Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1902, p. 4

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. jUNE 5 1902 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE â- *«p â- *ii"r ^mmmim^ \ f. t. hill & co. l "55 '^ T wvwyvvwvtf Hardware White Swiss and Fancy Muslins. Hundreds of ynvila of beautiful ({uoUs, in Hpots, figurPH, stripun and clifckH, hIho fimcieaâ€" u most oupurb oil ectioii at 10, 121, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18,20 and 25 White and Black Organdies. Beautiful, fine, full width goods, iit 18, 23, 25, 80, 36, 37^ and Full assortment of Linens, Piquea. Crashes, Ducks, etc. 40 ^ Got oar quotatioiiB on HARD- o VVARE bcloro you ni.nke your 2 next [lurchaBO. Many li.avo ul- j^ 2 ready done uo and Iiavo saved £ WHITE MUSLIN SHIRTWAISTS Handsumuly finished tiiio MuhHh goods, trimiiv'd with Ihco or in.si'rtion, buttonud backs or fronts, nuw cuffs. This is one of the moat complete collections you'll find in these very up-tii date goods, prices rimaint! from 1.25, 1.35, 1 50 up to 2.40 LADIES' COTTON HOSE (fast dyo) Nearly one hmidrud dozen of the best value cotton Ho.i9 we've ever handled, splendid weisjlit, full-fashion- od,fnat dyo hose, at 10, 12^, 15, 18, 20 and 25o. Our 10-cent s'.ocking is as good as you usually get for 15 eta. LA.DIES' SUIMMER VESTS. 50 dozen very fine, right priced summer vests, long sleeves, hidf sleeves and sleovoless. Those are very nice, boaulifully trimmed efo'jds and are unsurpassed in value, ciieh 5,10,15,17,12^,20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 50,000 pounds of Wool wanted during the next six weeks. Kor which we arc prepavod to pay highest cash or trade prices. We have just placed in stock an unusually larae supply of Blaiikata, Flannels and Yarnb, bought at specially close prices and which will be sold accordingly throuo-h the wool season. ° You will find us thoroughly prepared for the big^rest kind of business, bargains s^roeting you at every turn thr(>Ui<hout our largo store. 200 pair MEN'S ;READY TO-WEAR PANTS We've had these made from our own goods and there're right in quality, workmanship and fit. Wo can give you any kind of trouser you wish, be it .vorsted, ser«e or tweed, at ihe lowest price you've bought equal ([uality. Just think of an all-wool'tweed pant at 98c. (all sizes,) better ones at 1.00, 1.10, 1 25 1.35, 1.40, 1.60, 1,75, 1.85, 2.00,2.25,3.50. 2 75, 3 Ooi ""'d 3.40 men:s balbriggan underwear. Large and small sizes, finestrons throad,nono better or more satisfactory. Wo have (hem at 25c. ,35c 40c. 50c. Also saihe price for heavier goods if you wish them. Two Lines Linen Towls, Special. 35c. per pair pure Linen Towls each I2i 22 and 19c. per pair pure Linen Towels, each 7| Extra values in Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Curtanis, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. '^mmmmfmf^ F.T. HILL & CO, WWWWWWWWM^ The Cause of Deafness Deafness and impaired hearmu are due alnirst entirely to catarrh.1l inlliiuinialion of thoenstacliiaii tubja . Perniunent euro is guaranteed to all who inhale C.itanho- zono as direct -d. This veyi'tal)l(i ant isuptic is inhaled at the niouili, and aftor lia- versing all the air pissages of tiie rc-spii-i- tory organs is exhaled thiough Iheiii â- suils; it compk'tr'ly errmlicates eatarrli from any [)ait of 'he sy.stcni, clears the rars, nose and thioa', and allays iullauniialion, cnn- gestioii and sfitiiuss. lAr deafness. Ear- ache, Ringing in ;ho ears, head noises, catarrh nalliina, and bionohitis, medical science can deviKO nothing us beneficial as Caiairhozone. Cooip'ote outlit for two months' use, price SI. 00 ; trial size 2oc. D.u^^iiist orN.C I'olson & Oo.,KingalMn, Ont. QovernmenttjJUajority 4 Following are the men returned in last 'J'hursday's election: IJBEKAL MEMBEItS ELECTED. N Brant, S Braiit.,Brcekville, N Krucd S Hruce, W Durham, S Ks.iox, Vl. W'm.- L. of W., N Grey, Ualdimand, Uallon. E Hastings, E Huron, W Huron E Kent, W Kent, Kingston, E L^inl>U.)n, N L«n- M-U, Lennox, E Middlesex, W Middleaei, Monok, Muakoka, E Nipissing, W Nipie- ging, S Norfolk, W Northumberland, S Ontario, N Oxford, Par'y Sound, Peel, S Perth, E Peterboro', W Poterhoro". Pt. Ar. and R. R., Proscott, Prince Edward, N Renfrew, S. Renfrew, Russell, C Siiii- eoe, K Sinicoe, Stormont, Wellond, E Wellington, N »\'ontworth,S Wontwoith, E York, N york.-51. COKbKKVATlVK MEMnEKS ELECTED Addiiigton, Algoniu, ('. Bruce, Card- well, Carlett/ii, Dnfforin, D<indaH,E. Dur- ham, E. Elgin, VV, Elgin, Es.tox.Froiitonnc, (rlengarry, tironvillo, C. (Jrey, S <>ioy, E Hamilton, W llauiiltnn, N Hastinns, W Hastings, S Huroi., W I^mibti.n, 8. Lantrk, L' tdn, Lincoln. L' lulon, Mani- f.mliii.N Ni folk, E Mor'.hum'ij lirid, N (Jutario, Oitawa, OiiawH, ,S Oxford. N, Perth, Sauk iile. Mane, »v Sinicoo, E 'I'liionto, H. Toronto, .S Tomnt", W Tor- onto, E Victoria, W Victoria, N. Water- loo, 8 Waterloo,S Wellingion,W Welliuu- ton, W York â€" 47. Pr. .)ani:i son's maj.riiy in South flrey iras 438. in Nonh Orny McKay, the Il.<fonn caiidiilato, wsj» d to be eleo'ud hy only 8 of a inijoiity, nml ilio ei.nsL'rvaiive.i tliink II will lio an inay matter 10 uotiiitliiiii out (ju-irily and give the h it to liieul I n<eiii. Uer, Air Boyd. 'i'he 'i'moiito Wi.rld thinkN that wl'.on ovuiyihing js ailJiiHl. (I Mr. W hitnuy will hold the iuin< ul ol)ice niili a uiuj >ii'y of tlirt r fiinr, All. fMunro >•{ North ItenfriMv died nn Sitiir.layJIa.st, leaving the g'lVon.njyiil'a ixjlij tl inij oily a-i U litai; 14 at pr cut only 3. â€" •>•««». .• â€" dure Cyre for 51cK Ston.i:h iSuirh m »l.»;lio,» a» N tu iua,Hii:k Sloiu ic'i, Ci\iiii|>.i and (>'olie, )io!>l iiii'a I'lytu Pol- son's Nhi vilinn, a.i I if yoii nnll'or pt-iin.i lonlly fr •III au, n: tlivao cuin|d linls juit ke.-|> N.rvniue ban ly and takj » few Urops ill r'diur for i|uiu1( relief, A laii(u 25o. I>(it.<lu of N.!'vil.ne IM a eonifort atil HufMgiHfd III aoy h aiajbolj, an I lyi I '•a'O great •iiffurinx and big d •otur.V bilU wv ry f*«, Do you U'fo Norvilinn { Try u, Honor Rolls Standing of S. S. N0.6, Artemesia, for May. \ Jr-Vâ€" Richie Stoi.o, Sadie Fletcher. I Entrance Claiaâ€"Ntdlio Butter, Katyl Fletcher, Ktliel Harrow, Mabel Mc- ; Arthur, equal ; Hunter Ha^j^Mw, James 1 Whittaki^r. | Class IVâ€" Tho3 Butler, Willie Fletcher. ! Class HI â€" John Cairns, Robert Spicer, I V. Uazzard, Alex. Muir, Mary Muir, S.' WhittnKer. j W. HOCKLEY Proton - I>r»otori ^Banted 2000 lbs Butter at 17cts per Ih. 2 tons of Wool required at IG.ts. lOUO dozen E^gs at 13c doz. Class 11 sr-Anna Bella McLcod. Mary ! Theee are bona fide offers and will a on, ^ . Butter Janet Fletcher, Robt. 1 ^,„od for the next two weeks, 'atoii, .1. Muir, Aniiio A. Snell, Ruby,, 'earl Stiino. 1^"' stock is complete in every line P, Patoi Pearl CIns.-i II jr.â€" Bert Whittaker, Katy McLeod, Aggie Harn.w, Win. McArthur, Mangio lioyce, Toininy McAithur. Pt. IIâ€" Stelhi Butter, I'oiiiniy Spicor. Pt. I sr.â€" Enoiia Whittaker, W. Spicor, Fidsfy Puidy, Mmnie McArthur, Aimie Muir, Edi.a Kletchor, .Jolin D. Hazzard, Harry llazzard, Rita Boyce. Pt. I jr. â€" Joniiina Spicer. Average attendance 40 J. L. Wood Teacher. Ri port for May, S. S.No.lO Artemesia, Ceylon. Sr.TV Irene Lcg.ito, Joseph Hemphill. .Ir. IVâ€" Nestiii Collinsrm. Laura Piper. .Ir. Illâ€" May Stewart, Win. Ilawko. Sr. Il-Stanley McMullen,Wni.Sproat. Jr. IIâ€" Zilliv McLeod, Cecil Legate. Pt. Il-Willa McLood.Vora McMullen. Sr. Iâ€" Howard McCauley, L. Uawke. Jr. I -Charles Chislitt.John Hemphill. AverajjO attendance 4(1. T. J . CotgtrETT, Teacher. every line ciu- liedin a general store, inoluditig Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoos, etc., and wo are to thM frcnit wiih a new .Slock of Ruadymade Clothim; just arrived at low juices. Also a a l:irge a.ssorinioiit of Crocke Dishes ai.d Ula!).-.waie. liery, LOOK ! 4 cans Peas 25c. 4 cans Corn 25c. 3 cans Tomatoes 25c. 6 lbs. Japan Tea >. §1 00 ft lbs. Black Tea $1.00 Vinegar, gdlou 28c. 3 cans anod Salmon 25c. Flalc«d Wheal, Peas and Rice 7c. Report of Rookvalo srhnul for the mniitii of May. ClasH IVâ€" Victor Phillip.s Elwood flenoe, Ri ".-le Russell. Clis^ III sr. â€" Rota Thompson, Jessie Phillip.-«, Georgo English (oqual) Joseph Sioipson, Kthel Fislii-r. Cla-s HI jr.â€" Vera Philip<i,Finley Hoy, W'dior UusHcU. [ Class H (,r. â€"Maggie Fisher, Jennie | , Park, Nellie rodlar,Fred Russell, Walter I Aki:t. Class II y â€" Leila Clark, Sniii Simp- I ' H.jn, ErlgiU' B.-tb", Fannie Poitoous, Ut-o. ' ' Park. I j Pt.TI sr. â€" Liwii IVllar, Edna Park,' I Ernie Kusnell, E. Arm»iri>ngMay Oilles- 1 i pie. I Pi. If jr.â€" RiHiie Clark. J. Arinstrong, I Annii- Hel.is, May W liitn. 1 1 Pt. I or-Horley Phillips. Abhio Oilles-; j pie, (Jerlie Fihh â- !•, Allio MiDowoll. ! I Pi I c!a.^s 2-Edwin Smth. Eddie' I Whit.'. Beta Bett.s, la.iliella McColmn.. Class No. I - Ella May Ou-ioe, Minnie! Armsiroiig, An lie Podlur.Frankie White, j I Avi rage fur the month 44 U. W. Stafford, Teacher. I I look: liadies' Wrappers 79e 36 inch Muslin per yaid 8c. Men 's* Overalls 39o. Crush Ton eliug 4c. 30 iuch Sh.iker 9c. Ladles' Blouses 39c. SmnmorCi.rKBls 25c. Boys' Long liools 75o. iUindsor Salt for Sale* Full lissoitiiii-nt of Wall Paper in stock. W. HOCKLEY. 1 The Corner Rto:i» l.iying of the big hHjar f-u-foiy in Wiavl.'n will taku place <•., next Thur-vday. President Mil's i^f Onlarii- Aurii-itlturnl Col|-g.', will perf.irni I ill" ceroinony, whuli « iil be culebiated in n nianiier hoStin.; such an iiiipnil.int i«'Ca>l(>ii ExiiirsioiiH by rail and water me l|.-ii g niraiigwl for from all nvailnble |i iinl-*. Bi'sides the Kt binds to lie pre H-iil llif-rc will be eboiil-'ea icndeeil in wii T'^O voioe.s «ill tiiko part. 1500 nui'i of Viirioua nocic^it-s nil! panvdo in re'.;ii'ia, anl the ov^ming Imiiipiet will bo nne of the feat uiea of history. A areat ffeal of interi'Kt ooiitrcH around the Wiar- ti'U.Sii^;«r f tot) irr, which is tha pionoor ^'usiiiKttnu of till) Itind in Ciiiiada. A Good Time Piece is a Faithful Servant. We make a Specialty of Reformlnif Uie "won't-po** kini. When we repair a watch or a clock we euarantee it to go accurately, and gfuarantee it to keep a-golns: accurately. W.A. Armstrong, ^CWCLER AND OPTICIAN ri,iFBHERTON. Boydyliickliiig^^ » FL£:!5HE:RTo:»r June inery The season is advancing and one's tbougbt.s naturally turn to "Siminier" Millinery â€" the "Spring" Han was all very well in its way, but now .something more distinctly "Sumniei-y" makes its Avant felt. We've prepared for this and although our spring col- lection of Millinery novelties has received popular favor, as our .sales testify, we can now eclipse our showingâ€" our later purcha-ses incbide the very latest ideas in Summer Millinery Novelties. Tf you want Rigb classâ€" iip to date IHiliinery, me ean please you« » ^ Don't Miss This Opportunity! $1.50 Sliix*t Â¥ya.istis fox> 79c This week wo place on our Centre Table i30 Ladies' Shirts Waists â€" all new and stylishâ€" some buttoned down backâ€" all new cuff and sleeve â€" nicely trimmed, good embroidery and insertion â€" the lot includes white and colors and in the latter you'll find some very dres.sy efiects in striped and fancy cambrics and zephyrs â€" all good sizes. We sold these in the regulai' w\iy frmn $1.00 to $1.50. Special Avliile they last TScs Or This II $1.25 Skirts for 89c. Just one dozen Ladies' White Pique and Linen Crash Skirts â€" ^.jiist the correct thing for summer wear â€" cool, durable anti com- fortable â€" well cut and well ma<le â€" good range of sizes. Kegularly sold for $1.00 and $1.25. Special 80c. $2 GO Ladies' Low Shoes for $L Sh 30 pairs Ladies' Low Shoes â€" sizes '2h, 8, o^ and 4 only â€" au overstock of smaller sizes in rapid selling and popular lines â€" all new lasts â€" mostly black dongola, but .some chocolate colors are included â€"some are lacedâ€" -others strap and button- some pater t, others plain toe caps. Kcgular Price from {j^l.25 to $•2.00. Special at $1.00 Five Cent Butter Towels A special purchase of 50 dozen pairs attbrds us a chance to offer a Fancy Linen Dam- ask Towel.size 25x12^- with red borders anil fringe I ends at the rid.ic'ilou.s price of 10c ^uir or oac^ 3c HAM51flfARE I>Er»'T v\ HEN YOU BUY PREPARED PAINT BUY ''Sberwiti- milliams** ; irs the Best! Ule sell it. Bl\ eolors. Woo! ! Just a word about AVool â€" when vttu'i-e reulv to sell your wool, renie:nbcr wo are open to buy any quan- tity and will give you tlie highest market price in ('.v><ii UK TKAOK. Vdiii-o ;uuv <>} s.iti slaction cither way, as our imnusise ass n'tmeiit of desirable goixls u at your service or the money is youiMif you prefer. Boydti^ickiitid&go.

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