiiiher present as delegates to ihe woinati's missionary eon-, volition of ihe Owen Souiiii distriet. A ^report nf the convention will be pnb'ished next week. To the Farmers â€" We have s'ill onHiand SI coiisider.aille (juaiititv of damagHd iipjis- and oats >vliicb we offer for cash nr on credit, "his is a rare i.pportunity for farmers to get cheap feed. Call at once as we iniend shiiijiing'in a few days F,*T. Hill &Co., Miirkdale. Mirkdalu \% ceitainly unfortunate in its selection of holidays. Last year it was drowned out with rain and "this year it, was 1 onrly as t'ad. Can it be that the gods are angry with Markdale? Flesher- ton hul the same experience with its fill fair fur a few yems and knows how to sympathise with our sister village. We have another change of busine-s to chronicle this week. Mr. Will Smith has iold his livery business in cown to Mr.C. Patterson, iiupleineiit agent, who toi.k 3)o8S."s8ioii on Tue.sday. Mr. Smith has 'taken a 5 year lease uf the Grand Central hotel at Dundalk from the owner, Mr. Boluer.and v. 11' tak' po.sses.'-iou about the 15th of next month. Darinu a iliunder storm one evening Ust week Dr.Carter's residence was struck •by the elecuic fluid. The chimney was 'badly demoralized, shingles knocked ofl' the roiif and the pipe leading to the furnace knoeked about aid binlien. A, few luoiuenta before the era.di the Dr. was sitting ill bissiudy with his back near the. pipe, vaccinating a patient, and had ju.st moved away. It was a narrow escape, from paraiysis or soniothins; worse. None «of the iniiiatis were hurt, howeve'', be- yond gettii.g a severe fr'ghl . Mr. John Gibson, a fanner wh<i resides iOn thg Toronto Line two miles .'.oiith of this town, and who is also a stone inasoM, h;is suffered iiiBre or less for tweiitf y>-ais with a diaeaised leg, the result iif f.ii ill jury received in his youth- ful days The I'lnb brid become nnich worfe of late and he decided to part with -ti'-, whic!; he did last Satu. day Ur. E.o was th'e pcvtoi mill'; surgeon, and was hs- Rist«d by Dr. C.u-ter of Fleslierton and Dr. Sproule of this place Tlio opeiatiim -.was sue -e^Bful, amputation beim.' p-r- formed above Ihe kiie?. The pi'ien! i>, we are elad til .say. doiii<l as well :is can ihe expected, and a speedy and [lermaneiit lecovery id looktdfor. â€" Standard. The annual di.str cb nioe^itig of the «Owen Sound district WHS held in Mark- »dale on Tuesday and Wednecday of last w-eck. The reports from the vaiious cir- icuits wer« mole satisfaetoty than usual and weie very clieorilig indeed A uniqie <-feature I if tlie soswioli « a? ft verbal report lueetiig on Tiie day »-7ei iiig fiom 8 to .10, whi b was a new feature and proved very Siitls actory. The missionary fund .sbowid a Itinera! increase all rouiiJ. •Other ehuu'h funds are also well met this >ear. L>r. Liaigfurd of Owiii Sound â- wuniilv mged tbo claims of St. James .church, Montrt«%l, upon the meeting and also the iinpu-.tance of pleasing the for ward moven.ent tor missions. Rrv. T. • GampK 1! of Dundalk was appointed to the ftationing committee. The lay delo- tgftteto confeienco from Eu)(Bnia is Mr, Robt. PlanUMid.fur Flesherton Mr. M. VRichard»pq. Il has ieeti some time since v.'S made our (irst aci[uain';v:.ce with Mr. Deaj;le, will, is negotiating fiT the lii>hring of Fltsheiton b> el.ctricity. He visited us drst hist fall and pi oitised furnishing ui wi;h electric ligiit aad pi.wer. but I'wing to the difficulty lie h,ad in purchasing a suitable waterpowec at Eugenia it was nor until last Week ih'it he nncte the final arrangements Ht .Eiiu'tni.-i, and at a meet- ing of the latepaycrs .Mr. Deaele explain- ed to the saLisfactiun of I he punple his iiiiutrii^ns ai-d made ni.-aiy.vi ry f.(ioralde propi'sitions t.i the ratepayeis, liho quickly expressed their appreciation and â- .viiiingi.ess to fall in line -with cite scheme. Mr Dcagle is a youo'^ man of i.'i.niy ye:tis experience in electi4o â- -ei^'tei pris s and tljere is every re ison l<> believe tb^it lie will tjive Ihe town an eliieient soivice. In oftering pnwur ti lur miiiufactures or to any manufacturing concerns -A'.liich might be induced to locate here, is B privilege .seldom to be fiiui.d in a place if this size. It has been estimated already thatu plain- ing mill will he built in the near future to bo run by the new p >wer. A C' ninii tee of sevfcivof our prominent ci'izeus were appoinied lo arrange the derails of the scheme and assist in rushing the bns.ii, ess through. We lrti.^t the coiuini t 'e .-iiid citize.is will use every elfor to help ibe new iiidu.slry, whi. Ii wou'd be of gitat btnetii and value to the village Tiuin our II' iaiibor villages jould nub look ujvin "s as living in the d.iik mid- beioL' b.-l>bid (he times. .Mr, IX agle, has p oinisud to j^ive us as !;<) d a ligiir ehcapi-r tiiati ooi' near by villages, and tofurn:sli U-'J nitli «, niiirning service be ides, which is a mtoe I han reasonable oUVr. A* ci izens and ratepayers, we should grasp this i.ppor- tunity and give tliis industry all the en- courageiDeiit at»d aid at is pos,sib'e ti give. the P. Personals Mr. Al Huid of Toronto spent holiday with the family of Mr. W, Crossley. Miss Bert On ssley left en Monday to reside in Toronto fur a time. Mr. Fred Armstrong of Toronto is spending a wdek with friends in town. Mr. A. Munshaw and Miss IVlabel visited tlnj Queen City for the holiday. Mrs. A. Bontham spent the 24th i.i Tot onto. Mr Frank Barubodse of Toronto spent ihe holiday and isiiiiday at the parental home here. F.Ir.Wos. Arnisii'jm;of Port Arthur was the guest of his mother for a few days duriug the past week. Amonatihose who came up f^om Tor- onto for the holiday were Miss Hattie Cole, Mrs. Siuidford and Mr. Roy Ham- ilton. Mrs. Geo. Ludlow of Port Huron is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mis. I. Sinclair, accompanied by her two little ebiUlren. Joe T.Clark (Mack) now of the editorial sl,vtt'.of the Toronto Star, was in town on TIwiLsday last and gave The Advance a pleasant but huiried call. Mi.ss Eva Rutledge returned last week from Mi.i.tcl.iir, N..j.. where she hus been since be^t summer. She was accompanied liy h.r cinisin. Miss Jlaggie Rut ledge, «hn will leinain here for a in .nth or so. Mr. Harry Watt, who has hsen in the eir.ploy ol F, T Ilill & Co , f..r about 3 yeav, left .\li nday f-r Creightoo, Ne- braska, accomiiaiiied by his mother ol Ftesherlon.-â€" Standard. luistioge From Otvr Own Correitpondent . Owing to the heavy raia Sunday after- noon the atleudiincu at church waa some- what smal'. On the previous Sunday the B.ev. Brown of Creeiiiore,Hlled the pulpit very acceptably. Mr. Alex Acheaon of Euphrasia, visited recently at Mr. C Johuaon's. •sThe young men who went to see their girls on bikes l.ist Sunday, got there if ihey WBU,t eiu'ly enough in tluj day, but, how did they get home? We believe Mr. 0. Johnson haa aold his lovely home to Mr. McMillan of Swin- ton Park. Mr. Jnhn.son and family will be much missed in church and social circles. Their many friends sincerely re- gret their proposed departure. Born â€" On iVIay 13tb, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cornett, a .son. Mr. Warner bist a valuable horse by lightning last week. How to Beautify the Complexion To have a soft, smooth skin, free from eruptions and pimples, the lilood must be healthy and pure. Ferrozone invigorates eufeeiled bloocl, and cleanses it of all im- purities and poisons ; it brings color to ihe lips and cheeks, brilliancy to the eyes, whitens the teeth and sweetens the breath. No tonic compares with Ferro- zone ill rapid action and permanent re- sults. Try it. Price 50c. at druggists or Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. B. Richardsona. A Price.vi;le correspondent writes: "On Sunday, May I'l, the pulpit of the Price- ville circuit was acceptably iKOiipied, in the absence of the pastor, by one of our local pieachers, Air. F. T. Carr of Eu- Kenia, who made a, trip that day worthy uf the best traititiuns of the Methodist local ministry. Leaving his home in Eu- genia at 8 a.m. he drove to Flesherton. and there obtaining a relay of horses came on to PriceviUe. The usual distance covered by the pastor is about 25 luiles, but uwing to the distance of Mr. Carr from the circuit, by the time he reached home at 12 p, ni. he had covered 55 miles. Tlie people of the IMethodist chuiek ought lo value any member of the local mi'iistry who, for the love of the cause, will drive 50 miles and preach three times in one day." The Warehain correspondent to the Dundalk Herald .says: Death, at no time a welcome visitor, haa entered our com- jiiuii ty audtaken one of thebrightest and best ill the person of Miss Mary Morton, who, on Thursday, May 15th, at the ago of twenty-nine years and four inonlhs, passed peacefully away from the pains and sorrows of. this life and has obtained the rest which remains for the people of God. Miss Morton waa a graduate of Parkdale High School, a general favorite, a sweet singer and an earnest christian worker in religious and social circles. Ow- ing to ill health last autumn she resigned the position she had so ably filled fur years as J unior Bible class teacher. Being a Huent and interesting speaker, with an earnest desire to cheer and help, her efforts .were crowned with success in any depiirtiuent of work she undertook. rhrougho,ut her long illness even when suffering i intense pain she retained a cheerful tranijuility of spirits which en- deared her very much to heBT .datives an^ many friciils The funeral un Saturday to Mount ^ini cenieiery, conducted by Rev. .Mr. Firming of Maxwell, was very! largely attended. 5c K K & n K <3t K KS K K d<WK& K K & BLOOD POISON M you ever contracted aay Blood Disease yon are never safe tinless the rtrna or roisoa baa been eradicati^d from the sy sttim. At times yuu see alarming symptoms, I at live in Uopea ao serious results wiil follow.* Have yoa aaj uf the fullowiag ' I symptoms? Sore throat, alcers on tlie toaaue or ia the mouth, hair falling' out, ach- I j Ing^ pains itchiness of the skin, sores or bLotches on the body, eyes red and smart, dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness â€" Indications of the secondary ata(»e. Don't I I trust to lack. Don't ruin your ayniein with the old fogy treatmentâ€" mercury and potash-which only suppresses the synxptomsfor a tim£ only to break outaErain when happy iu domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on you, OurNEWMETUOD TREATMENT is guaranteed to cure you. Oar flruarantcea are backed by bank bonda that the disease will nerer return. ThouEands of patients | have been already cared by onr WEW METHOD TREATMENT for over 20 years, and no return of the disease* Ko cxperimeatt no risk â€" not a **patch np,** bni a pos^ live cure. The worst cases aolicited. Nervous ]>ebility OCn NE-W METHOD TBBATMRltT will cure yotj,and make a man of you. Under it3 influence the brain becomes nctiva, tbe blood pnriSed so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness bashfulnesn and despondency disapoear; the eyes became bri^'ht, \ the face full and clear, energ-y returns to the body, and the moral, physical and aex- "ttal systems are iaviff orated; all drains cease â€" no more vital waste from the system. The various org^aus become natural aad manly. Yon feel yourself a man and knovr marriage cannot be a failure. We Invite all the afflicted to ccmsult uf confidentially I and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earuea dollars. WE WIX.I, CURE YOU OR NO PAY. We treat and cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, SEXUAL WEAKNESS, EilXS- i SIGNS, SYPHILIS. GLEET, STRICTURE, VArtlCOCELE, KIDNEY and BLADDER DISEASES, and all diseases pecaliar to men and women. Cures yuaian* teed. DC k TTDD I ^^^ ^^^ a victim? Have yoti lost hope? Are yrn contemplating ti PnAilPn marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Ha^-e y.-ju auv ^'ca:s- ^i XlUiAUJLiXli ness? Our New Iilethod Treatment will ctireyou. CoasaitAitJsa I free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charg^es reasonable, Socks free. â€" "Tht: Golden Monitor" [illustrated Ion Diseases of men "Diseases of Women'* **Tiifi Wayes of Sia." "Varicocele, Suictm-c aud Gleet." All seat Free sealed. No medicine sent C. 0. 9. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and Cost cf Tr^atnent, FREE, for Home Cur?. 148 SHELBY ST. DETROIT K\'.CH, Flcsb^rton Furniture marerooms. i^tSr-A%~ Lightning Remedy for Cramps boiue -peiiple have cramps vretiy ofien, otbeiaonly row and aginu. But wluii you do have theMi it's a mighty ijuick re- lief you want. Pi.Uoiis NervUiiio ,i.s.a.Sj sure 'i.s death to relieve cr»B)jj8 in five' .seconds â€" it's itiKtiuU.iueoas, j'i.st a few ilrops in sweeter.ed water and tlie- p.iin i» j,oi:e. Buy a tiottle of Nerviliue lo-diiy, and keep il li:uidy. Nerviline ia a ceni- ni..n household necessity ai«l oidy costs 2'3 cents. FARM FOR SALE Only SiSOO. $500, bahince easy terms interest 5;', 100 acrtto, 75 cleared an(i under cuhivaf-ion; balance half c.idar .â- jwanip aivd half mixed hard wood. Com- fortable fiame dwelling, frsine pt st, barn half luile fiom geod scbocd and 3 nides Croiu vilhige of Eugenia. Apply to R. .), Sjjrouie, f'lesheiitun. â-  m One of CoUingrtodd's popular druiisists Went to Singlianipton on Monday, to fish for speckled trout and eauiihb a speckled heo. It appears the old olucker whs pa.ss- ii-g by and made for the worm. The p.d. called on bis pariner to help him land the I prize, and after a desperate struu^jlo 'he I speckleil beauty was 'ive; powered. It has i jiince been converted into an elegant pot- 1 pie. â€" Enieipiise. FARM F««_SALE Gilt KtlRod farm for solo, 100 acres. .32IPO, iJ^tO oaeli, ka.lanee omv torina; iVi aoros oloanil and ill «ood Btate of cu'tivatioo; 1*J %crpm inoHt tiiiitv er off. balanee woll timboreil. barttwnmi an 1 hemlock; tfi'oa Iriiuio bttvn, stable under; g.>oi) frame dwelHni! ; well fenced, watered aad in good stjito of cult vatlon; ! J miles from .Maxwill ami 2 miles from Fevoisham, where are uiilla, â- toiea. tit«.:4niilefrom cbocse factory. Apvly to R. J. 9PR0UL.E, FIe8h«rtoD. »Mâ€" jp TOWNSHIP OF ARTEnESlA Notice in liorebv niven that the Council of towushiu of .Vrto-m'oaia, will after (our publio- atiou horeof in the Kloshortoii .^dvanee news- iiaiior, tile 1st t>oiu3 on thtsbth layof May, <V 1>., IWW.proceoil to imss a bylaw to close up »Jia disiioso of the uudcruioritioned roads iu the said towuship- 1st boino a roadway ono chaiu iu width and boiiic part of lot A eon. I'J. tho centre Inio of which is doBaibed aa follows and bmng aooord- iny to a plan ma.lo by T. B. liillaad, tsq., P. L P., date i Dec. 1868, vis.â€" . ^ .„ ,. . . , CouiruaiiciiiB at a point ;>0 links eastorlv from the N, W". ftiiKle of saidlot ; thence south SSjfBioes.aO uiiu. K.,fortv.o.iechaina uioie or lass to the ooitberly limit of road dovialion crossii>(? saidlot. . . . , Hud being a roaiiwiy one chain ui width and boin«l'artotlota5.cou 13, th« contre line of which may bo ocscnbod «.i follows: Coin- menciuH at a point 50 links casterlv from the 3. W. aiisle of siiid lot; thence north degr. .v<, 3UmiaW. seven chains mi>rc or less to the aouthorlv limit of what is known as the \alhiy roadâ€" and also shown upon tho plan aforesaul. !lra b4jitiB a roadway flttv links in width the oonlie lineof which is the limit betwocu theflth and lOlfc cincession of said township from the wost«i>l.v<iinit of lot :« to tho easterly limit of lot .15 in »iiid ooiicessious. Hy order of Oouncil. ,„„»».«,, We are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, coiLsistint; of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, estensioti and centre tTibles, chairb, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc.. Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing aud General Re- S pairing. Undertaking in all its i branches. Satisfaction guaranteed. W, 11. Bunt, - - Prop. ^ ^%^%«'%^ «^^%^k«^. V«/%%'%^ T.\M WORTH Boar fog Service The un.l.irsiaiied bas pm-ohasod from Shop- pardsou of Walters I' UN afl.io thoi-oiii^hbred Tamworth boar, wiioh is held for service ou lot 1-1'j, W.T. S.K.. .\rtomosia. Tonus SI. Noble Lawrencu. [ooBi IIP ma 1912 Notice i-s hoyoby fiivan chat tho ftrst sitt.iogs of the Court of Kevision on the assessment roll of I'.WJ, Township of Oiiiroy. will bj bold in ll.i.swell ouSiiturdav, thoJlst day of May, A. V. I'JtW at 10 o'clock, a.m. AH jiersoos interested are requested to cake nolice and H»voin themselves aocordinuly, Clerk's ollice, Molutvro, .Mav ilO. 1903. THoS.SCoTT, Clerk. im 1 if i! farmers* Institute will run a cheap Excursion from the f..lh.v,-iii£t st.iiions lo E:p?riiii3Etal Fa m, m\ Via. C.P.R., on Wednesday Juneiith, 1902 Excursion Trains will leave as follows : Adults. Children. Time Owen Sound Rock ford . . . Chatsworth Ainott Hnlland U'tre Berkeley . . . . Markdale . . . . F'esherton . . Proton. ... .. Dund.iik «1.60 1.60 J 60 l.«0 1.00 160 1.60 1.4.5 1.35 135 80e. 80c. 80c. «0c. 80c. 80c. 80c. 75c. 70c. 70c. 7.00 am 7.10" 7.30" 7.37 " 7.45 " 7.56 " 8 07 " 8 20 " 8.35 " 815 " W. HOCKLEY Bargains = Bargains Here are a few of our iiiuuy bar gains for the next two weeks. Ladies wrappers, rei;. price §1.50 for 1.00 Ladies print blouses, ou sale at 5l}c. Ladles mercerized sateen skirts, roKuhiT 82.00 and §2.25 gooods.snap ac 1.50 Ladies Sailor Hals, regular price 50 and 60 cents. For -: 33 4 Men's summer shirts in fan^y patterns stripe and check, on .sale at oSc.eacb. Men's heavy Blue Derry Overalls, n !». price, 60c. Biirsain at 36 6 Ladies' Black Lm^tre Skirts, great bar- gain at 1 55 Geiitleiuana' Umbrellas, a snap at. . 75c. A iiice aasortment ot Men's spring suit- ings. Also a tirst class tailor in em- ploy. All suits guaranteed to tit. Men's Bicycle Suitsâ€" .snap at 3 50 A .nice assortment of Ladies' Waist lengths in Lustre and Silk patterns. Great bargains at 40 and 60 cts. per yard. READYMADE CLOTHING in black, brown. Grey and blue,. at greatly re- duced price. 6 lbs. clean currants for 25c. -. 2 tins sardines for 26 25 lbs. best brown sugar .... ... 1 00 22 lbs. beat granulated sugar 1 00 Turkish dyes, i packaaes for 25 3 cans Salni )n 25 4 cans corn 27 4 cans peas 37 5 pimnds tapioca 26 7 bars. Sweet H<ime soap 25 Flaked wheat and peas, 3 1 kt^i 25 Dutch f..-ts per qt 12- : Toilet soap, 3 bars for 5 Tomato catsup, regular 12c.for. . . . 10 A full assortment ot garden seeds of all kindA. A tine range of tea sets, flowered and gilt patterns, also toilet sets at e.xtreniely low prices. Come and inspect ,no trouble to show goods. 11ighe=t price for farm produce. PROTON'S CASH STORE. :« W. HOCKLEY. Arrive at Guelph ab'Ut noon. The excursion train returning -^vdl leave Guolph at 6 30 p. ra. Tickets g odto re- turn on any regular train . I line 12. Ue- freshnieuts free on anival at Farm. Come and bring y^ur family. W. J. Saunders, Alex.S.McDonald, Pres. N .G . F.I. Sec N G . F. I. l^D.Carruthers, J.I.Giaham. P«%.C.G.F..I. See.C.a.EJ. Public Notice Notice is hereby uivon that a bylaw w*s ; passed by the Council of tho tonviip'":p ot .Arte- luasia. ou ho 5th dayof way..^. D. !9a2,ii.-evifl. ii»K for tho i.isno of in;bonourt'S to the an.'Uiit of *l.iCO for tho purpose ot ouabling tho trustees of S. S No. 17 to purchase a school sito and oructa school hou.-o ill said section, and that such hvlftw «as r«gistered in tho rsfiistry olhoe for South Srey on ihe 8th day of May A.D. 1909 tny motion to quash 01 sotasile the >,aruo or any part thereof must be made within three months from thedatc ofivaislvation.andcannot be made thereafter. .,,.,^ x ...... ^.. ,. W. J. HKLLAM'Y.C'.orlt Dated this 13th dayof Mav, A. D.;iS02. The Markets. Carefully torre*- cd Eaeh Woek Oats 3& -0 38 Pens 77 o 77 Barley 45 'o -18 Butter. . Its to 16 Eags fresh 12 'o 12 Pork 7 25 to 7 25 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Potatoes h»g 45-^0 50 m i Mi Notice l» hereby -iivan Uiat the flrst sitting of the 'ouit of Itovisio 1 on the assosment ot lOOB, Township of .Krteniosin t T. 1 b luld In the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Moudry, the. second day of June A. D.. 1902 at lOo'okuk a.ij. Ail i>ersonB interested are reiiuested t,i take. iiOtlco fcud govern themselves aooordiUKly CIvtk'a oBlce, Plesharton. Slav a), 19W- W, J. BKLLAJdY. '

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