Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1902, p. 8

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»•»â- Â« M IMO^ H - JfAf 29 1902 TEE FLESH ER TON ADVAlfCE C 3* Sbeppard C« 3* Sb^pp^rtf w*r.^^r»faMHii»^»^» fci Change in Business We are about to make a change in our business. The nature of. the change we are not at Uberty at present to say, but enoughi to tellj you that for the next SIXTY DAYS You will be able to secur3 sonae of the ^Ke Qreatesi bargains q'v&t offered in ^UsJisrion . It is not often you get a chance at this season of the year to get seasonable goods at such reductions as we are going to offer you. It is not a few h'ne.s we are going to cut the price in, but everything in the store will be cut to cost and in iDiifiy cases niuc-li less,so we give von a .word of warning not to delay too long in coming as no doubt a good many of the best lines will soon clear out. The price we are goini'' to give you is only for cash orjrade. We positively will not charge any goods at present priceSi so please do not tusk for it! We are not quoting any prices as we have not got the space to do justice, but you can depend on getting, a big reduction in anythiui^ you- are looking for. -*'47iV â-  Our Stock Emounls at Present to j>')j Consisting of : 'cr>.-^*iy^-;'.:S.ir^.,^^^^l^.^.Z?r..J*r?^ General Dry Goods Groceries Boots- XiHb' giroEs [^^t Keady-to-weak Clothing Crockery Glassware Wf Millinery Hats and (Japt, gfl; And remember everything is going to be'cut to cost and less .,„ * ' ^^ The change we are going to make takes place on the 1st Aug. so we want as much of oiu- stock as possible cleared out by that time and to do this you can depend the pnces will be cut so that we will be able to accomplish oiu- aim. Any person owing ua aH account must see that it is settled before tliat time as after that date we will place them in other hands to collect. FLESH ERTON AND EUGENIA YODNG MAN ! STOP! THINK i Can v<iu eiitur tiicrciiiitilu pucaiiiis and be siwcessful wilhniil ii priictiual business educiatiOii ? Cjui you successfully enter any profi'Hsion witliuui a Hoiiiid knowledge i)f busiiiesi piiricipK'S. Tiit'ii why hi'Hiute to take a course in Sliorlhaiid i^r UusineaH Sulijecta, at tho Owcu Sound, Ont. Whore you can get just what you want in tli'j nioit imicticiil iniithuj*. Full p«r- ticulars/roii. Addicss. C, A. FLEMING, Principal. Che Fie$i)ertoti • « empoHum ? ? ? IS THE I'LACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. kinds and prioos WliipH and lashos, Trunks and Valicui, C'iinl)s and bruahos, SSwoatpiv.ls and collar (i.tds, Axle Orenne, Uoof Ointinunt and Gull Cure, Uitts and Snapj, Uugi^y DuBters and all stylos and pricu.s. Hul)bor Kul'S. Woollen Uugi, Harnoss Pol lull and Mutal I'oliaii and Euery thing in our line. 01. modre » Fiesberton Thorou};hbred Durham Bull for Service Cord Itlinto, 2^06$* ^ m^ m. .MiWMif ifjf^i^jinjp^Y'TTrrrâ€" -T-TIII Busmesiss €\\vi\fi lasagagafls^riaginss^rranaiar ,1, W. FH03T, L U. U. Darristor, Solicitor Couveyancor, eto olfi!0â€" Ne.\t to poutoDloo, fiiiroulo's block F'.^iiiortoa, every Titursda and. ooiii't clayn N Hâ€" Owen Bound ullice, Frost ^ block Poultitt Btreot eaat. LUCAS, WIIIGHT & MoARDLE iittrristors BolicltovB Convuyancors, ot OUlodsâ€" Ov»on Bonnd, Ont nud Msrkdalo Out. '>V ti Wnutit'D, McArule 1 1< Lcoas N 11-FluHbertou olBco, Mitchell's Hank' ovory Saturday. AJf'CULbOUOH & YOUNG ^ Ifaukers, Markdalo Do a goiioral banking bUBinesa. Money loanoii at a ruasouulile rate. Gull on Us. A S VANUljilEN. J l- a. Clolh^tli Div Court, Co Grey lasuer of .Mliriage liioeuses, Couvcyanoer Notary Public Auctioneer. Money to loan at 4* per cent. CbargoK modorato. FI^IiSHBRTON Jf^»eps On ^'and rUOKEK & PATTEUSON Harristcrs, Hollcitors, etO MoUon'a Dunk, Owon Rt>und HAKBY G TaoKKll GEO W PATTKH.SON V|AKAY&SAMPSON.Bari'laters,GolIoitors. .Vl OKt'lCI'JS :â€" Owen Sound, Morchant'n Bank Itlock, N. :>f l'atti>rHot) House. Unndalk, Main troot.evory Saturday. Money to loan at 14 por cent. . G. MAOKAY, MA, H.B.SAMI'riON , Li.!/. , Always in attonrlance ^t FlesUerton and Duudalk Division Oourts. RJ dPBOULE PostlpaBtot, Floahortou v-ommiasionor in H. C. J. Auotlonoar Con poyftno>i-, Appraiser and Money Iionder , Uh;vI EMtato and Inauranco Agent. Deeds I'lovtRnsos, ioasoa and wIUh carefully drawn Mil anl vaUiatious made on pljortent notice. , ni >nev to U>\uat lowoist votes of inteioat. Ool Ict-tioln attonda-i to with promi>tne88 CharoeH low. A«ent for Oeoau Dominion Stoainahip Oompony. A call solicited. For M«Bsfy Harris, Noxon, Flcnry and \yiIkinson farm implements, Floury unci Verity plows >n hand all thi- time, also all kinds of repairs for tlie same. Wo lawiufnctiu-o Wagons, HugmoH, Cutters, STeiglis, etc. Horse.-jlincing pr>mptlv attended to. Special ijttoution to tender contracted feet. Lo^'Kini; imi', IM'.-v Chains oonitanily on hand. Ji0d?tK$ ^PcutijSti'ii DR. B C. MURRAY, tj, D, S> rtontai Rurgeon honor giiiduato of Toiontii UnWersitiy and Koval Col lefte of Dental KiirKoons of, Ontario, onlineâ€" Oppciaitu Armatronu'ii .lewoUei-y Store. Will vinit Maxwell the last Wednuadaji of each months and DnntTalk 1 and 3 Thursday D each nioiitfl. AO U W meets oa tho last Monday in OH.JU month, in thoir iodgo rooni. I Ctvlatoo- block. Flosherton. atSpm. \.\ lllakely, W. M. : A M tUOson, Recorder; W nel.aiuy.Pinaaciar. Visiting bvotbrea Ijivited pmSoTr AUTHTll LODUE^ No. f » • *• " A M, moots in tho Masonichall, Strain t block, b'loah^rtou, every I'l^ay on or beloie tho full inocu. J V Itoyd \V M w .i Uellauiy, Socrotajej. m VOU WANT A CARRIAGE V Tho nnderalgnod has a I1n« aiod Unrham nil for aervico on lot Itl, T. .V 8. t). 'renii8â€"tl for grade cowa, $H for tliorouRb- rods Pedigree on npplictti ju JACUll LEVl^JR FlesherlOD P.O. TaiTiworlli Hoar for iService. Alvln ( No. 738 ) The nndor8ij;iiiid haH n tlioroHahSred Tainw >rth IJoar tor survicu on lit 110, T. & ». U., Arieinuairt. Ternw Jll.OO. TuoH. IiBVEii, Prop. Boar for Service Tbe iindnrslRnsri lia" a tine jrounn tlioiotmli- >iroU Vurkshlio boar fm- nervice Ohlvit 17«,T.A K. il., Arteine i«. Hred f.oiu .losopli l-uatlier- •toDa'* ( lox'Otn Tovunlilp, Stieiitsvill«) lient tVxik Tariua Cl. IJan.'JS U. U, una Eugenia Planing Mills . . . « « « Get your Sa.sh, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Po.sts, ]iall listers, Cor- ner Blocks.Hand Itailing, ihe bcHt of Spruce .Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all onr lines guaranteed. « « « S. Walkei Sloan PROPRIETOR i^oaiTâ„¢" Serviced Thoionuhl.iudHorkahlro Hour f.ii- service on l)t b. c^'t. 4. Ofipre). Aak for jieillgrea. TERlVtS If. WM. OI.ISTOV, Prop. UULV«n, Uay» at-l)t. OOUltr I.H.RSIIKRTON, I. O. F. moots in (Jluistoe's Hlook the last Friday evening in oMh month. Visltiug Foresters V">»r, ' >' Toloomo. O.K.. K. Waller ; K. 8., W. A. Aim- j strong. gUtUcal QR CARTER^ ^ p^^ Phyalolan, Surgeon, eto OOlee and rosidonoe-Petor Bt , Plealierton % Buadv* Democrat maaon? ^\ J. H. Hi:.\KD Si, Son have them in variety, at right prices and easy terms. Before buying any vehicle call on us and inspect onr .... linos We are agents for the best cream separator on tho market and are willing to sell on trial. « % R* Rcard $ Son. •W\Yi.. V. T. Ililjliy.-PhysiciRn, Burgeon | m3 ' etc. Flesherton, Ont 1 oaioo and Bosidouoe.Toronto street, oppoaito i tho oomotery, may bo found there day and ' .night. Coroner for County of Qroy. _____ j 1 800TT, AND 80FTI,Y „^ , ,. „ I NK-mbBrB College PhyBlc. * SnrReonn ' Ontario Gradnate in Medicine of aoiouto University, Kollowship Din onia, lost Uiadii- at Bdioal School aurt Hosiiitnl. Chisago, diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat Bpooally « vf L«^S Xiv;unffiWUV\nruwifW»;trinnnJiruirLnx Photos T treated. H. soprr-Y, Fevorehani. JOnS A. SCOTT, axwetl. â€"TAKEN â€"AT THB T P Ol'TBWiaiiti ' Veterinary BurRoon firadnate of Ontario Veterinary Gollese. residence â€" B3oonii door eoutb west on Mary street. This street ruus south Presbytorian Oliuroh. I Flesherton Photograph GVV. M V > C TC V..t"iii*i V .-^ai-R.^on and npti(ist. Max- well, Rra(luiu.j of Ontario VxU-'iiimi y I'l^UeRe, cililiatoil witii Tmonto Uiiivjraltv. Vi«il» Miiten IK Wndoesdny trouilt a ni. to 8 p. m-, t,n I'nvi r»h HH Thursday from i! to 4 i', in. YORKSHIRE BOAR 1-^ Gallery p uro ilouo in firm-c'.iiKS !«tyle and hi *; lowist rntci Spocial Htt«n'ii>n [5 ptivoM to coj.ytna. Bahios' idiolos. K a J4;ioci!»lty. Pii-tuio» fmraed. 0| MRS BULnnR j§| Bring along Yr\ I^untlry, B, Olilson = Tiesbertoti « « Fleshertons* Tonsorial Parlor WA>fTED-BAUnKR ApI'HKNTICE good chance to learn ft>r tho right young man. For (ervlcennlot 130-40, .irrt raune W. T. * fl. H., Artemeila, a thorou ((libred Yj-k<hi \ White boiir; Terms »l. K. CAIRM i.Pr ip' Ptopgtho VoiiKh nnd works off the (;old I.«xatlr« Brono-Qiiinlne Tablets euro a cold In one (l»jr._ Ho Cure, No Payi' Pi"!* 4S *ent8 JI.ain$on « Â¥Usb«rton

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