Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1902, p. 5

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THE FLESHEETOK ADVANCE JUNE 5 l»OJ Hsatmf^^sa^^ Baptist Cl:nirch, Flesi\erton Preact\er. Rev. R. Cooke. iVen'ux! 'ioiiday moruiiij; at 11 u'clock SiUjscl iof im»t i:al>l«tl); Fresh lime alwaya oo hand. J. H. Ditckett, Eugenia. 50(10 feet eve tituahir.siH* 2c. »nd 3c. jjcr font, while it lasts. R. P. Legate. Uakituge, tom&to and caulifluirer plants for sale. W. Barnbouse, Flesbertun. For Saleâ€" One brnwn mare, 8 yrs old ia fiial. Will sell or exchsnsfu for g'lod road horse. W. W. Trimble. Purse lo?^ between EugeniA ;«nd Flesh- ertuii, contaiiiiiii; $12.25. Finder please lea?e at this oSue. \ Has'er Gtorge Ciark of Ottawa i? ^pendipg the summer with his >;riindcna, ions'. spending the summc Mrs. X W, Artnstio N Mr. A. ShacklcCord'.s horss ran anny on Saturday aud did olu.ut six duUara vurth of destn^tiiin to the ttgbc wagon. wuol ia;irket is ii'iite lively Twelvi- tec-n cash »n(j[ dfteeii lo i-ixte^u trudu bus ruled during the past V to th wetk. Mr. P. L'>ac!Ts wishes tonnnounce that the gristiuiU is agiiiu in ruouinii order and kviil ho ready for ctistoia wmk on Monday ^f next week. SO.QOd lbs. of wool wanted at McFar land »t Riuhnrd's, Diuiialk, in exch{iDj;e for vams,c!oth, c!o;liiug and blatikeLs. Highest price paid. North and Gentie Grey Farmer's Ins^i- tuie wili mu a. choiip excursion to the Ex- periiuent&l Farui at (Juelph on Wednes- diiy, June llih. For fare and particulars see advertisement. Eev. J. S. I. W1I&..P, and fanii'y left on Tuog ay evening fur coiifeience aoJ will remain mvay for at least a coup!e of weeks. During their iilwence they will visit their old circuit at Courtice, Money TO L.^an â€" At 4i io i| per cent Expenses low. ;U*t^ a numljer of iiti- provvtl and unimproved farms for sale cheap. -Apply to Gen. Rutherford, Shol- burne, or DundaU office Saturday after- UUOD. -^ Ptaca has been an^muucetl from South Africa. The earlier CanudiKU coiitiiisents will probib'.y iso.>n be returning Uonie while tho-vj imvr ou tite way out will ro- uiaiu Co do police duty. A triiufje of Salvation Aiuiy bell ring.rs <'CCupiiK'i the bo»rds :n the lown h-dl ou. Tbursdiiy ovfuint' last. Wc believe the jtudiencu was â- ?. siiial! one, and a street Collection was taked'^.'p to lielp them out. K.J. Sproule handed out election re- turns in Tliursday night last iu th* old K. T. nfT. kdi over .Shepfard's stjre to a select crowtl of iiittreste<luwuers of the franchise. Mrs. (llcv.) A. Cook and little sou lur- rived from Kngiaud ou Muud-iy. She was met iu Torotito by her husband. A reception will be teudered Mrs. Cook in tbe Baptist chapel this (Thut.sday) even- ing. To the Farmers â€" \Ve have s'iil on hand a cousideranle nuantity of damaged peas and oats ^vhlch we aScr for cash or on credit. This is a rare opportunity for faruiers tosjet cheap fetd. Call at once as we intend shipping iu a few di>ys F. L'. Clark. NichulsQj hoop and %eti( difficulty aijdi be woundj^^^HK^r^I^^r' ^ • o a haid s^^^^^^HVaT^^^^EBcl a versa 1 ^KKKB^^^'^ ^^nSSK^' toxard theui. Tne^;;u;Vuiyfes" jiiao are heavy losers, »a;|j|iji,»j;t' tuui was owing in wages. Artemesia council met on Monday, and amongst the business transacted was the passing of a Uylaw to empower Mr. F. l)e«Kle to erect fK>lrsou the highway for lli«) pur{K>se T*f--supplyi8St electric light »ikI power to Enijenia, Flefcherton and Klesheitin Station. A Isrire amourii>vf lusineas wiva irausucted iu the Court of Revishn, for"~ which it Ls impossible to find place this week. The minutes in full nill be given nest weok. Mrs. Geori!B P.-irk of this villaf/e passed away â- â- n Sund.-»y eveuiug at the age of 75 yea.s F"r suihb nuio Mr*. Paik lia.^ l>eeu in delicate honlth and a couple of tVKcks ago fell and iijured hetaeif »«verly. which Bccideni baslunod her dvath. The funi.r.il took place Tuesday afternoon of this week, tin- r»maiiis bomg ooJiveyed to tl.e .Mitb'Hlist i-l.unh, of which dccc«««-<l »-»B a long t'mo lueinber, and from thence to the ceuieteiy The deceased lady was, wi h lier hn«t'Hnd, among ihs itiouavnt lA Arteuiesij lovriship. Tl.e contract with Mr.Dcagle f..r hghi- ii^i our strtets by t-lectricity h-us leen eu- t»red i.:to. Mr. Peag o h:i."< ayreeU to frr*ct sixt«eu iiiCHudejC.nl lamps of 3^- ei» idlo powor, in tht loivn, a.d one art* li;l I 'M th; ::iiuarw "£ 2000 c.<udl.. power, f .r lUe sum of $iOO jH-r am. urn. Hi>u.»« lg'.:» »ilt viwt iU">c i.>acb }>i-r iitouih. 'l"htw lights «i;l i.e kept buniiutf unt I 12 o'chH.k Mt niitht and in>m 5 a. ui. until ilayiight. Thi.t ought t" be a >«ti8''actory sitv^io, and we tM^a^vr th.it after it is i - F. T. Hill & Go's cham!« of aJvertisn- nieiit arrired os, Wt^luesday, too bte for iuwrtion this we«li. The stationing ctinimitfcrv 0' ".ii*- .M»th- odL-t confrieucc lias subaiitteit -the fol- ate wioi; draft of stations for Omtta Sf>fa^ 'Uistrict; Owen Soundâ€" First Cbur^ Kev A Eangford ; West Street, Bi\ E *lf McBryan. Maikdale, Rev W A ^Ro-I well ; tiesherton. Rev J 8 I VViis.jai ; Dundalk. Rev.N Wellwood ; Brookh >Im, Rev G »VHewlt». ; â- Woo<lford, Rev A Richard : Chatsworth, Rer Juha Power ; Hidlaud Centre, Rev John Ferguson ; Euphrasia, Uev J J Sparlio!! ; Eugenia, Rev T A WfiiTe ; Walters F.->l!s, Ri v G ReyncM, ; C.r>rbett.i? > «•: ,. T G Mc- -A.teer ; PriceviiU, Uev F W "V'arley. A inciting of citi««i>s wssa held «t Mun- shaw's iiotel on Monday en ening t-j pre- pare the way for a first ot July demon- stration here. A strong coiumite« and sub-committees were appi^inted. who will h>ck tc it that a day of much pleasure will be forthcoiiiin'.». We undrrstand that miarly five hundred dollars will be iffer- ed in prizes, and when we say $500 we do not mean §125, as is the cnse w-th some den.onft'trarioii cnmraittee«. An- nouncettients will be made m due time, after the vaiions committees ha>e prcjAr- Id thuir li.sts of spoils. In the meantime Take no other enga^jementa for that dHte, 'ccause it will be a great day. ' -An interesting magistrates' ca.«!e was tiied in the town hall on Tuesday, an out- cropping from the Eugenia hoop and vender niUl failure. BailiS .John Wright had certain mill appliances uuder seizure. Two young men. .John McCallum and J^hn Brauiff, actina for the A. R. Wil- liams Co. of Toronto, removed this prop ferty, knowing it to be under seizure, ai.tl f<ir this were summoned to appear before Magistrate VanDu.=eo, who wns nssisred 0:1 this i>cca3ion I y Mr. D. .McTaviah. The young men were represented by .Mr. J. J. McLaren of Tori.nti' and the plaiti- litiby Mr. McArdle, of Lucas, V\ riaht & McAidle. J. Quirt, repiesentin-^ the Williams Co., was also present. Mr. Mc- Laren objected to the magistnteM' juris- diction and m.ide a strong attempt tn get the young men off, bat the verdict was five dollars each and costs. The solicitor for Wilbams gave notice that he would carry the case to another ci>art. W. M. S. Convention. The ninth annual convention of the 'V. M. S. of the Oweu Sound district met in the Meihodisi church, Fleshettoii, on the 2Sth of May, with Mrs. A. Fro.st, Distiict Organizer, in the chair. Mrs. (Rev.) A. Laugtord, Owen Sound, ltd tuo devotion- al exercises at I U.oO a.m. Mrs. Geoigt; Barritt, Fleshertou, was appointed Stiore rary. The roll w;i.s called and the foiluw- iii_» respo'.'ded to their names ; Mxs. A. Fn>st. Mrs. Lun^ford, Jirs. W F Gwy, Mrs. Packham .-iiul Miss J .â- Vudersuu, Uttvu Sound; Mi-s. M. .\rm.-troaj, Mrs. Boliind, Mrs. Ciaig, Mis. Bn.wu, Mrs. Hunry, Mrs. Irwin, Mis. Ualbcrt, Mr-.. Cairns and Mrs. (Rev ) Buch..n!»ti, iVlark- dale. The unfavorable wjather preveuc- ed delegates from the other auxiliaries being piesent. Reports were read from the auxiliiirifs, showing an iucrt-aae ill interest, membersliip and funds. The Woodford auxiliary had raised two dollars per member. The missi^m 'jands lire more than holding tbeir own. Mrs. .A. Frost was nominated is District Oriiauiz- er. Questions were received and the session adjourui-d to iu«;et at 2 p m. The iifteriiuou meeting was openud by Miss .Audersou aud Mrs. Boland, 11. '.lie absence of the delegates from R-icklyn ; Mrs. D. Henry read a f>at>er uii "Our personal lespimsibility to God." Mrs.G. P. McKay, of Toronto, aiiswert;d ihe questions, and ibiough this channel iniich information was g.incd, for Mrs. McK»y is conversant with all phasesof the wurk of the society both at homeand on foreign fields, i^vw gills from t^it^iocal ImihI -sang *' Crown Jewels" in costume. Mrs. W. g. fif)»<>uiavg a p-iper on "'The of Cofi^^O^ , " alter wbich the seci»»lS||p- "Vice"" was led by Mrs.6oi Mrs. W. S.Brown save â-  paper iMJ,'' -iv- ing" which was well rec iT«v^9|.lfhQ papers were all nuuked for tuMEdee^ spirituality and their carvRl^ pre- paration. 1' Would be impossible to single out a rj>, er and s.-»y it w m * -^IW ot for each on its own subject coi 1/ be surpassed. Miss Christoe on behalf of Uie SJDl- J. D. Dundalk Ontario Truth is stranger than Fiction "When we commence to tell you about our vSelling-out Prices it does sound like " Fiction ," but it's truth â€" gospel truth â€" every word of it. 'T would be poor business policy to say things that are not so â€" to misrepresent gootls â€" therefore we don't do it. It's not every day you can avail your- self oF such opportunities for saving money â€" better make use of them while you can â€" they'll not last too long. Read these : STAPLES 12^c APRON GINGHAMS !0c 40 inches wide, iadigo bines and &st reds. l-5c Ginghams I2c. 10c Ginghams 8c 20c PILLOW COTTON 16c 42 and id inch. 10c ROLLER TOWELLING 8c Bleached and r.nbleached, heavy weights. 7c GLASS TOWELLING 5c In blae and red checks, all linen. 9c G'ass Towelliiig 7c. He Glass Towelling. 9c. 28c SHEETING 2ac. Bleached, twill 8/4. heavy weights, free from specks. 2oe Unbleached Twill Sheetitjg 20c. 20c Unbleached Twill Sheeting ItJc. 50c. TABLE COVERING 39c. Fancy floral designs on red back- ground, for after cloth. 50c FARMERS SATIN 89o Heavy weight, good fiuish, fast black. oOo. BOYS' BLOUSES 39c Made of a heavy striped galeata, blue and white, red and white. 16 oz Cotton Bdts 10^ 8 02 Cotton Bolts 5^c. The "Crescent" Brand. Dress Fixidixi^s 14^ANVAS lie The qnaht/'^sB mostly sell for dresses, grey and black . 20c. Canvas Iffc. 't.-* 10c Canvas 8c. 9c. SKIKT LINt^ 7c. Black, brown and grey, yonVi^aid 10c for no better quality. 12^ Linenette lOc 10c Linenette 80 12^ WAIST LINING lOc: Colors sell, drab and black, good weight and width. 15c Silecia 12c. 10c. Silecia 8c. 10c Rubber Tipped D. Stays 8c 15c Metal Tipped D. SUys' 12c Hooks and ejes Ic. Needles Ic. pkg. Dress Shields, rubber lined 12c Other lines Sc Brush B:nding,v9lvet edge all colors ic Corticelli Skirt Protector 3c Silk Spools each 4c Velvete€;?iLS 55c and 50c VELVETEEN'S 40c An extra good pile iu colors of cardin- al, green, gray, fawn, brown, navy, royal, cerise, cream aud black. 40c Velveteens 32c ?ac VELVETEENS 20c. In black, navy and cardinaL Orain Sa.^s Toa many not need them jnat now bat yoa will aoou and yoa can't make a, half dollar easier. $3,25 GRAIN BAGS Si.TS The A. bag 3 bos. 17 02, an excellent ba?. $2.85 GRAIN BAGS $2.35 Springrove B, a io oz. 'oag large size. S2.15 GRAIN BAGSSl.SO The W. bag, lighter cotton but little smaller size. Gr x>Q€3 er*ies /antes Dome lead boi .., Royal Dotne lead box Akron Gloss Starch, pkg , Durham Corn Starch, pkg Ivory Gloss Starch, pkj Cellubid Starch, pkg Royal Jelly for deserts etc flavors prepared, pkg ••••4^^ Butter color, reg 15c and 25c s^^ for llc& I9c Dates 8c pkg. Pork and beans Kc Prunes.. 8c. Walkerville matches 4c Alums 3c. .Resin 3c. Copperas 2c Salt Petre... 9e. Bluek Pepper. 16c. Cocoa 22c. Cocoanus- «2g c Nutmegs ...moz. Ludella Tea, black and. jnixed l^c^ib.^ all 3e .^i*^ A True Nerve Tonic Will act.not so much directly upon tl «i ne :ves a? upon the digestive functions aniij 'hi abundant formation of red, vitalizing blood. Nerves ca.i't be fed on medicine. They can, however, be restored and strengthened by assimilated food. The ni;irveloii^actioii of FerrozouearLses from its action over the digestive and a.ssimi lalive process. When yoa take Ferro- xon- I ho > !oo.i ia puritioil, strengthened, aud grows r-c.'x and rtd Thou yi^u arow vigorous, healthy aud beautiful, reii'iy tor work, liecause you have the s'rength ro do it. No taMlCBi the bntin, Upod or nerves coun^^^BBfc. FerroaoMy IVice 50c., at drugg^^^B. C. Pol^ & Co., Kiutrstoii, Uut.^^^ »â-  A terrible accident raising near ChatHwi occurfed at a >rth *ii Wcdne „J0^ rnfrato iaries of the distrL ing resolution, w!- standing vote. The member* Owen Sound di^ that Mrs. BoUuJ, cieut workers, is this district. We -I'd the follow- <rtfth>>k by a â-  t tie . b re^rot most iffi- S0.41 to rem ab fixnn desire (o express our appreciation of htr etforts in the past fur the streugtbeniug and spreading of ihe uii*9iouary cause, aud trust th^it iu tue new home kiuJred spirits may le found, who niil assist her iu carrying uu the gooil woi k uf tlie Master. We .^re glad ill looking over the (last to find that p«r fvct h>iiuoi>y has -tiarkeil all our assucia- lions together, ami we feel thab-ihough \\a pait ill bvdy, no* in miud. Our imiids continue one, .'Vn-i each to ea.-h in Jesus joined. Wo liaiid iu h.iud un on. Au invitiiiuu w;« received froiii Mtrk- dato auxiliary lo meet th«re next year, which was accep'od. Tlic rvtiii'g mevtin^ w«» opened with Uev.J.S.l.W:l.son in the chair. Sfra.O \\ McKay of Toionto was the el-.ief speaker and look as her subj^-ct ""T' « women who have e- iiwcrited th.Mi:s»lv. a to help others in a sjx^itic way." The Misses MHl:ed lur c.t'Zeiis -^ill wonder how they { Joy deliythttd tU" dei<-gtrea by their glor- ious singing, the vbainnau s(>oke piii'a- ly in hlH ch.^nicte. i-.lic way to those wh> lould iv.r Khve 1.0 sloni; so 'on^ without the u^^to d.Hte light. Mr. Pexule will s alt the instnUat on of hi« pant in a few unyii and exiivott to hare U in ov«r«*iwo by Uc:eli*r. Were D >t present, with the hope that they might hear of hu rviuarks. T(ieme«tiii{« cUwcd *i^ tht bciMNikiiou. barn ewlay afteri.oon ab.>ut 5 StX^ by *h ch Kr-'d Dieter, a youns unuutned man. 22 ye.irs of a-.ie, was usherSPrato et4>mity. The first bent was up but not properly stayed. Ir overbalanced aud Deiter was caught under the fallim; timber which struck him across the shoulders, crushing him tsrribty. Medical attend>«nce was se- curetl at onceani everything po3«ible was done to s^ive the young man's life. tie expirtKl. howevtr, before nine o'clock. â€" \f. S. Times. The Jfew Ontario Edition of the Tor- imlo D-aily Star is on • of the best thiuus of the kind ever published by a Canadian pa[K»r. It pre.sent3 with alt the typ'- i2ri|<hiciu neatness pos.-'iSla the resources, aud developem-nr n-'w going on, iu what has come to be call -jd New Ontario. What- ever thj Toronto Star undertakes it ca-ri-s through iu the very best way, and thi* last svideu.c of its enterprise is another proof of lUe growing strength of that up- to-date p«|>er. It seems to be the general opinion of the electors in and .ibout Clark«bun; and Thombury, that the action of J.M. Diivi»._ m actiiw the part of " Sotom-.>n ."^lo* "" has put an end to his political cajxer. Wonder if it was 01:1 account of his stow. ueM <T was it a bluff all throu^jh? It â- seeins very straag^i indeed that a nia.^ so hot after parliaiuentjiry hou >rs would uiake such a blunder n% it is clu:ijed Da- «isdid. But woudeis never cease. --Re- flector. I^st Thursday eveuiiig Roa;« May B'>w- uian, the aeveiueen-year old daunhter of ..)ohu Uowinau, who livfs on lo» 20, cor. 8, Amaranth, coiiiu'tt<-d suicide by tak ing iiaris ureen. The girl had been tni- idv-yed n.s a d'<ineMic with .Mrs. Sarkh S ailli, who lives on tho next lot south. Tliur^d.-iy ovoninH she went to her own h<i«ir,an<] u(>ou eiit*<iu'j the hou.-«pickwi up h«r little brother and commenc- J playing with hint. A short !iai« after lui^BH^i^^WHHSitlbai^Jioii^e but returirld i^jaitr "fa' a""fe«'~hiiiiui..'.-. Several ttm_- she vrept o^fe^m^i totBrned ill the 3»me ;u;i:iT(ier. Finally a youngirt I, sister observt^^^S.fthftkad b«oa' vomit- ing and told jfliffllrtihcr Xt that lims I there wa.s no sus:;.: -ooning, but later ou iu the uigiit, tiie voirrJiBBg spells not having ce-ised, the girl told t»«'f wttthj-i er that she had. before coming !ioiinjvt:it^ en hiif a cupful or p-iris greeti â€" ih^it - â-  wa-i rired of working and of li'e De,,.; took place ai>out three o'clock Frida'' afternoon. The funeral .took jilace tn Shelburne^ cemetery* Sunday afternoon. Coroner Jforton was called in^ 1 ut after inquiring into the lads he decidetl that an inquest was nor necessary. â€" Shelb urne Econoiiiist. iiii mmi u ers' Institute luu a cheap Excursion Canipbeltun,|^ero to the Front Thi' famous Clyde-<dale srallion tlie Alaxwell Jompaiiy have will stand for mares at Maxwell hotel for season 1903 at $10 00. Is one of the greatest sttx-k getters in the county, which is proven by his stock. G. R . G LASS FO liD. 2i>o. TO^CURE ACUU>INONE DAY Take Jjixattra Biooio Qainine Tablets All droitsists relvmci ih^ luoccv it it (ails to cur« «r. K. UroT»'« sigBaturv i.« ou each box Sj« ^•V%i i Fle$b$rton Furniture ulareroctns. We ar« carrying the newest styles of seasonable go«.>ds in all lines of Furniture, cvnsi»itDK of : Parlor aud bcdnv in snts, louiigvs, sidebo-vrds, e.xtensi, n and centre d titblee, chairs, window shades sr.d ^ curtan jKiles, picture^, ea^el*. etc.. Which wo otfer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Fraiuiitg and General Re- pairing. Undertaking in all its brandiee. Satisfaction guarsiitectt. f Hve a.-. follows : :ldren. Time. SOc. 7.00 am. 30c. 7.19" . SOc. 7.30 'V w SOc. 7.37 " SOc. 7.45" SOc. 7.56 " !<0c. S.07 " .uc. 8 20" 70c. 8.36 •' 70c. S45" ..,, •"â- â- >!•! ;:;c f'lUowiii'^ sratinn? to E.cpsj'isiilil fa.i, Ettslpl Via. C.P.R., oc Wednesday June iith, 1903 Excursion Trniius wili leave a.-i A.luhs. Owen Sound.. Jl.GO Uockford. .. . 1.60 Chatsworth . J UO .A.rn..tt 1.00 Holland Ctre. l.tiO t?etkel>*y l.OO Markd:t:o .... l.lit) Fleshertou . . . 1.4a Proton Oo Dusdaik 135 .\i^ive at Giielph about uooii. The excursion tniin renim-ng will le.ive Gueiph ill 6 30 p. ui. Tickets g"o I t.i re- turn on any n?guliir tr.dii .htlir- 12. Re- freshments fret; 011 arrival nt Farm. Coma and brin,' your family. W. J. Saunders, A lex. S. McDonald, Pros. >'. G.F.I. Sec.NG.F.r. R.D.Carruihers, J.I.Giahani. Prc».C.G.F.I. See.C.G.F.I. The Markets. Car«rullv t'orrer c4 Each Vfetk OAts, 38 o 38 Peas 77 o 77 B,irley 45 10 43 Butter 51 to 13 Kijgs fresh 12 •..• 18 pork 7 2D to 7 25 Hay 11) m to 10 00 Potatoes bag 43 '.o 30 C:i •pj^ ."f- ^ W, H. Bunt. F*rop. f( FARM FOR SALE l>oly $1800. 80OO. b.*l,ineo e-sy terms interest 5a, IOO acrer-, 75 cleared aud undrr cultivafi-m, K^lanc- »'i7 csiar awamp and half mixi-d h«r,iAo.d. C«»ni- j f"rtable frame dwelling, fraiu^ p«.«t l>*rn I half mile fioiu tfuod scliuid aud 3 mile* frvim village of Ku^tnia. Apply to R. J. 6pr\>ul«, FltthertoD.

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