JFUsIjrrton Mijance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." â€" " PRINCIPLEh NOT MEN." VOL. XXn, NO 1036 Plesherton, Qnt., Xliursday, June o 1902 W. H THURSTON, ^""'^^A. KIGTOB Cbe Boers are Conquered after R 33=iiiotitb Olar , • But we are selliu!» our Belt Buckles and Hat Pins At prices Trithin tlie reach of all. Theae are not cheap goods but are r>'al bargains in reliable goods. Hurry up and secure something good. Regular gl 00 Belt BuckW8,5!iIe price 25c Regular §1.00 Hat Pin.s sale price... 25c ReijuUr 50c. Belt Bucklee.sale price. 15c Ufgular 50c. Hat Pins, sale price. . . 15c Regular 30c. Belt Buckles, siile price lOc Regular 30c. Hat Pins, sale price. . . 10c BiACK Belt BrcKiES. Regular 50c, Mie price only 5c These goods were Travellers' ' Samples and we bought the stock AT A BARGAIN and are giving you the BENEFIT of cur close buying. Call and see our stock as we feel satisfied th»t wo can suit you and save you money :.n your purchases. W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON Eugenia the visit new Mr J.B Ei^antook a trip to Owen Sound on Saturday. Mrs. Egan who ha.s been spending the past «ctk there, returned home with him Their little infant baby t<!ok sick while tlicie and at liaiu of writiug ia no better. Mr W. "iJollina, urganizer for Orio.-itfU Frieals, 8 ia Town this week iiig the lodgo and adding some members. Mrs. G. Collinaon aud daughter, who h:v.s bi'ai) spending a couple of months with friends in New X^fk, returned last week. Messrs. Vfiil and Angus Muir came down from the Soo last week. Mr. T. Glencross of Traverstim spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. R. Cook. Mrs. J. Cairns of the Queen's Hotel, who has been sick the past week we are plea-ed to say is improving. Mr. Junes, who h.is been ill for some tinie,ne are sorry to say is not improving. Mr. Alex McKay'shorsei ran away from the stalion house on Thursday last and tooU aw h-jel almost ofiF Mr. T. Clrsleit's wa!i-iOn. Along The Ottawa From Our Own Correspondent.- Born â€" At Saleiu, May 22, to Mr. and Mis. Fred Legard, of Toronto, a son. Born â€" Near Eugetdii, May 27, to Mr. and Mrs. R'lbt. McMullen, a son. Diedâ€" May 28th, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. -McMullen. Dr. Bibby is around vacciiiatin^r esery- bo<ly, from the baby in itsi mother's ai'ma to the hoary headed veteian of eighty years of age. .Haxwell e'rvm Our Own Conre^fumdent. Mr. Will Moiicton of Toronto visited a few da^ys last week a: Mr. Olassf.rrd.'a Str. Dave McHaveuy raised his new barn last Ftiday. In the eveniuj he gave a party to the young folks which they enjoyed to the suvill hours of the nioruitig. -The home of Mr. Will Wright has been brishteneil liy the arrival of a young son. Mr. and Mrs Thurston were a callers in our villas^ on S.iturday. Mr. Lou Sanders of Toronto, visited at Sir. Fleming's last week. The home of Mr. Edward Pedlar was made happy by the arrival of a young daughter, June 2. Mr. W. J. Wright left Ust Thurday for Farry Sound, where he intends to work for the suanuer. Court of Revision met here on Satur- day. Vinegar Hill. From Ortr Own Correspondent Weather is very wee and the fanner little beliind with lus root crop Mr. Andy Fawcett and '.vife are vacat- ing at his parental home. A very pleasant time was s>peut last Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Smith's at the recetitiou of their daughter, liertha and Mr. W. W. Graham, who was united in maniaue at the Presbyterian man=e, by Rov. L. W. Thorn of Flesherti.n. Mr. Geo. Stuart aud Mr. B, Kawcett of Du-.idaik piaiised over Viuet-ar Hill la-st To the EMor of The Advaiiee. A twenty- fourth of May drive from Hawkesbury to Point Fortune, a village thirteen miles down the river, revealed the Ottawa valley in all its spriny beauty. The rain of the two preceding days had removed the traces of the dry weather c:j ' and had given a fresh start to all plant [ " life i The villages sighted oa the way were Little Rideau and Chute-au-Blondeau on the Ontario side and Stonefield and Greece's Point in Quebec, botween'.Little Rideau aud Chute a Blundeau was seen the Cook place, where fifteen or twenty years ago one of the most dreadful murders in the h'story of the province took place. On the north .side of the road between two barns, stands the shed where Fred Maun killed Cook,Henior,with an axe. Ou the south side is the stone house where George was killed and Win. wounded, while just east of the house la the shed or granary as it is called where • Mrs Cook aud her daughter were strangl- â- ed. Strange to say, of the four survivors , of the terrible tragedy, only one now ; lives, and she is by no means strong. For , some time it was difficult to get a tenant for the house,as everyone wished to shun the spot. .\s the Long Sault, which begins at Hawkesbury, ends ac Little Rideau, and as many Indian relics have been found in that vicinity, many suppose the ureat en- counter between Dualac'a men and the Irotjuois took place there. Others be- lieve che battle, or rather series of tiattles was fought farther down the river at the foot of the chain of three rapids of which the Long Sault is the firsr. Acro.ss the river from Poinl Fortune to ; Carillon (pronourced Cirryaw) is one of ! I McFarland, Stafford & Co. i J HARKDALE, ONT. ^ I 6reyeounty'$Bid9e$t and €beape$t Store [r 6i8 Pains | BOOTS and SHOES | AT I Regular Ualue* I 1 3 Wondtr are th-'y buying fat the laruest dams iu Can.ida. The dam â- was built not to give power, although i's A number of ihe mountaineers went to ' possibilities m that respect ateareat, but Muuuay pi^s? church at Duncan lust Sunday evening. They say they all went together but Tom came back alone. Mr. Freil aud Miss Clara Smith took in a wtddint' at Mr. John Cr.iwford'3 last; Wednesday. They^ reached home some time in the siu."vll hours to assist in navigation. By means of the dam the river above was changed from a j rapid into a navigable stream. It w;»s ' only necessary to build a short chansi to [ ;ivuid the dam aud the rough water below i i*. And the water below it may well be ! avoided for it would play Iiavoc with any Kockvale. FromOwr Oia\ Correspo^ide^it. Nearly all our people celebrated the 24th iu Markdale. Some not being able to wait until the day arrived, left on Fri- day and every day since has been mark- ed by the return of some of ^he wanderers. Messrs. R. Phillipti, G. Alton, and F. Tuehy attended the celebration in Orange- ville on Monday and report a "high" time. Mr. Park was off work on account of a lumbago attack. Mr. J. Chard, St., who has suffered in- tensely, is much woree this week. Mr. j. Thompson had his hand again badly jammed recently. The niasoiicry of our new school w.v computed last Friday, and presents quit a fnvorable appearance. Veneer is now beitig manufactured a' the uiUl here in addition to shingle.s, thus affonliiig woik to many handi. Mr. J oho Porteous, jr., elevated his barn last week and « ill place a stone foundali<n under it. Mr. John Simp-son's handsome new barn is now complete*! and makes quite an imposing appearance. It is large, con- venient and splendidly built. M>. R. Porteous is erecting a fiame addi'ion to his ne* brick residence, to be used as a kitchen. Mr. J. Whitteu is the contractor. feyloB From Our (h^ Correspomlent. Mrs. S. Stewart left .>n Friday to visit friends in Toronto and other points. Mis. Morgan, sr., of Duudalk is spend- iBf( a o«)uple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J . B. Egan here. Jlrs. W. 8aiith of Toronto is spending a few woeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ashdown of this place. Mr. and Mrs.Summervilleof Creemore gpeut u uay at jlr. » . McMuUen'a the past week. 'The; were on their way to Walkertuo. / Two of our young mountain ladies, ordinal^ craft. At the foot of the dam while taking a pleasure walk last Sunday ^ the waves with their spray leap ten or 12 evening received a very vjdden scare by feet 11. to the au-. i what they supposeil ro tie a bear. The | The canal, which is built through. â- Jtr's fled" homewards. Carillon, is something over half a mile in ; Miss Jane Smart has returned after a length and contains" four locks. On Sat- '; month's visit in Gleiielg,with her brother, urday, passing through this canal was to : Will Smart. be seen snmethmg worth g^'ins; miles to; An Item appeared in our budget during witness. It vvai a raft of square timber , March last which, although uniulentional, j *â- ' appears^to have given umbrage to c«rtain parties. In speakini; of a certain young man who had his face injured your scribe said hehoped it would not turn to '•Mahaffy's eounplaiut." This was said iu all innocence as Mahafly is known to have died of cancer, and your cor. can- not understand where there is any caluse for complaint. Ho certainly did not intend to wound anybody's feelings. Pricevllle from Our Oiou Con'espondent. The people of this burg were treated to a surprise Tuesday morning of last week by finding snow on the ground, which is rather an unusual occurence at this time of the year. However it has occured be- fore in this section. We are informed that 27 years ago on the 25! h of May and 33 years ago on the 29th of May there was quite a fall of snow. Election day passed off quietly here ex- cept fur a Uttle interest taken in the South Grey conti-iit. Of course some wagers weie up on the elections and ctin- sequeutly some are feeling a liitle sore. Oue party was to get a Meerschaum pii)e, but it turned out to be a mere-sham as his pirty was defeated. Too bad but it can't be helped. Everybody should attend the lecture in the Presbyterian church on Friday even- ing ihe 0th inst. Subjectâ€" -The Land of the Shamrock and Heather. Limelight views ten feet sq rare of sceies in Ireland and Scotland will al»o bo shown by the iBcturor, Rev. R. Atkinson of Toronto. We are sorry to report Mr. Robt. Coa- kcy seriou.sly ill of cancer of the neck. Mrs. Alex. NVhyte wns vtry sick last week, but we are pleased to say she is recoveriii'^. Mis* McMillan of Swiiiton Park spent belonging to Hurdinan the lumber and timber dealer. The raft consisted of seventy-seven cribs each .1 bout 25 by 30 feet. The cribs probably averaged twenty sticks. The crib* were divided up in bauds of five, the greatest length that would go between locks. To manage the raft were seventy- five voyagers â€" most of them half- breeds, very Indian-like iu appearance, but speaking the French language. -As the majority of the raftsmen receive §45 per month, some i lea of the expense of mov- ing the raft from Mattawa toQuobec n'.ay be formed. It had to go through th§ canal as the booms leading the side in the Carillon dam were w.a3hed away during the spring freshet. The raft looked much like a small village afloat. On the different cribs were the sleepimi houses e,ich about 6 -x 5 feet and made of rough half-inch lumber. Then there were the tool aud supply house and the kitchen made of the saiu-s material hut much larger. On the timbeis beside the sleeping appartmeiits, were the trunks of the raftsineu (if they possessed such) and on the roofs were clothes u'ldet^oing the drying process. Then there were the boats, most of them the oi^Jinary pointers or river boats ; but one wa.s a beautifuly made and painted bark canoe intended for a crew of six or eight. In the culinary depaitment weic the regulation articleH, pork and l^aiis. Some folk she say batl for leever. But for man woi k hard on rcever Dats de bes' fiug I cau to!e you, Dac was never yet be seen ; Course dere'sovJer tia^ ah tak' me, Fancy dish also I lak' me. But w'eu 1 want somethina solid, Pieust pits me pork and bean. Cro.isiii:< from Point Fi>rtune was seen the steamer "Sovtrvign" which had just atrivi-d from Montreal. This steamer makes ci'uuec'ri'jh with the Eniijresa which sails downstreiJB! from Ottawa, by means A sale without a parallel in the history of legitimate advertising. Whatever you see in our ads. 'you can bank on it as being exactly so. f ALK OF FIXDS, PICK-UPS, SNAPSâ€" we'll put on sale Friday Morning a stock of boots and shoes at prices that will startle the countiT. We're noted for ha\'ing remarkable bargains at all times, but here's a sale that will eclipse anything ever at- tempted by us before. We have been fortunate in securing " at a very low rate on the dollar" part of a bankrupt stock of boots and shoes, and as we al- ways are searching the markets for bargains for our customers, we are going to sell this lot as we bought at about ^ to ^ their regular value. You can judge the whole lot, 618 pairs, by these few prices. 58 pair Children's Sl.OO boots for 29c 52 pair Boys' Lonij Boots, worth SI. 25 pair tor 20o' :30 pair Misses' S1.25 boot^ for 4.5c 32 pair Mis-ses' Sl.OO, low shoes for 38c 38 pair Mi.«si>s SI. 50 Fine Boots for 55c 28 pair Women's 81.50 Fine boots for 50c 58 pair Woman's S2..70 fine boots for 89e 1.IS pair Men's ^.0<) to ?4.5«3 boot3, all one price j^Mfct- â- - • 9^*-' These are uiidoubtly the biagest bareains ever oft'^MHR boots and shoes in Markdale â€" Yes in Grey County ; but we bouahM^LmyChoap and will sell them cheap. It is not big proHt^dfte are IooH^H^ot,* but a bigger business. We are determined to keep this bu'H[W8|"erowing. Wbi'.e boots will be the centre of attraction for the next feS^ days don't lose sight of the fact that we m.ay save you money on Kiany other lin- s. During .June every d»partmont will offer special banj.iins. .4sk to see the 20c. Mercersilk on sale at 9 cents. We advertise this sale for Friday morning so as to give the people in the country a cliance to get a good choice : but we would advise you to get there early â€" eight o'clock will be none too early for us. I M^S^^i^lki^d, ^tkffoi^d & Co. I R G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON 50,000 LBS.OF WOOL. 1. 'M'vjnmujuei.i.juaBXBsam^m Saturfa^amiSunday wUhMr«.(Rov)J. 'of the Grenv.lle and Carillon niilway A Matheaon ! ''hii^h wjus mentioned in a former letter. The many frieads of Miss Lottie Tryon Ifc' ''de Rau-e track, hollow iron rails, will be ple.-wcd to have her with them â- primitive wood-buri.iiig engine, and old- a««in after siwsnding » year in Detroit. i fashioned c^aclie^ make it quite a draw- Misi Minnie Muiwhaw and Miss Chap- i ing eard t" sight-seekers, man of Flesheiton Sundayed with Mise ! I*«^'"t K.rtuue i.^ frejiueuted by anglers M. McDonald of the O.D.R. »>'d on Satui-daj the slioro wa.- brusthug Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Braithwaite of with roda I ish going up stream usually Durham spent Sunday in town. remain below the dtwu. 1 he kind.>^ caught Mr. O.E.Watson of Durham Sundayed \ at <hU tune of swison are dore and small with his parents here. j "'''^e 'js''; Minnows are used alnost ex- , Mewrs. Herman an Allie McLean of 1 clusively for bait, and maybe obtained' Markdale spent Sondda/ at their home froin boys for 5 or 10 c«l>t8 P«r dozen. 1 here. I *^- ^ ***• 1 iutter and Cgg$ In any quantity R G. KARSTEDT T