Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1902, p. 1

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txUn \hMna. <s #*m^» ' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL, XXn, NO 1087 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, June 12 i0O2 W. H THURSTON, EDITOR * PHOFKIETOR Start Now If you hflven't baeii deiiliDg wi'h us, iiDW ia a good time tii make i» a stnrt. Any time â€" all the time â€" we have special inducements to • •ffer. Others like to come here, so would you; they tind it profit- able, so would you Ladies' Gold Watches, Ladipa' Silver Watches, Men's Gold Watches, Mcu'3 Silver \Varch?«, Rings of all kinds. Silver Forks, Kuives and Sii'iors, all on sale. W . A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON iP«fi Law 'From Our Oicn Correspondent Intended for last week. Mr. John Chard, sr , who has been sufferin*; from cancer for some time is HOW contiiied to his bed and is very low. Sore eyes of what appears to be of a Ciintasjeous nature has been prevalent of latii, especially aini-n;: the children. T>v: IJibby visited this neithborhiod lust Wt.fk, and mciM'i.ited the school chiMren and « 20iid many adulrs. All kinds of rumors are afloat these . times reaaiJiiiS sniullpox. News from the affected district in Osprey is some whiitTneaere, Dut we believe sufficient of j>n authentic nature to warrnnt conviction that the viijoious methods adopted by the health officials has had the eSect of gett- ing the epidemic under control and it is belii?ved as nell as hoped that it will soon be .«tair.peU out. As if to verify the old provevh that tr'*'jble does not comp singly, (.>sprey has also » nn niher of cases of that dreaded disease diphtheria to ccn'end wi^h. Misses Ida and Ella Uill of the â- Srtl line are suffering from it, but ar.i progrcasingfavorehly. Dr. Scott 'vhe was called, upon diagnosing the disease, at once quarantined the premises. Mr. Jiihn Haucy left for the Soo in answer to a telei;raui that bis brother tliere w;is in a dyiiisj condition. Mr. and Mrs. Quis-ly of Sullivan have been visiting with Mr and Mrs. George Thompson, sr. Slr..John LaJvrpDce of Thom^'ury rait- ed friends here recently. Miss Magee .ifToront > visitetl with her sister, Mrs. George Thompson, ir. Slr.-^.Shierdown has commenced oper atior^s on his new l.ouse, "Coming events cast tho'r shadows before them.' Pn).^pect.s for a sjood crop of fruit are briylit. Trees .-re laden with a siperabtii - dance of bloom. This week's items. Wonder what happened last week's budj^of It was mailed oc Monday morn- ing. Mr. Jatucs CornfieJu's li'tle c^niUghtBr, May, is Ij-rn? sojll with erysipelas that her lilo is ilesjwiretl of. Dr. Carter is aSKidiious ill his nttentioii, and it ishoptd that liiu efforts may be succes.>ifu] in re- storint! >he little patient to hi-uith. Mis.) Ida Hill, who wasreiHjrted in last liudaet as lieinj; afflicted with liiphthoria is, we Irani, in & very critical state. Her many frioiid.s,yi>uni; and old.aniong whom she is held in hi<;h esteem are .,i:xiously hoping tor her recovery Her sister, Ella, who >^as also down with the dread disease i.s, all a IV p'eased to hear, recover! ni^. i Mr. -I oh u Winters' li'tle two-year-old d;ni<;hter has been very ill, but is Uow gettin:; better. Quite a number of ohildren and some older lartics are indisposed are suffering with sore arin.s, Vhe reeult of vaccination. It appears the "ounce of prevention" C'Jnle^a littlu costly, Mr. J. A. Huichiiison, our estoenied tencber, couiUicted the service on Sabbath last Ht Mi'U! i ZH)nchuich,in the a' 8 -nce of Rev. While who is atroiiding ooii- ferenoe Ml H aWo iu ibo eveninu of eanoe d ly atldrossed the Christian En- dca\orin Klcsherlon. Mrs.Goilup and son, Thom.is,of Suniii- .dale. fornier.re.>»tdeiii» of this jiarb, visit- Ad with Mrs. Jame.s Chard last week. Wall, after all our hopes and anxieties jre^luve i ( t KOt off to tl>e cnrontti- n, . and hitre nut had tiuie even to send "re- gret*." We can imaitine the disxppoi: t ment thia will cause his majesty when he ,haa donned his bett suit and collar, and Ktects the fwtive <!oij'ip«ny,Rnd fancy the •he look of disnnay that will o'erwhehu hit royal viMs^e when h.e .s^jtke^ hsn'^s with the nobs from Canada and calls out What ! no representative here from Port Liw t What is the matter ? Have they they yone back on me ? And then a gleam of lijiht will break in and chase away the clond.s when Sit Wilfred will rise and explain, "Well, no, please your majesty, I believe their loyalty is all right, but wheu the Dook and Duchess were out to Can»da those Port Lawers Were nr) doubt lookii g for them and the Ophir sailing into port and were a'sap- poiiiteil at beiiii! ignored, and that tney were prevented from aivine ^ grand naval dusplay, ,ind beside i all this I believe they have not got all their potatoes and turnips in yet." Then his majesty will slap Sir Wilfrid on the back and s^y, "I'll make things all right. Don't let me forget to send home with you for them a £;oo<l square of the coronation cake." We await with plea.sant anticipation Sir A'ilfrid's home coining with a full .ac- count- â- >{ bis outing and our shire of the cake. Dnitdalk. Artemesia Council, From Onr OtPn Corre apondent Mr. J S. Row,Pprincipal of Markdale public school, was a visitor in town on Satdniay. Mr. Leasou Whitby of Toronto visited his brother, J. Vf , last week. Our boys met witli defeat in Sbeiburne on Friday last in their first match of the lacrosse league series. The score was 9 to 4 ill favor of Shelburne, but it is no in- dication of the playing abilities of the teams. Dundalk has agood team but did not have their men in their righf posi- tions hence the defeat. The next time they don't want a Mai-kdale referee as they received no fair play from him in the least. Mr. Wm. Irwin, who lias been a resi- dent of ibis towir for sime years, moved with his family to Toronto .Tunction last week. They were a h.iihly respected family and will be much missed but w^e wish thenj succei« in their new home. Mrs. Andrew â€" Hood has leased her benutiful. home to Mr. King, lociil man- ager of the Bank of Hamilton, and she h.is moved to the residence recently va- cated by Mr. Irwin. Mr. Harry Palmer had a valuable horse dis on Sunday. It broke lnoae in the stable and took too bi^i a feed of oats. Mr. and Mrs. Waber Calhoun of Or- aiigeville visited friends in town this week. PriceviUc From Onr Own Correspondent. Mr. N. McKinuon is in Owen Sound at present. Mr. Corbet of Mt. Forest was in town last week, erecting a fine monument for Mrs. Mather. Mr. W Collins was in town last week trying to uiyaaize a Chost u Friend lodge here. Mr. W. H. Wright of MaAdale was in town Saturday. â-  Mrs. Dixon of Walkerton is visiting her sou. Dr. I. Pixon of this place. Miss Katie Mc.Arthur arrived home from Toronto on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs.Thos. Coiikey of Dundalk and Mr. Mat. Conkey of Cleveland spent Sunday at U. J. Conkey's. Mr. Allan McDuutial of Fort W'illiani was renewing acquaintance in and around Priceville on Sunday, Rev. Varley is attending conference at Toronto. Mr John FenjUMon of Proton occupied the Mothodist pulpit on Sunday. The 'eoinre and magio lantern en'er- lainineui in the Presbyterian church was a success considering the unfavorable Weather. The views were the best ever shown around here. 1 COURT OF REVISION. Artemesia Council met in the town hall, Fleshertoii, on Monday, Juns 2, 1902, a.s « Court of Revision on the assessment roll of 1902. There were present Messrs. McTavish, Boyd, Gibson, Muir and Thompson, being the members of said court. After each of said members liad subscribed the required oath as a mem- ber of said court, the following appeals were called and disposed of as follows : â€" 1. Henrietta Purdy, by her solicitors, appealed against assessment of part of Mill Reserve No. 4, Eugenia, that she had disposed of parts of said property and required siiid owners entered on roll. Thompsonâ€" Boyd â€" That the appeal of Mrs. H. Purdy, by her solicitor, be en- tertained and that Mill Ileserve pt 4 be assessed as follows : Two acres thereof to H. M. Bowerman at ?L(X); throe a.id one half acres there<5f to Mark Wilson at §400; and the balance, six acres to to Mrs. Purdy at 8300. â€"Carried. I 2. C. 'W. Hartman notified the court â- ihat he had sold Urt 31.^con. 14, to John O'Brien and requested the he (O'Brien) should be assessed therefor. i Boyd â€" Thompson â€" That lot 31, con. 14, be assessed to John O'Brien instead of C. W'. Hartman. â€" Carried. I 3. Dr. Sproule appeiiled against the assessment of his lands as being too high, Thompsonâ€" Gibson â€" That tha appeal of Dr. T.S. Sproule as^ainst his as.ses3nient as beiug too high be not si'«tained. â€" Car- ried, i 4. J. W. Frost, solicitor for the t state of the late R.McLean Purdy and for Mrs. M. C. Purdy, appealed against the assess- ment of properties respectively assessed to said parties. ] Boyd â€" Thoaipson-That the as.<:easment ' roll be sustained re lots included in the appeal of J . W. Frost, solicit )r of the lare R. McLean Purdy and Mrs. M.C. Purdy. , Carriei. 5. Will. Hoag appealed agaiiifct the as- , sessment of lots pts. 141 14a, 3 Range N. ' B. as being too high. I Muirâ€" Gibson â€" That the assessment of Vui. Hogg on s:iid lots he snstiiiiied. . Carried i Boydâ€" Thompsonâ€" That John U. Jam- it son be asses.sed for lots 1 and 2 N. side i Pollesiur St; , Euooiiia, at a valuation of I §30 iustead of F. T. Carr. â€" Carried. i Muirâ€" Gihsoii â€" Th.it A. D. Jnvin be ' entered as farmers' son for lots 112, 113 ! 114, Con. 1 N. E. â€"Carried. | Gibson â€" Boydâ€" That Andrew Wilson ' be aastssed a.» owner for lots 18, 19, S. ; Durham street, Flesherton, iustead of W. ! Clark â€" Carried. ( Thompsonâ€" Boydâ€" Thit Fred Field be ; entered iui an M. F. voter for lot 35,con.<i ! â€" Cariievl. Muirâ€" Gibsonâ€" Thst Mrs. E. J. Arm- strong bo as.4essed for lots G, Durham t-t. ' and l,Hill st.,Mistead of Andrew Wilsou. | â€" Carried. | Thompson â€" Bodyâ€" That ihe nsses-i ment -roll for the year 1902, as Jiu'illy re- j vised 1-y this court, be the roU for as e s- \ ment and ail oiher purposes for the year 1602 -Oarriel. The court adjourned. \ McFarland, Stafford & Co. I r HARKDALE, ONT. ^ \ Grey County's Biggest and Cheapest store T I 11 I neat but 4i quilt Rockvale. From Oxer Otcii C-orrenpomJent . Mr. Jerry and Miss Celina Thonip.son visited friends in Thoriibury for a coup'o of days last week. Armstrong Bros, have purchased the veneer and logs left (ui hand by the de- funct hoop and veiioor eonipany of En genia when it failed and are reiuovina the fame. The lo<;s are being brou^-ht to ihe null here. Misses Vina Thompson, H. Stafford. Messrs. .lames Stailbrd, Charles Sfciffonl and Jerry Thompson ar« delegates from our neighborhood to the Baptiat conveii tii>n at Sfralhavcn, which met on Tutsnay and coiiiiiiues for "three days. Mis-i Mamie Be.itiie of Stone's Settle ment is the guest of Mrs. R. Claik nnd other rel.itives here this week. Mis- Mary .VadiU is also the gue.st of fiiend.-- here. Percy Marklc, of Rivcrwicw, has been awarde<l a parehment certificate for pre aence of mind and coura^ie iu saving Prisoilla Vance from drowning in ih. G f and River at Riverriew oo April 12, 1901. This certibcnte is the next best ihiiig to a life-saving iu«dal. â€" Bco; o • ia . The municipal council of the to\> n-^hip of At'Caiesia met in the town liall.Flesli- ertoii ou Monihiy, .May 2, 1902, aficr the adjooiuic eni of the Couit of Revisicm.for the 'ransactii n of general busiiiosa. 'I'lio miuuloa of last meeting read and coi (ii ni- ed. The tollowii.g were preseotid and read : R8p<rt oi the reeve and Meo-rs. UibMjii and Muir as to jo'nt o.tiMjiuii ure on town lino, A.& G ; they had metconi- niitteeof Gitnelij Council, found town line in need of repairs, but Lliat no vpev.ial grant be ni.ide ; that ihe cuini .ssioiiors e.ipcn'J outof tlieir apprnpriatioiis an e4^ual amount Willi Gleni.'g council. Mr. Muir reporltdas t.. the otjstiui-tions on 30 side road, 2 N D. R., toa' par' i.s having oh- .stiuct'.oiis ou said load agreed to have the same removett by llie time sta'uto lahor should bo perforineil. By-law CIO, griiiitiM< Fred Deaalo the righi to etecl polos aim string wires thoreoii on oeit:.in roads for purposes of furn sliiiig li.lit â- <• d power to the viil,i:;cs of Eugenia, Fieshor- toii and Fleslieitoii Sation, were intro- duced and r«-ada tiist, .second and tirid time, and ordered t • be engrossed iu the bylaw 1 ook. Muirâ€" Boyt' â€" Thai Mr Glison ho paid four dollars fiir services on c inniittee re. Valley road and to* II lino .\. A G. â€" Carried. Gi'.'Son â€" Muirâ€" That ihe reevo bo piod ♦2 f(>r se vices on comuntt o ro. town line A & G.â€" Carricl. Gibson â€" Boyd- Tha- Mr. Muir br paid ?3 tor seivicfS on coinm tteos re. 30 side ine and town line, A. i% U. â€" Canie,! Gibiiou â€" Muirâ€" That W.A. .Vrns'rong be refuutlcJ $1 lieiiig an error in taxes' n lot 19, Bell's .'ur.,U'01. -Cariiid. Gibaoii â€" Muirâ€" Th.1t II o re(x»rt of the ounmiHee re. town line, \. •& G. expmxl- ilure b« adopted. - Carried. Thompaoa â€" Muirâ€" That a bvUw b« CotUiuved Ota Bditcrlal fxige • This week we put on Sale several lines of goods much bnlow tlieir regular value. Ton perhaps 'vonderhowwe can offer such startlina bar- gains week after week, but donor let that worry you. W'E NEVER SLEEP, but are always searching the world's markets for bargains for customers. Last week a boat load nf merchandise w.is .sold in Toronto by auction, â€" The oarijo of the steamship "Athabasca," which met with an accHenl in the L^pper Lakes, most of the merchandise was spoiled by water. We bought some lines that water don't hurt very much, and you can reap the benefit. Eead these prices over carefully : 10 ct, GINGHAMS at 4i cts. 700 yards Gingham, 27 inches wide, in a large range of colot ings in check patterns, the legular value of these gi'ods is 10 cents a yard, they got slightly wet and wo put them on sale this week at 10 ct. PRINTS for 4i cts. 200 pounds print ends and Remnants, .slightly wet, splendid for pa^che3,etc.,a lot oPthein regular 10 and 12i ct.qualities in yard lengths. This week yon can buy 10 y.trds for " 45 53 50 GREY BLANKETS, for $1.95 m^ â-  - ^ 50 pair gray blankets, puro all-wool, large .sizes, 7 and 8 pt.und weiylits, regular value §3.00 and S3.50 each pair. "They got wet." and can buy them this neck at per pair - 1,95 SI. 25 WOMEN'S BOOTS for 60 cts. 60 pair women's lace boots, assorted sizes, good makers' goods, "slightly daroaL'ed by water, on sale this week at 00 §1.00 CH ILDUEN'S BOOTS for 55 ct.s. 30 pair children's button 'loots, assorted sizes, rcgiikir SI qualities, per- fect gooils, ou sale this week at 55 54 00 BOYS SUITS for S1.95 • . 15 boys' 3-piece tweed suits, :issortod patterns in Cauadinii tweeds, well- trimmed ami made, perfect goods, (not even wet) reijular values S3. 50 and ?4.00 each >-uic, iu sizes 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33, ou sale this week at 1.95 25 ct. DRESS GOODS for 12k. fi pisces, about 200 y.irds. Union Cashmere, 40 inches wide, nice fine even twill .and well worth 25 cts. yard, perfect goods, on sale this week at - in CO ct. BLACK DRESS GOODS for 34 cts. . : " 15 piitlerns, alnuit 350 yards, fancy black dress ooods, 42 inches wide, pure all-wool in biiglit mohair liiiisii, every yard woithuO cts. We took all the wholsale hou^e h:id left and put th^iu on sale this Week a^ 34 25c. MEN'S SHIRT AND PANTS for PJ cts. 10 dozen Men's undershirts and pants, sunnaer woiLdit, in flesh or grny. medium wei-jht. Regular 25 •. kind. On sale this week at io ,50c. LADIES' BELTS for U'c. 23S ladies belts, all kind and qualities, worth from 2.5o. to 50o. each . \Ya bought a iiiaufacturei's sett of samples, also 5 dozen of other line of goods at a biu cut. The buckles on nintiy of them is worth twice what you cau buy belt and all for, but then there is a lot of them, you can take your choice for p) The above Hues will eo on sale Friday morning. This will give our friends in the country a chance to irel tir^C choice. Remeniln-r you can't lose anything by trading at this store and we always have many lines much below the regular value. AH yoods marked in plain figures, and on-:' pries to all. Come and see us. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON i ^ INTO OUR NEW STORE. ^ We are now busy placing goods in cur new store and would invite ithe general public to call and make jour acquaintance. Here is a new jstock throughout of the latest aad jmost up-to-dato dry goods, also gTOceries, boots and shoes, etc IsO^OOo LBS. OF WOOL WANTED for which the very highest market price will be paid, either cash or irade. Bring along your butter and eggs. F. G. KARSTEDT I r«!-v K:

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