Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1902, p. 4

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JUNE 12 1902 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE ^WWWWWWW I F, T. HLL & CO. | Hisses Shoes Worth up to $T.2^ to 78c. 75 pair MisM-Sjfiiie Dongolii and polislied ciilf ^Aocs, laoe and buttonod, heet and sprini heel, tipped or pluiti jtjues- Not a pair of ffioi^ti is worth h as than $1M while moat of them wore J|,.25, all sizes 11 to 2, not many of a. line but aufficiunt to make the ussortmout eompletfj. On sale Wednesday eVoniag;Hn(i until all are sold at per piir 35c. G ENTS TIES KOU 15c. 15 dozen Men's ties, fine silk and satin materiulti, in bows, knots, four-in-hnnds, flowing oiids, etc. The 25c.and 35c.({uitlitiua are sold this woek at 16 2 pr, MEN'S HEAVY BRACES FOR 25c Men's wide, elastic web braces, leather ends ; the regular 20c. quality. Special 2 pr. for 25 GENTS LINEN COLLAKS, (> for 25c, ' Gents 4 ply, fine linen collara, turn point, almost all sizes from 15 to 17i. These yooda'aro usually sold at 16c. each, but havinv made an unusually large purchase at our own price we are able to sell them now for 6 for 25 48c. MEN'S SH HITS for 25o. Men's Oxford and Flannelette Sliiits (assorted sizes, ) thoroughly fast iu colors and dependable wearers. We have about 10 dozen of the 48o.and 50c. qulitioa to sell while thoy last at each 25 42jc. DKESS GOODS for 25o. Over 20 pieces plain and fancy double fold dress goods, colored and black, handsome ele}>ant g:oods that have sold all season up to 42Jo. a yaitl, on sale 'hJB week at per yard 25 5000 yards fast colored Percales and prints, the lOc. quality at . 6^ 8 and 10 cent Embroidery at per yard 5 Over 1,000 yards will be sold at this price. lOo. FLANNELETTES at 8i 25 pieces beautiful, heavy fast colnred flannelette, .ilmost yard wideâ€" the best seUins! patterns and colors we've ever had, per yard only 8J 60 INC a TABLE DAMASK at 40o, yd. Beautiful, heavy, satin finished table linen â€" haH^ bloeohed, full 60 inches wide, a ret;ular 70 cent lino on sale now at per yard 46 12^ ART MUSLINS at per yard 10. Beautiful, fast colored goods, scrim border, 38 inches wide, lich floral paltems per yard only 10 GROCERY VALUES UNSURPA5SED Granulated Sugar, bett Canadian <(uality, 23 lbs. for §1.00. 2500 lbs. Tapioca, our pi-ioe all season 3 cents Fancy Biscuit 4 lbs. for 25 cents. Tjilet Soap, 3cakes^or 5c. For the next six weeks ws will have the biggest bargains of the year. Many clearing lines may not appear in print owing to the quantity being too small to last long. Come as early and as often as you canâ€" you'll be repaid for so doing Special values during the next six weeks in ^lotbing « Dress Goods « millinery Repeat Orders in hardware and new stock arriving almost daily '%mmmmmm F.T.HLL&CO. mmmmmm^ McDonald, who charged Mr. R. D. Carrnthera with attempted bribery in North York, Lag been sent up for trial for perjnry. Mf-Carruthers came out of that charge with flying colors. In Korlh Grey Eeturning OEBcer McKnight on Friday last decl.ired McKay elected. Straightway the Reformers ashed for a recount before Judge lUorrison and this was to take place TuedJay. The Conservatives also asked for a recount before Senior Judge Creasor, and this is auuouuced to come off Friday of this week. Seems to us things ar? a httle muddled in North Grey. The result is watched with keen interest, Lennox, which was claimed by Ma- dple, Reforiner, proved a tie on the recount, aud is an undecided seat al pi-esent. The Cousoi'vaiives claim a number of ballots which appear to Lave been doctored iu West Elgin stjle, aud if these are allowed the Cpnservative will be elected by a ma- JQrily of eight. Iu the mean time Uennox is vacant. outbreak of smallpox in this township the reeve is hereby authorized to proclaim coaipulsary vaccination under provisions of see. 15, of chapter 249, R. S. Câ€" Carrii'd. Gibsonâ€" Thompson â€" That the reeve is hereby instructed that in case of an mit break of smallpox to appoint sanitary police to act under directions of the li'cal board of health â€" Carried. The estimates of tlie police trustees of tlio vill.iue of Fleshorton for 1902 wure likd. Ciiuncil adjourned. W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. W. HOCKLEY I*r»otoM. - Px^oton. anted Dying by Slow Degrees Although not always aware uf it yet thousiinls die by slow de<;rees of catarrh. It tirst attacks the nose or tlirmit, then the lungs, and finally spread.s all thrt)ugh the system. Caiarrh ozone is the only remedy ttiat will immediately prevent the Sijread of this awful disease. Every breath fioiutho inhider kills thousands of germs, clivals the throat and nose, aids expector- ation and relievos the pain acro.ss the eyes. Caliirrhozoiio eradicates every vostit;o of tatarrh from the system, and is highly locoiianended also fdV hnincliitis, astihnia, deafni-ss and lung trouble. Price !f 1.00 ; trial ' ,ze 25 cents, at druggists. Poison & Co. ,Kin};stou, Out. 2000 Ilia Butter at 17ct8 per lb. 2 tons uf Wool required at 16';ts. 1000 dozen Ejjgs at .... ISe doz. These are bona fide offers and will stand good for the next two weeks. Out stock ia complete in every line cai'- riedin a {general store, including Dry â-  Goods, Oioceries, Boots and Shoos, etc., and wo are to the front with a new .stocky of Readyinade Clothing jus"; ivrrivod at low prices. Also a a large a.ssortinent of Crockery, Dishes iind Glassware. The Clarkskurg Eellector says a a "dead set" was made on the Com- mksioner of Crown Lands iu Nortli YoikbyConsorvati/e organizers iu the early part of the campaign. What about the "doadsel" of Reform organ- izers iu that ridiug who stayed right with it to the bitter eud ? The former also should have stayed with their job until the last vote was polled. Surely Bro.Uurshall and his coinpauy didn't scare 'em off 1 ARTPJMESIA COUNCIL Continvml from first piige pi^ssod giving effaot t.> geo. 47,cap. 26,62, vib., re. proportion of licenses and fines iu 'he police village of Fleshorton.â€" €lnrried. 'ftluirâ€" Oil)soiiâ€" That David Dow heap pointed lo see to expenditure of gi-atia work promisti) im 30 Hide road, 1 N. D. H., ho torop .rt lo this council when work is connjlftud â€" Carried. Boyd -Thompsonâ€" That whereas Fnd D«ii(ifle has proposed to erec., an electric I>yivor plant in the town plot of Kngeiim on the property known as Wilsmi's mill property, ho ir resolved that iin groatiir .â- issessuient Ih.-in the present ra'e, 81250, Imi placed uponnaid property for a term of live years, including the pres.nt year, pMividins! I he .siinie shRll he hold by the said Fio.l DuJigl^. ThiRiuolioii to he null aid v. 'id if found to conflict with tha ass 'SSMient law.-).â€" CnrrioJ. Vhiirâ€" Thiunp.sonâ€" That hyh,w COO.re- gul»ting the perforumiiee of statute labor he pnittid ill imiiiohlet form for n.se of t.»eiseo's, eoiiieii dialrihuted t4> be return- oil with road Im^H. â€" CHriied. Tloyd â€" Thou'pHon â€" That iu ca c of auj ^-KOr*^ Honor KoII.<« Report of S. S. No. 9, Arteniesia. Class III â€" Mina Benson, Bertie Jam- eson, May ilaniicaoii, liertie Miigee, B. Milligan, John Ryan. Class II sr.â€" Ruth Paul, Fiod True- man, O.s nr Truoman. Class II jr. â€" Mamie Magoe, Willie Millijran, Ella Mauee. Rt II M-â€" Ethol Truonmn, Ernest Hopper.Oharlie .Jamieson,. Jennie Carson. Pt. 1 class IVâ€" Bella Genoe, El win Jumieson, Newton Ben.son. JP. 1 class IIIâ€" Nettie Truoman, M. Carbon. Pt. I class IIâ€" Wilfred Magco, C. VVilkioaiui, George Caroon. Pt.I class 1 -Sadie Lawler, Ljda True- man, May Pai-Hons. L. F. Mak.suai.i, Average 27 Teacher 4 cans Peas 25c. 4 cans Corn 25c. 3 cans Tomatooa 25c. Ills. Jiip.in Tea SI 00 G lbs. Black Tea $1.00 Vii'csar, gidlon 28c. 3 cans aood Salmon 26c Flaked VVheat, Peas and Rice 7c i-ook: Ladies' Wrappers 79c scinch Muslin por yaid 8c. Wen's Oviiralla 89c. Crash Toneliag 4c. 3(i"iiieh Shaker 9c. Lalies' Blijusea 39c. 5 uiinnor Corsets 25c. Boys' Lo iij; Boots '. . 75c. Ulindsor Salt for Sale. Full asRoilmiint of Wall Paper in stcck W. HOCKLEY. Eugenia Public School honor roll fo_ May l',)02. Clas-s 5â€" Eva Turner. Cla^s 4â€" Annie Wilson, Charlio Smith, Mary WiUon, Edna Madill, Frerl Smith, Ada Turmr, Vi'L'ie MeMullcn, Sam Ma-' dill, Millie McMull.li, i Class 3â€" Telia Williauis, Mahid Ciirr, ' Alex. Fisher, Weston Carr, Sliaiiloy Campbell, ,)olin Campbell, Bertha Wil- liaiiii. Lyda Genoe, Kdna Williams, Curl Walker. P.N, Hadokrov.', Teachrr. JUNIOH DErAIlR.MKNT, Class fâ€" Anide Napier, Nellie Boy,' Albert Sloan, Clara Luiiner. I Part 2,srâ€" -Hurhio Fisher, ,Takie Sloan, ! Mary Jauiieson, Kaly Jiiinieson. Pt. 2, ji-RiUool Park, Mary Turner, Kttiu L^ttiuier. I Part 1, sr- Albert Willinuis Millie! Cauipboll. Pt 1. jr-Rir.sel McMuUen. j Bcs': in spelling, class 2- Clara Laiini or, Nellie Roy, Annie Napier, AJWit 81ii«n. i Bust ill Kpellin^'.Pt 'i, sr- Heibie Fiah { t-r, Mary JaiiiieMon, Jakie Sltjan, i â€"*•'*-- J TO CURti ACULDINONU DAY ( Taka Laxativii Tlrttii^o Quiiiinu Tabltttii Alt cli'URfjt^t^ rtiftUKl tlid money if it fu Uf to ti.ic i ,Urove'a signal ure ib on cacU tix Ife Slightly nearsighted to-day. More so to-morrow. Progress of near sight is the forerunner of blindness. The smallest amount of near sight should not be neglected. Exanaination free. W.A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTiCMt FI,~SHERTON. Boyd^Silckltn FLKSHEKTON i^ June Wedding Millinery . . June is pre-eminetly the " Wedding " month and the question of suitable millinery for ceremonies of this kind is an all important one. All wedd- ing orders entrusted to our care receive special attention and you can rest assured of perfect SaiiSf actio tl'in everj^ detail. Parasols Summer Underwear €I?atelain$ Ulb^tewear Belt^ . Shirt OPaists new neck Ribbons €:iotb $kirt$« Ladies' Wrappers 98 cts. A sample lot of Ladies' Print Wrappers â€" nicely made â€" good washing printâ€" fast colorsâ€" pretty patterns â€" sizes 34 to 40. „ The kind you usually buy for $1.25 9^^ Ladies' Cotton Hose 4 pair 25 cts 10 dozen pairs Ladies' full sized black cotton hose â€" guaranteed stainless â€" fast black â€" seamless feet â€" sizes 8|, 9, 9-^. Special 4 pair fcr 25 Dress Goods Specials For June Colored, Cashmerettes at 15c. Colored Cashmerettes in navy,cardinal, maroon aud myrtle, all good colors â€" 41 inches wideâ€" good wearers â€" espec- ially suitable for children. Kegular 20 cent goods 15C Fancy Cweed €ffect Dress Goods at 15c« 150 yai'ds fancy tweed effect dress goods, nice shades, just right for summer wear including light greys, light fawn and light brown mixtures. Kegular 22c and 25c. goods 15c Boy's Sixty Cent Knickers for 43c Two dozen pairs boy's tweed knickers â€" dark colors â€" fancy stripes and checks- well made and finished â€" lined through- out, three pockets. Regular 60c. gar- ments 43c A BOOT WE GUARANTEE I Just received â€" a 30 pair lot of Men's Chrome kip boots â€" blucher out â€" extra high â€" bellows tongue â€" large eyelets â€" triple oak tanned sole â€" thi'ee rows pegs â€" - steel slugged- guaranteed solid leather throughout. SizesOtoll. You have paid -fy.yO for a worse boot â€" our price $2.25 HEiLItlDlRrilLRE I>]ai>'T /^gy ) Prepjared Paints Dry Colors JP^^mf Raw oil /^^^^^fe Boiled oil '^^^T ' Turps Screen Doors Sreen Windows Screen Wire Crock Churns Fence W ire Dash Churns Poultry Netting Barrel Churns Horse Pokes. B0V(l»l^icliling&€:o*

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